

May 23rd, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: Alexithymiaa: -Steph walked slowly down the hallway without her crutches, her right ankle all wrapped up tightly in anticipation for jumping around and doing the crazy cheer things. It ached with every step she took, but she wasnt walking into the gym on crutches because she was supposed to be cheering and doing that stuff. Sucking in a deep breath because pain, she pulled the gym door open to a half full gym of fans already finding their seats on the bleachers, making her way slowly over to the area I imagine the cheerleaders would be occupying, peering around to see if she could spot any of her squad members or if any of the basketball team was out of the locker room. // Bryan stood with his back pressed against the wall inside the gym, just outside the locker room door. He was tired of seeing half naked men and needed to get out of there for the time being. He was wearing his team uniform which he was vastly uncomfortable in because he hated being in shorts with his metallic prosthetic on display for the world to see. Especially because he knew this was an environment where the other players would judge him for it. He watched as fans filed in to begin filling the gym, sweeping his hand back through his hair and blowing out a deep breath.-
  2. Covet: Cadence was in the gym getting stretched out and going over everything she intended for tonight as well as making sure the music was ready to play over the gym sound system She had a list pulled up on her phone. "Halftime show will be the routines we've been working on. That will give a five minute break, and then We've got our other cheers for time outs, offense, defence and such to get the crowd cheering." She looked around seeing Steph up in the bleachers with the crutches and her ankle wrapped up. She shook her head and kept an eye out for Remy's parents and the rest of the girls. // Kelsey walked into the gym and put her bag on the bleachers waving at Steph, "Still all bummed up on the ankle? You must have really done a number on it." She started stretching out on the floor watching the bleachers starting to slowly fill with a few people from both sides. All the other gym things happening making sure the floor is swept and clean by other people. // Felix was in the locker room getting himself mentall prepared for the game tonight, getting deodorant on and making sure his uniform was situated and all that. Good shit.
  3. Alexithymiaa: (She doesnt have her crutches)
  4. Covet: [Oh um...scratch that!]
  5. Covet: [For some reason I read it as she did have them]
  6. Alexithymiaa: -Steph gave a quick little nod to Cadence's direction because as far as she was concerned, if she was performing in uniform, she was going to be a civil teammate. Reaching behind her head, she adjusted the bow in her hair and glanced toward the line of first row chairs that were empty and most likely for the players before turning to look over at Kelsey. "Yeah well... I havent exactly been kind to it. After this game I should be able to stay off of it for long enough for it to heal properly. I keep aggrivating it." // Getting impatient, Bryan turned and stuck his hand into the locker room to check and see if people were dressed and done and ready to go.-
  7. Tsaaq: Hayley scratched her nose and pouted as she stood outside the double doors that led to the gym. "I have to go inside before the game..." She trailed off. // "Oooo look at how pretty you look in your uniform!" Jacqueline grinned, giving Hayley a hug. "My children are amazing-" She started to gush. // "Okay honey we should let her go. See you soon princess." Sasha said, kissing Hayley's forehead then turned away to go use the bathroom with Jacque. // Remy pulled on his uniform and sat on the backless benches that are in locker rooms and mulled over everything for a second. "Uh, god? Michael Jordan? Somebody I guess. Some entity. If you're listening I really don't want to lose again." He muttered to himself.
  8. Covet: [Pray to the Looney Toons Remy]
  9. Covet: [You might have luck there]
  10. Alexithymiaa: (I mean... they won so.....)
  11. Tsaaq: ((Exactly.))
  12. Covet: "Is it going to be alright by next week for competition?" Cadence asked hearing Steph. She finished stretching out then looked at the time and saw that more and more people were filing in for the game. // Kelsey frowned, "Well make sure to take care of it. And don't over do it tonight." She said as she kept stretching out as well, "I'm excited for tonight I hope the guys win" // Felix looked over at Remy and chuckled, "praying? I guess every little bit helps. Anyone want to pull out some voodoo or that wiccan candle magic? I'm game for anything to give us an advantage and is legal." he laughed trying to lighten the mood.
