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Article - Magic is Evil, 'MAGIC' is The Power of Friendship

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Feb 16th, 2020
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  1. An article, at this time of year, by this Ziggurat focused entirely on magic????
  3. "Okay Ziggy, what the fuck is this about?"
  5. I've become a born again Christian.
  37. Nah, I'm too autstic for God or Big J. Hur hur hur. Sorry not sorry. The liquor in my blood has me on full tilt. Welcome to the Ziggy Train. Chooo Chooo mother fuckers.
  51. Good? Good.
  53. Okay, Magic is Evil. What the fuck does that mean you ask? What I mean by that will be revealed later. Just keep it in mind. Anyway, Ziggy, being the First World All American he is often has time to think about shit that doesn't matter. In the course of that, one thing that always bothered Ziggy was:
  55. How come Wild Magic, Super Tier Magic, and Tier Magic all count as 'magic' by Evileye's Talent? In what way does that make sense?
  57. "Ziggy, are you okay?
  60. No, not really. I'm a pedantic asshole. Deal with it. Woooooh! Drunk Ziggy is the Final Form of Ziggy.
  62. Gefun gefun.
  64. Anyway, don't you think it's odd? For instance, would Martial Arts count as magic if Wild or Super Tier count as magic? What is the deciding factor here? I've rambled about this before, but I suspect Martial arts are powered by a similar mechanism as Wild MAgic. So what the fuck is the difference? What is going on here Marujima! Kojumbo!
  66. Well, remember all that killing intent nonsense? I think I finally get it. I've cracked the code. No secrets can be hidden from Maruyama! I see you asshole! Your cock teasing isn't enough. I want to blow a load and it's aimed right at you cunt weasel.
  68. "Ziggy stay on topic. What the fuck is the topic of this article?"
  70. Be patient good sir. I'm getting there.
  72. Quick Article Repost:
  73. Martial Arts Mechanics
  74. Undead and Feelings?
  75. Asspulls and Soul Ignition
  77. Review those if you have nothing better to do.
  79. So, first some backstory. In Maruyama Kugane's Overlord in addition to Keno's Talent and it's odd implications about magic, another two mysteries exist -
  81. 1.) For some reason certain Undead from YGGDRASIL (Ainz, Yuri, Shalltear) can feel strong emotions. Tangentially emotional suppression exists too.
  82. 2.) Killing Intent exists (because anime?????????)
  84. 1.) is a mystery because even if Yuri and Shalltear had flavor text, it doesn't explain why a Player would experience the same phenomenon. Not all undead can, but it's very important to understand this exists (for this article hur hur). In fact here's an info dump of killing intent shit (I told you it was a mystery that always perplexed me).
  87. ===========================================================================
  89. The tension and passion she was feeling was so surprising that it made her face stiffen up.
  90. As an undead being, her strong emotions should have been suppressed, but the enthusiasm kept
  91. welling up inside her.
  92. Right now, she was like Shalltear.
  93. For some reason, she felt excited despite being undead. While that might have been because of a
  94. status abnormality like [Blood Frenzy], she could not conclude that was the case.
  95. Even the undead could be divided into those who could feel strong emotions and those who could not.
  96. In order to ascertain this, the Guardian Overseer Albedo had taken it upon herself (apparently) to
  97. experimentally investigate the matter.
  98. She gathered superior undead mercenary monsters, undead created by the Supreme One’s skills, as
  99. well as automatically spawned lesser undead generated by Nazarick in order to collect various data
  100. from all of them. Yuri had taken part in that exercise as well.
  101. However, these experiments had begun with a special experiment just for Shalltear, and it sparked a
  102. great uproar between Albedo and Shalltear that soon spiralled out of control. In the end, the
  103. experiment was terminated with no definite findings. After that, she had been interested in hearing
  104. about the results of the research as an experimental participant herself. She heard from Albedo —
  105. who had been punished to do cleaning with a mop — that it was hard to reach a conclusion due to the
  106. lack of information on the superior undead beings in this world, so the plan had been temporarily put
  107. on hold.
  108. Yuri vaguely recalled Demiurge saying that if that research had been conducted in a different place,
  109. perhaps it might allow the undead to feel strong emotions.
  110. At that time, would she be able to express her emotions more fully?
  111. And would that be a good thing?
  112. [Pleiades Days]
  114. At this point, it felt as though his hatred had suddenly diminished.
  115. In all likelihood his emotions had reached a certain threshold and had been
  116. forcibly suppressed.
  117. [V6]
  119. The shock of learning that his opponent was Demiurge had shattered his composure
  120. utterly. Only the emotion override unique to undead beings had kept
  121. him calm
  122. [V6]
  124. When he had heard Entoma had nearly been killed, Ainz’s anger had flared up.
  125. Although it had been suppressed in an instant like all intense emotions, in that
  126. instant that he had been filled with murderous rage. It was a miracle that he
  127. had not promptly chopped off Evileye’s head with his sword.
  128. He had suppressed his killing intent and not acted on his anger because earlier,
  129. he had concluded that killing Evileye would have been counterproductive.
  130. [V6]
  133. ===========================================================================
  137. 2.)............ It comes up a lot.
  141. If you're too lazy to use the link though, basically Maru brings up killint intent A LOT. But how come Sebas could control his so well compared to others? What's the weird connection with undead radiating hate?
  145. ===========================================================================
  147. “...Weren’t you told not to frivolously use [Gate] in Nazarick? We are warded
  148. against teleportation, after all. You should be able to walk here, so shouldn’t
  149. you have come on foot, Shalltear?”
  150. The annoyed voice came from beside Momonga. There was no trace of its previous
  151. puppy-like obedience in those cold words, only a burning hostility.
  152. Mare was trembling by the side, and he slowly edged himself away from his
  153. sister. In truth, the speed at which the leopard called Aura had changed its
  154. spots startled Momonga as well.
  155. [V1]
  157. It felt like the world was distorting, with her at the center. A wave of
  158. World twisting, courage-sapping malice smashed into them like a hurricane.
  159. Something seemed to be crawling under that black armor, like there was an
  160. enormous creature that was about to break through the plates and reveal itself.
  161. Nigun knew this was happening, but there was nothing he could do but
  162. stand there and watch the emergence of a monster that would pollute the
  163. World.
  164. [V1]
  166. “There is one more thing. When we intend to fight in earnest, we might radiate
  167. a …killing intent, which humans might be able to sense. Well, something
  168. like that might happen. Therefore, you are not to get serious without my permission.
  169. Do you understand?”
  171. [V2;thanks Nigun]
  173. “If you fail the job, many people will lose their lives.”
  174. The receptionist’s firm voice seemed to encompass the silent opinions of the
  175. countless people who had worked hard to qualify themselves by the guild’s
  176. rankings.
  177. “Hmph.”
  178. Ainz’s snort drew hostility from the counter girl and the surrounding adventurers.
  179. Ainz felt that their attitude was only to be expected. After all, he was a
  180. clueless newcomer who was sneering at the rules by which they abided.
  181. As an undead being, Ainz felt nothing, but the remnants of Suzuki Satoru’s
  182. salaryman sensibilities made Ainz want to apologize to everyone around him.
  183. Suzuki Satoru hated those people who rejected other’s opinions without offering
  184. solutions of their own, and crappy customers who knew nothing.
  185. “We did not become adventurers to do jobs for a few pieces of copper. I wish
  186. to take on a higher ranked job. If you wish to see our strength, I will be more
  187. than glad to show it to you. Therefore, can we take this job?”
