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DOS32AWE disassembly

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Jul 25th, 2022
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text 496.33 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. i31_handler struc ; (sizeof=0x4)
  4. func dw ?
  5. handler dw ? ; offset (00010060)
  6. i31_handler ends
  8. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. dfn_struc struc ; (sizeof=0x6)
  11. name dw ? ; offset (00012F00)
  12. namelen dw ?
  13. handler dw ? ; offset (00012F00)
  14. dfn_struc ends
  16. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. errtabentry struc ; (sizeof=0x4)
  19. category db ?
  20. kind db ?
  21. table dw ? ; offset (00012F00)
  22. errtabentry ends
  24. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. vec8 struc ; (sizeof=0x8)
  27. _ip dd ?
  28. _cs dw ?
  29. _rsvd dw ?
  30. vec8 ends
  32. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. str4 struc ; (sizeof=0x5)
  35. str db 5 dup(?) ; string(C)
  36. str4 ends
  38. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. str2 struc ; (sizeof=0x3)
  41. field_0 db 3 dup(?) ; string(C)
  42. str2 ends
  45. ;
  46. ; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  47. ; | This file has been generated by The Interactive Disassembler (IDA) |
  48. ; | Copyright (c) 2009 by Hex-Rays, <> |
  49. ; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  50. ;
  51. ; Input MD5 : 9B2E82344CEA87814EDA8A3D5C35C8C5
  53. ; File Name : C:\Users\Michael\Documents\Reversing\drivers\sound\DOS32AWE\DOS32AWE.EXE
  54. ; Format : MS-DOS executable (EXE)
  55. ; Base Address: 1000h Range: 10000h-174C0h Loaded length: 6CC0h
  56. ; Entry Point : 12F0:2C6C
  58. .686p
  59. .mmx
  60. .model large
  62. ; ===========================================================================
  64. ; Segment type: Regular
  65. ID32 segment byte public 'UNK' use16
  66. assume cs:ID32
  67. assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:nothing, fs:nothing, gs:nothing
  68. ID_magic db 'ID32'
  69. ID_mode db 3Fh
  70. ID_maxpages db 40h
  71. ID_maxfpages db 2
  72. ID_callbacks db 10h
  73. ID_selectors dw 100h
  74. ID_rmstacks db 8
  75. ID_pmstacks db 8
  76. ID_rmstacklen dw 20h
  77. ID_pmstacklen dw 20h
  78. ID_maxextmem dd 0FFFFFFFFh
  79. ID_misc1 db 77h ; DOS32AWE: -report modified ints
  80. ; +cls on exception
  81. ID_misc2 db 49h ; DOS32AWE: +lock configuration
  82. ID_lowmembuf dw 200h
  83. ID_version dw 90Ch
  84. ID_rsvd dw 0
  85. aDos32a db 'DOS/32A',0
  86. aCopyrightC19962006ByNa db 'Copyright (C) 1996-2006 by Narech K.',0
  87. a100721 db '10/07/21',0
  88. a234911 db '23:49:11',0
  89. db 0
  90. db 0
  91. db 0
  92. db 0
  93. db 0
  94. ID32 ends
  96. ; ===========================================================================
  98. ; Segment type: Pure code
  99. KERNEL segment byte public 'CODE' use16
  100. assume cs:KERNEL
  101. assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:KERNEL, fs:nothing, gs:nothing
  102. pm32_mode db 0FFh
  103. pm32_maxpages db 0FFh
  104. pm32_maxfpages db 0FFh
  105. pm32_callbacks db 0FFh
  106. pm32_selectors dw 0FFFFh
  107. pm32_rmstacks db 0FFh
  108. pm32_pmstacks db 0FFh
  109. pm32_rmstacklen dw 0FFFFh
  110. pm32_pmstacklen dw 0FFFFh
  111. pm32_maxextmem dd 0FFFFFFFFh
  112. client_call dw 2 dup(0)
  113. client_version dw 0
  114. kernel_code dw 0
  115. cputype db 0
  116. fputype db 0
  117. pmodetype db 0
  118. pagetables db 0
  119. picslave db 0
  120. picmaster db 0
  121. _rsvd1 db 0
  122. A20_state db 0
  123. cpuidlvl dd 0
  124. codebase dd 0
  125. dpmiepmode dd 0
  126. selzero dw 18h
  127. seldata dw 10h
  128. selcallback dw 48h
  129. gdtseg dw 0
  130. gdtlimit dw 0
  131. gdtbase dd 0
  132. idtseg dw 0
  133. idtlimit dw 7FFh
  134. idtbase dd 0
  135. rmidtlimit dw 3FFh
  136. rmidtbase dd 0
  137. rmtopmswrout dw offset v_rmtopmsw
  138. pmtormswrout dd 115Ch
  139. xms_call dd 0
  140. xms_data dd 0
  141. xms_handle dw 0
  142. vcpi_cr3 dd 0
  143. vcpi_gdtaddx dd offset gdtlimit
  144. vcpi_idtaddx dd offset idtlimit
  145. vcpi_selldt dw 0
  146. vcpi_seltss dw 20h
  147. vcpi_eip dd offset v_rmtopmswpm
  148. vcpi_cs dw 8
  149. vcpi_calleip dd 0
  150. vcpi_callcs dw 28h
  151. vcpi_allocmem dw 0
  152. vcpistrucaddx dd offset vcpi_cr3
  153. vcpiswitchstack dd 0
  154. int31h_cache_fn dw 0EEFFh
  155. int31h_cache_ptr dw offset int31_EEFF
  156. align 4
  158. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  160. ; also mem_ptr
  162. pm32_info proc far
  163. cld
  164. push ds
  166. loc_100E6:
  167. push es
  168. push cs
  170. mem_free:
  171. push cs
  172. pop ds
  173. pop es
  175. mem_top_minus1: ; also _pc_irqrmtopm
  176. call cpu_detect
  177. cmp al, 3
  179. mem_used: ; also base of real mode alias table
  180. mov ax, 1
  181. jnb short @@0
  182. jmp @@fail
  183. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  185. @@0:
  186. call fpu_detect
  187. mov ah, 30h
  188. int 21h ; DOS - GET DOS VERSION
  189. ; Return: AL = major version number (00h for DOS 1.x)
  190. cmp al, 4
  191. mov ax, 0
  192. jb @@fail
  193. mov ax, 4300h
  194. int 2Fh ; - Multiplex - XMS - INSTALLATION CHECK
  195. ; Return: AL = 80h XMS driver installed
  196. ; AL <> 80h no driver
  197. cmp al, 80h ; '€'
  198. jnz short @@1
  199. push es
  200. mov ax, 4310h
  201. int 2Fh ; - Multiplex - XMS - GET DRIVER ADDRESS
  202. ; Return: ES:BX -> driver entry point
  203. mov word ptr xms_call, bx
  205. loc_1011B:
  206. mov word ptr xms_call+2, es
  207. mov ah, 30h
  208. int 21h ; DOS - GET DOS VERSION
  209. ; Return: AL = major version number (00h for DOS 1.x)
  210. mov ah, 88h ; 'ˆ'
  211. xor bx, bx
  212. call xms_call
  213. test bl, bl
  214. jz short @@xms1
  215. mov ah, 8
  217. _pc_irqcbrmtopm: ; also irqset_rm - 3
  218. call xms_call
  220. irqset_pm_minus1:
  221. movzx eax, ax
  223. irqtabrm_minus1:
  224. @@xms1:
  225. mov xms_data, eax
  226. pop es
  227. pushf
  228. pop ax
  229. and ah, 0CFh
  230. push ax
  231. popf
  232. pushf
  233. pop ax
  234. test ah, 30h
  235. jz short @@4
  237. @@1:
  238. call @@detect_VCPI
  239. call @@detect_DPMI
  240. smsw ax
  241. and al, 1
  242. mov ax, 2
  243. jnz short @@fail
  245. @@4:
  246. cmp xms_data, 0
  247. setnz ch
  248. mov bx, 80h ; '€'
  250. @@vcpi:
  251. movzx ax, pm32_rmstacks
  252. imul ax, pm32_rmstacklen
  253. add bx, ax
  254. movzx ax, pm32_pmstacks
  256. irqtab_pm_minus1:
  257. imul ax, pm32_pmstacklen
  259. irqtab_pm_plus4:
  260. add bx, ax
  261. movzx ax, pm32_callbacks
  262. imul ax, 19h
  263. add ax, 0Fh
  264. shr ax, 4
  265. add bx, ax
  266. mov ax, pm32_selectors
  267. add ax, 0Bh
  268. shr ax, 1
  269. add bx, ax
  271. @@done:
  272. xor ax, ax
  273. mov cl, cputype
  274. mov pmodetype, ch
  275. mov dx, (offset get_default_config - 0FFFFD6B0h)
  276. mov di, offset v_init__cbdata1B
  278. @@exit:
  279. pop es
  280. pop ds
  281. retf
  282. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  284. @@fail:
  285. stc
  286. jmp short @@exit
  287. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  289. @@detect_DPMI:
  290. pop bp
  291. mov ax, 1687h
  292. int 2Fh ; - Multiplex - MS WINDOWS - Mode Interface - INSTALLATION CHECK
  293. ; Return: AX = 0000h if installed, BX = flags
  294. ; CL = processor type, DH = DPMI major version
  295. ; DL = DPMI minor version
  296. ; SI = number of paragraphs
  297. ; ES:DI -> DPMI mode-switch entry point
  298. test ax, ax
  299. jnz short @@d0
  300. mov ax, 1
  301. cmp cl, 3
  302. jb short @@fail
  303. mov al, 3
  304. test bl, 1
  305. jz short @@fail
  306. mov word ptr dpmiepmode, di
  307. mov word ptr dpmiepmode+2, es
  308. mov bx, si
  309. mov ch, 3
  310. jmp short @@done
  311. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  313. @@d0:
  314. jmp bp
  315. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  317. @@detect_VCPI:
  318. pop bp
  319. xor ax, ax
  320. mov es, ax
  321. assume es:nothing
  322. mov ax, es:19Ch
  323. or ax, es:19Eh
  324. jz short @@d0
  325. mov ax, 0DE00h
  326. int 67h ; - LIM EMS Program Interface - INSTALLATION CHECK
  327. ; Return: AH = 00h VCPI is present, BH = major version number
  328. ; BL = minor version number, AH nonzero VCPI not present
  329. test ah, ah
  330. jnz short @@d0
  331. mov ax, 0DE0Ah
  332. int 67h ; - LIM EMS Program Interface - GET 8259 INTERRUPT VECTOR MAPPINGS
  333. ; Return: AH = 00h successful, BX = first vector used by master 8259 (IRQ0)
  334. ; CX = first vector used by slave 8259 (IRQ8)
  335. ; AH nonzero: failed
  337. exctabpm_minus3:
  338. mov picmaster, bl
  340. exctabpm_plus1:
  341. mov picslave, cl
  342. mov ax, 4
  343. cmp bl, cl
  344. jz short @@fail
  345. cmp bl, 30h
  346. jz short @@fail
  347. cmp cl, 30h
  348. jz short @@fail
  349. cmp cl, 8
  350. jz short @@fail
  351. test bl, bl
  352. jz short @@fail
  353. test cl, cl
  354. jz short @@fail
  355. mov edx, xms_data
  356. mov ecx, edx
  357. jecxz @@v1
  358. test pm32_mode, 8
  359. jz short loc_10237
  360. call xms_allocmem
  361. mov di, dx
  362. dec ax
  363. jz short @@v1
  365. loc_10237:
  366. xor ecx, ecx
  368. @@v1:
  369. mov ax, 0DE03h
  370. int 67h ; - LIM EMS Program Interface - GET NUMBER OF FREE 4K PAGES
  371. ; Return: AH = 00h successful, EDX = number of free 4K pages
  372. ; AH nonzero: failed
  373. push es
  374. push ecx
  375. push edx
  376. push di
  377. test pm32_mode, 4
  378. jz short @@v1a ; __linkproc__ v1a
  379. mov ah, 48h ; 'H'
  380. mov bx, 100h
  381. int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - ALLOCATE MEMORY
  382. ; BX = number of 16-byte paragraphs desired
  383. jb short @@v1a ; __linkproc__ v1a
  384. mov es, ax
  385. assume es:nothing
  386. xor di, di
  387. sub sp, 18h
  388. mov si, sp
  389. push ds
  390. push ss
  391. pop ds
  392. mov ax, 0DE01h
  393. int 67h ; - LIM EMS Program Interface - GET PROTECTED MODE INTERFACE
  394. ; ES:DI -> 4K page table buffer
  395. ; DS:SI -> three descriptor table entries in GDT
  396. ; Return: AH = 00h successful, AH = nonzero failed
  397. pop ds
  398. add sp, 18h
  399. mov ah, 49h
  400. int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - FREE MEMORY
  401. ; ES = segment address of area to be freed
  402. mov eax, 1000h
  403. sub ax, di
  404. shr ax, 2
  405. jmp short @@v1b
  406. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  408. ; __linkproc__ v1a
  409. @@v1a:
  410. xor eax, eax
  412. tempw1:
  413. @@v1b:
  414. pop di
  416. tempw2_aka_tempd1:
  417. pop edx
  418. pop ecx
  419. pop es
  420. assume es:nothing
  422. oldcr0:
  423. mov esi, ecx
  425. oldint15h:
  426. shr esi, 2
  428. oldint1Bh_and_1Ch:
  429. lea esi, [edx+esi+3FFh]
  431. oldint21h:
  432. sub esi, eax
  434. oldint23h_minus1:
  435. jnb short @@v1c
  436. adc esi, eax
  438. oldint24h:
  439. @@v1c:
  440. shr esi, 0Ah
  442. oldint2Fh: ; __linkproc__ v2
  443. jecxz @@v2
  445. newint1Bh:
  446. mov dx, di
  447. mov ah, 0Ah
  449. newint1Ch:
  450. call xms_call
  452. ; __linkproc__ v2
  453. @@v2:
  454. movzx ax, pm32_maxpages
  456. newint24h:
  457. cmp ax, si
  458. jbe short @@v3
  460. id32_mem_free:
  461. mov ax, si
  463. @@v3:
  464. test ax, ax
  466. id32_mem_ptr:
  467. jnz short @@v5
  468. pushad
  470. id32_mem_vcpi:
  471. mov bp, sp
  473. id32_process_id_minus2:
  474. mov ax, 0FF88h
  475. int 21h ; DOS - DOS v??? - OEM FUNCTION
  477. pagetablebase_minus5: ; also id32_tsrmode - 3
  478. cmp eax, 'ID32' ; also id32_spawned_id - 1
  479. jnz short @@v4
  481. pagetabletop:
  482. mov [bp+1Ch], si
  484. @@v4:
  485. popad
  487. pagetablefree:
  488. @@v5:
  489. cmp al, 40h ; '@'
  490. jbe short phystabletop_minus2
  492. phystablebase:
  493. mov al, 40h ; '@'
  495. phystabletop_minus2:
  496. mov pagetables, al
  497. add al, pm32_maxfpages
  498. shl ax, 8
  499. add ax, 100h+100h+0FFh+7+80h
  501. _pc_intrmtopm_minus1:
  502. mov bx, ax
  503. mov ch, 2
  505. _pc_intpmtorm:
  506. jmp @@vcpi
  507. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  508. jmp bp
  509. pm32_info endp ; sp-analysis failed
  512. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  514. ; also _pc_irqrmtopm
  516. cpu_detect proc near
  517. cli
  518. mov cl, 2
  519. pushf
  521. _pc_irqpmtorm:
  522. pop ax
  523. or ax, 0F000h
  525. loc_102F4:
  526. push ax
  527. popf
  528. pushf
  529. pop ax
  531. _pc_irqcbpmtorm:
  532. and ax, 0F000h
  534. _pc_cbrmtopm: ; also _pc_cbpmtorm-1
  535. jnz short @@1
  536. jmp short @@x1
  537. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  539. ; __linkproc__ 1
  540. @@1: ; also _pc_cbpmtorm-1
  541. inc cl
  542. pushfd
  544. pmstacklen_minus1:
  545. pop eax
  546. mov edx, eax
  548. pmstackbase_and_top:
  549. xor eax, 40000h
  550. push eax
  552. pmstacktop2:
  553. popfd
  554. pushfd
  556. rmstacklen:
  557. pop eax
  559. rmstackbase_and_top:
  560. xor eax, edx
  562. rmstacktop2:
  563. jnz short @@2
  564. jmp short @@x1
  565. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  567. @@2:
  568. inc cl
  569. push edx
  570. popfd
  572. rmstackesp:
  573. pushfd
  574. pushfd
  576. rmstackss:
  577. pop eax
  578. mov edx, eax
  580. callbackbase_and_seg:
  581. xor eax, 200000h
  582. push eax
  584. irqcallbackptr:
  585. popfd
  587. oldNMI:
  588. pushfd
  589. pop eax
  591. newNMI:
  592. xor eax, edx
  593. jnz short @@3
  594. jmp short @@x2
  595. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  597. @@3:
  598. xor eax, eax
  599. cpuid
  600. mov cpuidlvl, eax
  601. mov eax, 1
  602. cpuid
  603. and ah, 0Fh
  604. mov cl, ah
  606. @@x2:
  607. popfd
  608. xor eax, eax
  609. xor edx, edx
  611. @@x1:
  612. mov al, cl
  613. mov cputype, al
  614. sti
  615. retn
  616. cpu_detect endp
  619. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  621. ; Attributes: bp-based frame fpd=4
  623. fpu_detect proc near
  625. _fpu_type = word ptr -4
  626. _control_word = word ptr -2
  628. push large 0
  629. mov bp, sp
  630. fninit
  631. fnstcw [bp+4+_control_word]
  632. mov ax, [bp+4+_control_word]
  633. cmp ah, 3
  634. jnz short loc_103C7
  635. mov [bp+4+_fpu_type], 1
  636. and [bp+4+_control_word], 0FF7Fh
  637. wait
  638. fldcw [bp+4+_control_word]
  639. fdisi
  640. fstcw [bp+4+_control_word]
  641. wait
  642. test [bp+4+_control_word], 80h
  643. jnz short loc_103C7
  644. mov [bp+4+_fpu_type], 2
  645. fninit
  646. wait
  647. fld1
  648. wait
  649. fldz
  650. wait
  651. fdivp st(1), st
  652. wait
  653. fld st
  654. wait
  655. fchs
  656. wait
  657. fcompp
  658. fstsw ax
  659. fclex
  660. wait
  661. sahf
  662. jz short loc_103C7
  663. mov [bp+4+_fpu_type], 3
  664. mov al, cputype
  665. cmp al, 4
  666. jb short loc_103C7
  667. mov byte ptr [bp+4+_fpu_type], al
  669. loc_103C7:
  670. pop eax
  671. and eax, 7
  672. jz short loc_103D9
  673. mov cx, 8
  675. loc_103D2:
  676. fldz
  677. loop loc_103D2
  678. finit
  680. loc_103D9:
  681. mov fputype, al
  682. retn
  683. fpu_detect endp
  685. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  686. align 4
  688. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  691. pm32_init_new proc far
  693. ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 0526 SIZE 0000001D BYTES
  694. ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 0550 SIZE 0000011F BYTES
  697. push ax ; DOS32AWE ADDITION: This seems to patch AWEUTIL
  698. push bx
  699. push ds
  700. xor ax, ax
  701. mov ds, ax
  702. assume ds:nothing
  703. mov ax, ds:0Ah
  704. mov bx, ds:8
  705. add bx, 9
  706. mov ds, ax
  707. assume ds:KERNEL
  708. cmp dword ptr [bx], 40A861E4h
  709. jnz short loc_1040E
  710. cmp byte ptr [bx+4], 74h ; 't'
  711. jnz short loc_1040E
  712. mov dword ptr [bx], 90909090h
  713. mov word ptr [bx+4], 9090h
  715. loc_1040E:
  716. pop ds
  717. pop bx
  718. pop ax ; DOS32AWE ADDITION END
  720. pm32_init:
  721. cld
  722. pushad
  723. push ds
  724. push cs
  725. pop ds
  726. xor eax, eax
  727. mov kernel_code, cs
  728. mov client_version, bx
  729. mov client_call, dx
  730. mov ax, cs
  731. shl eax, 4
  732. mov codebase, eax
  733. add vcpi_gdtaddx, eax
  734. add vcpi_idtaddx, eax
  735. add vcpistrucaddx, eax
  736. btr pm32_maxextmem, 1Fh
  737. push es
  738. push cs
  739. pop es
  740. assume es:KERNEL
  741. mov di, offset pm32_info ; also mem_ptr
  742. mov cx, 17Eh
  743. xor ax, ax
  744. rep stosw
  745. pop es
  746. assume es:nothing
  747. mov bp, sp
  748. mov [bp+2], ax
  749. mov ax, 0FF88h
  750. int 21h ; DOS - DOS v??? - OEM FUNCTION
  751. cmp eax, 'ID32'
  752. jnz short loc_10490
  753. mov [bp+2], bx
  754. cmp bx, client_version
  755. jnz short loc_10490
  756. mov dword ptr id32_mem_free, ecx
  757. mov dword ptr id32_mem_ptr, edx
  758. mov dword ptr id32_mem_vcpi, edi
  759. shr esi, 10h
  760. inc si
  761. mov word ptr id32_process_id_minus2+2, si
  762. mov pm32_maxextmem, 0
  764. loc_10490:
  765. movzx bx, pmodetype
  766. add bx, bx
  767. jmp word ptr @@init[bx]
  768. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  769. @@init:
  770. dw offset r_init
  771. dw offset x_init
  772. dw offset v_init__cbdata1B
  773. dw offset d_init
  774. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  776. dxvr_init:
  777. xor ax, ax
  778. mov cx, 1
  779. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  781. ; CX = number of descriptors to allocate
  782. ; Return: CF set on error
  783. ; CF clear if successful, AX = base selector
  784. jnb short @@0
  786. @@err:
  787. mov ax, 4CFFh
  788. int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - QUIT WITH EXIT CODE (EXIT)
  789. ; AL = exit code
  790. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  792. @@0:
  793. mov bp, sp
  794. mov bx, ax
  795. mov ax, 7
  796. mov dx, [bp+24h]
  797. mov cx, dx
  798. shl dx, 4
  799. shr cx, 0Ch
  800. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  802. ; BX = selector, CX:DX = linear base address
  803. ; Return: CF set on error
  804. ; CF clear if successful
  805. jb short @@err
  806. inc ax
  807. xor cx, cx
  808. mov dx, 0FFFFh
  809. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  811. ; BX = selector, CX:DX = segment limit
  812. ; Return: CF set on error
  813. ; CF clear if successful
  814. jb short @@err
  815. inc ax
  816. mov dx, cs
  817. lar cx, dx
  818. shr cx, 8
  819. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  821. ; BX = selector, CL = access rights/type byte
  822. ; CH = 80386 extended rights/type byte (32-bit DPMI implementations only)
  823. ; Return: CF set on error
  824. ; CF clear if successful
  825. jb short @@err
  826. mov [bp+24h], bx
  827. cmp cs:pmodetype, 3
  828. jz short @@1_dxvr
  829. push ds
  830. mov ds, cs:seldata
  831. mov client_call+2, bx
  832. pop ds
  834. @@1_dxvr:
  835. xor bx, bx
  837. init_done:
  838. mov [bp+1Eh], bx
  839. jb short @@1_id
  840. mov eax, dword ptr cs:mem_free
  841. mov edx, dword ptr cs:pm32_info ; also mem_ptr
  842. mov [bp+1Ah], eax
  843. mov [bp+16h], edx
  844. or eax, edx
  845. jnz short @@1_id
  846. call init_done_id32
  848. @@1_id:
  849. pop ds
  850. popad
  851. mov bx, cs
  852. mov si, word ptr cs:id32_process_id_minus2+2
  853. cld
  854. retf
  855. pm32_init_new endp ; sp-analysis failed
  858. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  861. init_done_id32 proc near
  862. cmp cs:pmodetype, 3
  863. jz short locret_10585
  864. mov ds, cs:seldata
  865. cmp word ptr id32_process_id_minus2+2, 0
  866. jz short locret_10585
  867. mov eax, dword ptr id32_mem_free
  868. mov edx, dword ptr id32_mem_ptr
  869. mov [bp+1Ah], eax
  870. mov [bp+16h], edx
  871. mov dword ptr mem_free, eax
  872. mov dword ptr pm32_info, edx ; also mem_ptr
  873. lea ecx, [eax+10h]
  874. lea eax, [ecx+edx]
  875. mov dword ptr mem_top_minus1+1, eax
  876. mov al, pmodetype
  877. cmp al, 0
  878. jz short locret_10585
  879. cmp al, 1
  880. jz short locret_10585
  881. push es
  883. loc_1056A:
  884. mov esi, dword ptr id32_mem_vcpi
  885. mov edi, dword ptr pagetablefree
  886. mov es, selzero
  887. mov ds, selzero
  888. shr ecx, 0Ch
  889. rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  890. pop es
  892. locret_10585:
  893. retn
  894. init_done_id32 endp
  896. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  897. ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR pm32_init_new
  899. d_init:
  900. pop ds
  901. mov ax, 1
  902. call cs:dpmiepmode
  903. push ds
  904. jnb dxvr_init
  905. mov bx, 6
  906. cmp ax, 8011h
  907. stc
  908. jz init_done
  909. dec bx
  910. jmp init_done
  911. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR pm32_init_new
  912. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  913. align 10h
  914. ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR pm32_init_new
  916. v_init__cbdata1B:
  917. xor eax, eax
  918. mov ax, es
  919. add ax, 0FFh
  920. xor al, al
  921. mov es, ax
  922. assume es:nothing
  923. mov dx, ax
  924. shl eax, 4
  925. add eax, 1000h
  926. mov dword ptr pagetablebase_minus5+5, eax ; also id32_tsrmode - 3
  927. ; also id32_spawned_id - 1
  928. add eax, 1000h
  929. movzx ecx, pagetables
  930. shl ecx, 0Ch
  931. add eax, ecx
  933. cbdata1Ch:
  934. mov dword ptr pagetabletop+1, eax
  935. mov dword ptr phystablebase, eax
  936. movzx ecx, pm32_maxfpages
  937. shl ecx, 0Ch
  938. add eax, ecx
  939. mov dword ptr phystabletop_minus2+2, eax
  940. xor di, di
  941. xor eax, eax
  942. mov cx, 800h
  943. rep stosd
  944. mov gs, dx
  945. assume gs:nothing
  946. mov ax, dx
  947. add ax, 100h
  948. mov es, ax
  949. assume es:nothing
  950. mov fs, ax
  951. assume fs:nothing
  952. sub sp, 18h
  953. mov si, sp
  955. cbdata23h:
  956. xor di, di
  957. push ds
  958. push ss
  959. pop ds
  960. mov ax, 0DE01h
  961. int 67h ; - LIM EMS Program Interface - GET PROTECTED MODE INTERFACE
  962. ; ES:DI -> 4K page table buffer
  963. ; DS:SI -> three descriptor table entries in GDT
  964. ; Return: AH = 00h successful, AH = nonzero failed
  965. pop ds
  966. push di
  967. mov vcpi_calleip, ebx
  969. @@1_v:
  970. and byte ptr es:[di+1], 0F1h
  971. sub di, 4
  972. jnb short @@1_v
  973. mov cx, dx
  974. shr cx, 8
  975. mov ax, 0DE06h
  976. int 67h ; - LIM EMS Program Interface - GET PHYS ADDR OF PAGE IN FIRST MB
  977. ; CX = page number (linear address shifted right 12 bits)
  978. ; Return: AH = 00h successful, EDX = physical address of page
  979. ; AH nonzero: invalid page number (AH = 8Bh recommended)
  980. and dx, 0F000h
  981. mov vcpi_cr3, edx
  982. mov cx, es
  983. shr cx, 8
  985. cbdata24:
  986. mov ax, 0DE06h
  987. int 67h ; - LIM EMS Program Interface - GET PHYS ADDR OF PAGE IN FIRST MB
  988. ; CX = page number (linear address shifted right 12 bits)
  989. ; Return: AH = 00h successful, EDX = physical address of page
  990. ; AH nonzero: invalid page number (AH = 8Bh recommended)
  991. and dh, 0F0h
  992. mov dl, 7
  993. mov gs:0, edx
  994. mov ax, es
  995. add ax, 100h
  996. mov es, ax
  997. assume es:nothing
  998. mov si, ax
  999. mov al, pagetables
  1000. mov ebx, 1
  1001. call vcpi_setup_pagetables
  1002. mov ax, gs
  1003. add ax, 80h ; '€'
  1004. mov gs, ax
  1005. assume gs:nothing
  1006. mov al, pm32_maxfpages
  1007. xor ebx, ebx
  1008. call vcpi_setup_pagetables
  1009. pop di
  1010. xor eax, eax
  1011. test pm32_mode, 4
  1012. jnz short @@2_v
  1013. mov di, 1000h
  1015. @@2_v:
  1016. mov ax, di
  1017. add eax, dword ptr pagetablebase_minus5+5 ; also id32_tsrmode - 3
  1018. ; also id32_spawned_id - 1
  1019. mov dword ptr pagetablefree, eax
  1020. push si
  1021. push es
  1022. call vcpi_alloc_ems
  1023. pop es
  1024. assume es:nothing
  1025. pop si
  1026. push si
  1027. xor di, di
  1028. mov cx, 34h ; '4'
  1029. xor ax, ax
  1030. rep stosw
  1031. mov eax, vcpi_cr3
  1032. mov es:1Ch, eax
  1034. loc_106AE:
  1035. mov dword ptr es:64h, 680000h
  1036. add si, 7
  1037. mov es, si
  1038. mov rmtopmswrout, offset v_rmtopmsw
  1039. mov pmtormswrout, offset v_pmtormsw
  1040. jmp vxr_init
  1041. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR pm32_init_new
  1043. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  1046. vcpi_setup_pagetables proc near
  1047. push bp
  1048. movzx bp, al
  1049. test bp, bp
  1050. jz short loc_10705
  1052. loc_106D7:
  1053. mov cx, si
  1054. shr cx, 8
  1055. mov ax, 0DE06h
  1056. int 67h ; - LIM EMS Program Interface - GET PHYS ADDR OF PAGE IN FIRST MB
  1057. ; CX = page number (linear address shifted right 12 bits)
  1058. ; Return: AH = 00h successful, EDX = physical address of page
  1059. ; AH nonzero: invalid page number (AH = 8Bh recommended)
  1060. and dh, 0F0h
  1061. mov dl, 7
  1062. mov gs:0[ebx*4], edx
  1063. add si, 100h
  1064. mov es, si
  1065. xor di, di
  1066. xor eax, eax
  1067. mov cx, 400h
  1068. rep stosd
  1069. inc bx
  1070. dec bp
  1071. jnz short loc_106D7
  1073. loc_10705:
  1074. pop bp
  1075. retn
  1076. vcpi_setup_pagetables endp
  1079. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  1082. vcpi_alloc_ems proc near
  1083. push fs
  1084. pop es
  1085. assume es:nothing
  1086. movzx eax, pagetables
  1087. shl eax, 16h
  1088. mov ecx, 1000h
  1089. sub cx, di
  1090. and cl, 0FCh
  1091. shl ecx, 0Ah
  1092. add eax, ecx
  1093. mov ecx, pm32_maxextmem
  1094. cmp ecx, eax
  1095. jbe short @@0
  1096. mov ecx, eax
  1098. @@0:
  1099. xor ebx, ebx
  1100. jecxz @@done
  1102. @@1:
  1103. cmp di, 1000h
  1104. jb short @@2
  1105. mov ax, es
  1106. add ax, 100h
  1107. mov es, ax
  1108. assume es:nothing
  1109. xor di, di
  1111. @@2:
  1112. mov ax, 0DE04h
  1113. int 67h ; - LIM EMS Program Interface - ALLOCATE A 4K PAGE
  1114. ; Return: AH = 00h successful, EDX = physical address of allocated page
  1115. ; AH nonzero: failed
  1116. test ah, ah
  1117. jnz short @@3
  1118. and dh, 0F0h
  1119. mov dl, 7
  1120. mov es:[di], edx
  1121. add di, 4
  1122. inc bx
  1123. sub ecx, 1000h
  1124. ja short @@1
  1126. @@3:
  1127. mov vcpi_allocmem, bx
  1128. cmp ecx, 1000h
  1129. jb short loc_1077E
  1130. test pm32_mode, 8
  1131. jz short loc_1077E
  1132. call vcpi_alloc_xms
  1134. loc_1077E:
  1135. shl ebx, 0Ch
  1136. jz short @@done
  1137. mov dword ptr mem_free, ebx
  1138. mov eax, dword ptr pagetablefree
  1139. sub eax, dword ptr pagetablebase_minus5+5 ; also id32_tsrmode - 3
  1140. ; also id32_spawned_id - 1
  1141. shl eax, 0Ah
  1142. mov dword ptr pm32_info, eax ; also mem_ptr
  1144. @@done:
  1145. retn
  1146. vcpi_alloc_ems endp
  1149. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  1152. vcpi_alloc_xms proc near
  1153. push ebx
  1154. shr ecx, 0Ah
  1155. and cl, 0FCh
  1157. @@1:
  1158. mov edx, ecx
  1159. jecxz @@done
  1160. call xms_allocmem
  1161. dec ax
  1162. jz short @@2
  1163. sub ecx, 4
  1164. jnb short @@1
  1165. jmp short @@done
  1166. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1168. @@2:
  1169. mov xms_handle, dx
  1170. mov ah, 0Ch
  1171. call xms_call
  1172. dec ax
  1173. jz short @@3
  1174. xor dx, dx
  1175. xchg dx, xms_handle
  1176. mov ah, 0Ah
  1177. call xms_call
  1178. jmp short @@done
  1179. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1181. @@3:
  1182. shl edx, 10h
  1183. mov dx, bx
  1184. shr ecx, 2
  1185. movzx eax, cx
  1186. pop ebx
  1187. add ebx, eax
  1188. push ebx
  1190. @@4:
  1191. cmp di, 1000h
  1192. jb short @@5
  1193. mov ax, es
  1194. add ax, 100h
  1195. mov es, ax
  1196. assume es:nothing
  1197. xor di, di
  1199. @@5:
  1200. and dh, 0F0h
  1201. mov dl, 7
  1202. mov es:[di], edx
  1203. add di, 4
  1204. add edx, 1000h
  1205. loop @@4
  1207. @@done:
  1208. pop ebx
  1209. retn
  1210. vcpi_alloc_xms endp
  1212. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1213. ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR pm32_init_new
  1215. x_init:
  1216. mov ah, 7
  1217. call xms_call
  1218. mov A20_state, al
  1219. mov ah, 3
  1220. call xms_call
  1221. mov bx, 7
  1222. dec ax
  1223. stc
  1224. jnz init_done
  1225. mov eax, xms_data
  1226. mov edx, pm32_maxextmem
  1227. shr edx, 0Ah
  1228. cmp edx, eax
  1229. jbe short loc_1083C
  1230. mov edx, eax
  1232. loc_1083C:
  1233. mov esi, edx
  1234. test edx, edx
  1235. jz short loc_10876
  1236. call xms_allocmem
  1237. dec ax
  1238. jnz short loc_10876
  1239. mov xms_handle, dx
  1240. mov ah, 0Ch
  1241. call xms_call
  1242. dec ax
  1243. jz short loc_10865
  1244. xor dx, dx
  1245. xchg dx, xms_handle
  1246. mov ah, 0Ah
  1247. call xms_call
  1248. jmp short loc_10876
  1249. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1251. loc_10865: ; also mem_ptr
  1252. mov word ptr pm32_info, bx
  1253. mov word ptr loc_100E6, dx
  1254. shl esi, 0Ah
  1255. mov dword ptr mem_free, esi
  1257. loc_10876:
  1258. jmp xr_init
  1259. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1261. r_init:
  1262. call enable_A20
  1263. mov bx, 7
  1264. jb init_done
  1265. push es
  1266. push ss
  1267. pop es
  1268. assume es:nothing
  1269. xor eax, eax
  1270. mov ebx, eax
  1271. mov ecx, eax
  1272. mov edi, eax
  1273. sub sp, 20h
  1274. mov di, sp
  1276. @@0_r:
  1277. mov cl, 14h
  1278. mov eax, 0E820h
  1279. mov edx, 'SMAP'
  1280. int 15h
  1281. jb short @@noE820
  1282. jcxz short @@noE820
  1283. cmp eax, 'SMAP'
  1284. jnz short @@noE820
  1285. xor eax, eax
  1286. cmp eax, es:[di+4]
  1287. jnz short @@0_r
  1288. cmp eax, es:[di+0Ch]
  1289. jnz short @@0_r
  1290. inc ax
  1291. cmp eax, es:[di+10h]
  1292. jnz short @@0_r
  1293. mov edx, es:[di]
  1294. cmp edx, 100000h
  1295. jnz short @@0_r
  1296. mov eax, es:[di+8]
  1297. add edx, eax
  1298. add sp, 20h
  1299. pop es
  1300. jmp short @@temper
  1301. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1303. @@noE820:
  1304. add sp, 20h
  1305. pop es
  1306. xor bx, bx
  1307. xor cx, cx
  1308. xor dx, dx
  1309. mov ax, 0E801h
  1310. stc
  1311. int 15h
  1312. jb short @@noE801
  1313. mov di, cx
  1314. or di, dx
  1315. jz short @@useE801
  1316. mov ax, cx
  1317. mov bx, dx
  1319. @@useE801:
  1320. mov di, ax
  1321. or di, bx
  1322. jz short @@noE801
  1323. movzx eax, ax
  1324. movzx ebx, bx
  1325. shl ebx, 6
  1326. add eax, ebx
  1327. jmp short @@calcmem
  1328. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1330. @@noE801:
  1331. xor eax, eax
  1332. mov ah, 88h ; 'ˆ'
  1334. ; Return: AX = memory size in K
  1335. test ax, ax
  1336. jz short xr_init
  1338. @@calcmem:
  1339. shl eax, 0Ah
  1340. lea edx, [eax+100000h]
  1342. @@temper:
  1343. cmp eax, pm32_maxextmem
  1344. jbe short loc_1093C
  1345. mov eax, pm32_maxextmem
  1347. loc_1093C:
  1348. add eax, 3FFh
  1349. and eax, 0FFFFFC00h
  1350. sub edx, eax
  1351. mov dword ptr pm32_info, edx ; also mem_ptr
  1352. mov dword ptr mem_free, eax
  1353. shr eax, 0Ah
  1354. test eax, 0FFFF0000h
  1355. jz short loc_10963
  1356. or ax, 0FFFFh
  1358. loc_10963: ; also base of real mode alias table
  1359. mov word ptr mem_used, ax
  1361. xr_init:
  1362. mov word ptr picslave, 870h
  1363. mov rmtopmswrout, offset xr_rmtopmsw
  1364. mov pmtormswrout, offset xr_pmtormsw
  1366. vxr_init:
  1367. call install_ints
  1368. xor eax, eax
  1369. mov ax, es
  1370. mov idtseg, ax
  1371. mov ebx, eax
  1372. shl ebx, 4
  1373. mov idtbase, ebx
  1374. add ax, 80h ; '€'
  1375. mov word ptr rmstackbase_and_top, ax
  1376. movzx bx, pm32_rmstacks
  1377. mov cx, pm32_rmstacklen
  1378. mov word ptr rmstacklen, cx
  1379. imul bx, cx
  1380. add ax, bx
  1381. mov word ptr rmstackbase_and_top+2, ax
  1382. mov word ptr rmstacktop2+1, ax
  1383. shl eax, 4
  1384. mov dword ptr pmstackbase_and_top, eax
  1385. movzx ebx, pm32_pmstacks
  1386. movzx ecx, pm32_pmstacklen
  1387. shl ecx, 4
  1388. mov dword ptr pmstacklen_minus1+1, ecx
  1389. imul ebx, ecx
  1390. add eax, ebx
  1391. mov dword ptr pmstackbase_and_top+4, eax
  1392. mov dword ptr pmstacktop2, eax
  1393. mov dword ptr callbackbase_and_seg, eax
  1394. shr eax, 4
  1395. mov word ptr callbackbase_and_seg+4, ax
  1396. mov es, ax
  1397. call allocate_callbacks
  1398. xor eax, eax
  1399. mov ax, es
  1400. mov gdtseg, ax
  1401. shl eax, 4
  1402. mov gdtbase, eax
  1403. movzx ecx, pm32_selectors
  1404. lea ecx, ds:4Fh[ecx*8]
  1405. mov gdtlimit, cx
  1406. xor di, di
  1407. inc cx
  1408. shr cx, 1
  1409. xor eax, eax
  1410. rep stosw
  1411. cmp pmodetype, 2
  1412. jnz short @@f0
  1413. pop ax
  1414. shl eax, 4
  1415. mov es:22h, eax
  1416. mov byte ptr es:20h, 67h ; 'g'
  1417. mov byte ptr es:25h, 89h ; '‰'
  1418. add eax, 40h ; '@'
  1419. mov vcpiswitchstack, eax
  1420. mov di, 28h ; '('
  1421. mov si, sp
  1422. mov cl, 0Ch
  1423. rep movs word ptr es:[di], word ptr ss:[si]
  1424. add sp, 18h
  1426. @@f0:
  1427. mov ax, 0FFFFh
  1428. mov es:18h, ax
  1429. mov es:48h, ax
  1430. mov ax, 0DF92h
  1431. mov es:1Dh, ax
  1432. mov es:4Dh, ax
  1433. mov ax, cs
  1434. mov bx, 8
  1435. mov cx, 0FFFFh
  1436. mov dx, 109Ah
  1437. call vxr_initsetdsc
  1438. mov bx, 10h
  1439. mov dx, 1092h
  1440. call vxr_initsetdsc
  1441. mov ax, 40h ; '@'
  1442. mov bx, 40h ; '@'
  1443. call vxr_initsetdsc
  1444. mov bx, 50h ; 'P'
  1445. push bx
  1446. mov ax, ss
  1447. mov dx, 5092h
  1448. call vxr_initsetdsc
  1449. mov ax, [bp+0]
  1450. mov [bp+0], bx
  1451. call vxr_initsetdsc
  1452. push bx
  1453. mov ah, 51h
  1454. int 21h ; DOS - 2+ internal - GET PSP SEGMENT
  1455. ; Return: BX = current PSP segment
  1456. mov si, bx
  1457. pop bx
  1458. push ds
  1459. mov ds, si
  1460. assume ds:nothing
  1461. mov ax, ds:2Ch
  1462. test ax, ax
  1463. jz short loc_10AB1
  1464. mov ds:2Ch, bx
  1465. call vxr_initsetdsc
  1466. mov ax, si
  1468. loc_10AB1:
  1469. mov cx, 0FFh
  1470. call vxr_initsetdsc
  1471. pop ds
  1472. assume ds:KERNEL
  1473. sub bx, 8
  1474. mov cx, bx
  1475. pop dx
  1476. mov ax, 18h
  1477. movzx ebx, sp
  1478. mov si, 8
  1479. mov edi, offset loc_10AD2
  1480. jmp rmtopmswrout
  1481. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1483. loc_10AD2:
  1484. cli
  1485. mov edi, cs:codebase
  1486. mov eax, cs:vcpi_cr3
  1487. mov cr3, eax
  1488. mov eax, cr0
  1489. mov dword ptr oldcr0[edi], eax
  1490. xor eax, eax
  1491. mov cr2, eax
  1492. cmp eax, cs:cpuidlvl
  1493. jz short loc_10B18
  1494. mov al, 1
  1495. cpuid
  1496. test edx, 1000000h
  1497. jz short loc_10B18
  1498. mov eax, cr4
  1499. or ax, 200h
  1500. mov cr4, eax
  1501. mov eax, cr0
  1502. and al, 0F9h
  1503. mov cr0, eax
  1504. assume ds:nothing
  1506. loc_10B18:
  1507. clts
  1508. mov eax, ds:54h
  1509. mov dword ptr ds:(oldint15h+1)[edi], eax
  1510. mov eax, ds:6Ch
  1511. mov dword ptr ds:(oldint1Bh_and_1Ch+1)[edi], eax
  1512. mov eax, ds:70h
  1513. mov dword ptr ds:(oldint1Bh_and_1Ch+5)[edi], eax
  1514. mov eax, ds:84h
  1515. mov dword ptr ds:oldint21h[edi], eax
  1516. mov eax, ds:8Ch
  1517. mov dword ptr ds:(oldint23h_minus1+1)[edi], eax
  1518. mov eax, ds:90h
  1519. mov dword ptr ds:oldint24h[edi], eax
  1520. mov eax, ds:0BCh
  1521. mov dword ptr ds:oldint2Fh[edi], eax
  1522. mov eax, ds:8 ; DOS32AWE addition
  1523. mov dword ptr ds:oldNMI[edi], eax ; DOS32AWE addition
  1524. mov ax, cs:kernel_code
  1525. shl eax, 10h
  1526. mov ax, offset int21h_rm
  1527. mov ds:84h, eax
  1528. mov ax, cs:kernel_code ; DOS32AWE addition
  1529. shl eax, 10h ; DOS32AWE addition
  1530. mov ax, offset NMI_rm ; DOS32AWE addition
  1531. mov ds:8, eax ; DOS32AWE addition
  1532. mov dword ptr ds:newNMI[edi], eax
  1533. cmp cs:pmodetype, 0
  1534. jnz short @@1
  1535. cmp word ptr cs:id32_process_id_minus2+2, 0
  1536. jnz short @@1
  1537. mov ax, offset int15h_rm
  1538. mov ds:54h, eax
  1540. @@1:
  1541. push ds
  1542. push es
  1543. push edi
  1544. push cs
  1545. pop ds
  1546. assume ds:KERNEL
  1547. mov es, seldata
  1548. assume es:nothing
  1549. mov ax, 303h
  1550. mov esi, offset int1Bh
  1551. mov edi, offset v_init__cbdata1B
  1552. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  1554. ; DS:SI=selector:offset of procedure to call
  1555. ; ES:DI=selector:offset of real mode call structure
  1556. ; Return: CF set on error
  1557. ; CF clear if ok, CX:DX = segment:offset of real mode call address
  1558. push cx
  1559. push dx
  1560. mov si, offset int1Ch
  1561. mov di, (offset cbdata1Ch+3)
  1562. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  1564. ; DS:SI=selector:offset of procedure to call
  1565. ; ES:DI=selector:offset of real mode call structure
  1566. ; Return: CF set on error
  1567. ; CF clear if ok, CX:DX = segment:offset of real mode call address
  1568. push cx
  1569. push dx
  1570. mov si, offset int23h
  1571. mov di, (offset cbdata23h+1)
  1572. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  1574. ; DS:SI=selector:offset of procedure to call
  1575. ; ES:DI=selector:offset of real mode call structure
  1576. ; Return: CF set on error
  1577. ; CF clear if ok, CX:DX = segment:offset of real mode call address
  1578. push cx
  1579. push dx
  1580. mov si, offset int24h
  1581. mov di, offset cbdata24
  1582. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  1584. ; DS:SI=selector:offset of procedure to call
  1585. ; ES:DI=selector:offset of real mode call structure
  1586. ; Return: CF set on error
  1587. ; CF clear if ok, CX:DX = segment:offset of real mode call address
  1588. push cx
  1589. push dx
  1590. mov ds, seldata
  1591. assume ds:nothing
  1592. pop large [dword ptr ds:newint24h]
  1593. pop large [dword ptr ds:@@v2+1]
  1594. pop large [dword ptr ds:newint1Ch+1]
  1595. pop large [dword ptr ds:newint1Bh+1]
  1596. pop edi
  1597. pop es
  1598. assume es:nothing
  1599. pop ds
  1600. assume ds:KERNEL
  1601. xor eax, eax
  1602. mov ebx, dword ptr cs:pm32_info ; also mem_ptr
  1603. mov ecx, dword ptr cs:mem_free
  1604. mov edx, ebx
  1605. add ebx, 0Fh
  1606. and bl, 0F0h
  1607. mov esi, ebx
  1608. sub esi, edx
  1609. add esi, 10h
  1610. sub ecx, esi
  1611. ja short loc_10C48
  1612. mov dword ptr pm32_info[edi], eax ; also mem_ptr
  1613. mov dword ptr mem_free[edi], eax
  1614. jmp short loc_10C85
  1615. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1617. loc_10C48:
  1618. mov eax, 12345678h
  1619. mov [ebx], eax
  1620. mov [ebx+0Ch], eax
  1621. movzx eax, word ptr id32_process_id_minus2+2
  1622. mov [ebx+8], eax
  1623. mov [ebx+4], ecx
  1624. lea edx, [ebx+ecx+10h]
  1625. mov dword ptr (mem_top_minus1+1)[edi], edx
  1626. mov dword ptr pm32_info[edi], ebx ; also mem_ptr
  1627. mov dword ptr mem_free[edi], ecx
  1629. loc_10C85:
  1630. sti
  1631. jmp dxvr_init
  1632. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR pm32_init_new
  1634. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  1637. install_ints proc near
  1638. xor di, di
  1639. xor ecx, ecx
  1640. mov dx, word ptr picslave
  1642. loc_10C92:
  1643. lea eax, (intmatrix - 0FFF80000h)[ecx*4]
  1644. stosd
  1645. mov eax, 8E00h
  1646. mov bl, cl
  1647. and bl, 0F8h
  1648. test cl, 0F0h
  1649. jz short loc_10CBD
  1650. cmp bl, dl
  1651. jz short loc_10CBD
  1652. cmp bl, dh
  1653. jz short loc_10CBD
  1654. cmp cl, 2
  1655. jz short loc_10CBD
  1656. mov ax, 8F00h
  1658. loc_10CBD:
  1659. stosd
  1660. inc cl
  1661. jnz short loc_10C92
  1662. mov word ptr es:108h, offset int21h_pm
  1663. mov word ptr es:188h, offset int31h_pm
  1664. push ds
  1665. push es
  1666. push ds
  1667. pop es
  1668. assume es:KERNEL
  1669. xor ax, ax
  1670. mov ds, ax
  1671. assume ds:nothing
  1672. mov di, (offset irqtabrm_minus1+1)
  1673. movzx si, dh
  1674. shl si, 2
  1675. mov cx, 8
  1676. rep movsd
  1677. movzx si, dl
  1678. shl si, 2
  1679. mov cl, 8
  1680. rep movsd
  1681. mov cl, 10h
  1682. mov di, (offset exctabpm_minus3+3)
  1683. mov ax, offset excmatrix
  1685. loc_10CFB:
  1686. stosw
  1687. mov word ptr es:[di+2], 8
  1688. add di, 6
  1689. add ax, 4
  1690. loop loc_10CFB
  1691. pop es
  1692. assume es:nothing
  1693. pop ds
  1694. assume ds:KERNEL
  1695. mov ax, offset irq_fail
  1696. sub ax, offset irq_pastcall
  1697. mov di, (offset irq_atcall+1)
  1698. mov cl, 0Fh
  1700. loc_10D17:
  1701. mov [di], ax
  1702. sub ax, 4
  1703. add di, 4
  1704. loop loc_10D17
  1705. movzx dx, picmaster
  1706. call setup_irqs
  1707. movzx dx, picslave
  1708. call setup_irqs
  1709. mov ax, (offset nmi_forward - 126Ch) ; DOS32AWE addition
  1710. mov word ptr intmatrix_entry02_plus1+1, ax ; DOS32AWE addition
  1711. cmp picmaster, 10h
  1712. jnb short locret_10D44
  1713. mov ax, (offset irq_normal - 12A0h)
  1714. mov word ptr intmatrix_entry0F_plus1+1, ax
  1716. locret_10D44:
  1717. retn
  1718. install_ints endp
  1721. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  1724. setup_irqs proc near
  1725. cmp dl, 0Fh
  1726. mov ax, offset irq_tester
  1727. jbe short loc_10D50
  1728. mov ax, offset irq_normal
  1730. loc_10D50:
  1731. shl dx, 2
  1732. sub ax, offset irq_pastcall
  1733. sub ax, dx
  1734. mov di, (offset irq_atcall+1)
  1735. add di, dx
  1736. mov cl, 8
  1738. loc_10D5F:
  1739. mov [di], ax
  1740. sub ax, 4
  1741. add di, 4
  1742. loop loc_10D5F
  1743. retn
  1744. setup_irqs endp
  1747. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  1750. allocate_callbacks proc near
  1751. movzx cx, pm32_callbacks
  1752. jcxz short locret_10DB1
  1753. xor di, di
  1754. mov ax, 6866h
  1755. mov dx, kernel_code
  1756. push ds
  1757. push es
  1758. pop ds
  1760. loc_10D7D:
  1761. mov word ptr [di], 6066h
  1762. mov [di+2], ah
  1763. mov word ptr [di+3], 0
  1764. mov [di+5], ax
  1765. mov byte ptr [di+0Bh], 0B9h ; '¹'
  1766. mov [di+0Eh], ax
  1767. mov byte ptr [di+14h], 0EAh ; 'ê'
  1768. mov word ptr [di+15h], offset callback
  1769. mov [di+17h], dx
  1770. add di, 19h
  1771. loop loc_10D7D
  1772. pop ds
  1773. add di, 0Fh
  1774. shr di, 4
  1775. mov ax, es
  1776. add ax, di
  1777. mov es, ax
  1778. assume es:nothing
  1780. locret_10DB1:
  1781. retn
  1782. allocate_callbacks endp
  1785. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  1788. vxr_initsetdsc proc near
  1789. push ax
  1790. movzx eax, ax
  1791. shl eax, 4
  1792. mov es:[bx], cx
  1793. mov es:[bx+2], eax
  1794. mov es:[bx+5], dx
  1795. add bx, 8
  1796. pop ax
  1797. retn
  1798. vxr_initsetdsc endp
  1801. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  1804. xms_allocmem proc near
  1805. push edi
  1806. mov edi, edx
  1807. mov ah, 89h ; '‰'
  1808. call xms_call
  1809. cmp ax, 1
  1810. jz short loc_10DE4
  1811. mov dx, di
  1812. mov ah, 9
  1813. call xms_call
  1815. loc_10DE4:
  1816. pop edi
  1817. retn
  1818. xms_allocmem endp
  1821. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  1824. int21h_pm proc near
  1825. cmp ah, 4Ch ; 'L'
  1826. jnz short @@done
  1827. cli
  1828. cld
  1829. push ax
  1830. mov ds, cs:seldata
  1831. assume ds:nothing
  1832. mov es, word ptr ds:2Ch
  1833. assume es:nothing, ds:KERNEL
  1834. mov eax, dword ptr oldcr0
  1835. mov cr0, eax
  1836. mov eax, dword ptr oldint1Bh_and_1Ch+1
  1837. mov es:6Ch, eax
  1838. mov eax, dword ptr oldNMI ; DOS32AWE ADDITION
  1839. mov es:8, eax ; DOS32AWE ADDITION
  1840. mov eax, dword ptr oldint1Bh_and_1Ch+5
  1841. mov es:70h, eax
  1842. mov eax, dword ptr oldint21h
  1843. mov es:84h, eax
  1844. mov eax, dword ptr oldint23h_minus1+1
  1845. mov es:8Ch, eax
  1846. mov eax, dword ptr oldint24h
  1847. mov es:90h, eax
  1848. mov eax, dword ptr oldint2Fh
  1849. mov es:0BCh, eax
  1850. call mem_dealloc
  1851. movzx bx, pmodetype
  1852. add bx, bx
  1853. call word ptr @@exit[bx]
  1854. pop ax
  1856. @@done:
  1857. jmp intmatrix_entry21
  1858. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1859. @@exit:
  1860. dw offset r_exit
  1861. dw offset x_exit
  1862. dw offset v_exit
  1863. dw offset d_exit
  1864. int21h_pm endp ; sp-analysis failed
  1867. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  1870. mem_dealloc proc near
  1871. cmp word ptr id32_process_id_minus2+2, 0
  1872. jz short locret_10E9F
  1873. mov esi, dword ptr pm32_info ; also mem_ptr
  1874. mov eax, dword ptr mem_free
  1875. or eax, esi
  1876. jz short locret_10E9F
  1878. @@1:
  1879. mov eax, es:[esi+4]
  1880. mov edx, es:[esi+8]
  1881. btr eax, 1Fh
  1882. cmp edx, dword ptr id32_process_id_minus2+2
  1883. jnz short @@2
  1884. mov es:[esi+4], eax
  1886. @@2:
  1887. lea esi, [esi+eax+10h]
  1888. cmp esi, dword ptr mem_top_minus1+1
  1889. jb short @@1
  1890. push ds
  1891. push es
  1892. pop ds
  1893. call int31_linkfreeblocks
  1894. pop ds
  1896. locret_10E9F:
  1897. retn
  1898. mem_dealloc endp
  1901. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  1904. r_exit proc near
  1905. mov eax, dword ptr oldint15h+1
  1906. mov es:54h, eax
  1907. retn
  1908. r_exit endp
  1911. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  1914. x_exit proc near
  1915. call xms_dealloc
  1916. mov ah, A20_state
  1917. and ah, 1
  1918. xor ah, 1
  1919. add ah, 3
  1920. jmp short xms_call_pm
  1921. x_exit endp
  1924. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  1927. v_exit proc near
  1928. mov cx, vcpi_allocmem
  1929. mov esi, dword ptr pagetablefree
  1930. jcxz short xms_dealloc
  1932. loc_10EC7:
  1933. mov edx, es:[esi]
  1934. add esi, 4
  1935. and dx, 0F000h
  1936. mov ax, 0DE05h
  1937. call large [fword ptr vcpi_calleip]
  1938. loop loc_10EC7
  1939. mov eax, vcpi_cr3
  1940. mov cr3, eax
  1941. v_exit endp ; sp-analysis failed
  1944. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  1947. xms_dealloc proc near
  1948. mov dx, xms_handle
  1949. test dx, dx
  1950. jz short d_exit
  1951. mov ah, 0Dh
  1952. call xms_call_pm
  1953. mov ah, 0Ah
  1954. xms_dealloc endp ; sp-analysis failed
  1957. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  1960. xms_call_pm proc near
  1962. var_1E = word ptr -1Eh
  1963. var_16 = word ptr -16h
  1964. var_12 = word ptr -12h
  1965. var_8 = dword ptr -8
  1966. var_4 = dword ptr -4
  1968. push ss
  1969. pop es
  1970. sub esp, 32h
  1971. mov edi, esp
  1972. xor ecx, ecx
  1973. mov [esp+32h+var_1E], dx
  1974. mov [esp+32h+var_16], ax
  1975. mov eax, xms_call
  1976. mov [esp+32h+var_12], cx
  1977. mov [esp+32h+var_4], ecx
  1978. mov [esp+32h+var_8], eax
  1979. xor bx, bx
  1980. mov ax, 301h
  1981. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  1983. ; CX = number of words to copy from protected mode to real mode stack
  1984. ; ES:DI / ES:EDI = selector:offset of real mode call structure