  13. Alexithymiaa: -Steph gave an easy shrug of her shoulders because honestly she had no idea, but she sure as shit was going to compete. "With any luck." She leaned over and planted her palms on the floor beside her feet, stretching. "I'll be fine tonight. I'm kind of just crossing my fingers we can get the crowd revved up enough to keep the guys' spirits up. I don't think I've ever seen them win a game." // Giving in because he was way too ansty and excited, Bryan turned and pushed into the locker room, walking over to lean against a set of lockers with his arms crossed over his chest. "There's like a full house out there. And I'm pretty sure at least fifty percent of them are routing for us, so there's that."-
  14. Tsaaq: Hayley walked into the gym and immediately went over to her teammates , crossing her arms over her chest. "Hey guys." She greeted and glanced over to Cadence. "Sorry I'm late, mom and dad wouldn't leave me alone." She said quietly // Remy looked up at Felix and stood to his feet. "Listen. I don't usually do the praying thing..." He trailed off. "My sister used to do witch shit but, I don't know if she's actually up to it-" He began to say before looking at Bryan. "Shit. Okay." Remy took in a deep breath. // Xavier went into the shower and looked around suspiciously before going towards Thad. "Hey so... I think somebody told Remy we did that thing..." He whispered. // Thaddeus stood in the shower, staring at the tiles before listening to the other male and groaning. "What was your first clue?" He replied just as quietly.
  15. Covet: "Yeah, at least we're on the same page about that." Cadence said then saw Hayley join them she smiled and waved her hand, "It's all good, I figured they were with you when I didn't see them in here yet. I know Remy's in the locker room with the team right now." She was finished stretching and now just going over different jumps and bouncing to get her blood pumping. // Kelsey grinned, "Aww your mom and dad came to watch? That's so sweet of them. From clear across the country too. I can't even get my parents to come to a game and they live an hour away." She laughed and kept stretching out, feeling both nervous and excited about the game. // "If it works, who am I to judge. Everyone has their own thing." Felix said shrugging it off, then looked at Bryan, " Thanks for the update man. "We got this...even if we as a team dont' got this.... WE'VE got this. He said pointing to himself and Remy, then included Bryan at the end, because there was at least a little hope there, more than in everyone else. He would have inlcuded Thad too, but he was over int he shower and Felix didn't immediately see him.
  16. Alexithymiaa: -She blew out a deep breath and straightened up, swinging her arms around before looking back over her shoulder toward the locker room door. "Are we supposed to do a thing when they come out? Probably, right?" // Bryan raised his brows at Felix because initially that fuck didn't include him in his little thing. "Yeah... WE'VE got this." He repeated, shifting uncomfortably on his feet. "When exactly are WE going to get this?"-
  17. Tsaaq: She nodded her head and went to start her stretches. "They won't stop talking about how proud they are of us." She said before frowning, leaning her body forward. "I think we are." She replied to Steph. "Right coach?" She asked Cadence. // "So... What if he goes to the cops. Or Fitz, or something. I thought everybody was passed that or something?" Xavier complained, pretending to wash his body. // Thaddeus' eyes widened as he sighed exasperatedly. "I mean... Whatever happens we'd deserve it." He said as he turned off his shower and began to walk away. // Remy nodded his head slowly. "Yeah..." he trailed off before glancing over to Bryan. "Once all these slow assholes are done..." He attempted to change the subject. "We'll go out there."
  18. Covet: "We can go over there and make them a short chear tunnel. I'm sure they'd appreciate it." Cadence said, then started to head over that way so she could at least find out how long they'd be standing around waiting for them.// "Oh, okay. I like that" She said with a smile then looked at Steph and Hayley, "Are we supposed to follow her then or?" She said confused. // "HEY, Hurry your slow asses up, We've got a game to win here and we still need to go out and warm up." Felix called out to the showers pacing around a little because he was always fidgity and moving.
  19. Alexithymiaa: "I guess?' She asked really as more of a question than anything else, turning to head over across the gym to the locker room door where Cadence had gone. "I know it's the dude's locker room, but can we like go in and ask? Cause I don't give a shit..." // Bryan rolled his eyes at the slowness of the assholes in the shower. Stop showering before the fucking game you're going to get sweaty anyway you fucks. "Jeez, c'mon already! WE GOT SHIT TO DO OUT THERE!" He called out, hearing the loud sounds of the crowd on the other side of the door.-
  20. Tsaaq: ((Bwahahaha.))
  21. Tsaaq: Hayley stood to her feet and furrowed her eyebrows. "I uh... I'm not into the whole seeing penis idea right now." She said as she went to follow Cadence. "Yeah we follow!" She called out at Kelsey. // Jacque and Sasha made their way into the gym so they could get good seats. "See, there's our girl!" Jacqueline said. "Still no sign of your son."// Remy inhaled deeply once more and nodded. "Yeah uh, thanks guys..." Remy sighed then cleared his throat. "Alright guys lets head out there." He declared. // "Welp everyone sure is in a great mood." Thad said sarcastically as he dried off and put on his uniform and went to linger by the exit of the locker rooms by himself.
