
Cyberpunk: Session 8: Painful Landing

Nov 10th, 2013
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Saturday, November 09, 2013
  3. 6:40 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: no
  4. 6:40 PM - MeltingDakka: hi mom
  5. 6:44 PM - Ass Ketchup entered chat.
  6. 6:44 PM - Ass Ketchup: why are you guys such niggers
  7. 6:44 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: r8 l8 m8
  8. 6:44 PM - MeltingDakka: uhm
  9. 6:44 PM - MeltingDakka: wow
  10. 6:44 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: and how dare you call me a nigger
  11. 6:44 PM - MeltingDakka: rude.
  12. 6:44 PM - MeltingDakka: appys a bigger nigger than me
  13. 6:44 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: ill deck u m8 right in the gabber
  14. 6:44 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: sware on me mum i will
  15. 6:44 PM - MeltingDakka: fuck you dudebrah
  16. 6:44 PM - Ass Ketchup: how dare you do a british impression you're not even european
  17. 6:45 PM - Ass Ketchup: also lol i forgot to change my name back since last week ;o
  18. 6:45 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: data is obviously a big fan of so he's the bigger nigger
  19. 6:45 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: least you don't have to change it today :v
  20. 6:49 PM - MeltingDakka: you know
  21. 6:49 PM - MeltingDakka: ive never been hit
  22. 6:49 PM - MeltingDakka: literally never taken a single hit as aguila
  23. 6:49 PM - Ass Ketchup: uhh neither have i
  24. 6:49 PM - MeltingDakka: yeah but you're newer :v
  25. 6:50 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: and I got a bitchin ass cyberleg and a bonus to my EMP for getting hit
  26. 6:50 PM - MeltingDakka: :v
  27. 6:50 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: soon to be a bitchin ass cyberleg with an even more bitchin ass mini missile launcher in it
  28. 6:50 PM - MeltingDakka: i like how ciaster gave you like 3 points of empathy
  29. 6:50 PM - MeltingDakka: for being shot
  30. 6:50 PM - MeltingDakka: and losing a limb
  31. 6:50 PM - Ass Ketchup: i wrestled a cthulhu abomination into submission with a jacket tho
  32. 6:50 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: if he didn't I wouldn't have been able to keep sane with a new leg
  33. 6:51 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I shot zombie elvis twice
  34. 6:51 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: it was rather anti climactic
  35. 6:51 PM - MeltingDakka: yeah
  36. 6:51 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: "boo i am zombee elvis big scary lets fite" "k" **pew pew* "ouch i am the dead again"
  37. 6:51 PM - MeltingDakka: welcome to cyberpunk
  38. 6:51 PM - Ass Ketchup: you know what's anti-climactic?
  39. 6:51 PM - MeltingDakka: irl getting shot is also a little underwhelming :v
  40. 6:51 PM - MeltingDakka: appy's dick?
  41. 6:52 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: data's jokes?
  42. 6:52 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: and social life
  43. 6:52 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: and normal life
  44. 6:52 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: and dick
  45. 6:52 PM - Ass Ketchup: my pokemon dissapearing after i'd already caught it
  46. 6:52 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: yeah how dare that gay gm
  47. 6:52 PM - Ass Ketchup: ;'(
  48. 6:52 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: i say the gm is the gayest
  49. 6:52 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: even gayer than data somehow
  50. 6:53 PM - MeltingDakka: :V
  51. 7:22 PM - MeltingDakka: ur al gay
  52. 7:34 PM - M.Ciaster entered chat.
  53. 7:34 PM - M.Ciaster: oh hey y'all sons of bitches already in here?
  54. 7:35 PM - Ass Ketchup: yes because
  55. 7:35 PM - Ass Ketchup: uhh
  56. 7:35 PM - Ass Ketchup: youre a nigger
  57. 7:35 PM - Ass Ketchup: nigger
  58. 7:35 PM - M.Ciaster: love you too bb
  59. 7:36 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I need more LeMats
  60. 7:36 PM - M.Ciaster: don't get greedy
  61. 7:36 PM - Ass Ketchup: i need more pokemon
  62. 7:37 PM - M.Ciaster: go into some tall grass then and go catch some
  63. 7:37 PM - Ass Ketchup: because i have none after a certain someone killed my pikachu and then denied me my cthulhu monster
  64. 7:37 PM - Ass Ketchup: ;<
  65. 7:37 PM - M.Ciaster: that wasn't real anyway
  66. 7:37 PM - Ass Ketchup: i dont care!!!!!
  67. 7:37 PM - Ass Ketchup: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  68. 7:38 PM - M.Ciaster: omg so many exclamation marks
  69. 7:38 PM - M.Ciaster: u gotta b srs
  70. 7:38 PM - Ass Ketchup: you better believe it
  71. 7:43 PM - Wing Attack Plan R entered chat.
  72. 7:43 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: ewot u fgts doing here so early
  73. 7:44 PM - M.Ciaster: Ass Ketchup: yes because
  74. Ass Ketchup: uhh
  75. Ass Ketchup: youre a nigger
  76. Ass Ketchup: nigger
  77. to quote our wonderful friend
  78. 7:44 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: what a nigger
  79. 7:44 PM - M.Ciaster: yeah I kno rite
  80. 7:45 PM - Ass Ketchup: no u
  81. 7:46 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: who the fuck is xahk
  82. 7:46 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: nvm
  83. 7:54 PM - MeltingDakka: oi mates ima fokkin hok u wun rite in de gabba i swer on me mum ur guna fukn hit de flor so fasht ull fuckin DYE
  84. 7:54 PM - M.Ciaster: and Potato's still offline
  85. 7:55 PM - M.Ciaster: sigh
  86. 7:55 PM - MeltingDakka: *siiiiiiiiiiigh*
  87. 7:55 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: what a buttnugget
  88. 7:56 PM - MeltingDakka: what a farthead
  89. 7:56 PM - MeltingDakka: lets summon him
  90. 7:56 PM - MeltingDakka: anyone know the ritual?
  91. 7:56 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: it requires his fingers
  92. 7:56 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: we don't have those
  93. 7:57 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: well
  94. 7:57 PM - MeltingDakka: yet
  95. 7:57 PM - M.Ciaster: goddammit
  96. 7:57 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: not all of them
  97. 7:57 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: huehue
  98. 7:57 PM - M.Ciaster: anyone willing to go over to Texas and grab the bastard?
  99. 7:57 PM - MeltingDakka: i think i'm closest, but i can't drive a boat
  100. 7:57 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: never you all worry, I shall summon him, with the classic and timeless summoning song!
  101. 7:57 PM - MeltingDakka: sorry yo
  102. 7:57 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: heeeyyy queero queero queero queero fag fag shitty fuck fuck faaaaag
  103. 7:57 PM - MeltingDakka: BIBBIDY
  104. 7:57 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: where do you even live melting
  105. 7:57 PM - M.Ciaster: Florida I think
  106. 7:57 PM - MeltingDakka: ur mum ecks dee
  107. 7:57 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: or should i say
  108. 7:57 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: no wait that's Data's summoning song
  109. 7:57 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: hombre
  110. 7:58 PM - MeltingDakka: yeah, i live in florida
  111. 7:58 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: oh nvm
  112. 7:58 PM - MeltingDakka: gotta say
  113. 7:58 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: i thought you were my gardener
  114. 7:58 PM - MeltingDakka: when it's not pants-meltingly hot
  115. 7:58 PM - MeltingDakka: :V
  116. 7:58 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: joke*
  117. 7:58 PM - MeltingDakka: florida is pretty rad
  118. 7:58 PM - MeltingDakka: and nigga i aint even mexican
  119. 7:58 PM - MeltingDakka: im puerto rican :v
  120. 7:58 PM - MeltingDakka: i'm the guy who works at your cornerstore
  121. 7:59 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: :V
  122. 8:00 PM - MeltingDakka: potatos been offline for almost an hour
  123. 8:00 PM - M.Ciaster: fuck
  124. 8:00 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: lets lynch him
  125. 8:00 PM - MeltingDakka: LYNCH
  126. 8:00 PM - MeltingDakka: LYNCH
  127. 8:00 PM - MeltingDakka: LYNCH
  128. 8:00 PM - MeltingDakka: LYNCH
  129. 8:00 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: and go without him
  130. 8:00 PM - MeltingDakka: yeah m8
  131. 8:00 PM - MeltingDakka: its 8 bonger
  132. 8:00 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: he isn't exactly vital unless we're doing gay cop shit
  133. 8:00 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: what was his name on facepunch again
  134. 8:00 PM - M.Ciaster: yeah but you could sure use an extra gun in the upcoming section
  135. 8:00 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: also Ciaster did Wing talk to you about the funding for his new character
  136. 8:01 PM - M.Ciaster: DaysBefore I think?
  137. 8:01 PM - MeltingDakka: nah
  138. 8:01 PM - M.Ciaster: yeah but he changed his concept
  139. 8:01 PM - M.Ciaster: again
  140. 8:01 PM - MeltingDakka: he's uh
  141. 8:01 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: person guy or something
  142. 8:01 PM - MeltingDakka: potato something
  143. 8:01 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: god dammit Wing you cheeky shit I liked your ninja dude
  144. 8:01 PM - MeltingDakka: a sack of potatos
  145. 8:01 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: yeah i can't use the 4 harms
  146. 8:01 PM - M.Ciaster: he's still a ninja dude
  147. 8:01 PM - M.Ciaster: just with two arms
  148. 8:01 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: why the fuck not
  149. 8:01 PM - M.Ciaster: like a regular person
  150. 8:01 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: I still have the ninja biker yakuza assassin
  151. 8:01 PM - M.Ciaster: 'cause I hate fun
  152. 8:01 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: because ciaster is a shit head
  153. 8:01 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: well that's obvious
  154. 8:01 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: also id be overpowered as fuck
  155. 8:02 PM - M.Ciaster: yeah that too
  156. 8:02 PM - M.Ciaster: you'd have like
  157. 8:02 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge has changed their name to Entropy.
  158. 8:02 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: I'd wield 6 katanas doing 4d6 damage all at one time
  159. 8:02 PM - MeltingDakka: not as op as a techie with 4 arms
  160. 8:02 PM - M.Ciaster: 12 attacks per turn
  161. 8:02 PM - M.Ciaster: seeing as you get a max of two actions per turn
  162. 8:02 PM - Entropy: so he can use all his arms in one action?
  163. 8:02 PM - M.Ciaster: and you can dualwield so I assume you can also sextuplewield
  164. 8:02 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: I can attack
  165. 8:03 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: so i can attack as many times as possible
  166. 8:03 PM - Entropy has changed their name to Entropy / Perseus.
  167. 8:03 PM - M.Ciaster: it's the funniest option so yes but he only has two so that's a moot point anyway
  168. 8:03 PM - Entropy / Perseus: here we go
  169. 8:03 PM - Entropy / Perseus: time to ignore the outside world entirely
  170. 8:03 PM - MeltingDakka: out...side?
  171. 8:03 PM - MeltingDakka: huh?
  172. 8:03 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: what is that outside thing you speak of
  173. 8:04 PM - MeltingDakka: more like A-Nl.1
  174. 8:04 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I don't know but I know there's gonna be more rolz problems thanks to my dual wielding PnPs
  175. 8:04 PM - Entropy / Perseus: on well scrubs suck it up
  176. 8:04 PM - MeltingDakka: why does ryan keep scheduling his games during ours :v
  177. 8:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: he wants to steal my players
  178. 8:05 PM - Entropy / Perseus: because he's a queer
  179. 8:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: MY PLAYERS
  180. 8:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: mypreciousplayersiwon'tletthemgoohno
  181. 8:05 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: :V
  182. 8:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: :v
  183. 8:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: anyway
  184. 8:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: so
  185. 8:05 PM - Entropy / Perseus: and he said he'd be willing to go without me but fuck that piece of shit asshole douchenugget niggafuck
  186. 8:05 PM - MeltingDakka: ask him if you can just play on sundays :v
  187. 8:05 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I'm Perseus god damned Carpedim and I punch shit really god damned well
  188. 8:05 PM - Entropy / Perseus: we do play on sundays
  189. 8:05 PM - Entropy / Perseus: and fridays if possible
  190. 8:05 PM - MeltingDakka: as in not play during saturdays :V
  191. 8:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: shit that's a lot of PnPing
  192. 8:06 PM - Entropy / Perseus: well he won't have any of it
  193. 8:06 PM - MeltingDakka: "oh no i'm not getting 3 sessions a week"
  194. 8:06 PM - Entropy / Perseus: because he's a piece of shit asshole douchenugget niggafuck
  195. 8:06 PM - MeltingDakka: :V
  196. 8:06 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: when i was playing stalker
  197. 8:06 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: they wanted to play at like 3 in the morning on a wednesday
  198. 8:06 PM - MeltingDakka: oh god what
  199. 8:06 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: 'cause they were all european I guess
  200. 8:06 PM - MeltingDakka: anyway
  201. 8:06 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: yeah
  202. 8:06 PM - MeltingDakka: TO THE PNP-MOBILE!