  188. The hostility towards them was fading rapidly, and there were whispers of,
  189. “Indeed, that’s right,”and ”No wonder.” After all, the rough men called adventurers valued strength, and they understood what Ainz was trying to say.
  190. [V2]
  192. The woman seemed to have more to say, but Ainz cast aside his doubts. The
  193. more important thing was his uneasiness over whether Narberal would do
  194. something big and blow their cover.
  195. Narberal still had a combative look in her eyes, even though Ainz had already
  196. chided her. Some of them seemed to sense her hostility and felt uneasy.
  197. [V2]
  200. “...Hah?” Shalltear exclaimed in an unbelievably low tone.
  201. The mood within the coach turned grim immediately, as though a fog of bonechilling
  202. cold hung in the air.
  203. Even the horses pulling the coach seemed to have sensed this, because the
  204. vehicle suddenly lurched. The bloodless faces of the Vampire Brides flanking
  205. Shalltear turned even paler than usual, while Solution shuddered in her place
  206. beside Sebas. Even Sebas, whose might should have been on par with Shalltear’s,
  207. could feel goosebumps breaking out on him.
  208. This was the murderous intent emitted by the strongest of Nazarick’s Floor
  209. Guardians. The hostility which wreathed her made her previous spats with
  210. Aura seem like child’s play. If the situation was mishandled, it might lead to a
  211. life-or-death melee.
  212. As Shalltear chilled the air ever further, the color of her crimson pupils began
  213. to spill out into her sclera, dying her eyes red as though they were filling with
  214. Blood.
  215. [V3]
  218. After advancing with Rororo for some distance, it would seem they had been
  219. spotted, because several warriors emerged from the village, each brandishing
  220. a weapon and eyeing Zaryusu and his group.
  221. Rororo sensed their hostility and let out a low growl. As he heard Rororo’s
  222. growl of warning, he urged it forward.
  223. Continuing on like this would spark a confrontation. Zaryusu went on until
  224. conflict was almost inevitable before stopping Rororo and hopping down from
  225. it. Crusch jumped down as well.
  226. Quite a number of warriors stared daggers at the two of them. Their gazes
  227. seemed to inflict a palpable pressure; this was no longer mere hostility, but
  228. on the level of murderous intent.
  229. Crusch seemed shaken by their gazes and froze. That was because she was
  230. not experienced with the battlefield, despite her potent abilities as a druid.
  231. ...
  232. Zenberu laughed in his tooth-grinding way. While this was exactly what he
  233. had expected, the idea of a traveller becoming chief was still quite surprising.
  234. On the other hand, it was an answer he could accept. A Lizardman like him was
  235. no mere traveller. In truth, the gathering hostility had vanished the moment
  236. he showed up. Clearly, he was a Lizardman with great authority, as well as
  237. extraordinary martial might and leadership.
  238. [V4]
  241. “I oppose the extermination of the Lizardmen, and I beg that you will show
  242. them your mercy, Ainz-sama.”
  243. After that simple, direct statement, Cocytus thought that the air was trembling.
  244. No, it was actually trembling.
  245. The greatest source of that came from in front of him — from Albedo’s murderous
  246. intent, followed by the quailing of the other Guardians’ hearts. In contrast,
  247. Demiurge and his master seemed as calm as still water.
  248. “...Cocytus, do you understand what you are saying?”
  249. Albedo’s frigid, murderous tone made Cocytus shudder, despite his immunity
  250. to the cold.
  251. [V4]
  254. His entire body froze.
  255. It felt like a massive carnivore pressing its face against his and exhaling all
  256. over him. The oncoming torrent of murderous intent actually dyed the world
  257. a different color. He could not even blink, much less move. For a moment he
  258. thought his heart had stopped beating.
  259. Brain felt that Shalltear Bloodfallen was the most powerful being in the world,
  260. but what he felt now was comparable to her.
  261. It might actually have stopped the heart of a weak-willed person.
  262. His legs trembled, and then dumped him onto his butt upon the ground.
  263. Even I’ve been reduced to this state. Doesn’t that mean that kid’s going to drop
  264. dead on the spot?
  265. If he were lucky, he might pass out first.
  266. Brain crawled along the ground, nervously stealing a glance at the two of them.
  267. What he saw shocked him to the core, to the point where he forgot his fear for
  268. a moment.
  269. The kid was still standing.
  270. His legs were trembling like Brain’s had. But he was still standing.
  271. What, what’s going on? Why is that talentless punk still on his feet?!
  272. Brain could not understand why the youth could still stand while fear had reduced
  273. his legs to a puddle of quivering jelly.
  274. Did he have some sort of magic item or martial art which resisted fear? Or did
  275. he have some special talent
  276. [V5]
  279. “—You guessed wrong.”
  280. A chill rose from his guts and his throat suddenly grew hot. Climb reflexively
  281. raised his left hand to grab the heated portion.
  282. Pain shot through the hand holding his throat and fresh blood spewed forth,
  283. bringing with it a disgusting sensation of wet clothing. Had he not sensed
  284. Succulent’s murderous intent, or if he had not promptly sacrificed a hand to
  285. save himself, his throat would have been cut open.
  286. [V5]
  289. Evileye turned a sharp look at the five enemies. Apart from the insect maid,
  290. whose murderous intent stabbed at her like a lance, the others did not radiate
  291. any hostility at all, though from their attitudes they seemed pretty confident
  292. of killing them both easily.
  293. [V6]
  296. “Same here …ah!”
  297. Momon and Palpatra stood before the two of them in the courtyard, maintaining
  298. a distance between and looking at each other.
  299. Palpatra’s eyes were not those of an ordinary old man. They were those of a
  300. veteran campaigner.
  301. The aura around him had hardened into needle-like killing intent, and the air
  302. held no trace of this being just a regular old spar.
  303. Everyone present broke out in a cold sweat, their hearts filled with uneasiness.
  304. “...Hey, this is pretty bad, right? The old man’s serious!”
  305. Beside him, Gringam had reverted to his original way of speaking.
  306. “Well, his opponent’s an adamantite-ranked adventurer, so he’s got no choice
  307. but to be serious. Still …”
  308. [V7]
  312. Chilly air spilled out of the darkened room, and several of his disciples shivered,
  313. as though they were very cold. Even with magic items that allowed them
  314. to adapt to the environment, the hatred of the living which emanated from the
  315. depths of the room was enough to chill their soul.
  316. After that, there was its black full plate armor. The armor was covered in tracery
  317. that looked like blood vessels, and studded with brutal-looking spikes. A
  318. pair of demonic-looking horns sprouted from its helmet, and it exposed the
  319. face, which was a rotten human visage. Two crimson points of light shone
  320. from within the empty orbits of its eye sockets, formed of hatred for the living
  321. and a longing for massacre.
  322. It was not a living being, but one of the dead. Otherwise, it could not radiate
  323. such an intense hatred for the living.
  324. ...
  325. “—Obey me.”
  326. The spell took effect — Fluder’s quiet words flowed out and filled the room.
  327. However, the Death Knight’s eyes were still filled with hatred for the living.
  328. Everyone knew the spell had failed.
  329. “...So I still can’t control it, even now?”
  330. [V7]
  333. “I am the one who ordered the undead and the Golems to build the fortress in
  334. the forest. You’ve heard of it, haven’t you?”
  335. The mood changed in an instant. Gu and his band radiated hostility, while
  336. Ryurarius was filled with caution.
  337. “I know! You pest! If not for this damn snake making noise I’d have killed you
  338. long ago! This saves time! A coward and a black little runt!”
  339. “Ah, so we can talk. In truth, I came to negotiate with you.”