  22. Covet: " I don't either, They'd probably all enjoy it if we walked in there." Cadence said then looked at Hayley, realizing the position that would put her in. "If you want to go figure it out, that's cool I'll stay out here and get a feel of the crowd." // Kelsey looked around and gave a blush, "Yeah, I'm good just waiting out here too. It's tempting, but... Bryan's in there and I don't really want to walk in on him like that..." She didn't realize that Bryan was already dressed.//Felix gave a shrug, "I'm in a great mood, I'm in the mood to win. And if we're not out there we're not winning." Winning isn't everything Felix, but for this game... Yes... yes it is.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Oh my god, seriously?" She asked with way too much attitude considering NO ONE was out of line for not wanting to go in there. She pushed forward into the door and closed her eyes, leaning the top half of her body into the locker room. "Hope everyones dressed! Remy, are you in the vicinity? What's the team ETA because you've got a full house." // Bryan nodded to Felix because he wanted to win too, twisting to look over at Steph when she poked her head into the locker room. "Ey! C'mon, the fuck are you doing? Get out."-
  24. Tsaaq: She frowned widely. "Uhhhh." She whispered. "I can be out here with Kels." She said with a small nod. // "You tell your fucking friends they're standing around jacking each other off on my time." He sassed at Thad. Remy furrowed his eyebrows and glanced at the door once he heard Steph. "Alright alight, we're going out there calm down. You're blocking the door. Come on guys.." He declared attempting to exit. // "They're not my friends." Thad sighed and went to follow the rest of the team.
  25. Covet: "Seriously..." Cadence mumbled as she walked off. Cadence started calling out some basic cheers to get the crowd going, maybe that would encourage them to hurry up. "Hey, hey! Get out of the way! We're the (Hawks) and we're are here to say, If you wanna be the best, Better than the rest, You gotta work it, work it, work it!"// Kelsey heard the cheer and chimed in from where she was lined up to greet the guys, facing the crowd to help get them going.//"Hey Red! While you're here, can I get a good luck pre-game kiss?" He said with a smug look on his face, because he was feeling hyped up and cocky. "Yeah...I hear them cheering, Let's go play some ball!" He said, stopping near the door to put his cheek out for Steph, expecting that kiss.
  26. Alexithymiaa: -Steph rolled her eyes and leaned forward to plant a kiss on Felix's cheek, probably leaving a pink lipstick print becase she would put on lipstick for this. Leaning back out of the door, she gave his arm a little shrug. "Figure out what you get if you actually win!" She yelled at him before turning to make her way back over to the other girls and join in the cheering and chanting. They should have poms for this. // Bryan jogged out of the locker room with the other dudes into the cheering girls and the crowd in the bleachers, really getting pumped up by all the excitement. "Let's do this!" He yelled loudly, starting to make his way over to the set of chairs for them on the sidelines.-
  27. Tsaaq: ((They should have pompomsss.))
  28. Covet: [I said they were magically there the whole time in my post....XD]
  29. Tsaaq: Hayley hopped up and down and joined in as well, clapping her hands and doing a high kick. // "Look look look there he is!" Jacqueline pointed. "And look at Hayley!"// Sasha grinned, whistling loudly as the team ran towards the court. // Remy rose his hands high as the crowd roar. "Hawks!" He shouted before looking at Cadence and winking at her. Not looking as nervous as he actually felt. // Thaddeus walked out and attempted to get his energy up but he was mostly eyeing the other team.
  30. Covet: Cadence shook her booty and the pom poms like her life depended on it. She grinned at Remy as he gave her a wink, then cheered Bryan on as well. Once the guys were through she directed the girls to the sidelines and had them in a line down the court, a section of the bench area saved for them,for when they took a break. // Kelsey held up her pom poms like they were there the whole time because you're right they should have them. She cheered for all the guys as they made their way to the court. Moving to the sidelines where they were going to be stationed.//Felix gave a grin, thinking of all the things he could ask for, and where that could have been taken sexually, he knew what he was going to ask her and he knew she wasn't going to like it, but that just meant he had to work that much harder to win tonight.