  1985. ; Return: CF set on error
  1986. ; CF clear if successful
  1987. add esp, 32h
  1989. d_exit:
  1990. retn
  1991. xms_call_pm endp
  1994. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  1997. NMI_rm proc far
  1998. push ax ; DOS32AWE ADDITION BEGIN
  1999. pushf
  2000. call dword ptr cs:oldNMI
  2001. xor al, al
  2002. out 70h, al ; CMOS Memory:
  2003. ; used by real-time clock
  2004. pop ax
  2005. iret ; DOS32AWE ADDITION END
  2006. NMI_rm endp
  2009. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  2012. int15h_rm proc far
  2013. cmp ah, 88h ; 'ˆ'
  2014. jz short @@1
  2015. cmp ax, 0E801h
  2016. jz short @@err
  2017. cmp ax, 0E820h
  2018. jz short @@err
  2019. jmp dword ptr cs:oldint15h+1
  2020. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2022. @@1:
  2023. pushf
  2024. call dword ptr cs:oldint15h+1
  2025. sub ax, word ptr cs:mem_used ; also base of real mode alias table
  2026. jnb short loc_10F5B
  2027. xor ax, ax
  2029. loc_10F5B:
  2030. push bp
  2031. mov bp, sp
  2032. and byte ptr [bp+6], 0FEh
  2033. pop bp
  2034. iret
  2035. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2037. @@err:
  2038. push bp
  2039. mov bp, sp
  2040. or byte ptr [bp+6], 1
  2041. pop bp
  2042. iret
  2043. int15h_rm endp
  2046. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  2049. int21h_rm proc far
  2050. cmp byte ptr cs:pagetablebase_minus5+3, 0 ; also id32_tsrmode - 3
  2051. ; also id32_spawned_id - 1
  2052. jnz short loc_10F91
  2053. cmp ax, 0FF88h
  2054. jz short loc_10FD6
  2055. cmp byte ptr cs:pagetablebase_minus5+1, 0 ; also id32_tsrmode - 3
  2056. ; also id32_spawned_id - 1
  2057. jnz short loc_10F91
  2058. cmp ah, 4Ch ; 'L'
  2059. jz short int21h_exit
  2060. cmp ah, 4Bh ; 'K'
  2061. jz short int21h_spawn
  2062. cmp ah, 31h ; '1'
  2063. jz short int21h_tsr
  2065. loc_10F91:
  2066. jmp dword ptr cs:oldint21h
  2067. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2069. int21h_exit:
  2070. cli
  2071. mov bp, ax
  2072. mov al, 80h ; '€'
  2073. out 70h, al ; CMOS Memory:
  2074. ;
  2075. mov ax, 10h
  2076. mov cx, ax
  2077. mov dx, 18h
  2078. mov ebx, dword ptr cs:pmstackbase_and_top+4
  2079. mov si, 8
  2080. mov edi, offset @@1
  2081. jmp cs:rmtopmswrout
  2082. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2084. @@1:
  2085. mov ax, bp
  2086. jmp int21h_pm
  2087. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2089. int21h_spawn: ; also id32_tsrmode - 3
  2090. mov byte ptr cs:pagetablebase_minus5+1, 1 ; also id32_spawned_id - 1
  2091. pushf
  2092. call dword ptr cs:oldint21h
  2093. mov byte ptr cs:pagetablebase_minus5+1, 0 ; also id32_tsrmode - 3
  2094. ; also id32_spawned_id - 1
  2095. pop bx
  2096. pop cx
  2097. pop dx
  2098. push cx
  2099. push bx
  2100. retf
  2101. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2103. loc_10FD6:
  2104. mov eax, 'ID32'
  2105. movzx ebx, cs:client_version
  2106. mov ecx, dword ptr cs:mem_free
  2107. mov edx, dword ptr cs:pm32_info ; also mem_ptr
  2108. mov si, word ptr cs:id32_process_id_minus2+2
  2109. shl esi, 10h
  2110. movzx si, cs:pagetables
  2111. mov edi, dword ptr cs:pagetablefree
  2112. iret
  2113. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2115. int21h_tsr: ; also id32_tsrmode - 3
  2116. mov byte ptr cs:pagetablebase_minus5+3, 1 ; also id32_spawned_id - 1
  2117. jmp dword ptr cs:oldint21h
  2118. int21h_rm endp ; sp-analysis failed
  2121. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  2124. int1Bh proc near
  2125. call intold_save
  2126. int 1Bh ; CTRL-BREAK KEY
  2127. mov ax, 6
  2128. jmp intold_restore
  2129. int1Bh endp
  2132. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  2135. int1Ch proc near
  2136. call intold_save
  2137. push ds
  2138. mov ds, cs:selzero
  2139. mov eax, dword ptr cs:oldint1Bh_and_1Ch+5
  2140. assume ds:nothing
  2141. mov ds:70h, eax
  2142. pop ds
  2143. assume ds:KERNEL
  2144. int 1Ch ; CLOCK TICK
  2145. push ds
  2146. mov ds, cs:selzero
  2147. mov eax, dword ptr cs:newint1Ch+1
  2148. assume ds:nothing
  2149. mov ds:70h, eax
  2150. pop ds
  2151. assume ds:KERNEL
  2152. mov ax, 6
  2153. jmp intold_restore
  2154. int1Ch endp
  2157. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  2160. int23h proc near
  2161. call intold_save
  2162. clc
  2163. mov ebp, esp
  2164. int 23h ; DOS - CONTROL "C" EXIT ADDRESS
  2165. ; Return: return via RETF 2 with CF set
  2166. ; DOS will abort program with errorlevel 0
  2167. ; else
  2168. ; interrupted DOS call continues
  2169. mov esp, ebp
  2170. setb ah
  2171. mov al, es:[edi+20h]
  2172. and al, 0FEh
  2173. add al, ah
  2174. mov es:[edi+20h], al
  2175. mov ax, 4
  2176. jmp short intold_restore
  2177. int23h endp
  2179. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2181. int24h:
  2182. call intold_save
  2183. push edi
  2184. push large dword ptr [esi+1Ah]
  2185. push large dword ptr [esi+16h]
  2186. push large dword ptr [esi+12h]
  2187. push large dword ptr [esi+0Eh]
  2188. push large dword ptr [esi+0Ah]
  2189. push large dword ptr [esi+6]
  2190. mov ax, es:[edi+1Ch]
  2191. mov bp, es:[edi+8]
  2192. mov si, es:[edi+4]
  2193. mov di, es:[edi]
  2195. ; Automatically called upon detection of unrecoverable I/O error.
  2196. add esp, 18h
  2197. pop edi
  2198. mov es:[edi+1Ch], al
  2199. mov ax, 6
  2200. jmp short intold_restore
  2202. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  2205. intold_save proc near
  2206. pop bp
  2207. mov ax, [esi+4]
  2208. mov es:[edi+20h], ax
  2209. mov eax, [esi]
  2210. mov es:[edi+2Ah], eax
  2211. push es
  2212. push edi
  2213. jmp bp
  2214. intold_save endp
  2217. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  2220. intold_restore proc near
  2221. pop edi
  2222. pop es
  2223. add es:[edi+2Eh], ax
  2224. iretd
  2225. intold_restore endp ; sp-analysis failed
  2228. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  2231. enable_A20 proc near
  2232. pushf
  2233. cli
  2234. mov al, 80h ; '€'
  2235. out 70h, al ; CMOS Memory:
  2236. ;
  2237. call enablea20test
  2238. setz al
  2239. mov A20_state, al
  2240. jz short @@done
  2241. in al, 92h ; try PS/2 like "fast A20 gate"
  2242. or al, 2
  2243. jmp short $+2
  2244. jmp short $+2
  2245. jmp short $+2
  2246. out 92h, al
  2247. call enablea20test
  2248. jz short @@done
  2249. call enablea20kbwait
  2250. jnz short loc_1110A
  2251. mov al, 0D1h ; 'Ñ'
  2252. out 64h, al ; AT Keyboard controller 8042.
  2253. call enablea20kbwait
  2254. jnz short loc_1110A
  2255. mov al, 0DFh ; 'ß'
  2256. out 60h, al ; AT Keyboard controller 8042.
  2257. call enablea20kbwait
  2259. loc_1110A:
  2260. mov cx, 800h
  2262. loc_1110D:
  2263. call enablea20test
  2264. jz short @@done
  2265. in al, 40h ; Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2).
  2266. jmp short $+2
  2267. jmp short $+2
  2268. jmp short $+2
  2269. in al, 40h ; Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2).
  2270. mov ah, al
  2272. loc_1111E: ; Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2).
  2273. in al, 40h
  2274. jmp short $+2
  2275. jmp short $+2
  2276. jmp short $+2
  2277. in al, 40h ; Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2).
  2278. cmp al, ah
  2279. jz short loc_1111E
  2280. loop loc_1110D
  2281. popf
  2282. stc
  2283. retn
  2284. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2286. @@done:
  2287. popf
  2288. clc
  2289. retn
  2290. enable_A20 endp
  2293. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  2296. enablea20kbwait proc near
  2297. xor cx, cx
  2299. loc_11136:
  2300. jmp short $+2
  2301. jmp short $+2
  2302. jmp short $+2
  2303. in al, 64h ; AT Keyboard controller 8042.
  2304. test al, 2
  2305. loopne loc_11136
  2306. retn
  2307. enablea20kbwait endp
  2310. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  2313. enablea20test proc near
  2314. push fs
  2315. push gs
  2316. xor ax, ax
  2317. mov fs, ax
  2318. assume fs:nothing
  2319. dec ax
  2320. mov gs, ax
  2321. assume gs:nothing
  2322. mov al, fs:0
  2323. mov ah, al
  2324. not al
  2325. xchg al, gs:10h
  2326. cmp ah, fs:0
  2327. mov gs:10h, al
  2328. pop gs
  2329. pop fs
  2330. assume fs:nothing
  2331. retn
  2332. enablea20test endp
  2334. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2335. align 4
  2337. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  2340. v_rmtopmsw proc near
  2341. pushf
  2342. mov ds, cs:kernel_code
  2343. pop word ptr @@v1a+1
  2344. mov word ptr tempw1, ax
  2345. mov al, 80h ; DOS32AWE ADDITION: block NMI & IRQ during mode switch
  2346. out 70h, al ; DOS32AWE ADDITION
  2347. cli ; DOS32AWE ADDITION
  2348. mov word ptr tempw2_aka_tempd1+1, si
  2349. mov esi, vcpistrucaddx
  2350. mov ax, 0DE0Ch
  2351. int 67h ; - LIM EMS Program Interface - SWITCH TO PROTECTED MODE
  2352. ; ESI = linear address in first megabyte of values for system registers
  2353. ; Return: interrupts disabled
  2354. ; GDTR, IDTR, LDTR, TR loaded
  2356. v_rmtopmswpm:
  2357. mov ss, dx
  2358. mov esp, ebx
  2359. mov ds, word ptr cs:tempw1
  2360. assume ds:nothing
  2361. mov es, cx
  2362. xor ax, ax
  2363. mov fs, ax
  2364. assume fs:nothing
  2365. mov gs, ax
  2366. assume gs:nothing
  2367. pushfd
  2368. mov ax, word ptr cs:@@v1a+1
  2369. and ah, 0Fh
  2370. mov [esp], ax
  2371. push large [dword ptr cs:tempw2_aka_tempd1+1]
  2372. push edi
  2373. xor al, al ; DOS32AWE ADDITION: unblock NMI after mode switch.
  2374. out 70h, al ; DOS32AWE ADDITION: IRQs will be unblocked by IRET
  2375. iretd
  2376. v_rmtopmsw endp
  2378. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2379. align 4
  2381. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  2384. v_pmtormsw proc far
  2385. pushf
  2386. cli
  2387. push ax
  2388. mov al, 80h ; DOS32AWE ADDITON: block NMI during mode switch
  2389. out 70h, al ; DOS32AWE ADDITION
  2390. mov ds, cs:selzero
  2391. assume ds:KERNEL
  2392. movzx ebx, bx
  2393. mov eax, cs:vcpiswitchstack
  2394. movzx edx, dx
  2395. mov dword ptr [eax+20h], 0
  2396. movzx ecx, cx
  2397. mov dword ptr [eax+1Ch], 0
  2398. mov [eax+14h], ecx
  2399. pop cx
  2400. mov [eax+18h], ecx
  2401. mov [eax+10h], edx
  2402. mov [eax+0Ch], ebx
  2403. mov dword ptr [eax+4], seg KERNEL
  2404. mov dword ptr [eax], offset @@0
  2405. pop bx
  2406. mov ss, cs:selzero
  2407. mov esp, eax
  2408. mov ax, 0DE0Ch
  2409. call large [fword ptr cs:vcpi_calleip]
  2411. @@0:
  2412. push bx
  2413. push si
  2414. push di ; DOS32AWE possible bug:
  2415. ; not unblocking NMI during real mode execution.
  2416. ; might be intentional to avoid NMI handling issues, though, but is different in non-VCPI path.
  2417. ; might be the cause why memory managers are incompatible
  2418. ; might be intentional to prevent use with memory managers.
  2419. iret
  2420. v_pmtormsw endp ; sp-analysis failed
  2422. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2423. align 4
  2425. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  2427. ; Attributes: noreturn
  2429. xr_rmtopmsw proc near
  2430. pushfd
  2431. cli
  2432. push ax
  2433. mov al, 80h ; DOS32AWE ADDITON: block NMI during mode switch
  2434. out 70h, al ; DOS32AWE ADDITION
  2435. lidt fword ptr cs:idtlimit
  2436. lgdt fword ptr cs:gdtlimit
  2437. mov eax, cr0
  2438. or al, 1
  2439. mov cr0, eax
  2440. jmp far ptr loc_11249 ; uses selector 8
  2442. loc_11249:
  2443. pop ds
  2444. mov es, cx
  2445. xor ax, ax
  2446. mov fs, ax
  2447. mov gs, ax
  2448. pop eax
  2449. mov ss, dx
  2450. mov esp, ebx
  2451. and ah, 0BFh
  2452. push ax
  2453. popf
  2454. push eax
  2455. push esi
  2456. push edi
  2457. xor al, al ; DOS32AWE ADDITON: unblock NMI after mode switch
  2458. out 70h, al ; DOS32AWE ADDITION
  2459. iretd
  2460. xr_rmtopmsw endp
  2462. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2463. align 4
  2465. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  2468. xr_pmtormsw proc far
  2469. pushf
  2470. cli
  2471. push ax
  2472. mov al, 80h ; DOS32AWE ADDITON: block NMI during mode switch
  2473. out 70h, al ; DOS32AWE ADDITION
  2474. mov ds, cs:seldata
  2475. assume ds:nothing
  2476. pop word ptr ds:@@v1a+1
  2477. pop word ptr ds:tempw1
  2478. mov ax, 10h
  2479. mov ds, ax
  2480. mov es, ax
  2481. assume es:nothing
  2482. mov fs, ax
  2483. assume fs:nothing
  2484. mov gs, ax
  2485. assume gs:nothing
  2486. mov ss, ax
  2487. assume ss:nothing
  2488. movzx esp, bx
  2489. lidt fword ptr ds:rmidtlimit
  2490. mov eax, cr0
  2491. and al, 0FEh
  2492. mov cr0, eax
  2493. jmp loc_112A3
  2495. loc_112A3:
  2496. mov ss, dx
  2497. assume ss:nothing
  2498. mov ds, word ptr cs:@@v1a+1
  2499. assume ds:KERNEL
  2500. mov es, cx
  2501. assume es:nothing
  2502. xor ax, ax
  2503. mov fs, ax
  2504. assume fs:nothing
  2505. mov gs, ax
  2506. assume gs:nothing
  2507. push word ptr cs:tempw1
  2508. push si
  2509. push di
  2510. out 70h, al ; DOS32AWE ADDITON: unblock NMI after mode switch
  2511. iret
  2512. xr_pmtormsw endp ; sp-analysis failed
  2514. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2516. prefixed_retf:
  2517. db 66h
  2518. retf
  2519. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2520. align 4
  2522. intmatrix:
  2523. push ax
  2525. irq_atcall:
  2526. call int_main
  2527. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2529. irq_pastcall:
  2530. push ax
  2531. call int_main
  2532. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2533. push ax
  2535. intmatrix_entry02_plus1:
  2536. call int_main
  2537. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2538. push ax
  2539. call int_main
  2540. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2541. push ax
  2542. call int_main
  2543. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2544. push ax
  2545. call int_main
  2546. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2547. push ax
  2548. call int_main
  2549. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2550. push ax
  2551. call int_main
  2552. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2553. push ax
  2554. call int_main
  2555. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2556. push ax
  2557. call int_main
  2558. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2559. push ax
  2560. call int_main
  2561. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2562. push ax
  2563. call int_main
  2564. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2565. push ax
  2566. call int_main
  2567. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2568. push ax
  2569. call int_main
  2570. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2571. push ax
  2572. call int_main
  2573. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2574. push ax
  2576. intmatrix_entry0F_plus1:
  2577. call int_main
  2578. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2579. push ax
  2580. call int_main
  2581. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2582. push ax
  2583. call int_main
  2584. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2585. push ax
  2586. call int_main
  2587. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2588. push ax
  2589. call int_main
  2590. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2591. push ax
  2592. call int_main
  2593. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2594. push ax
  2595. call int_main
  2596. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2597. push ax
  2598. call int_main
  2599. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2600. push ax
  2601. call int_main
  2602. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2603. push ax
  2604. call int_main
  2605. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2606. push ax
  2607. call int_main
  2608. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2609. push ax
  2610. call int_main
  2611. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2612. push ax
  2613. call int_main
  2614. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2615. push ax
  2616. call int_main
  2617. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2618. push ax
  2619. call int_main
  2620. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2621. push ax
  2622. call int_main
  2623. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2624. push ax
  2625. call int_main
  2626. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2627. push ax
  2628. call int_main
  2629. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2631. intmatrix_entry21:
  2632. push ax
  2633. call int_main
  2634. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2635. push ax
  2636. call int_main
  2637. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2638. push ax
  2639. call int_main
  2640. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2641. push ax
  2642. call int_main
  2643. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2644. push ax
  2645. call int_main
  2646. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2647. push ax
  2648. call int_main
  2649. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2650. push ax
  2651. call int_main
  2652. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2653. push ax
  2654. call int_main
  2655. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2656. push ax
  2657. call int_main
  2658. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2659. push ax
  2660. call int_main
  2661. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2662. push ax
  2663. call int_main
  2664. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2665. push ax
  2666. call int_main
  2667. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2668. push ax
  2669. call int_main
  2670. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2671. push ax
  2672. call int_main
  2673. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2674. push ax
  2675. call int_main
  2676. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2677. push ax
  2678. call int_main
  2679. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2680. push ax
  2681. call int_main
  2682. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2683. push ax
  2684. call int_main
  2685. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2686. push ax
  2687. call int_main
  2688. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2689. push ax
  2690. call int_main
  2691. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2692. push ax
  2693. call int_main
  2694. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2695. push ax
  2696. call int_main
  2697. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2698. push ax
  2699. call int_main
  2700. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2701. push ax
  2702. call int_main
  2703. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2704. push ax
  2705. call int_main
  2706. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2707. push ax
  2708. call int_main
  2709. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2710. push ax
  2711. call int_main
  2712. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2713. push ax
  2714. call int_main
  2715. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2716. push ax
  2717. call int_main
  2718. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2719. push ax
  2720. call int_main
  2721. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2722. push ax
  2723. call int_main
  2724. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2725. push ax
  2726. call int_main
  2727. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2728. push ax
  2729. call int_main
  2730. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2731. push ax
  2732. call int_main
  2733. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2734. push ax
  2735. call int_main
  2736. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2737. push ax
  2738. call int_main
  2739. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2740. push ax
  2741. call int_main
  2742. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2743. push ax
  2744. call int_main
  2745. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2746. push ax
  2747. call int_main
  2748. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2749. push ax
  2750. call int_main
  2751. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2752. push ax
  2753. call int_main
  2754. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2755. push ax
  2756. call int_main
  2757. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2758. push ax
  2759. call int_main
  2760. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2761. push ax
  2762. call int_main
  2763. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2764. push ax
  2765. call int_main
  2766. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2767. push ax
  2768. call int_main
  2769. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2770. push ax
  2771. call int_main
  2772. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2773. push ax
  2774. call int_main
  2775. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2776. push ax
  2777. call int_main
  2778. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2779. push ax
  2780. call int_main
  2781. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2782. push ax
  2783. call int_main
  2784. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2785. push ax
  2786. call int_main
  2787. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2788. push ax
  2789. call int_main
  2790. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2791. push ax
  2792. call int_main
  2793. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2794. push ax
  2795. call int_main
  2796. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2797. push ax
  2798. call int_main
  2799. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2800. push ax
  2801. call int_main
  2802. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2803. push ax
  2804. call int_main
  2805. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2806. push ax
  2807. call int_main
  2808. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2809. push ax
  2810. call int_main
  2811. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2812. push ax
  2813. call int_main
  2814. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2815. push ax
  2816. call int_main
  2817. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2818. push ax
  2819. call int_main
  2820. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2821. push ax
  2822. call int_main
  2823. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2824. push ax
  2825. call int_main
  2826. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2827. push ax
  2828. call int_main
  2829. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2830. push ax
  2831. call int_main
  2832. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2833. push ax
  2834. call int_main
  2835. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2836. push ax
  2837. call int_main
  2838. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2839. push ax
  2840. call int_main
  2841. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2842. push ax
  2843. call int_main
  2844. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2845. push ax
  2846. call int_main
  2847. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2848. push ax
  2849. call int_main
  2850. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2851. push ax
  2852. call int_main
  2853. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2854. push ax
  2855. call int_main
  2856. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2857. push ax
  2858. call int_main
  2859. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2860. push ax
  2861. call int_main
  2862. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2863. push ax
  2864. call int_main
  2865. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2866. push ax
  2867. call int_main
  2868. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2869. push ax
  2870. call int_main
  2871. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2872. push ax
  2873. call int_main
  2874. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2875. push ax
  2876. call int_main
  2877. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2878. push ax
  2879. call int_main
  2880. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2881. push ax
  2882. call int_main
  2883. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2884. push ax
  2885. call int_main
  2886. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2887. push ax
  2888. call int_main
  2889. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2890. push ax
  2891. call int_main
  2892. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2893. push ax
  2894. call int_main
  2895. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2896. push ax
  2897. call int_main
  2898. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2899. push ax
  2900. call int_main
  2901. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2902. push ax
  2903. call int_main
  2904. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2905. push ax
  2906. call int_main
  2907. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2908. push ax
  2909. call int_main
  2910. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2911. push ax
  2912. call int_main
  2913. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2914. push ax
  2915. call int_main
  2916. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2917. push ax
  2918. call int_main
  2919. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2920. push ax
  2921. call int_main
  2922. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2923. push ax
  2924. call int_main
  2925. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2926. push ax
  2927. call int_main
  2928. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2929. push ax
  2930. call int_main
  2931. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2932. push ax
  2933. call int_main
  2934. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2935. push ax
  2936. call int_main
  2937. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2938. push ax
  2939. call int_main
  2940. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2941. push ax
  2942. call int_main
  2943. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2944. push ax
  2945. call int_main
  2946. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2947. push ax
  2948. call int_main
  2949. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2950. push ax
  2951. call int_main
  2952. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2953. push ax
  2954. call int_main
  2955. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2956. push ax
  2957. call int_main
  2958. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2959. push ax
  2960. call int_main
  2961. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2962. push ax
  2963. call int_main
  2964. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2965. push ax
  2966. call int_main
  2967. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2968. push ax
  2969. call int_main
  2970. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2971. push ax
  2972. call int_main
  2973. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2974. push ax
  2975. call int_main
  2976. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2977. push ax
  2978. call int_main
  2979. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2980. push ax
  2981. call int_main
  2982. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2983. push ax
  2984. call int_main
  2985. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2986. push ax
  2987. call int_main
  2988. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2989. push ax
  2990. call int_main
  2991. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2992. push ax
  2993. call int_main
  2994. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2995. push ax
  2996. call int_main
  2997. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2998. push ax
  2999. call int_main
  3000. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3001. push ax
  3002. call int_main
  3003. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3004. push ax
  3005. call int_main
  3006. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3007. push ax
  3008. call int_main
  3009. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3010. push ax
  3011. call int_main
  3012. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3013. push ax
  3014. call int_main
  3015. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3016. push ax
  3017. call int_main
  3018. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3019. push ax
  3020. call int_main
  3021. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3022. push ax
  3023. call int_main
  3024. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3025. push ax
  3026. call int_main
  3027. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3028. push ax
  3029. call int_main
  3030. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3031. push ax
  3032. call int_main
  3033. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3034. push ax
  3035. call int_main
  3036. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3037. push ax
  3038. call int_main
  3039. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3040. push ax
  3041. call int_main
  3042. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3043. push ax
  3044. call int_main
  3045. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3046. push ax
  3047. call int_main
  3048. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3049. push ax
  3050. call int_main
  3051. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3052. push ax
  3053. call int_main
  3054. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3055. push ax
  3056. call int_main
  3057. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3058. push ax
  3059. call int_main
  3060. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3061. push ax
  3062. call int_main
  3063. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3064. push ax
  3065. call int_main
  3066. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3067. push ax
  3068. call int_main
  3069. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3070. push ax
  3071. call int_main
  3072. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3073. push ax
  3074. call int_main
  3075. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3076. push ax
  3077. call int_main
  3078. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3079. push ax
  3080. call int_main
  3081. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3082. push ax
  3083. call int_main
  3084. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3085. push ax
  3086. call int_main
  3087. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3088. push ax
  3089. call int_main
  3090. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3091. push ax
  3092. call int_main
  3093. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3094. push ax
  3095. call int_main
  3096. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3097. push ax
  3098. call int_main
  3099. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3100. push ax
  3101. call int_main
  3102. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3103. push ax
  3104. call int_main
  3105. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3106. push ax
  3107. call int_main
  3108. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3109. push ax
  3110. call int_main
  3111. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3112. push ax
  3113. call int_main
  3114. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3115. push ax
  3116. call int_main
  3117. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3118. push ax
  3119. call int_main
  3120. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3121. push ax
  3122. call int_main
  3123. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3124. push ax
  3125. call int_main
  3126. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3127. push ax
  3128. call int_main
  3129. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3130. push ax
  3131. call int_main
  3132. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3133. push ax
  3134. call int_main
  3135. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3136. push ax
  3137. call int_main
  3138. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3139. push ax
  3140. call int_main
  3141. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3142. push ax
  3143. call int_main
  3144. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3145. push ax
  3146. call int_main
  3147. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3148. push ax
  3149. call int_main
  3150. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3151. push ax
  3152. call int_main
  3153. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3154. push ax
  3155. call int_main
  3156. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3157. push ax
  3158. call int_main
  3159. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3160. push ax
  3161. call int_main
  3162. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3163. push ax
  3164. call int_main
  3165. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3166. push ax
  3167. call int_main
  3168. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3169. push ax
  3170. call int_main
  3171. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3172. push ax
  3173. call int_main
  3174. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3175. push ax
  3176. call int_main
  3177. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3178. push ax
  3179. call int_main
  3180. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3181. push ax
  3182. call int_main
  3183. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3184. push ax
  3185. call int_main
  3186. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3187. push ax
  3188. call int_main
  3189. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3190. push ax
  3191. call int_main
  3192. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3193. push ax
  3194. call int_main
  3195. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3196. push ax
  3197. call int_main
  3198. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3199. push ax
  3200. call int_main
  3201. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3202. push ax
  3203. call int_main
  3204. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3205. push ax
  3206. call int_main
  3207. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3208. push ax
  3209. call int_main
  3210. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3211. push ax
  3212. call int_main
  3213. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3214. push ax
  3215. call int_main
  3216. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3217. push ax
  3218. call int_main
  3219. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3220. push ax
  3221. call int_main
  3222. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3223. push ax
  3224. call int_main
  3225. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3226. push ax
  3227. call int_main
  3228. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3229. push ax
  3230. call int_main
  3231. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3232. push ax
  3233. call int_main
  3234. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3235. push ax
  3236. call int_main
  3237. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3238. push ax
  3239. call int_main
  3240. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3241. push ax
  3242. call int_main
  3243. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3244. push ax
  3245. call int_main
  3246. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3247. push ax
  3248. call int_main
  3249. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3250. push ax
  3251. call int_main
  3252. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3253. push ax
  3254. call int_main
  3255. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3256. push ax
  3257. call int_main
  3258. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3259. push ax
  3260. call int_main
  3261. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3262. push ax
  3263. call int_main
  3264. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3265. push ax
  3266. call int_main
  3267. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3268. push ax
  3269. call int_main
  3270. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3271. push ax
  3272. call int_main
  3273. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3274. push ax
  3275. call int_main
  3276. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3277. push ax
  3278. call int_main
  3279. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3280. push ax
  3281. call int_main
  3282. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3283. push ax
  3284. call int_main
  3285. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3286. push ax
  3287. call int_main
  3288. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3289. push ax
  3290. call int_main
  3291. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3292. push ax
  3293. call int_main
  3294. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3295. push ax
  3296. call int_main
  3297. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3298. push ax
  3299. call int_main
  3300. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3302. std_matrix:
  3303. push ax
  3304. call irq_standard
  3305. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3306. push ax
  3307. call irq_standard
  3308. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3309. push ax
  3310. call irq_standard
  3311. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3312. push ax
  3313. call irq_standard
  3314. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3315. push ax
  3316. call irq_standard
  3317. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3318. push ax
  3319. call irq_standard
  3320. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3321. push ax
  3322. call irq_standard
  3323. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3324. push ax
  3325. call irq_standard
  3326. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3327. push ax
  3328. call irq_standard
  3329. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3330. push ax
  3331. call irq_standard
  3332. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3333. push ax
  3334. call irq_standard
  3335. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3336. push ax
  3337. call irq_standard
  3338. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3339. push ax
  3340. call irq_standard
  3341. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3342. push ax
  3343. call irq_standard
  3344. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3345. push ax
  3346. call irq_standard
  3347. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3348. push ax
  3349. call irq_standard
  3350. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3352. back_matrix:
  3353. push ax
  3354. call near ptr irq_callback
  3355. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3356. push ax
  3357. call near ptr irq_callback
  3358. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3359. push ax
  3360. call near ptr irq_callback
  3361. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3362. push ax
  3363. call near ptr irq_callback
  3364. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3365. push ax
  3366. call near ptr irq_callback
  3367. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3368. push ax
  3369. call near ptr irq_callback
  3370. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3371. push ax
  3372. call near ptr irq_callback
  3373. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3374. push ax
  3375. call near ptr irq_callback
  3376. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3377. push ax
  3378. call near ptr irq_callback
  3379. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3380. push ax
  3381. call near ptr irq_callback
  3382. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3383. push ax
  3384. call near ptr irq_callback
  3385. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3386. push ax
  3387. call near ptr irq_callback
  3388. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3389. push ax
  3390. call near ptr irq_callback
  3391. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3392. push ax
  3393. call near ptr irq_callback
  3394. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3395. push ax
  3396. call near ptr irq_callback
  3397. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3398. push ax
  3399. call near ptr irq_callback
  3400. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3402. excmatrix:
  3403. push ax
  3404. call exc_handler
  3405. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3406. push ax
  3407. call exc_handler
  3408. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3409. push ax
  3410. call exc_handler
  3411. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3412. push ax
  3413. call exc_handler
  3414. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3415. push ax
  3416. call exc_handler
  3417. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3418. push ax
  3419. call exc_handler
  3420. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3421. push ax
  3422. call exc_handler
  3423. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3424. push ax
  3425. call exc_handler
  3426. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3427. push ax
  3428. call exc_handler
  3429. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3430. push ax
  3431. call exc_handler
  3432. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3433. push ax
  3434. call exc_handler
  3435. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3436. push ax
  3437. call exc_handler
  3438. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3439. push ax
  3440. call exc_handler
  3441. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3442. push ax
  3443. call exc_handler
  3444. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3445. push ax
  3446. call exc_handler
  3447. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3448. push ax
  3449. call exc_handler
  3451. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  3454. critical_error_rm proc near
  3455. cli
  3456. mov ds, cs:seldata
  3457. mov es, selzero
  3458. mov eax, dword ptr oldint1Bh_and_1Ch+5
  3459. mov es:70h, eax
  3460. mov ax, word ptr rmstacktop2+1
  3461. mov word ptr rmstackbase_and_top+2, ax
  3462. mov ax, 8200h
  3463. jmp dword ptr client_call
  3464. critical_error_rm endp
  3467. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  3470. critical_error_pm proc near
  3471. cli
  3472. xor ax, ax
  3473. mov ds, cs:kernel_code
  3474. mov es, ax
  3475. assume es:nothing
  3476. mov eax, dword ptr oldint1Bh_and_1Ch+5
  3477. mov es:70h, eax
  3478. mov eax, dword ptr pmstacktop2
  3479. mov dword ptr pmstackbase_and_top+4, eax
  3480. mov ebx, eax
  3481. mov ax, 10h
  3482. mov cx, ax
  3483. mov dx, 18h
  3484. mov si, 8
  3485. mov edi, offset loc_117D3
  3486. jmp rmtopmswrout
  3487. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3489. loc_117D3:
  3490. mov ax, 8300h
  3491. jmp dword ptr client_call
  3492. critical_error_pm endp
  3495. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  3498. nmi_forward proc near
  3499. pop ax ; DOS32AWE ADDITION BEGIN
  3500. pushad
  3501. push ds
  3502. push es
  3503. push fs
  3504. push gs
  3505. mov ds, cs:seldata
  3506. movzx eax, al
  3507. mov dx, word ptr rmstackbase_and_top+2
  3508. mov bx, word ptr rmstacklen
  3509. movzx esi, dx
  3510. sub dx, bx
  3511. shl esi, 4
  3512. cmp dx, word ptr rmstackbase_and_top
  3513. jb critical_error_rm
  3514. mov word ptr rmstackbase_and_top+2, dx
  3515. shl bx, 4
  3516. mov edi, dword ptr newNMI
  3517. mov ds, selzero
  3518. mov dword ptr pm32_rmstacklen, edi
  3519. mov word ptr [esi-2], ss
  3520. mov [esi-6], esp
  3521. mov dword ptr [esi-0Ah], seg KERNEL
  3522. mov word ptr [esi-0Ch], offset @@0
  3523. shld esi, edi, 10h
  3524. sub bx, 0Ch
  3525. jmp large [cs:pmtormswrout]
  3526. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3528. @@0:
  3529. cli
  3530. mov ax, 10h
  3531. mov cx, ax
  3532. pop ebx
  3533. pop dx
  3534. mov si, 8
  3535. mov edi, offset @@1
  3536. jmp cs:rmtopmswrout
  3537. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3539. @@1:
  3540. mov ax, word ptr rmstacklen
  3541. add word ptr rmstackbase_and_top+2, ax
  3542. mov ds, selzero
  3543. pop gs
  3544. assume gs:nothing
  3545. pop fs
  3546. assume fs:nothing
  3547. pop es
  3548. assume es:nothing
  3549. pop ds
  3550. popad
  3551. pop ax
  3552. iretd ; DOS32AWE ADDITION END
  3553. nmi_forward endp
  3556. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  3558. ; Attributes: noreturn
  3560. int_main proc near
  3562. var_1E = byte ptr -1Eh
  3563. arg_0 = word ptr 2
  3564. arg_6 = word ptr 8
  3566. cli
  3567. pop ax
  3568. sub ax, offset irq_atcall
  3569. shr ax, 2
  3570. pushad
  3571. push ds
  3572. push es
  3573. push fs
  3574. push gs
  3575. mov ds, cs:seldata
  3576. inc dword ptr _pc_intpmtorm+1
  3577. mov byte ptr @@N+1, al
  3578. mov dx, word ptr rmstackbase_and_top+2
  3579. mov bx, word ptr rmstacklen
  3580. movzx esi, dx
  3581. sub dx, bx
  3582. shl esi, 4
  3583. cmp dx, word ptr rmstackbase_and_top
  3584. jb critical_error_rm
  3585. mov word ptr rmstackbase_and_top+2, dx
  3586. shl bx, 4
  3587. mov es, selzero
  3588. mov ds, selzero
  3589. lea edi, [esi-26h]
  3590. mov ecx, 8
  3591. mov word ptr [esi-2], ss
  3592. mov [esi-6], esp
  3593. lea esi, [esp+26h+var_1E]
  3594. cld
  3595. rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr ss:[esi]
  3596. mov ax, [esp+26h+arg_0]
  3597. mov [edi-4], ax
  3598. mov si, seg KERNEL
  3599. mov di, offset @@0
  3600. sub bx, 26h ; '&'
  3601. jmp large [cs:pmtormswrout]
  3602. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3604. @@0:
  3605. popad
  3607. @@N: ; - internal hardware - DIVIDE ERROR
  3608. int 0 ; Automatically called at end of DIV or IDIV operation that results in error
  3609. ; or overflow. Normally set by DOS to display an error message and abort
  3610. ; the program.