  340. Ainz gestured to Gu to kneel before him.
  341. “Swear yourself to me if you want to live.”
  342. “Are you retarded?! How could we serve a coward! I’ll eat you right here and
  343. now! Then I’ll eat that runt behind you!”
  344. [V8]
  347. “What’s wrong? Do you need a rest?”
  348. “—Shut up.”
  349. No matter how hard he tried, he could not keep the malice from escaping him.
  350. He saw that the knight was startled, but he still could not bear it.
  351. As the murderous intent leaked from between his teeth, Barbro ordered
  352. [V9]
  355. “Then, I’ll take him, Ainz-sama. Hm, then, I need to show him who’s the boss
  356. around here, and make him obey me completely.”
  357. Before Hejinmal could wonder what exactly she was going to do, he felt thousands of frigid razors impale him.
  358. He was dead. There was no doubt that he was dead. The fear which informed
  359. his instincts of that fact became invisible blades that pierced his entire body.
  360. In an instant, his mind went blank. In his diminished state of awareness, he
  361. clearly felt his heart stop beating.
  362. “Uwaaaaah—!”
  363. As he cried out, it banished the black chill crushing his entire body.
  364. His heart slowly began beating again. His limbs trembled, and his lungs struggled
  365. to pull in oxygen.
  366. He recalled something like this from a book somewhere. It was called “murderous
  367. intent”. In other words, the Dark Elf who would be his Mistress was
  368. a being who could radiate murderous intent that was powerful enough to instantly
  369. put a Frost Dragon into a near-fatal state of shock.
  370. [V11]
  373. Did she use a special ability? Or maybe a spell?
  374. She was not sure what exactly had happened, but Neia sensed the great demon’s
  375. murderous intent weakening. Of course, she was probably imagining
  376. things. After all, there was no reason why this great demon should want to kill
  377. her any less right now.”
  378. [V13]
  381. “The fact that you do not realize why makes it all the more mirthful!”
  382. The mood in the air changed. Suzuki Satoru had always been a commoner.
  383. Though he had experienced things like presences and killing intent over his
  384. five years of travel, the truth was that he did not quite understand them. Even
  385. so – he could sense the Dragon Lord’s fighting spirit.
  386. However, it was not being serious.
  387. [V14]
  390. ===========================================================================
  392. Look how cheeky Maru is! " the truth was that he did not quite understand them."
  394. To summarize points of note though:
  396. Undead radiate hatred
  397. Sebas's use of killing intent is seen as noteworthy
  399. Oddly curses and undead genesis seem related to hatred and death as well. So what does this have to do with Magic is Evil you ask?
  401. Well read this:
  403. TLDR - Maru makes it very clear that both Tier and Wild Magic are MAGIC based on their names compared to Martial Arts. Likewise, Tier Magic can be seen as corrupting based on thinking about what it is literally. Thus it could effectively evil particles and condense to form undead or even facilitates killing intent. Even flavor text can be seen as an accidental lisping of mana based on a coincidence of 'Mana Becoming Real'.
  405. There's still a mystery though, how come Sebas, a non mage could control his killing intent so well?
  407. Get ready for one of the biggest coincidences in all of my and Maruyama's bizarre adventure.
  409. Incoming article repost:
  412. ===========================================================================
  414. Magic, 魔法.
  416. Both Primordial and Tier Magic use 魔法 to describe them. From what we know, Primordial Magic (始原の魔法 literally Origin Magic or Beginning Magic) can use souls and even destroy them - Cure Elim both alive and undead can do this, and Draudillion describes her use in similar ways. There's an insinuation that you need to use the souls of others to use stronger effects beyond your own means. Only time will tell of course. But irregardless, souls do seem to define Primordial or Wild Magic.
  418. Consider what Magic is. To us, it's just random supernatural abilities done via casting. It's almost a stale of fantasy at this point. But what is magic, really? Why does Keno's talent recognize Primordial, Tier, and Super Tier as 'magic'?
  420. Consider Martial Arts: 武技. Why are these referred to as 技 and not 法 as in magic? For my burgerlandians and similar readers, 技 is often read as 'technique' or 'skill'. The problem is 法.
  421. 法 can mean many things from dharma to law to principle. Case and point, the Slaine Theocracy is spelled as
  422. 法国 or literally 'principled country' or 'the nation of the law'. For a stolen example:
  424. "For example, one bun 文 is a "sentence," but bunpou 文法 means "grammar," the principle which governs the sentences."
  426. Think about it, why would the dragon lords call their Magic, maho 魔法? Not 魔技 (fusing both the magic in Maho and Gi from Martial Arts)? Or why not Majutsu, 魔術 'magical arts' / 'magical techniques'? Something to think about.
  428. There's something I want to stress: Dragon Lords call Tier magic filthy and vile. Yet they too use 'magic'.
  430. Basically, if we are to literally read kanji, you can read 魔 as ' Evil'. Remember, Maruyama calls Demiurge the Evil Emperor, Masou. You all know the MaOu right (魔王 Evil- king, the bad guy in most Japanese fantasy)? Let's consider Ainz's country, the Sorcerer Kingdom 魔導国. 魔導 is often read as 'magic' or 'sorcery'. Did you know if you used the homophone 魔道 instead of 魔導, it sounds exactly the same but means 'underworld' or 'dark side'? Basically if a Japanese person heard 魔導国 they could mistake it as 魔導国 if auto translate didn't exist (or the person telling them hated Ainz could cause the translation shift). In Buddhism 魔導 is used to refer to those going down the bad path. It's no bueno basically.
  432. The joke here is Ainz accidentally named himself the 'king of darkness' by accident due to a pun.
  434. "Maruyama is a language nerd! That bastard!"
  436. Anyway, I wanted to stress why it's strange even Dragon Lords call their magic '魔法'. Also why Martial Arts are not called 武法' but 武技. Ziggy believes there is significance to this. In particular, we know a class called 'Soul Blasphemer' exists. Likewise, Super Tier magic causes the world to scream yet doesn't use 'mana' or 'MP', but it's still ''Maho'.
  438. ===========================================================================
  440. Magic = 魔法
  441. Can be read literally as "Principle of evil influence" or "Principle of reoccurring evil"
  442. Tier Magic, Super Tier Magic, and Wild Magic are all called this
  444. Ki = 氣
  445. "The physical life-force postulated by certain Chinese philosophers; the material principle."
  446. Can be read literally as heart, spirit, intention, or feelings
  447. " spirit; vigor; morale vital/material energy (in Ch[inese] metaphysics) tone; atmosphere; attitude anger breath; respiration
  448. The modern ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary,
  450. Given Ki or Qi can be used to mean anger and Sebas used killing intent, it's possible that Killing Intent is related to control of life Energy (ki). Thus Wild Magic and Tier Magic are considered as magic possibly because Keno's Talent recognizes the intrinsic 'evil' or 'anger' connection of both; perhaps a vaguer idea of malice. If magic distorts reality, then both Native and Foreign Magic distort reality by harnessing malice in some way. Wild Magic via crushing or siphon power from souls, Tier magic by using being a power fueled by some vaguer idea of evil.
  452. We still don't' know if undead existed prior to the Greed Kings. However given mass death helps bring about an undead genesis, we can hypothesize something else. That is, perhaps upon death the ki of a dying being interacts with mana or the magical substance that concentrates to form Night Liches in some way. If Qi and Killing intent are connected, we know this energy can directed, comes in varying degrees, and is linked to strong emotions. The main issue is it's impermeable, a fleeting power that can't concentrate or be bound to our knowledge. AT least until the Greed Kings in theory.