  203. 8:07 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: finnish ukrainian and croation
  204. 8:07 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: but why wednesday? that's kinda perplexing
  205. 8:07 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: and nerts
  206. 8:07 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: i dunno
  207. 8:07 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: anyway yeah to the pnp mobile
  208. 8:07 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: it think it was right after school for them
  209. 8:08 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: not to mention that the fallout pnp was going on at the same time
  210. 8:08 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: stalker games took like 4+ hours on weekdays
  211. 8:08 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: never doing dual games ever again
  212. 8:08 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You're at Entropy's place. The gang's not all there - it's only Ketchup, Tool and Entropy - but the rest just couldn't make it for various reasons. Entropy's called you a while ago to get there - something about a gun or something, you're not quite sure.
  213. 8:09 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Before Entropy manages to start explanations, his laptop lets out a "mail received" sound. He cracks the machine open and takes a glance at the screen.
  214. 8:09 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Re: heavy ordnance
  216. Asked around. Apparently the Warrior Hearts jumped an illegal>
  217. surplus store a couple of weeks ago. Made off with crates of>
  218. old US Army hardware - M16s, M60s, Stingers and so on - and a MK19 with>
  219. a crate of ammunition. Killed a couple people in the process. The>
  220. store was a weapon supply point for the Sonora cartel, so now>
  221. there is a bounty of 150,000 eb on the head of the Hearts' leader.>
  222. Figured you could kill two birds with one stone and get both the>
  223. gun and the bounty.>
  224. The Hearts' hideout is located in the southern part of the Zone->
  225. there is a nice view of the refineries from there. From what I know>
  226. they are holed up in an abandoned, partially burned down apartment>
  227. building. Original floorplan attached to this mail. My associates>
  228. were unable to obtain photos of the exterior. Apparently the>
  229. western side of the building has a giant hole in it at floors>
  230. 6 to 9. Watch your step. The armory is likely to be located somewhere>
  231. on the ground floor, perhaps in the former boiler room. I am sending a man>
  232. to assist you with the task.>
  233. I get 15% of the bounty if you pull it off. Good luck.>
  234. M>
  235. sent_from
  236. send_time 21:33:35 11/09/2020
  237. Attached files: orginal.jpg"
  238. 8:09 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "This had better be important..."
  239. 8:10 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: read dat shit nigs
  240. 8:10 PM - MeltingDakka:
  241. 8:10 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: click the jpg
  242. 8:11 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "150,000 eb bounty, and the object of my pursuit. This is acceptable."
  243. 8:12 PM - Ass Ketchup: "With that much money, I could hire someone else to become the very best for me!"
  244. 8:12 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "And then pay them to call you the best, making you better than the best."
  245. 8:12 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You open the .jpg file. It contains what looks like an official floorplan of the building - it's likely outdated but still useful.
  246. 8:13 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "I may not be technoligically savvy, but this is 2020. Who the hell uses .jpgs any more?"
  247. 8:13 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: (it's also in the dropbox)
  248. 8:13 PM - MeltingDakka: "original.jpg.png"
  249. 8:14 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I forgot I had it saved as a .png :v
  250. 8:14 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and I don
  251. 8:14 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: 't use jpgs for maps 'cause artefacts and shit
  252. 8:14 PM - MeltingDakka: makes sense
  253. 8:14 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "So, boss, what are we doin'?"
  254. 8:14 PM - Ass Ketchup: real men use ascii for everything
  255. 8:15 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Raiding the place, getting my item, and catching the bounty. SImple."
  256. 8:15 PM - Wing Attack Plan R:
  257. 8:15 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Tool leans over your shoulder.
  258. 8:16 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Stingers? No offense, but I'd rather not get shot down over the Combat Zone."
  259. 8:16 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Then learn to evade better."
  260. 8:16 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Yeah, thanks a lot, boss. That'll help."
  261. 8:17 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Alright, shit. I better get paid extra for this."
  262. 8:17 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "I'd say we grab some extra gear from the armory and go do a few fly-bys before we touch down."
  263. 8:18 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "That is an acceptable plan."
  264. 8:18 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Ash, have you any objections?"
  265. 8:18 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: what do y'all niggas grab from Entropy's armory, if anyting
  266. 8:18 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: *thing
  267. 8:18 PM - Entropy / Perseus: well I stock up on nades
  268. 8:18 PM - Ass Ketchup: does he have any rocket launchers
  269. 8:19 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I think so
  270. 8:19 PM - Ass Ketchup: how many
  271. 8:19 PM - Entropy / Perseus: give him all of them
  272. 8:19 PM - Ass Ketchup: can i dual wield rocket launchers
  273. 8:19 PM - MeltingDakka: 3 i believe
  274. 8:19 PM - Entropy / Perseus: can we duct tape them all together
  275. 8:19 PM - Entropy / Perseus: also also also also
  276. 8:19 PM - Ass Ketchup: can i triple wield rocket launchers
  277. 8:19 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I'm assuming we were on a break period before that
  278. 8:19 PM - MeltingDakka: we really should have a text file of things inside the armory
  279. 8:19 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah
  280. 8:19 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and yeah
  281. 8:19 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I declare that I have previously purchased a leg mini missile launcher
  282. 8:19 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you did do that
  283. 8:20 PM - Ass Ketchup: i can triple wield rocket launchers? fuck yeah
  284. 8:20 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: no
  285. 8:20 PM - Entropy / Perseus: good
  286. 8:20 PM - Ass Ketchup: aweee
  287. 8:20 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: unless you've got three arms
  288. 8:20 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: (you don't)
  289. 8:20 PM - Entropy / Perseus: Ash
  290. 8:20 PM - MeltingDakka: one in his teeth
  291. 8:20 PM - Ass Ketchup: ;<
  292. 8:20 PM - Entropy / Perseus: we need to get you more arms
  293. 8:20 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: no
  294. 8:20 PM - Ass Ketchup: cant i just like
  295. 8:20 PM - Ass Ketchup: tape them together
  296. 8:20 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: well how do you exactly plan on firing three LAWs taped together
  297. 8:20 PM - Ass Ketchup: i have like 5 tech that should be enough to duct tape some rocket launchers together
  298. 8:20 PM - MeltingDakka: cyber-duct tape
  299. 8:20 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: also they're LAWs, one use
  300. 8:21 PM - Ass Ketchup: awwwww
  301. 8:21 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright sure fuck it
  302. 8:21 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you can duct tape the launchers together
  303. 8:21 PM - Ass Ketchup: yay
  304. 8:21 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and you're raiding a cache of army gear
  305. 8:21 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: so yeah I don't have to add anything else
  306. 8:21 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you can probably figure out where I'm going with this
  307. 8:22 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: anyway
  308. 8:22 PM - Entropy / Perseus: lots of big guns, sweetie
  309. 8:22 PM - Ass Ketchup: i hope i accidentally ignite some explosives when i launch rockets randomly
  310. 8:22 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: the armory from what I remember has some Miltech rifles, a couple of Jungle Reapers AKA M-41 pulse rifles from Alien, and some other stuff
  311. 8:22 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: like, your armory, not the one you'll be raiding
  312. 8:23 PM - Entropy / Perseus: it needs more dakka
  313. 8:23 PM - Entropy / Perseus: like a full auto grenade launcher
  314. 8:23 PM - Ass Ketchup: no
  315. 8:23 PM - Ass Ketchup: like five full auto grenade launchers
  316. 8:23 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: that's what you're going there for
  317. 8:23 PM - Entropy / Perseus: yes
  318. 8:24 PM - Ass Ketchup: also how are we going to transport all this dakka
  319. 8:24 PM - Entropy / Perseus: we strap it onto pikachu
  320. 8:24 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: well the AV's got plenty of space
  321. 8:24 PM - MeltingDakka: and pikachu can hold a 1911 or two
  322. 8:24 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: oh yeah also pikachu blew up in a dream, it's still around in the real world
  323. 8:24 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so you can't be mad at me for killing it
  324. 8:25 PM - Entropy / Perseus: unless it shits on my carpets
  325. 8:25 PM - Entropy / Perseus: then I will kill it
  326. 8:25 PM - MeltingDakka: :v
  327. 8:25 PM - Ass Ketchup: ;<
  328. 8:25 PM - Entropy / Perseus: :^
  329. 8:25 PM - Entropy / Perseus: ok I think I'm settled in
  330. 8:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: got 3 nades of each
  331. 8:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus:
  332. 8:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: and API ammo
  333. 8:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: totally ready
  334. 8:26 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: so i was searching around at some unofficial reference books
  335. 8:26 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: and there are a ton of little robot drones i found
  336. 8:26 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: maybe you could make one into pikachu?
  337. 8:27 PM - Entropy / Perseus: no
  338. 8:27 PM - Entropy / Perseus: make one magnemite
  339. 8:27 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yes
  340. 8:27 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: :V
  341. 8:27 PM - MeltingDakka: why not 3
  342. 8:27 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: aslo
  343. 8:27 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: also*
  344. 8:27 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and then you could have a couple of them evolve into whatever Magnemite's evolution was called
  345. 8:27 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: :v
  346. 8:27 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: one of them is a lawtech police robohound
  347. 8:28 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: as in potato should buy that shit up
  348. 8:28 PM - Entropy / Perseus: we should get one and name it Rex
  349. 8:28 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: its bite is 4d6 AP dmg
  350. 8:28 PM - Ass Ketchup: we should get one and name it fluffy
  351. 8:28 PM - Entropy / Perseus: should upload those books to the Dropbocx
  352. 8:28 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: no
  353. 8:28 PM - Ass Ketchup: ;o
  354. 8:28 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: i did
  355. 8:28 PM - Entropy / Perseus: yes
  356. 8:28 PM - Entropy / Perseus: name if Fluffy
  357. 8:29 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I agree to this
  358. 8:29 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: its in other books in a zip
  359. 8:29 PM - Entropy / Perseus: o
  360. 8:29 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: to continue the tradition? I'm ok with that
  361. 8:29 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so anyway I'm done suiting up
  362. 8:29 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: also moosic
  363. 8:29 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I added the micro-missile launcher to my sheet and nabbed 3 grenades
  364. 8:29 PM - Entropy / Perseus: of each
  365. 8:29 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: lemme just nab some 'nades for Tool :v
  366. 8:30 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: he'll be goin' in with ya
  367. 8:30 PM - Entropy / Perseus: OH OH IDEA CIASTER
  368. 8:30 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: :V
  369. 8:30 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yes
  370. 8:30 PM - Entropy / Perseus: you know how there are weekly expenses like food and shit
  371. 8:30 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I am listening
  372. 8:30 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah
  373. 8:30 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: speaking of that the timeskip was two weeks
  374. 8:30 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: in other words
  375. 8:30 PM - Entropy / Perseus: can I just pay a weekly expense to have a new crate of each type of grenade delivered to my house every week
  376. 8:30 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: :V
  377. 8:31 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: it's new month time so y'all get $
  378. 8:31 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: beautiful
  379. 8:31 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: hm
  380. 8:31 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so we don't have to bother going back every time we run out of grenades and we don't need to bother with counting them
  381. 8:31 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: eh, why not
  382. 8:31 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: :v
  383. 8:31 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: do i get paid?
  384. 8:31 PM - Entropy / Perseus: how much would a weekly shipment of each grenade cost me :v
  385. 8:31 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: I kind of just made my character
  386. 8:31 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you all do
  387. 8:31 PM - Entropy / Perseus: and this is my first of 2 months with the 10k bonus right?