  31. Alexithymiaa: (WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN, KIKI)
  32. Tsaaq: ((LMAO WHAT.))
  34. Covet: [I know...that's all that matters!]
  35. Alexithymiaa: -Picking up her poms to rustle them together, she swung her arms around and whipped her body up, her legs extending on either side of her into a toe touch before landing hard on her feet and wincing because that probably hurt. Breaking into their next chant, she shouted in sharp motions, but it was honestly kind of weak because she's weak. "Take it to the limit! Take it to the top! We are the hawks and we can't be stopped!" // Bryan ran just a bit to the bench to take a seat, waiting for all the other players to gather around so they could do their pregame little pep thing and I dont know what else you do. Im sure thats a thing. He twisted around to look behind him at the huge crowd who'd come out, a shit eating grin spread wide across his face.-
  36. Tsaaq: Hayley looked up at the crowd as she rustled her pom-poms. Her eyes found her parents and she forced a smile onto her lips. // Remy looked up at at the crowd then went over to where the benches and coach Fitz was while some of the other players warmed up. "Okay, I don't think we can win-win. But if we can stop the other team from scoring maybe we won't look like failures?" He said to her. // "Sounds like a plan. Also try not to foul. Foul as little as possible." Fitz muttered. // Thaddeus went to do suicides on their side of the court while watching the other team in a noncreepy way
  37. Covet: She jumped in on the cheers as Steph called one out, hollaring out with to help get the crowd pre-gamed hyped. Though they really didnt' need to do much because they already seemed to be there. Which she was impressed with.// Kelsey called out the next cheer, " When our boys take the floor, They're the team that you adore, One, two, three, four, You know we're gonna Score, score! score!//He didn't even care about the fact that there was a pink lip print on his cheek. He wore it like a badge of honor as he started to do his sprints across the floor then started to shoot a few practice baskets while Remy conversed with Fitz. He looked up to see their warm up time counting down and just about over. He bounced on his toes and did a few pivot drills before he started to shake his limbs out and look over the other team, trying to see what they'd be up against.
  38. Alexithymiaa: -Steph rustled her poms as she joined in on Kelsey's chant, nearly out of breath from all the shouting. Her eyes jumped between the dudes running around to warm up and the riled up crowd ready for the game to start. She rose up onto the toes of her left foot, pulling her right leg in for a liberty and waving her poms around above her head. // Bryan pushed up from his seated position on the bench to get a good look at those fucking red uniformed bear assholes, narrowing his eyes and sizing them up. "They dont look good. We can beat them. We fuckin' got this. Let's do this!"-
  39. Tsaaq: "Go team go!" Hayley shouted after Kelsey's chant, rustling her poms and doing another high kick. The crowd was responding well, which was good for them and stuff. // "GO BIRDS!" Jacqueline yelled, getting excited about seeing her children. // "Hawks honey, they're hawks." Sasha leaned in to whisper to her as he applauded. "Make us proud son!" He shouted over the crowd. // Remy looked up at his parents and cringed a bit after giving them a thumbs up. "Minimal fouls. Good offense. Got it." He said with a nod as he started to jog in place. "Don't worry coach. We won't let you down." // Fitz stared at Remy incredulously then glanced at his parents. "Are you related to those people?" // Thad finished up his warm ups and ran towards Felix. "That guy limps every ten minutes. He must be recovering from an injury or something." He nodded in the direction of the other team. "We can use that, right?"
  40. Covet: Cadence saw her future inlaws cheering for them and smiled, though it made her a little sad because her own parents could never be at such things. She swallowed hard and kept a smile plastered on her face while she cheered. "Hawks like to move it move it!, We dont' want to lose it lose it, Hawks would like to win them all, So we gotta net that ball!!Yeah!!" // Kelsey did her best to keep up with the team and the energy. It was pretty easy for her seeing as she is normally high energy anyways. She just seemed to keep bouncing along all happy in complete cheer mode. // Felix looked over at the guy that Thad pointed out, "I mean it's a little underhanded, but all is fair in love and basketball." He said completely misquoting Euphues, to suit his needs. "Looks like were about to tip off. Try to stay open, I'll pass it down to you the first chance I get, I'm going to kind of be relying on Bryan, Remy and you, down the key." He said making his intentions known. "If you guys aren't open I'm just going to try to drive it to the hoop myself."