  3611. pushad
  3612. pushf
  3613. cli
  3614. xor eax, eax
  3615. mov ebp, eax
  3616. mov ax, ss
  3617. shl eax, 4
  3618. mov bp, sp
  3619. mov ebx, [bp+22h]
  3620. mov dx, [bp+26h]
  3621. add ebp, eax
  3622. mov ax, 18h
  3623. mov cx, 10h
  3624. mov si, 8
  3625. mov edi, offset @@1
  3626. jmp cs:rmtopmswrout
  3627. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3629. @@1:
  3630. inc dword ptr es:_pc_intrmtopm_minus1+1
  3631. mov ax, word ptr es:rmstacklen
  3632. add word ptr es:rmstackbase_and_top+2, ax
  3633. mov ax, ds:[ebp+0]
  3634. and ax, 8D5h
  3635. mov dx, [esp+2Ah+arg_6]
  3636. and dx, not 8D5h
  3637. or ax, dx
  3638. mov [esp+2Ah+arg_6], ax
  3639. mov eax, ebp
  3640. mov edi, [eax+2]
  3641. mov esi, [eax+6]
  3642. mov ebp, [eax+0Ah]
  3643. mov ebx, [eax+12h]
  3644. mov edx, [eax+16h]
  3645. mov ecx, [eax+1Ah]
  3646. mov eax, [eax+1Eh]
  3647. pop gs
  3648. pop fs
  3649. pop es
  3650. pop ds
  3651. add esp, 22h
  3652. iretd
  3653. int_main endp
  3656. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  3659. irq_tester proc near
  3661. var_14 = dword ptr -14h
  3662. var_10 = dword ptr -10h
  3663. var_C = dword ptr -0Ch
  3664. var_8 = dword ptr -8
  3665. var_2 = word ptr -2
  3666. arg_2 = dword ptr 4
  3667. arg_6 = dword ptr 8
  3668. arg_A = dword ptr 0Ch
  3669. arg_E = dword ptr 10h
  3671. mov al, 0Bh
  3672. out 20h, al ; Interrupt controller, 8259A.
  3673. in al, 20h ; Interrupt controller, 8259A.
  3674. test al, al
  3675. jz irq_fail
  3676. mov ax, [esp]
  3677. sub ax, offset irq_atcall
  3678. shr ax, 2
  3679. mov [esp], ax
  3680. and al, 7
  3681. bt word ptr cs:irqset_pm_minus1+1, ax
  3682. pop ax
  3683. jnb short loc_119D8
  3684. and al, 7
  3685. shl ax, 3
  3686. xchg ax, bx
  3687. sub esp, 6
  3688. mov [esp+4], ax
  3689. mov ax, word ptr cs:(irqtab_pm_minus1+1)[bx]
  3690. mov [esp], ax
  3691. mov ax, word ptr cs:(irqtab_pm_minus1+3)[bx]
  3692. mov [esp+4+var_2], ax
  3693. mov bx, word ptr cs:irqtab_pm_plus4[bx]
  3694. xchg bx, [esp+4]
  3695. mov ax, [esp+6]
  3696. db 66h
  3697. retf
  3698. irq_tester endp ; sp-analysis failed
  3701. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  3704. irq_normal proc near
  3705. pop ax
  3706. sub ax, offset irq_atcall
  3707. shr ax, 2
  3709. loc_119D8:
  3710. pushad
  3711. push ds
  3712. push es
  3713. push fs
  3714. push gs
  3715. mov ds, cs:seldata
  3716. inc dword ptr _pc_irqpmtorm
  3717. movzx eax, al
  3718. mov dx, word ptr rmstackbase_and_top+2
  3719. mov bx, word ptr rmstacklen
  3720. movzx esi, dx
  3721. sub dx, bx
  3722. shl esi, 4
  3723. cmp dx, word ptr rmstackbase_and_top
  3724. jb critical_error_rm
  3725. mov word ptr rmstackbase_and_top+2, dx
  3726. shl bx, 4
  3727. mov ds, selzero
  3728. mov edi, dword ptr pm32_mode[eax*4]
  3729. mov word ptr [esi-2], ss
  3730. mov [esi-6], esp
  3731. mov dword ptr [esi-0Ah], seg KERNEL
  3732. mov word ptr [esi-0Ch], offset @irq
  3733. shld esi, edi, 10h
  3734. sub bx, 0Ch
  3735. jmp large [cs:pmtormswrout]
  3736. irq_normal endp ; sp-analysis failed
  3739. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  3742. irq_fail proc near
  3744. var_14 = dword ptr -14h
  3745. var_10 = dword ptr -10h
  3746. var_C = dword ptr -0Ch
  3747. var_8 = dword ptr -8
  3748. var_4 = dword ptr -4
  3749. arg_2 = dword ptr 4
  3750. arg_6 = dword ptr 8
  3751. arg_A = dword ptr 0Ch
  3752. arg_E = dword ptr 10h
  3754. pop ax
  3755. sub ax, offset irq_atcall
  3756. shr ax, 2
  3757. cmp al, 8
  3758. jb @@2
  3759. cmp al, 9
  3760. jz short @@2
  3761. cmp al, 0Eh
  3762. ja short @@2
  3763. sub esp, 16h
  3764. mov [esp+14h+var_C], eax
  3765. movzx eax, ax
  3766. mov eax, dword ptr cs:exctabpm_minus3+3[eax*8]
  3767. mov [esp], eax
  3768. movzx eax, word ptr [esp+14h+var_C]
  3769. mov eax, dword ptr cs:exctabpm_plus1+3[eax*8]
  3770. mov [esp+14h+var_10], eax
  3771. mov ax, [esp+16h]
  3772. mov word ptr [esp+14h+var_C], ax
  3773. mov ax, cs
  3774. mov [esp+14h+var_8], eax
  3775. mov eax, [esp+14h+arg_2]
  3776. mov [esp+14h+var_4], eax
  3777. mov eax, [esp+14h+arg_6]
  3778. mov [esp+14h], eax
  3779. mov eax, [esp+14h+arg_A]
  3780. mov [esp+14h+arg_2], eax
  3781. mov eax, [esp+14h+arg_E]
  3782. mov [esp+14h+arg_6], eax
  3783. jmp short @@run
  3784. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3786. @@2:
  3787. sub esp, 1Ah
  3788. mov [esp+18h+var_10], eax
  3789. movzx eax, ax
  3790. mov eax, dword ptr cs:exctabpm_minus3+3[eax*8]
  3791. mov [esp], eax
  3792. movzx eax, word ptr [esp+18h+var_10]
  3793. mov eax, dword ptr cs:exctabpm_plus1+3[eax*8]
  3794. mov [esp+18h+var_14], eax
  3795. mov ax, [esp+1Ah]
  3796. mov word ptr [esp+18h+var_10], ax
  3797. mov ax, cs
  3798. mov [esp+18h+var_C], eax
  3799. xor eax, eax
  3800. mov [esp+18h+var_8], eax
  3801. mov eax, [esp+18h+arg_2]
  3802. mov [esp+18h+var_4], eax
  3803. mov eax, [esp+18h+arg_6]
  3804. mov [esp+18h], eax
  3805. mov eax, [esp+18h+arg_A]
  3806. mov [esp+18h+arg_2], eax
  3808. @@run:
  3809. lea eax, [esp+18h+arg_E]
  3810. mov [esp+18h+arg_6], eax
  3811. mov ax, ss
  3812. movzx eax, ax
  3813. mov [esp+18h+arg_A], eax
  3814. mov ax, offset @@ret
  3815. xchg eax, [esp+18h+var_10]
  3816. db 66h
  3817. retf
  3818. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3820. @@ret:
  3821. mov [esp], eax
  3822. mov eax, [esp+18h+var_C]
  3823. mov [esp+18h+var_4], eax
  3824. mov eax, [esp+18h+var_10]
  3825. mov [esp+18h+var_8], eax
  3826. mov eax, [esp+18h+var_14]
  3827. mov [esp+18h+var_C], eax
  3828. mov eax, [esp]
  3829. add esp, 0Ch
  3830. iretd
  3831. irq_fail endp ; sp-analysis failed
  3834. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  3836. ; Attributes: noreturn
  3838. exc_handler proc near
  3839. pop ax
  3840. sub ax, (offset excmatrix+1)
  3841. shr ax, 2
  3842. mov ah, 81h
  3843. jmp dword ptr cs:client_call
  3844. exc_handler endp ; sp-analysis failed
  3847. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  3849. ; Attributes: noreturn
  3851. irq_standard proc near
  3852. cli
  3853. pop ax
  3854. sub ax, (offset std_matrix+1)
  3855. shr ax, 2
  3856. pushad
  3857. push ds
  3858. push es
  3859. push fs
  3860. push gs
  3861. mov ds, cs:seldata
  3862. inc dword ptr _pc_irqpmtorm
  3863. movzx eax, al
  3864. mov dx, word ptr rmstackbase_and_top+2
  3865. mov bx, word ptr rmstacklen
  3866. movzx esi, dx
  3867. sub dx, bx
  3868. shl esi, 4
  3869. cmp dx, word ptr rmstackbase_and_top
  3870. jb critical_error_rm
  3871. mov word ptr rmstackbase_and_top+2, dx
  3872. shl bx, 4
  3873. mov edi, dword ptr irqtabrm_minus1+1[eax*4]
  3874. mov ds, selzero
  3875. mov word ptr [esi-2], ss
  3876. mov [esi-6], esp
  3877. mov dword ptr [esi-0Ah], seg KERNEL
  3878. mov word ptr [esi-0Ch], offset @irq
  3879. shld esi, edi, 10h
  3880. sub bx, 0Ch
  3881. jmp large [cs:pmtormswrout]
  3882. irq_standard endp
  3885. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  3888. @irq proc near
  3889. cli
  3890. mov ax, 10h
  3891. mov cx, ax
  3892. pop ebx
  3893. pop dx
  3894. mov si, 8
  3895. mov edi, offset loc_11C30
  3896. jmp cs:rmtopmswrout
  3897. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3899. loc_11C30: ; also _pc_irqrmtopm
  3900. inc dword ptr cpu_detect
  3901. mov ax, word ptr rmstacklen
  3902. add word ptr rmstackbase_and_top+2, ax
  3903. pop gs
  3904. pop fs
  3905. pop es
  3906. pop ds
  3907. popad
  3908. pop ax
  3909. iretd
  3910. @irq endp ; sp-analysis failed
  3913. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  3915. ; Attributes: noreturn
  3917. irq_callback proc far
  3918. cli
  3919. pop ax
  3920. sub ax, (offset back_matrix+1)
  3921. shr ax, 2
  3922. pushad
  3923. push ds
  3924. push es
  3925. push fs
  3926. push gs
  3927. mov ds, cs:kernel_code
  3928. inc dword ptr loc_102F4
  3929. mov byte ptr _pc_irqcbrmtopm+2, al ; also irqset_rm - 3
  3930. mov edx, dword ptr pmstackbase_and_top+4
  3931. mov ebx, edx
  3932. sub edx, dword ptr pmstacklen_minus1+1
  3933. cmp edx, dword ptr pmstackbase_and_top
  3934. jb critical_error_pm
  3935. mov dword ptr pmstackbase_and_top+4, edx
  3936. mov bp, ss
  3937. shl ebp, 10h
  3938. mov bp, sp
  3939. mov si, word ptr irqcallbackptr
  3940. mov dword ptr (v_init__cbdata1B+100h)[si], esp
  3941. add word ptr irqcallbackptr, 4
  3942. mov ax, 8
  3943. mov cx, 18h
  3944. mov dx, cx
  3945. mov si, ax
  3946. mov edi, offset @@0
  3947. jmp rmtopmswrout
  3948. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3950. @@0: ; also irqset_rm - 3
  3951. movzx bx, byte ptr _pc_irqcbrmtopm+2
  3952. shl bx, 3
  3953. pushfd
  3954. push large 8
  3955. push large offset @@1
  3956. jmp large fword ptr (irqtab_pm_minus1+1)[bx]
  3957. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3959. @@1:
  3960. mov ax, seg KERNEL
  3961. mov si, ax
  3962. mov di, offset @@2
  3963. mov bx, bp
  3964. shr ebp, 10h
  3965. mov dx, bp
  3966. jmp large [cs:pmtormswrout]
  3967. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3969. @@2:
  3970. inc dword ptr _pc_irqcbpmtorm
  3971. mov eax, dword ptr pmstacklen_minus1+1
  3972. add dword ptr pmstackbase_and_top+4, eax
  3973. sub word ptr irqcallbackptr, 4
  3974. mov si, word ptr irqcallbackptr
  3975. mov esp, dword ptr (v_init__cbdata1B+100h)[si]
  3976. pop gs
  3977. pop fs
  3978. pop es
  3979. pop ds
  3980. popad
  3981. pop ax
  3982. iret
  3983. irq_callback endp
  3986. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  3989. callback proc far
  3991. arg_8 = byte ptr 0Ah
  3993. mov ax, sp
  3994. push ss
  3995. push ax
  3996. push gs
  3997. push fs
  3998. push ds
  3999. push es
  4000. pushf
  4001. cli
  4002. push cs
  4003. pop ds
  4004. inc dword ptr _pc_cbrmtopm+1
  4005. mov ebp, dword ptr pmstackbase_and_top+4
  4006. mov ebx, ebp
  4007. sub ebx, dword ptr pmstacklen_minus1+1
  4008. mov dword ptr pmstackbase_and_top+4, ebx
  4009. cmp ebx, dword ptr pmstackbase_and_top
  4010. jb critical_error_pm
  4011. xor eax, eax
  4012. mov ebx, eax
  4013. mov ax, ss
  4014. shl eax, 4
  4015. mov bx, sp
  4016. add ebx, eax
  4017. mov es, gdtseg
  4018. or eax, 92000000h
  4019. mov es:4Ah, eax
  4020. mov ax, 18h
  4021. mov dx, ax
  4022. mov si, 8
  4023. mov edi, offset @@0
  4024. jmp rmtopmswrout
  4025. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4027. @@0:
  4028. mov edi, [esp+0Eh]
  4029. lea esi, [esp+18h]
  4030. mov ecx, 8
  4031. cld
  4032. rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  4033. mov esi, esp
  4034. movs word ptr es:[edi], word ptr [esi]
  4035. movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  4036. movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  4037. lods dword ptr [esi]
  4038. add ax, 2Ah ; '*'
  4039. mov es:[edi+4], eax
  4040. mov ds, cs:selcallback
  4041. assume ds:nothing
  4042. sub edi, 2Ah ; '*'
  4043. movzx esi, ax
  4044. xchg esp, ebp
  4045. pushfd
  4046. db 66h
  4047. push cs
  4048. push large offset @@1
  4049. movzx eax, word ptr [ebp+16h]
  4050. push eax
  4051. push large dword ptr [ebp+12h]
  4052. db 66h
  4053. retf
  4054. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4056. @@1:
  4057. cli
  4058. push es
  4059. pop ds
  4060. assume ds:KERNEL
  4061. mov esi, edi
  4062. mov es, cs:selzero
  4063. movzx ebx, word ptr [esi+2Eh]
  4064. movzx edx, word ptr [esi+30h]
  4065. sub bx, 2Ah ; '*'
  4066. mov ebp, [esi+0Ch]
  4067. mov bp, bx
  4068. lea edi, ds:0[edx*4]
  4069. lea edi, [ebx+edi*4]
  4070. mov ecx, 8
  4071. cld
  4072. rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  4073. mov eax, [esi+6]
  4074. mov es:[edi], eax
  4075. mov eax, [esi+0Ah]
  4076. mov es:[edi+4], eax
  4077. mov ax, [esi]
  4078. mov es:[edi+8], ax
  4079. mov ax, [esi+4]
  4080. mov cx, [esi+2]
  4081. mov si, seg KERNEL
  4082. mov di, offset @@2
  4083. jmp large [cs:pmtormswrout]
  4084. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4086. @@2: ; also _pc_cbpmtorm-1
  4087. inc dword ptr cs:@@1+1
  4088. mov esp, ebp
  4089. mov eax, dword ptr cs:pmstacklen_minus1+1
  4090. add dword ptr cs:pmstackbase_and_top+4, eax
  4091. popad
  4092. pop fs
  4093. pop gs
  4094. iret
  4095. callback endp ; sp-analysis failed
  4097. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4098. int31h_tab i31_handler <300h, offset int31_0300>
  4099. i31_handler <301h, offset int31_0301>
  4100. i31_handler <302h, offset int31_0301>
  4101. i31_handler <0, offset int31_0000>
  4102. i31_handler <1, offset int31_0001>
  4103. i31_handler <2, offset int31_0002>
  4104. i31_handler <3, offset int31_0003>
  4105. i31_handler <6, offset int31_0006>
  4106. i31_handler <7, offset int31_0007>
  4107. i31_handler <8, offset int31_0008>
  4108. i31_handler <9, offset int31_0009>
  4109. i31_handler <0Ah, offset int31_000A>
  4110. i31_handler <0Bh, offset int31_000B>
  4111. i31_handler <0Ch, offset int31_000C>
  4112. i31_handler <0Eh, offset int31_000E>
  4113. i31_handler <0Fh, offset int31_000F>
  4114. i31_handler <100h, offset int31_0100>
  4115. i31_handler <101h, offset int31_0101>
  4116. i31_handler <102h, offset int31_0102>
  4117. i31_handler <200h, offset int31_0200>
  4118. i31_handler <201h, offset int31_0201>
  4119. i31_handler <202h, offset int31_0202>
  4120. i31_handler <203h, offset int31_0203>
  4121. i31_handler <204h, offset int31_0204>
  4122. i31_handler <205h, offset int31_0205>
  4123. i31_handler <303h, offset int31_0303>
  4124. i31_handler <304h, offset int31_0304>
  4125. i31_handler <305h, offset int31_0305>
  4126. i31_handler <306h, offset int31_0306>
  4127. i31_handler <400h, offset int31_0400>
  4128. i31_handler <500h, offset int31_0500>
  4129. i31_handler <501h, offset int31_0501>
  4130. i31_handler <502h, offset int31_0502>
  4131. i31_handler <503h, offset int31_0503>
  4132. i31_handler <50Ah, offset int31_050A>
  4133. i31_handler <600h, offset int31_0600>
  4134. i31_handler <601h, offset int31_0600>
  4135. i31_handler <602h, offset int31_0600>
  4136. i31_handler <603h, offset int31_0600>
  4137. i31_handler <604h, offset int31_0604>
  4138. i31_handler <702h, offset int31_0600>
  4139. i31_handler <703h, offset int31_0600>
  4140. i31_handler <800h, offset int31_0800>
  4141. i31_handler <801h, offset int31_0801>
  4142. i31_handler <900h, offset int31_0900>
  4143. i31_handler <901h, offset int31_0901>
  4144. i31_handler <902h, offset int31_0902>
  4145. i31_handler <0A00h, offset int31_0A00>
  4146. i31_handler <0E00h, offset int31_0E00>
  4147. i31_handler <0E01h, offset int31_0E01>
  4148. i31_handler <0EEFFh, offset int31_EEFF>
  4150. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  4153. int31h_pm proc near
  4155. var_18 = word ptr -18h
  4156. var_10 = word ptr -10h
  4157. var_C = word ptr -0Ch
  4158. arg_6 = byte ptr 8
  4160. cli
  4161. cld
  4162. push ds
  4163. push es
  4164. push fs
  4165. push gs
  4166. pushad
  4167. push bx
  4168. mov ds, cs:seldata
  4169. cmp ax, int31h_cache_fn
  4170. mov bx, int31h_cache_ptr
  4171. jz short loc_11F3F
  4172. xor bx, bx
  4174. loc_11F22:
  4175. cmp ax, word ptr int31h_tab.func[bx]
  4176. jz short loc_11F34
  4177. add bx, 4
  4178. cmp bx, 0CCh ; 'Ì'
  4179. jb short loc_11F22
  4180. pop bx
  4181. jmp short int31fail8001
  4182. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4184. loc_11F34:
  4185. mov bx, int31h_tab.handler[bx]
  4186. mov int31h_cache_fn, ax
  4187. mov int31h_cache_ptr, bx
  4189. loc_11F3F:
  4190. mov ds, selzero
  4191. xchg bx, [esp]
  4192. retn
  4193. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4195. int31fail8001:
  4196. mov al, 1
  4197. jmp short int31failx
  4198. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4200. int31fail8010:
  4201. mov al, 10h
  4202. jmp short int31failx
  4203. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4205. int31fail8011:
  4206. mov al, 11h
  4207. jmp short int31failx
  4208. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4210. int31fail8012:
  4211. mov al, 12h
  4212. jmp short int31failx
  4213. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4215. int31fail8013:
  4216. mov al, 13h
  4217. jmp short int31failx
  4218. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4220. int31fail8015:
  4221. mov al, 15h
  4222. jmp short int31failx
  4223. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4225. int31fail8016:
  4226. mov al, 16h
  4227. jmp short int31failx
  4228. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4230. int31fail8021:
  4231. mov al, 21h ; '!'
  4232. jmp short int31failx
  4233. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4235. int31fail8022:
  4236. mov al, 22h ; '"'
  4237. jmp short int31failx
  4238. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4240. int31fail8023:
  4241. mov al, 23h ; '#'
  4242. jmp short int31failx
  4243. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4245. int31fail8024:
  4246. mov al, 24h ; '$'
  4247. jmp short int31failx
  4248. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4250. int31fail8025:
  4251. mov al, 25h ; '%'
  4253. int31failx:
  4254. mov ah, 80h ; '€'
  4255. mov [esp+28h+var_C], ax
  4256. jmp short int31fail
  4257. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4259. int31failbx:
  4260. mov [esp+28h+var_18], bx
  4261. jmp short int31failax
  4262. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4264. int31failcx:
  4265. mov [esp+28h+var_10], cx
  4267. int31failax:
  4268. mov [esp+28h+var_C], ax
  4270. int31fail:
  4271. popad
  4272. pop gs
  4273. pop fs
  4274. pop es
  4275. pop ds
  4277. int31failnopop:
  4278. or [esp+arg_6], 1
  4279. iretd
  4280. int31h_pm endp ; sp-analysis failed
  4282. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4284. int31okedx:
  4285. mov [esp+14h], edx
  4286. jmp short int31okcx
  4287. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4289. int31okdx:
  4290. mov [esp+14h], dx
  4291. jmp short int31okcx
  4292. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4294. int31oksinoax:
  4295. mov ax, [esp+1Ch]
  4296. mov [esp+4], si
  4297. mov [esp], di
  4299. int31okbx:
  4300. mov [esp+10h], bx
  4302. int31okcx:
  4303. mov [esp+18h], cx
  4305. int31okax:
  4306. mov [esp+1Ch], ax
  4308. int31ok:
  4309. popad
  4310. pop gs
  4311. pop fs
  4312. pop es
  4313. pop ds
  4315. int31oknopop:
  4316. and byte ptr [esp+8], 0FEh
  4317. iretd
  4319. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  4322. int31testsel proc near
  4323. pop bp
  4324. cmp bx, cs:gdtlimit
  4325. ja short int31fail8022
  4326. mov edi, cs:gdtbase
  4327. and ebx, 0FFF8h
  4328. test byte ptr [edi+ebx+6], 10h
  4329. jz int31fail8022
  4330. jmp bp
  4331. int31testsel endp ; sp-analysis failed
  4334. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  4337. int31testaccess proc near
  4338. pop bp
  4339. test ch, 20h
  4340. jnz int31fail8021
  4341. test cl, 90h
  4342. jz int31fail8021
  4343. jnp int31fail8021
  4344. test cl, 60h
  4345. jnz int31fail8021
  4346. test cl, 8
  4347. jz short loc_1202A
  4348. test cl, 2
  4349. jz int31fail8021
  4350. test cl, 4
  4351. jnz int31fail8021
  4353. loc_1202A:
  4354. jmp bp
  4355. int31testaccess endp ; sp-analysis failed
  4358. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  4361. int31_testint proc near
  4362. movzx ebx, bl
  4363. mov al, bl
  4364. mov ah, bl
  4365. and ax, 0F807h
  4366. movzx esi, al
  4367. cmp ah, picmaster
  4368. jz short locret_1204D
  4369. add si, 8
  4370. cmp ah, picslave
  4371. jz short locret_1204D
  4372. or si, 0FFFFh
  4374. locret_1204D:
  4375. retn
  4376. int31_testint endp
  4378. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4380. int31_0000:
  4381. test cx, cx
  4382. jz int31fail8021
  4383. mov edx, cs:gdtbase
  4384. movzx eax, cs:gdtlimit
  4385. and al, 0F8h
  4386. mov bx, cx
  4388. loc_12065:
  4389. test byte ptr [edx+eax+6], 10h
  4390. jnz short loc_1208E
  4391. dec bx
  4392. jnz short loc_12090
  4393. mov ebx, eax
  4395. loc_12073:
  4396. mov dword ptr [edx+ebx], 0
  4397. mov dword ptr [edx+ebx+4], 109200h
  4398. add bx, 8
  4399. loop loc_12073
  4400. jmp int31okax
  4401. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4403. loc_1208E:
  4404. mov bx, cx
  4406. loc_12090:
  4407. sub ax, 8
  4408. cmp ax, 50h ; 'P'
  4409. jnb short loc_12065
  4410. jmp int31fail8011
  4411. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4413. int31_0001:
  4414. mov ax, cs
  4415. cmp ax, bx
  4416. jz int31fail8022
  4417. mov ax, ss
  4418. cmp ax, bx
  4419. jz int31fail8022
  4420. call int31testsel
  4421. xor eax, eax
  4422. mov [edi+ebx], eax
  4423. mov [edi+ebx+4], eax
  4424. mov cx, 4
  4425. lea ebp, [esp+20h]
  4427. loc_120C5:
  4428. cmp [ebp+0], bx
  4429. jnz short loc_120CF
  4430. mov [ebp+0], ax
  4432. loc_120CF:
  4433. add ebp, 2
  4434. loop loc_120C5
  4435. jmp int31ok
  4436. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4438. int31_0002:
  4439. mov ds, cs:seldata
  4440. assume ds:nothing
  4441. mov cx, 10h
  4442. mov si, (offset mem_used+2) ; also base of real mode alias table
  4444. loc_120E3:
  4445. mov ax, [si]
  4446. test ax, ax
  4447. jz short loc_120F0
  4448. cmp bx, [si+2]
  4449. jz int31okax
  4451. loc_120F0:
  4452. add si, 4
  4453. loop loc_120E3
  4454. mov cl, 10h
  4455. mov si, 92h ; '’'
  4457. loc_120FA:
  4458. cmp word ptr [si], 0
  4459. jz short loc_12107
  4460. add si, 4
  4461. loop loc_120FA
  4462. jmp int31fail8010
  4463. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4465. loc_12107:
  4466. mov [si+2], bx
  4467. movzx edi, bx
  4468. shl edi, 4
  4469. mov cl, 1
  4470. xor ax, ax
  4471. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  4473. ; CX = number of descriptors to allocate
  4474. ; Return: CF set on error
  4475. ; CF clear if successful, AX = base selector
  4476. jb int31failax
  4477. mov [si], ax
  4478. mov bx, ax
  4479. xor cx, cx
  4480. mov dx, 0FFFFh
  4481. mov ax, 8
  4482. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  4484. ; BX = selector, CX:DX = segment limit
  4485. ; Return: CF set on error
  4486. ; CF clear if successful
  4487. mov dx, di
  4488. shr edi, 10h
  4489. mov cx, di
  4490. mov ax, 7
  4491. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  4493. ; BX = selector, CX:DX = linear base address
  4494. ; Return: CF set on error
  4495. ; CF clear if successful
  4496. mov cx, 92h ; '’'
  4497. mov ax, 9
  4498. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  4500. ; BX = selector, CL = access rights/type byte
  4501. ; CH = 80386 extended rights/type byte (32-bit DPMI implementations only)
  4502. ; Return: CF set on error
  4503. ; CF clear if successful
  4504. mov ax, bx
  4505. jmp int31okax
  4506. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4508. int31_0003:
  4509. mov ax, 8
  4510. jmp int31okax
  4511. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4513. int31_0006:
  4514. call int31testsel
  4515. mov dx, [edi+ebx+2]
  4516. mov cl, [edi+ebx+4]
  4517. mov ch, [edi+ebx+7]
  4518. jmp int31okdx
  4519. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4521. int31_0007:
  4522. call int31testsel
  4523. mov [edi+ebx+2], dx
  4524. mov [edi+ebx+4], cl
  4525. mov [edi+ebx+7], ch
  4526. jmp int31ok
  4527. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4529. int31_0008:
  4530. call int31testsel
  4531. cmp cx, 0Fh
  4532. jbe short loc_1218A
  4533. or dx, 0FFFh
  4534. shrd dx, cx, 0Ch
  4535. shr cx, 0Ch
  4536. or cl, 80h
  4538. loc_1218A:
  4539. mov [edi+ebx], dx
  4540. and byte ptr [edi+ebx+6], 50h
  4541. or [edi+ebx+6], cl
  4542. jmp int31ok
  4543. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4545. int31_0009:
  4546. call int31testsel
  4547. call int31testaccess
  4548. or ch, 10h
  4549. and ch, 0D0h
  4550. and byte ptr [edi+ebx+6], 0Fh
  4551. or [edi+ebx+6], ch
  4552. mov [edi+ebx+5], cl
  4553. jmp int31ok
  4554. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4556. int31_000A:
  4557. call int31testsel
  4558. xor ax, ax
  4559. mov cx, 1
  4560. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  4562. ; CX = number of descriptors to allocate
  4563. ; Return: CF set on error
  4564. ; CF clear if successful, AX = base selector
  4565. jb int31fail8011
  4566. push ax
  4567. push ds
  4568. pop es
  4569. assume es:nothing
  4570. movzx edi, ax
  4571. mov esi, cs:gdtbase
  4572. add edi, esi
  4573. add esi, ebx
  4574. movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  4575. lods dword ptr [esi]
  4576. mov ah, 92h ; '’'
  4577. stos dword ptr es:[edi]
  4578. pop ax
  4579. jmp int31okax
  4580. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4582. int31_000B:
  4583. call int31testsel
  4584. lea esi, [edi+ebx]
  4585. mov edi, [esp]
  4586. movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  4587. movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  4588. jmp int31ok
  4589. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4591. int31_000C:
  4592. call int31testsel
  4593. mov esi, [esp]
  4594. mov cx, es:[esi+5]
  4595. call int31testaccess
  4596. push ds
  4597. push es
  4598. pop ds
  4599. pop es
  4600. assume es:nothing
  4601. add edi, ebx
  4602. movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  4603. lods dword ptr [esi]
  4604. or al, 10h
  4605. stos word ptr es:[edi]
  4606. jmp int31ok
  4607. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4609. int31_000E:
  4610. mov ax, 0Bh
  4611. jmp short loc_1222D
  4612. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4614. int31_000F:
  4615. mov ax, 0Ch
  4617. loc_1222D:
  4618. test cx, cx
  4619. jz int31ok
  4620. mov dx, cx
  4621. xor cx, cx
  4623. loc_12237:
  4624. mov bx, es:[edi]
  4625. add edi, 2
  4626. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  4628. ; BX = selector, ES:DI / ES:EDI -> 8-byte buffer for copy of descriptor
  4629. ; Return: CF set on error
  4630. ; CF clear if successful
  4631. jb int31failcx
  4632. add edi, 8
  4633. inc cx
  4634. dec dx
  4635. jnz short loc_12237
  4636. jmp int31ok
  4637. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4639. int31_0100:
  4640. mov ah, 48h ; 'H'
  4641. call int31010x_f2
  4642. jb int31failbx
  4643. mov dx, ax
  4644. xor ax, ax
  4645. mov cx, 1
  4646. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  4648. ; CX = number of descriptors to allocate
  4649. ; Return: CF set on error
  4650. ; CF clear if successful, AX = base selector
  4651. jnb short loc_1226C
  4652. mov ah, 49h ; 'I'
  4653. call int31010x_f2
  4654. jmp int31fail8011
  4655. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4657. loc_1226C:
  4658. mov [esp+14h], ax
  4659. mov [esp+1Ch], dx
  4660. mov bx, ax
  4661. mov cx, dx
  4662. shl dx, 4
  4663. shr cx, 0Ch
  4664. mov ax, 7
  4665. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  4667. ; BX = selector, CX:DX = linear base address
  4668. ; Return: CF set on error
  4669. ; CF clear if successful
  4670. mov cx, 92h ; '’'
  4671. mov al, 9
  4672. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  4674. ; BX = selector, CL = access rights/type byte
  4675. ; CH = 80386 extended rights/type byte (32-bit DPMI implementations only)
  4676. ; Return: CF set on error
  4677. ; CF clear if successful
  4678. jmp short int31010x
  4679. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4681. int31_0101:
  4682. mov ah, 49h ; 'I'
  4683. mov si, dx
  4684. call int31010x_f1
  4685. jb int31failax
  4686. mov bx, si
  4687. jmp int31_0001
  4688. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4690. int31_0102:
  4691. mov ah, 4Ah ; 'J'
  4692. mov si, dx
  4693. call int31010x_f1
  4694. jb int31failbx
  4695. mov bx, si
  4697. int31010x:
  4698. movzx edx, word ptr [esp+10h]
  4699. shl edx, 4
  4700. dec edx
  4701. shld ecx, edx, 10h
  4702. mov ax, 8
  4703. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  4705. ; BX = selector, CX:DX = segment limit
  4706. ; Return: CF set on error
  4707. ; CF clear if successful
  4708. jmp int31ok
  4710. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  4713. int31010x_f1 proc near
  4714. pop bp
  4715. push ax
  4716. push bx
  4717. mov bx, dx
  4718. mov ax, 6
  4719. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  4721. ; BX = selector
  4722. ; Return: CF set on error
  4723. ; CF clear if successful, CX:DX = linear base address of segment
  4724. pop bx
  4725. pop ax
  4726. jb int31failax
  4727. shrd dx, cx, 4
  4728. push bp
  4729. int31010x_f1 endp ; sp-analysis failed
  4732. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  4735. int31010x_f2 proc near
  4737. var_22 = word ptr -22h
  4738. var_16 = word ptr -16h
  4739. var_12 = word ptr -12h
  4741. xor cx, cx
  4742. push cx
  4743. push cx
  4744. sub esp, 0Ah
  4745. push dx
  4746. push cx
  4747. pushad
  4748. push ss
  4749. pop es
  4750. mov edi, esp
  4751. mov bl, 21h ; '!'
  4752. mov ax, 300h
  4753. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  4755. ; BL=interrupt number
  4756. ; CX=number of words to copy from protected mode to real mode stack
  4757. ; ES:DI / ES:EDI = selector:offset of real mode call structure
  4758. ; Return: CF set on error
  4759. ; CF clear if ok
  4760. mov bx, [esp+32h+var_22]
  4761. mov ax, [esp+32h+var_16]
  4762. lea esp, [esp+32h]
  4763. pop bp
  4764. jb int31failax
  4765. bt [esp-2+var_12], 0
  4766. jmp bp
  4767. int31010x_f2 endp ; sp-analysis failed
  4769. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4771. int31_0200:
  4772. movzx ebx, bl
  4773. mov dx, ds:0[ebx*4]
  4774. mov cx, ds:2[ebx*4]
  4775. jmp int31okdx
  4776. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4778. int31_0201:
  4779. mov ebp, dr7
  4780. xor eax, eax
  4781. mov dr7, eax
  4782. movzx ebx, bl
  4783. mov ds:0[ebx*4], dx
  4784. mov ds:2[ebx*4], cx
  4785. mov dr7, ebp
  4786. jmp int31ok
  4787. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4789. int31_0202:
  4790. mov ds, cs:seldata
  4791. cmp bl, 20h ; ' '
  4792. jnb int31fail8021
  4793. xor cx, cx
  4794. xor edx, edx
  4795. cmp bl, 10h
  4796. jnb short loc_12375
  4797. movzx ebx, bl
  4798. assume ds:KERNEL
  4799. mov cx, word ptr exctabpm_plus1+3[ebx*8]
  4800. mov edx, dword ptr exctabpm_minus3+3[ebx*8]
  4802. loc_12375:
  4803. mov ax, [esp+1Ch]
  4804. jmp int31okedx
  4805. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4807. int31_0203:
  4808. xchg bx, cx
  4809. call int31testsel
  4810. xchg bx, cx
  4811. mov ds, cs:seldata
  4812. assume ds:nothing
  4813. cmp bl, 20h ; ' '
  4814. jnb int31fail8021
  4815. cmp bl, 10h
  4816. jnb short loc_123AA
  4817. movzx ebx, bl
  4818. assume ds:KERNEL
  4819. mov word ptr exctabpm_plus1+3[ebx*8], cx
  4820. mov dword ptr exctabpm_minus3+3[ebx*8], edx
  4822. loc_123AA:
  4823. jmp int31ok
  4824. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4826. int31_0204:
  4827. mov ds, cs:seldata
  4828. call int31_testint
  4829. jz short loc_123D2
  4831. loc_123B7:
  4832. shl ebx, 3
  4833. add ebx, idtbase
  4834. mov ds, selzero
  4835. mov edx, [ebx+4]
  4836. mov dx, [ebx]
  4837. mov cx, [ebx+2]
  4838. jmp short loc_123FD
  4839. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4841. loc_123D2:
  4842. bt word ptr irqset_pm_minus1+1, si
  4843. jnb short loc_123F1
  4844. test bl, 0F0h
  4845. jnz short loc_123B7
  4846. mov cx, word ptr irqtab_pm_plus4[esi*8]
  4847. mov edx, dword ptr irqtab_pm_minus1+1[esi*8]
  4848. jmp short loc_123FD
  4849. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4851. loc_123F1:
  4852. mov cx, 8
  4853. lea edx, ds:1660h[esi*4]
  4855. loc_123FD:
  4856. mov ax, [esp+1Ch]
  4857. jmp int31okedx
  4858. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4860. int31_0205:
  4861. xchg bx, cx
  4862. call int31testsel
  4863. xchg bx, cx
  4864. mov ds, cs:seldata
  4865. mov es, selzero
  4866. movzx ecx, cx
  4867. call int31_testint
  4868. jz short loc_12457
  4869. cmp bl, 1Bh
  4870. jz setpmint_1B
  4871. cmp bl, 1Ch
  4872. jz setpmint_1C
  4873. cmp bl, 23h
  4874. jz setpmint_23
  4875. cmp bl, 24h
  4876. jz setpmint_24
  4878. loc_1243A:
  4879. shl ebx, 3
  4880. add ebx, idtbase
  4881. mov es:[ebx], dx
  4882. shr edx, 10h
  4883. mov es:[ebx+6], dx
  4884. mov es:[ebx+2], cx
  4885. jmp short loc_124D2
  4886. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4888. loc_12457:
  4889. cmp cx, 8
  4890. jnz short loc_12480
  4891. btr word ptr _pc_irqcbrmtopm+3, si ; also irqset_rm - 3
  4892. btr word ptr irqset_pm_minus1+1, si
  4893. mov eax, dword ptr irqtabrm_minus1+1[esi*4]
  4894. mov es:0[ebx*4], eax
  4895. cmp bl, 10h
  4896. jnb short loc_1243A
  4897. jmp short loc_124D2
  4898. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4900. loc_12480: ; also irqset_rm - 3
  4901. bts word ptr _pc_irqcbrmtopm+3, si
  4902. bts word ptr irqset_pm_minus1+1, si
  4903. mov eax, es:0[ebx*4]
  4904. mov dword ptr irqtabrm_minus1+1[esi*4], eax
  4905. lea eax, back_matrix[esi*4]
  4906. mov es:0[ebx*4], ax
  4907. mov word ptr es:2[ebx*4], seg KERNEL
  4908. cmp bl, 10h
  4909. jnb loc_1243A
  4910. mov word ptr irqtab_pm_plus4[esi*8], cx
  4911. mov dword ptr irqtab_pm_minus1+1[esi*8], edx
  4913. loc_124D2:
  4914. jmp int31ok
  4915. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4917. setpmint_1B:
  4918. cmp cx, 8
  4919. mov eax, dword ptr newint1Bh+1
  4920. jnz short loc_124E2
  4921. mov eax, dword ptr oldint1Bh_and_1Ch+1
  4923. loc_124E2:
  4924. mov es:6Ch, eax
  4925. jmp loc_1243A
  4926. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4928. setpmint_1C:
  4929. cmp cx, 8
  4930. mov eax, dword ptr newint1Ch+1
  4931. jnz short loc_124F7
  4932. mov eax, dword ptr oldint1Bh_and_1Ch+5
  4934. loc_124F7:
  4935. mov es:70h, eax
  4936. jmp loc_1243A
  4937. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4939. setpmint_23:
  4940. cmp cx, 8
  4941. mov eax, dword ptr @@v2+1
  4942. jnz short loc_1250C
  4943. mov eax, dword ptr oldint23h_minus1+1
  4945. loc_1250C:
  4946. mov es:8Ch, eax
  4947. jmp loc_1243A
  4948. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4950. setpmint_24:
  4951. cmp cx, 8
  4952. mov eax, dword ptr newint24h
  4953. jnz short loc_12521
  4954. mov eax, dword ptr oldint24h
  4956. loc_12521:
  4957. mov es:90h, eax
  4958. jmp loc_1243A
  4959. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4961. int31_0900:
  4962. add esp, 26h
  4963. pop ds
  4964. btr word ptr [esp+8], 9
  4965. setb al
  4966. jmp int31oknopop
  4967. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4969. int31_0901:
  4970. add esp, 26h
  4971. pop ds
  4972. bts word ptr [esp+8], 9
  4973. setb al
  4974. jmp int31oknopop
  4975. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4977. int31_0902:
  4978. add esp, 26h
  4979. pop ds
  4980. bt word ptr [esp+8], 9
  4981. setb al
  4982. jmp int31oknopop
  4983. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4985. int31_0301:
  4986. mov ebp, es:[edi+2Ah]
  4987. jmp short loc_12574
  4988. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4990. int31_0300:
  4991. movzx ebx, bl
  4992. mov ebp, [ebx*4+0]
  4994. loc_12574:
  4995. mov gs, cs:seldata
  4996. assume gs:KERNEL
  4997. movzx ebx, word ptr es:[edi+2Eh]
  4998. movzx edx, word ptr es:[edi+30h]
  4999. mov ax, bx
  5000. or ax, dx
  5001. jnz short loc_125AA
  5002. mov dx, word ptr cs:rmstackbase_and_top+2
  5003. mov bx, word ptr cs:rmstacklen
  5004. sub dx, bx
  5005. cmp dx, word ptr cs:rmstackbase_and_top
  5006. jb int31fail8012
  5007. mov word ptr gs:rmstackbase_and_top+2, dx
  5008. shl bx, 4
  5010. loc_125AA:
  5011. lea edi, ds:0[edx*4]
  5012. lea edi, [ebx+edi*4]
  5013. mov ax, ss
  5014. xchg ax, word ptr gs:rmstackss+1
  5015. push ax
  5016. lea eax, [esp-4]
  5017. xchg eax, dword ptr gs:rmstackesp+1
  5018. push eax
  5019. movzx ecx, cx
  5020. mov ax, cx
  5021. add ax, ax
  5022. sub bx, 2Eh ; '.'