  388. 8:31 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: owee
  389. 8:31 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yep
  390. 8:31 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: three months dude
  391. 8:31 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: loadsa $
  392. 8:32 PM - Entropy / Perseus: wait 3 months for him or us
  393. 8:32 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: him
  394. 8:32 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Entropy I mean I assume so did you
  395. 8:32 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: I wish you could buy humanity
  396. 8:33 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: I'm running out of that shit
  397. 8:33 PM - Entropy / Perseus: ok so I'm confused now lemme just clear this up
  398. 8:33 PM - Entropy / Perseus: for us who don't have new characters
  399. 8:33 PM - Entropy / Perseus: how many months passed
  400. 8:33 PM - MeltingDakka: >i wish you could buy humanity
  401. 8:33 PM - MeltingDakka: 10/10
  402. 8:33 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: :V
  403. 8:33 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: therapy i would assume
  404. 8:34 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: it's the end of the second month I'm pretty sure
  405. 8:34 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: as in, for the entire group
  406. 8:34 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: or wait
  407. 8:34 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: no it'd be the third month, Entropy did spend a lot of time recovering from his leg loss
  408. 8:34 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah
  409. 8:34 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: by the entire group I mean, y'know, the people who've been with the group from the very beginning, ie. Entropy, Potato and Tool
  410. 8:35 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I meant Bruce not Potato
  411. 8:35 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: goddamn
  412. 8:35 PM - Entropy / Perseus: woo I have 19,056 spendin dosh now
  413. 8:35 PM - Entropy / Perseus: thank you sexy sax
  414. 8:35 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you might have that much dosh indeed
  415. 8:35 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I need to name my sax
  416. 8:35 PM - Ass Ketchup: bruce is a faggot we better kill him before he's the only remaining original party member
  417. 8:35 PM - Entropy / Perseus: also my sax is chrome plated for the record
  418. 8:36 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Bruce is my favorite party member
  419. 8:36 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: wait
  420. 8:36 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: try to touch him and face the wrath of the GM
  421. 8:36 PM - Ass Ketchup: well that fits since youre a faggot too
  422. 8:36 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: actually nvm
  423. 8:36 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: shots fired, shots fired
  424. 8:36 PM - Ass Ketchup: hue hue
  425. 8:36 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I'd kick you but a) I know you're joking and b) I'm not that much of a crybaby :v
  426. 8:36 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: wat about merchant
  427. 8:36 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: :C
  428. 8:36 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: ill kill bruce
  429. 8:36 PM - Ass Ketchup: he died
  430. 8:36 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: he was cool too
  431. 8:37 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: no he didn't fuck butt
  432. 8:37 PM - Ass Ketchup: (inside)
  433. 8:37 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: but he's not with the group anymore
  434. 8:37 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: ah
  435. 8:37 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: yep
  436. 8:37 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: dude you're playing as him
  437. 8:37 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you should know best
  438. 8:37 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: well, were
  439. 8:37 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: since he's an NPC now
  440. 8:37 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: :v
  441. 8:37 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: ye
  442. 8:38 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: lol pdf plebs
  443. 8:38 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: excel sheet is best sheet
  444. 8:38 PM - MeltingDakka: ^
  445. 8:38 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Tool grabs a Jungle Reaper and a bandoleer of 25mm grenades from the armory. "For close encounters." he mutters.
  446. 8:38 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I like the .pdf sheet :v
  447. 8:38 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright, so, y'all niggas set?
  448. 8:38 PM - Entropy / Perseus: da
  449. 8:38 PM - Ass Ketchup: youre just jealous cuz the pdf sheet is cooler
  450. 8:38 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I got my API ammo and little packages of collateral damage
  451. 8:39 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: the pdf sheet looks like shit what are you talking about
  452. 8:39 PM - Ass Ketchup: so do you!!!!!
  453. 8:39 PM - MeltingDakka: no damage like collateral damage
  454. 8:39 PM - Entropy / Perseus: the color scheme is pretty shit but it works well
  455. 8:39 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: you haven't seen my roomy and comfortable excel sheet
  456. 8:39 PM - Ass Ketchup: no because i cant
  457. 8:39 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: this would play in the background as you're leaving the house if it was a movie (official bgm yo)
  458. 8:39 PM - Ass Ketchup: because i dont have excel
  459. 8:39 PM - Ass Ketchup: hahahahahaaha
  460. 8:39 PM - Ass Ketchup: suck it nigger
  461. 8:39 PM - Entropy / Perseus: ^
  462. 8:39 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: also yeah the .pdf is kinda ugly but it works
  463. 8:39 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: open office works buttface
  464. 8:39 PM - MeltingDakka: i have open office
  465. 8:39 PM - MeltingDakka: works just as well
  466. 8:40 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: also I don't have excel either, I use libreoffice :v
  467. 8:40 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: that should work too
  468. 8:40 PM - Ass Ketchup: idc buttweed
  469. 8:40 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: my sheet is just words
  470. 8:40 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: stop being so hostile you're hurting my feelings Elowin
  471. 8:40 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: no fancy functions or buttons to mess up your stuff
  472. 8:40 PM - Entropy / Perseus: also I'd like to point out how easily you twats get bored of shit
  473. 8:40 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: anyway yeah
  474. 8:40 PM - Entropy / Perseus: namely your characters
  475. 8:40 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "im data im bored of punching everything after 3 games new character"
  476. 8:41 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: It does get monotonous
  477. 8:41 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: As you're almost ready to leave the house, you hear the door bell ring.
  478. 8:41 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: batman was a terrible character in retrospect
  479. 8:41 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: also spoiler alert Data's new dude's gonna be punchy too
  480. 8:41 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: :v
  481. 8:41 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: but it loved stitch
  482. 8:41 PM - MeltingDakka: bored?
  483. 8:41 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "If it's a jehova's witness, I'm shooting it in the knee."
  484. 8:41 PM - MeltingDakka: i just feel like
  485. 8:41 PM - MeltingDakka: our party needs a character that isnt 100% combat
  486. 8:42 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: merchant cough
  487. 8:42 PM - Entropy / Perseus: that was sort of Entropy's original plan
  488. 8:42 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You open the door, to reveal a man wearing leather motorcycle clothes and a matching helmet. He's got a monokatana slung over his back.
  489. 8:42 PM - MeltingDakka: merchant left cough
  490. 8:42 PM - Entropy / Perseus: but 95% of the previous games were combat
  491. 8:42 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Wing, you're on
  492. 8:42 PM - Higeki Hiro: "Names"
  493. 8:42 PM - Higeki Hiro: "What are yours"
  494. 8:42 PM - Ass Ketchup: "Hi! Im Ash!"
  495. 8:43 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "To the point. I am Entropy. Explain your presence here."
  496. 8:43 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: btw in case you didn't read MY PAINSTAKINGLY CRAFTED REALISTIC EMAIL you're sent by Merchant to help the rest of the doods
  497. 8:43 PM - Entropy / Perseus: o yeah
  498. 8:43 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I read it
  499. 8:43 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I just forgot
  500. 8:43 PM - Higeki Hiro: Higeki takes off his glove and slices his hand with a traditional japanese tanto
  501. 8:43 PM - Entropy / Perseus: :v
  502. 8:43 PM - Higeki Hiro: "I am sworn to you by blood"
  503. 8:43 PM - Ass Ketchup: is this the suicide squad
  504. 8:43 PM - MeltingDakka: yes
  505. 8:43 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: eedgyyyyy
  506. 8:43 PM - Higeki Hiro: "Your grievances are mine"
  507. 8:43 PM - Ass Ketchup: or just the emo squad
  508. 8:43 PM - Higeki Hiro: "And my life is yours"
  509. 8:44 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Uh, I'm Bradley, Tool Bradley, but you can call me Too- and what the hell are you doin'?"
  510. 8:44 PM - Higeki Hiro: "As former executioner of the Yamaguchi gang I am your servant"
  511. 8:44 PM - Entropy / Perseus: Entropy nods, saying nothing edgyily
  512. 8:44 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Goddammit Boss I swear the more people you hire the weirder they get."
  513. 8:45 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "If you have any complaints, you can take it up with the complaints department." Entropy draws his gun and spins it.
  514. 8:45 PM - Higeki Hiro: "I was employed by a man named Yodare to serve and protect you"
  515. 8:45 PM - Higeki Hiro: "You may know his as Merchant"
  516. 8:45 PM - Ass Ketchup: "Who the fuck is- oh."
  517. 8:45 PM - Ass Ketchup: "I didnt know he had such a dumb name."
  518. 8:45 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "So he did send a replacement? An honest man. You seem capable."
  519. 8:46 PM - Higeki Hiro: "He goes by many names"
  520. 8:46 PM - Higeki Hiro: "A man of his business should not stay in one place or in one body"
  521. 8:47 PM - Ass Ketchup: "That's disgusting."
  522. 8:47 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  523. 8:47 PM - Higeki Hiro: He flicks the blood off of his tanto and stows it away
  524. 8:48 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Alright, we goin?"
  525. 8:49 PM - Ass Ketchup: "Where are we going again?"
  526. 8:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Let's."
  527. 8:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "We're going to acquire a large bounty and an item I've been searching for."
  528. 8:49 PM - Higeki Hiro: "Then I will follow"
  529. 8:50 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Tool takes place at the controls of your trusty (totally not stolen) AV.
  530. 8:50 PM - Ass Ketchup: "That didn't answer my question at all."
  531. 8:50 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Part of being the best is being able to roll with the punches, Ash. You'll find out when we get there. Now cease your questions."
  532. 8:51 PM - Ass Ketchup: "Oh, okay!"
  533. 8:51 PM - Ass Ketchup: "What does that mean by the way?"
  534. 8:51 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: wow Ash is almost as annoying as Elowin's OOC persona
  535. 8:51 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: :v
  536. 8:51 PM - Ass Ketchup: ;o
  537. 8:51 PM - Ass Ketchup: o;
  538. 8:51 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  539. 8:51 PM - Ass Ketchup: ;o
  540. 8:51 PM - Entropy / Perseus: Entropy sighs. "You're lucky you're good at causing damage." He ignores Ash and says to Tool, "Get us airborne already."
  541. 8:52 PM - Ass Ketchup: hey excuse me i only have 2 intelligence
  542. 8:52 PM - Higeki Hiro: what
  543. 8:52 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "I will, as soon as everyone's on board. Yes, that means you, mr. chainsaw arm. Get on."
  544. 8:52 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: that... sort of makes sense
  545. 8:52 PM - Higeki Hiro: oh wait nevermind
  546. 8:52 PM - Higeki Hiro: i was going to say you should be retarded
  547. 8:52 PM - Higeki Hiro: and then realized that you are retarded
  548. 8:52 PM - Ass Ketchup: hue
  549. 8:54 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The AV zips off into the lead colored sky.
  550. 8:54 PM - Ass Ketchup: what did you expect from fucking ash ketchum
  551. 8:54 PM - Ass Ketchup: obviously he's a complete idiot that's like his thing
  552. 8:54 PM - MeltingDakka: :v
  553. 8:54 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah but he's like 10
  554. 8:54 PM - Ass Ketchup: he's dumber than your average 10 year old
  555. 8:55 PM - Ass Ketchup: also he has some kind of syndrome that makes him look more like a 14ish year old
  556. 8:55 PM - Higeki Hiro:
  557. 8:55 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: maybe, tbh I haven't really watched the anime :v
  558. 8:55 PM - Ass Ketchup: you have no childhood
  559. 8:55 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  560. 8:55 PM - Higeki Hiro: ciaster has never seen an anime
  561. 8:55 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I do it's just... alright I don't
  562. 8:55 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: also yes i have never seen an anime
  563. 8:55 PM - Higeki Hiro: he is the least weaboo of anyone in the world
  564. 8:55 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and I'm proud
  565. 8:55 PM - Higeki Hiro: at least watch the good ones
  566. 8:56 PM - Ass Ketchup: atleast watch pokeymen
  567. 8:56 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I do have an unexplainable love for terrible 80s cinema tho so it evens out :v
  568. 8:56 PM - MeltingDakka: weeb levels are unrelated, lets continue :v
  569. 8:56 PM - Higeki Hiro: just watch cowboy bebop and samurai champloo
  570. 8:56 PM - Ass Ketchup: dont forget pokeymen
  571. 8:56 PM - Higeki Hiro: eh
  572. 8:56 PM - Higeki Hiro: that is only good for nostalgia purposes
  573. 8:56 PM - Ass Ketchup: also how can you have never ever watched neither dbz nor naruter
  574. 8:56 PM - MeltingDakka: >naruto
  575. 8:56 PM - MeltingDakka: >good
  576. 8:56 PM - Higeki Hiro: if you haven't seen it then it doesn't matter
  577. 8:57 PM - Ass Ketchup: >dbz
  578. 8:57 PM - Ass Ketchup: >good
  579. 8:57 PM - MeltingDakka: dont talk shit about dbz
  580. 8:57 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: After a short flight over the increasingly more dilapidated areas of the city, you finally reach the area of the Combat Zone the place you're gonna be storming is apparently in.