  454. That sounds like head canon. But think about it. When Cure Elim turned undead, did he not concentrate the souls of his victims in himself, that is making himself a coffin? Does that not seem to match how Night Liches are formed or how in general hate can concentrate likely by using mana somehow as the process Fluder calls 'the natural absorption of mana' which so far has only been confirmed with Night Liches and articles or bodily remains of beings who met cruel fates (Clem's trophies, the dragon bone armor)?
  457. “Perhaps,” Fluder had begun by saying, “Gazef’s sword was spontaneously
  458. created by the natural absorption of mana, or perhaps through the magic of the
  459. Dragons.”
  460. [V11]
  462. Night Liches were beings who absorbed a great deal of mana and by so doing,
  463. transcended the state of Elder Liches. Such occurrences were rare even
  464. throughout history, for which many of the living were grateful.
  465. [V'14']
  467. *Fun fact: mana can be the reading of 真名, an alternate name for kanji that means 'true' (as in True Dragon Lord True) and 'name'!
  469. If you think about Wild Magic though, how come normally undead Dragon Lords cannot use it?
  471. The answer in Ziggy's head canon is that it's related to how Qi and Mana are not completely equal things. Undead, as beings lack the spark of life. They are said to radiate a hatred of the living and they can direct killing intent, however, Qi is not just a capacity of directing killing intent. Think more about Cure Elim. He didn't intrinsically lose the ability to use Wild Magic, rather he can still cast it fine and dandy, just the cost for it has to be paid by using the souls gathered by him. Put in other words, undead Dragon Lords may not be able to use Wild Magic because as undead they lack the spark of life, they lack the ability to produce Qi, not the ability to harness it. So an undead Dragon Lord that's not Cure Elim would theoretically lose Wild Magic since they'd burn through their body's reserves of Ki or lose it all upon their turn to undeath.
  473. If torture led to the condensation of hatred, and we know that souls being ripped out causes great pain and then zombificaiton, can we not consider that life energy (Qi) and pain are connected? Remember how undead are characterized by their distinct numbing of pain? In a sense, they have HP and can take damage but since they lack a spark of life, their ability to feel pain is lessened. We could even postulate that a Dragon lord destroying it's own soul could use stronger spells possibly due to the extreme pain they were being subjected too.
  475. That sounds strange, but look critically at how else you can read Qi. Qi is also linked to breathing. Did you know in East Asian ghost stories, ghost often can find you by you breathing, so these stories often talk about how holding your breath is meant to hide you from the ghosts. If the Spark of Life is a fire, breathing or Qi can almost be seen as the smoke from it.
  477. Here we hit a snag. Something seems... vague. Remember Sebas can heal people with his own Qi and use killing intent, but since undead like life force they only have killing intent??? Strange right.
  479. “My wounds are healed… Are you a priest?”
  480. “No, I did not use the power of the gods. Instead, I infused my ki into you for
  481. healing.”
  482. [V5]
  485. Yin represents the nutritive processes and substances of the body.
  486. Yang represents the heat and metabolic processes of the body.
  487. Qi represents the vital energy of the body flowing along invisible energy channels.
  488. Understanding Yin, Yang and Qi
  490. Yin and yang are terms used to describe relative opposite qualities or manifestations of Qi. If yin is form, then yang is function. If yin is material, then yang is immaterial.
  491. Yin refers to aspects or manifestations of Qi that are relatively material
  492. Can be read literally as Shadow or darkness, negative,
  493. Yang refers to aspects or manifestations of Qi that are relatively immaterial,
  494. Can be read literally as Sunlight or light, positive,
  496. Using this framework, Undead can be considered beings with only Yin or their physical bodies. Liches for instance are born of dead magic casters and are born about as strong as their host body where. They do not lose their original classes in the case of Cure Elim and Keno either. Yang is closer to the things like breath and it's cultural link to life, that is things connected as a byproduct to life. Qi itself is the spark of life that births Yin and Yang. At it's core Ki is more broadly just the spark of life. Despite people dying and objectively having no QI left, their hatred can still manifest.
  498. Killing Intent seems almost certainly linked to Qi. But what about undead emotions? Why do some undead feel emotions but some do not?
  500. For undead at least, it's possible that it's the influence of a immaterial force, for the NPcs it's the influence oftheir creators, for Ainz it's Satoru, for Keno or Cure Elim it's allt he souls they have gatherd to be True Vampires. They aren't just undead bodies or concentrations of mana in a body.
  502. But so why is magic evil? Consider why Martial Arts aren't magic. Is it powered by hate or pain?
  504. Do you remember, how Martial arts seems connected to emotional peaks, to valor or positive emotions? From Gazef wanting to protect his men, Zaryusu drawing strength from what appears to be his friends, Climb Limit Breaker, or Brain's wonderous Nail Clipper? All of these feats share a factor: they were born of the selfless desire or acts in times of great need. You could say it's the power of love as gay as that sounds. The power of anime or bonds. In a sense if you believe as I do that Martial Arts are powered by whatever this is and magic is intrinsically linked to evil, then of course Martial Arts aren't magic. Where's the 'principle of evil' it draws on? If we treat Martial Arts mroe literally though, as the name implies though, the power is less love or friendship and closer to valor, in this case these mysterious events are when one feels valor in service of another. People like Clementine can use Martial Arts but in her time of need she didn't display this ability.
  506. That begs to question though, why does valor or courage grant power at all, no mana, no life energy, but instead this emotion? Well hate also manifests as palpable power, but Valor seems to be a substantial power evne without mana. Ziggy suspects it may have to do with the idea that if all souls really do come from the same source and that soul desires self preservation, it can tap into power much like how Climb can tap into 100 percent of his power.
  508. THat brings me back to our title, Magic is Evil. Wild Magic is evil because it foricibly crushes and squeezes out power from others or the self. But when a dragon lord is willing to sacrifice itself it may be able to use magics it normally cannot. I think the answer for this mysterious occurrence is if a dragon lord is willing to give it's life for some cause, this is a case of falling in the valor category. Could it be the Dragon Lord is driven by a desire to protect something at it's own detriment? Or is it more pure bravado, that is the courage to destroy oneself enhances the potency of the desteroyed soul? Compare this to the undead Cure Elim who is basicaly a coward who uses the souls of others to pay the cost for his spells. There's no courage in using others up or having the resolution to sacrifice yourself. You can just let others bear the burden.
  510. ===========================================================
  512. Still.... Why is it that for Martial Arts the very idea of fighting for another can grant a burst of energy? Why is it that only when large numbers of people die that you can start to undead genesis and land desolation? Ziggy would like to call your attention to a few separate mechanics that seem distinct. However, keep everything above in mind.
  514. 1.) Magic casting requires connecting to the world
  516. “Magic doesn’t seem like the sort of thing you can learn in one or two days.
  517. Well, you need to connect to the world, but only people with the appropriate
  518. talent can do it. If not, you’ll need to take a long time to experience it.”
  519. [V2]
  521. Regardless of which tradition of magic one was studying, the important thing
  522. when one was starting out was to get a feel for it. Most of the people who had
  523. learned to use magic had done so through the feeling of making contact with
  524. the world. Anyone without that experience would be unable to cast spells.
  525. However, there were no teachers who could teach this part to their students
  526. in sufficient detail, and so many people stumbled here.
  527. ....
  528. World Connector
  529. [V'14']
  531. それにワイルド・マジック。
  532. 始原の魔法と呼ばれる世界の神秘を使えるものも、このドラゴンが知る限りでは自らしかいない。
  533. 結局世界は犯し、汚された。
  534. ワイルドマジックは失われ、世界には8欲王が溢した魔法が主となった。
  536. Besides Wild Magic.
  537. Magic of the Beginning invoking the mystery of the world, of the people able to use it only dragons could invoke as far as he knew.
