
Capere Utatio

Dec 17th, 2011
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  1. >Be the tough one.
  3. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]---[]i-wouldn’t-say-that-[/COLOR]
  5. >Be the proactive one.
  7. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]---[]better-[/COLOR]
  9. [IMG][/IMG]
  11. Your name Capere Utatio and let’s cut to the chase.
  13. First of all, you are 7 sweeps old and you have no lusus. Yeah, she kind of went off and died when you were around 2 sweeps or so. Second, you live in a desert. More specifically, your hive is built against a large pile of rocks, in the desert. You are stuck between a rock and a hot place, to say the least. Last but not least, you like to keep your blood anonymous. It’s for several reasons, but mostly because you find your blood a bit EMBARESSING and you prefer it when people view you on a neutral level, as opposed to a higher or lower one.
  15. …That’s not going to sate you, is it?
  17. Fine.
  19. Ever since your lusus died, you’ve raised yourself to be able to deal with any threat you could face. When it came to secluded trolls, life was easy. After all, you knew the desert well enough and it would be rare that they could best you in one-on-one combat. Single trolls are the least of your concerns though, given the threat of ZOMBIES. Given the location your hive is located at, you often have to deal with a myriad of zombies during the day. When you were younger you often just stayed in your room and hoped for the best. Your hive is- Oh, err… [i]Was[/i] fairly good at keeping them out. Points for past you for designing a fairly defensive hive! Woo!
  21. Over the sweeps, the zombies have managed to break down your defenses. This isn’t that bad actually, given that during the time it took them to get through your hive, you were busy TRAINING YOURSELF.
  23. You’ve always had an interest in MARTIAL ARTS and hand-to-hand combat in general, and over the sweeps you’ve managed to hone yourself to become a LIVING WEAPON. Okay well, not really, but hell wouldn’t that be awesome? You’ve taught yourself a lot though, using the occasional passing troll as a TRAINING DUMMY. Sometimes you like to envision your limbs as VARIOUS WEAPONS, because frankly they tend to work better than them!
  25. On a side note, you’re also a SMITH. When you weren’t training you were busy mining, WITH YOUR FISTS. Actually that’s kind of how you practiced your punches anyways! Then you found some ORE on one occasion and decided you would have a go at it. Turns out the pile of rocks you live next to? They’re filled with some pretty good ore.
  27. Since you can SMITH, you’ve tried out a variety of different types of weapons. Using your husktop to look for EXAMPLES, you’ve crafted a variety of weapons. You found out you’re terrible at all of them.
  31. The SHIELD is honestly the most DEADLY WEAPON you have ever seen. Okay so like, you can BLOCK with it right? If you need to go on the offensive, you can throw it like a DISCUS or just SLAM it against something. A blow to the head is a guaranteed knock-out! Honestly you’re not sure why people don’t use it more often; it’s pretty ridiculous in close quarters. Due to this, when you’re not using FISTKIND or FOOTKIND, you use SHIELDKIND.
  33. Actually that’s a bit incorrect, you tend to use shieldKind before using any of your martial arts prowess.
  35. You see, you kind of have a thing with FAIRNESS. Life was never particularly fair to you, and you have to admit you kind of got the short end of the stick. That never got you down though; you adapted, you prepared, and you know what? You got through with that. When you see some poor troll wandering the desert now, you give them directions. If you were younger you would have BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THEM, but now that you’re prepared for what life has to throw at you, you treat others a bit differently.
  37. You do believe in HONORABLE COMBAT, and thus you do not use your body to fight others. Unless they’re undead; that’s fair game. If someone is particularly challenging though, you do discard your shield for some good ol’ FISTICUFFS. The reason you hold back on using your martial arts is that well, you’ve developed a technique to mimic the cutting effect of a chainsaw.
  39. To a lesser degree obviously, as being able to fully mimic a chainsaw would be silly. Your CHOPS are RIDICULOUS though, even if they’re prone to failure. After all, this technique is still rather NEW, and you haven’t quite MASTERED it just yet.
  41. Your trolltag is [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]phalanxVise[/COLOR] and you [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]---[]tend-to-be-abrupt-[/COLOR]
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