  581. 8:57 PM - MeltingDakka: i'll dick you faggot
  582. 8:57 PM - Higeki Hiro: lets just continue
  583. 8:57 PM - Ass Ketchup: i'm just saying it's like impossible to not have watched either
  584. 8:57 PM - MeltingDakka: he's polish :v
  585. 8:57 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You can see the numerous oil refineries in the distance, an oasis of productivity in the wretched destroyed post-urban landscape.
  586. 8:57 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro gets out of the AV with his hand on his monokatana
  587. 8:58 PM - Ass Ketchup: oh
  588. 8:58 PM - Ass Ketchup: right
  589. 8:58 PM - Ass Ketchup: thats right
  590. 8:58 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: they're around here in poland
  591. 8:58 PM - Ass Ketchup: explains everything
  592. 8:58 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: it's just that
  593. 8:58 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I don't like anime
  594. 8:58 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: never did
  595. 8:58 PM - Ass Ketchup: wait
  596. 8:58 PM - Ass Ketchup: if you've never ever watched assnimu
  597. 8:58 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I used to say that too Ciaster
  598. 8:58 PM - Ass Ketchup: how can you know you dont like assnimu
  599. 8:58 PM - Entropy / Perseus: until I watched Gurren Lagann
  600. 8:58 PM - Entropy / Perseus: then my life changed forever
  601. 8:58 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  602. 8:58 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I'm a stubborn Cashub is how
  603. 8:58 PM - Ass Ketchup: oh
  604. 8:58 PM - Entropy / Perseus: being stubborn normal pole nature?
  605. 8:58 PM - Higeki Hiro: Gurren Lagann is the definition of anime
  606. 8:59 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1:
  607. 8:59 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: well sort of I suppose
  608. 8:59 PM - MeltingDakka: ok let's continue
  609. 8:59 PM - Higeki Hiro: I'll be in your house within the hour
  610. 8:59 PM - Higeki Hiro: ye
  611. 8:59 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I mean I don't speak the goofy language
  612. 8:59 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: anyway yeah
  613. 8:59 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Finding the right building doesn't take Tool long.
  614. 9:00 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: For one, it's the least devastated one in the area.
  615. 9:00 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The second thing is the burst of machinegun fire that narrowly misses the AV as it's making its rounds.
  616. 9:00 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "They're on the roof of that place!" yells your faithful driver.
  617. 9:01 PM - Higeki Hiro: "How low are you to the roof?"
  618. 9:01 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Get 'em before they riddle us with bullets and we'll crash and burn in this hellhole!"
  619. 9:01 PM - Ass Ketchup: I shoot my rockets at them
  620. 9:01 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "We have the necessary equipment for that."
  621. 9:01 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The AV is about, I dunno, forty, maybe fifty meters above the building.
  622. 9:01 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright Ass roll heavy weapons
  623. 9:01 PM - Higeki Hiro: so i assume i can't jump that shit
  624. 9:01 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: not really :v
  625. 9:01 PM - Ass Ketchup: what was the diceroom again
  626. 9:01 PM - Higeki Hiro: I need to get some cyberlegs
  627. 9:01 PM - Higeki Hiro: CiastersCP2020Bonanza
  628. 9:02 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: ayup
  629. 9:02 PM - Higeki Hiro: have fun with that backblast ash
  630. 9:02 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: the LAWs have none
  631. 9:02 PM - Higeki Hiro: o
  632. 9:03 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: it's explained away as them using like compressed air to launch the projectile
  633. 9:03 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: or something
  634. 9:03 PM - Higeki Hiro: that sounds highly ineffective
  635. 9:03 PM - Ass Ketchup: magic
  636. 9:03 PM - MeltingDakka: well
  637. 9:03 PM - Entropy / Perseus: ~future
  638. 9:03 PM - Entropy / Perseus: ~
  639. 9:03 PM - MeltingDakka: thats an improvement from their normal backblast
  640. 9:03 PM - MeltingDakka: of something like 270 feet?
  641. 9:03 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: sufficiently advanced technology is indisguishable from magic
  642. 9:04 PM - Ass Ketchup: gasp
  643. 9:04 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: (arthur c.clarke get on my level scrubs)
  644. 9:04 PM - Higeki Hiro: you said it was doctor seuss
  645. 9:04 PM - Higeki Hiro: until i told u it was arthur c clarke u scrub
  646. 9:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: lolno
  647. 9:05 PM - Higeki Hiro: yeslol
  648. 9:05 PM - MeltingDakka: Sun Tzu says, "Watch the backblast you moron."
  649. 9:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: :v
  650. 9:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: anyway roll already dammit
  651. 9:05 PM - Ass Ketchup: i did
  652. 9:05 PM - Ass Ketchup: oh you want me to post it here
  653. 9:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yes
  654. 9:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I very much do
  655. 9:05 PM - Ass Ketchup: ass nigger ketchups: 1D10+12 => 18
  656. 9:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: classy
  657. 9:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: the name I mean
  658. 9:06 PM - Ass Ketchup: thx
  659. 9:07 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The three LAW rockets hit the middle of the roof, turning a group of Warrior Hearts who were just chillin' there into mincemeat and blasting a pretty large hole in the roof itself, further ruining the building. The machinegun nests are unaffected.
  660. 9:07 PM - Ass Ketchup: ;<
  661. 9:07 PM - MeltingDakka: nice shot
  662. 9:08 PM - Higeki Hiro: "Drive me closer"
  663. 9:08 PM - Higeki Hiro: "I want to hit them with my sword"
  664. 9:08 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Your shoots fly true, Ash. You may not be clever, but at least you can hit them worth a damn."
  665. 9:08 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "I want to stay un-riddled by bullets. Not goin' any closer till you get these guys, choomba."
  666. 9:09 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "C
  667. 9:09 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: 'mon, doesn't anyone here have a gun?"
  668. 9:09 PM - Entropy / Perseus: well what's left
  669. 9:09 PM - Entropy / Perseus: the nests?
  670. 9:09 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah
  671. 9:09 PM - Entropy / Perseus: i shoot ye nestes
  672. 9:09 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: which one
  673. 9:09 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: there's two
  674. 9:09 PM - Ass Ketchup: all
  675. 9:10 PM - Entropy / Perseus: yes
  676. 9:10 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright sure roll
  677. 9:10 PM - Entropy / Perseus: well then I shoot one twice
  678. 9:10 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright sure roll
  679. 9:10 PM - Entropy / Perseus: too many modifiers aaa 1 sec
  680. 9:11 PM - Entropy / Perseus: repeat 2 10+1+6+ 1D10 => 25 ; 26
  681. 9:11 PM - Entropy / Perseus: crit
  682. 9:11 PM - Entropy / Perseus: no wait nevermind
  683. 9:11 PM - Entropy / Perseus: damn
  684. 9:11 PM - Entropy / Perseus: oh well
  685. 9:11 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: neato
  686. 9:11 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: it's still two hits at Long range
  687. 9:11 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: with a handgun
  688. 9:11 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: nice job
  689. 9:11 PM - MeltingDakka: such modifier
  690. 9:11 PM - MeltingDakka: so wow
  691. 9:11 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: location and damage nig
  692. 9:11 PM - Entropy / Perseus: yes but I also need to pay attention to giant anime robots pnp too
  693. 9:12 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so suck a dick I'm a busy man
  694. 9:13 PM - MeltingDakka: hurry your shit up
  695. 9:13 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: 03:11 - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: location and damage nig
  696. 9:13 PM - Entropy / Perseus: relax u shit
  697. 9:13 PM - Entropy / Perseus: mum needed me
  698. 9:13 PM - MeltingDakka: :v
  699. 9:13 PM - MeltingDakka: swer on me mum
  700. 9:13 PM - Ass Ketchup: i'll slap ur mum silly
  701. 9:13 PM - Entropy / Perseus: repeat 2 5D6 => 21 ; 23
  702. 9:13 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright
  703. 9:13 PM - Entropy / Perseus: repeat 2 1D10 => 9 ; 2
  704. 9:13 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and alright
  705. 9:14 PM - MeltingDakka: why does your pistol do 5d6
  706. 9:14 PM - Entropy / Perseus: don't forget I have API ammo
  707. 9:14 PM - Higeki Hiro: what the fuck
  708. 9:14 PM - MeltingDakka: ah
  709. 9:14 PM - Ass Ketchup: thats more than my shotgun
  710. 9:14 PM - Ass Ketchup: bullshity
  711. 9:14 PM - Higeki Hiro: that is more than my monokatana lazer blade shit
  712. 9:14 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: One of the machinegunners catches both bullets. The first one shatters the bone in his leg, bowling him over. As he's laying on the ground, the next one slams into his chest, going through the lightweight vest like a hot knife through butter.
  713. 9:15 PM - Ass Ketchup: i need to get more heavy weapons training
  714. 9:15 PM - Entropy / Perseus: and then he catches fire
  715. 9:15 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The next one, enraged by the loss of his comrade, yells as he fills the air around your AV with bullets. You'd better get him soon.
  716. 9:16 PM - Entropy / Perseus: well whose turn it be
  717. 9:16 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: the next guys
  718. 9:16 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: but he's kind of not specced in ranged
  719. 9:16 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: oh well
  720. 9:16 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright Ass your turn again
  721. 9:16 PM - Ass Ketchup: how close am i
  722. 9:17 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: 50 meters
  723. 9:17 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: give or take
  724. 9:17 PM - Ass Ketchup: how big are my chances of surviving a jump down there
  725. 9:17 PM - MeltingDakka: 0
  726. 9:17 PM - Ass Ketchup: ;(
  727. 9:17 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  728. 9:17 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: around 0 to 5%
  729. 9:17 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: without dying
  730. 9:17 PM - Higeki Hiro: if anyone is jumping it is me
  731. 9:17 PM - Ass Ketchup: ok i guess i'll just throw a grenade
  732. 9:18 PM - Entropy / Perseus: throw pikachu
  733. 9:18 PM - Ass Ketchup: thats not a bad idea
  734. 9:18 PM - Ass Ketchup: except
  735. 9:18 PM - Ass Ketchup: how large are the chances of my pikachu surviving that
  736. 9:18 PM - MeltingDakka: 0
  737. 9:18 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: around 0%
  738. 9:18 PM - Ass Ketchup: ;<
  739. 9:19 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: but he might stain the guy's paints with his blood if you throw him right
  740. 9:19 PM - Ass Ketchup: well then just grenade then
  741. 9:19 PM - Ass Ketchup: completely regular HE grenade
  742. 9:19 PM - Ass Ketchup: of boredom
  743. 9:19 PM - Ass Ketchup: except
  744. 9:19 PM - Ass Ketchup: its
  745. 9:19 PM - Ass Ketchup: a
  746. 9:19 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: roll ye dice
  747. 9:19 PM - Ass Ketchup: POKEBALL
  748. 9:19 PM - Ass Ketchup: oh come on
  749. 9:19 PM - Ass Ketchup: ass nigger ketchups: 1D10+20 => 21
  750. 9:19 PM - Entropy / Perseus: gj
  751. 9:19 PM - Ass Ketchup: motherfucker
  752. 9:19 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: ahahaha
  753. 9:20 PM - Entropy / Perseus: you shit you better not blow us up
  754. 9:20 PM - Ass Ketchup: why does that always happen to me
  755. 9:20 PM - Ass Ketchup: ;<
  756. 9:20 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: roll on fumble table
  757. 9:20 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I swear I will shoot you
  758. 9:20 PM - Entropy / Perseus: but first I'll discect pikachu infront of you
  759. 9:20 PM - Ass Ketchup: ass nigger ketchups: 1D10 => 9
  760. 9:20 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "you manage to wound the member of your own party."