  538. After all the world was violated, polluted.
  539. Wild Magic was lost. The magic the 8 Greed Kings spilled out became the forefront / superior/ main principal.
  540. [WN]
  542. “Because magic is a compact with the world, once you become tied to that compact it becomes very difficult to change things to how you would like.
  543. [WN]
  545. *Wild Magic is negated by World Class Items because this property
  547. “Dear holders of World Class Items, you should not have
  548. been affected by changes in the world, but we have learned that keeping your
  549. data unaffected will be a very difficult task for the system. Therefore, we are
  550. making a special exception and changing your data as well.”
  551. [V4]
  555. 2.) Divine magic casters can conduct rituals
  559. "...Yes, and the ritual’s going well too." Crusch answered Zaryusu’s question as she looked around the village. The ritual which the priests were conducting in the village might well be another trump card for the Lizardmen. Normally, it would have taken a very long time, but since all the priests of all the tribes were gathered together, it was progressing at a tremendous pace, quickly enough to be used in this battle. "So this is the power of cooperation …"
  561. [V4]
  563. "Crusch, what’s with this cold wind …" "...You might not believe me if I say this, but please listen to me. I originally thought that the weather changes from before were the result of the fourth tier spell [Control Clouds], but I was wrong. [Control Clouds] can control clouds, but it cannot generate cold winds like this. Therefore …this isn’t just controlling clouds, but altering the weather. In other words, I think the enemy used a sixth tier spell …[Control Weather]." ... Such cold winds could not blow in this weather — in other words, this was a supernatural change in the environment that was beyond their ability to comprehend. The Lizardmen’s morale plummeted to rock bottom. Previously, only clouds had appeared. The priests could still control clouds if they gathered together, built a huge bonfire, and conducted a ritual. However, when the Lizardmen felt the chill kiss of this autumn-like wind, they realized how powerful their foe was to be able to manipulate such normally uncontrollable natural phenomena.
  565. [V4]
  567. The Miko Princesses stood at the heart of the Slaine Theocracy’s rituals. There was no way that she as a former member of the Black Scripture would not know what would happen when she snatched the Crown of Wisdom away from its bearer. After all, when the time came for a new Miko Princess to be appointed, the job of the Black Scripture was to remove the Crown from its current wearer, and then promptly send the now-insane Miko Princess to be with the gods.
  569. [V2]
  571. "…It’s called the Death Spiral, right?" "Indeed. It’s the rite our leader is conducting." In places where the undead gathered, more powerful undead were born. When these more powerful undead gathered, even more powerful undead would appear. The magic rite which made use of this property was like a spiral, constantly spawning ever more powerful undead beings. It was potent enough to destroy an entire city, so it was known as the ”Death Spiral.” This wicked ritual had been conducted in the past, and it had turned a metropolis into a city of the dead where the undead roamed free. Khazit’s aim was to turn E-Rantel into another such dead city. He would turn himself into an undead being by harnessing the necromantic energies from such a place. He had made extensive preparations to achieve his aim. He would not let this woman who had showed up just a few days ago ruin his plans.
  573. [V2]
  575. Only Narberal remained with Ainz by the time they reached the chapel at the heart of the graveyard. Several suspicious-looking fellows were standing in a circle in front of the chapel, apparently conducting some kind of ritual. They all wore crude black robes which covered their entire bodies, and which varied in both texture and color. Their black head cloths hid their faces and only showed their eyes, while the wooden staves they carried had strange carvings on their ends. They were short, and by the way they carried themselves, they were probably all men. The only exposed face belonged to the man in the middle, and he looked like he was undead. He was well-dressed, and seemed to be concentrating on the black stone that he held in his hand. The wind carried whispered words to Ainz’s ears. The voices in the air rose and fell in unison, and it sounded like some sort of chanting. However, it did not sound like a requiem to the dead, but more like some sort of dark ritual which blasphemed against the deceased.
  577. [V2]
  579. Crafting this Skeletal Dragon had required two months of elaborate rituals and an immense quantity of negative energy. How could it be beaten so easily? He had worked and planned many years for this.
  581. [V2]
  583. If even they could not handle a threat like this, then they could still conduct a grand ritual to summon the highest-ranked angel to deal with the problem. Surely the most exalted of angels would be able to triumph over Death Knights and Soul Eaters. However, the sheer number of foes made them very uneasy.
  585. [V10]
  587. There is a way to use the 8th Rank of Magic with a large ritual, but in the centre of it is a human who can use the 5th Rank of Magic and can improve it. It is also necessary for a large number of those who can use the 3rd Rank of Magic. Even with this, it can only be improved up to two ranks, and it is believed that there is some form of device. Normally a country is needed to support this. As Fluder does not have a skill to amplify magic, he cannot conduct a large ritual.
  589. [WN]
  591. At the lead was an old woman. White hair sprouted from above an extremely wrinkled face. However it was obvious that she was no ordinary old woman, for her eyes glimmered with wisdom, affection and power. Her pure white priest's outfit was engraved with symbols, and on each hand she wore rings that gave her magical protection. A plain but powerful magical headband decorated her forehead. A mysterious holy accessory hung from her neck. Right behind that old woman. Walking there was a young girl. She was extremely young, and did not seem to have gone through puberty yet. Wearing a blindfold, she was led by two young women. The cloth covering her eyes hid most of her facial features as well. Even so, it was possible to tell that she had a sharp face. However, as if nervous, her expression was a frozen mask. Her long hair fluttered in the wind, and shone with a soft glow in the moonlight. On her forehead she wore a large circlet that covered her head with threads like a spider's web. Decorating the string-like metal were countless gems, and a large blue crystal was embedded in the centre. She wore a cloth that was slightly open in the front. The cloth was thin, and with the moonlight shining brightly on her, her body underneath could be clearly seen. In addition, since the cloth was loosely fixed around her waist by a string, one could almost see her naked body each time the wind blew. That girl walked barefooted. No, not only the girl. Several women dressed similarly followed her closely. The main difference that their eyes were not covered, and that some were older. No, perhaps the first girl was the youngest.
  593. With the Miko-Hime at the centre, a circle was formed around her. Absorbing the water, her clothes stuck to her skin. There was practically no difference from her being naked. However, all of them stayed silent. The Water Miko-Hime's expressionless face, and their own, all hid a tinge of nervousness. "Now focus your power on the Water Miko-Hime." Responding to the instruction of the old woman outside the pool, the people around the Water Miko-Hime began chanting simultaneously. These chants were part of their sacred book; prayers to the Water God. Waves formed in the water. These were not due to the wind. It was like the waves were conscious and formed waves. To be more precise, it seemed like they were caused by the Water Miko-Hime. No it was not like she was causing it. The Water Miko-Hime was indeed causing it. Fatigue started showing on faces of the surrounding women as their magic was drained.
  595. The old woman, sensing the flow of magic, decided that it was enough. She gave her next order. "Now, activate. 8th Tier Magic [Planar Eye]." A large ritual. It was a method to temporarily increase one's magic power by concentrating the magic power of a group into one person. A large volume of magic power was sent to her by the surrounding high priests. A drop of blood dripped from the Water Miko's nose. She was trying to contain the large volume of magic power provided by the surrounding priests. This was an act that harmed her body. However the Water Miko-Hime showed no anguish. And then the Water Miko-Hime activated the magic that was far beyond her limits. "<Overmagic Planar Eye>" A divination magic of the 8th Tier. The priests in the water slowly began to fall. Losing consciousness due to lack of magic power was possible. However, large rituals did not cause such a loss of magic. This was as the members assembled were calculated to have ample magic power. And at worst, they were people that understood the point where they should stop. It was impossible for so many of them to lose consciousness.