  5023. sub bx, ax
  5024. push ds
  5025. push es
  5026. pop ds
  5027. pop es
  5028. std
  5029. sub edi, 2
  5030. lea esi, [esp+ecx*2+38h]
  5031. rep movs word ptr es:[edi], word ptr ss:[esi]
  5032. mov esi, [esp+6]
  5033. mov ax, [esi+20h]
  5034. cmp byte ptr [esp+22h], 1
  5035. jz short loc_12608
  5036. and ah, 0FCh
  5037. stos word ptr es:[edi]
  5038. sub bx, 2
  5040. loc_12608:
  5041. cld
  5042. lea edi, ds:0[edx*4]
  5043. lea edi, [ebx+edi*4]
  5044. mov cl, 8
  5045. rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  5046. add esi, 6
  5047. movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  5048. mov word ptr es:[edi+8], seg KERNEL
  5049. mov word ptr es:[edi+6], offset loc_12657
  5050. mov es:[edi+4], ax
  5051. mov es:[edi], ebp
  5052. mov ax, [esi-6]
  5053. mov cx, [esi-8]
  5054. mov si, seg KERNEL
  5055. mov di, offset loc_12650
  5056. jmp large [cs:pmtormswrout]
  5057. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5059. loc_12650:
  5060. popad
  5061. pop fs
  5062. pop gs
  5063. assume gs:nothing
  5064. iret
  5065. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5067. loc_12657:
  5068. push gs
  5069. push fs
  5070. push ds
  5071. push es
  5072. pushf
  5073. cli
  5074. pushad
  5075. xor eax, eax
  5076. mov ax, ss
  5077. xor ebp, ebp
  5078. shl eax, 4
  5079. mov bp, sp
  5080. add ebp, eax
  5081. mov dx, word ptr cs:rmstackss+1
  5082. mov ebx, dword ptr cs:rmstackesp+1
  5083. mov ax, 18h
  5084. mov cx, 10h
  5085. mov si, 8
  5086. mov edi, offset loc_12691
  5087. jmp cs:rmtopmswrout
  5088. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5090. loc_12691:
  5091. push es
  5092. pop gs
  5093. assume es:KERNEL
  5094. pop large [dword ptr es:rmstackesp+1]
  5095. pop word ptr es:rmstackss+1
  5096. mov esi, ebp
  5097. mov edi, [esp]
  5098. mov es, word ptr [esp+24h]
  5099. assume es:nothing
  5100. mov ecx, 15h
  5101. cld
  5102. rep movs word ptr es:[edi], word ptr [esi]
  5103. cmp dword ptr es:[edi+4], 0
  5104. jnz int31ok
  5105. mov ax, word ptr cs:rmstacklen
  5106. assume gs:KERNEL
  5107. add word ptr gs:rmstackbase_and_top+2, ax
  5108. jmp int31ok
  5109. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5111. int31_0303:
  5112. mov bl, cs:pm32_callbacks
  5113. test bl, bl
  5114. jz int31fail8015
  5115. mov edx, dword ptr cs:callbackbase_and_seg
  5116. mov ecx, edx
  5118. loc_126E1:
  5119. cmp word ptr [edx+3], 0
  5120. jz short loc_126F3
  5121. add edx, 19h
  5122. dec bl
  5123. jnz short loc_126E1
  5124. jmp int31fail8015
  5125. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5127. loc_126F3:
  5128. mov bx, [esp+26h]
  5129. mov [edx+3], bx
  5130. mov [edx+7], esi
  5131. mov word ptr [edx+0Ch], es
  5132. mov [edx+10h], edi
  5133. sub edx, ecx
  5134. shr ecx, 4
  5135. jmp int31okdx
  5136. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5138. int31_0304:
  5139. cmp cx, word ptr cs:callbackbase_and_seg+4
  5140. jnz int31fail8024
  5141. movzx ebx, dx
  5142. xor ax, ax
  5143. xchg ax, dx
  5144. mov cx, 19h
  5145. div cx
  5146. test dx, dx
  5147. jnz int31fail8024
  5148. test ah, ah
  5149. jnz int31fail8024
  5150. cmp al, cs:pm32_callbacks
  5151. jnb int31fail8024
  5152. add ebx, dword ptr cs:callbackbase_and_seg
  5153. mov word ptr [ebx+3], 0
  5154. jmp int31ok
  5155. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5157. int31_0305:
  5158. add esp, 26h
  5159. pop ds
  5160. xor ax, ax
  5161. mov bx, cs:kernel_code
  5162. mov cx, (offset prefixed_retf+1)
  5163. mov si, cs
  5164. mov edi, offset prefixed_retf
  5165. jmp int31oknopop
  5166. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5168. int31_0306:
  5169. add esp, 26h
  5170. pop ds
  5171. mov si, cs
  5172. mov edi, cs:pmtormswrout
  5173. mov bx, cs:kernel_code
  5174. mov cx, cs:rmtopmswrout
  5175. jmp int31oknopop
  5176. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5178. int31_0400:
  5179. add esp, 26h
  5180. pop ds
  5181. mov ax, 5Ah ; 'Z'
  5182. mov bx, 3
  5183. cmp cs:pmodetype, 2
  5184. jnz short loc_12796
  5185. mov bl, 1
  5187. loc_12796:
  5188. mov cl, cs:cputype
  5189. mov dx, word ptr cs:picslave
  5190. jmp int31oknopop
  5191. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5193. int31_0A00:
  5194. add esp, 26h
  5195. pop ds
  5196. push es
  5197. push edi
  5198. push ecx
  5199. push esi
  5200. push cs
  5201. pop es
  5202. assume es:KERNEL
  5203. mov ecx, 0Fh
  5204. mov edi, offset aSunsysDos32a ; "SUNSYS DOS/32A"
  5205. push esi
  5206. repe cmps byte ptr [esi], byte ptr es:[edi]
  5207. pop esi
  5208. mov edi, offset sunsys_entry
  5209. jz short loc_127F2
  5210. test cs:pm32_mode, 80h
  5211. jnz short loc_12822
  5212. mov cl, 10h
  5213. mov edi, offset aRationalDos4g ; "RATIONAL DOS/4G"
  5214. repe cmps byte ptr [esi], byte ptr es:[edi]
  5215. jnz short loc_12822
  5216. mov edi, offset rational_entry
  5217. pop esi
  5218. pop ecx
  5219. add esp, 6
  5220. jmp int31oknopop
  5221. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5223. loc_127F2:
  5224. add esp, 0Eh
  5225. xor eax, eax
  5226. mov ebx, eax
  5227. mov ecx, eax
  5228. mov edx, eax
  5229. mov ax, cs:client_version
  5230. mov bl, cs:pm32_mode
  5231. mov bh, cs:pmodetype
  5232. mov cl, cs:cputype
  5233. mov ch, cs:fputype
  5234. mov dx, word ptr cs:picslave
  5235. jmp int31oknopop
  5236. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5238. loc_12822:
  5239. pop esi
  5240. pop ecx
  5241. pop edi
  5242. pop es
  5243. assume es:nothing
  5244. mov ax, 8001h
  5245. jmp int31failnopop
  5246. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5247. aSunsysDos32a db 'SUNSYS DOS/32A',0
  5248. aRationalDos4g db 'RATIONAL DOS/4G',0
  5249. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5251. rational_entry:
  5252. mov ax, 8500h
  5253. jmp dword ptr cs:client_call
  5254. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5256. sunsys_entry:
  5257. test al, al
  5258. jz short API_func00
  5259. cmp al, 1
  5260. jz short API_func01
  5261. cmp al, 2
  5262. jz short API_func02
  5263. cmp al, 3
  5264. jz short API_func03
  5265. cmp al, 4
  5266. jz API_func04
  5267. cmp al, 5
  5268. jz API_func05
  5269. cmp al, 6
  5270. jz API_func06
  5271. cmp al, 7
  5272. jz API_func07
  5273. cmp al, 8
  5274. jz API_func08
  5275. cmp al, 9
  5276. jz API_func09
  5277. stc
  5278. db 66h
  5279. retf
  5280. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5282. API_func00:
  5283. mov bx, 18h
  5284. movzx ecx, cs:gdtlimit
  5285. movzx edx, cs:idtlimit
  5286. mov esi, cs:gdtbase
  5287. mov edi, cs:idtbase
  5288. jmp loc_12972
  5289. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5291. API_func01:
  5292. mov bx, 18h
  5293. movzx ecx, cs:pagetables
  5294. movzx edx, cs:pm32_maxfpages
  5295. mov esi, dword ptr cs:pagetablebase_minus5+5 ; also id32_tsrmode - 3
  5296. ; also id32_spawned_id - 1
  5297. mov edi, dword ptr cs:phystablebase
  5298. inc cx
  5299. jmp loc_12972
  5300. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5302. API_func02:
  5303. mov bx, 10h
  5304. mov esi, (offset _pc_irqcbrmtopm+3) ; also irqset_rm - 3
  5305. mov edi, (offset irqtabrm_minus1+1)
  5306. jmp loc_12972
  5307. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5309. API_func03:
  5310. mov bx, 18h
  5311. mov ecx, dword ptr cs:mem_free
  5312. mov edx, dword ptr cs:pm32_info ; also mem_ptr
  5313. mov esi, dword ptr cs:mem_top_minus1+1
  5314. jmp short loc_12972
  5315. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5317. API_func04:
  5318. mov bx, 18h
  5319. movzx ecx, word ptr cs:rmstacklen
  5320. movzx edx, word ptr cs:rmstackbase_and_top+2
  5321. movzx esi, word ptr cs:rmstackbase_and_top
  5322. movzx edi, word ptr cs:rmstacktop2+1
  5323. jmp short loc_12972
  5324. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5326. API_func05:
  5327. mov bx, 18h
  5328. mov ecx, dword ptr cs:pmstacklen_minus1+1
  5329. mov edx, dword ptr cs:pmstackbase_and_top+4
  5330. mov esi, dword ptr cs:pmstackbase_and_top
  5331. mov edi, dword ptr cs:pmstacktop2
  5332. jmp short loc_12972
  5333. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5335. API_func06:
  5336. mov bx, 8
  5337. mov cx, 10h
  5338. mov dx, 18h
  5339. movzx esi, cs:kernel_code
  5340. mov di, cs:client_call+2
  5341. jmp short loc_12972
  5342. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5344. API_func07:
  5345. mov cx, cs:client_call+2
  5346. mov dx, cs:client_call
  5347. jmp short loc_12972
  5348. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5350. API_func08:
  5351. push ds
  5352. mov ds, cs:seldata
  5353. assume ds:nothing
  5354. mov ds:12h, cx
  5355. mov ds:10h, dx
  5356. pop ds
  5357. assume ds:KERNEL
  5358. jmp short loc_12972
  5359. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5361. API_func09:
  5362. mov cx, 10h
  5363. mov edx, (offset _pc_intrmtopm_minus1+1)
  5365. loc_12972:
  5366. clc
  5367. db 66h
  5368. retf
  5369. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5371. int31_0500:
  5372. or eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
  5373. mov ecx, 0Ch
  5374. push edi
  5375. rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
  5376. pop edi
  5377. mov eax, dword ptr cs:pm32_info ; also mem_ptr
  5378. or eax, dword ptr cs:mem_free
  5379. jz short loc_1299A
  5380. call int31_checkblocks
  5381. call int31_getfreemem
  5383. loc_1299A:
  5384. mov ebx, eax
  5385. mov edx, eax
  5386. mov eax, dword ptr cs:mem_free
  5387. shr eax, 0Ch
  5388. shr ebx, 0Ch
  5389. shr ecx, 0Ch
  5390. push es
  5391. pop ds
  5392. mov [edi], edx
  5393. mov [edi+4], ebx
  5394. mov [edi+8], ebx
  5395. mov [edi+0Ch], eax
  5396. mov [edi+10h], ebx
  5397. mov [edi+14h], ecx
  5398. mov [edi+18h], eax
  5399. mov [edi+1Ch], ecx
  5400. jmp int31ok
  5401. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5403. int31_0501:
  5404. call int31_checkifmemavail
  5405. call int31_testbxcxtoebx
  5406. add ebx, 1000h ; DOS32AWE ADDITION: crash prevention - add 4K to every allocation
  5407. call int31_checkblocks
  5408. mov esi, dword ptr cs:pm32_info ; also mem_ptr
  5410. loc_129F3:
  5411. mov eax, [esi+4]
  5412. btr eax, 1Fh
  5413. jb short loc_12A06
  5414. cmp eax, ebx
  5415. jnb int31_allocblock
  5417. loc_12A06:
  5418. lea esi, [esi+eax+10h]
  5419. cmp esi, dword ptr cs:mem_top_minus1+1
  5420. jb short loc_129F3
  5421. jmp int31fail8013
  5422. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5424. int31_0502:
  5425. shl esi, 10h
  5426. mov si, di
  5427. call int31_checkifmemavail
  5428. call int31_checkblocks
  5429. call int31_checkhandle
  5430. btr dword ptr [esi+4], 1Fh
  5431. call int31_linkfreeblocks
  5432. jmp int31ok
  5433. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5435. int31_0503:
  5436. shl esi, 10h
  5437. mov si, di
  5438. call int31_checkifmemavail
  5439. call int31_testbxcxtoebx
  5440. add ebx, 1000h ; DOS32AWE ADDITION: crash prevention - add 4K to every allocation
  5441. call int31_checkblocks
  5442. call int31_checkhandle
  5443. mov eax, [esi+4]
  5444. btr eax, 1Fh
  5445. jnb int31fail8023
  5446. cmp eax, ebx
  5447. jnb int31_allocblock
  5448. mov [esi+4], eax
  5449. lea edi, [esi+eax+10h]
  5450. cmp edi, dword ptr cs:mem_top_minus1+1
  5451. jnb short loc_12A96
  5452. mov edx, [edi+4]
  5453. btr edx, 1Fh
  5454. jb short loc_12A96
  5455. lea edx, [eax+edx+10h]
  5456. cmp edx, ebx
  5457. jb short loc_12A96
  5458. mov eax, edx
  5459. mov [esi+4], eax
  5460. jmp int31_allocblock
  5461. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5463. loc_12A96: ; also mem_ptr
  5464. mov edi, dword ptr cs:pm32_info
  5466. loc_12A9C:
  5467. mov edx, [edi+4]
  5468. btr edx, 1Fh
  5469. jb short loc_12AAD
  5470. cmp edx, ebx
  5471. jnb short loc_12AC8
  5473. loc_12AAD:
  5474. lea edi, [edi+edx+10h]
  5475. cmp edi, dword ptr cs:mem_top_minus1+1
  5476. jb short loc_12A9C
  5477. bts eax, 1Fh
  5478. mov [esi+4], eax
  5479. jmp int31fail8013
  5480. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5482. loc_12AC8:
  5483. push esi
  5484. push edi
  5485. mov ecx, eax
  5486. shr ecx, 2
  5487. add esi, 10h
  5488. add edi, 10h
  5489. rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  5490. mov cl, al
  5491. and cl, 3
  5492. rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
  5493. pop edi
  5494. pop esi
  5495. call int31_linkfreeblocks
  5496. mov esi, edi
  5497. mov eax, edx
  5498. jmp int31_allocblock
  5499. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5501. int31_050A:
  5502. shl esi, 10h
  5503. mov si, di
  5504. call int31_checkifmemavail
  5505. call int31_checkblocks
  5506. call int31_checkhandle
  5507. mov ebx, [esi+4]
  5508. btr ebx, 1Fh
  5509. jnb int31fail8023
  5510. add esi, 10h
  5511. xchg ebx, esi
  5512. mov cx, bx
  5513. shr ebx, 10h
  5514. mov di, si
  5515. shr esi, 10h
  5516. jmp int31oksinoax
  5518. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  5521. int31_checkifmemavail proc near
  5522. pop bp
  5523. push eax
  5524. mov eax, dword ptr cs:pm32_info ; also mem_ptr
  5525. or eax, dword ptr cs:mem_free
  5526. pop eax
  5527. jz int31fail8013
  5528. jmp bp
  5529. int31_checkifmemavail endp ; sp-analysis failed
  5532. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  5535. int31_checkblocks proc near
  5536. push eax
  5537. push esi
  5538. mov esi, dword ptr cs:pm32_info ; also mem_ptr
  5540. loc_12B4A:
  5541. test si, 0Fh
  5542. jnz short loc_12B8A
  5543. mov eax, 12345678h
  5544. cmp eax, [esi]
  5545. jnz short loc_12B8A
  5546. cmp eax, [esi+0Ch]
  5547. jnz short loc_12B8A
  5548. mov eax, [esi+4]
  5549. btr eax, 1Fh
  5550. lea esi, [esi+eax+10h]
  5551. cmp esi, dword ptr cs:pm32_info ; also mem_ptr
  5552. jb short loc_12B8A
  5553. cmp esi, dword ptr cs:mem_top_minus1+1
  5554. ja short loc_12B8A
  5555. jb short loc_12B4A
  5556. pop esi
  5557. pop eax
  5558. retn
  5559. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5561. loc_12B8A:
  5562. mov ds, cs:seldata
  5563. xor eax, eax
  5564. mov dword ptr pm32_info, eax ; also mem_ptr
  5565. mov dword ptr mem_free, eax
  5566. mov ax, 8400h
  5567. jmp dword ptr client_call
  5568. int31_checkblocks endp
  5571. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  5574. int31_checkhandle proc near
  5575. pop bp
  5576. cmp esi, dword ptr cs:pm32_info ; also mem_ptr
  5577. jb short loc_12BC7
  5578. cmp esi, dword ptr cs:mem_top_minus1+1
  5579. ja short loc_12BC7
  5580. mov eax, 12345678h
  5581. cmp eax, [esi]
  5582. jnz short loc_12BC7
  5583. cmp eax, [esi+0Ch]
  5584. jnz short loc_12BC7
  5585. jmp bp
  5586. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5588. loc_12BC7:
  5589. jmp int31fail8023
  5590. int31_checkhandle endp ; sp-analysis failed
  5593. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  5596. int31_testbxcxtoebx proc near
  5597. pop bp
  5598. shl ebx, 10h
  5599. mov bx, cx
  5600. test ebx, ebx
  5601. jz int31fail8021
  5602. add ebx, 0Fh
  5603. and bl, 0F0h
  5604. bt ebx, 1Fh
  5605. jb int31fail8021
  5606. jmp bp
  5607. int31_testbxcxtoebx endp ; sp-analysis failed
  5610. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  5613. int31_getfreemem proc near
  5614. xor eax, eax
  5615. xor ecx, ecx
  5616. mov esi, dword ptr cs:pm32_info ; also mem_ptr
  5618. loc_12BF6:
  5619. mov edx, [esi+4]
  5620. btr edx, 1Fh
  5621. jb short loc_12C0D
  5622. add ecx, edx
  5623. cmp eax, edx
  5624. ja short loc_12C0D
  5625. mov eax, edx
  5627. loc_12C0D:
  5628. lea esi, [esi+edx+10h]
  5629. cmp esi, dword ptr cs:mem_top_minus1+1
  5630. jb short loc_12BF6
  5631. retn
  5632. int31_getfreemem endp
  5634. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5636. int31_allocblock:
  5637. mov ecx, 12345678h
  5638. movzx edx, word ptr cs:id32_process_id_minus2+2
  5639. sub eax, ebx
  5640. sub eax, 10h
  5641. jb short loc_12C4B
  5642. lea edi, [esi+ebx+10h]
  5643. mov [edi], ecx
  5644. mov [edi+4], eax
  5645. mov [edi+8], edx
  5646. mov [edi+0Ch], ecx
  5648. loc_12C4B:
  5649. bts ebx, 1Fh
  5650. mov [esi], ecx
  5651. mov [esi+4], ebx
  5652. mov [esi+8], edx
  5653. mov [esi+0Ch], ecx
  5654. call int31_linkfreeblocks
  5655. lea ebx, [esi+10h]
  5656. mov cx, bx
  5657. shr ebx, 10h
  5658. mov di, si
  5659. shr esi, 10h
  5660. jmp int31oksinoax
  5662. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  5665. int31_linkfreeblocks proc near
  5666. pushad
  5667. mov edi, dword ptr cs:pm32_info ; also mem_ptr
  5668. mov ebp, dword ptr cs:mem_top_minus1+1
  5669. mov eax, [edi+4]
  5670. btr eax, 1Fh
  5671. lea esi, [edi+eax+10h]
  5672. cmp esi, ebp
  5673. jnb short loc_12CFD
  5674. mov esi, edi
  5676. loc_12CA0:
  5677. mov eax, [esi+4]
  5678. btr eax, 1Fh
  5679. jb short loc_12CF2
  5680. xor ebx, ebx
  5681. xor ecx, ecx
  5682. mov edi, esi
  5683. jmp short loc_12CDD
  5684. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5686. loc_12CB7:
  5687. add ecx, 10h
  5688. mov eax, [esi+4]
  5689. btr eax, 1Fh
  5690. lea ebx, [eax+ebx]
  5691. jnb short loc_12CDD
  5692. sub ebx, eax
  5693. sub ecx, 10h
  5694. add ebx, ecx
  5695. add [edi+4], ebx
  5696. jmp short loc_12CF2
  5697. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5699. loc_12CDD:
  5700. lea esi, [esi+eax+10h]
  5701. cmp esi, ebp
  5702. jb short loc_12CB7
  5703. add ebx, ecx
  5704. add [edi+4], ebx
  5705. jmp short loc_12CFD
  5706. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5708. loc_12CF2:
  5709. lea esi, [esi+eax+10h]
  5710. cmp esi, ebp
  5711. jb short loc_12CA0
  5713. loc_12CFD:
  5714. popad
  5715. retn
  5716. int31_linkfreeblocks endp
  5718. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5720. int31_0600:
  5721. jmp int31ok
  5722. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5724. int31_0604:
  5725. xor bx, bx
  5726. mov cx, 1000h
  5727. jmp int31okbx
  5728. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5730. int31_0800:
  5731. shl ebx, 10h
  5732. shl esi, 10h
  5733. mov bx, cx
  5734. mov si, di
  5735. cmp ebx, 100000h
  5736. jb int31fail8021
  5737. test esi, esi
  5738. jz int31fail8021
  5739. cmp cs:pmodetype, 2
  5740. jz short loc_12D34
  5741. jmp int31ok
  5742. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5744. loc_12D34:
  5745. cmp cs:pm32_maxfpages, 0
  5746. jz int31fail8012
  5747. push ds
  5748. pop es
  5749. assume es:KERNEL
  5750. mov edi, dword ptr cs:phystablebase
  5752. loc_12D46:
  5753. mov eax, ebx
  5754. lea ecx, [esi+0FFFh]
  5755. and ax, 0F000h
  5756. shr ecx, 0Ch
  5757. mov edx, edi
  5759. loc_12D5B:
  5760. cmp edi, dword ptr cs:phystabletop_minus2+2
  5761. jnb short loc_12D90
  5762. mov ebp, [edi]
  5763. and bp, 0F000h
  5764. cmp eax, ebp
  5765. jz short loc_12D76
  5766. add edi, 4
  5767. jmp short loc_12D46
  5768. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5770. loc_12D76:
  5771. add edi, 4
  5772. add eax, 1000h
  5773. dec ecx
  5774. jnz short loc_12D5B
  5775. mov eax, ebx
  5776. and ax, 0F000h
  5777. sub ebx, eax
  5778. jmp loc_12E0F
  5779. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5781. loc_12D90:
  5782. mov edi, dword ptr cs:phystablebase
  5783. mov ecx, dword ptr cs:phystabletop_minus2+2
  5784. sub ecx, edi
  5785. shr ecx, 2
  5786. mov eax, ebx
  5787. and ax, 0F000h
  5788. lea ebp, [ebx+esi+0FFFh]
  5789. sub ebp, eax
  5790. shr ebp, 0Ch
  5792. loc_12DB9:
  5793. test ecx, ecx
  5794. jz int31fail8021
  5795. xor eax, eax
  5796. repne scas dword ptr es:[edi]
  5797. lea edx, [edi-4]
  5798. repe scas dword ptr es:[edi]
  5799. mov eax, edi
  5800. sub eax, edx
  5801. shr eax, 2
  5802. cmp eax, ebp
  5803. jb short loc_12DB9
  5804. mov eax, ebx
  5805. and ax, 0F000h
  5806. sub ebx, eax
  5807. mov edi, edx
  5808. mov ecx, ebp
  5809. mov al, 7
  5810. cmp cs:cputype, 3
  5811. jbe short loc_12DFA
  5812. mov al, 1Fh
  5814. loc_12DFA:
  5815. stos dword ptr es:[edi]
  5816. add eax, 1000h
  5817. loop loc_12DFA
  5818. or byte ptr [edx+1], 2
  5819. or byte ptr [edi-3], 4
  5821. loc_12E0F:
  5822. sub edx, dword ptr cs:phystablebase
  5823. shl edx, 0Ah
  5824. add edx, ebx
  5825. mov [esp+18h], dx
  5826. shr edx, 10h
  5827. or dx, 8000h
  5828. mov [esp+10h], dx
  5829. mov eax, cs:vcpi_cr3
  5830. mov cr3, eax
  5831. xor eax, eax
  5832. mov cr2, eax
  5833. jmp int31ok
  5834. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5836. int31_0801:
  5837. cmp cs:pmodetype, 2
  5838. jz short loc_12E4A
  5839. jmp int31ok
  5840. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5842. loc_12E4A:
  5843. cmp cs:pm32_maxfpages, 0
  5844. jz int31fail8012
  5845. and bx, 7FFFh
  5846. shl ebx, 10h
  5847. mov bx, cx
  5848. shr ebx, 0Ah
  5849. and bl, 0FCh
  5850. add ebx, dword ptr cs:phystablebase
  5851. cmp ebx, dword ptr cs:phystablebase
  5852. jb int31fail8025
  5853. cmp ebx, dword ptr cs:phystabletop_minus2+2
  5854. jnb int31fail8025
  5855. test byte ptr [ebx+1], 2
  5856. jz int31fail8025
  5858. loc_12E88:
  5859. xor eax, eax
  5860. xchg eax, [ebx]
  5861. add ebx, 4
  5862. test ah, 4
  5863. jz short loc_12E88
  5864. mov eax, cs:vcpi_cr3
  5865. mov cr3, eax
  5866. xor eax, eax
  5867. mov cr2, eax
  5868. jmp int31ok
  5869. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5871. int31_0E00:
  5872. movzx ax, cs:fputype
  5873. shl ax, 4
  5874. smsw dx
  5875. and dl, 6
  5876. shr dl, 1
  5877. or al, dl
  5878. shl dl, 2
  5879. or al, dl
  5880. jmp int31okax
  5881. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5883. int31_0E01:
  5884. mov ds, cs:seldata
  5885. assume ds:nothing
  5886. and bl, 3
  5887. shl bl, 1
  5888. smsw ax
  5889. or al, bl
  5890. lmsw ax
  5891. jmp int31ok
  5892. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5894. int31_EEFF:
  5895. add esp, 26h
  5896. pop ds
  5897. assume ds:KERNEL
  5898. push cs
  5899. pop es
  5900. mov eax, 'D32A'
  5901. mov ebx, 2E88h
  5902. mov ch, cs:pmodetype
  5903. mov cl, cs:cputype
  5904. mov dx, cs:client_version
  5905. jmp int31oknopop
  5906. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5907. align 10h
  5908. KERNEL ends
  5910. ; ===========================================================================
  5912. ; Segment type: Pure code
  5913. TEXT16 segment byte public 'CODE' use16
  5914. assume cs:TEXT16
  5915. assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:TEXT16, fs:nothing, gs:nothing
  5917. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  5920. get_default_config proc near
  5921. push ds
  5922. push es
  5923. mov ax, seg ID32
  5924. mov dx, seg KERNEL
  5925. mov _seg_id32, ax
  5926. mov _seg_kernel, dx
  5927. push ax
  5928. push dx
  5929. mov ax, 0FF87h
  5930. int 21h ; DOS - DOS v??? - OEM FUNCTION
  5931. cmp dx, 'ID'
  5932. jnz short loc_12F37
  5933. cmp ax, '32'
  5934. jnz short loc_12F37
  5935. mov es, cs:_seg_id32
  5936. xor di, di
  5937. mov cx, 0Ch
  5938. rep movsw
  5939. mov ds, cs:_seg_ds
  5940. or _sys_misc, 1
  5942. loc_12F37:
  5943. pop dx
  5944. pop ax
  5945. mov ds, ax
  5946. mov es, dx
  5947. xor si, si
  5948. mov di, 0
  5949. lodsw
  5950. cmp ax, 'DI'
  5951. jnz short loc_12F6E
  5952. lodsw
  5953. cmp ax, '23'
  5954. jnz short loc_12F6E
  5955. mov cx, 10h
  5956. rep movsb
  5957. mov es, cs:_seg_ds
  5958. assume es:TEXT16
  5959. and word ptr [si], 7FFFh
  5960. lodsw
  5961. mov word ptr es:_misc_byte_1, ax
  5962. lodsw
  5963. mov es:_lowmembuf, ax
  5964. lodsw
  5965. mov es:_version, ax
  5966. clc
  5967. jmp short loc_12F6F
  5968. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5970. loc_12F6E:
  5971. stc
  5973. loc_12F6F:
  5974. pop es
  5975. assume es:nothing
  5976. pop ds
  5977. retn
  5978. get_default_config endp
  5981. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  5983. ; also _app_buf_allocsel
  5985. get_environ_config proc near
  5986. push ds
  5987. push es
  5988. jb short @@done
  5989. test _misc_byte_2, 1
  5990. jz short @@done
  5991. mov es, _seg_env
  5992. xor di, di
  5993. mov cx, 0FFFFh
  5994. xor ax, ax
  5996. loc_12F88:
  5997. push cx
  5998. mov cx, 7
  5999. mov si, offset aDos32aweQuietpr ; "DOS32AWE="
  6000. repe cmpsb
  6001. pop cx
  6002. jz short loc_12F9D
  6003. repne scasb
  6004. cmp al, es:[di]
  6005. jnz short loc_12F88
  6006. jmp short @@done
  6007. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6009. loc_12F9D:
  6010. call skip_env_spaces
  6011. cmp byte ptr es:[di], 0
  6012. jz short @@done
  6013. call get_env_word
  6014. call skip_env_nonspaces
  6015. cmp byte ptr es:[di], 0
  6016. jnz short loc_12F9D
  6018. @@done:
  6019. pop es
  6020. pop ds
  6021. retn
  6022. get_environ_config endp
  6025. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  6028. get_env_word proc near
  6030. ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 0170 SIZE 000000DE BYTES
  6032. xor bx, bx
  6034. loc_12FB7:
  6035. mov si, word ptr[bx]
  6036. cmp si, 0FFFFh
  6037. jz short locret_12FCF
  6038. mov cx, dfn_tab.namelen[bx]
  6039. push di
  6040. repe cmpsb
  6041. pop di
  6042. jz short loc_12FD0
  6044. loc_12FCA:
  6045. add bx, 6
  6046. jmp short loc_12FB7
  6047. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6049. locret_12FCF:
  6050. retn
  6051. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6053. loc_12FD0:
  6054. add di, dfn_tab.namelen[bx]
  6055. jmp cs:dfn_tab.handler[bx]
  6056. get_env_word endp
  6059. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  6062. skip_env_spaces proc near
  6063. mov al, es:[di]
  6064. test al, al
  6065. jz short locret_12FEC
  6066. cmp al, '/'
  6067. jz short loc_12FEB
  6068. cmp al, ' '
  6069. jnz short locret_12FEC
  6070. inc di
  6071. jmp short skip_env_spaces
  6072. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6074. loc_12FEB:
  6075. inc di
  6077. locret_12FEC:
  6078. retn
  6079. skip_env_spaces endp
  6082. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  6085. skip_env_nonspaces proc near
  6086. mov al, es:[di]
  6087. test al, al
  6089. _app_buf_allocbase:
  6090. jz short locret_13000
  6091. cmp al, '/'
  6092. jz short loc_12FFF
  6093. cmp al, ' '
  6094. jz short locret_13000
  6095. inc di
  6096. jmp short skip_env_nonspaces
  6097. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6099. loc_12FFF:
  6100. inc di
  6102. locret_13000:
  6103. retn
  6104. skip_env_nonspaces endp
  6107. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  6110. get_env_swc proc near
  6111. cmp byte ptr es:[di], ':'
  6112. jnz short loc_13008
  6113. inc di
  6115. loc_13008:
  6116. xor ax, ax
  6117. cmp byte ptr es:[di], '0'
  6118. jz short @@x1
  6119. inc ax
  6120. cmp byte ptr es:[di], '1'
  6121. jz short @@x1
  6122. cmp word ptr es:[di], 'NO'
  6123. jz short @@x2
  6124. dec ax
  6125. cmp word ptr es:[di], 'FO'
  6126. jnz short @@x0
  6127. cmp byte ptr es:[di+2], 'F'
  6128. jz short @@x3
  6130. @@x0:
  6131. stc
  6132. retn
  6133. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6135. @@x3:
  6136. inc di
  6138. @@x2:
  6139. inc di
  6141. @@x1:
  6142. inc di
  6143. test al, al
  6144. retn
  6145. get_env_swc endp
  6148. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  6151. get_env_num proc near
  6152. cmp byte ptr es:[di], ':'
  6153. jnz short loc_1303C
  6154. inc di
  6156. loc_1303C:
  6157. xor ax, ax
  6158. xor bx, bx
  6159. mov cx, 10
  6160. mov al, es:[di]
  6161. sub al, '0'
  6162. jb short loc_1306E
  6163. cmp al, 9
  6164. ja short loc_1306E
  6165. xchg ax, bx
  6166. mul cx
  6167. xchg ax, bx
  6168. add bx, ax
  6170. loc_13054:
  6171. inc di
  6172. xor ax, ax
  6173. mov al, es:[di]
  6174. sub al, '0'
  6175. jb short loc_1306A
  6176. cmp al, 9
  6177. ja short loc_1306A
  6178. xchg ax, bx
  6179. mul cx
  6180. xchg ax, bx
  6181. add bx, ax
  6182. jmp short loc_13054
  6183. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6185. loc_1306A:
  6186. mov ax, bx
  6187. clc
  6188. retn
  6189. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6191. loc_1306E:
  6192. stc
  6193. retn
  6194. get_env_num endp
  6196. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6197. ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR get_env_word
  6199. cfg_env_quiet:
  6200. and word ptr _misc_byte_1, not 803h
  6201. retn
  6202. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6204. cfg_env_print:
  6205. call get_env_swc
  6206. jb short locret_1308B
  6207. jz short loc_13085
  6208. or word ptr _misc_byte_1, 801h
  6209. retn
  6210. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6212. loc_13085:
  6213. and word ptr _misc_byte_1, not 801h
  6215. locret_1308B:
  6216. retn
  6217. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6219. cfg_env_sound:
  6220. call get_env_swc
  6221. jb short locret_1309E
  6222. jz short loc_13099
  6223. or _misc_byte_1, 2
  6224. retn
  6225. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6227. loc_13099:
  6228. and _misc_byte_1, not 2
  6230. locret_1309E:
  6231. retn
  6232. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6234. cfg_env_extmem:
  6235. call get_env_num
  6236. jb short locret_130CE
  6237. push ds
  6238. mov ds, _seg_kernel
  6239. assume ds:KERNEL
  6240. push ax
  6241. mov bx, 1024
  6242. mul bx
  6243. mov word ptr pm32_maxextmem, ax
  6244. mov word ptr pm32_maxextmem+2, dx
  6245. pop ax
  6246. add ax, 0FFFh
  6247. and ax, 0F000h
  6248. xor dx, dx
  6249. mov bx, 1000h
  6250. div bx
  6251. test al, al
  6252. jnz short loc_130CA
  6253. inc al
  6255. loc_130CA:
  6256. mov pm32_maxpages, al
  6257. pop ds
  6258. assume ds:TEXT16
  6260. locret_130CE:
  6261. retn
  6262. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6264. cfg_env_dosbuf:
  6265. call get_env_num
  6266. cmp ax, 1
  6267. jb short locret_130EA
  6268. cmp ax, 40h ; '@'
  6269. ja short locret_130EA
  6270. jnz short loc_130E3
  6271. mov ax, 0FFFh
  6272. jmp short loc_130E7
  6273. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6275. loc_130E3:
  6276. mov cl, 6
  6277. shl ax, cl
  6279. loc_130E7:
  6280. mov _lowmembuf, ax
  6282. locret_130EA:
  6283. retn
  6284. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6286. cfg_env_test:
  6287. call get_env_swc
  6288. retn
  6289. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6291. cfg_env_restore:
  6292. call get_env_swc
  6293. jb short locret_13101
  6294. jz short loc_130FC
  6295. or _misc_byte_1, 4
  6296. retn
  6297. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6299. loc_130FC:
  6300. and _misc_byte_1, not 4
  6302. locret_13101:
  6303. retn
  6304. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6306. cfg_env_nullp:
  6307. call get_env_swc
  6308. jb short loc_13109
  6309. jz short loc_1310F
  6311. loc_13109:
  6312. or _misc_byte_1, 80h
  6313. retn
  6314. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6316. loc_1310F:
  6317. and _misc_byte_1, 7Fh
  6318. retn
  6319. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6321. cfg_env_verbose:
  6322. call get_env_swc
  6323. jb short loc_1311C
  6324. jz short loc_13122
  6326. loc_1311C:
  6327. or _misc_byte_2, 10h
  6328. retn
  6329. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6331. loc_13122:
  6332. and _misc_byte_2, 0EFh
  6333. retn
  6334. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6336. cfg_env_nowarn:
  6337. call get_env_num
  6338. sub ax, 9000
  6339. jb short locret_13147
  6340. cmp al, 6
  6341. ja short locret_13147
  6342. add ax, ax
  6343. mov bx, ax
  6344. mov errtab_90xx[bx], 0
  6345. cmp byte ptr es:[di], ','
  6346. jnz short locret_13147
  6347. inc di
  6348. jmp short cfg_env_nowarn
  6349. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6351. locret_13147:
  6352. retn
  6353. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6355. cfg_env_noc:
  6356. and _misc_byte_2, not 8
  6357. retn
  6358. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR get_env_word
  6359. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6360. ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR alloc_block
  6362. report_errorm:
  6363. mov ax, cs:_err_code
  6364. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR alloc_block
  6366. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  6369. report_error proc near
  6371. ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 0488 SIZE 00000039 BYTES
  6373. push bx
  6374. push ds
  6375. cmp cs:_sel_ds, 0
  6376. jnz short loc_13163
  6377. mov ds, cs:_seg_ds
  6378. jmp short loc_13168
  6379. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6381. loc_13163:
  6382. mov ds, cs:_sel_ds
  6384. loc_13168:
  6385. xor bx, bx
  6387. loc_1316A:
  6388. cmp ah, byte ptr g_errtab.category[bx]
  6389. jz short loc_1317A
  6390. cmp [bx+errtabentry.category], 0FFh
  6391. jz short loc_131C4
  6392. add bx, 4
  6393. jmp short loc_1316A
  6394. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6396. loc_1317A:
  6397. cmp g_errtab.kind[bx], 1
  6398. jnz short loc_13188
  6399. test _misc_byte_1, 1
  6400. jz short loc_131C4
  6402. loc_13188:
  6403. push ax
  6404. push cx
  6405. push dx
  6406. push bx
  6407. mov bl, g_errtab.kind[bx]
  6408. mov bh, 0
  6409. mov cx, bx
  6410. add bx, bx
  6411. mov dx, h_errtab[bx]
  6412. pop bx
  6413. push di
  6414. push si
  6415. mov si, g_errtab.table[bx]
  6416. mov bl, al
  6417. mov bh, 0
  6418. add bx, bx
  6419. mov di, [bx+si]
  6420. test di, di
  6421. jz short loc_131BA
  6422. push ax
  6423. call prints
  6424. pop ax
  6425. mov dx, di
  6426. call prints
  6427. call printcr
  6429. loc_131BA:
  6430. pop si
  6431. pop di
  6432. cmp cl, 1
  6433. jnz short loc_131C7
  6434. pop dx
  6435. pop cx
  6436. pop ax
  6438. loc_131C4:
  6439. pop ds
  6440. pop bx
  6441. retn
  6442. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6444. loc_131C7:
  6445. mov al, 0FFh
  6446. cmp _sel_cs, 0
  6447. jnz short loc_131D3
  6448. jmp exit86
  6449. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6451. loc_131D3:
  6452. jmp exit386
  6453. report_error endp
  6456. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  6459. copyright proc near
  6460. test _misc_byte_2, 8
  6461. jz short locret_13209
  6462. mov ax, _version
  6463. mov bx, (offset cpr_msg+21h)
  6464. mov si, offset cpr_msg ; "DOS32AWE -- DOS Extender version x.x.x\r"...
  6465. push ax
  6466. mov al, ah
  6467. aam
  6468. add al, '0'
  6469. mov [bx], al
  6470. pop ax
  6471. aam
  6472. add ax, '00'
  6473. mov [bx+2], ah
  6474. mov [bx+4], al
  6475. mov cx, (offset aDos32aweFatalW - offset cpr_msg) ; "DOS32AWE -- DOS Extender version x.x.x\r"...
  6477. loc_131FE:
  6478. lodsb
  6479. push cx
  6480. xor bx, bx
  6481. mov ah, 0Eh
  6483. ; AL = character, BH = display page (alpha modes)
  6484. ; BL = foreground color (graphics modes)
  6485. pop cx
  6486. loop loc_131FE
  6488. locret_13209:
  6489. retn
  6490. copyright endp
  6492. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6493. @char db 2 dup(0)
  6494. @crlf db 0Dh,0Ah,0
  6496. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  6499. printc proc near
  6500. push dx
  6501. mov @char, al
  6502. mov dx, offset @char
  6503. jmp short @prnt
  6504. printc endp
  6507. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  6510. printcr proc near
  6511. push dx
  6512. mov dx, offset @crlf ; "\r\n"
  6514. @prnt:
  6515. call prints
  6516. pop dx
  6517. retn
  6518. printcr endp
  6521. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  6524. prints proc near
  6525. push ax
  6526. push bx
  6527. push cx
  6528. push dx
  6529. push si
  6530. push di
  6531. push bp
  6532. push ds
  6533. push es
  6534. push ss
  6535. pop es
  6536. mov bp, sp
  6537. sub sp, 100h
  6538. add bp, 14h
  6539. mov si, dx
  6540. mov di, sp
  6541. push di
  6543. loc_1323A:
  6544. lodsb
  6545. cmp al, '%'
  6546. jz short @@args
  6547. cmp al, '$'
  6548. jnz short @@next
  6549. mov al, '?'
  6551. @@next:
  6552. stosb
  6553. test al, al
  6554. jnz short loc_1323A
  6555. pop di
  6556. call writes
  6557. add sp, 100h
  6558. pop es
  6559. pop ds
  6560. pop bp
  6561. pop di
  6562. pop si
  6563. pop dx
  6564. pop cx
  6565. pop bx
  6566. pop ax
  6567. retn
  6568. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6570. @@args:
  6571. lodsb
  6572. cmp al, 25h ; '%'
  6573. jz short @@next
  6574. cmp al, 63h ; 'c'
  6575. jz short @@c
  6576. cmp al, 73h ; 's'
  6577. jz short @@s
  6578. cmp al, 62h ; 'b'
  6579. jz short @@b
  6580. cmp al, 77h ; 'w'
  6581. jz short @@w
  6582. cmp al, 6Ch ; 'l'
  6583. jz short @@l
  6584. cmp al, 64h ; 'd'
  6585. jz short @@d
  6586. jmp short @@next
  6587. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6589. @@c:
  6590. mov al, [bp+0]
  6591. add bp, 2
  6592. jmp short @@next
  6593. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6595. @@s:
  6596. mov bx, [bp+0]
  6597. add bp, 2
  6599. loc_13289:
  6600. mov al, [bx]
  6601. inc bx
  6602. test al, al
  6603. jz short loc_1323A
  6604. cmp al, '$'
  6605. jnz short loc_13296
  6606. mov al, '?'
  6608. loc_13296:
  6609. stosb
  6610. jmp short loc_13289
  6611. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6613. @@b:
  6614. mov ah, [bp+0]
  6615. add bp, 2
  6616. mov cx, 2
  6617. call hex
  6618. jmp short loc_1323A
  6619. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6621. @@w:
  6622. mov ax, [bp+0]
  6623. add bp, 2
  6624. mov cx, 4
  6625. call hex
  6626. jmp short loc_1323A
  6627. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6629. @@l:
  6630. mov ax, [bp+2]
  6631. mov cx, 4
  6632. call hex
  6633. mov ax, [bp+0]
  6634. add bp, 4
  6635. mov cx, 4
  6636. call hex
  6637. jmp loc_1323A
  6638. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6640. @@d:
  6641. mov ax, [bp+0]
  6642. add bp, 2
  6643. xor cx, cx
  6644. call dec
  6645. jmp loc_1323A
  6646. prints endp
  6649. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  6652. hex proc near
  6653. rol ax, 1
  6654. rol ax, 1
  6655. rol ax, 1
  6656. rol ax, 1
  6657. mov bl, al
  6658. and bl, 0Fh
  6659. add bl, '0'
  6660. cmp bl, '9'
  6661. jbe short loc_132F3
  6662. add bl, 7
  6664. loc_132F3:
  6665. xchg ax, bx
  6666. stosb
  6667. xchg ax, bx
  6668. loop hex
  6669. retn
  6670. hex endp
  6673. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  6676. dec proc near
  6677. mov bx, 10000
  6678. call dec0
  6679. mov bx, 1000
  6680. call dec0
  6681. mov bx, 100
  6682. call dec0
  6683. mov bx, 10
  6684. call dec0
  6685. jmp short loc_13320
  6686. dec endp
  6689. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  6692. dec0 proc near
  6693. xor dx, dx
  6694. div bx
  6695. test ax, ax
  6696. jz short loc_1331C
  6697. inc cx
  6699. loc_1331C:
  6700. test cx, cx
  6701. jz short loc_13323
  6703. loc_13320:
  6704. add al, '0'
  6705. stosb
  6707. loc_13323:
  6708. mov ax, dx
  6709. retn
  6710. dec0 endp
  6713. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  6716. writes proc near
  6717. xor al, al
  6718. mov dx, di
  6719. mov cx, 0FFFFh
  6720. repne scasb
  6721. dec di
  6722. push es
  6723. pop ds
  6724. mov ax, 924h ; Add dollar terminator
  6725. mov [di], al
  6726. cmp cs:_sel_cs, 0
  6727. jnz short @@pm
  6728. int 21h ; DOS - PRINT STRING
  6729. ; DS:DX -> string terminated by "$"
  6730. retn
  6731. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6733. @@pm:
  6734. push ebp
  6735. sub esp, 32h
  6736. mov ebp, esp
  6737. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  6738. mov [ebp+14h], dx
  6739. mov ax, cs:_seg_ss
  6740. mov [ebp+24h], ax
  6741. call int21h
  6742. add esp, 32h
  6743. pop ebp
  6744. retn
  6745. writes endp
  6747. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6748. ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR unload_fixups
  6750. file_error:
  6751. mov si, offset start
  6752. jmp report_error
  6753. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR unload_fixups
  6754. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6755. ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR alloc_block
  6757. file_errorm:
  6758. mov si, offset start
  6759. jmp report_errorm
  6760. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR alloc_block
  6761. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6763. dos_error:
  6764. mov si, ax
  6765. mov ax, 8002h
  6766. jmp short common_error
  6767. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6770. dpmi_error:
  6771. mov si, ax
  6772. mov ax, 8003h
  6774. common_error:
  6775. cli
  6776. lss esp, fword ptr cs:_sel_esp
  6777. jmp report_error
  6778. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR int21h
  6779. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6780. ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR report_error
  6782. exit86:
  6783. cli
  6784. cld
  6785. mov ds, cs:_seg_ds
  6786. mov es, _seg_es
  6787. mov ss, _seg_ss
  6788. mov sp, 800h
  6789. mov ax, _seg_env
  6790. mov es:2Ch, ax
  6791. mov ax, 4CFFh
  6792. int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - QUIT WITH EXIT CODE (EXIT)
  6793. ; AL = exit code
  6794. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6796. exit386:
  6797. cli
  6798. cld
  6799. mov ds, cs:_sel_ds
  6800. mov es, _sel_es
  6801. lss esp, fword ptr _sel_esp
  6802. xor dx, dx
  6803. mov fs, dx
  6804. assume fs:nothing
  6805. mov gs, dx
  6806. assume gs:nothing
  6807. mov ah, 4Ch
  6808. int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - QUIT WITH EXIT CODE (EXIT)
  6809. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR report_error ; AL = exit code
  6811. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  6814. save_inttab proc near
  6815. push cx
  6816. push si
  6817. push di
  6818. push ds
  6819. push es
  6820. xor si, si
  6821. mov di, 800h
  6822. mov ds, cs:_sel_zero
  6823. mov es, cs:_sel_ss
  6824. mov cx, 200h
  6825. cld
  6826. rep movsw
  6827. in al, 21h ; Interrupt controller, 8259A.