  761. 9:20 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: welp
  762. 9:20 PM - Higeki Hiro:
  763. 9:20 PM - Entropy / Perseus: tool tool tool tool tool
  764. 9:20 PM - Higeki Hiro: tool tool tool tool tool
  765. 9:20 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: roll 1d3
  766. 9:21 PM - Entropy / Perseus: toooooolie toolie toolie tool
  767. 9:21 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: if tool gets hit
  768. 9:21 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you're all dead
  769. 9:21 PM - Bruce Brynes entered chat.
  770. 9:21 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: pretty much
  771. 9:21 PM - Entropy / Perseus: shot
  772. 9:21 PM - Entropy / Perseus: shit
  773. 9:21 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: oh hey Bruce
  774. 9:21 PM - Entropy / Perseus: HIT BRYNES
  775. 9:21 PM - Higeki Hiro: BruceBruceBruceBruce
  776. 9:21 PM - Entropy / Perseus: YES
  777. 9:21 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah
  778. 9:21 PM - Bruce Brynes: oh yeah we're playing
  779. 9:21 PM - Ass Ketchup: hi bruce
  780. 9:21 PM - Entropy / Perseus: BRUCE BRUCE BRUCE
  781. 9:21 PM - Ass Ketchup: i just blowed everyone up
  782. 9:21 PM - Bruce Brynes: I was gonna fall asleep watching Kamen Rider
  783. 9:21 PM - Entropy / Perseus: Bruce suddenly appears in the AV and catches the grenadew
  784. 9:21 PM - Ass Ketchup: but
  785. 9:21 PM - Higeki Hiro: BRUCE BRUCE BRUCE
  791. 9:21 PM - Ass Ketchup: but
  792. 9:21 PM - Ass Ketchup: but
  793. 9:21 PM - MeltingDakka: roll 1d4 now! c:
  794. 9:21 PM - Bruce Brynes: Did I miss shit?
  795. 9:21 PM - Ass Ketchup: it was an accident this time!
  796. 9:21 PM - Ass Ketchup: 1D4 => 3
  797. 9:21 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Bruce materializes in the AV just as Ass is trying to throw the grenade.
  798. 9:21 PM - Entropy / Perseus: FUCK YOU
  799. 9:22 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright, it's Entropy
  800. 9:22 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: rip
  801. 9:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: is that u
  802. 9:22 PM - Entropy / Perseus: wait
  803. 9:22 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: damage
  804. 9:22 PM - Entropy / Perseus: that's not fair
  805. 9:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: lol
  806. 9:22 PM - Entropy / Perseus: why does he count
  807. 9:22 PM - Bruce Brynes: Why am I late?
  808. 9:22 PM - Entropy / Perseus: he shouldn't count
  809. 9:22 PM - Entropy / Perseus: as one of the 1d4
  810. 9:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: uh
  811. 9:22 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: he should
  812. 9:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: you are 1 hours and 14 minutes late
  813. 9:22 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: it was 1d3 before he went in
  814. 9:22 PM - MeltingDakka: 22 minutes*
  815. 9:22 PM - Bruce Brynes: Fuck dude, I've been here to entire time
  816. 9:22 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: also yes Potato you're kind of late
  817. 9:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: of fuq
  818. 9:22 PM - Ass Ketchup: 7D6 => 26
  819. 9:22 PM - Ass Ketchup: rip
  820. 9:22 PM - Entropy / Perseus: still he shouldn't be part of it otherwise it would have been damage self
  821. 9:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: what a weird ass time skip there
  822. 9:22 PM - Entropy / Perseus: ruuuuude
  823. 9:22 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright wot's your armor Dan
  824. 9:22 PM - Bruce Brynes: whatever. What did I miss?
  825. 9:23 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: not much
  826. 9:23 PM - Higeki Hiro: I am different
  827. 9:23 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you're raiding an apartment building in the combat zone
  828. 9:23 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: full of gangers
  829. 9:23 PM - Higeki Hiro: and so is data
  830. 9:23 PM - Higeki Hiro: but he isn't here yet
  831. 9:23 PM - MeltingDakka: ;)
  832. 9:23 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: just 'cause Entropy wants a new toy
  833. 9:23 PM - Ass Ketchup: rip entropy
  834. 9:23 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: (and to claim a bounty)
  835. 9:23 PM - Entropy / Perseus: 12 in my head, 26s on my torso and arms
  836. 9:23 PM - Entropy / Perseus: 24 on my cyberleg and 12 on the other
  837. 9:23 PM - Entropy / Perseus: actually 16 on the other
  838. 9:23 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright
  839. 9:24 PM - Ass Ketchup: sooo
  840. 9:24 PM - Bruce Brynes:
  841. 9:24 PM - Ass Ketchup: you died
  842. 9:24 PM - Higeki Hiro: what in the holy fuck is that
  843. 9:24 PM - MeltingDakka: that is potato
  844. 9:24 PM - Ass Ketchup: is that me
  845. 9:24 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The grenade slams into Entropy's chest in the same milisecond it explodes. Most of the shrapnel goes outwards, but some of it slams straight into his chest armor.
  846. 9:24 PM - Higeki Hiro: lol what
  847. 9:24 PM - MeltingDakka: in a manly-ass kilt
  848. 9:24 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: uwot
  849. 9:25 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "You incompetent screwup! The only thing you're the best at is being a nusicence!"
  850. 9:25 PM - Entropy / Perseus: how low are we again
  851. 9:25 PM - Entropy / Perseus: is it low enough to survive a drop
  852. 9:25 PM - Higeki Hiro: 50m
  853. 9:25 PM - Higeki Hiro: no
  854. 9:25 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: 50 meters
  855. 9:25 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: uh...
  856. 9:25 PM - Ass Ketchup: so wait
  857. 9:25 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: roll acrobatics?
  858. 9:25 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so he won't survive if I push him out eh
  859. 9:25 PM - Bruce Brynes: And keep in mind that's my hair on a GOOD day
  860. 9:25 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: oh, that's what you want to do
  861. 9:25 PM - Bruce Brynes: I have a lot of hair
  862. 9:25 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: no, he won't
  863. 9:25 PM - Ass Ketchup: how did that explosion not damage everyone else
  864. 9:25 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: unless he gets really lucky
  865. 9:25 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Entropy
  866. 9:26 PM - Ass Ketchup: when we're in a small helicopter
  867. 9:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: convenience?
  868. 9:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: shaped charges
  869. 9:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: gm magic
  870. 9:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: dice
  871. 9:26 PM - Higeki Hiro: cut it yo
  872. 9:26 PM - Bruce Brynes: Oh man are we in a helicopter again?
  873. 9:26 PM - Ass Ketchup: yes
  874. 9:26 PM - Ass Ketchup: huehuehue
  875. 9:26 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: 's body armor absorbed the shrapnel, the rest of it went outside
  876. 9:26 PM - Higeki Hiro: short hair is always better
  877. 9:26 PM - Bruce Brynes: Can we blow up a giant building for old timne's sake?
  878. 9:26 PM - Ass Ketchup: and i just accidentally a grenade in here
  879. 9:26 PM - Ass Ketchup: huehuehueh
  880. 9:26 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah you're in an AV IT'S NOT A HELICOPTER DAMMIT
  881. 9:26 PM - Higeki Hiro: even though i never follow that rule
  882. 9:26 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: but yeah pretty much
  883. 9:26 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: it's a flying van
  884. 9:27 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Entropy, wanna throw Ass out of the AV?
  885. 9:27 PM - Entropy / Perseus: not if it'll kill him
  886. 9:27 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: actually roll for the Edge thing
  887. 9:27 PM - MeltingDakka: aw shit
  888. 9:27 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: it won't 'cause GM fiat but it'll be funny
  889. 9:27 PM - Entropy / Perseus: then we'd have to go through the whole getting a new party member thing
  890. 9:27 PM - Entropy / Perseus: ok yes
  891. 9:27 PM - Entropy / Perseus: doing it then
  892. 9:27 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright, no roll then
  893. 9:27 PM - Entropy / Perseus: 7
  894. 9:27 PM - Ass Ketchup: then i could play the techwizard!!!
  895. 9:27 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: roleplay it out nigga
  896. 9:27 PM - Entropy / Perseus: didn't hit my emp
  897. 9:27 PM - Bruce Brynes: So who is the new character, Wing?
  898. 9:27 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and no no techwizards
  899. 9:27 PM - Higeki Hiro: Yakuza biker assassin
  900. 9:28 PM - Ass Ketchup: he's an emo asian dude with a sword
  901. 9:28 PM - Entropy / Perseus: Entropy kicks Ash out the window after his spectacular fuckup
  902. 9:28 PM - Entropy / Perseus: window
  903. 9:28 PM - Entropy / Perseus: door
  904. 9:28 PM - Entropy / Perseus: heli
  905. 9:28 PM - Entropy / Perseus: whatevs
  906. 9:28 PM - Ass Ketchup: and his first interaction with us was that he cut his own wrist
  907. 9:28 PM - Higeki Hiro: sworn by bushido and fucked up beyond imagination
  908. 9:28 PM - Higeki Hiro: bitch was was a blood oath
  909. 9:28 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "And take your rat too!" he throws pikachu after him assuming pikachu came with us
  910. 9:28 PM - Higeki Hiro: i will cut u
  911. 9:28 PM - Bruce Brynes: So 'Pyscho biker'
  912. 9:28 PM - Higeki Hiro: no
  913. 9:28 PM - Ass Ketchup: ok
  914. 9:28 PM - Higeki Hiro: not really
  915. 9:28 PM - Higeki Hiro: just heartless biker
  916. 9:28 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Ash flies through the air as he's screaming something sounding vaguely japanese. He slams into one of the still intact AC units, reducing it to scrap metal. By some miracle, his grenades don't go off.
  917. 9:28 PM - Ass Ketchup: can I throw pikachu back into the helicopter while i'm falling?
  918. 9:28 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Roll 1d4
  919. 9:28 PM - Higeki Hiro: that is traditional as fuck
  920. 9:29 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: for the amount of broken limbs this is gonna give you :v
  921. 9:29 PM - Bruce Brynes: Compared to 'Pyscho jazz mussician', 'Slightly less pyscho lucha' and jut plain ol' 'pyscho'
  922. 9:29 PM - Ass Ketchup: :<
  923. 9:29 PM - Entropy / Perseus: oh yeee
  924. 9:29 PM - Entropy / Perseus: he didn't die
  925. 9:29 PM - Entropy / Perseus: broken limbs I can live with
  926. 9:29 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: 1d4 mister
  927. 9:29 PM - Entropy / Perseus: and so can he
  928. 9:29 PM - Ass Ketchup: 1D4 => 3
  929. 9:29 PM - Entropy / Perseus: wait me or him
  930. 9:29 PM - Ass Ketchup: so that's like
  931. 9:29 PM - Entropy / Perseus: pfft
  932. 9:29 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: ahaha
  933. 9:29 PM - Higeki Hiro: you should probably read my characters god damn bio and you'll learn why he is a psycho bitch
  934. 9:29 PM - Ass Ketchup: three of my toes ok
  935. 9:29 PM - Ass Ketchup: yes ok sure cool
  936. 9:29 PM - Bruce Brynes: oh wow you have a bio
  937. 9:29 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so your character is cool with me shoving Ash out the window
  938. 9:29 PM - Ass Ketchup: fuck that
  939. 9:29 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Both his legs and his left arm are broken in the fall.
  940. 9:29 PM - Entropy / Perseus: im ok with this
  941. 9:30 PM - Higeki Hiro: ye
  942. 9:30 PM - Ass Ketchup: ok
  943. 9:30 PM - Higeki Hiro: that is why excel is best
  944. 9:30 PM - Entropy / Perseus: at least he can still throw with his right
  945. 9:30 PM - Entropy / Perseus: :V
  946. 9:30 PM - Ass Ketchup: can I throw pikachu back now?
  947. 9:30 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah
  948. 9:30 PM - MeltingDakka: only the chainsaw arm is intact i think
  949. 9:30 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: but he kinda can't walk
  950. 9:30 PM - Ass Ketchup: then i do
  951. 9:30 PM - Bruce Brynes: Yeah, which is the saw arm?