  597. [WN]
  599. 3.) True Dragon Lords can hear the world scream when super tier magic is used.
  601.  The dragon looked once again, eyes glazed with emptiness.
  602.  The knight looked in the same direction, but could not see anything. No, even the dragon was not looking at anything either. In response to the knight’s confusion, the dragon explained. 
  603. “I just felt that the world was screaming.”
  604. “Screaming you say?” 
  605.  The senses of a dragon was on a different scale. The knight knew that he could not feel anything and did not enquire further. 
  606.  The dragon said nothing. However, his senses told him that he had felt this feeling long ago.
  607. And Wild Magic.
  608.  No one but the dragons knew the primordial magics, the secrets of the world.
  609. [WN]
  611. 4.) Using Wish makes you feel certain things you normally do not
  613. The scenario Ainz most feared — that the spell did not work — did not come
  614. to pass. The ring released the magic stored within it into this world… and then
  615. the red points of light within Ainz’s eye sockets shrank.
  616. “What… is this…”
  617. It felt as though new information was being entered into his mind —
  618. something along the lines of displeasure. At the same time, he felt like he had
  619. been connected to something vast — something like joy, perhaps. Many of the
  620. emotions Ainz had felt while he was still human washed over him.
  621. Once the ripples of emotion faded away, Ainz realized that Wish Upon A Star
  622. worked differently here than it did in Yggdrasil.
  623. When Ainz had first learned of Nfirea’s talent, he had idly wondered if he
  624. could steal it with Wish Upon A Star. Now, he realized that he could have done
  625. it. In this world, Wish Upon a Star was a spell that would grant its caster’s
  626. wishes. Although it would still expend XP, Wish Upon A Star was now a spell
  627. that could make the impossible possible. In addition, by sacrificing five levels
  628. — five hundred percent of his XP bar — one could one could make even
  629. greater wishes come true.
  630. [V3]
  634. 5.) Upon death you lose semblance of yourself and by coming back from the dead you feel a 'sense of loss a sense of separation from a whole' despite losing sight of evne your own identity
  636. There was a world of darkness
  637. She did not know what “she” was
  638. She wanted to open her eyes ― but she did not know what eyes were
  639. She did not know what darkness or the world meant
  640. She did not know why she was thinking of these things
  641. She knew nothing
  642. She was vanishing
  643. She did not know what “vanishing” meant
  644. But she was vanishing
  645. However, suddenly, she felt like she was being pulled by something
  646. From above, from below, from the left, from the right, from somewhere―
  647. A completed world was pulling her
  648. A pitiful being who had been completed by the works of their friends
  649. Someone who had sealed away all thoughts that there was a greater treasure
  650. than that
  651. And then ― an explosion of white light dyed the world
  652. There was a tremendous sense of loss―
  653. A sense of separation from a whole―
  654. [V13]
  656. 6.) As described above Martial Art Bursts of Energy exists
  660. “Gaaaaaaah! Don’t look down on me—!”
  661. He shouted with all the strength in his body.
  662. Blood dribbled out the side of his mouth as Gazef rose to his feet.
  663. A man who should have been powerless to stand now stood proudly, the mighty
  664. force of his presence forcing back the angels that surrounded him.
  665. “Haaa—! Haaa—!”
  666. Just getting to his feet had him panting heavily. His mind was a blur and his
  667. body felt like it had
  668. [V1]
  670. His body no longer responded to him, and he could feel his body heat dropping
  671. slowly, like a slow poison spreading through him. Even breathing was difficult.
  672. Only his mind remained sharp under these circumstances.
  673. He could not die yet.
  674. Rororo, who ran with all his strength.
  675. Zenberu, who had made himself his shield.
  676. Crusch, who had depleted her mana.
  677. And then, there were all the Lizardmen who had died fighting this war.
  678. As Zaryusu thought about how to fight on, he heard something.
  679. —Crusch’s gentle tones.
  680. —Zenberu’s cheerful voice.
  681. —Rororo’s playful cries.
  682. He could not have heard them.
  683. Crusch was unconscious. Zenberu was comatose. Rororo was far away as well.
  684. Had his mind imagined those voices because his mind was clouded? Had it
  685. made up the voices of friends he had not even known for a full week? The
  686. cries of his kin?
  687. No.
  688. Indeed, that was not correct.His body no longer responded to him, and he could feel his body heat dropping
  689. slowly, like a slow poison spreading through him. Even breathing was difficult.
  690. Only his mind remained sharp under these circumstances.
  691. He could not die yet.
  692. Rororo, who ran with all his strength.
  693. Zenberu, who had made himself his shield.
  694. Crusch, who had depleted her mana.
  695. And then, there were all the Lizardmen who had died fighting this war.
  696. As Zaryusu thought about how to fight on, he heard something.
  697. —Crusch’s gentle tones.
  698. —Zenberu’s cheerful voice.
  699. —Rororo’s playful cries.
  700. He could not have heard them.
  701. Crusch was unconscious. Zenberu was comatose. Rororo was far away as well.
  702. Had his mind imagined those voices because his mind was clouded? Had it
  703. made up the voices of friends he had not even known for a full week? The
  704. cries of his kin?
  705. No.
  706. Indeed, that was not correct.
  707. “—Oh...oh—!”
  708. “—!? You still have this much strength left!?”
  709. The semi-conscious Zaryusu howled, drawing a cry of surprise from Igva.
  710. Zaryusu’s eyeballs swivelled and locked onto Igva. His eyes were clouded, but
  711. it was hard to believe that he was not looking directly at him with a smoldering
  712. intensity. The sight made Igva freeze up.
  713. “Crusch! Zenberu! Rororo!”
  714. “—! What are you trying to do—!? Just die—!”
  715. Where had he gotten that vitality from? The massive surge of negative energy
  716. pouring into him should have been steadily dissolving and consuming
  717. Zaryusu’s life force. And indeed, Zaryusu’s limbs felt heavy, and his body seemed
  718. frozen.
  719. Even so, every time he cried their names, Zaryusu felt a flicker of warmth
  720. within him. This warmth did not come from his life force.
  721. Instead, it sprang from a place within his chest —the heart.
  722. He could hear the sound of muscles tensing. That sound came from Zaryusu’s
  723. right hand, from his tightly clenched fist. He was infusing all his strength into
  724. that fist.
  725. “Impossible—! How are you still moving!? You monster—!”
  726. He was actually capable of moving. That was a truly unbelievable sight.
  727. [V4]
  729. His growl was somewhere between a moan and a gnashing of his teeth, in
  730. order to spur on his flagging spirit, which was on the verge of surrendering to
  731. the pain.
  732. He could not die. Not yet.
  733. Climb struggled to remember Renner. He still had to return to her side today—
  734. “We’re running short on time, so I’ll put you out of your misery with this.
  735. Farewell.”
  736. Succulent pointed his sword at the groaning youth.
  737. He had been fatally wounded. His death was only a matter of time. Still, Succulent
  738. had the feeling that it would be best to finish him off right now.
  739. “Fine, fine, fine. If it’s just the head I can still …ah, uwahhh!”