  6828. mov ah, al
  6829. in al, 0A1h ; Interrupt Controller #2, 8259A
  6830. pop es
  6831. pop ds
  6832. pop di
  6833. pop si
  6834. pop cx
  6835. mov _pic_mask, ax
  6836. retn
  6837. save_inttab endp
  6840. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  6843. restore_inttab proc near
  6844. test cs:_misc_byte_1, 4
  6845. jz short locret_1342A
  6846. cmp cs:_sys_type, 3
  6847. jz short loc_13400
  6848. xor eax, eax
  6849. mov dr7, eax
  6851. loc_13400:
  6852. pushf
  6853. cli
  6854. push si
  6855. push di
  6856. push ds
  6857. push es
  6858. xor di, di
  6859. mov si, 800h
  6860. mov es, cs:_sel_zero
  6861. mov ds, cs:_sel_ss
  6862. mov cx, 200h
  6863. cld
  6864. rep movsw
  6865. mov ax, cs:_pic_mask
  6866. out 0A1h, al ; Interrupt Controller #2, 8259A
  6867. mov al, ah
  6868. out 21h, al ; Interrupt controller, 8259A.
  6869. pop es
  6870. pop ds
  6871. pop di
  6872. pop si
  6873. popf
  6875. locret_1342A:
  6876. retn
  6877. restore_inttab endp
  6880. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  6883. check_inttab proc near
  6884. test cs:_misc_byte_1, 8
  6885. jz short locret_1345D
  6886. pushad
  6887. push ds
  6888. push es
  6889. xor bx, bx
  6890. mov ds, cs:_sel_ss
  6891. mov es, cs:_sel_zero
  6892. mov esi, 800h
  6893. xor edi, edi
  6894. cld
  6896. loc_1344D:
  6897. cmps dword ptr [esi], dword ptr es:[edi]
  6898. jnz short loc_1345E
  6900. loc_13452:
  6901. inc bx
  6902. cmp bx, 100h
  6903. jb short loc_1344D
  6904. pop es
  6905. pop ds
  6906. popad
  6908. locret_1345D:
  6909. retn
  6910. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6912. loc_1345E:
  6913. mov ax, 9003h
  6914. push bx
  6915. push si
  6916. mov si, bx
  6917. call report_error
  6918. pop si
  6919. pop bx
  6920. jmp short loc_13452
  6921. check_inttab endp
  6924. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  6927. restore_pit proc near
  6928. push ax
  6929. mov al, 36h ; '6'
  6930. out 43h, al ; Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2).
  6931. mov al, 0
  6932. out 40h, al ; Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2).
  6933. out 40h, al ; Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2).
  6934. pop ax
  6935. retn
  6936. restore_pit endp
  6939. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  6942. set_descriptor proc near
  6943. push ebx
  6944. push ecx
  6945. push edx
  6946. push ebp
  6947. mov ebp, ecx
  6948. xor ax, ax
  6949. mov cx, 1
  6950. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  6952. ; CX = number of descriptors to allocate
  6953. ; Return: CF set on error
  6954. ; CF clear if successful, AX = base selector
  6955. jb short loc_134B6
  6956. mov bx, ax
  6957. mov ax, 9
  6958. mov cx, dx
  6959. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  6961. ; BX = selector, CL = access rights/type byte
  6962. ; CH = 80386 extended rights/type byte (32-bit DPMI implementations only)
  6963. ; Return: CF set on error
  6964. ; CF clear if successful
  6965. jb short loc_134B6
  6966. dec ax
  6967. mov ecx, ebp
  6968. mov dx, cx
  6969. shr ecx, 10h
  6970. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  6972. ; BX = selector, CX:DX = segment limit
  6973. ; Return: CF set on error
  6974. ; CF clear if successful
  6975. jb short loc_134B6
  6976. dec ax
  6977. mov ecx, edi
  6978. mov dx, cx
  6979. shr ecx, 10h
  6980. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  6982. ; BX = selector, CX:DX = linear base address
  6983. ; Return: CF set on error
  6984. ; CF clear if successful
  6985. jb short loc_134B6
  6986. mov ax, bx
  6988. loc_134B6:
  6989. pop ebp
  6990. pop edx
  6991. pop ecx
  6992. pop ebx
  6993. retn
  6994. set_descriptor endp
  6997. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  7000. _int23 proc near
  7001. push ds
  7002. mov ds, cs:_sel_ds
  7003. or _sys_misc, 100h
  7004. pop ds
  7005. iretd
  7006. _int23 endp
  7009. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  7012. int10h proc near
  7013. push bx
  7014. mov bx, 10h
  7015. jmp short intxxh
  7016. int10h endp
  7019. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  7022. int33h proc near
  7023. push bx
  7024. mov bx, 33h ; '3'
  7025. jmp short intxxh
  7026. int33h endp
  7029. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  7032. int21h proc near
  7034. ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 0478 SIZE 00000010 BYTES
  7036. push bx
  7037. mov bx, 21h ; '!'
  7039. intxxh:
  7040. push cx
  7041. push edi
  7042. push es
  7043. xor eax, eax
  7044. mov [ebp+20h], ax
  7045. mov [ebp+2Eh], eax
  7046. xor cx, cx
  7047. push ss
  7048. pop es
  7049. mov edi, ebp
  7050. mov ax, 300h
  7051. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7053. ; BL=interrupt number
  7054. ; CX=number of words to copy from protected mode to real mode stack
  7055. ; ES:DI / ES:EDI = selector:offset of real mode call structure
  7056. ; Return: CF set on error
  7057. ; CF clear if ok
  7058. pop es
  7059. pop edi
  7060. pop cx
  7061. pop bx
  7062. jb dpmi_error
  7063. retn
  7064. int21h endp
  7067. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  7070. setup_dta_buffer proc near
  7071. sub esp, 32h
  7072. mov ebp, esp
  7073. mov ax, _seg_ss
  7074. add ax, 10h
  7075. mov _seg_dta, ax
  7076. mov [ebp+24h], ax
  7077. add ax, 8
  7078. mov _seg_mus, ax
  7079. mov ax, ss
  7080. mov _dta_sel, ax
  7081. mov _app_dta_sel, ax
  7082. mov eax, 100h
  7083. mov _dta_ofs, eax
  7084. mov _app_dta_ofs, eax
  7085. mov byte ptr [ebp+1Dh], 1Ah
  7086. mov word ptr [ebp+14h], 0
  7087. call int21h
  7088. add esp, 32h
  7089. retn
  7090. setup_dta_buffer endp
  7093. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  7096. initialize_mouse proc near
  7097. push ds
  7098. mov ds, _sel_zero
  7099. assume ds:nothing
  7100. cmp dword ptr ds:0CCh, 0
  7101. pop ds
  7102. assume ds:TEXT16
  7103. jz short @@err
  7104. mov ax, 21h ; '!'
  7105. int 33h ; - MS MOUSE - SOFTWARE RESET
  7106. ; Return: AX = FFFFh if mouse driver installed
  7107. ; AX = 0021h if mouse driver not installed
  7108. ; BX = 2 if mouse driver is installed
  7109. cmp ax, 21h ; '!'
  7110. jnz short loc_13566
  7111. xor ax, ax
  7113. ; Return: AX = status
  7114. ; BX = number of buttons
  7115. inc ax
  7116. jnz short @@err
  7118. loc_13566:
  7119. mov ax, 15h
  7121. ; Return: BX = size of buffer needed to store driver state
  7122. movzx eax, bx
  7123. cmp eax, _lobufsize
  7124. jnb short @@err
  7125. mov _mus_size, eax
  7126. push ds
  7127. push es
  7128. push cs
  7129. pop ds
  7130. push ss
  7131. pop es
  7132. mov esi, offset _mus_int_pm
  7133. mov edi, 7C0h
  7134. mov ax, 303h
  7135. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7137. ; DS:SI=selector:offset of procedure to call
  7138. ; ES:DI=selector:offset of real mode call structure
  7139. ; Return: CF set on error
  7140. ; CF clear if ok, CX:DX = segment:offset of real mode call address
  7141. pop es
  7142. pop ds
  7143. jb dpmi_error
  7144. mov _mus_backofs, dx
  7145. mov _mus_backseg, cx
  7146. retn
  7147. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7149. @@err: ; dummy int33
  7150. mov word ptr _int33, 0CF66h
  7151. mov ax, 9004h
  7152. jmp report_error
  7153. initialize_mouse endp
  7156. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  7159. install_client_ints proc near
  7160. mov ax, 205h
  7161. mov cx, cs
  7162. mov bl, 10h
  7163. mov edx, offset _int10
  7164. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7166. ; BL = interrupt number, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7167. ; Return: CF set on error
  7168. ; CF clear if successful
  7169. jb @@err
  7170. mov bl, 21h ; '!'
  7171. mov dx, offset _int21
  7172. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7174. ; BL = interrupt number, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7175. ; Return: CF set on error
  7176. ; CF clear if successful
  7177. jb @@err
  7178. mov bl, 23h ; '#'
  7179. mov dx, offset _int23
  7180. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7182. ; BL = interrupt number, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7183. ; Return: CF set on error
  7184. ; CF clear if successful
  7185. jb @@err
  7186. mov bl, 33h ; '3'
  7187. mov dx, offset _int33
  7188. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7190. ; BL = interrupt number, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7191. ; Return: CF set on error
  7192. ; CF clear if successful
  7193. jb @@err
  7194. mov ax, 203h
  7195. mov bl, 0
  7196. mov dx, offset eh00
  7197. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7199. ; BL = exception number (00h-1Fh), CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7200. ; Return: CF set on error
  7201. ; CF clear if successful
  7202. jb short @@err
  7203. nop
  7204. nop
  7205. mov bl, 1
  7206. mov dx, offset eh01
  7207. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7209. ; BL = exception number (00h-1Fh), CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7210. ; Return: CF set on error
  7211. ; CF clear if successful
  7212. jb short @@err
  7213. mov bl, 2
  7214. mov dx, offset eh02
  7215. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7217. ; BL = exception number (00h-1Fh), CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7218. ; Return: CF set on error
  7219. ; CF clear if successful
  7220. jb short @@err
  7221. mov bl, 3
  7222. mov dx, offset eh03
  7223. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7225. ; BL = exception number (00h-1Fh), CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7226. ; Return: CF set on error
  7227. ; CF clear if successful
  7228. jb short @@err
  7229. mov bl, 4
  7230. mov dx, offset eh04
  7231. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7233. ; BL = exception number (00h-1Fh), CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7234. ; Return: CF set on error
  7235. ; CF clear if successful
  7236. jb short @@err
  7237. mov bl, 5
  7238. mov dx, offset eh05
  7239. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7241. ; BL = exception number (00h-1Fh), CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7242. ; Return: CF set on error
  7243. ; CF clear if successful
  7244. jb short @@err
  7245. mov bl, 6
  7246. mov dx, offset eh06
  7247. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7249. ; BL = exception number (00h-1Fh), CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7250. ; Return: CF set on error
  7251. ; CF clear if successful
  7252. jb short @@err
  7253. mov bl, 7
  7254. mov dx, offset eh07
  7255. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7257. ; BL = exception number (00h-1Fh), CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7258. ; Return: CF set on error
  7259. ; CF clear if successful
  7260. jb short @@err
  7261. mov bl, 8
  7262. mov dx, offset eh08
  7263. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7265. ; BL = exception number (00h-1Fh), CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7266. ; Return: CF set on error
  7267. ; CF clear if successful
  7268. jb short @@err
  7269. mov bl, 9
  7270. mov dx, offset eh09
  7271. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7273. ; BL = exception number (00h-1Fh), CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7274. ; Return: CF set on error
  7275. ; CF clear if successful
  7276. jb short @@err
  7277. mov bl, 0Ah
  7278. mov dx, offset eh0A
  7279. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7281. ; BL = exception number (00h-1Fh), CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7282. ; Return: CF set on error
  7283. ; CF clear if successful
  7284. jb short @@err
  7285. mov bl, 0Bh
  7286. mov dx, offset eh0B
  7287. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7289. ; BL = exception number (00h-1Fh), CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7290. ; Return: CF set on error
  7291. ; CF clear if successful
  7292. jb short @@err
  7293. mov bl, 0Ch
  7294. mov dx, offset eh0C
  7295. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7297. ; BL = exception number (00h-1Fh), CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7298. ; Return: CF set on error
  7299. ; CF clear if successful
  7300. jb short @@err
  7301. mov bl, 0Dh
  7302. mov dx, offset eh0D
  7303. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7305. ; BL = exception number (00h-1Fh), CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7306. ; Return: CF set on error
  7307. ; CF clear if successful
  7308. jb short @@err
  7309. mov bl, 0Eh
  7310. mov dx, offset eh0E
  7311. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7313. ; BL = exception number (00h-1Fh), CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7314. ; Return: CF set on error
  7315. ; CF clear if successful
  7316. clc
  7318. @@err:
  7319. retn
  7320. install_client_ints endp
  7323. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  7326. uninstall_client_ints proc near
  7327. mov ax, 205h
  7328. mov bl, 10h
  7329. mov cx, cs:_int10_._cs
  7330. mov edx, cs:_int10_._ip
  7331. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7333. ; BL = interrupt number, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7334. ; Return: CF set on error
  7335. ; CF clear if successful
  7336. mov bl, 21h
  7337. mov cx, cs:_int21_._cs
  7338. mov edx, cs:_int21_._ip
  7339. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7341. ; BL = interrupt number, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7342. ; Return: CF set on error
  7343. ; CF clear if successful
  7344. mov bl, 23h
  7345. mov cx, cs:_int23_._cs
  7346. mov edx, cs:_int23_._ip
  7347. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7349. ; BL = interrupt number, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7350. ; Return: CF set on error
  7351. ; CF clear if successful
  7352. mov bl, 33h
  7353. mov cx, cs:_int33_._cs
  7354. mov edx, cs:_int33_._ip
  7355. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7357. ; BL = interrupt number, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7358. ; Return: CF set on error
  7359. ; CF clear if successful
  7360. mov ax, 203h
  7361. xor ebx, ebx
  7363. loc_136B1:
  7364. mov cx, cs:_exc_tab._cs[ebx*8]
  7365. mov edx, cs:_exc_tab._ip[ebx*8]
  7366. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7368. ; BL = exception number (00h-1Fh), CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  7369. ; Return: CF set on error
  7370. ; CF clear if successful
  7371. inc bl
  7372. cmp bl, 0Fh
  7373. jb short loc_136B1
  7374. clc
  7375. retn
  7376. uninstall_client_ints endp
  7379. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  7382. install_nullptr_protect proc near
  7383. cmp _sys_type, 3
  7384. jz short locret_136FE
  7385. test _misc_byte_1, 80h
  7386. jz short locret_136FE
  7387. xor eax, eax
  7388. mov dr6, eax
  7389. mov dr0, eax
  7390. add al, 4
  7391. mov dr1, eax
  7392. add al, 4
  7393. mov dr2, eax
  7394. add al, 4
  7395. mov dr3, eax
  7396. mov eax, 0DDDD03FFh
  7397. mov dr7, eax
  7399. locret_136FE:
  7400. retn
  7401. install_nullptr_protect endp
  7404. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  7407. setup_selector proc near
  7408. xor edi, edi
  7409. or ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
  7410. mov ax, cs
  7411. lar dx, ax
  7412. mov dl, 0C0h ; 'À'
  7413. xchg dh, dl
  7414. and dl, 60h
  7415. or dl, 92h
  7416. mov _acc_rights, dx
  7417. call set_descriptor
  7418. jb short loc_13730
  7419. mov _sel_zero, ax
  7420. mov ax, 8
  7421. mov bx, ds
  7422. mov cx, 0FFFFh
  7423. mov dx, cx
  7424. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7426. ; BX = selector, CX:DX = segment limit
  7427. ; Return: CF set on error
  7428. ; CF clear if successful
  7429. jb short loc_13730
  7430. retn
  7431. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7433. loc_13730:
  7434. mov ax, 4CFFh
  7435. int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - QUIT WITH EXIT CODE (EXIT)
  7436. setup_selector endp ; AL = exit code
  7439. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  7442. check_command_line proc near
  7443. mov di, 80h ; '€'
  7444. movzx cx, byte ptr es:[di]
  7445. jcxz short loc_13764
  7446. inc di
  7447. mov al, ' '
  7448. repe scasb
  7449. jz short loc_13764
  7450. dec di
  7451. inc cx
  7452. mov bx, di
  7454. loc_13749:
  7455. mov al, es:[di]
  7456. cmp al, 9
  7457. jz short loc_1375B
  7458. cmp al, 0Dh
  7459. jz short loc_1375B
  7460. cmp al, ' '
  7461. jz short loc_1375B
  7462. inc di
  7463. loop loc_13749
  7465. loc_1375B:
  7466. mov cx, di
  7467. mov si, bx
  7468. mov di, bx
  7469. sub cx, bx
  7470. retn
  7471. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7473. loc_13764:
  7474. xor si, si
  7475. retn
  7476. check_command_line endp
  7479. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  7482. remove_name_from_cmd proc near
  7483. call check_command_line
  7484. jz short locret_13770
  7485. mov al, ' '
  7486. rep stosb
  7488. locret_13770:
  7489. retn
  7490. remove_name_from_cmd endp
  7493. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  7496. check_if_fullname proc near
  7497. push ds
  7498. push es
  7499. call check_command_line
  7500. jz short loc_13792
  7501. mov al, '\'
  7502. mov bx, cx
  7503. repne scasb
  7504. jcxz short loc_13792
  7505. push ds
  7506. push es
  7507. pop ds
  7508. pop es
  7509. mov cx, bx
  7510. mov di, (offset loc_15BAA+2)
  7511. rep movsb
  7512. xor al, al
  7513. stosb
  7514. pop es
  7515. pop ds
  7516. stc
  7517. retn
  7518. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7520. loc_13792:
  7521. pop es
  7522. pop ds
  7523. clc
  7524. retn
  7525. check_if_fullname endp
  7528. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  7531. update_environment proc near
  7532. push ds
  7533. push es
  7534. call check_if_fullname
  7535. jb short loc_137DB
  7536. mov ah, 19h
  7537. int 21h ; DOS - GET DEFAULT DISK NUMBER
  7538. mov dl, al
  7539. add al, 41h ; 'A'
  7540. mov byte ptr loc_15BAA+2, al
  7541. mov word ptr loc_15BAD, 5C3Ah
  7542. inc dx
  7543. mov ah, 47h ; 'G'
  7544. mov esi, (offset loc_15BAD+2)
  7545. int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - GET CURRENT DIRECTORY
  7546. ; DL = drive (0=default, 1=A, etc.)
  7547. ; DS:SI points to 64-byte buffer area
  7548. push ds
  7549. pop es
  7550. assume es:TEXT16
  7551. xor al, al
  7552. mov di, si
  7553. mov cx, 40h ; '@'
  7554. repne scasb
  7555. cmp byte ptr [di-2], '\'
  7556. jnz short loc_137CB
  7557. dec di
  7559. loc_137CB:
  7560. mov byte ptr [di-1], '\'
  7561. mov si, offset start
  7562. mov cx, 40h ; '@'
  7564. loc_137D5:
  7565. lodsb
  7566. stosb
  7567. test al, al
  7568. loopne loc_137D5
  7570. loc_137DB:
  7571. push ds
  7572. pop es
  7573. xor al, al
  7574. mov cx, 0FFFFh
  7575. mov di, (offset loc_15BAA+2)
  7576. repne scasb
  7577. not cx
  7578. mov bx, cx
  7579. pop es
  7580. assume es:nothing
  7581. push es
  7582. mov ax, es:2Ch
  7583. test ax, ax
  7584. jz short loc_13823
  7585. lar cx, ax
  7586. jnz short loc_13823
  7587. mov es, ax
  7588. xor al, al
  7589. xor di, di
  7590. mov cx, 0FFFFh
  7592. loc_13803:
  7593. repne scasb
  7594. scasb
  7595. jnz short loc_13803
  7596. inc di
  7597. inc di
  7598. mov cx, 0FFFFh
  7599. mov dx, di
  7600. repne scasb
  7601. not cx
  7602. cmp bx, cx
  7603. ja short create_new_environment
  7604. mov cx, bx
  7605. mov di, dx
  7606. mov si, (offset loc_15BAA+2)
  7607. rep movsb
  7608. pop es
  7609. pop ds
  7610. retn
  7611. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7613. loc_13823:
  7614. mov ax, 2000h
  7615. jmp report_error
  7616. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7618. create_new_environment:
  7619. push bx
  7620. mov cx, 0FFFFh
  7621. xor di, di
  7623. loc_1382F:
  7624. repne scasb
  7625. dec cx
  7626. scasb
  7627. jnz short loc_1382F
  7628. not cx
  7629. inc cx
  7630. inc cx
  7631. push cx
  7632. add bx, cx
  7633. shr bx, 4
  7634. inc bx
  7635. mov ax, 100h
  7636. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  7638. ; BX = number of paragraphs to allocate
  7639. ; Return: CF set on error
  7640. ; CF clear if successful
  7641. pop cx
  7642. jb short loc_13862
  7643. push es
  7644. pop ds
  7645. mov es, dx
  7646. xor si, si
  7647. xor di, di
  7648. rep movsb
  7649. pop cx
  7650. mov si, 2CACh
  7651. push cs
  7652. pop ds
  7653. rep movsb
  7654. pop es
  7655. pop ds
  7656. mov es:2Ch, dx
  7657. retn
  7658. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7660. loc_13862:
  7661. mov ax, 2000h
  7662. jmp report_error
  7663. update_environment endp
  7666. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  7669. open_exec proc near
  7670. push ds
  7671. push es
  7672. mov ax, es:2Ch
  7673. test ax, ax
  7674. jz short loc_138B0
  7675. lar cx, ax
  7676. jnz short loc_138B0
  7677. mov es, ax
  7678. xor ax, ax
  7679. xor di, di
  7680. mov cx, 0FFFFh
  7682. loc_13880:
  7683. repne scasb
  7684. scasb
  7685. jcxz short loc_138B0
  7686. jnz short loc_13880
  7687. inc di
  7688. inc di
  7689. push ds
  7690. push es
  7691. pop ds
  7692. pop es
  7693. push di
  7694. mov si, di
  7695. mov di, offset start
  7697. loc_13893:
  7698. lodsb
  7699. stosb
  7700. test al, al
  7701. jnz short loc_13893
  7702. pop di
  7703. movzx edx, di
  7704. mov ax, 3DC0h
  7705. int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - OPEN DISK FILE WITH HANDLE
  7706. ; DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename
  7707. ; AL = access mode
  7708. ; 0 - read, 1 - write, 2 - read & write
  7709. pop es
  7710. pop ds
  7711. mov word ptr aThisProgramRequ+4, ax ; +4: _exec_handle
  7712. ; +8: _exec_start
  7713. ; +C: _srcaddr
  7714. ; +10: _codesize
  7715. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  7716. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  7717. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  7718. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  7719. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  7720. mov ax, 2001h
  7721. jb file_error
  7722. retn
  7723. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7725. loc_138B0:
  7726. mov ax, 2000h
  7727. jmp report_error
  7728. open_exec endp
  7731. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  7734. load_exec_header proc near
  7735. xor edx, edx
  7736. mov ecx, 40h ; '@'
  7737. mov _err_code, 2002h
  7738. call load_fs_block
  7739. cmp word ptr fs:0, 'ZM'
  7740. jnz file_errorm
  7741. mov eax, fs:3Ch
  7742. mov edx, fs:18h
  7743. mov dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+8, eax ; +4: _exec_handle
  7744. ; +8: _exec_start
  7745. ; +C: _srcaddr
  7746. ; +10: _codesize
  7747. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  7748. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  7749. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  7750. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  7751. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  7752. retn
  7753. load_exec_header endp
  7756. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  7759. open_extrn_exec proc near
  7760. push ds
  7761. push es
  7762. push ds
  7763. push es
  7764. pop ds
  7765. pop es
  7766. mov di, offset start
  7767. rep movsb
  7768. push es
  7769. pop ds
  7770. mov byte ptr [di], 0
  7771. mov edx, offset start
  7772. mov ax, 3DC0h
  7773. int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - OPEN DISK FILE WITH HANDLE
  7774. ; DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename
  7775. ; AL = access mode
  7776. ; 0 - read, 1 - write, 2 - read & write
  7777. jb short loc_13906
  7778. pop es
  7779. pop ds
  7780. mov word ptr aThisProgramRequ+4, ax ; +4: _exec_handle
  7781. ; +8: _exec_start
  7782. ; +C: _srcaddr
  7783. ; +10: _codesize
  7784. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  7785. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  7786. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  7787. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  7788. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  7789. retn
  7790. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7792. loc_13906:
  7793. mov bx, offset start
  7795. loc_13909:
  7796. cmp byte ptr [bx], '.'
  7797. stc
  7798. jz short loc_1393A
  7799. inc bx
  7800. cmp bx, di
  7801. jb short loc_13909
  7802. mov eax, 'EXE.'
  7803. cmp eax, [di-4]
  7804. stc
  7805. jz short loc_1393A
  7806. mov eax, 'exe.'
  7807. cmp eax, [di-4]
  7808. stc
  7809. jz short loc_1393A
  7810. mov [di], eax
  7811. mov byte ptr [di+4], 0
  7812. mov ax, 3DC0h
  7813. int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - OPEN DISK FILE WITH HANDLE
  7814. ; DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename
  7815. ; AL = access mode
  7816. ; 0 - read, 1 - write, 2 - read & write
  7818. loc_1393A:
  7819. pop es
  7820. pop ds
  7821. mov word ptr aThisProgramRequ+4, ax ; +4: _exec_handle
  7822. ; +8: _exec_start
  7823. ; +C: _srcaddr
  7824. ; +10: _codesize
  7825. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  7826. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  7827. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  7828. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  7829. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  7830. mov ax, 3001h
  7831. jb file_error
  7832. retn
  7833. open_extrn_exec endp
  7836. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  7839. load_extrn_exec_header proc near
  7840. xor edx, edx
  7841. mov ecx, 40h ; '@'
  7842. mov _err_code, 3002h
  7843. call load_fs_block
  7844. call seek_from_start
  7845. xor ebp, ebp
  7846. mov dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+8, ebp ; +4: _exec_handle
  7847. ; +8: _exec_start
  7848. ; +C: _srcaddr
  7849. ; +10: _codesize
  7850. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  7851. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  7852. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  7853. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  7854. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  7855. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO, ebp ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  7856. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  7857. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  7858. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  7859. ; +10: _app_eip
  7860. ; +14: _app_esp
  7861. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  7862. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  7863. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  7864. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  7865. cmp word ptr fs:0, 'ZM'
  7866. jnz search_for_le
  7867. mov eax, fs:18h
  7868. cmp ax, 40h ; '@'
  7869. jnz short search_for_mz
  7870. mov eax, fs:3Ch
  7871. test ax, ax
  7872. jz short search_for_mz
  7873. mov dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+8, eax ; +4: _exec_handle
  7874. ; +8: _exec_start
  7875. ; +C: _srcaddr
  7876. ; +10: _codesize
  7877. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  7878. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  7879. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  7880. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  7881. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  7882. retn
  7883. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7885. search_for_mz:
  7886. xor esi, esi
  7888. loc_1398F:
  7889. movzx eax, word ptr fs:4
  7890. shl eax, 9
  7891. movzx ebx, word ptr fs:2
  7892. add eax, ebx
  7893. mov bx, fs:0
  7894. cmp bx, 'ZM'
  7895. jz short loc_139B7
  7896. cmp bx, 'WB'
  7897. jz short loc_139BD
  7898. jmp short loc_139E0
  7899. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7901. loc_139B7:
  7902. sub eax, 200h
  7904. loc_139BD:
  7905. mov esi, ebp
  7906. add ebp, eax
  7907. mov edx, ebp
  7908. call seek_from_start
  7909. mov ecx, 40h ; '@'
  7910. xor edx, edx
  7911. call load_fs_block
  7912. test eax, eax
  7913. jnz short loc_1398F
  7914. mov ax, 3003h
  7915. jmp file_error
  7916. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7918. loc_139E0:
  7919. mov bx, fs:0
  7920. cmp bx, 'EL'
  7921. jz short loc_13A06
  7922. cmp bx, 'XL'
  7923. jz short loc_13A06
  7924. cmp bx, 'CL'
  7925. jz short loc_13A06
  7926. cmp bx, 'EP'
  7927. jz short loc_13A06
  7928. mov edx, ebp
  7929. call seek_from_start
  7930. call search_for_le
  7932. loc_13A06:
  7933. cmp eax, esi
  7934. jz short locret_13A2A
  7935. mov edx, esi
  7936. add eax, 10h
  7937. add edx, 10h
  7938. and al, 0F0h
  7939. and dl, 0F0h
  7940. cmp eax, edx
  7941. jz short locret_13A2A
  7942. mov dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+8, ebp ; +4: _exec_handle
  7943. ; +8: _exec_start
  7944. ; +C: _srcaddr
  7945. ; +10: _codesize
  7946. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  7947. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  7948. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  7949. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  7950. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  7951. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO, esi ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  7952. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  7953. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  7954. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  7955. ; +10: _app_eip
  7956. ; +14: _app_esp
  7957. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  7958. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  7959. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  7960. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  7962. locret_13A2A:
  7963. retn
  7964. load_extrn_exec_header endp
  7967. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  7970. search_for_le proc near
  7971. mov edx, _lobufzero
  7972. mov ecx, _lobufsize
  7973. call load_gs_block
  7974. test ax, ax
  7975. mov ax, 3003h
  7976. jz file_error
  7977. shr cx, 1
  7979. loc_13A43:
  7980. mov ax, gs:[edx]
  7981. mov bx, gs:[edx+2]
  7982. test bx, bx
  7983. jnz short loc_13A64
  7984. cmp ax, 'EL'
  7985. jz short locret_13A70
  7986. cmp ax, 'XL'
  7987. jz short locret_13A70
  7988. cmp ax, 'CL'
  7989. jz short locret_13A70
  7990. cmp ax, 'PE'
  7991. jz short locret_13A70
  7993. loc_13A64:
  7994. add edx, 2
  7995. add ebp, 2
  7996. loop loc_13A43
  7997. jmp short search_for_le
  7998. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8000. locret_13A70:
  8001. retn
  8002. search_for_le endp
  8005. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8008. close_exec proc near
  8009. mov bx, word ptr cs:aThisProgramRequ+4 ; +4: _exec_handle
  8010. ; +8: _exec_start
  8011. ; +C: _srcaddr
  8012. ; +10: _codesize
  8013. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  8014. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  8015. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  8016. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  8017. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  8018. mov ah, 3Eh
  8019. int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - CLOSE A FILE WITH HANDLE
  8020. ; BX = file handle
  8021. retn
  8022. close_exec endp
  8025. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8028. seek_from_start proc near
  8029. push bx
  8030. push ecx
  8031. push edx
  8032. push eax
  8033. mov ecx, edx
  8034. shr ecx, 10h
  8035. mov bx, word ptr cs:aThisProgramRequ+4 ; +4: _exec_handle
  8036. ; +8: _exec_start
  8037. ; +C: _srcaddr
  8038. ; +10: _codesize
  8039. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  8040. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  8041. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  8042. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  8043. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  8044. mov ax, 4200h
  8045. int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - MOVE FILE READ/WRITE POINTER (LSEEK)
  8046. ; AL = method: offset from beginning of file
  8047. pop eax
  8048. pop edx
  8049. pop ecx
  8050. pop bx
  8051. jb file_errorm
  8052. retn
  8053. seek_from_start endp
  8056. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8059. load_fs_block proc near
  8060. push bx
  8061. push ds
  8062. push fs
  8063. pop ds
  8064. assume ds:nothing
  8065. jmp short loc_13AAB
  8066. load_fs_block endp
  8069. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8072. load_gs_block proc near
  8073. push bx
  8074. push ds
  8075. push gs
  8076. pop ds
  8078. loc_13AAB: ; +4: _exec_handle
  8079. mov bx, word ptr cs:aThisProgramRequ+4 ; +8: _exec_start
  8080. ; +C: _srcaddr
  8081. ; +10: _codesize
  8082. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  8083. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  8084. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  8085. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  8086. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  8087. mov ah, 3Fh
  8088. int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - READ FROM FILE WITH HANDLE
  8089. ; BX = file handle, CX = number of bytes to read
  8090. ; DS:DX -> buffer
  8091. pop ds
  8092. assume ds:TEXT16
  8093. pop bx
  8094. jb file_errorm
  8095. retn
  8096. load_gs_block endp
  8099. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8102. verbose_getmem proc near
  8103. pop bp
  8104. mov ax, 0FF90h
  8105. int 21h ; DOS - DOS v??? - OEM FUNCTION
  8106. shr eax, 0Ah
  8107. test eax, 0FFFF0000h
  8108. mov dx, offset aKb ; "KB"
  8109. jz short loc_13AD7
  8110. mov dx, offset aMb ; "MB"
  8111. shr eax, 0Ah
  8113. loc_13AD7:
  8114. push dx
  8115. push ax
  8116. mov ah, 48h ; 'H'
  8117. mov bx, 0FFFFh
  8118. int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - ALLOCATE MEMORY
  8119. ; BX = number of 16-byte paragraphs desired
  8120. shr bx, 6
  8121. push bx
  8122. jmp bp
  8123. verbose_getmem endp ; sp-analysis failed
  8126. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8129. verbose_showsys proc near
  8130. test _misc_byte_2, 10h
  8131. jz short locret_13B15
  8132. call verbose_getmem
  8133. movzx eax, _sys_type
  8134. lea eax, systypes.str[eax+eax*4]
  8135. push ax
  8136. movzx ax, _cpu_type
  8137. imul ax, 100
  8138. add ax, 86
  8139. push ax
  8140. mov dx, offset aProcessorDSyste ; "Processor: %d, System: %s, Memory: DOS="...
  8141. call prints
  8142. add sp, 0Ah
  8144. locret_13B15:
  8145. retn
  8146. verbose_showsys endp ; sp-analysis failed
  8149. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8152. verbose_showloadhdr proc near
  8153. test _misc_byte_2, 10h
  8154. jz short locret_13B39
  8155. movzx eax, byte ptr aSystemSoftwareD+3 ; +3: _app_type
  8156. ; +4: _app_load
  8157. lea eax, header_types.field_0[eax+eax*2]
  8158. push ax
  8159. push offset start
  8160. mov dx, offset aLoadingProgramS ; "Loading program \"%s\", %s-style\r\n"
  8161. call prints
  8162. add sp, 4
  8164. locret_13B39:
  8165. retn
  8166. verbose_showloadhdr endp
  8169. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8172. verbose_showloadobj proc near
  8173. test _misc_byte_2, 10h
  8174. jz short locret_13B61
  8175. pushad
  8176. mov ax, dx
  8177. shr edx, 10h
  8178. shl ebx, 0Ch
  8179. push dx
  8180. push ax
  8181. push ebp
  8182. push ebx
  8183. push edi
  8184. push cx
  8185. mov dx, offset aObjectDLoadedAt ; "Object #%d loaded at %l, V/Psize: %l/%l"...
  8186. call prints
  8187. add sp, 12h
  8188. popad
  8190. locret_13B61:
  8191. retn
  8192. verbose_showloadobj endp
  8195. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8198. verbose_showstartup proc near
  8199. test _misc_byte_2, 10h
  8200. jz short locret_13BA6
  8201. push _seg_env
  8202. push word ptr es:2Ch
  8203. push _sel_es
  8204. call verbose_getmem
  8205. mov eax, dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+10h ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  8206. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  8207. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  8208. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  8209. ; +10: _app_eip
  8210. ; +14: _app_esp
  8211. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  8212. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  8213. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  8214. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  8215. sub eax, dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+18h ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  8216. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  8217. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  8218. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  8219. ; +10: _app_eip
  8220. ; +14: _app_esp
  8221. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  8222. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  8223. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  8224. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  8225. push eax
  8226. push word ptr a80386ProcessorO+8 ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  8227. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  8228. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  8229. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  8230. ; +10: _app_eip
  8231. ; +14: _app_esp
  8232. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  8233. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  8234. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  8235. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  8236. push offset aUnrelocated ; "Unrelocated"
  8237. push large [dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+14h] ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  8238. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  8239. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  8240. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  8241. ; +10: _app_eip
  8242. ; +14: _app_esp
  8243. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  8244. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  8245. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  8246. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  8247. push _sel32_ss
  8248. push large [dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+10h] ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  8249. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  8250. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  8251. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  8252. ; +10: _app_eip
  8253. ; +14: _app_esp
  8254. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  8255. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  8256. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  8257. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  8258. push _sel32_cs
  8259. mov dx, offset aStartupCsEipWLS ; "Startup CS:EIP=%w:%l, SS:ESP=%w:%l, %s "...
  8260. call prints
  8261. add sp, 20h
  8263. locret_13BA6:
  8264. retn
  8265. verbose_showstartup endp ; sp-analysis failed
  8268. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8271. win_focus_vm proc near
  8272. test _misc_byte_2, 2
  8273. jz short locret_13BB5
  8274. xor bx, bx
  8275. mov ax, 168Bh
  8277. ; BX = virtual machine id (0 - for current DOS box)
  8279. locret_13BB5:
  8280. retn
  8281. win_focus_vm endp
  8284. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8287. critical_handler proc near
  8288. cli
  8289. cld
  8290. mov ds, cs:_sel_ds
  8291. lss esp, fword ptr _sel_esp
  8292. push ax
  8293. mov al, 20h ; ' '
  8294. out 0A0h, al ; PIC 2 same as 0020 for PIC 1
  8295. out 20h, al ; Interrupt controller, 8259A.
  8296. mov ax, _pic_mask
  8297. out 0A1h, al ; Interrupt Controller #2, 8259A
  8298. mov al, ah
  8299. out 21h, al ; Interrupt controller, 8259A.
  8300. call restore_pit
  8301. call restore_inttab
  8302. call tone
  8303. call scr_on
  8304. pop dx
  8305. mov ax, 6001h
  8306. cmp dh, 81h ; ''
  8307. jz short @@arg_dl
  8308. mov al, 2
  8309. cmp dh, 82h ; '‚'
  8310. jz short @@report
  8311. mov al, 3
  8312. cmp dh, 83h ; 'ƒ'
  8313. jz short @@report
  8314. mov al, 4
  8315. cmp dh, 84h ; '„'
  8316. jz short @@arg_esi
  8317. mov al, 5
  8318. cmp dh, 85h ; '…'
  8319. jz short @@report
  8320. mov al, 0
  8322. @@arg_dl:
  8323. movzx si, dl
  8324. jmp short @@report
  8325. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8327. @@arg_esi:
  8328. rol esi, 10h
  8329. mov di, si
  8330. shr esi, 10h
  8332. @@report:
  8333. call report_error
  8334. mov al, 0FFh
  8335. jmp exit386
  8336. critical_handler endp
  8338. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8340. eh00:
  8341. push 0
  8342. jmp short eh_common
  8343. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8345. eh01:
  8346. push 1
  8347. jmp short eh_debug
  8348. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8350. eh02:
  8351. push 2
  8352. jmp short eh_common
  8353. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8355. eh03:
  8356. push 3
  8357. jmp short eh_debug
  8358. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8360. eh04:
  8361. push 4
  8362. jmp short eh_common
  8363. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8365. eh05:
  8366. push 5
  8367. jmp short eh_common
  8368. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8370. eh06:
  8371. push 6
  8372. jmp short eh_common
  8373. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8375. eh07:
  8376. push 7
  8377. jmp short eh_common
  8378. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8380. eh08:
  8381. push 8
  8382. jmp short eh_common
  8383. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8385. eh09:
  8386. push 9
  8387. jmp short eh_common
  8388. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8390. eh0A:
  8391. push 0Ah
  8392. jmp short eh_common
  8393. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8395. eh0B:
  8396. push 0Bh
  8397. jmp short eh_common
  8398. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8400. eh0C:
  8401. push 0Ch
  8402. jmp short eh_common
  8403. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8405. eh0D:
  8406. push 0Dh
  8407. jmp short eh_common
  8408. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8410. eh0E:
  8411. push 0Eh
  8412. jmp short eh_common
  8414. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8417. eh_debug proc near
  8419. arg_15 = byte ptr 17h
  8421. cmp cs:_sys_type, 3
  8422. jz short loc_13C6C
  8423. push eax
  8424. mov eax, dr6
  8425. and al, 0Fh
  8426. pop eax
  8427. jnz short eh_common
  8429. loc_13C6C:
  8430. add esp, 2
  8431. and [esp-2+arg_15], 0FEh
  8432. db 66h
  8433. retf
  8434. eh_debug endp ; sp-analysis failed
  8437. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8440. eh_common proc near
  8441. cli
  8442. cld
  8443. push ax
  8444. mov ax, ds
  8445. mov ds, cs:_sel_ds
  8446. mov word ptr aPresentDpmiHost+12h, ax
  8447. pop ax
  8448. pop word ptr aPresentDpmiHost+16h
  8449. mov word ptr aPresentDpmiHost+0Eh, ss
  8450. mov dword ptr aPresentDpmiHost+0Ah, esp
  8451. lss esp, fword ptr _sel_esp
  8452. push word ptr aPresentDpmiHost+12h
  8453. push es
  8454. push fs
  8455. push gs
  8456. pushad
  8457. mov es, word ptr aPresentDpmiHost+0Eh
  8458. mov ebp, dword ptr aPresentDpmiHost+0Ah
  8459. mov eax, es:[ebp+8]
  8460. mov dword ptr aSystemSoftwareD+37h, eax ; +3: _app_type
  8461. ; +4: _app_load
  8462. mov eax, es:[ebp+14h]
  8463. mov dword ptr aSystemSoftwareD+33h, eax ; +3: _app_type
  8464. ; +4: _app_load
  8465. mov ax, es:[ebp+10h]
  8466. call check_selector
  8467. mov fs, ax
  8468. assume fs:nothing
  8469. mov ax, es:[ebp+1Ch]
  8470. call check_selector
  8471. mov gs, ax
  8472. assume gs:nothing
  8473. mov esi, es:[ebp+0Ch]
  8474. mov edi, es:[ebp+18h]
  8475. xor eax, eax
  8476. mov dword ptr aSystemSoftwareD+23h, eax ; +3: _app_type
  8477. ; +4: _app_load
  8478. mov dword ptr aSystemSoftwareD+27h, eax ; +3: _app_type
  8479. ; +4: _app_load
  8480. mov dword ptr aSystemSoftwareD+2Bh, eax ; +3: _app_type
  8481. ; +4: _app_load
  8482. mov dword ptr aSystemSoftwareD+2Fh, eax ; +3: _app_type
  8483. ; +4: _app_load
  8484. cmp _sys_type, 3
  8485. jz short loc_13D17
  8486. mov eax, cr0
  8487. mov dword ptr aSystemSoftwareD+23h, eax ; +3: _app_type
  8488. ; +4: _app_load
  8489. mov eax, cr2
  8490. mov dword ptr aSystemSoftwareD+27h, eax ; +3: _app_type
  8491. ; +4: _app_load
  8492. mov eax, cr3
  8493. mov dword ptr aSystemSoftwareD+2Bh, eax ; +3: _app_type
  8494. ; +4: _app_load
  8495. mov eax, dr6
  8496. mov dword ptr aSystemSoftwareD+2Fh, eax ; +3: _app_type
  8497. ; +4: _app_load
  8499. loc_13D17:
  8500. mov ebp, esp
  8501. mov al, 20h ; ' '
  8502. out 0A0h, al ; PIC 2 same as 0020 for PIC 1
  8503. out 20h, al ; Interrupt controller, 8259A.
  8504. mov ax, _pic_mask
  8505. out 0A1h, al ; Interrupt Controller #2, 8259A
  8506. mov al, ah
  8507. out 21h, al ; Interrupt controller, 8259A.