  952. 9:30 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I'll order my new samauri guy to carry him
  953. 9:30 PM - Higeki Hiro: "Shall I finish him off?"
  954. 9:30 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: also, as he's laying on the ground, pikachu safely lands on his chest and squeaks.
  955. 9:30 PM - Ass Ketchup: yo
  956. 9:30 PM - Ass Ketchup: yooooooo
  957. 9:30 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yes
  958. 9:30 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "No. Leave him."
  959. 9:30 PM - Ass Ketchup: can i throw my pikachu back
  960. 9:30 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: why would you
  961. 9:30 PM - Ass Ketchup: because im going to make it zap him
  962. 9:30 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: no
  963. 9:31 PM - Ass Ketchup: right in the face
  964. 9:31 PM - Higeki Hiro: "Then so be it"
  965. 9:31 PM - Ass Ketchup: ;<
  966. 9:31 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: still no
  967. 9:31 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "If he survived a fall from that height, then he might serve some purpose yet."
  968. 9:31 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Incompetent, but hardy."
  969. 9:31 PM - Bruce Brynes: "I wish I knew what was going on in my life"
  970. 9:31 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Ketchup moans as he's laying in the remains of the AC unit.
  971. 9:31 PM - Higeki Hiro: "A wise observation"
  972. 9:31 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Bruce, you're up
  973. 9:31 PM - Bruce Brynes: kk
  974. 9:31 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "I'd silence that tongue of yours, unless you want to go after him, Brynes."
  975. 9:31 PM - Bruce Brynes: what the hell is going on
  976. 9:31 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: there's one machinegun nest to take out
  977. 9:31 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you're storming an apartment building full of gangers
  978. 9:31 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: in the combat zone
  979. 9:31 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: 'cause Entropy wants a new gun
  980. 9:32 PM - Entropy / Perseus: c:
  981. 9:32 PM - Higeki Hiro:
  982. 9:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: So we're in an aptarment?
  983. 9:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: Or a fly thingy
  984. 9:32 PM - Higeki Hiro: no
  985. 9:32 PM - Higeki Hiro: in the AV
  986. 9:32 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you're above the building
  987. 9:32 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: in the AV
  988. 9:32 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: dude Ass just fell 50 meters
  989. 9:32 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: how else would he pull that off
  990. 9:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: and there is a nest of machine gunners
  991. 9:32 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah
  992. 9:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: Throw him out the window
  993. 9:32 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: one machinegunner in fact
  994. 9:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: I still have the sniper
  995. 9:33 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: the other nest is kind of full of blood after Entropy splattered the other guy
  996. 9:33 PM - Bruce Brynes: and he's staionary.....
  997. 9:33 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah that's what I was hoping you'd do
  998. 9:33 PM - Bruce Brynes: just for that i'm gonna doomguy his ass with the shotgun
  999. 9:33 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: eh sure why not
  1000. 9:33 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: :v
  1001. 9:33 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: be my guest
  1002. 9:33 PM - Bruce Brynes: I whip out the euro sniper rifle
  1003. 9:34 PM - Bruce Brynes: One of these days i'm gonna put that thing down on my sheet
  1004. 9:34 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  1005. 9:34 PM - Higeki Hiro: use my excel sheet
  1006. 9:34 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: what euro - oh, the PSG-1
  1007. 9:34 PM - Higeki Hiro: its so much easier to store info on
  1008. 9:34 PM - Bruce Brynes: We fuckin' get it you have a hard on for excel
  1009. 9:34 PM - Entropy / Perseus: nigga nobody uses excel
  1010. 9:34 PM - MeltingDakka: i'll vouch for the excel sheet
  1011. 9:34 PM - Higeki Hiro: bitch use open office then
  1012. 9:34 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah I use libreoffice
  1013. 9:35 PM - MeltingDakka: its wayyy better~
  1014. 9:35 PM - Higeki Hiro: its the same god damn thing
  1015. 9:35 PM - Bruce Brynes: Foxit reader
  1016. 9:35 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: honestly I prefer the .pdf but we already had that derail
  1017. 9:35 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: nigga
  1018. 9:35 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: just roll for the shot
  1019. 9:35 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: :v
  1020. 9:35 PM - Bruce Brynes: KK
  1021. 9:35 PM - Bruce Brynes: 4
  1022. 9:35 PM - Bruce Brynes: soooo
  1023. 9:36 PM - Bruce Brynes: 25!
  1024. 9:36 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright neato
  1025. 9:36 PM - Bruce Brynes: yaaaay having hella rifle
  1026. 9:36 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: location, damage
  1027. 9:36 PM - Higeki Hiro: i bet none of you guys have even seen my sheet
  1028. 9:36 PM - Higeki Hiro: except for data that is
  1029. 9:36 PM - Bruce Brynes: and I asume still target counteracts in moving vehicle?
  1030. 9:36 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah it's 6d6+2
  1031. 9:36 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I assume so
  1032. 9:36 PM - Bruce Brynes: noice
  1033. 9:36 PM - Higeki Hiro: holy shit
  1034. 9:36 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: also I have seen the sheet dude
  1035. 9:36 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I'm the GM
  1036. 9:37 PM - Higeki Hiro: aside from ciaster and data then
  1037. 9:37 PM - Bruce Brynes: 27 damage
  1038. 9:37 PM - Bruce Brynes: Insert weird al joke here
  1039. 9:37 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and location?
  1040. 9:37 PM - Bruce Brynes: one sec
  1041. 9:37 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: kay
  1042. 9:37 PM - Bruce Brynes: 4
  1043. 9:37 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright think that's torso
  1044. 9:37 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yep
  1045. 9:37 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright
  1046. 9:38 PM - Bruce Brynes: aggh, thjis is bugging me
  1047. 9:38 PM - Bruce Brynes:
  1048. 9:38 PM - Bruce Brynes: who does this look like?
  1049. 9:38 PM - Bruce Brynes: Cause it's really familiar
  1050. 9:38 PM - Bruce Brynes: I mean I know it's transformers
  1051. 9:38 PM - Bruce Brynes: but it looks like something else
  1052. 9:38 PM - MeltingDakka: face resembles megamn and gutsman
  1053. 9:39 PM - MeltingDakka: now shush, now is cyberpunk time
  1054. 9:39 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeah, maybe
  1055. 9:39 PM - Bruce Brynes: Was thinking it was something megaman related
  1056. 9:39 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: In one quick, trained movement, Bruce yanks the sniper rifle out of his duffel bag, raises it to eye level, and pops off one shot. The remaining machinegunner falls to the ground with a large hole in his sternum.
  1057. 9:39 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The roof is clear and Tool gets ready to touch down.
  1058. 9:39 PM - Higeki Hiro: "Your speed is admirable"
  1059. 9:40 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Your AV gracefully lands on the concrete of the roof of what was once a middle class apartment building.
  1060. 9:40 PM - Higeki Hiro: "Although I have never used a gun, so I have nothing to compare"
  1061. 9:40 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Um, thanks. i guess."
  1062. 9:40 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Do y'all wanna loot the dudes you killed? And do you want to check out what happened to Ketchup?
  1063. 9:40 PM - Bruce Brynes: yes and no
  1064. 9:40 PM - MeltingDakka: (loot everything)
  1065. 9:41 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Tool unbuckles his seatbelt, grabs his rifle, and jumps out of the AV. "Alright, we're here."
  1066. 9:41 PM - Ass Ketchup: thats just rude bruce
  1067. 9:41 PM - Entropy / Perseus: loot all the things
  1068. 9:41 PM - Entropy / Perseus: WAAAAIT
  1069. 9:41 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro examines the bodies but does not touch them
  1070. 9:41 PM - Entropy / Perseus: they had mounted nested machine guns
  1071. 9:41 PM - Bruce Brynes: omg
  1072. 9:41 PM - Bruce Brynes: Loot this
  1073. 9:41 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I want to tear them off and stuff them in the AV for later mounting
  1074. 9:41 PM - Bruce Brynes: attach them to AV
  1075. 9:42 PM - Bruce Brynes: Fuck bitches get money
  1076. 9:42 PM - Entropy / Perseus: ^^^
  1077. 9:42 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you find: two M60 machine guns, four 100 round boxes of 7.62x51, and a couple of chunks of meat from the Hearts your friend Ass splattered with his LAW.
  1078. 9:42 PM - Higeki Hiro: our techie can fix em on there
  1079. 9:42 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I hope someone is logging this cause I'm not
  1080. 9:42 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I mean the loot
  1081. 9:42 PM - Higeki Hiro: "I discover nothing of interest"
  1082. 9:42 PM - Entropy / Perseus: not the actual log
  1083. 9:42 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The M60s get chucked in the roomy back of the AV, along with the ammo.
  1084. 9:42 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I will actually
  1085. 9:42 PM - Entropy / Perseus: k cool
  1086. 9:42 PM - Entropy / Perseus: We should make a document of all the loot in the armory
  1087. 9:43 PM - Bruce Brynes: maybe, actually
  1088. 9:43 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah later on maybe
  1089. 9:43 PM - Bruce Brynes: well, we pretty much leave no loot un-taken
  1090. 9:43 PM - Higeki Hiro: a inventory manifest
  1091. 9:43 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so while they drag the new loot into the AV, I go over to Ash
  1092. 9:43 PM - Entropy / Perseus: as he's lying there and probably moaning in pain, I nudge him with my foot
  1093. 9:43 PM - Higeki Hiro: could lead to some nice plot shit like if someone notices the manifest mysteriously changes
  1094. 9:44 PM - Higeki Hiro: "What would you want done with him"
  1095. 9:44 PM - Entropy / Perseus: is he moaning in pain
  1096. 9:44 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: absolutely
  1097. 9:44 PM - Higeki Hiro: probably
  1098. 9:44 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "You're certainly the best at not dying, at least."
  1099. 9:45 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: man Entropy's an asshole
  1100. 9:45 PM - Entropy / Perseus: c;
  1101. 9:45 PM - Bruce Brynes: omg
  1102. 9:45 PM - Bruce Brynes: wow
  1103. 9:45 PM - Bruce Brynes: such knowledg
  1104. 9:45 PM - Bruce Brynes: so realize
  1105. 9:45 PM - Bruce Brynes: wow
  1106. 9:45 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: that's why we all love him tho
  1107. 9:45 PM - Higeki Hiro: "Shall we bring him to the hospital when we are done"
  1108. 9:45 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: also why the sarcasm Potato
  1109. 9:45 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Hiro, carry him. We'll deal with his injuries later."
  1110. 9:46 PM - Bruce Brynes: We all know this ya ass but :v
  1111. 9:46 PM - Bruce Brynes: It's not really a secret
  1112. 9:46 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah I know
  1113. 9:46 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro picks up Ash and throws him over his shoulders"
  1114. 9:46 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: that wasn't supposed to be a realization
  1115. 9:46 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: more of a "so hey, guys, that entropy sure is an asshole, right? heh" thing
  1116. 9:46 PM - Bruce Brynes: eh, fair enough
  1117. 9:46 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: also
  1118. 9:46 PM - Bruce Brynes: Wait wait wait
  1119. 9:47 PM - Bruce Brynes: Guys
  1120. 9:47 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "I see you still have one good arm, Ash. Use it. But one more mistake like that, and it will break as well."
  1121. 9:47 PM - Bruce Brynes: Do you think we match up to the planetteers?
  1122. 9:47 PM - Bruce Brynes: Minus the newbie 'cause I dunno him
  1123. 9:47 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: ...?
  1124. 9:47 PM - Bruce Brynes: like
  1125. 9:47 PM - Higeki Hiro: "Sir, he will hamper my movement. When the time of battle comes shall I drop him?"
  1126. 9:47 PM - Bruce Brynes: we each match up to a planeteer from Captain PLanet
  1127. 9:47 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: ah
  1128. 9:47 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: oh, yeah
  1129. 9:47 PM - Ass Ketchup: arent alike all of us
  1130. 9:47 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I dunno
  1131. 9:47 PM - MeltingDakka: oh damn
  1132. 9:47 PM - Ass Ketchup: except asian faggot
  1133. 9:48 PM - Ass Ketchup: white dudes
  1134. 9:48 PM - MeltingDakka: have you guys ever seen Here Comes the Boom?