  41. Alexithymiaa: (Poor dead parents.)
  42. Covet: [They have been dead for forever get the fuck over it Cadence]
  43. Alexithymiaa: -Steph glanced over her shoulder to watch as the guys took the court for their beginning thing. Tip off. That. Basketball. "Step back! Make way! The hawks are here to stay! Some like to dream it! Others wish they could. Northwest hawks! We're just that good!" She slid back and forth, rustling her poms and doing the motions that accompanied the cheer. // Bryan lightly jogged out onto the court to take his position, trying to keep it in his head not to foul anyone, but let's be honest, that's probably not his strong suit. Waiting for the TIP OFF, he made himself open, trying his best to stay away from the person trying to cover him I guess. That happens in basketball.-
  44. Tsaaq: Hayley watched her mom and dad. She saw the ref and the other team prepping for the start of the game, she still did cheer stuff though // "They're birds aren't they mother fucker?" Jaqueline argued. "Go Hawks, since my husband is a fucking know it all." // Sasha shook his head, returned the thumbs up at Remy. // Remy nodded awkwardly then went to jog onto the court, waiting for the whistle so he hit the ball out of the other male's hands so some one in his team would get it. // Thaddeus stared at Felix a moment and furrowed his thick eyebrows. "Is that like... Isn't Love And Basketball a movie?" He asked in a whisper before just listening. "Sounds good." He said quickly, looking intent after tip off and stuff, seeing the ball go in Felix's direction.
  45. Covet: She and the cheer squad cheered through the first half of the game, both offensive and deffensive cheers, but mostly defensive since the other team was keeping most of the control of the ball. Once the timer started ticking down, she looked at the girls, "We need to get ready for our halftime performance. Just our Cheer routine and the dance, We've got three minutes to be out on the floor, and once we're done we'll take a quick water and rest break." Cadence told the squad. // Kelsey's emotions were up and down each time they recieved or lost the ball, she was rather animated as far as her cheering went because she was so into the game, not that she knew what was going on, but she knew that when they had the ball that was good, and when they didn't it sucked. // "Sort of?" Felix said then got into the game. He won the tip off and ran for the ball, turning around to see who was open and who wasn't. Their point guard was good too and he actually had a bit of a challenge going head to head with him, but was starting to get into his grove by halftime. He was doing pretty good about getting the ball to Remy or Thad if it wasn't in range for Bryan to hit a three pointer. By the end of the first half they were down twelve points. Felix jogged into the locker room all sweaty and worked up, ready to take a break for a few until Halftime was over. "Damn.. this team is aggressive, Even with an injury."
  46. Alexithymiaa: -Steph nodded to Cadence as she gave halftime instructions, chucking her poms onto the floor and out of their way. Waiting until the dudes cleared the floor, she broke into a jog to make her way out toward the center of the gym, throwing her hands out to send herself tumbling into a round off back handspring, landing it with a twist. Taking her position, she planted her hands on her hips and stuck a smile on her face, the adrenaline pumping through her system to block out most of her ankle pain. Waiting until the music started, she counted herself into the dance, keeping her motions tight, but also doing the sexy thing because that's halftimey. // Bryan turned and jogged slowly into the locker room with the rest of his teammates, dropping heavily onto the bench and sweeping a sweaty hand back to push his hair from his eyes. "Yeah, but we're not down nearly as many points as I thought we would be after the first half. We can still do this."-
  47. Tsaaq: Hayley watched the game with a shake of her head. "Shit guys, come on." She muttered, she was a little more concerned with the game than she should've been. "Got it." She said to Cadence then ran out to the center of the floor as well and put her hands on her hips as well. She broke her stance once to wave at her mom and dad. // "OH COME ON. COME ON. REMY. WHY?" Jacqueline shouted she waved at Hayley once she started her halftime routine. // "It's okay he's just playing around they'll get serious in the second half." Sasha replied. // Remy walked into the locker room, pacing as he raked his sweaty hair back. "Okay, we're not doing that bad." He sighed. "We can do this. We just have to get enough where it isn't embarrassing..." // Thaddeus went to reapply his deoderant because he was all sweaty. "We just need to catch up."