  8508. call restore_pit
  8509. call restore_inttab
  8510. call tone
  8511. call scr_on
  8512. call dump_description
  8513. call dump_description2
  8514. push _process_id
  8515. push offset start
  8516. mov dx, offset aModuleNameSProc ; "Module name: \"%s\", ProcessId=%w\r\n"
  8517. call prints
  8518. add sp, 4
  8519. call dump_origin
  8520. call dump_eflags
  8521. call dump_opcodes
  8522. call dump_regs
  8523. call dump_selectors
  8524. mov al, -1
  8525. jmp exit386
  8526. eh_common endp
  8529. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8532. dump_description proc near
  8533. mov eax, dword ptr aSystemSoftwareD+2Fh ; +3: _app_type
  8534. ; +4: _app_load
  8535. and al, 0Fh
  8536. jz short loc_13D78
  8537. call check_faultsel
  8538. push esi
  8539. push fs
  8540. mov dx, offset aNullPointerProt ; "Null-pointer protection at %w:%l\r\n"
  8541. call prints
  8542. add sp, 6
  8543. retn
  8544. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8546. loc_13D78:
  8547. push 6001h
  8548. mov dx, offset aDos32aweRunTim ; "DOS32AWE run-time (%w): "
  8549. call prints
  8550. pop ax
  8551. mov ebx, -2
  8552. call loadl_cs_eip
  8553. mov bl, 0CDh
  8554. mov bh, byte ptr aPresentDpmiHost+16h
  8555. cmp ax, bx
  8556. mov cx, offset aException ; "exception"
  8557. jnz short loc_13D9B
  8558. mov cx, offset aUnexpectedInter ; "unexpected interrupt"
  8560. loc_13D9B:
  8561. mov ax, word ptr aPresentDpmiHost+16h
  8562. mov bx, ax
  8563. add bx, bx
  8564. push esi
  8565. push fs
  8566. push i_msg[bx]
  8567. push ax
  8568. push cx
  8569. mov dx, offset aSBhIdentitySAtW ; "%s %bh\r\nIdentity: %s at %w:%l\r\n"
  8570. call prints
  8571. add sp, 0Ch
  8572. retn
  8573. dump_description endp
  8576. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8579. dump_description2 proc near
  8580. call check_faultsel
  8581. push eax
  8582. push cx
  8583. mov ax, offset aLinear ; "Linear"
  8584. jb short loc_13DC4
  8585. mov ax, offset aUnrelocated ; "Unrelocated"
  8587. loc_13DC4:
  8588. push ax
  8589. mov dx, offset aSCrashAddressDL ; "%s crash address %d:%l"
  8590. call prints
  8591. add sp, 8
  8592. mov ax, word ptr aPresentDpmiHost+16h
  8593. cmp al, 8
  8594. jb short loc_13DEB
  8595. cmp al, 9
  8596. jz short loc_13DDD
  8597. cmp al, 0Eh
  8598. ja short loc_13DEB
  8600. loc_13DDD: ; +3: _app_type
  8601. push large [dword ptr aSystemSoftwareD+37h] ; +4: _app_load
  8602. mov dx, offset aErrorCodePushed ; ", error code pushed on stack %l"
  8603. call prints
  8604. add sp, 4
  8606. loc_13DEB:
  8607. call printcr
  8608. retn
  8609. dump_description2 endp
  8612. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8615. dump_origin proc near
  8616. mov al, '='
  8617. mov cx, 72
  8619. loc_13DF4:
  8620. call printc
  8621. loop loc_13DF4
  8622. mov ax, fs
  8623. cmp ax, 8
  8624. mov dx, offset aKernel ; "KERNEL="
  8625. jz short loc_13E18
  8626. cmp ax, _sel_cs
  8627. mov dx, offset aClient ; "CLIENT="
  8628. jz short loc_13E18
  8629. cmp ax, _sel32_cs
  8630. mov dx, offset aApp32 ; "APP/32="
  8631. jz short loc_13E18
  8632. mov dx, offset aApp?? ; "APP/??="
  8634. loc_13E18:
  8635. call prints
  8636. jmp printcr
  8637. dump_origin endp
  8640. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8643. dump_eflags proc near
  8644. mov cl, 8
  8645. mov ebx, dword ptr aSystemSoftwareD+33h ; +3: _app_type
  8646. ; +4: _app_load
  8647. xor eax, eax
  8648. xor edx, edx
  8650. loc_13E2B:
  8651. shr bl, 1
  8652. rcr eax, 4
  8653. shr bh, 1
  8654. rcr edx, 4
  8655. loop loc_13E2B
  8656. push eax
  8657. push edx
  8658. push large [dword ptr aSystemSoftwareD+33h] ; +3: _app_type
  8659. ; +4: _app_load
  8660. mov dx, offset aEflagsLL_L ; "EFLAGS = %l [%l.%l] "
  8661. call prints
  8662. add sp, 0Ch
  8663. retn
  8664. dump_eflags endp
  8667. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8670. dump_opcodes proc near
  8671. mov cl, 0Ah
  8672. mov ebx, 9
  8674. loc_13E54:
  8675. call loadb_cs_eip
  8676. push ax
  8677. dec ebx
  8678. loop loc_13E54
  8679. mov dx, offset aCsEipBBBBBBBBBB ; "CS:[EIP] = %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %"...
  8680. call prints
  8681. add sp, 14h
  8682. jmp printcr
  8683. dump_opcodes endp ; sp-analysis failed
  8686. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8689. dump_regs proc near
  8690. xor ebx, ebx
  8691. call loadl_ss_esp
  8692. push eax
  8693. push large [dword ptr aSystemSoftwareD+2Fh] ; +3: _app_type
  8694. ; +4: _app_load
  8695. push large dword ptr [ebp+4]
  8696. push large dword ptr [ebp+1Ch]
  8697. mov dx, offset aEaxLEsiLDr6LSsE ; "EAX = %l ESI = %l DR6 = %l "...
  8698. call prints
  8699. add sp, 10h
  8700. add bx, 4
  8701. call loadl_ss_esp
  8702. push eax
  8703. push large [dword ptr aSystemSoftwareD+23h] ; +3: _app_type
  8704. ; +4: _app_load
  8705. push large dword ptr [ebp+0]
  8706. push large dword ptr [ebp+10h]
  8707. mov dx, offset aEbxLEdiLCr0LSsE ; "EBX = %l EDI = %l CR0 = %l "...
  8708. call prints
  8709. add sp, 10h
  8710. add bx, 4
  8711. call loadl_ss_esp
  8712. push eax
  8713. push large [dword ptr aSystemSoftwareD+27h] ; +3: _app_type
  8714. ; +4: _app_load
  8715. push large dword ptr [ebp+8]
  8716. push large dword ptr [ebp+18h]
  8717. mov dx, offset aEcxLEbpLCr2LSsE ; "ECX = %l EBP = %l CR2 = %l "...
  8718. call prints
  8719. add sp, 10h
  8720. add bx, 4
  8721. call loadl_ss_esp
  8722. push eax
  8723. push large [dword ptr aSystemSoftwareD+2Bh] ; +3: _app_type
  8724. ; +4: _app_load
  8725. push edi
  8726. push large dword ptr [ebp+14h]
  8727. mov dx, offset aEdxLEspLCr3LSsE ; "EDX = %l ESP = %l CR3 = %l "...
  8728. call prints
  8729. add sp, 10h
  8730. retn
  8731. dump_regs endp
  8734. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8737. dump_selectors proc near
  8738. mov dx, offset aCsW ; "CS: = %w "
  8739. mov ax, fs
  8740. call describe_selector
  8741. mov dx, offset aDsW ; "DS: = %w "
  8742. mov ax, [ebp+26h]
  8743. call describe_selector
  8744. mov dx, offset aEsW ; "ES: = %w "
  8745. mov ax, [ebp+24h]
  8746. call describe_selector
  8747. mov dx, offset aSsW ; "SS: = %w "
  8748. mov ax, gs
  8749. call describe_selector
  8750. mov dx, offset aFsW ; "FS: = %w "
  8751. mov ax, [ebp+22h]
  8752. call describe_selector
  8753. mov dx, offset aGsW ; "GS: = %w "
  8754. mov ax, [ebp+20h]
  8755. call describe_selector
  8756. retn
  8757. dump_selectors endp
  8760. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8763. describe_selector proc near
  8764. push ax
  8765. call prints
  8766. pop ax
  8767. test ax, ax
  8768. jnz short loc_13F31
  8769. mov dx, offset aNullSelector ; "NULL selector"
  8770. call prints
  8771. jmp printcr
  8772. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8774. loc_13F31:
  8775. mov bx, ax
  8776. sub sp, 8
  8777. push ss
  8778. pop es
  8779. mov edi, esp
  8780. mov ax, 0Bh
  8781. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  8783. ; BX = selector, ES:DI / ES:EDI -> 8-byte buffer for copy of descriptor
  8784. ; Return: CF set on error
  8785. ; CF clear if successful
  8786. jnb short loc_13F4E
  8787. add sp, 8
  8788. mov dx, offset aInvalidSelector ; "Invalid selector"
  8789. call prints
  8790. jmp printcr
  8791. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8793. loc_13F4E:
  8794. mov ax, es:[edi+5]
  8795. mov dx, ax
  8796. push ax
  8797. shr al, 1
  8798. and ax, 7
  8799. push ax
  8800. mov cl, dh
  8801. shr cl, 6
  8802. and cl, 1
  8803. mov ax, 10h
  8804. shl ax, cl
  8805. push ax
  8806. mov al, dl
  8807. shr al, 3
  8808. and eax, 1
  8809. lea eax, selmsg8.str[eax+eax*4]
  8810. push ax
  8811. mov al, dh
  8812. shr al, 7
  8813. and eax, 1
  8814. lea eax, selmsg9.str[eax+eax*4]
  8815. push ax
  8816. mov al, dh
  8817. and eax, 0Fh
  8818. shl eax, 10h
  8819. mov ax, es:[edi]
  8820. push eax
  8821. mov ah, es:[edi+7]
  8822. mov al, es:[edi+4]
  8823. shl eax, 10h
  8824. mov ax, es:[edi+2]
  8825. push eax
  8826. mov dx, offset aBaseLLimitLGrSS ; "Base=%l Limit=%l Gr=%s Seg=%s/%dbit Typ"...
  8827. call prints
  8828. add sp, 1Ah
  8829. retn
  8830. describe_selector endp
  8833. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8836. check_faultsel proc near
  8837. mov ax, 6
  8838. mov bx, fs
  8839. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  8841. ; BX = selector
  8842. ; Return: CF set on error
  8843. ; CF clear if successful, CX:DX = linear base address of segment
  8844. shl ecx, 10h
  8845. mov cx, dx
  8846. lea eax, [ecx+esi]
  8847. mov ecx, dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+14h ; +4: _exec_handle
  8848. ; +8: _exec_start
  8849. ; +C: _srcaddr
  8850. ; +10: _codesize
  8851. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  8852. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  8853. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  8854. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  8855. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  8856. jcxz short loc_13FE4
  8858. loc_13FD8: ; also _app_buf_allocsel
  8859. cmp bx, word ptr get_environ_config[ecx*2]
  8860. jz short loc_13FE6
  8861. loop loc_13FD8
  8863. loc_13FE4:
  8864. stc
  8865. retn
  8866. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8868. loc_13FE6:
  8869. sub eax, dword ptr _app_buf_allocbase[ecx*4]
  8870. clc
  8871. retn
  8872. check_faultsel endp
  8875. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8878. check_selector proc near
  8879. lar bx, ax
  8880. jnz short loc_14003
  8881. verr ax
  8882. jnz short loc_14003
  8883. not bx
  8884. test bh, 80h
  8885. jnz short loc_14003
  8886. retn
  8887. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8889. loc_14003:
  8890. xor ax, ax
  8891. retn
  8892. check_selector endp
  8895. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8898. loadb_cs_eip proc near
  8899. mov ax, fs
  8900. test ax, ax
  8901. jnz short loc_14010
  8902. xor eax, eax
  8903. retn
  8904. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8906. loc_14010:
  8907. movzx eax, byte ptr fs:[esi+ebx]
  8908. retn
  8909. loadb_cs_eip endp
  8912. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8915. loadl_cs_eip proc near
  8916. mov ax, fs
  8917. test ax, ax
  8918. jnz short loc_14022
  8919. xor eax, eax
  8920. retn
  8921. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8923. loc_14022:
  8924. mov eax, fs:[esi+ebx]
  8925. retn
  8926. loadl_cs_eip endp
  8929. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8932. loadl_ss_esp proc near
  8933. mov ax, gs
  8934. test ax, ax
  8935. jnz short loc_14033
  8936. xor eax, eax
  8937. retn
  8938. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8940. loc_14033:
  8941. mov eax, gs:[edi+ebx]
  8942. retn
  8943. loadl_ss_esp endp
  8946. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8949. tone proc near
  8950. push ax
  8951. push cx
  8952. mov ax, 500h
  8953. mov cx, 110h
  8954. call beep
  8955. mov ax, 300h
  8956. call beep
  8957. pop cx
  8958. pop ax
  8959. retn
  8960. tone endp
  8963. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  8966. beep proc near
  8967. test cs:_misc_byte_1, 2
  8968. jnz short loc_14057
  8969. retn
  8970. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8972. loc_14057:
  8973. push cx
  8974. push dx
  8975. push ax
  8976. mov al, 0B6h ; '¶'
  8977. out 43h, al ; Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2).
  8978. pop ax
  8979. out 42h, al ; Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2).
  8980. mov al, ah
  8981. out 42h, al ; Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2).
  8982. in al, 61h ; PC/XT PPI port B bits:
  8983. ; 0: Tmr 2 gate ÍËÍ OR 03H=spkr ON
  8984. ; 1: Tmr 2 data ͼ AND 0fcH=spkr OFF
  8985. ; 3: 1=read high switches
  8986. ; 4: 0=enable RAM parity checking
  8987. ; 5: 0=enable I/O channel check
  8988. ; 6: 0=hold keyboard clock low
  8989. ; 7: 0=enable kbrd
  8990. or al, 3
  8991. out 61h, al ; PC/XT PPI port B bits:
  8992. ; 0: Tmr 2 gate ÍËÍ OR 03H=spkr ON
  8993. ; 1: Tmr 2 data ͼ AND 0fcH=spkr OFF
  8994. ; 3: 1=read high switches
  8995. ; 4: 0=enable RAM parity checking
  8996. ; 5: 0=enable I/O channel check
  8997. ; 6: 0=hold keyboard clock low
  8998. ; 7: 0=enable kbrd
  9000. loc_1406B: ; Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2).
  9001. in al, 40h
  9002. in al, 40h ; Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2).
  9003. mov ah, al
  9005. loc_14071: ; Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2).
  9006. in al, 40h
  9007. in al, 40h ; Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2).
  9008. cmp ah, al
  9009. jz short loc_14071
  9010. loop loc_1406B
  9011. in al, 61h ; PC/XT PPI port B bits:
  9012. ; 0: Tmr 2 gate ÍËÍ OR 03H=spkr ON
  9013. ; 1: Tmr 2 data ͼ AND 0fcH=spkr OFF
  9014. ; 3: 1=read high switches
  9015. ; 4: 0=enable RAM parity checking
  9016. ; 5: 0=enable I/O channel check
  9017. ; 6: 0=hold keyboard clock low
  9018. ; 7: 0=enable kbrd
  9019. and al, 0FCh
  9020. out 61h, al ; PC/XT PPI port B bits:
  9021. ; 0: Tmr 2 gate ÍËÍ OR 03H=spkr ON
  9022. ; 1: Tmr 2 data ͼ AND 0fcH=spkr OFF
  9023. ; 3: 1=read high switches
  9024. ; 4: 0=enable RAM parity checking
  9025. ; 5: 0=enable I/O channel check
  9026. ; 6: 0=hold keyboard clock low
  9027. ; 7: 0=enable kbrd
  9028. pop dx
  9029. pop cx
  9030. retn
  9031. beep endp
  9034. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  9037. scr_on proc near
  9038. push ax
  9039. push bx
  9040. push cx
  9041. push dx
  9042. test cs:_misc_byte_1, 40h
  9043. jz short loc_14095
  9044. mov ax, 3
  9045. int 10h ; - VIDEO - SET VIDEO MODE
  9046. ; AL = mode
  9048. loc_14095:
  9049. mov dx, 3C4h
  9050. mov al, 1
  9051. out dx, al ; EGA: sequencer address reg
  9052. ; clocking mode. Data bits:
  9053. ; 0: 1=8 dots/char; 0=9 dots/char
  9054. ; 1: CRT bandwidth: 1=low; 0=high
  9055. ; 2: 1=shift every char; 0=every 2nd char
  9056. ; 3: dot clock: 1=halved
  9057. inc dx
  9058. in al, dx ; EGA port: sequencer data register
  9059. and al, 0DFh
  9060. out dx, al ; EGA port: sequencer data register
  9061. pop dx
  9062. pop cx
  9063. pop bx
  9064. pop ax
  9065. retn
  9066. scr_on endp
  9069. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  9072. _int10 proc near
  9074. var_14 = dword ptr -14h
  9075. var_C = dword ptr -0Ch
  9076. var_8 = dword ptr -8
  9077. var_4 = word ptr -4
  9078. arg_E = dword ptr 10h
  9079. arg_1A = dword ptr 1Ch
  9081. ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 134E SIZE 0000012F BYTES
  9082. ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 149C SIZE 00000020 BYTES
  9084. cld
  9085. push ds
  9086. push es
  9087. pushad
  9088. cmp ah, 1Bh
  9089. jz short v_1B
  9090. cmp ah, 1Ch
  9091. jz v_1C
  9092. cmp ax, 4F00h
  9093. jz v_4F00
  9094. cmp ax, 4F01h
  9095. jz v_4F00
  9096. cmp ax, 4F04h
  9097. jz v_4F04
  9098. cmp ax, 4F09h
  9099. jz v_4F09
  9100. cmp ax, 4F0Ah
  9101. jz v_4F0A
  9102. popad
  9103. pop es
  9104. pop ds
  9105. jmp large [fword ptr cs:_int10_._ip]
  9106. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9108. v_1B:
  9109. sub esp, 32h
  9110. mov ebp, esp
  9111. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  9112. mov [ebp+10h], bx
  9113. mov ds, cs:_sel_ds
  9114. mov ax, _seg_buf
  9115. mov [ebp+22h], ax
  9116. mov word ptr [ebp+0], 0
  9117. call int10h
  9118. mov ecx, 10h
  9119. mov esi, _lobufbase
  9120. rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  9121. movzx eax, word ptr [ebp+1Ch]
  9122. movzx ebx, word ptr [ebp+10h]
  9123. add esp, 32h
  9124. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  9125. mov [esp+24h+var_14], ebx
  9126. jmp @__ok
  9127. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9129. v_1C:
  9130. test al, al
  9131. jz short loc_14144
  9132. cmp al, 1
  9133. jz short loc_14163
  9134. cmp al, 2
  9135. jz short loc_1418D
  9136. jmp loc_143AF
  9137. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9139. loc_14144:
  9140. pushfd
  9141. call large [fword ptr cs:_int10_._ip]
  9142. movzx eax, ax
  9143. movzx ebx, bx
  9144. mov [esp+arg_1A], eax
  9145. mov [esp+arg_E], ebx
  9146. jmp @__ok
  9147. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9149. loc_14163:
  9150. sub esp, 32h
  9151. mov ebp, esp
  9152. call @v_std
  9153. call int10h
  9154. mov esi, _lobufbase
  9155. mov edi, ebx
  9156. mov ax, 1C00h
  9157. xor bx, bx
  9158. int 10h ; - VIDEO - SAVE/RESTORE VIDEO STATE (PS50+,VGA)
  9159. ; return state buffer size, return: BX = number of 64 byte blocks needed
  9160. mov ecx, ebx
  9161. shl ecx, 4
  9162. rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  9163. jmp loc_1439C
  9164. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9166. loc_1418D:
  9167. sub esp, 32h
  9168. mov ebp, esp
  9169. call @v_std
  9170. mov esi, ebx
  9171. mov edi, _lobufbase
  9172. mov ax, 1C00h
  9173. xor bx, bx
  9174. int 10h ; - VIDEO - SAVE/RESTORE VIDEO STATE (PS50+,VGA)
  9175. ; return state buffer size, return: BX = number of 64 byte blocks needed
  9176. mov ecx, ebx
  9177. shl ecx, 4
  9178. push ds
  9179. push es
  9180. pop ds
  9181. pop es
  9182. rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  9183. call int10h
  9184. jmp loc_1439C
  9185. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9187. v_4F00:
  9188. sub esp, 32h
  9189. mov ebp, esp
  9190. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  9191. mov [ebp+18h], cx
  9192. mov dx, ax
  9193. mov ds, cs:_sel_ds
  9194. mov ax, _seg_buf
  9195. mov [ebp+22h], ax
  9196. mov word ptr [ebp+0], 0
  9197. call int10h
  9198. mov esi, _lobufbase
  9199. test dl, dl
  9200. mov ecx, 40h ; '@'
  9201. jnz short loc_1421E
  9202. lea ebx, [esi+6]
  9203. call _int10_mod
  9204. lea ebx, [esi+0Eh]
  9205. call _int10_mod
  9206. lea ebx, [esi+16h]
  9207. call _int10_mod
  9208. lea ebx, [esi+1Ah]
  9209. call _int10_mod
  9210. lea ebx, [esi+1Eh]
  9211. call _int10_mod
  9212. mov ecx, 80h ; '€'
  9214. loc_1421E:
  9215. rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  9216. jmp loc_1439C
  9217. _int10 endp
  9220. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  9223. _int10_mod proc near
  9224. movzx edx, word ptr [ebx]
  9225. movzx eax, word ptr [ebx+2]
  9226. shl eax, 4
  9227. add eax, edx
  9228. mov dx, [ebx+2]
  9229. cmp dx, _seg_buf
  9230. jnz short loc_14249
  9231. sub eax, _lobufzero
  9232. add eax, edi
  9234. loc_14249:
  9235. mov [ebx], eax
  9236. retn
  9237. _int10_mod endp
  9239. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9242. v_4F04:
  9243. test dl, dl
  9244. jz loc_14144
  9245. cmp dl, 1
  9246. jz short loc_14261
  9247. cmp dl, 2
  9248. jz short loc_1428D
  9249. jmp loc_143AF
  9250. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9252. loc_14261:
  9253. sub esp, 32h
  9254. mov ebp, esp
  9255. call @v_std
  9256. call int10h
  9257. mov esi, _lobufbase
  9258. mov edi, ebx
  9259. mov ax, 4F04h
  9260. xor dl, dl
  9261. xor bx, bx
  9263. ; DL = get state buffer size
  9264. mov ecx, ebx
  9265. shl ecx, 4
  9266. rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  9267. jmp loc_1439C
  9268. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9270. loc_1428D:
  9271. sub esp, 32h
  9272. mov ebp, esp
  9273. call @v_std
  9274. mov esi, ebx
  9275. mov edi, _lobufbase
  9276. mov ax, 4F04h
  9277. xor dl, dl
  9278. xor bx, bx
  9280. ; DL = get state buffer size
  9281. mov ecx, ebx
  9282. shl ecx, 4
  9283. push ds
  9284. push es
  9285. pop ds
  9286. pop es
  9287. rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  9288. call int10h
  9289. jmp loc_1439C
  9290. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9292. v_4F09:
  9293. cmp bl, 3
  9294. jbe short loc_142C9
  9295. cmp bl, 80h
  9296. jnz loc_143AF
  9298. loc_142C9:
  9299. sub esp, 32h
  9300. mov ebp, esp
  9301. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  9302. mov [ebp+18h], cx
  9303. mov [ebp+14h], dx
  9304. mov [ebp+10h], bx
  9305. mov ds, cs:_sel_ds
  9306. mov ax, _seg_buf
  9307. mov [ebp+22h], ax
  9308. mov word ptr [ebp+0], 0
  9309. test bl, bl
  9310. jz short loc_14302
  9311. dec bl
  9312. jz short loc_14318
  9313. dec bl
  9314. jz short loc_14302
  9315. dec bl
  9316. jz short loc_14318
  9318. loc_14302:
  9319. mov esi, edi
  9320. mov edi, _lobufbase
  9321. push ds
  9322. push es
  9323. pop ds
  9324. pop es
  9325. rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  9326. call int10h
  9327. jmp loc_1439C
  9328. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9330. loc_14318:
  9331. call int10h
  9332. mov esi, _lobufbase
  9333. rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  9334. jmp short loc_1439C
  9335. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9337. v_4F0A:
  9338. sub esp, 32h
  9339. mov ebp, esp
  9340. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  9341. mov [ebp+10h], bx
  9342. call int10h
  9343. movzx eax, word ptr [ebp+1Ch]
  9344. movzx ecx, word ptr [ebp+18h]
  9345. movzx edx, word ptr [ebp+22h]
  9346. movzx edi, word ptr [ebp+0]
  9347. cmp ax, 4Fh ; 'O'
  9348. jnz short loc_1439C
  9349. shl edx, 4
  9350. add edi, edx
  9351. add esp, 32h
  9352. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  9353. mov [esp+24h+var_C], ecx
  9354. mov [esp], edi
  9355. mov ax, cs:_sel_zero
  9356. mov [esp+24h+var_4], ax
  9357. jmp @__ok
  9358. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR _int10
  9360. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  9363. @v_std proc near
  9364. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  9365. mov [ebp+18h], cx
  9366. mov [ebp+14h], dx
  9367. mov ds, cs:_sel_ds
  9368. mov ax, _seg_buf
  9369. mov [ebp+22h], ax
  9370. mov word ptr [ebp+10h], 0
  9371. retn
  9372. @v_std endp
  9374. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9377. loc_1439C:
  9378. movzx eax, word ptr [ebp+1Ch]
  9379. add esp, 32h
  9380. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  9381. jmp @__ok
  9382. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9384. loc_143AF:
  9385. mov [esp+24h+var_8], 0FFFFFFFFh
  9386. jmp @__ok
  9387. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR _int10
  9389. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  9392. _int21 proc near
  9394. var_20 = dword ptr -20h
  9395. var_1C = dword ptr -1Ch
  9396. var_14 = dword ptr -14h
  9397. var_10 = dword ptr -10h
  9398. var_C = dword ptr -0Ch
  9399. var_8 = dword ptr -8
  9400. var_4 = word ptr -4
  9401. var_2 = word ptr -2
  9402. arg_6 = byte ptr 8
  9404. ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 2047 SIZE 0000001F BYTES
  9405. ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 2128 SIZE 00000019 BYTES
  9406. ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 214D SIZE 0000000C BYTES
  9408. cld
  9409. test cs:_sys_misc, 100h
  9410. jnz loc_14522
  9411. push ds
  9412. push es
  9413. pushad
  9414. cmp ah, 9
  9415. jz @__09h
  9416. cmp ah, 1Ah
  9417. jz @__1Ah
  9418. cmp ah, 1Bh
  9419. jz @__1Bh
  9420. cmp ah, 1Ch
  9421. jz @__1Bh
  9422. cmp ah, 1Fh
  9423. jz @__1Fh
  9424. cmp ah, 25h ; '%'
  9425. jz @__25h
  9426. cmp ah, 2Fh ; '/'
  9427. jz @__2Fh
  9428. cmp ah, 31h ; '1'
  9429. jz @__31h
  9430. cmp ah, 32h ; '2'
  9431. jz @__1Fh
  9432. cmp ah, 34h ; '4'
  9433. jz @__34h
  9434. cmp ah, 35h ; '5'
  9435. jz @__35h
  9436. cmp ah, 39h ; '9'
  9437. jz @__39h
  9438. cmp ah, 3Ah ; ':'
  9439. jz @__39h
  9440. cmp ah, 3Bh ; ';'
  9441. jz @__39h
  9442. cmp ah, 3Ch ; '<'
  9443. jz @__3Ch
  9444. cmp ah, 3Dh ; '='
  9445. jz @__3Ch
  9446. cmp ah, 3Fh ; '?'
  9447. jz @__3Fh
  9448. cmp ah, 40h ; '@'
  9449. jz @__40h
  9450. cmp ah, 41h ; 'A'
  9451. jz @__39h
  9452. cmp ah, 42h ; 'B'
  9453. jz @__42h
  9454. cmp ah, 43h ; 'C'
  9455. jz @__43h
  9456. cmp ax, 4402h
  9457. jz @__3Fh
  9458. cmp ax, 4403h
  9459. jz @__40h
  9460. cmp ax, 4404h
  9461. jz @__3Fh
  9462. cmp ax, 4405h
  9463. jz @__40h
  9464. cmp ah, 47h ; 'G'
  9465. jz @__47h
  9466. cmp ah, 48h ; 'H'
  9467. jz @__48h
  9468. cmp ah, 49h ; 'I'
  9469. jz @__49h
  9470. cmp ah, 4Ah ; 'J'
  9471. jz @__4Ah
  9472. cmp ah, 4Bh ; 'K'
  9473. jz @__4Bh
  9474. cmp ah, 4Ch ; 'L'
  9475. jz @__4Ch
  9476. cmp ah, 4Eh ; 'N'
  9477. jz @__4Eh
  9478. cmp ah, 4Fh ; 'O'
  9479. jz @__4Fh
  9480. cmp ah, 51h ; 'Q'
  9481. jz @__51h
  9482. cmp ah, 56h ; 'V'
  9483. jz @__56h
  9484. cmp ah, 5Ah ; 'Z'
  9485. jz @__39h
  9486. cmp ah, 5Bh ; '['
  9487. jz @__39h
  9488. cmp ah, 62h ; 'b'
  9489. jz @__62h
  9490. cmp ah, 0FFh
  9491. jz @__FFh
  9492. cmp ah, 71h ; 'q'
  9493. jnz short @__go21
  9494. cmp al, 39h ; '9'
  9495. jz @__39h
  9496. cmp al, 3Ah ; ':'
  9497. jz @__39h
  9498. cmp al, 3Bh ; ';'
  9499. jz @__39h
  9500. cmp al, 41h ; 'A'
  9501. jz @__39h
  9502. cmp al, 43h ; 'C'
  9503. jz @__43h
  9504. cmp al, 47h ; 'G'
  9505. jz @__47h
  9506. cmp al, 56h ; 'V'
  9507. jz @__56h
  9508. cmp al, 60h ; '`'
  9509. jz @_7160
  9510. cmp al, 6Ch ; 'l'
  9511. jz @_716C
  9513. @__go21:
  9514. popad
  9515. pop es
  9516. pop ds
  9517. jmp large [fword ptr cs:_int21_._ip]
  9518. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9520. loc_14522:
  9521. mov ax, 4CFFh
  9522. jmp @__4Ch
  9523. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9525. @__09h:
  9526. push ds
  9527. pop es
  9528. assume es:TEXT16
  9529. sub esp, 32h
  9530. mov ebp, esp
  9531. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  9532. mov esi, edx
  9533. mov edi, edx
  9534. mov al, 24h ; '$'
  9535. or ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
  9536. repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
  9537. not ecx
  9538. mov es, cs:_sel_ds
  9539. assume es:nothing
  9540. mov edi, cs:_lobufbase
  9541. rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
  9542. stos byte ptr es:[edi]
  9543. mov ax, cs:_seg_buf
  9544. mov [ebp+24h], ax
  9545. mov word ptr [ebp+14h], 0
  9546. call int21h
  9547. add esp, 32h
  9548. jmp @__ok
  9549. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9551. @__1Ah:
  9552. mov es, cs:_sel_ds
  9553. assume es:TEXT16
  9554. mov es:_app_dta_sel, ds
  9555. mov es:_app_dta_ofs, edx
  9556. sub esp, 32h
  9557. mov ebp, esp
  9558. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  9559. mov ax, cs:_seg_dta
  9560. mov [ebp+24h], ax
  9561. mov word ptr [ebp+14h], 0
  9562. call int21h
  9563. add esp, 32h
  9564. jmp @__ok
  9565. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9567. @__1Bh:
  9568. call @__all
  9569. mov byte ptr [esp+24h+var_8], al
  9570. cmp al, 0FFh
  9571. jz short loc_145D0
  9572. mov [esp+24h+var_10], edx
  9573. mov [esp+24h+var_C], ecx
  9574. shl esi, 4
  9575. add ebx, esi
  9576. mov [esp+24h+var_14], ebx
  9577. mov ax, cs:_sel_zero
  9578. mov [esp+24h+var_2], ax
  9580. loc_145D0:
  9581. jmp @__ok
  9582. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9584. @__1Fh:
  9585. call @__all
  9586. mov byte ptr [esp+24h+var_8], al
  9587. cmp al, 0FFh
  9588. jz short loc_145F5
  9589. shl esi, 4
  9590. add ebx, esi
  9591. mov [esp+24h+var_14], ebx
  9592. mov ax, cs:_sel_zero
  9593. mov [esp+24h+var_2], ax
  9595. loc_145F5:
  9596. jmp @__ok
  9597. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9599. @__25h:
  9600. mov bl, al
  9601. mov cx, ds
  9602. mov ax, 205h
  9603. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  9605. ; BL = interrupt number, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  9606. ; Return: CF set on error
  9607. ; CF clear if successful
  9608. jb @__err
  9609. jmp @__ok
  9610. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9612. @__2Fh:
  9613. mov ax, cs:_app_dta_sel
  9614. mov [esp+24h+var_4], ax
  9615. mov eax, cs:_app_dta_ofs
  9616. mov [esp+24h+var_14], eax
  9617. jmp @__ok
  9618. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9620. @__31h:
  9621. sub esp, 32h
  9622. mov ebp, esp
  9623. mov bx, cs:_membase
  9624. add bx, cs:_buf_size
  9625. sub bx, cs:_seg_es
  9626. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  9627. mov [ebp+14h], bx
  9628. call int21h
  9629. add esp, 32h
  9630. jmp @__ok
  9631. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9633. @__34h:
  9634. call @__all
  9635. shl edi, 4
  9636. add ebx, edi
  9637. mov [esp+24h+var_14], ebx
  9638. mov ax, cs:_sel_zero
  9639. mov [esp+24h+var_4], ax
  9640. jmp @__ok
  9641. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9643. @__35h:
  9644. mov bl, al
  9645. mov ax, 204h
  9646. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  9648. ; BL = interrupt number
  9649. ; Return: CF set on error
  9650. ; CF clear if successful, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  9651. mov [esp+24h+var_4], cx
  9652. mov [esp+24h+var_14], edx
  9653. jmp @__ok
  9654. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9656. @__39h:
  9657. call @__std
  9658. jz @__ok
  9659. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  9660. jmp @__err
  9661. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9663. @__3Ch:
  9664. call @__std
  9665. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  9666. jz @__ok
  9667. jmp @__err
  9668. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9670. @__3Fh:
  9671. push ds
  9672. pop es
  9673. mov ds, cs:_sel_ds
  9674. sub esp, 32h
  9675. mov ebp, esp
  9676. mov [ebp+10h], bx
  9677. mov edi, edx
  9678. mov ebx, ecx
  9679. xor edx, edx
  9681. loc_146B3:
  9682. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  9683. mov ax, _seg_buf
  9684. mov [ebp+24h], ax
  9685. mov word ptr [ebp+14h], 0
  9686. mov eax, ebx
  9687. cmp eax, _lobufsize
  9688. jbe short loc_146D2
  9689. mov eax, _lobufsize
  9691. loc_146D2:
  9692. mov [ebp+18h], ax
  9693. call int21h
  9694. movzx eax, word ptr [ebp+1Ch]
  9695. test byte ptr [ebp+20h], 1
  9696. jnz short loc_14712
  9697. test ax, ax
  9698. jz short loc_14705
  9699. mov esi, _lobufbase
  9700. call @__cp2
  9701. add edx, eax
  9702. cmp word ptr [ebp+10h], 0
  9703. jz short loc_14705
  9704. sub ebx, eax
  9705. mov ax, [ebp+4Eh]
  9706. ja short loc_146B3
  9708. loc_14705:
  9709. add esp, 32h
  9710. mov [esp+24h+var_8], edx
  9711. jmp @__ok
  9712. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9714. loc_14712:
  9715. add esp, 32h
  9716. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  9717. jmp @__err
  9718. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9720. @__40h:
  9721. mov es, cs:_sel_ds
  9722. assume es:nothing
  9723. sub esp, 32h
  9724. mov ebp, esp
  9725. mov [ebp+10h], bx
  9726. mov esi, edx
  9727. mov ebx, ecx
  9728. xor edx, edx
  9730. loc_14738:
  9731. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  9732. mov ax, cs:_seg_buf
  9733. mov [ebp+24h], ax
  9734. mov word ptr [ebp+14h], 0
  9735. mov eax, ebx
  9736. cmp eax, cs:_lobufsize
  9737. jbe short loc_1475A
  9738. mov eax, cs:_lobufsize
  9740. loc_1475A:
  9741. mov [ebp+18h], ax
  9742. mov edi, cs:_lobufbase
  9743. call @__cp2
  9744. call int21h
  9745. movzx eax, word ptr [ebp+1Ch]
  9746. test byte ptr [ebp+20h], 1
  9747. jnz short loc_14794
  9748. test ax, ax
  9749. jz short loc_14787
  9750. add edx, eax
  9751. sub ebx, eax
  9752. mov ax, [ebp+4Eh]
  9753. ja short loc_14738
  9755. loc_14787:
  9756. add esp, 32h
  9757. mov [esp+24h+var_8], edx
  9758. jmp @__ok
  9759. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9761. loc_14794:
  9762. add esp, 32h
  9763. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  9764. jmp @__err
  9765. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9767. @__42h:
  9768. call @__all
  9769. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  9770. jnz @__err
  9771. mov [esp+24h+var_10], edx
  9772. jmp @__ok
  9773. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9775. @__43h:
  9776. call @__std
  9777. jz short loc_147C5
  9778. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  9779. jmp @__err
  9780. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9782. loc_147C5:
  9783. mov [esp+24h+var_C], ecx
  9784. jmp @__ok
  9785. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9787. @__47h:
  9788. sub esp, 32h
  9789. mov ebp, esp
  9790. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  9791. mov [ebp+14h], dx
  9792. mov ax, cs:_seg_buf
  9793. mov [ebp+24h], ax
  9794. mov word ptr [ebp+4], 0
  9795. call int21h
  9796. test byte ptr [ebp+20h], 1
  9797. jnz short loc_14813
  9798. push ds
  9799. pop es
  9800. assume es:TEXT16
  9801. mov edi, esi
  9802. mov ds, cs:_sel_ds
  9803. mov esi, _lobufbase
  9805. loc_14804:
  9806. lods byte ptr [esi]
  9807. stos byte ptr es:[edi]
  9808. test al, al
  9809. jnz short loc_14804
  9810. add esp, 32h
  9811. jmp @__ok
  9812. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9814. loc_14813:
  9815. movzx eax, word ptr [ebp+1Ch]
  9816. add esp, 32h
  9817. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  9818. jmp @__err
  9819. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9821. @__48h:
  9822. mov ax, 100h
  9823. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  9825. ; BX = number of paragraphs to allocate
  9826. ; Return: CF set on error
  9827. ; CF clear if successful
  9828. jb short loc_1483A
  9829. movzx edx, dx
  9830. mov [esp+24h+var_8], edx
  9831. jmp @__ok
  9832. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9834. loc_1483A:
  9835. movzx eax, ax
  9836. movzx ebx, bx
  9837. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  9838. mov [esp+24h+var_14], ebx
  9839. jmp @__err
  9840. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9842. @__49h:
  9843. mov ax, 101h
  9844. mov dx, es
  9845. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  9847. ; DX = selector of block
  9848. ; Return: CF set on error
  9849. ; CF set if successful
  9850. jnb short loc_14867
  9851. movzx eax, ax
  9852. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  9853. jmp @__err
  9854. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9856. loc_14867:
  9857. mov [esp+24h+var_4], 0
  9858. jmp @__ok
  9859. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9861. @__4Ah:
  9862. mov ax, 102h
  9863. mov dx, es
  9864. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  9866. ; BX = new block size in paragraphs, DX = selector of block
  9867. ; Return: CF set on error
  9868. ; CF clear if successful
  9869. jnb @__ok
  9870. movzx eax, ax
  9871. movzx ebx, bx
  9872. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  9873. mov [esp+24h+var_14], ebx
  9874. jmp @__err
  9875. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9877. @__4Bh:
  9878. test al, al
  9879. jnz @__err
  9880. cmp cs:_lobufsize, 400h
  9881. jb @__err
  9882. sub esp, 32h
  9883. mov ebp, esp
  9884. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  9885. push es
  9886. mov es, cs:_sel_ds
  9887. assume es:nothing
  9888. mov edi, cs:_lobufbase
  9889. mov esi, edx
  9890. add edi, 100h
  9892. loc_148C8:
  9893. lods byte ptr [esi]
  9894. stos byte ptr es:[edi]
  9895. test al, al
  9896. jnz short loc_148C8
  9897. pop es
  9898. push ds
  9899. push es
  9900. mov esi, es:[ebx+6]
  9901. mov edi, cs:_lobufbase
  9902. mov ds, word ptr es:[ebx+0Ah]
  9903. mov es, cs:_sel_ds
  9904. add edi, 180h
  9905. movzx ecx, byte ptr [esi]
  9906. inc cx
  9907. inc cx
  9908. rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
  9909. pop es
  9910. pop ds
  9911. push ds
  9912. push es
  9913. mov edi, es:[ebx]
  9914. mov ax, es:[ebx+4]
  9915. test ax, ax
  9916. jz short loc_1493A
  9917. mov es, ax
  9918. xor ax, ax
  9919. mov esi, edi
  9920. or ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
  9922. loc_14917:
  9923. repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
  9924. dec ecx
  9925. scas byte ptr es:[edi]
  9926. jnz short loc_14917
  9927. not ecx
  9928. mov ax, 100h
  9929. mov bx, cx
  9930. shr bx, 4
  9931. inc bx
  9932. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  9934. ; BX = number of paragraphs to allocate
  9935. ; Return: CF set on error
  9936. ; CF clear if successful
  9937. jb short loc_1496B
  9938. push es
  9939. pop ds
  9940. mov es, dx
  9941. assume es:TEXT16
  9942. xor edi, edi
  9943. rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
  9945. loc_1493A:
  9946. mov ds, cs:_sel_ds
  9947. mov edi, _lobufbase
  9948. mov [edi], ax
  9949. mov ax, _seg_buf
  9950. mov word ptr [edi+2], 180h
  9951. mov [edi+4], ax
  9952. mov ax, _seg_es
  9953. mov word ptr [edi+6], 5Ch ; '\'
  9954. mov [edi+8], ax
  9955. mov word ptr [edi+0Ah], 6Ch ; 'l'
  9956. mov [edi+0Ch], ax
  9958. loc_1496B:
  9959. pop es
  9960. assume es:nothing
  9961. pop ds
  9962. jb short loc_149D5
  9963. push dx
  9964. mov ds, cs:_sel_ds
  9965. mov ax, _seg_buf
  9966. mov [ebp+22h], ax
  9967. mov [ebp+24h], ax
  9968. mov word ptr [ebp+10h], 0
  9969. mov word ptr [ebp+14h], 100h
  9970. cmp _sys_type, 3
  9971. jz short loc_1499E
  9972. mov eax, cr0
  9973. mov edi, eax
  9974. and al, 0FBh
  9975. mov cr0, eax
  9977. loc_1499E:
  9978. call uninstall_client_ints
  9979. call int21h
  9980. call install_client_ints
  9981. cmp _sys_type, 3
  9982. jz short loc_149B1
  9983. mov cr0, edi
  9985. loc_149B1:
  9986. pop dx
  9987. mov ax, 101h
  9988. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  9990. ; DX = selector of block
  9991. ; Return: CF set on error
  9992. ; CF set if successful
  9993. movzx eax, word ptr [ebp+1Ch]
  9994. test byte ptr [ebp+20h], 1
  9995. lea esp, [esp+32h]
  9996. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  9997. jnz @__err
  9998. jmp @__ok
  9999. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10001. loc_149D5:
  10002. add esp, 32h
  10003. mov [esp+24h+var_8], 0FFFFFFFFh
  10004. jmp @__err
  10005. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10007. @__4Ch:
  10008. cli
  10009. cld
  10010. mov ds, cs:_sel_ds
  10011. mov es, _sel_es
  10012. lss esp, fword ptr _sel_esp
  10013. push ax
  10014. mov ax, _sel_env
  10015. mov es:2Ch, ax
  10016. cmp _sys_type, 3
  10017. jz short loc_14A0C
  10018. xor eax, eax
  10019. mov dr7, eax
  10021. loc_14A0C:
  10022. push es
  10023. mov ax, 0Ch
  10024. xor edx, edx
  10025. mov cx, dx
  10026. mov es, dx
  10027. assume es:nothing
  10029. ; CX = call mask, ES:DX -> FAR routine
  10030. pop es
  10031. assume es:nothing
  10032. mov dx, _mus_backofs
  10033. mov cx, _mus_backseg
  10034. mov ax, cx
  10035. or ax, dx
  10036. jz short loc_14A2D
  10037. mov ax, 304h
  10038. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  10040. ; CX:DX = real mode call-back address
  10041. ; Return: CF set on error
  10042. ; CF clear if successful
  10044. loc_14A2D: ; +4: _exec_handle
  10045. mov ecx, dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+14h ; +8: _exec_start
  10046. ; +C: _srcaddr
  10047. ; +10: _codesize
  10048. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  10049. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  10050. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  10051. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  10052. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  10053. jcxz short loc_14A43
  10055. loc_14A34:
  10056. mov ax, 1
  10057. mov bx, word ptr get_environ_config[ecx*2] ; also _app_buf_allocsel
  10058. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  10060. ; BX = selector to free
  10061. ; Return: CF set on error
  10062. ; CF clear if successful
  10063. loop loc_14A34
  10065. loc_14A43:
  10066. call check_inttab
  10067. call restore_inttab
  10068. call uninstall_client_ints
  10069. mov ax, 1
  10070. mov bx, cs:_sel_zero
  10071. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  10073. ; BX = selector to free
  10074. ; Return: CF set on error
  10075. ; CF clear if successful
  10076. xor ax, ax
  10077. mov fs, ax
  10078. assume fs:nothing
  10079. mov gs, ax
  10080. assume gs:nothing
  10081. pop ax
  10082. jmp large [fword ptr cs:_int21_._ip]
  10083. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10085. @__4Eh:
  10086. call @__std
  10087. jnz short loc_14A8A
  10088. mov ds, cs:_dta_sel
  10089. mov esi, cs:_dta_ofs
  10090. mov es, cs:_app_dta_sel
  10091. mov edi, cs:_app_dta_ofs
  10092. mov ecx, 2Bh ; '+'
  10093. rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
  10094. jmp @__ok
  10095. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10097. loc_14A8A:
  10098. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  10099. jmp @__err
  10100. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10102. @__4Fh:
  10103. mov ds, cs:_app_dta_sel
  10104. mov esi, cs:_app_dta_ofs
  10105. mov es, cs:_dta_sel
  10106. mov edi, cs:_dta_ofs
  10107. mov ecx, 2Bh ; '+'
  10108. rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
  10109. call @__all
  10110. jnz short loc_14AD9
  10111. mov ds, cs:_dta_sel
  10112. mov esi, cs:_dta_ofs
  10113. mov es, cs:_app_dta_sel
  10114. mov edi, cs:_app_dta_ofs
  10115. mov ecx, 2Bh ; '+'
  10116. rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
  10117. jmp @__ok
  10118. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10120. loc_14AD9:
  10121. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  10122. jmp @__err
  10123. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10125. @__51h:
  10126. movzx eax, cs:_seg_es
  10127. mov [esp+24h+var_14], eax
  10128. jmp @__ok
  10129. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10131. @__56h:
  10132. sub esp, 32h
  10133. mov ebp, esp
  10134. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  10135. or ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
  10136. xor al, al
  10137. repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
  10138. not ecx
  10139. sub edi, ecx
  10140. mov esi, edi
  10141. push ds
  10142. push es
  10143. pop ds
  10144. mov es, cs:_sel_ds
  10145. mov edi, cs:_lobufbase
  10146. rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
  10147. pop ds
  10148. mov ecx, edi
  10149. mov ebx, cs:_lobufbase
  10150. sub ecx, ebx
  10151. xchg ecx, ebx
  10152. push ds
  10153. pop es
  10154. assume es:TEXT16
  10155. mov esi, edx
  10156. xchg esi, edi
  10157. or ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
  10158. xor al, al
  10159. repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
  10160. not ecx
  10161. sub edi, ecx
  10162. xchg esi, edi
  10163. mov es, cs:_sel_ds
  10164. assume es:nothing
  10165. rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
  10166. mov ax, cs:_seg_buf
  10167. mov [ebp+24h], ax
  10168. mov [ebp+22h], ax
  10169. mov word ptr [ebp+0], 0
  10170. mov [ebp+14h], bx
  10171. call int21h
  10172. jmp @__tst
  10173. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10175. @__62h:
  10176. movzx eax, cs:_sel_es
  10177. mov [esp+24h+var_14], eax
  10178. jmp @__ok
  10179. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10181. @_7160:
  10182. sub esp, 32h
  10183. mov ebp, esp
  10184. push es
  10185. push edi
  10186. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  10187. mov [ebp+18h], cx
  10188. mov es, cs:_sel_ds
  10189. mov edi, cs:_lobufbase
  10190. add edi, 200h
  10192. loc_14BA2:
  10193. lods byte ptr [esi]
  10194. stos byte ptr es:[edi]
  10195. test al, al
  10196. jnz short loc_14BA2
  10197. mov ax, cs:_seg_buf
  10198. mov [ebp+24h], ax
  10199. mov [ebp+22h], ax
  10200. mov word ptr [ebp+4], 200h
  10201. mov word ptr [ebp+0], 0
  10202. call int21h
  10203. push es
  10204. pop ds
  10205. mov esi, cs:_lobufbase
  10206. pop edi
  10207. pop es
  10208. test byte ptr [ebp+20h], 1
  10209. jnz short loc_14BE6
  10211. loc_14BD7:
  10212. lods byte ptr [esi]
  10213. stos byte ptr es:[edi]
  10214. test al, al
  10215. jnz short loc_14BD7
  10216. add esp, 32h
  10217. jmp @__ok
  10218. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10220. loc_14BE6:
  10221. movzx eax, word ptr [ebp+1Ch]
  10222. add esp, 32h
  10223. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  10224. jmp @__err
  10225. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10227. @_716C:
  10228. sub esp, 32h
  10229. mov ebp, esp
  10230. mov [ebp+0], di
  10231. mov [ebp+10h], bx
  10232. mov [ebp+14h], dx
  10233. mov [ebp+18h], cx
  10234. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  10235. mov ax, cs:_seg_buf
  10236. mov [ebp+24h], ax
  10237. mov word ptr [ebp+4], 0
  10238. mov es, cs:_sel_ds
  10239. mov edi, cs:_lobufbase
  10241. loc_14C2D:
  10242. lods byte ptr [esi]
  10243. stos byte ptr es:[edi]
  10244. test al, al
  10245. jnz short loc_14C2D
  10246. call int21h
  10247. movzx eax, word ptr [ebp+1Ch]
  10248. movzx ecx, word ptr [ebp+18h]
  10249. test byte ptr [ebp+20h], 1
  10250. lea esp, [esp+32h]
  10251. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  10252. jnz @__err
  10253. mov [esp+24h+var_C], ecx
  10254. jmp @__ok
  10255. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10257. @__FFh:
  10258. cmp al, 88h ; 'ˆ'
  10259. jz @_FF88
  10260. cmp al, 89h ; '‰'
  10261. jz @_FF89
  10262. cmp al, 8Ah ; 'Š'
  10263. jz @_FF8A
  10264. cmp al, 8Dh ; ''
  10265. jz @_FF8D
  10266. cmp al, 8Eh ; 'Ž'
  10267. jz @_FF8E
  10268. cmp al, 8Fh ; ''
  10269. jz @_FF8F
  10270. cmp al, 80h ; '€'
  10271. jz @_FF80
  10272. cmp al, 90h ; ''
  10273. jz @_FF90
  10274. cmp al, 91h ; '‘'
  10275. jz @_FF91
  10276. cmp al, 92h ; '’'
  10277. jz @_FF92
  10278. cmp al, 93h ; '“'
  10279. jz @_FF93
  10280. cmp al, 94h ; '”'
  10281. jz @_FF94
  10282. cmp al, 95h ; '•'
  10283. jz @_FF95
  10284. cmp al, 96h ; '–'
  10285. jz @_FF96
  10286. cmp al, 97h ; '—'
  10287. jz @_FF97
  10288. cmp al, 98h ; '˜'
  10289. jz @_FF98
  10290. cmp al, 99h ; '™'
  10291. jz @_FF99
  10292. cmp al, 9Ah ; 'š'
  10293. jz @_FF9A
  10294. cmp dx, 78h ; 'x'
  10295. jnz @__go21
  10296. mov gs, cs:_sel_ds
  10297. assume gs:nothing
  10298. mov [esp+24h+var_8], 4734FFFFh
  10299. jmp @__ok
  10300. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10302. @_FF88:
  10303. sub esp, 32h
  10304. mov ebp, esp
  10305. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  10306. call int21h
  10307. mov eax, 'ID32'
  10308. movzx ebx, cs:_version
  10309. mov ecx, [ebp+18h]
  10310. mov edx, [ebp+14h]
  10311. mov esi, [ebp+4]
  10312. mov edi, [ebp+0]
  10313. mov ebp, [esp+56h+var_1C]
  10314. add esp, 52h
  10315. jmp @__exi
  10316. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10318. @_FF89:
  10319. mov eax, 49443332h
  10320. movzx esi, cs:_seg_id32
  10321. shl esi, 4
  10322. mov fs, cs:_sel_zero
  10323. assume fs:nothing
  10324. movzx ebx, cs:_version
  10325. mov ecx, cs:_lobufsize
  10326. movzx edx, word ptr cs:_misc_byte_1
  10327. add esp, 20h
  10328. jmp @__exi
  10329. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10331. @_FF8A:
  10332. mov eax, 'ID32'
  10333. movzx esi, cs:_seg_kernel
  10334. shl esi, 4
  10335. add esi, 0
  10336. mov fs, cs:_sel_zero
  10337. movzx ebx, cs:_version
  10338. mov cl, cs:_cpu_type
  10339. mov ch, cs:_sys_type
  10340. mov dl, fs:[esi]
  10341. add esp, 20h
  10342. jmp @__exi
  10343. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10345. @_FF8D:
  10346. push gs
  10347. push ds
  10348. pop gs
  10349. assume gs:TEXT16
  10350. mov ds, cs:_sel_ds
  10351. call decompress
  10352. mov eax, dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+10h ; +4: _exec_handle
  10353. ; +8: _exec_start
  10354. ; +C: _srcaddr
  10355. ; +10: _codesize
  10356. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  10357. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  10358. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  10359. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  10360. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  10361. sub eax, edi
  10362. pop gs
  10363. assume gs:nothing
  10364. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  10365. jmp @__ok
  10366. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10368. @_FF8E:
  10369. mov gs, cs:_sel_ds
  10370. mov edx, offset start
  10371. mov esi, offset get_environ_config ; also _app_buf_allocsel
  10372. mov edi, offset _misc_byte_1
  10373. add esp, 20h
  10374. jmp @__exi
  10375. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10377. @_FF8F:
  10378. mov ds, cs:_sel_ds
  10379. xchg ebx, _lobufsize
  10380. mov [esp+24h+var_14], ebx
  10381. jmp @__ok
  10382. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10384. @_FF80:
  10385. mov es, cs:_sel_ds
  10386. mov edi, cs:_lobufbase
  10387. mov esi, edx
  10388. mov dx, di
  10390. loc_14DED:
  10391. lods byte ptr [esi]
  10392. stosb
  10393. test al, al
  10394. jnz short loc_14DED
  10395. push es
  10396. pop ds
  10397. mov word ptr a80386ProcessorO+38h, ss ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  10398. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  10399. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  10400. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  10401. ; +10: _app_eip
  10402. ; +14: _app_esp
  10403. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  10404. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  10405. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  10406. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  10407. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+34h, esp ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  10408. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  10409. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  10410. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  10411. ; +10: _app_eip