  1135. 9:48 PM - Entropy / Perseus: oi
  1136. 9:48 PM - Higeki Hiro: nope
  1137. 9:48 PM - Entropy / Perseus: Entropy's north korean
  1138. 9:48 PM - Bruce Brynes: No, like us us
  1139. 9:48 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright niggas what u do
  1140. 9:48 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: now
  1141. 9:48 PM - Ass Ketchup: then those two asian dudes
  1142. 9:48 PM - Entropy / Perseus: you better not be calling him an asian faggot
  1143. 9:48 PM - MeltingDakka: Here Comes the Boom is so fucking awesome
  1144. 9:48 PM - MeltingDakka: the fat guy from mall cop
  1145. 9:48 PM - Ass Ketchup: ur an asian faggot now
  1146. 9:48 PM - MeltingDakka: as a ufc fighter
  1147. 9:48 PM - Entropy / Perseus: suk a dil
  1148. 9:48 PM - MeltingDakka: its great
  1149. 9:48 PM - MeltingDakka: lodsefighting
  1150. 9:48 PM - Entropy / Perseus: and don't critfail on me again
  1151. 9:48 PM - Entropy / Perseus: <3 u bby
  1152. 9:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: don't worry I'm just being tsundere
  1153. 9:49 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: will have to watch it also the rest of y'all niggas shut the fuck up alright c:
  1154. 9:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: all 4 u ashy
  1155. 9:49 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: anyway
  1156. 9:49 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: WHAT DO YOU DO
  1157. 9:49 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you're on top of a gang fortress
  1158. 9:49 PM - Bruce Brynes: we kill shit and take their stuff
  1159. 9:49 PM - Bruce Brynes: there
  1160. 9:49 PM - Bruce Brynes: summed up every game we have, are, and will play ever
  1161. 9:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: well now that we got loot in the AV and Ash on a shoulder, we go downstairs
  1162. 9:49 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright
  1163. 9:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: then kill shit and take their stuff
  1164. 9:49 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You hear gunfire from below as you descend down the stairs.
  1165. 9:50 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You're on the tenth floor. What do you do?
  1166. 9:50 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: (note: the map's in the folder)
  1167. 9:50 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: (well sort of)
  1168. 9:50 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro places down Ash and draws his sword
  1169. 9:50 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: check orginal.jpg.png
  1170. 9:50 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so you literally have every floor mapped out or what
  1171. 9:51 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: no actually but I've got writeups of what's on each floor
  1172. 9:51 PM - Entropy / Perseus: then the obvious solution is to check each floor
  1173. 9:51 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: so I'm either gonna do 'em on the fly using a template or
  1174. 9:51 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah that's what you should probably do
  1175. 9:51 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "We'll search each floor. Don't want any surprises sneaking behind us."
  1176. 9:52 PM - Higeki Hiro: "Perhaps I can sneak up on them"
  1177. 9:52 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: the plans are kinda outdated seeing as the building's got a giant-ass hole in it on the west side and so on but they're something
  1178. 9:52 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright
  1179. 9:52 PM - Entropy / Perseus: and Ash has been unusually silent, though I'll attest that to 3 broken limbs
  1180. 9:52 PM - Higeki Hiro: i got a stealth of 10
  1181. 9:52 PM - Higeki Hiro: "Shall I scout ahead?"
  1182. 9:53 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Do so."
  1183. 9:53 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "No objections from me." says Tool, who's following behind the group with his rifle on the ready.
  1184. 9:53 PM - Bruce Brynes: "By all means"
  1185. 9:53 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: oh yeah also Tool's with you 'cause that's gonna be a -huge- combat sequence
  1186. 9:53 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro gets into his sneak position with his sword and proceeds to places
  1187. 9:53 PM - Bruce Brynes: ohhh nooo
  1188. 9:53 PM - Entropy / Perseus: probably shouldn't have almost killed Ash then
  1189. 9:53 PM - Entropy / Perseus: oh well
  1190. 9:53 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah
  1191. 9:53 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: oh well
  1192. 9:53 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: :v
  1193. 9:54 PM - Entropy / Perseus: he can still throw grenades
  1194. 9:54 PM - Bruce Brynes: wait
  1195. 9:54 PM - Entropy / Perseus: he's got one good arm, right?
  1196. 9:54 PM - Bruce Brynes: he can throw shit right
  1197. 9:54 PM - Higeki Hiro: I assume these are all rooms?
  1198. 9:54 PM - Bruce Brynes: but his legs are broken
  1199. 9:54 PM - Bruce Brynes: WHAT IF
  1200. 9:54 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Hiro meticulously checks the tenth floor, apartment after apartment.
  1201. 9:54 PM - Bruce Brynes: TO GET AROUND
  1202. 9:54 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah these are all apartments
  1203. 9:54 PM - Bruce Brynes: HE THROWS HIMSELF
  1204. 9:54 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: studios, just small-ass ones
  1205. 9:54 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah that ain't gonna work
  1206. 9:54 PM - Higeki Hiro: 21
  1207. 9:54 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: he can walk though! c: as long as he beats a stun/shock save
  1208. 9:54 PM - Bruce Brynes: also is data even playing
  1209. 9:55 PM - Higeki Hiro: nah
  1210. 9:55 PM - MeltingDakka: hi
  1211. 9:55 PM - Entropy / Perseus: :v
  1212. 9:55 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: not yet
  1213. 9:55 PM - Higeki Hiro: waiting for his character to be introduced
  1214. 9:55 PM - Entropy / Perseus: Ash stop not talking
  1215. 9:55 PM - MeltingDakka: c;
  1216. 9:55 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: gonna introduce his new dude later
  1217. 9:55 PM - Bruce Brynes: but
  1218. 9:55 PM - Entropy / Perseus: you aren't even bitching at me
  1219. 9:55 PM - Entropy / Perseus: and it makes me scared
  1220. 9:55 PM - Bruce Brynes: more Lucha Business man?
  1221. 9:55 PM - Higeki Hiro: i assume i found nothing
  1222. 9:55 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: He finds nothing, apart from dust, wind, crumbling remains of furniture and empty promises.
  1223. 9:55 PM - Bruce Brynes: RIP AGUILA, the best of us
  1224. 9:56 PM - MeltingDakka: :-:7
  1225. 9:56 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro returns "The path ahead is safe"
  1226. 9:56 PM - Higeki Hiro: "Though I don't know of what in on the next floor"
  1227. 9:57 PM - Higeki Hiro:
  1228. 9:57 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Let's go, then."
  1229. 9:57 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro picks up Ash and continues onward
  1230. 9:58 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Tool follows the group as the rear guard, holding his rifle in a relaxed manner.
  1231. 9:58 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: He looks like the professional he is.
  1232. 9:58 PM - Entropy / Perseus: the professional who pissed himself when we first met
  1233. 9:59 PM - Bruce Brynes: >Otacon
  1234. 9:59 PM - Higeki Hiro: oh wow
  1235. 9:59 PM - MeltingDakka: >otacon
  1236. 9:59 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: well you kinda murdered his whole crew on what he thought to be a milk run job
  1237. 9:59 PM - MeltingDakka: >professional
  1238. 9:59 PM - MeltingDakka: pick one
  1239. 9:59 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: also he didn't piss himself :v
  1240. 9:59 PM - Higeki Hiro: i forgot Tool was the booster gang member on the place
  1241. 9:59 PM - Higeki Hiro: plane*
  1242. 10:00 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: he was the leader actually :v
  1243. 10:00 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and they weren't boosters
  1244. 10:00 PM - Higeki Hiro: eh whatever
  1245. 10:00 PM - Higeki Hiro: what is on the next floor
  1246. 10:00 PM - MeltingDakka: oh shit
  1247. 10:01 PM - MeltingDakka: evil dead, the new one in on tv
  1248. 10:01 PM - Higeki Hiro: eh?
  1249. 10:01 PM - MeltingDakka: hoooo shit boi
  1250. 10:01 PM - Higeki Hiro: o
  1251. 10:01 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The next floor is as empty as the tenth, although you can hear gunfire from the floor below it.
  1252. 10:01 PM - Ass Ketchup: the new one?
  1253. 10:01 PM - Higeki Hiro: ye
  1254. 10:01 PM - Higeki Hiro: there was a remake of the first
  1255. 10:01 PM - Ass Ketchup: why
  1256. 10:01 PM - Ass Ketchup: the first was the gayest
  1257. 10:01 PM - Higeki Hiro: ^
  1258. 10:01 PM - Bruce Brynes: the problem is
  1259. 10:01 PM - Bruce Brynes: the second is a remake of the first
  1260. 10:01 PM - Higeki Hiro: because generic horror is apparently the shit these days
  1261. 10:01 PM - Bruce Brynes: and expansion
  1262. 10:02 PM - Bruce Brynes: and awesome
  1263. 10:02 PM - Bruce Brynes: no one really cares aboot the first
  1264. 10:02 PM - Ass Ketchup: uhhh
  1265. 10:02 PM - Bruce Brynes: cause 2 ans 3 exist
  1266. 10:02 PM - Ass Ketchup: no its not bruce
  1267. 10:02 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Dost ye go further down?
  1268. 10:02 PM - Bruce Brynes: and*
  1269. 10:02 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro drops Ash
  1270. 10:02 PM - Ass Ketchup: u faggot
  1271. 10:02 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Ash lets out a yelp of pain as he hits the floor like a sack of bricks.
  1272. 10:02 PM - Higeki Hiro: "I shall scout ahead downstairs"
  1273. 10:02 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: :v
  1274. 10:03 PM - Bruce Brynes: moer like
  1275. 10:03 PM - Entropy / Perseus: does anyone have painkillers or something
  1276. 10:03 PM - Higeki Hiro: Can I roll to determine how close the gun shots are?
  1277. 10:03 PM - Bruce Brynes: a sack of potatoes
  1278. 10:03 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah sure
  1279. 10:03 PM - Bruce Brynes: huehuehuehuehehueheuheuheuheuheuehuehueheuheuheue
  1280. 10:03 PM - Higeki Hiro: fuck
  1281. 10:03 PM - Higeki Hiro: 11
  1282. 10:03 PM - Higeki Hiro: what the shit
  1283. 10:03 PM - MeltingDakka: but potatoes are gay
  1284. 10:03 PM - MeltingDakka: :v
  1285. 10:03 PM - Higeki Hiro: i keep rolling ones
  1286. 10:03 PM - Higeki Hiro: god dammit
  1287. 10:04 PM - Ass Ketchup: you dont roll ones nearly as well as i do
  1288. 10:04 PM - Higeki Hiro: i was hoping it was broekn
  1289. 10:04 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you try to determine how close the gunshots are, but can't quite pinpoint their location. They definitely are below, though.
  1290. 10:04 PM - Higeki Hiro: what is the threshold?
  1291. 10:04 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: like 15? they're pretty loud
  1292. 10:04 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: but you rolled a 1
  1293. 10:04 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: so
  1294. 10:04 PM - Higeki Hiro: can i add my luck
  1295. 10:04 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: no adding luck on crit fails :v
  1296. 10:04 PM - Higeki Hiro: o fuck that is right
  1297. 10:04 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you're lucky I didn't make you roll on the fumble table
  1298. 10:04 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: actually
  1299. 10:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: roll 1d10
  1300. 10:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: :v
  1301. 10:05 PM - Entropy / Perseus: don't waste luck on a fuckin perception roll
  1302. 10:05 PM - Higeki Hiro: what do my ears burst?
  1303. 10:05 PM - Higeki Hiro: 7
  1304. 10:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: aw, perception doesn't have its own selection of fumbles
  1305. 10:05 PM - Ass Ketchup: i fucking hope so
  1306. 10:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: oh well
  1307. 10:06 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  1308. 10:06 PM - Ass Ketchup: last time i rolled a fumble it caused all my limbs to die
  1309. 10:06 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro sneakily continues downstairs
  1310. 10:06 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you just can't figure out where the guys are. apart from being downstairs.