  48. Covet: As the music started up, Cadence put her all into the routines. She'd been working her ass off on them and had them down to a T by this point. She made it look sexy and put together, and the crowd really seemed to enjoy what they were doing, cheering and getting into it as they worked through the routine. Once both were over she made her way over to the bleachers and tried to fan herself with her pom poms."Okay...Drinks and then we've got the second half to cheer for. It looks like it's going to be a close game." // Where Cadence had her moves on point, Kelsey looked a little slacked and more lose in her motions. She was just enjoying the game for what it was, not as a practice or a rehersal for their competition coming up, like she should have been. By the end of it she made her way over to the bench and got herself a drink as suggested. // Felix found his water bottle and chugged about half of it down, "Yeah, just a few shots for us to get ahead. But it's going to be a battle getting there. I'll stop dicking around out there and start pushing more. Maybe that will pull us up." He said catching his breath.
  49. Alexithymiaa: -Jogging back to the sidelines to get ready for the second half and wait for the dudes to come out of the locker room and do the second half thing, she took a long drink of her water, looking over the space they had available to them. "We should do some stunts and try to get the crowd chanting for them. Some call backs or something." She breathed heavily, taking another sip of her water. // Bryan nodded as he paced a bit. "Yeah, we only need a few more baskets so it won't be an embarrassing loss. We can definitely do this. LET'S DO THIS!" He yelled in the locker room, totally amped up and ready to run out led by Remy, but not really run. A brisk jog.-
  50. Tsaaq: Hayley rubbed her neck after she went back to the sidelines for a drink. "Yeah, stunts." // Jacqueline turned her head slowly to look at Sasha. "Look at her down there. Cheerleading. I mean. She's the least energetic one but she's still a cheerleader." // Sasha nodded. "She must be tired or something of the sort." // "Okay okay. We got this guys. Let's go." Remy shouted and ran out of the locker room, trying to stay on the bright side and shit as he ran out onto the court. The ref waited until the whole team was there to start the second half. He tossed the ball upward and Remy immediately went for it, tossing it in Bryan's directions. // "YEAH LETS NOT LOSE AS BADLY!" Thad cheered as he ran with the others.
  51. Covet: "Yeah I think the crowd is really helping them out tonight. Call backs for sure. I don't know how I feel about stunts and your ankle right now, But if you think you can handle a couple of basket tosses, that much is probably expected of us" She said then looked at the time. The buzzer going off for the teams to come back out and get ready for the second half. Cadence stood in front of the crowd after grabbing her poms and started cheering out, "I say white and blue, you say Orange!"WHITE! BLUE!" She called out the crowd shouting back Orange as they stood and cheered. "White! Blue!" Now when I say Shoot, you say Two! Shoot!" The crowd responded with two, "Shoot!" Again the crowd responded waving their fan gear and mini poms and shit. // "Are you sure you're game for a stunt Steph?" Kelsey asked hesitating, then realized that the second half was starting up and they'd started cheering again. she followed in suit doing the arm things and hollaring out. // As the game started up again Felix made it a point to block out as many people as he could just to give Bryan an opening, they only had to make four shots from the three point line to tie up at this point, but if they kept passing to Bryan the other team would be on to them fast.
  52. Alexithymiaa: -Waving them off, she pushed up to her feet and grabbed her poms. "I'm fine. Let's just do it." Joining in the cheer and chant, she motioned with her poms, urging the crowd to call back to them. "Something flashy? Kick twist? Back tuck?" // Bryan put his hands out to catch the ball as it was tipped to him, almost immediately putting it up and shooting as to not give the other team an opportunity to block or cover him. Sending the ball flying through the air, it went straight through the basket. Woo.-
  53. Tsaaq: "Uhhhhh I don't know." Hayley muttered before getting next to Cadence and chanting. // Remy nodded and jogged into the other direction as he tried to go for the ball. The other team guy got it before him but he shuffled in front of him. The male tried to make a pass but Remy intercepted and dribbled down the court and passed it off to Thad then nodded in Bryan's direction. // He grabbed the ball with both hands and crossed over the opposing team guys, dribbling closer to the basket before tossing it over to Bryan again. Thaddeus knew they'd have to do some other shit after that. Too many passes to Bryan!
