Guest User


a guest
Oct 31st, 2016
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text 1.41 KB | None | 0 0
  1. extended_attributes = """
  2. {"test":"fuck"}
  4. """
  5. breath = 11
  6. yaw = -286.85
  7. pitch = 36.9
  8. version = 1
  9. name = nrz
  10. hp = 16
  11. position = (4201.62,478.66,-131)
  12. PlayerArgsEnd
  13. List main 32
  14. Width 0
  15. Item default:dirt 13
  16. Item default:snow 2
  17. Empty
  18. Empty
  19. Empty
  20. Empty
  21. Empty
  22. Empty
  23. Empty
  24. Empty
  25. Empty
  26. Empty
  27. Empty
  28. Empty
  29. Empty
  30. Empty
  31. Empty
  32. Empty
  33. Empty
  34. Empty
  35. Empty
  36. Empty
  37. Empty
  38. Empty
  39. Empty
  40. Empty
  41. Empty
  42. Empty
  43. Empty
  44. Empty
  45. Empty
  46. Empty
  47. EndInventoryList
  48. List craft 9
  49. Width 3
  50. Empty
  51. Empty
  52. Empty
  53. Empty
  54. nerzhul  ~  Devel  minetest-stock  cat ~/.minetest/worlds/ttaa/players/nrz    player_attributes 
  55. extended_attributes = """
  56. {"test":"fuck"}
  58. """
  59. breath = 11
  60. yaw = -286.85
  61. pitch = 36.9
  62. version = 1
  63. name = nrz
  64. hp = 16
  65. position = (4201.62,478.66,-131)
  66. PlayerArgsEnd
  67. List main 32
  68. Width 0
  69. Item default:dirt 13
  70. Item default:snow 2
  71. Empty
  72. Empty
  73. Empty
  74. Empty
  75. Empty
  76. Empty
  77. Empty
  78. Empty
  79. Empty
  80. Empty
  81. Empty
  82. Empty
  83. Empty
  84. Empty
  85. Empty
  86. Empty
  87. Empty
  88. Empty
  89. Empty
  90. Empty
  91. Empty
  92. Empty
  93. Empty
  94. Empty
  95. Empty
  96. Empty
  97. Empty
  98. Empty
  99. Empty
  100. Empty
  101. EndInventoryList
  102. List craft 9
  103. Width 3
  104. Empty
  105. Empty
  106. Empty
  107. Empty
  108. Empty
  109. Empty
  110. Empty
  111. Empty
  112. Empty
  113. EndInventoryList
  114. List craftpreview 1
  115. Width 0
  116. Empty
  117. EndInventoryList
  118. List craftresult 1
  119. Width 0
  120. Empty
  121. EndInventoryList
  122. EndInventory
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