  10412. ; +14: _app_esp
  10413. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  10414. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  10415. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  10416. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  10417. lss esp, fword ptr _sel_esp
  10418. push ecx
  10419. push ebx
  10420. call prints
  10421. lss esp, fword ptr a80386ProcessorO+34h ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  10422. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  10423. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  10424. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  10425. ; +10: _app_eip
  10426. ; +14: _app_esp
  10427. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  10428. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  10429. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  10430. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  10431. jmp @__ok
  10432. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10434. @_FF90:
  10435. push ss
  10436. pop es
  10437. sub esp, 30h
  10438. mov edi, esp
  10439. mov ax, 500h
  10440. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  10442. ; ES:DI / ES:EDI -> buffer for memory information
  10443. ; Return: CF clear
  10444. mov eax, [esp]
  10445. add esp, 30h
  10446. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  10447. jmp @__ok
  10448. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10450. @_FF91:
  10451. call @_FF9x1
  10452. mov ax, 501h
  10453. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  10455. ; BX:CX = size in bytes
  10456. ; Return: CF set on error
  10457. ; CF clear if successful
  10458. jmp @_FF9x2
  10459. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10461. @_FF92:
  10462. call @_FF9x1
  10463. mov ax, 502h
  10464. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  10466. ; SI:DI = handle of memory block
  10467. ; Return: CF set on error
  10468. ; CF clear if successful
  10469. jb @__err
  10470. jmp @__ok
  10471. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10473. @_FF93:
  10474. call @_FF9x1
  10475. mov ax, 503h
  10476. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  10478. ; BX:CX = new size in bytes, SI:DI = handle of memory block
  10479. ; Return: CF set on error
  10480. ; CF clear if successful
  10481. jmp @_FF9x2
  10482. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10484. @_FF94:
  10485. mov ah, 48h ; 'H'
  10486. mov bx, 0FFFFh
  10487. call @__all
  10488. shl ebx, 4
  10489. mov [esp+24h+var_8], ebx
  10490. jmp @__ok
  10491. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10493. @_FF95:
  10494. add ebx, 0Fh
  10495. shr ebx, 4
  10496. test ebx, 0FFFF0000h
  10497. jnz @__err
  10498. test bx, bx
  10499. jz @__err
  10500. mov ah, 48h ; 'H'
  10501. call @__all
  10502. jnz @__err
  10503. mov [esp+24h+var_20], eax
  10504. shl eax, 4
  10505. mov [esp+24h+var_14], eax
  10506. jmp @__ok
  10507. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10509. @_FF96:
  10510. sub esp, 32h
  10511. mov ebp, esp
  10512. mov byte ptr [ebp+1Dh], 49h ; 'I'
  10513. mov [ebp+22h], si
  10514. call int21h
  10515. test byte ptr [ebp+20h], 1
  10516. lea esp, [esp+32h]
  10517. jnz @__err
  10518. jmp @__ok
  10519. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10521. @_FF97:
  10522. add ebx, 0Fh
  10523. shr ebx, 4
  10524. test ebx, 0FFFF0000h
  10525. jnz @__err
  10526. test bx, bx
  10527. jz @__err
  10528. sub esp, 32h
  10529. mov ebp, esp
  10530. mov byte ptr [ebp+1Dh], 4Ah ; 'J'
  10531. mov [ebp+10h], bx
  10532. mov [ebp+22h], si
  10533. call int21h
  10534. test byte ptr [ebp+20h], 1
  10535. lea esp, [esp+32h]
  10536. jnz @__err
  10537. jmp @__ok
  10538. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10540. @_FF98:
  10541. call @_FF9x1
  10542. mov ax, 800h
  10543. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  10545. ; BX:CX = physical address, SI:DI = size in bytes
  10546. ; Return: CF set on error
  10547. ; CF clear if successful
  10548. ; BX:CX = linear address which maps the requested physical memory
  10549. jb @__err
  10550. jmp short loc_14F57
  10551. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10553. @_FF99:
  10554. call @_FF9x1
  10555. mov ax, 801h
  10556. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  10557. ; free physical address mapping
  10558. jb @__err
  10559. jmp @__ok
  10560. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10562. @_FF9A:
  10563. mov edi, ebx
  10564. call set_descriptor
  10565. jb @__err
  10566. mov word ptr [esp+24h+var_8], ax
  10567. jmp @__ok
  10568. _int21 endp ; sp-analysis failed
  10571. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  10574. @_FF9x1 proc near
  10575. mov cx, bx
  10576. shr ebx, 10h
  10577. mov di, si
  10578. shr esi, 10h
  10579. retn
  10580. @_FF9x1 endp
  10582. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10585. @_FF9x2:
  10586. jb @__err
  10587. shl esi, 10h
  10588. mov si, di
  10589. mov [esp+24h+var_20], esi
  10591. loc_14F57:
  10592. shl ebx, 10h
  10593. mov bx, cx
  10594. mov [esp+24h+var_14], ebx
  10595. jmp @__ok
  10596. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR _int21
  10598. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  10601. @__cpy proc near
  10602. push ds
  10603. pop es
  10604. assume es:TEXT16
  10605. xor ax, ax
  10606. mov esi, edx
  10607. mov edi, edx
  10608. or ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
  10609. repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
  10610. not ecx
  10611. mov es, cs:_sel_ds
  10612. assume es:nothing
  10613. mov edi, cs:_lobufbase
  10614. rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
  10615. mov ax, cs:_seg_buf
  10616. mov [ebp+24h], ax
  10617. mov word ptr [ebp+14h], 0
  10618. jmp int21h
  10619. @__cpy endp
  10622. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  10625. @__cp2 proc near
  10626. mov ecx, eax
  10627. shr cx, 2
  10628. rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  10629. mov cl, al
  10630. and cl, 3
  10631. rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
  10632. retn
  10633. @__cp2 endp
  10636. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  10639. @__std proc near
  10640. sub esp, 32h
  10641. mov ebp, esp
  10642. mov [ebp+4], si
  10643. mov [ebp+10h], bx
  10644. mov [ebp+18h], cx
  10645. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  10646. call @__cpy
  10647. movzx eax, word ptr [ebp+1Ch]
  10648. movzx ecx, word ptr [ebp+18h]
  10649. test byte ptr [ebp+20h], 1
  10650. lea esp, [esp+32h]
  10651. retn
  10652. @__std endp
  10655. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  10658. @__all proc near
  10659. sub esp, 32h
  10660. mov ebp, esp
  10661. mov [ebp+10h], bx
  10662. mov [ebp+14h], dx
  10663. mov [ebp+18h], cx
  10664. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  10665. call int21h
  10666. movzx eax, word ptr [ebp+1Ch]
  10667. movzx ecx, word ptr [ebp+18h]
  10668. movzx edx, word ptr [ebp+14h]
  10669. movzx ebx, word ptr [ebp+10h]
  10670. movzx edi, word ptr [ebp+22h]
  10671. movzx esi, word ptr [ebp+24h]
  10672. test byte ptr [ebp+20h], 1
  10673. lea esp, [esp+32h]
  10674. retn
  10675. @__all endp
  10677. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10680. @__tst:
  10681. movzx eax, word ptr [ebp+1Ch]
  10682. test byte ptr [ebp+20h], 1
  10683. lea esp, [esp+32h]
  10684. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  10685. jnz short @__err
  10686. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR _int21
  10689. @__ok:
  10690. popad
  10692. @__exi:
  10693. pop es
  10694. pop ds
  10695. and [esp+arg_6], 0FEh
  10696. iretd
  10697. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR _int33
  10698. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10701. @__err:
  10702. popad
  10703. pop es
  10704. pop ds
  10705. or [esp+arg_6], 1
  10706. iretd
  10707. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR _int21
  10709. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  10712. _int33 proc near
  10714. var_14 = word ptr -14h
  10715. var_10 = dword ptr -10h
  10716. var_8 = dword ptr -8
  10717. var_4 = word ptr -4
  10718. arg_6 = byte ptr 8
  10720. ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 2141 SIZE 0000000C BYTES
  10721. ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 2306 SIZE 00000090 BYTES
  10723. cld
  10724. push ds
  10725. push es
  10726. pushad
  10727. cmp ax, 9
  10728. jz short @__0009h
  10729. cmp ax, 0Ch
  10730. jz short @__000Ch
  10731. cmp ax, 14h
  10732. jz short @__0014h
  10733. cmp ax, 16h
  10734. jz @__0016h
  10735. cmp ax, 17h
  10736. jz @__0017h
  10737. cmp ax, 18h
  10738. jz @__0018h
  10739. cmp ax, 19h
  10740. jz @__0019h
  10741. cmp ax, 20h
  10742. jz @__0020h
  10743. popad
  10744. pop es
  10745. pop ds
  10746. jmp large [fword ptr cs:_int33_._ip]
  10747. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10749. @__0009h:
  10750. push es
  10751. pop ds
  10752. sub esp, 32h
  10753. mov ebp, esp
  10754. mov esi, edx
  10755. mov es, cs:_sel_zero
  10756. movzx edi, cs:_seg_mus
  10757. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  10758. mov [ebp+18h], cx
  10759. mov [ebp+10h], bx
  10760. mov [ebp+22h], di
  10761. mov word ptr [ebp+14h], 0
  10762. shl edi, 4
  10763. mov ecx, 10h
  10764. rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
  10765. call int33h
  10766. add esp, 32h
  10767. jmp @__ok
  10768. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10770. @__000Ch:
  10771. call _mus_int_def
  10772. jmp @__ok
  10773. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10775. @__0014h:
  10776. mov si, cs:_mus_._cs
  10777. mov edi, cs:_mus_._ip
  10778. call _mus_int_def
  10779. mov [esp+24h+var_10], edi
  10780. mov [esp+24h+var_4], si
  10781. jmp @__ok
  10782. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10784. @__0018h:
  10785. call _mus_int_def
  10786. mov [esp+24h+var_8], eax
  10787. jmp @__ok
  10788. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10790. @__0019h:
  10791. mov ax, cs:_mus_._cs
  10792. mov edx, cs:_mus_._ip
  10793. mov [esp+24h+var_10], edx
  10794. mov [esp+24h+var_14], ax
  10795. jmp @__ok
  10796. _int33 endp
  10799. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  10802. _mus_int_def proc near
  10803. sub esp, 32h
  10804. mov ebp, esp
  10805. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  10806. mov [ebp+18h], cx
  10807. mov ds, cs:_sel_ds
  10808. xor eax, eax
  10809. mov _mus_._ip, edx
  10810. mov _mus_._cs, es
  10811. mov ax, es
  10812. or eax, edx
  10813. jz short loc_15153
  10814. mov ax, _seg_ds
  10815. mov dx, offset _mus_int_rm
  10817. loc_15153:
  10818. mov [ebp+14h], dx
  10819. mov [ebp+22h], ax
  10820. cli
  10821. call int33h
  10822. movzx eax, word ptr [ebp+1Ch]
  10823. add esp, 32h
  10824. sti
  10825. retn
  10826. _mus_int_def endp
  10829. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  10832. _mus_int_rm proc far
  10833. cmp cs:_mus_data, 0
  10834. mov cs:_mus_data, 1
  10835. jnz short locret_1517E
  10836. jmp dword ptr cs:_mus_backofs
  10837. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10839. locret_1517E:
  10840. retf
  10841. _mus_int_rm endp
  10844. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  10847. _mus_int_pm proc far
  10848. cld
  10849. pushad
  10850. push ds
  10851. push es
  10852. push fs
  10853. push gs
  10854. xor eax, eax
  10855. mov ax, ds
  10856. mov ds, cs:_sel_ds
  10857. mov dword ptr aSystemSoftwareD+7, esp ; +3: _app_type
  10858. ; +4: _app_load
  10859. mov word ptr aSystemSoftwareD+0Bh, ss ; +3: _app_type
  10860. ; +4: _app_load
  10861. mov ds, ax
  10862. mov ax, ss
  10863. lar eax, eax
  10864. shr eax, 17h
  10865. jb short loc_151AD
  10866. movzx esp, sp
  10868. loc_151AD:
  10869. mov ax, cs:_seg_ds
  10870. mov es:[edi+2Ch], ax
  10871. mov word ptr es:[edi+2Ah], offset @@done
  10872. movzx eax, word ptr es:[edi+1Ch]
  10873. movzx ecx, word ptr es:[edi+18h]
  10874. movzx edx, word ptr es:[edi+14h]
  10875. movzx ebx, word ptr es:[edi+10h]
  10876. movzx esi, word ptr es:[edi+4]
  10877. movzx edi, word ptr es:[edi]
  10878. pushfd
  10879. call large [fword ptr cs:_mus_._ip]
  10880. lss esp, fword ptr cs:aSystemSoftwareD+7 ; +3: _app_type
  10881. ; +4: _app_load
  10882. pop gs
  10883. pop fs
  10884. pop es
  10885. pop ds
  10886. popad
  10887. iretd
  10888. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10890. @@done:
  10891. mov cs:_mus_data, 0
  10892. retf
  10893. _mus_int_pm endp
  10895. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10898. @__0016h:
  10899. sub esp, 32h
  10900. mov ebp, esp
  10901. mov edi, edx
  10902. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  10903. mov ax, cs:_seg_buf
  10904. mov [ebp+22h], ax
  10905. mov word ptr [ebp+14h], 0
  10906. call int33h
  10907. mov ds, cs:_sel_ds
  10908. mov esi, _lobufbase
  10909. mov ecx, _mus_size
  10910. rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
  10911. add esp, 32h
  10912. jmp @__ok
  10913. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10915. @__0017h:
  10916. push es
  10917. pop ds
  10918. sub esp, 32h
  10919. mov ebp, esp
  10920. mov esi, edx
  10921. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  10922. mov ax, cs:_seg_buf
  10923. mov [ebp+22h], ax
  10924. mov word ptr [ebp+14h], 0
  10925. mov es, cs:_sel_ds
  10926. mov edi, cs:_lobufbase
  10927. mov ecx, cs:_mus_size
  10928. rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
  10929. call int33h
  10930. add esp, 32h
  10931. jmp @__ok
  10932. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10934. @__0020h:
  10935. sub esp, 32h
  10936. mov ebp, esp
  10937. mov [ebp+1Ch], ax
  10938. call int33h
  10939. add esp, 32h
  10940. mov word ptr [esp+24h+var_8], 0FFFFh
  10941. jmp @__ok
  10942. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR _int33
  10943. ; Runtime extender ends here
  10944. ; -----------------------------------------------
  10945. ; Loader starts here
  10947. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  10950. load_le_app proc near
  10951. mov byte ptr aSystemSoftwareD+3, 0 ; +3: _app_type
  10952. ; +4: _app_load
  10953. jmp short load_application
  10954. load_le_app endp
  10957. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  10960. load_lx_app proc near
  10961. mov byte ptr aSystemSoftwareD+3, 1 ; +3: _app_type
  10962. ; +4: _app_load
  10963. jmp short load_application
  10964. load_lx_app endp
  10967. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  10970. load_lc_app proc near
  10971. mov byte ptr aSystemSoftwareD+3, 2 ; +3: _app_type
  10972. load_lc_app endp ; sp-analysis failed ; +4: _app_load
  10975. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  10978. load_application proc near
  10979. call load_header
  10980. call verbose_showloadhdr
  10981. mov ecx, 1
  10983. loc_152B5:
  10984. call load_object
  10985. call create_selector
  10986. call verbose_showloadobj
  10987. push edx
  10988. push edi
  10989. push esi
  10990. push ebx
  10991. inc cx
  10992. cmp cx, word ptr aThisProgramRequ+14h ; +4: _exec_handle
  10993. ; +8: _exec_start
  10994. ; +C: _srcaddr
  10995. ; +10: _codesize
  10996. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  10997. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  10998. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  10999. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11000. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11001. jbe short loc_152B5
  11002. call preload_fixups
  11003. mov ebp, esp
  11004. mov ebx, dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+14h ; +4: _exec_handle
  11005. ; +8: _exec_start
  11006. ; +C: _srcaddr
  11007. ; +10: _codesize
  11008. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  11009. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  11010. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  11011. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11012. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11013. dec bx
  11014. shl bx, 4
  11015. mov dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+0Ch, ebx ; +4: _exec_handle
  11016. ; +8: _exec_start
  11017. ; +C: _srcaddr
  11018. ; +10: _codesize
  11019. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  11020. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  11021. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  11022. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11023. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11025. loc_152E1:
  11026. call relocate_object
  11027. sub bx, 10h
  11028. jnb short loc_152E1
  11029. call unload_fixups
  11030. call close_exec
  11031. mov esp, _sel_esp
  11032. call verbose_showstartup
  11033. jmp enter_32bit_code
  11034. load_application endp ; sp-analysis failed
  11037. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  11040. load_header proc near
  11042. ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 2A41 SIZE 00000052 BYTES
  11044. mov ecx, 0A8h ; '¨'
  11045. mov edx, 4
  11046. mov _err_code, 3002h
  11047. cmp byte ptr aSystemSoftwareD+3, 2 ; +3: _app_type
  11048. ; +4: _app_load
  11049. jz load_lc_header
  11050. call load_fs_block
  11051. mov edx, dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+8 ; +4: _exec_handle
  11052. ; +8: _exec_start
  11053. ; +C: _srcaddr
  11054. ; +10: _codesize
  11055. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  11056. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  11057. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  11058. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11059. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11060. mov ax, fs:10h
  11061. and ax, 2000h
  11062. mov ax, 3005h
  11063. jnz file_error
  11064. mov ax, fs:44h
  11065. mov cx, ax
  11066. cmp ax, 40h ; '@'
  11067. mov ax, 4001h
  11068. ja file_error
  11069. mov dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+14h, ecx ; +4: _exec_handle
  11070. ; +8: _exec_start
  11071. ; +C: _srcaddr
  11072. ; +10: _codesize
  11073. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  11074. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  11075. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  11076. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11077. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11078. mov eax, fs:40h
  11079. add eax, edx
  11080. mov dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+18h, eax ; +4: _exec_handle
  11081. ; +8: _exec_start
  11082. ; +C: _srcaddr
  11083. ; +10: _codesize
  11084. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  11085. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  11086. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  11087. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11088. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11089. mov eax, fs:48h
  11090. add eax, edx
  11091. mov dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+1Ch, eax ; +4: _exec_handle
  11092. ; +8: _exec_start
  11093. ; +C: _srcaddr
  11094. ; +10: _codesize
  11095. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  11096. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  11097. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  11098. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11099. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11100. mov eax, fs:68h
  11101. add eax, edx
  11102. mov dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+20h, eax ; +4: _exec_handle
  11103. ; +8: _exec_start
  11104. ; +C: _srcaddr
  11105. ; +10: _codesize
  11106. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  11107. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  11108. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  11109. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11110. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11111. mov eax, fs:6Ch
  11112. add eax, edx
  11113. mov dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+24h, eax ; +4: _exec_handle
  11114. ; +8: _exec_start
  11115. ; +C: _srcaddr
  11116. ; +10: _codesize
  11117. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  11118. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  11119. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  11120. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11121. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11122. mov eax, fs:80h
  11123. add dword ptr a80386ProcessorO, eax ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  11124. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  11125. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  11126. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  11127. ; +10: _app_eip
  11128. ; +14: _app_esp
  11129. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  11130. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  11131. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  11132. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  11133. mov eax, fs:18h
  11134. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+8, eax ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  11135. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  11136. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  11137. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  11138. ; +10: _app_eip
  11139. ; +14: _app_esp
  11140. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  11141. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  11142. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  11143. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  11144. mov eax, fs:20h
  11145. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+0Ch, eax ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  11146. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  11147. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  11148. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  11149. ; +10: _app_eip
  11150. ; +14: _app_esp
  11151. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  11152. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  11153. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  11154. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  11155. mov eax, fs:1Ch
  11156. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+10h, eax ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  11157. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  11158. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  11159. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  11160. ; +10: _app_eip
  11161. ; +14: _app_esp
  11162. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  11163. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  11164. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  11165. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  11166. mov eax, fs:24h
  11167. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+14h, eax ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  11168. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  11169. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  11170. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  11171. ; +10: _app_eip
  11172. ; +14: _app_esp
  11173. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  11174. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  11175. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  11176. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  11177. mov eax, fs:30h
  11178. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+20h, eax ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  11179. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  11180. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  11181. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  11182. ; +10: _app_eip
  11183. ; +14: _app_esp
  11184. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  11185. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  11186. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  11187. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  11188. mov eax, fs:2Ch
  11189. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+28h, eax ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  11190. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  11191. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  11192. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  11193. ; +10: _app_eip
  11194. ; +14: _app_esp
  11195. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  11196. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  11197. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  11198. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  11199. mov eax, 0FFFh
  11200. cmp byte ptr aSystemSoftwareD+3, 0 ; +3: _app_type
  11201. ; +4: _app_load
  11202. jz short loc_153C8
  11203. mov ax, 1
  11204. mov cx, fs:2Ch
  11205. shl ax, cl
  11206. dec ax
  11208. loc_153C8: ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  11209. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+4, eax ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  11210. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  11211. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  11212. ; +10: _app_eip
  11213. ; +14: _app_esp
  11214. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  11215. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  11216. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  11217. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  11218. retn
  11219. load_header endp
  11222. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  11225. load_object proc near
  11227. var_4 = word ptr -4
  11229. ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 2A93 SIZE 00000088 BYTES
  11231. push ecx
  11232. cmp byte ptr aSystemSoftwareD+3, 2 ; +3: _app_type
  11233. ; +4: _app_load
  11234. jz load_lc_object
  11235. mov _err_code, 3002h
  11236. mov edx, dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+18h ; +4: _exec_handle
  11237. ; +8: _exec_start
  11238. ; +C: _srcaddr
  11239. ; +10: _codesize
  11240. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  11241. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  11242. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  11243. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11244. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11245. call seek_from_start
  11246. mov ecx, 18h
  11247. xor edx, edx
  11248. call load_fs_block
  11249. add dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+18h, eax ; +4: _exec_handle
  11250. ; +8: _exec_start
  11251. ; +C: _srcaddr
  11252. ; +10: _codesize
  11253. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  11254. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  11255. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  11256. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11257. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11258. mov edx, dword ptr a80386ProcessorO ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  11259. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  11260. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  11261. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  11262. ; +10: _app_eip
  11263. ; +14: _app_esp
  11264. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  11265. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  11266. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  11267. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  11268. call seek_from_start
  11269. mov eax, fs:0
  11270. mov ebx, fs:10h
  11271. mov ecx, fs:8
  11272. mov esi, fs:0Ch
  11273. push ecx
  11274. call alloc_block
  11275. mov ecx, eax
  11276. mov ebp, eax
  11277. mov edx, edi
  11278. call fill_zero_pages
  11279. mov eax, ebx
  11280. test eax, eax
  11281. jz short loc_1548E
  11282. shl eax, 0Ch
  11283. cmp eax, ecx
  11284. jnb short loc_1543B
  11285. mov ecx, eax
  11287. loc_1543B:
  11288. mov ax, [esp+8+var_4]
  11289. cmp ax, word ptr aThisProgramRequ+14h ; +4: _exec_handle
  11290. ; +8: _exec_start
  11291. ; +C: _srcaddr
  11292. ; +10: _codesize
  11293. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  11294. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  11295. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  11296. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11297. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11298. jnz short loc_15464
  11299. cmp byte ptr aSystemSoftwareD+3, 0 ; +3: _app_type
  11300. ; +4: _app_load
  11301. jnz short loc_1545D
  11302. lea ecx, [ebx-1]
  11303. shl ecx, 0Ch
  11304. add ecx, dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+28h ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  11305. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  11306. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  11307. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  11308. ; +10: _app_eip
  11309. ; +14: _app_esp
  11310. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  11311. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  11312. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  11313. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  11314. jmp short loc_15464
  11315. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11317. loc_1545D:
  11318. mov ecx, ebx
  11319. shl ecx, 0Ch
  11321. loc_15464:
  11322. mov _err_code, 3002h
  11323. call load_gs_block
  11324. mov eax, ecx
  11325. mov edx, dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+4 ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  11326. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  11327. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  11328. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  11329. ; +10: _app_eip
  11330. ; +14: _app_esp
  11331. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  11332. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  11333. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  11334. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  11335. test eax, edx
  11336. jz short loc_15489
  11337. mov ecx, edx
  11338. not edx
  11339. and eax, edx
  11340. lea eax, [eax+ecx+1]
  11342. loc_15489: ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  11343. add dword ptr a80386ProcessorO, eax ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  11344. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  11345. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  11346. ; +10: _app_eip
  11347. ; +14: _app_esp
  11348. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  11349. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  11350. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  11351. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  11353. loc_1548E:
  11354. pop edx
  11355. pop ecx
  11356. retn
  11357. load_object endp
  11360. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  11363. relocate_object proc near
  11365. var_4 = dword ptr -4
  11367. xor eax, eax
  11368. cmp eax, [ebp+ebx+0]
  11369. jnz short loc_1549F
  11370. retn
  11371. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11373. loc_1549F: ; +3: _app_type
  11374. cmp byte ptr aSystemSoftwareD+3, 0 ; +4: _app_load
  11375. jnz short relocate_lx_object
  11376. mov ecx, [ebp+ebx+4]
  11377. mov edx, dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+1Ch ; +4: _exec_handle
  11378. ; +8: _exec_start
  11379. ; +C: _srcaddr
  11380. ; +10: _codesize
  11381. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  11382. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  11383. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  11384. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11385. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11386. lea edx, [edx+ecx*4-4]
  11387. mov _err_code, 3002h
  11388. call seek_from_start
  11390. loc_154C0:
  11391. push eax
  11392. mov ecx, 4
  11393. xor edx, edx
  11394. mov _err_code, 3002h
  11395. call load_fs_block
  11396. xor ecx, ecx
  11397. mov ch, fs:1
  11398. mov cl, fs:2
  11399. jcxz short loc_15517
  11400. mov eax, dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+20h ; +4: _exec_handle
  11401. ; +8: _exec_start
  11402. ; +C: _srcaddr
  11403. ; +10: _codesize
  11404. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  11405. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  11406. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  11407. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11408. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11409. lea eax, [eax+ecx*4-4]
  11410. mov esi, gs:[eax]
  11411. mov ecx, gs:[eax+4]
  11412. sub ecx, esi
  11413. jz short loc_15517
  11414. add esi, dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+24h ; +4: _exec_handle
  11415. ; +8: _exec_start
  11416. ; +C: _srcaddr
  11417. ; +10: _codesize
  11418. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  11419. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  11420. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  11421. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11422. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11423. mov edi, [esp]
  11424. shl edi, 0Ch
  11425. add edi, [ebp+ebx+8]
  11426. add ecx, esi
  11427. call apply_fixups
  11429. loc_15517:
  11430. pop eax
  11431. inc ax
  11432. cmp ax, [ebp+ebx+0]
  11433. jb short loc_154C0
  11434. retn
  11435. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11437. relocate_lx_object:
  11438. mov ecx, [ebp+ebx+4]
  11439. mov edx, dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+20h ; +4: _exec_handle
  11440. ; +8: _exec_start
  11441. ; +C: _srcaddr
  11442. ; +10: _codesize
  11443. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  11444. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  11445. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  11446. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11447. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11448. lea edx, [edx+ecx*4-4]
  11450. loc_15533:
  11451. push eax
  11452. push edx
  11453. mov esi, gs:[edx]
  11454. mov ecx, gs:[edx+4]
  11455. sub ecx, esi
  11456. jz short loc_15562
  11457. add esi, dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+24h ; +4: _exec_handle
  11458. ; +8: _exec_start
  11459. ; +C: _srcaddr
  11460. ; +10: _codesize
  11461. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  11462. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  11463. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  11464. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11465. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11466. mov edi, [esp+8+var_4]
  11467. shl edi, 0Ch
  11468. add edi, [ebp+ebx+8]
  11469. add ecx, esi
  11470. call apply_fixups
  11472. loc_15562:
  11473. pop edx
  11474. pop eax
  11475. add edx, 4
  11476. inc ax
  11477. cmp ax, [ebp+ebx+0]
  11478. jb short loc_15533
  11479. retn
  11480. relocate_object endp
  11483. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  11486. apply_fixups proc near
  11487. push ecx
  11488. push edi
  11489. mov _err_code, 4005h
  11490. mov cx, gs:[esi]
  11491. movsx edx, word ptr gs:[esi+2]
  11492. movzx eax, word ptr gs:[esi+4]
  11493. add edi, edx
  11494. test cx, 0F20h
  11495. jnz file_errorm
  11496. test cx, 4000h
  11497. jnz short loc_155A4
  11498. mov ah, 0
  11499. dec esi
  11501. loc_155A4:
  11502. add esi, 6
  11503. dec eax
  11504. shl eax, 4
  11505. mov edx, dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+0Ch ; +4: _exec_handle
  11506. ; +8: _exec_start
  11507. ; +C: _srcaddr
  11508. ; +10: _codesize
  11509. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  11510. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  11511. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  11512. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11513. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11514. sub edx, eax
  11515. jb file_errorm
  11516. mov dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+10h, edx ; +4: _exec_handle
  11517. ; +8: _exec_start
  11518. ; +C: _srcaddr
  11519. ; +10: _codesize
  11520. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  11521. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  11522. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  11523. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11524. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11525. mov edx, [ebp+edx+8]
  11526. mov al, cl
  11527. and al, 0Fh
  11528. cmp al, 2
  11529. jz short loc_155EA
  11530. cmp al, 8
  11531. ja file_errorm
  11532. mov eax, gs:[esi]
  11533. test cx, 1000h
  11534. jnz short loc_155E6
  11535. movzx eax, ax
  11536. sub esi, 2
  11538. loc_155E6:
  11539. add esi, 4
  11541. loc_155EA:
  11542. cmp cl, 7
  11543. jnz short loc_15603
  11544. add eax, edx
  11545. mov gs:[edi], eax
  11547. loc_155F7:
  11548. pop edi
  11549. pop ecx
  11550. cmp esi, ecx
  11551. jb apply_fixups
  11552. retn
  11553. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11555. loc_15603:
  11556. push si
  11557. mov si, cx
  11558. and si, 0Fh
  11559. add si, si
  11560. mov _err_code, 4006h
  11561. call fix_tab[si]
  11562. pop si
  11563. jmp short loc_155F7
  11564. apply_fixups endp
  11566. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11568. fix_byte:
  11569. mov gs:[edi], al
  11570. retn
  11571. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11573. fix_16off:
  11574. mov gs:[edi], ax
  11575. retn
  11576. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11578. fix_32off:
  11579. add eax, edx
  11580. mov gs:[edi], eax
  11581. retn
  11582. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11584. fix_32selfref:
  11585. add eax, edx
  11586. lea ecx, [edi+4]
  11587. sub eax, ecx
  11588. test word ptr [ebp+ebx+0Ch], 2000h
  11589. jnz short loc_15654
  11590. lea ecx, [eax+8002h]
  11591. shr ecx, 10h
  11592. jnz file_errorm
  11593. mov gs:[edi], ax
  11594. retn
  11595. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11597. loc_15654:
  11598. mov gs:[edi], eax
  11599. retn
  11600. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11602. fix_16sel:
  11603. call check_range
  11604. mov gs:[edi], dx
  11605. retn
  11606. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11608. fix_1616ptr:
  11609. call check_range
  11610. mov gs:[edi], ax
  11611. mov gs:[edi+2], dx
  11612. retn
  11613. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11615. fix_1632ptr:
  11616. add eax, edx
  11617. mov gs:[edi], eax
  11618. call check_range
  11619. mov gs:[edi+4], dx
  11620. retn
  11621. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11623. fix_invalid:
  11624. mov ax, 4005h
  11625. jmp file_error
  11627. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  11630. check_range proc near
  11631. test word ptr [ebp+ebx+0Ch], 1000h
  11632. jnz short loc_1569F
  11633. test cl, 10h
  11634. jnz short loc_1569F
  11636. loc_15694: ; +4: _exec_handle
  11637. mov ecx, dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+10h ; +8: _exec_start
  11638. ; +C: _srcaddr
  11639. ; +10: _codesize
  11640. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  11641. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  11642. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  11643. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11644. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11645. mov dx, [ebp+ecx+0Eh]
  11646. retn
  11647. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11649. loc_1569F:
  11650. test cl, 10h
  11651. jz short loc_15694
  11652. mov ecx, dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+10h ; +4: _exec_handle
  11653. ; +8: _exec_start
  11654. ; +C: _srcaddr
  11655. ; +10: _codesize
  11656. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  11657. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  11658. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  11659. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  11660. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  11661. mov dx, [ebp+ecx+0Eh]
  11662. test eax, 0FFFF0000h
  11663. jnz file_errorm
  11664. retn
  11665. check_range endp
  11667. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11668. align 2
  11669. fix_tab dw offset fix_byte
  11670. dw offset fix_invalid
  11671. dw offset fix_16sel
  11672. dw offset fix_1616ptr
  11673. dw offset fix_invalid
  11674. dw offset fix_16off
  11675. dw offset fix_1632ptr
  11676. dw offset fix_32off
  11677. dw offset fix_32selfref
  11679. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  11682. fill_zero_pages proc near
  11683. push es
  11684. push dx
  11685. push eax
  11686. push ecx
  11687. push edi
  11688. push gs
  11689. pop es
  11690. mov dl, cl
  11691. shr ecx, 2
  11692. xor eax, eax
  11693. rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
  11694. mov cl, dl
  11695. and cl, 3
  11696. rep stos byte ptr es:[edi]
  11697. pop edi
  11698. pop ecx
  11699. pop eax
  11700. pop dx
  11701. pop es
  11702. retn
  11703. fill_zero_pages endp
  11706. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  11709. alloc_block proc near
  11711. arg_4 = word ptr 6
  11713. ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 024E SIZE 00000004 BYTES
  11714. ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 046B SIZE 00000006 BYTES
  11716. push dx
  11717. test eax, eax
  11718. jz short loc_15712
  11719. mov dl, _misc_byte_1
  11720. shr dx, 4
  11721. and dx, 3
  11722. jz short loc_15726
  11723. dec dx
  11724. jz short loc_15739
  11725. dec dx
  11726. jz short loc_15758
  11727. dec dx
  11728. jz short loc_15766
  11730. loc_15710:
  11731. pop dx
  11732. retn
  11733. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11735. loc_15712:
  11736. push ax
  11737. push si
  11738. mov si, [esp+6+arg_4]
  11739. mov ax, 9005h
  11740. call report_error
  11741. pop si
  11742. pop ax
  11743. pop dx
  11744. xor edi, edi
  11745. retn
  11746. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11748. loc_15726:
  11749. call alloc_dos_mem
  11750. jnb short loc_15710
  11751. mov _err_code, 4003h
  11752. call alloc_dpmi_mem
  11753. jnb short loc_15710
  11754. jmp file_errorm
  11755. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11757. loc_15739:
  11758. test cx, 2000h
  11759. jnz short loc_1574A
  11760. mov _err_code, 4002h
  11761. call alloc_dos_mem
  11762. jnb short loc_15710
  11764. loc_1574A:
  11765. mov _err_code, 4003h
  11766. call alloc_dpmi_mem
  11767. jnb short loc_15710
  11768. jmp file_errorm
  11769. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11771. loc_15758:
  11772. mov _err_code, 4002h
  11773. call alloc_dos_mem
  11774. jnb short loc_15710
  11775. jmp file_errorm
  11776. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11778. loc_15766:
  11779. mov _err_code, 4003h
  11780. call alloc_dpmi_mem
  11781. jnb short loc_15710
  11782. jmp file_errorm
  11783. alloc_block endp ; sp-analysis failed
  11786. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  11789. alloc_dos_mem proc near
  11790. push eax
  11791. push ebp
  11792. add eax, 0Fh
  11793. shr eax, 4
  11794. test eax, 0FFFF0000h
  11795. stc
  11796. jnz short loc_157B2
  11797. sub esp, 32h
  11798. mov ebp, esp
  11799. mov byte ptr [ebp+1Dh], 48h ; 'H'
  11800. mov [ebp+10h], ax
  11801. call int21h
  11802. movzx edi, word ptr [ebp+1Ch]
  11803. shl edi, 4
  11804. bt word ptr [ebp+20h], 0
  11805. lea esp, [esp+32h]
  11807. loc_157B2:
  11808. pop ebp
  11809. pop eax
  11810. retn
  11811. alloc_dos_mem endp
  11814. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  11817. alloc_dpmi_mem proc near
  11818. push esi
  11819. push ebx
  11820. push ecx
  11821. push edx
  11822. push eax
  11823. mov ebx, eax
  11824. mov ax, 0FF91h
  11825. int 21h ; DOS - DOS v??? - OEM FUNCTION
  11826. jb short loc_1582A
  11827. mov eax, ebx
  11828. xor edx, edx
  11829. test _misc_byte_2, 4
  11830. jnz short loc_157DE
  11831. test al, 0Fh
  11832. jz short loc_15810
  11833. jmp short loc_157E3
  11834. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11836. loc_157DE:
  11837. test ax, 0FFFh
  11838. jz short loc_15810
  11840. loc_157E3:
  11841. test _misc_byte_2, 4
  11842. jnz short loc_157F3
  11843. add ebx, 0Fh
  11844. and bl, 0F0h
  11845. jmp short loc_157FE
  11846. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11848. loc_157F3:
  11849. add ebx, 0FFFh
  11850. and bx, 0F000h
  11852. loc_157FE:
  11853. sub ebx, eax
  11854. mov edx, ebx
  11855. add ebx, [esp]
  11856. mov ax, 0FF93h
  11857. int 21h ; DOS - DOS v??? - OEM FUNCTION
  11858. jb short loc_1582A
  11860. loc_15810:
  11861. lea edi, [ebx+edx]
  11862. test _misc_byte_2, 4
  11863. jnz short loc_15822
  11864. test di, 0Fh
  11865. jmp short loc_15826
  11866. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11868. loc_15822:
  11869. test di, 0FFFh
  11871. loc_15826:
  11872. stc
  11873. jnz short loc_1582A
  11874. clc
  11876. loc_1582A:
  11877. pop eax
  11878. pop edx
  11879. pop ecx
  11880. pop ebx
  11881. pop esi
  11882. retn
  11883. alloc_dpmi_mem endp
  11886. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  11889. create_selector proc near
  11891. var_A = word ptr -0Ah
  11893. push ebx
  11894. push ecx
  11895. push edx
  11896. push esi
  11897. push edi
  11898. mov ax, dx
  11899. mov ecx, ebp
  11900. mov dx, _acc_rights
  11901. test al, 4
  11902. jz short loc_1584F
  11903. or dl, 8
  11905. loc_1584F:
  11906. test ax, 2000h
  11907. jz short loc_1586B
  11908. xor edi, edi
  11909. or ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
  11910. test al, 4
  11911. mov ax, _sel32_cs
  11912. jnz short loc_15865
  11913. mov ax, _sel32_ss
  11915. loc_15865:
  11916. test ax, ax
  11917. jnz short loc_15876
  11918. jmp short loc_1586F
  11919. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11921. loc_1586B:
  11922. and dx, 0BFFFh
  11924. loc_1586F:
  11925. call set_descriptor
  11926. jb dpmi_error
  11928. loc_15876:
  11929. pop edi
  11930. pop esi
  11931. mov [esp+0Ch+var_A], ax
  11932. pop edx
  11933. pop ecx
  11934. pop ebx
  11935. mov word ptr get_environ_config[ecx*2], ax ; also _app_buf_allocsel
  11936. mov dword ptr _app_buf_allocbase[ecx*4], edi
  11937. cmp cx, word ptr a80386ProcessorO+8 ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  11938. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  11939. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  11940. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  11941. ; +10: _app_eip
  11942. ; +14: _app_esp
  11943. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  11944. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  11945. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  11946. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  11947. jnz short loc_158AF
  11948. mov _sel32_cs, ax
  11949. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+18h, edi ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  11950. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  11951. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  11952. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  11953. ; +10: _app_eip
  11954. ; +14: _app_esp
  11955. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  11956. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  11957. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  11958. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  11959. test dx, 2000h
  11960. jz short loc_158AF
  11961. add dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+10h, edi ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  11962. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  11963. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  11964. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  11965. ; +10: _app_eip
  11966. ; +14: _app_esp
  11967. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  11968. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  11969. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  11970. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  11972. loc_158AF: ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  11973. cmp cx, word ptr a80386ProcessorO+0Ch ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  11974. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  11975. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  11976. ; +10: _app_eip
  11977. ; +14: _app_esp
  11978. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  11979. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  11980. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  11981. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  11982. jnz short locret_158C2
  11983. mov _sel32_ss, ax
  11984. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+1Ch, edi ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  11985. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  11986. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  11987. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  11988. ; +10: _app_eip
  11989. ; +14: _app_esp