  54. Covet: "A kick twist sounds good. If that's good with you." Cadence said not wanting to have to take the blame if she injured herself further. She moved around so that she could get set up across from Hayley to do the stunt. // "Okay... I guess if you're feeling fine..." Kelsey said still hesitant about it, then moved around to be the back spot. // Felix went about doing his thing, finding it hard to stay open so that he could get any passes, after Byan made a second shot, he lined up across from their point guard as he brought the ball down the court. Felix was ready and waiting for him and once he's passed the half court line and checked the ball into play, he swooped in and snatched the ball mid dribble directing it down to their side of the court, chasing after it while he pressed and dribbled. There was a guy waiting at their end of the court, since only half the team had made it down the court before Felix had snatched the ball back. He was some bigger power forward who pointed at the kiss mark on his cheek, "So that's what NWSU does in the locker room huh? Gay." Felix glared at the dude and ran forward jumping up to dunk the ball, kind of plowing into the guy who's arms came down over Felix's. The ball made it in and the refs blew the whistle, thinking the foul was on himself he was shocked when the ref called the foul on that Cali guy, saying his arms crossed his forearms when he shot. They were alloted 2 free throws for the foul. Felix lined up at the top of the key at the free throw line and sank both baskets, and the ball was back in Cali play leaving them only 3 points behind at this point.
  55. Alexithymiaa: -Steph moved around to the back of the stunt, planting her hands on Cadence and Hayley's shoulders and rising onto her toes. Taking a slow breath to settle her stomach because she was nervous as fuck for this game and for not dying because she wasnt confident in herself right now despite the big fat lie. Counting off, she bounced on her toes and jumped into the box they made with their hands, keeping her body tight as she rode the pop until she felt weightless. Kicking one leg out and snapping it down as she twirled in the air, she piked on her way down to catch herself. // Bryan watched the foul shots go in, clapping his hands together and moving along with the play. He swiped his hand through the air to block a shot being set up, stealing the ball and turning to look to see who was open, quickly passing it over to Remy.-
  56. Tsaaq: Hayley got into position for the stunt and listened for the count off. She watched closely as Steph went up in the air and prepared for her to descend. // Remy caught the ball since he was off guard. He looked around with his mouth agape. "Shit shit shit. Get away from me!" Remy said to each guy who attempted to approach him while he dribbled. "I said fuck off!" He yelled.He ran through them and spun while dribbling before running to the basket and dunking the ball in. // "Shut up, your mascot is a bear! That's a whole group of a type of men in the gay community!" Thaddeus called out as he ran behind Felix he nodded his head, glancing at the scoreboard. Once Remy finished the dunk he ran for the ball.
  57. Covet: "Cadence kept her eye on Steph, half expecting her to pass out during the stunt, but was happily surprised when that didn't happen. Steph's part of the stunt went well and Cadence was prepared to catch her no issue. Once they were done with the stunt she looked at the scoore and saw that they were two points from beating Cal State. "C'mon Guys.... You're so close... we can do this!!!" // It was Kelsey who slipped a little when Steph landed. She recovered and didn't drop Steph but it was a little rough of a landing. She squealed out when she saw they were close to winning joining in the spastic cheering that the crowd was even doing at this point.// Felix was thrilled and pumped for everything that was going on, seeing Remy sink another basket, then Thad go after the ball. He made his way into the key and blocked out where Thad was normally at so it gave Thad a clear straight run to the basket, all they needed was two points with seconds left on the clock to make things that much more dramatic.
  58. Alexithymiaa: -Landing a bit hard, she rubbed the skin of her sides because it probably felt like a burn if she slipped through Kelsey's arms a bit. She turned to look up at the scoreboard, her eyes going wide at the score and the time left on the clock and started jumping up and down all excited and shit. "Go! C'mon!" // Seeing Thad with the ball, Bryan did his best to also add in the blocking thing, keeping his arms out to push off anyone coming to kill Thad. He needed to win.-
  59. Tsaaq: Hayley attempted to help with catching Steph with a little more effort than what was required of her. Still it was to no avail. She looked over to the scoreboard and actually jumped up and down happy. // "Go go go! Kid with the hair and the glasses come on!" Jacqueline stood up along with Sasha. // Remy didn't have enough time to run for the ball himself. Once he saw that Thad had caught it he gave him nod to go for the shot. // Thaddeus eyed the basket then held his arms over his head as he looked around at the opposing team trying to gather toward him. He jogged to basket while dribbling until he was at the three point line. He dribbled a little longer before throwing the ball to the basket. It spun along the rim for a second before finally actually dropping inside. Thaddeus jumped up and cheered.