  740. Succulent leapt back.
  741. The young man swung his sword.
  742. For someone on the verge of death, the strike had been steady and true,
  743. Succulent had originally looked down on his dying prey with arrogant eyes.
  744. Those eyes now opened wide.
  745. The boy had used his sword to prop himself up and gotten back on his feet.
  746. Impossible.
  747. Succulent had take over a hundred lives thus far, and he was certain that he
  748. had dealt the kid a mortal blow. There was no way he could still be standing
  749. after that.
  750. However, the sight before him flew in the face of Succulent’s accumulated experience.
  751. “Why, why can you get up?!”
  752. It was a bone-chilling sight. It was as though Climb were one of the undead.
  753. A long, thin trail of drool oozed from the corner of the boy’s mouth, and his
  754. ashen white face seemed devoid of all humanity.
  755. “I …die …Renner-sama’s …kindness …”
  756. His sudden intake of air froze in Succulent’s lungs as Climb’s burning gaze
  757. turned on him. He was afraid. He was frightened of how this young man had
  758. made the impossible possible.
  759. “Don’t you know how to die?! Go to hell!”
  760. Succulent advanced toward his opponent. He was certain that a single stab
  761. would finish the job
  762. His foe was dying. Succulent had been distracted by that fact, and his darkened
  763. eyes went wide.
  764. Succulent was a fencer, and he had trained for countless hours to evade his
  765. enemy’s blows. The fact that he had to actually use his blade to block Climb’s
  766. hit was quite extraordinary.
  767. —That was not the attack of a dying man.
  768. Those words raced through Succulent’s increasingly frantic mind.
  769. No, it was not just that. The speed of Climb’s blade had been even faster than
  770. when he was unhurt.
  771. “How the hell did you do that, you bastard!”
  772. This was someone who became stronger through battle. It was not impossible,
  773. but Succulent had never witnessed anyone like that before.
  774. He even began to feel that the young man had thrown off some kind of limitation.
  775. What exactly had happened to Climb? The answer was simple.
  776. Sebas’ training had scrambled the part of his brain that protected his body.
  777. His sheer will to live overlapped with the vision of death which Sebas’ training
  778. had shown him. Thus, he had managed to remove the limits placed on his
  779. physical body by his brain, unlocking the power of the adrenaline surge.
  780. The youth’s face looked terrible, as though the series of blows had snuffed out
  781. the flame of his life. No — that was exactly what had happened. This must
  782. have been a last burst of fire, like how candles would flare up before going
  783. out. Yes, that must have been the power he had used.
  784. Right now, that boy would die from the merest tap.
  785. [V5]
  787. What now? What can I do to get out of this? If we fight her, we’ll be killed for
  788. sure. Even if we tried to run, we’d be chased down and killed anyway. Back then
  789. I used an escape tunnel, but there aren’t any here now. But why is she here? Is
  790. she looking for me?
  791. Brain smiled bitterly at that last thought.
  792. If that was the case, then there was only one solution to this problem.
  793. ”Climb-kun, I’ll go buy us some time. Use it to flee.”
  794. After that, Brain looked to the thief, and bowed his head.
  795. ”I’ll leave him to you.”
  796. ...
  797. The face of Gazef Stronoff rose before his eyes.
  798. He had thought that the next time they met, they would have a showdown
  799. once and for all.
  800. However, after meeting him in the Royal Capital, Brain had changed his mind.
  801. Brain now felt nothing but camaraderie for his greatest foe — once an obstacle
  802. he had to overcome, now his best rival.
  803. He had accepted that he would die, here and now.
  804. Perhaps it’s too late... but thank you, my greatest enemy (dearest friend) …
  805. With that, his heart lightened. Without confusion, he allowed himself to let go.
  806. Even the shame of the past had vanished.
  807. ”—Aaaaaaaaa!”
  808. Brain cried out like some sort of strange bird. It came from the depths of his
  809. soul, carrying the full power of his being.
  810. ...
  811. Right now, if someone had converted their ability into data and compared
  812. them, he would undoubtedly be cheering for Brain.
  813. Indeed, it was a miracle, like the sun rising from the west, a sight that would
  814. fill people with awe and respect.
  815. [V6]
  817. —Martial arts.
  818. They were skills mastered during a warrior’s quest for martial perfection.
  819. Some people called them ki or some kind of aura, but they defied easy
  820. description.
  821. [V3]
  823. 7.) Wild Magic users can sacrifice their souls for great power beyond their limits
  825. As another aside, even the living Cure Elim would not be able to use
  826. ”Soulbreaker”, but if it were willing to destroy its own soul... perhaps it
  827. might be able to do it once?
  828. [V'14']
  831. What do these all have in common? Time for some quotes unrelated to Maruyama and Overlord for... uh no reason. Totally no raisin.
  835. We'll show you with our own fists how strong you can be when you have something to protect!
  838. The only way XXX could form a relationship with others was by hurting them... He started this mess because he wanted so badly to have those bonds he couldn't attain.
  840. But... in every strike he aimed at me during our fight, I think I snesed his wish for us to accept each other, and to boost one another up. Which is how it should be. A connection with others can be a great strength, depending on how you face them. It helps us grow.
  842. He keeps trying to stand, despite his injuries, and all I see is the strong will of someone determined to protect what's important to him.
  844. You are strong. But you don't realize it either. Your strength... It's founded on the strength of your bonds! But... no matter how you hurt or how badly you're about to fall, the power that let's you stand up for someone else... that comes from bonds.
  849. Anime *jazz hands*
  851. Zoinks, that's pretty cringe. Did you notice the connection all those Overlord mechanics have though? They all involve Connection. Perhaps not bonds, but something like reasonating. I've talked about this before, but it's possibly related to why people can sense Ainz's emotions.
  855. If Magic Casters are defined as those who Connect to the World, then would Martial Arts not be considered magic since it connects to others instead, as we see with Gazef, Climb, Brain, and Zaryusu? Or why self sacrifice for Dragon Lords even works to grant strength beyond the limits of regular Wild Magic?
  857. Why does this power even exist though? Well, jokes and meme lording aside, Ziggy thinks it has to do with Souls to some extent. Specifically:
  860. “This, this is! It’s saying that souls are entities like the foam left by the
  861. waves of this great world, and so whether great or small, they are
  862. fundamentally the same. That meeeeaaaannnns!!!”
  863. [V10]
  866. This idea. The meme is this fanfiction turned out true. But honestly, I think Maruyama is doing it on purpose. If you look at everything above in a certain way it does make some sense. You Connect with others or the world. But what is the World? Looking at Neia's death, you can almost postulate that the world is the great attractive force of all souls, that which pulls on the souls of the dead to be joined with it. Is it the origin of souls? I don't know. Still, Neia, when stripped of her body, her identity, evne her memories, in her rawest state had the capacity to feel. And what was that feeling?
  868. There was a tremendous sense of loss―
  869. A sense of separation from a whole―
  870. [V13]
  872. That's right, we see that disembodies souls still have the capacity to feel the power of connection. I don't think this is just anime though. No, Ziggy thinks this is more like a natural empathy or kinship of souls. It's SOMETHING at least. Maybe every soul really is a small fragment of the World, whatever the world actually is. God? Zeigeist? Big blob of power?
  874. Still, what about when Ainz tried to use Wish magic?
  876. At the same time, he felt like he had
  877. been connected to something vast — something like joy, perhaps. Many of the
  878. emotions Ainz had felt while he was still human washed over him.
  879. [V3]
  881. It was only at the point he tries to use Super Tier magic, a magic that doesn't rely on mana that he felt connected to something, something he made note of. He didn't know what it was, but it gave feedback both ways: Ainz could tap into it, but it also sent feelings back to him. It flowed both ways basically.