  11990. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  11991. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  11992. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  11993. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  11994. add dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+14h, edi ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  11995. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  11996. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  11997. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  11998. ; +10: _app_eip
  11999. ; +14: _app_esp
  12000. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12001. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12002. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12003. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12005. locret_158C2:
  12006. retn
  12007. create_selector endp
  12010. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  12013. preload_fixups proc near
  12015. ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 2B1B SIZE 00000080 BYTES
  12017. cmp byte ptr aSystemSoftwareD+3, 2 ; +3: _app_type
  12018. ; +4: _app_load
  12019. jz preload_lc_fixups
  12020. mov ebx, dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+20h ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  12021. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  12022. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  12023. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  12024. ; +10: _app_eip
  12025. ; +14: _app_esp
  12026. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12027. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12028. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12029. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12030. mov byte ptr aSystemSoftwareD+4, 0 ; +3: _app_type
  12031. ; +4: _app_load
  12032. mov ax, 0FF95h
  12033. int 21h ; DOS - DOS v??? - OEM FUNCTION
  12034. jnb short loc_158ED
  12035. mov byte ptr aSystemSoftwareD+4, 1 ; +3: _app_type
  12036. ; +4: _app_load
  12037. mov al, 91h ; '‘'
  12038. int 21h ; DOS - DOS v??? - OEM FUNCTION
  12039. mov ax, 4004h
  12040. jb file_error
  12042. loc_158ED: ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  12043. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+24h, esi ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  12044. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  12045. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  12046. ; +10: _app_eip
  12047. ; +14: _app_esp
  12048. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12049. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12050. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12051. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12052. mov _err_code, 3002h
  12053. mov edx, dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+20h ; +4: _exec_handle
  12054. ; +8: _exec_start
  12055. ; +C: _srcaddr
  12056. ; +10: _codesize
  12057. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  12058. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  12059. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  12060. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  12061. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  12062. call seek_from_start
  12063. mov edx, ebx
  12064. mov ecx, dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+20h ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  12065. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  12066. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  12067. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  12068. ; +10: _app_eip
  12069. ; +14: _app_esp
  12070. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12071. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12072. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12073. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12074. call load_gs_block
  12075. mov eax, dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+24h ; +4: _exec_handle
  12076. ; +8: _exec_start
  12077. ; +C: _srcaddr
  12078. ; +10: _codesize
  12079. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  12080. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  12081. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  12082. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  12083. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  12084. mov ebx, dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+20h ; +4: _exec_handle
  12085. ; +8: _exec_start
  12086. ; +C: _srcaddr
  12087. ; +10: _codesize
  12088. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  12089. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  12090. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  12091. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  12092. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  12093. sub eax, ebx
  12094. add eax, edx
  12095. mov dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+20h, edx ; +4: _exec_handle
  12096. ; +8: _exec_start
  12097. ; +C: _srcaddr
  12098. ; +10: _codesize
  12099. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  12100. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  12101. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  12102. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  12103. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  12104. mov dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+24h, eax ; +4: _exec_handle
  12105. ; +8: _exec_start
  12106. ; +C: _srcaddr
  12107. ; +10: _codesize
  12108. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  12109. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  12110. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  12111. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  12112. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  12113. retn
  12114. preload_fixups endp
  12117. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  12120. unload_fixups proc near
  12122. ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 0465 SIZE 00000006 BYTES
  12125. cmp byte ptr aSystemSoftwareD+3, 2 ; +3: _app_type
  12126. ; +4: _app_load
  12127. jz unload_lc_fixups
  12128. mov esi, dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+24h ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  12129. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  12130. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  12131. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  12132. ; +10: _app_eip
  12133. ; +14: _app_esp
  12134. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12135. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12136. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12137. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12138. mov ax, 0FF96h
  12139. cmp byte ptr aSystemSoftwareD+4, 0 ; +3: _app_type
  12140. ; +4: _app_load
  12141. jz short loc_1593E
  12142. mov al, 92h ; '’'
  12144. loc_1593E: ; DOS - DOS v??? - OEM FUNCTION
  12145. int 21h
  12146. retn
  12147. unload_fixups endp
  12149. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12150. ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR load_header
  12152. load_lc_header:
  12153. mov cl, 0Ch
  12154. call load_fs_block
  12155. xor eax, eax
  12156. mov al, fs:4
  12157. mov dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+14h, eax ; +4: _exec_handle
  12158. ; +8: _exec_start
  12159. ; +C: _srcaddr
  12160. ; +10: _codesize
  12161. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  12162. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  12163. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  12164. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  12165. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  12166. mov al, fs:6
  12167. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+8, eax ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  12168. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  12169. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  12170. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  12171. ; +10: _app_eip
  12172. ; +14: _app_esp
  12173. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12174. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12175. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12176. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12177. mov al, fs:7
  12178. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+0Ch, eax ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  12179. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  12180. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  12181. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  12182. ; +10: _app_eip
  12183. ; +14: _app_esp
  12184. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12185. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12186. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12187. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12188. mov eax, fs:8
  12189. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+10h, eax ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  12190. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  12191. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  12192. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  12193. ; +10: _app_eip
  12194. ; +14: _app_esp
  12195. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12196. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12197. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12198. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12199. mov eax, fs:0Ch
  12200. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+14h, eax ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  12201. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  12202. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  12203. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  12204. ; +10: _app_eip
  12205. ; +14: _app_esp
  12206. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12207. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12208. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12209. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12210. mov al, fs:5
  12211. and al, 0Fh
  12212. cmp al, 4
  12213. mov ax, 3006h
  12214. jnz file_error
  12215. mov ax, 4007h
  12216. cmp _lobufsize, 2000h
  12217. jb file_error
  12218. retn
  12219. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR load_header
  12220. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12221. ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR load_object
  12223. load_lc_object:
  12224. mov ecx, 10h
  12225. xor edx, edx
  12226. mov _err_code, 3002h
  12227. call load_fs_block
  12228. mov eax, fs:0
  12229. btr eax, 1Fh
  12230. setb byte ptr a80386ProcessorO+2Ch ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  12231. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  12232. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  12233. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  12234. ; +10: _app_eip
  12235. ; +14: _app_esp
  12236. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12237. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12238. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12239. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12240. push eax
  12241. call alloc_block
  12242. mov ecx, eax
  12243. mov edx, edi
  12244. call fill_zero_pages
  12245. mov _err_code, 3002h
  12246. mov ebx, fs:4
  12247. mov ecx, ebx
  12248. jecxz loc_15A01
  12249. cmp byte ptr a80386ProcessorO+2Ch, 0 ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  12250. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  12251. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  12252. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  12253. ; +10: _app_eip
  12254. ; +14: _app_esp
  12255. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12256. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12257. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12258. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12259. jnz short loc_159FE
  12260. mov ax, 0FF91h
  12261. int 21h ; DOS - DOS v??? - OEM FUNCTION
  12262. mov ax, 4003h
  12263. jb file_error
  12264. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+24h, esi ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  12265. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  12266. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  12267. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  12268. ; +10: _app_eip
  12269. ; +14: _app_esp
  12270. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12271. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12272. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12273. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12274. mov edx, ebx
  12275. call decompress_data
  12276. mov ax, 0FF92h
  12277. mov esi, dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+24h ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  12278. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  12279. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  12280. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  12281. ; +10: _app_eip
  12282. ; +14: _app_esp
  12283. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12284. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12285. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12286. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12287. int 21h ; DOS - DOS v??? - OEM FUNCTION
  12288. jmp short loc_15A01
  12289. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12291. loc_159FE:
  12292. call load_gs_block
  12294. loc_15A01:
  12295. pop ebp
  12296. movzx ebx, word ptr fs:0Eh
  12297. movzx edx, word ptr fs:8
  12298. movzx esi, word ptr fs:0Ch
  12299. pop ecx
  12300. retn
  12301. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR load_object
  12302. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12303. ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR preload_fixups
  12305. preload_lc_fixups:
  12306. mov ecx, 0Ch
  12307. xor edx, edx
  12308. mov _err_code, 3002h
  12309. call load_fs_block
  12310. mov ax, 0FF91h
  12311. mov ebx, fs:0
  12312. btr ebx, 1Fh
  12313. setb byte ptr a80386ProcessorO+2Ch ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  12314. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  12315. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  12316. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  12317. ; +10: _app_eip
  12318. ; +14: _app_esp
  12319. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12320. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12321. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12322. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12323. mov ecx, ebx
  12324. inc ebx
  12325. int 21h ; DOS - DOS v??? - OEM FUNCTION
  12326. mov ax, 4003h
  12327. jb file_error
  12328. mov edx, ebx
  12329. mov edi, ebx
  12330. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+24h, esi ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  12331. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  12332. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  12333. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  12334. ; +10: _app_eip
  12335. ; +14: _app_esp
  12336. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12337. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12338. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12339. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12340. call fill_zero_pages
  12341. mov ebx, fs:4
  12342. mov ecx, ebx
  12343. cmp byte ptr a80386ProcessorO+2Ch, 0 ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  12344. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  12345. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  12346. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  12347. ; +10: _app_eip
  12348. ; +14: _app_esp
  12349. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12350. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12351. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12352. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12353. jnz short loc_15A87
  12354. mov ax, 0FF91h
  12355. inc ebx
  12356. int 21h ; DOS - DOS v??? - OEM FUNCTION
  12357. mov ax, 4003h
  12358. jb file_error
  12359. mov edx, ebx
  12360. call decompress_data
  12361. mov ax, 0FF92h
  12362. int 21h ; DOS - DOS v??? - OEM FUNCTION
  12363. jmp short loc_15A8A
  12364. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12366. loc_15A87:
  12367. call load_gs_block
  12369. loc_15A8A: ; +4: _exec_handle
  12370. mov dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+20h, edi ; +8: _exec_start
  12371. ; +C: _srcaddr
  12372. ; +10: _codesize
  12373. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  12374. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  12375. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  12376. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  12377. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  12378. add edi, fs:8
  12379. mov dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+24h, edi ; +4: _exec_handle
  12380. ; +8: _exec_start
  12381. ; +C: _srcaddr
  12382. ; +10: _codesize
  12383. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  12384. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  12385. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  12386. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  12387. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  12388. retn
  12389. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR preload_fixups
  12390. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12391. ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR unload_fixups
  12393. unload_lc_fixups:
  12394. mov ax, 0FF92h
  12395. mov esi, dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+24h ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  12396. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  12397. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  12398. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  12399. ; +10: _app_eip
  12400. ; +14: _app_esp
  12401. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12402. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12403. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12404. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12405. int 21h ; DOS - DOS v??? - OEM FUNCTION
  12406. retn
  12407. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR unload_fixups
  12409. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  12412. decompress_data proc near
  12413. call load_gs_block
  12415. decompress:
  12416. pushad
  12417. mov byte ptr aSystemSoftwareD+4, 0 ; +3: _app_type
  12418. ; +4: _app_load
  12419. mov dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+0Ch, ebx ; +4: _exec_handle
  12420. ; +8: _exec_start
  12421. ; +C: _srcaddr
  12422. ; +10: _codesize
  12423. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  12424. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  12425. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  12426. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  12427. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  12428. mov dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+10h, ecx ; +4: _exec_handle
  12429. ; +8: _exec_start
  12430. ; +C: _srcaddr
  12431. ; +10: _codesize
  12432. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  12433. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  12434. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  12435. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  12436. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  12437. push edi
  12438. mov ecx, _lobufsize
  12439. mov esi, _lobufbase
  12440. mov edi, _lobufzero
  12441. call fill_zero_pages
  12442. pop edi
  12443. xor bx, bx
  12444. mov edx, 0FEEh
  12446. loc_15AD8:
  12447. shr bx, 1
  12448. and dx, 0FFFh
  12449. test bh, 1
  12450. jz short loc_15B02
  12452. loc_15AE3:
  12453. test bl, 1
  12454. jz short loc_15B0E
  12455. call getbyte
  12456. js short loc_15AFA
  12457. mov [esi+edx], al
  12458. mov gs:[edi], al
  12459. inc dx
  12460. inc edi
  12461. jmp short loc_15AD8
  12462. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12464. loc_15AFA: ; +4: _exec_handle
  12465. mov dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+10h, edi ; +8: _exec_start
  12466. ; +C: _srcaddr
  12467. ; +10: _codesize
  12468. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  12469. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  12470. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  12471. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  12472. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  12473. popad
  12474. retn
  12475. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12477. loc_15B02:
  12478. call getbyte
  12479. js short loc_15AFA
  12480. or ah, 0FFh
  12481. mov bx, ax
  12482. jmp short loc_15AE3
  12483. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12485. loc_15B0E:
  12486. call getbyte
  12487. js short loc_15AFA
  12488. mov cl, al
  12489. call getbyte
  12490. js short loc_15AFA
  12491. mov ch, al
  12492. shr ch, 4
  12493. and ax, 0Fh
  12494. add al, 2
  12495. mov bp, ax
  12496. test ax, ax
  12497. jl short loc_15AD8
  12499. loc_15B2A:
  12500. and cx, 0FFFh
  12501. and dx, 0FFFh
  12502. mov al, [esi+ecx]
  12503. mov [esi+edx], al
  12504. mov gs:[edi], al
  12505. inc cx
  12506. inc dx
  12507. inc edi
  12508. dec bp
  12509. jns short loc_15B2A
  12510. jmp short loc_15AD8
  12511. decompress_data endp
  12514. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  12517. getbyte proc near
  12518. mov eax, dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+0Ch ; +4: _exec_handle
  12519. ; +8: _exec_start
  12520. ; +C: _srcaddr
  12521. ; +10: _codesize
  12522. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  12523. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  12524. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  12525. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  12526. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  12527. mov al, gs:[eax]
  12528. xor al, byte ptr aSystemSoftwareD+4 ; +3: _app_type
  12529. ; +4: _app_load
  12530. inc dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+0Ch ; +4: _exec_handle
  12531. ; +8: _exec_start
  12532. ; +C: _srcaddr
  12533. ; +10: _codesize
  12534. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  12535. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  12536. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  12537. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  12538. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  12539. mov byte ptr aSystemSoftwareD+4, al ; +3: _app_type
  12540. ; +4: _app_load
  12541. dec dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+10h ; +4: _exec_handle
  12542. ; +8: _exec_start
  12543. ; +C: _srcaddr
  12544. ; +10: _codesize
  12545. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  12546. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  12547. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  12548. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  12549. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  12550. retn
  12551. getbyte endp
  12553. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12556. load_pe_app: ; +3: _app_type
  12557. mov byte ptr aSystemSoftwareD+3, 3 ; +4: _app_load
  12558. mov ax, 3004h
  12559. jmp file_error
  12560. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR start
  12561. assume ss:seg003, ds:nothing
  12563. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  12566. public start
  12567. start proc near
  12569. var_12 = byte ptr -12h
  12571. ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 2C61 SIZE 0000000B BYTES
  12574. push cs
  12575. pop ds
  12576. assume ds:TEXT16
  12577. mov _seg_ds, ds
  12578. mov _seg_es, es
  12579. mov _seg_ss, ss
  12580. mov ax, es:2Ch
  12581. mov _seg_env, ax
  12582. sti
  12583. cld
  12584. call get_default_config
  12585. call get_environ_config ; also _app_buf_allocsel
  12586. call copyright
  12587. mov ax, ss
  12588. mov si, es:2
  12589. add ax, 0C0h ; 'À'
  12590. mov _seg_buf, ax
  12591. add ax, _lowmembuf
  12592. mov _membase, ax
  12593. sub si, ax
  12594. jnb short loc_15BB6
  12596. @err1:
  12597. neg si
  12598. mov cl, 6
  12599. shr si, cl
  12601. loc_15BAA:
  12602. mov ax, 1001h
  12604. loc_15BAD:
  12605. jmp report_error
  12606. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12608. @err2:
  12609. mov ax, 1002h
  12610. jmp report_error
  12611. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12613. loc_15BB6:
  12614. sub ax, _seg_es
  12615. mov bx, ax
  12616. mov ah, 4Ah
  12617. int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - ADJUST MEMORY BLOCK SIZE (SETBLOCK)
  12618. ; ES = segment address of block to change
  12619. ; BX = new size in paragraphs
  12620. jb short @err2
  12621. call pm32_info ; also mem_ptr
  12622. pushf ; DOS32AWE ADDITION BEGIN: reject VCPI/DPMI
  12623. cmp ch, 1
  12624. jle short loc_15BD4
  12625. mov ax, 8
  12626. popf
  12627. jmp report_error
  12628. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12630. loc_15BD4: ; DOS32AWE ADDITION END
  12631. popf
  12632. jnb short loc_15BDA
  12633. jmp report_error
  12634. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12636. loc_15BDA:
  12637. mov _buf_size, bx
  12638. mov word ptr _cpu_type, cx
  12639. call remove_kernel
  12640. mov ax, _membase
  12641. mov si, es:2
  12642. add ax, bx
  12643. sub si, ax
  12644. jb short @err1
  12645. add bx, _membase
  12646. sub bx, _seg_es
  12647. mov ah, 4Ah
  12648. int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - ADJUST MEMORY BLOCK SIZE (SETBLOCK)
  12649. ; ES = segment address of block to change
  12650. ; BX = new size in paragraphs
  12651. jb short @err2
  12652. movzx eax, _seg_buf
  12653. mov edx, eax
  12654. sub ax, _seg_ds
  12655. shl edx, 4
  12656. shl eax, 4
  12657. mov _lobufbase, eax
  12658. mov _lobufzero, edx
  12659. movzx eax, _seg_ds
  12660. shl eax, 4
  12661. mov dword_15FB6, eax
  12662. movzx eax, _lowmembuf
  12663. shl eax, 4
  12664. mov _lobufsize, eax
  12665. mov es, _membase
  12666. mov bx, _version
  12667. mov dx, offset critical_handler
  12668. call pm32_init_new
  12669. jb report_error
  12670. cli
  12671. mov _sel_cs, cs
  12672. mov _sel_ds, ds
  12673. mov _sel_es, es
  12674. mov _sel_ss, ss
  12675. mov _sel_esp, esp
  12676. mov ax, es:2Ch
  12677. mov _sel_env, ax
  12678. mov _process_id, si
  12679. push di
  12680. push ecx
  12681. call init_system
  12682. call save_inttab
  12683. call verbose_showsys
  12684. pop ecx
  12685. pop di
  12686. sti
  12687. call check_system
  12688. mov fs, _sel_ss
  12689. mov gs, _sel_zero
  12690. call open_exec
  12691. call load_exec_header
  12692. call check_command_line
  12693. cmp dx, 40h ; '@'
  12694. jnz short loc_15CA2
  12695. mov edx, dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+8 ; +4: _exec_handle
  12696. ; +8: _exec_start
  12697. ; +C: _srcaddr
  12698. ; +10: _codesize
  12699. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  12700. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  12701. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  12702. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  12703. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  12704. test dx, dx
  12705. jnz short load_bound_app
  12707. loc_15CA2:
  12708. test si, si
  12709. jnz short load_extrn_app
  12710. call close_exec
  12711. mov ax, 8001h
  12712. jmp report_error
  12713. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12715. load_extrn_app:
  12716. call close_exec
  12717. call open_extrn_exec
  12718. call load_extrn_exec_header
  12719. call update_environment
  12720. call remove_name_from_cmd
  12721. mov edx, dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+8 ; +4: _exec_handle
  12722. ; +8: _exec_start
  12723. ; +C: _srcaddr
  12724. ; +10: _codesize
  12725. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  12726. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  12727. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  12728. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  12729. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  12731. load_bound_app:
  12732. mov _err_code, 3002h
  12733. call seek_from_start
  12734. mov ecx, 4
  12735. xor edx, edx
  12736. call load_fs_block
  12737. mov ax, fs:0
  12738. mov bx, fs:2
  12739. test bx, bx
  12740. jnz short loc_15D01
  12741. cmp ax, 'EL'
  12742. jz load_le_app
  12743. cmp ax, 'XL'
  12744. jz load_lx_app
  12745. cmp ax, 'CL'
  12746. jz load_lc_app
  12747. cmp ax, 'EP'
  12748. jz load_pe_app
  12750. loc_15D01:
  12751. call close_exec
  12752. mov ax, 3004h
  12753. jmp file_error
  12754. start endp ; sp-analysis failed
  12756. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12759. enter_32bit_code:
  12760. test cs:_misc_byte_2, 10h
  12761. jz short loc_15D1F
  12762. sti
  12763. mov al, '>'
  12764. call printc
  12765. xor ax, ax
  12767. ; Return: AH = scan code, AL = character
  12768. call printcr
  12770. loc_15D1F:
  12771. cli
  12772. cld
  12773. call install_nullptr_protect
  12774. mov ss, _sel32_ss
  12775. assume ss:nothing
  12776. mov esp, dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+14h ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  12777. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  12778. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  12779. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  12780. ; +10: _app_eip
  12781. ; +14: _app_esp
  12782. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12783. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12784. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12785. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12786. mov es, _sel_es
  12787. mov fs, _sel_zero
  12788. mov ds, _sel32_ss
  12789. xor eax, eax
  12790. xor ebx, ebx
  12791. xor ecx, ecx
  12792. xor edx, edx
  12793. xor esi, esi
  12794. xor edi, edi
  12795. xor ebp, ebp
  12796. mov gs, ax
  12797. assume gs:nothing
  12798. pushfd
  12799. push large [dword ptr cs:_sel32_cs]
  12800. push large [dword ptr cs:a80386ProcessorO+10h] ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  12801. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  12802. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  12803. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  12804. ; +10: _app_eip
  12805. ; +14: _app_esp
  12806. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12807. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12808. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12809. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12810. or byte ptr [esp+9], 2
  12811. sti
  12812. iretd
  12813. ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR start
  12815. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  12818. init_system proc near
  12819. xor eax, eax
  12820. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO+14h, eax ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  12821. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  12822. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  12823. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  12824. ; +10: _app_eip
  12825. ; +14: _app_esp
  12826. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12827. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12828. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12829. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12830. mov dword ptr aThisProgramRequ+14h, eax ; +4: _exec_handle
  12831. ; +8: _exec_start
  12832. ; +C: _srcaddr
  12833. ; +10: _codesize
  12834. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  12835. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  12836. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  12837. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  12838. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  12839. mov dword ptr a80386ProcessorO, eax ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  12840. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  12841. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  12842. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  12843. ; +10: _app_eip
  12844. ; +14: _app_esp
  12845. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  12846. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  12847. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  12848. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  12849. call setup_selector
  12850. call setup_dta_buffer
  12851. call initialize_mouse
  12852. mov ax, 204h
  12853. mov bl, 10h
  12854. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  12856. ; BL = interrupt number
  12857. ; Return: CF set on error
  12858. ; CF clear if successful, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  12859. mov _int10_._cs, cx
  12860. mov _int10_._ip, edx
  12861. mov bl, 21h ; '!'
  12862. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  12864. ; BL = interrupt number
  12865. ; Return: CF set on error
  12866. ; CF clear if successful, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  12867. mov _int21_._cs, cx
  12868. mov _int21_._ip, edx
  12869. mov bl, 23h ; '#'
  12870. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  12872. ; BL = interrupt number
  12873. ; Return: CF set on error
  12874. ; CF clear if successful, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  12875. mov _int23_._cs, cx
  12876. mov _int23_._ip, edx
  12877. mov bl, 33h ; '3'
  12878. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  12880. ; BL = interrupt number
  12881. ; Return: CF set on error
  12882. ; CF clear if successful, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  12883. mov _int33_._cs, cx
  12884. mov _int33_._ip, edx
  12885. mov ax, 202h
  12886. xor ebx, ebx
  12888. loc_15DBC: ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  12890. ; BL = exception number (00h-1Fh)
  12891. ; Return: CF set on error
  12892. ; CF clear if successful, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler
  12893. mov _exc_tab._cs[ebx*8], cx
  12894. mov _exc_tab._ip[ebx*8], edx
  12895. inc bl
  12896. cmp bl, 0Fh
  12897. jb short loc_15DBC
  12898. call install_client_ints
  12899. jb dpmi_error
  12900. call win_focus_vm
  12901. cmp _sys_type, 3
  12902. jz short locret_15DF1
  12903. cmp _process_id, 0
  12904. jnz short locret_15DF1
  12905. call restore_pit
  12907. locret_15DF1:
  12908. retn
  12909. init_system endp
  12912. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  12915. check_system proc near
  12916. test di, di
  12917. jz short loc_15E02
  12918. cmp di, _version
  12919. jz short loc_15E02
  12920. mov ax, 9006h
  12921. call report_error
  12923. loc_15E02:
  12924. cmp _sys_type, 3
  12925. jz short loc_15E14
  12926. test ecx, ecx
  12927. jnz short loc_15E14
  12928. mov ax, 9001h
  12929. call report_error
  12931. loc_15E14:
  12932. mov ax, 400h
  12933. int 31h ; DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh
  12935. ; Return: CF clear, AH = major version, AL = minor version
  12936. ; BX = flags, CL = processor type
  12937. ; DH = curr value of virtual master interrupt controller base
  12938. ; DL = curr value of virtual slave interrupt controller base
  12939. cmp dh, 8
  12940. jnz short loc_15E23
  12941. cmp dl, 70h ; 'p'
  12942. jz short locret_15E2F
  12944. loc_15E23:
  12945. movzx si, dh
  12946. movzx di, dl
  12947. mov ax, 9002h
  12948. call report_error
  12950. locret_15E2F:
  12951. retn
  12952. check_system endp
  12955. ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  12958. remove_kernel proc near
  12959. cmp _sys_type, 3
  12960. jnz short locret_15E6C
  12961. cli
  12962. pop bp
  12963. push es
  12964. mov es, _seg_kernel
  12965. mov si, 0
  12966. mov cx, 1EE0h
  12967. rep movsw
  12968. pop es
  12969. mov ax, dx
  12970. shr ax, 4
  12971. mov dx, ss
  12972. sub dx, ax
  12973. mov ss, dx
  12974. mov dx, ds
  12975. sub dx, ax
  12976. mov ds, dx
  12977. sub _seg_ds, ax
  12978. sub _seg_ss, ax
  12979. sub _seg_buf, ax
  12980. sub _membase, ax
  12981. push dx
  12982. push bp
  12983. sti
  12984. retf
  12985. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12987. locret_15E6C:
  12988. retn
  12989. remove_kernel endp ; sp-analysis failed
  12991. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12992. align 2
  12993. dfn_tab dfn_struc <offset aQuiet, 5, offset cfg_env_quiet> ; "QUIET"
  12994. dfn_struc <offset aPrint, 5, offset cfg_env_print>
  12995. dfn_struc <offset aSound, 5, offset cfg_env_sound>
  12996. dfn_struc <offset aExtmem, 6, offset cfg_env_extmem>
  12997. dfn_struc <offset aDosbuf, 6, offset cfg_env_dosbuf>
  12998. dfn_struc <offset aDpmitst, 7, offset cfg_env_test>
  12999. dfn_struc <offset aRestore, 7, offset cfg_env_restore>
  13000. dfn_struc <offset aNullp, 5, offset cfg_env_nullp>
  13001. dfn_struc <offset aVerbose, 7, offset cfg_env_verbose>
  13002. dfn_struc <offset aNowarn, 6, offset cfg_env_nowarn>
  13003. dfn_struc <offset aNo, 3, offset cfg_env_noc>
  13004. dw 0FFFFh
  13005. g_errtab errtabentry <0, 0, offset errtab_00xx>
  13006. errtabentry <10h, 0, offset errtab_10xx>
  13007. errtabentry <20h, 0, offset errtab_20xx>
  13008. errtabentry <30h, 0, offset errtab_30xx>
  13009. errtabentry <40h, 0, offset errtab_40xx>
  13010. errtabentry <60h, 2, offset errtab_60xx>
  13011. errtabentry <80h, 0, offset errtab_80xx>
  13012. errtabentry <90h, 1, offset errtab_90xx>
  13013. dw 0FFFFh
  13014. h_errtab dw offset aDos32aweFatalW ; "DOS32AWE fatal (%w): "
  13015. dw offset aDos32aweWarnin
  13016. dw offset aDos32aweRunTim
  13017. errtab_00xx dw offset aThisProgramRequ ; +4: _exec_handle
  13018. dw offset a80386ProcessorO ; +8: _exec_start
  13019. dw offset aSystemSoftwareD ; +C: _srcaddr
  13020. dw offset aPresentDpmiHost ; +10: _codesize
  13021. dw offset aIncompatibleVcp ; +14: _app_num_objects
  13022. dw offset aCouldNotEnter32 ; +18: _app_off_objects
  13023. dw offset aCouldNotAllocat ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  13024. dw offset aCouldNotEnableA ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  13025. dw offset aPleaseRunDos32a ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  13026. errtab_10xx dw offset _emptystring ; "not enough DOS memory, additional %dKB "...
  13027. dw offset aNotEnoughDosMem
  13028. dw offset aDosReportedInsu
  13029. errtab_20xx dw offset aInvalidEnvironm ; "invalid environment"
  13030. dw offset aCouldNotOpenExe
  13031. dw offset aErrorInExecFile
  13032. errtab_30xx dw offset _emptystring ; "could not open application file \"%s\""
  13033. dw offset aCouldNotOpenApp
  13034. dw offset aErrorInApplicat
  13035. dw offset aFileSDoesNotCon
  13036. dw offset aExecFormatNotSu
  13037. dw offset aErrorInApplicat
  13038. dw offset aExecFormatNotSu
  13039. errtab_40xx dw offset _emptystring ; "too many objects in application exec \"%"...
  13040. dw offset aTooManyObjectsI
  13041. dw offset aNotEnoughDosM_0
  13042. dw offset aNotEnoughExtend
  13043. dw offset aNotEnoughExte_0
  13044. dw offset aUnrecognizedFix
  13045. dw offset a16bitFixupOverf
  13046. dw offset aNotEnoughDosTra
  13047. errtab_60xx dw offset aUnknownErrorCod ; "unknown error code (#%bh)"
  13048. dw offset _emptystring
  13049. dw offset aOutOfRealModeVi
  13050. dw offset aOutOfProtectedM
  13051. dw offset aExtendedMemoryB
  13052. dw offset aDos4gApiCallsNo
  13053. errtab_80xx dw offset _emptystring ; "syntax is DOS32AWE <>"
  13054. dw offset aSyntaxIsDos32aw
  13055. dw offset aDosReportedAnEr
  13056. dw offset aDpmiHostReporte
  13057. errtab_90xx dw offset _emptystring ; "no extended memory has been allocated"
  13058. dw offset aNoExtendedMemor
  13059. dw offset aPicsHaveBeenRel
  13060. dw offset aRealModeInterru
  13061. dw offset aMouseInitializa
  13062. dw offset aObjectDContains
  13063. dw offset aIncompatibleVer
  13064. i_msg dw offset aIntegerDivision ; "integer division by zero"
  13065. dw offset aHardwareBreakpo
  13066. dw offset aNmi
  13067. dw offset aSoftwareBreakpo
  13068. dw offset aOverflowCheckFa
  13069. dw offset aBoundsCheckFaul
  13070. dw offset aInvalidOpcodeFa
  13071. dw offset aCoprocessorNotA
  13072. dw offset aDoubleFault
  13073. dw offset aCoprocessorSegm
  13074. dw offset aInvalidTssFault
  13075. dw offset aSegmentNotPrese
  13076. dw offset aStackFault
  13077. dw offset aGeneralProtecti
  13078. dw offset aPageFault
  13079. dw offset _emptystring
  13080. _misc_byte_1 db 3
  13081. _misc_byte_2 db 7
  13082. _version dw 0
  13083. _cpu_type db 0
  13084. _sys_type db 0
  13085. _sys_misc dw 0
  13086. _buf_size dw 0
  13087. _pic_mask dw 0
  13088. _err_code dw 0
  13089. _acc_rights dw 0
  13090. _mus_size dd 0
  13091. _mus_backofs dw 0
  13092. _mus_backseg dw 0
  13093. _mus_ vec8 <0>
  13094. _mus_data db 0
  13095. db 0
  13096. _seg_ds dw 0
  13097. _seg_es dw 0
  13098. _seg_ss dw 0
  13099. _seg_env dw 0
  13100. _seg_buf dw 0
  13101. _seg_dta dw 0
  13102. _seg_mus dw 0
  13103. _seg_id32 dw 0
  13104. _seg_kernel dw 0
  13105. _sel_cs dw 0
  13106. _sel_ds dw 0
  13107. _sel_es dw 0
  13108. _sel_esp dd 0
  13109. _sel_ss dw 0
  13110. _sel_zero dw 0
  13111. _sel_env dw 0
  13112. _process_id dw 0
  13113. _sel32_cs dw 0
  13114. db 0
  13115. db 0
  13116. _sel32_ss dw 0
  13117. db 2 dup(0)
  13118. _membase dw 0
  13119. _lowmembuf dw 0
  13120. _lobufzero dd 0
  13121. _lobufbase dd 0
  13122. _lobufsize dd 0
  13123. dword_15FB6 dd 0
  13124. _dta_sel dw 0
  13125. _dta_ofs dd 0
  13126. _app_dta_sel dw 0
  13127. _app_dta_ofs dd 0
  13128. _int10_ vec8 <0>
  13129. _int21_ vec8 <0>
  13130. _int23_ vec8 <0>
  13131. _int33_ vec8 <0>
  13132. _exc_tab vec8 10h dup(<0>)
  13133. _emptystring db 0
  13134. cpr_msg db 'DOS32AWE -- DOS Extender version x.x.x',0Dh,0Ah
  13135. db 'Copyright (C) 1996-2006 by Narech K.',0Dh,0Ah
  13136. db 0Dh,0Ah
  13137. db 'AWEUTIL support V1.9 by George L',0Dh,0Ah
  13138. db 0Dh,0Ah
  13139. aDos32aweFatalW db 'DOS32AWE fatal (%w): ',0
  13140. aDos32aweWarnin db 'DOS32AWE warning (%w): ',0
  13141. aDos32aweRunTim db 'DOS32AWE run-time (%w): ',0
  13142. aDos32aweQuietpr db 'DOS32AWE='
  13143. aQuiet db 'QUIET'
  13144. aPrint db 'PRINT'
  13145. aSound db 'SOUND'
  13146. aExtmem db 'EXTMEM'
  13147. aDosbuf db 'DOSBUF'
  13148. aDpmitst db 'DPMITST'
  13149. aRestore db 'RESTORE'
  13150. aNullp db 'NULLP'
  13151. aVerbose db 'VERBOSE'
  13152. aNowarn db 'NOWARN'
  13153. aNo db 'NOC'
  13154. align 4
  13155. aThisProgramRequ db 'this program requires DOS 4.0 or higher',0 ; +4: _exec_handle
  13156. ; +8: _exec_start
  13157. ; +C: _srcaddr
  13158. ; +10: _codesize
  13159. ; +14: _app_num_objects
  13160. ; +18: _app_off_objects
  13161. ; +1C: _app_off_pagetab
  13162. ; +20: _app_off_fixpagetab
  13163. ; +24: _app_off_fixrectab
  13164. a80386ProcessorO db '80386 processor or better required to run protected mode',0 ; +0: _app_off_datapages
  13165. ; +4: _app_off_pageshift
  13166. ; +8: _app_eip_object
  13167. ; +C: _app_esp_object
  13168. ; +10: _app_eip
  13169. ; +14: _app_esp
  13170. ; +18: _unreloc_eip
  13171. ; +20: _app_siz_fixrectab
  13172. ; +24: _app_buf_fixrscstab
  13173. ; +28: _app_size_lastpage
  13174. aSystemSoftwareD db 'system software does not follow VCPI/DPMI specifications',0 ; +3: _app_type
  13175. ; +4: _app_load
  13176. aPresentDpmiHost db 'present DPMI host does not support 32bit applications',0
  13177. aIncompatibleVcp db 'incompatible VCPI PIC mappings',0
  13178. aCouldNotEnter32 db 'could not enter 32bit protected mode',0
  13179. aCouldNotAllocat db 'could not allocate system selectors',0
  13180. aCouldNotEnableA db 'could not enable A20 line',0
  13181. aPleaseRunDos32a db 'Please run DOS32AWE under Real Mode DOS only (remove EMM)',0
  13182. aNotEnoughDosMem db 'not enough DOS memory, additional %dKB needed',0
  13183. aDosReportedInsu db 'DOS reported insufficient memory',0
  13184. aInvalidEnvironm db 'invalid environment',0
  13185. aCouldNotOpenExe db 'could not open exec file "%s"',0
  13186. aErrorInExecFile db 'error in exec file "%s"',0
  13187. aCouldNotOpenApp db 'could not open application file "%s"',0
  13188. aErrorInApplicat db 'error in application file "%s"',0
  13189. aFileSDoesNotCon db 'file "%s" does not contain any valid exec format',0
  13190. aExecFormatNotSu db 'exec format not supported in file "%s"',0
  13191. aTooManyObjectsI db 'too many objects in application exec "%s"',0
  13192. aNotEnoughDosM_0 db 'not enough DOS memory to load application exec "%s"',0
  13193. aNotEnoughExtend db 'not enough extended memory to load application exec "%s"',0
  13194. aNotEnoughExte_0 db 'not enough extended memory to load fixups for exec "%s"',0
  13195. aUnrecognizedFix db 'unrecognized fixup data in application exec "%s"',0
  13196. a16bitFixupOverf db '16bit fixup overflow in application exec "%s"',0
  13197. aNotEnoughDosTra db 'not enough DOS Transfer Buffer space to load LC-exec "%s"',0
  13198. aSyntaxIsDos32aw db 'syntax is DOS32AWE <>',0
  13199. aDosReportedAnEr db 'DOS reported an error (#%wh)',0
  13200. aDpmiHostReporte db 'DPMI host reported an error (#%wh)',0
  13201. aNoExtendedMemor db 'no extended memory has been allocated',0
  13202. aPicsHaveBeenRel db 'PICs have been relocated to INT %bh, INT %bh',0
  13203. aRealModeInterru db 'real mode interrupt vector has been modified: INT %bh',0
  13204. aMouseInitializa db 'mouse initialization failed',0
  13205. aObjectDContains db 'object #%d contains no data or code',0
  13206. aIncompatibleVer db 'incompatible version of DOS/32A already running',0
  13207. aUnknownErrorCod db 'unknown error code (#%bh)',0
  13208. aOutOfRealModeVi db 'out of real-mode virtual stacks',0
  13209. aOutOfProtectedM db 'out of protected-mode virtual stacks',0
  13210. aExtendedMemoryB db 'extended memory blocks have been corrupted (#%l)',0
  13211. aDos4gApiCallsNo db 'DOS/4G API calls not supported',0
  13212. aProcessorDSyste db 'Processor: %d, System: %s, Memory: DOS=%dKB, DPMI=%d%s',0Dh,0Ah,0
  13213. systypes str4 <'NONE'>
  13214. str4 <'XMS'>
  13215. str4 <'VCPI'>
  13216. str4 <'DPMI'>
  13217. header_types str2 <'LE'>
  13218. str2 <'LX'>
  13219. str2 <'LC'>
  13220. str2 <'PE'>
  13221. aKb db 'KB',0
  13222. aMb db 'MB',0
  13223. aLoadingProgramS db 'Loading program "%s", %s-style',0Dh,0Ah,0
  13224. aObjectDLoadedAt db 'Object #%d loaded at %l, V/Psize: %l/%l, Flags=%w, Sel=%w',0Dh,0Ah,0
  13225. aStartupCsEipWLS db 'Startup CS:EIP=%w:%l, SS:ESP=%w:%l, %s EIP=%d:%l',0Dh,0Ah
  13226. db 'Memory left: DOS=%dKB, DPMI=%d%s. PSP_Sel=%w, Env_Sel=%w, Env_Seg'
  13227. db '=%w',0Dh,0Ah,0
  13228. aException db 'exception',0
  13229. aUnexpectedInter db 'unexpected interrupt',0
  13230. aSBhIdentitySAtW db '%s %bh',0Dh,0Ah
  13231. db 'Identity: %s at %w:%l',0Dh,0Ah,0
  13232. aSCrashAddressDL db '%s crash address %d:%l',0
  13233. aErrorCodePushed db ', error code pushed on stack %l',0
  13234. aLinear db 'Linear',0
  13235. aUnrelocated db 'Unrelocated',0
  13236. aModuleNameSProc db 'Module name: "%s", ProcessId=%w',0Dh,0Ah,0
  13237. aNullPointerProt db 'Null-pointer protection at %w:%l',0Dh,0Ah,0
  13238. aEflagsLL_L db 'EFLAGS = %l [%l.%l] ',0
  13239. aCsEipBBBBBBBBBB db 'CS:[EIP] = %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b',0
  13240. aEaxLEsiLDr6LSsE db 'EAX = %l ESI = %l DR6 = %l SS:[ESP+00] = %l',0Dh,0Ah,0
  13241. aEbxLEdiLCr0LSsE db 'EBX = %l EDI = %l CR0 = %l SS:[ESP+04] = %l',0Dh,0Ah,0
  13242. aEcxLEbpLCr2LSsE db 'ECX = %l EBP = %l CR2 = %l SS:[ESP+08] = %l',0Dh,0Ah,0
  13243. aEdxLEspLCr3LSsE db 'EDX = %l ESP = %l CR3 = %l SS:[ESP+0C] = %l',0Dh,0Ah,0
  13244. aInvalidSelector db 'Invalid selector',0
  13245. aNullSelector db 'NULL selector',0
  13246. aCsW db 'CS: = %w ',0
  13247. aDsW db 'DS: = %w ',0
  13248. aEsW db 'ES: = %w ',0
  13249. aSsW db 'SS: = %w ',0
  13250. aFsW db 'FS: = %w ',0
  13251. aGsW db 'GS: = %w ',0
  13252. aBaseLLimitLGrSS db 'Base=%l Limit=%l Gr=%s Seg=%s/%dbit Type=%d Acc=%w',0Dh,0Ah,0
  13253. selmsg9 str4 <'BYTE'>
  13254. str4 <'PAGE'>
  13255. selmsg8 str4 <'DATA'>
  13256. str4 <'CODE'>
  13257. aKernel db 'KERNEL=',0
  13258. aClient db 'CLIENT=',0
  13259. aApp32 db 'APP/32=',0
  13260. aApp?? db 'APP/??=',0
  13261. aIntegerDivision db 'integer division by zero',0
  13262. aHardwareBreakpo db 'hardware breakpoint',0
  13263. aNmi db 'NMI',0
  13264. aSoftwareBreakpo db 'software breakpoint',0
  13265. aOverflowCheckFa db 'overflow check fault',0
  13266. aBoundsCheckFaul db 'bounds check fault',0
  13267. aInvalidOpcodeFa db 'invalid opcode fault',0
  13268. aCoprocessorNotA db 'coprocessor not available',0
  13269. aDoubleFault db 'double fault',0
  13270. aCoprocessorSegm db 'coprocessor segment overrun',0
  13271. aInvalidTssFault db 'invalid TSS fault',0
  13272. aSegmentNotPrese db 'segment not present fault',0
  13273. aStackFault db 'stack fault',0
  13274. aGeneralProtecti db 'general protection fault',0
  13275. aPageFault db 'page fault',0
  13276. align 10h
  13277. TEXT16 ends
  13279. ; ===========================================================================
  13281. ; Segment type: Uninitialized
  13282. seg003 segment byte stack 'STACK' use16
  13283. assume cs:seg003
  13284. assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:nothing, fs:nothing, gs:nothing
  13285. byte_16CC0 db 800h dup(?)
  13286. seg003 ends
  13289. end start
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