
End!D4 to do list

Oct 5th, 2019
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  1. a. Find out what rebuilding efforts are happening now, who is overseeing them, etc., because I don't want to fuck anyone over/put them out a job/step on their toes.
  3. 1. Talk to Gemini
  4. Outline options: Help Gemini travel to other planes to look for the Kriendyh children; ritually bond with Kiran as familiar and travel to other worlds to fight the Void; stay to support the rebuilding of the world (possible to do all three).
  6. 2. Talk to Linda and Lous about /relationships/
  7. Prayer?
  10. Possibly ask about directed mutation of crop plants (let's invent GM crops!).
  12. 4. Kriendyh tech
  13. Activate K-AR-01 and K-SR-03 units to identify pockets of survivors and lead them to nearest functional large settlement. Identify and map locations of large settlements to define where most important roadways must be built.
  14. Activate Krien-Work and Krien-Reconstruction units to begin work on roadways using my infrastructural plans to transport materials from known resource-rich areas and/or people between areas.
  15. Add the schematics for elemental-powered greenhouses to Krien-Reconstruction units; redesign to larger scale.
  17. 5. Dryads/Druids
  18. Ask about changes to weather that may have arisen from the world's upheaval. Offer survey information from K-AR-01 and K-SR-03 units to supplement planning for this.
  19. Reconvene with dryads and work through the adaptation of seed stock to improve weather hardiness; attempt to create sufficient supply for people to plant gardens of their own.
  20. Show them schematics for the elemental-powered greenhouses; ask if they would make any adaptations or if any particular plants would be best for them.
  22. 6. Summoning/binding
  23. Ask if rituals can be performed without specific know-how to summon bound elementals over a longer period of time, or - if they cannot - if the summoner could teach others to do it.
  24. Ask if a supply of bound elementals can be created for the purposes of powering the first establishment of greenhouses.
  26. 7. Printing press
  27. 1. Information that there will be an address in the main square (or equivalent area) in three days' time.
  28. 2. Information on what happened to the world, and what will be happening now - details on rebuilding efforts.
  29. 3. Where to access resources
  30. 4. Consult with Allyah on what information, if any, she would like circulated about the Kriendyh/Tarans
  31. 5. Work with Blake/other people to build a census.
  33. 8. Johnathan
  34. Finish and deliver his sword (1/d-ish)
  36. 9. Celestials
  37. Get celestial silver
  38. Find out if they would be interested in having a more active role in the plane, as there is plenty of work to be going around/people who would need the help
  40. 10. Arden and Avo
  41. Find out what, if anything, they would be able to help with.
  43. 11. Goblins
  44. The goblins deserve a place in all of this. Contact them, and ask what they want/need.
  46. 12. Go with Blake to meet with Miss Shay
  48. 13. Send a letter to Adalet
  50. 14. Address the entirety of fucking Lumo, apparently.
  52. 15. Travel to the ruins of Valveria; recover what was lost.
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