  60. Covet: "Fuck..Thad's got the ball, I hope that sonovabitch makes this shot...Remy might kill him otherwise." Cadence said waiting on her tip toes. When she saw the ball go in, she practically screamed and ran out to the court to throw her arms around Remy and jump on him, "HOLY SHIT...YOU GUYS DID IT....HOLY FUCKING SHIT BABE!"She smothered him in excited kisses. // "Sorry Steph! I was paying more attention to the game. Are you okay?" She asked her between bouts of cheering for the guys. When Thad made the basket she felt the rush of people cheering loudly and making their way to the court to celebrate as the buzzer also went off.// Felix was thrilled and pumped for everything that was going on, seeing Remy sink another basket, then Thad go after the ball. He made his way into the key and blocked out where Thad was normally at so it gave Thad a clear straight run to the basket, all they needed was two points with seconds left on the clock to make things that much more dramatic. He was shocked that the ball had gone in and that they'd actually pulled off a win in two years. "What?!? WHAT!?!?! YEAH! HAWKS WIN, TAKE THAT!" He said getting all hyped, jumping around with the guys.
  61. Alexithymiaa: -Seeing the ball fall through the hoop and the buzzer sound, she jumped up and down and screamed, running out onto the court with the fans that were now filing down from the bleachers to go be excited. She ran straight for Felix, hardly feeling the twinge in her ankle because of all the adrenaline and just straight jumping up at him, wrapping her arms around him as she yelled over everyone else's yelling. "I can't believe you guys won!" // Bryan jumped up and fist pumped a little because he's never won a game in the entire time he played for this stupid team. He turned to see CJ coming out onto the court, not all that surprised that she'd come out to watch because that's something she would do. Catching her in a hug, her gave her a sweaty squeeze.-
  62. Tsaaq: "Shit!" Hayley grinned and ran over to Remy as well. "Oh my god! That was awesome!" She cheered. // Sasha and Jacqueline cheered loudly once they got the point. "That's my son!" Sasha yelled as he went to leave the bleachers with excitement. // Remy fist pumped before he turned to Cadence. He spun her around while kissing her then rustled Hayley's hair. "We did it!" He shouted. // Thaddeus watched as everyone ran for their loved ones and cheered. Thaddeus clapped and gave a firm nod. Reveling in the victory.
  63. Covet: "You're sooo getting winners sex tonight Babe." She said with a grin, doing all the celebratory shit with everyone who was spazzing out. // Kelsey walked over to Thad and congratulated him because she was at least on speaking terms with the guy since he was like haflway a thing with Care. "Congrats on the winning shot. That was totally amazing, Thad." // Felix held Steph and grinned at her feeling all awesome and shit, "Yeah.. Couldn't have done it without all your crowd rousing, Red. I'm beat though I need a shower and to sleep...or I'm going to be worth shit for my final tomorrow. I'm sure if it's still raining I'll catch that shower on the way to my Jeep."
  64. Alexithymiaa: -She smirked and leaned up to plant a kiss on his lips before releasing him, letting out a laugh. "Pretty sure you're catching that shower on the way to your Jeep then. But I'll see you tomorrow and maybe we can celebrate your victory." She let out a laugh and turned to make her way back through the crowd to collect her things because she needed to go home and I need to bed. // Dragging CJ off out of the crowd, he turned to disappear into the locker room to get his shit so he could go home.-
  65. Tsaaq: Hayley went over to give her parents a hug before turning to glanced in Thad's direction the instantly looking away. // "You did a great job." Jacque said. "The both of you." She grinned, looking between Hayley and Remy. // "That's my boy. All those days playing ball paid off." He smacked Remy's shoulder. He probably got ready for them to head back to the hotel. // Remy chuckled and made out with her right on the court before smiling at his parents. "Yeah, super easy." He lied. // Thad smirked and nodded. "Thanks Kels." he said before going to the locker room and getting ready to head to OCH.
  66. Covet: People went home and did the things! The end.
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