  883. At least in the Web Novel we understood that for some reason, there's a connection between the world screaming and Super Tier magic. Perhaps that's what powers Super Tier magic instead of Mana.
  885. Tier Magic - Mana
  886. Wild Magic - Souls around you from living creatures
  887. Super Tier Magic - fragments of the World Itself
  889. Remember, Wild Magic users like Cure Elim can run out of souls, but Ainz can use Super Tier magic several times a day with no limit. But perhaps there is a limit, he's just shaving off fragments of the world. In a way, Super Tier magic would be like Wild Magic then, fueled by whatever teh fuck souls or the world are. That calls into question why were dragons lords so hypocritical then? We know Cure Elim had the Soul Blasphemer class. Maybe using souls like he did was taboo? Or maybe Dragonlords didn't give two shits about the souls of the living and instead only cared about the world instead, that is once a being has lost all semblance of itself and rejoined with the world?
  891. You're guess is as good as mine. I'm just some asshole on the internet.
  894. Nevertheless, would it really be impossible for this vast... thing??? to send power to others if people can tap into it? If Super Tier magic and Wild Magic cause pain to the world or to the victims that lose their souls, why does Ainz feel joy when using Super Tier Magic and why do Martial Art users when making their epic, selfless anime moments feel no pain either?
  898. Magic is evil right? Right?????????
  901. Pure head canon in coming.
  903. There's little evidence to support this, but I suspect that people, those beings with souls, beings able to CONNECT awaken to power or positive feelings because souls, rather than the person with the soul, have some kind of attractive property. Maybe Tsa's nuclear blast is a perfect metaphor, that is souls undergo a special kind of reaction near other if they CONNECT. CONNECTION should be an attractive force of some sort, but it's also something like REASONATING. This comes up a few times in Overlord too. The most obvious is Auto Translate, but Ainz's entire existence as well as the undead mystery tie into that too.
  905. "Oh shit Ziggy, I totally forgot you brought up that idea!"
  907. Thanks voice in my head!
  909. Japanese. Neither their words of the movements of their mouths matched up with the Japanese language. After that, he did some more experiments. His conclusion was that someone had fed the people of this world some sort of Translation Konnyaku. However, he did not know who had fed that substance to them. The language of this world was translated before the other party heard it. If he could understand what the other person said, then he should be able to communicate with non-human lifeforms, like say, a dog or a cat. The question now was who had done this. In addition, the Village Chief did not find this strange. It seemed perfectly natural to him. —In other words, this was a basic principle of the world.
  911. [V1]
  913. Had his senses been dulled because he was undead? But when he thought about it, he wanted to scoff at how a body made solely of bones without flesh, nerves or even skin, could feel pain in the first place. On that note, how the hell did a body without vocal cords or lungs even manage to speak?
  915. [V'14']
  918. There's something here. Maru can't keep his damn mouth shut about it. Maybe Ainz can speak because although there are biological components to speech, even without them, Auto Translate is the Language of the Soul. Maybe that's why songs dont' translate. The very idea of pitch, of rhythm, it all relates to the biolgical sound waves and the like. The Language of the Soul (come up with a better name if you want) is closer to the Kotodama Hypothesis - you can convey what you want with perfect clarity in terms of meaning if not in terms of exact sounding words. Souls have natural affintiy for each other. They even feel despite having no bodies. They even can show some capacity to think. Don't the recently deceased if not cared for cause undead? Didn't Neia still think well beyond death? The Langauge of the Soul is that capacity to convey information via words or langauge. I belive that Language of the soul is CONNECTION, Auto Translate, Flavor Text, empathy.
  920. I'm probably lumpign too much together... Perhaps.....
  922. The fact remains that is at least CONNECTION and Auto translate require multiple parties. It's a power born of interaction, not isolation. Could they be byproducts of the affinity of souls? Of this reasonating property? Mabe Gagrain was right.
  924. Of course, his fear of death was not completely gone, but even so—
  925. “If… if I die, please tell Renner-sama… her Highness… about my glorious
  926. battle.”
  927. He expelled a long breath, and then silently brought his sword up into a
  928. ready stance.
  929. Climb sensed a gleam in the assassin’s eyes that was different from just now.
  930. It had only been a short while, but he felt like he had connected with the
  931. assassin’s spirit on some level during this life or death struggle.
  932. The assassin sensed that Climb was prepared for death, and he seemed to
  933. have placed his life on the line as well.
  934. [V5]
  936. The dialogue between the two of them beggared belief.
  937. They were supposed to be engaged in an intense struggle for their lives, but
  938. the mood felt like they were merely testing each others’ strength in an easy
  939. and relaxed manner.
  940. Evileye recalled something Gagaran had said once. When warriors put their
  941. lives on the line, sometimes they would be able to fully grasp the thoughts of
  942. their opponent, and it would create a feeling as though they were close friends
  943. who had known each other for a long time.
  944. At that time, she had wondered what she was talking about.
  945. [V6]
  947. Maybe Warriors are just more naturally attuned to connecting with others. Could just be due to the proximity of their fighting range, but no matter what we can say that maybe this isn't just anime. The process is different, but the mechanism, CONNECTION does exist in Overlord.
  950. Hm? Connections are just strands? NANI!?
  954. Kojima ripped off Overlord to make Death Stranding!!! AJFDSKJFASKLJFKLSADJFKSAL
  956. Hur hur hur.
  962. mana can be the reading of 真名, an alternate name for kanji that means 'true' (as in True Dragon Lord True) and 'name'! Really weird right? Just as auto translate lisps, could it have made a bug and caused not only 'magical mana' to exist but also 'kanji mana' to become real too? Maybe by using a request to bring mana, just like a monkey's paw it caused the other mana or Flavor Text Effect to occur too? It's probably a coincidence. I find it ironic though 'the world's pollution ' could just be the Flavor Text Effect, so Dragon Lord Wild Magic that now had various names would become manifested (like Tier magic changes) so any asshole Dragon Lord who made edgy spells got fucked over by the change but literal spell names remained the same.
  964. EX Salty Peasant Tears the Wild Magic spell that made say a rock warm up now caused everyone and the user to get salt in their eyes.
  966. Lisping is a complication brought about imperfect languages, due to sound or non information based aspects of language. At least I think so.
  968. ======================
  971. Tangential bullshit I forgot why I posted here (uhhh I mean Notes. Yeah.... notes):
  973. Perhaps this is all coincidence.
  975. the Kotodama Overlord hypothesis?
  977. >The choice of kanji choice is both relevant and made manifest by some mechanism. Flavor text becoming real and changes to YGGDRASIL abilities reflect a correlation to kanji decisions, while New World exclusive abilities were altered to be expressed solely in kanji.
  979. Maru is perfectly capable of pondering langauge at this autistic level.
  982. "Maruyama isn't really such a language nerd though, right?"
  984. I don't know, WAIRUDO and WARUDO magic and all the lisping stuff seems to suggest he has fun doing this, even the names he assigns. Even Ainz Ooal Gown being Nine's Own Goal originally is either a reference or an example he does actually focus on language. Theoretically his pen name also bears meaning.
  986. “Don’t be foolish. I heard that you used to be an adventurer, Ainzach, so let
  987. me ask you again: When you think about the word ‘adventurer’, really ponder
  988. it, do you think you exist merely to fight monsters? Before I learned more
  989. about adventurers, I thought that they were beings who turned the unknown
  990. into the known.”
  991. [V10]
  993. Maru does subtle stuff like this.
  996. ie class sheet order implies acquisition order
  998. Aren't I fucking clever and autistic. More the latter.
  1001. Hueyhuey huey huey. Herp a derp.
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