  1311. 10:06 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Alright
  1312. 10:06 PM - Ass Ketchup: and the time before that it caused my pikachu to die
  1313. 10:06 PM - Higeki Hiro: 26
  1314. 10:06 PM - Ass Ketchup: this time your ears better die
  1315. 10:06 PM - Ass Ketchup: i call shenanigans
  1316. 10:07 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You manage to get unnoticed by the two guards you can see in the hallway on the eight floor.
  1317. 10:07 PM - Higeki Hiro: what is their line of sight?
  1318. 10:07 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I'm sorry Ash but if you didn't roll that 3 it wouldn't have happened
  1319. 10:07 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: They're definitely guarding a door, though you have no idea why anyone would need to guard a door in a dilapidated apartment building.
  1320. 10:08 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: LOS? hm
  1321. 10:08 PM - Higeki Hiro: just to see if i can backstab them or something
  1322. 10:08 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: they're guarding the door to apartment nr. 5
  1323. 10:09 PM - Entropy / Perseus: shoot them
  1324. 10:09 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and you're in the upper right corner, just off the stairs leading to the upper floor
  1325. 10:09 PM - Entropy / Perseus: with your swords
  1326. 10:09 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: so yeah just like ninja star them or something
  1327. 10:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: Can I run up and do crazy slashes to both of them?
  1328. 10:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: I don't have a ninja star
  1329. 10:09 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: what's your REF?
  1330. 10:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: yet
  1331. 10:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: 10
  1332. 10:10 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: oh
  1333. 10:10 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: well then I won't even bother with a roll :v
  1334. 10:10 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: go for it
  1335. 10:10 PM - Bruce Brynes disconnected.
  1336. 10:10 PM - Entropy / Perseus: gj
  1337. 10:10 PM - Entropy / Perseus: always bother with rolls Ciaster
  1338. 10:10 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro runs up a quickly turns the hallway into a deli
  1339. 10:10 PM - MeltingDakka: >no rolling
  1340. 10:10 PM - Entropy / Perseus: someone in Mekton chained 5 1s in a roll
  1341. 10:10 PM - MeltingDakka: i had to roll for punching nigga
  1342. 10:10 PM - Entropy / Perseus: quintuple critfail
  1343. 10:10 PM - Entropy / Perseus: rolls matter no matter how trivial they may seem
  1344. 10:11 PM - MeltingDakka: ^^^
  1345. 10:11 PM - Bruce Brynes entered chat.
  1346. 10:11 PM - Higeki Hiro: what would i roll for then
  1347. 10:11 PM - MeltingDakka: remember the shitty rolls i made as renaldo that got me run over twice by the same car :V
  1348. 10:11 PM - Bruce Brynes: huh
  1349. 10:11 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I meant it like I won't bother with a REF roll, he still needs to roll for the attacks
  1350. 10:11 PM - Bruce Brynes: that was weird
  1351. 10:11 PM - Higeki Hiro: o
  1352. 10:11 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1:
  1353. 10:11 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: also that
  1354. 10:11 PM - Higeki Hiro: 26 and 26
  1355. 10:11 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: awright
  1356. 10:12 PM - Entropy / Perseus: oh yeah
  1357. 10:12 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: they kinda don't have melee weapons so
  1358. 10:12 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I think that might have been one of my favorite sessions actually
  1359. 10:12 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: damage?
  1360. 10:12 PM - Entropy / Perseus: almost killing Ren
  1361. 10:12 PM - MeltingDakka: i had fun being almost killed
  1362. 10:12 PM - Bruce Brynes: the car/sanic?
  1363. 10:12 PM - Higeki Hiro: shall id do damage then
  1364. 10:12 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah and later on he got owned by Snake
  1365. 10:12 PM - Bruce Brynes: I remember that
  1366. 10:12 PM - MeltingDakka: snake 2stornk
  1367. 10:12 PM - Higeki Hiro: 10 and 14
  1368. 10:12 PM - Bruce Brynes: Yeah, what happened to snake?
  1369. 10:12 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: 04:12 - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: damage?
  1370. yes I'd say that if you feel like it sure
  1371. 10:12 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: snake just kinda disappeared
  1372. 10:13 PM - Higeki Hiro: also monoblades fuck up armor hard
  1373. 10:13 PM - Bruce Brynes: never to be seen again
  1374. 10:13 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yep
  1375. 10:13 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and these guys have ass armor
  1376. 10:13 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright
  1377. 10:13 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: location? :v
  1378. 10:13 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: locations in fact
  1379. 10:13 PM - Higeki Hiro: 1/3xSP vs soft
  1380. 10:13 PM - Higeki Hiro: 3 and 6
  1381. 10:15 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The guards don't even manage to turn all the way in your direction when you're on 'em. A quick slash goes right through the rightmost guard's chest, and another one lops the leftmost one's left arm clean off. He's so shocked he doesn't even make a sound as he falls to the ground, the blood gushing and spraying around.
  1382. 10:15 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: hm
  1383. 10:15 PM - Bruce Brynes: ouch
  1384. 10:15 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: do y'all think I've got problems?
  1385. 10:16 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: naah
  1386. 10:16 PM - Bruce Brynes: someone got bloody mes
  1387. 10:16 PM - Entropy / Perseus: and you dis me when I go all anime
  1388. 10:16 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro finished him off with his monotanto
  1389. 10:16 PM - Higeki Hiro: nvm
  1390. 10:16 PM - Higeki Hiro: i though the one armed guy was still alive for a second
  1391. 10:16 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: He's dead, Jim
  1392. 10:17 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: but the first one's still alive
  1393. 10:17 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: barely
  1394. 10:17 PM - Higeki Hiro: alright yeah then
  1395. 10:17 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro finished him off with his monotanto
  1396. 10:17 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you finishin' him?
  1397. 10:17 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright
  1398. 10:17 PM - Higeki Hiro: ye
  1399. 10:17 PM - Higeki Hiro: do i need to roll for that?
  1400. 10:17 PM - Higeki Hiro: 23
  1401. 10:17 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The short blade pierces the dying man's heart in a coup de grace. He's definitely dead now.
  1402. 10:17 PM - Higeki Hiro: io
  1403. 10:18 PM - Entropy / Perseus: roll to stick sword in crippled dying motionless guy
  1404. 10:18 PM - Entropy / Perseus: critfail
  1405. 10:18 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Do you check out the room they were guarding? (I would if I were you)
  1406. 10:18 PM - Entropy / Perseus: you stick your own groin
  1407. 10:18 PM - Higeki Hiro: Can my infrared sort of see through the wall?
  1408. 10:18 PM - Higeki Hiro: If it is thin enough
  1409. 10:18 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yep
  1410. 10:18 PM - Higeki Hiro: then i do so
  1411. 10:18 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You turn on your internal infrared sensor.
  1412. 10:19 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I got tinfared too don't forget
  1413. 10:19 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Through the wall, you see three figures, two warm and one looking like a black hole in the infrared spectrum.
  1414. 10:19 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The cold one looks like it's laying flat on something.
  1415. 10:19 PM - Bruce Brynes: hhhmm
  1416. 10:19 PM - Bruce Brynes: dead?
  1417. 10:20 PM - Higeki Hiro: are they close enough so that i can shove my sword through the wall and pierce him
  1418. 10:20 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The two others are standing around it, looks like they're working on it.
  1419. 10:20 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: no
  1420. 10:20 PM - Higeki Hiro: and yes dick jokes
  1421. 10:20 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro returns up the stairs and motions for everyone to come down quietly
  1422. 10:20 PM - Bruce Brynes: Doesn't entropy have metal legs?
  1423. 10:20 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: one
  1424. 10:20 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: only one metal leg
  1425. 10:21 PM - Bruce Brynes: not very quiet, still
  1426. 10:21 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I can imagine him trying to be quiet :v
  1427. 10:21 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I dooooo
  1428. 10:21 PM - Entropy / Perseus: metal leg
  1429. 10:21 PM - Entropy / Perseus: singular
  1430. 10:21 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: *clang* *clang* *clang* *whispering* "Alright, I'm in the position."
  1431. 10:22 PM - Entropy / Perseus: oi
  1432. 10:22 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: that wasn't IC btw
  1433. 10:22 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I got shoes on
  1434. 10:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: "I will guard door 5 while you guys check out the other rooms"
  1435. 10:22 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright so it's *thud* *thud* *thud* instead
  1436. 10:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: "If something goes wrong then i got them ambushed"
  1437. 10:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: "If that is okay with you Entropy"
  1438. 10:23 PM - MeltingDakka: ha, what a bitch
  1439. 10:23 PM - Higeki Hiro: bitch im a samurai sworn by blood and bushido
  1440. 10:23 PM - MeltingDakka: biiiitch
  1441. 10:23 PM - Higeki Hiro: can't disobey my lord
  1442. 10:23 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "This is agreeable."
  1443. 10:23 PM - Higeki Hiro: all entropy gotta do is say the word and ill cut u the fuck up
  1444. 10:23 PM - Entropy / Perseus: <3 u bby
  1445. 10:24 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: if I were you I'd play as Ghost Dog instead of some boring japanese nigga with a sword
  1446. 10:24 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I'll buy you nice polish for your blades
  1447. 10:24 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Ghost Dog fukken owns
  1448. 10:24 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro positions him self against the wall and waits
  1449. 10:24 PM - Higeki Hiro: ghost dog
  1450. 10:24 PM - Higeki Hiro: the fuck is ghost dog
  1451. 10:24 PM - Higeki Hiro: ooooo
  1452. 10:24 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah, from Jim Jarmusch's Ghost Dog: The Way Of The Samurai
  1453. 10:24 PM - Higeki Hiro: ghost dog
  1454. 10:24 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: played by Forest Whittaker
  1455. 10:25 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so I vote Ash should open the door
  1456. 10:25 PM - Entropy / Perseus: :v
  1457. 10:25 PM - Higeki Hiro: oh i though you were taking about the call of duty dog
  1458. 10:25 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: no I wasn't :v
  1459. 10:25 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  1460. 10:25 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you hardly even play as the dog
  1461. 10:25 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: there's like two segments
  1462. 10:25 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: also call of dogty: dogges sucks
  1463. 10:25 PM - Bruce Brynes: we should play as dogs
  1464. 10:25 PM - Higeki Hiro: dog rpg
  1465. 10:26 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: dunno about that but there is a cat rpg
  1466. 10:26 PM - Higeki Hiro: roll 1d4 for poo size
  1467. 10:26 PM - Bruce Brynes: I mean there's already Bunnies and Burrows
  1468. 10:26 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: called imaginatively "Cat"
  1469. 10:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: ok
  1470. 10:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so um
  1471. 10:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: we're outside a door?
  1472. 10:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: with niggas inside?
  1473. 10:26 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah
  1474. 10:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I got dis
  1475. 10:26 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and you might want to not murder the niggas
  1476. 10:26 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: not yet at least
  1477. 10:26 PM - Higeki Hiro: I'll guard the door and wait for them to come out and you guys can search the other rooms
  1478. 10:26 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: just a heads up
  1479. 10:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: can I open teh door without them noticing and roll a tear gas nade in
  1480. 10:27 PM - Bruce Brynes: omg my gf is black gonna sue u for racism~~~~~~~~
  1481. 10:27 PM - Entropy / Perseus: wow rude
  1482. 10:27 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: both of them are white actually
  1483. 10:27 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: nigga is a figure of speech :v
  1484. 10:27 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so wot I gotta roll
  1485. 10:27 PM - Entropy / Perseus: if anything
  1486. 10:27 PM - Bruce Brynes: also holy shit I just fuckin mr miyagi'd a fucking fly
  1487. 10:27 PM - Higeki Hiro: what
  1488. 10:28 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: brb I gotta take a piss
  1489. 10:28 PM - Higeki Hiro: ryan is leaking over into our game
  1490. 10:28 PM - Higeki Hiro: hehe leak
  1491. 10:29 PM - MeltingDakka: hehe
  1492. 10:29 PM - MeltingDakka: leak
  1493. 10:29 PM - Entropy / Perseus: hehe
  1494. 10:29 PM - Entropy / Perseus: leak
  1495. 10:29 PM - Higeki Hiro: hehe leek
  1496. 10:30 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: funny stuff
  1497. 10:30 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: also back
  1498. 10:30 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so
  1499. 10:30 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright so you roll uh whatever you roll for throwing grenades
  1500. 10:30 PM - Entropy / Perseus: tear gas
  1501. 10:31 PM - Entropy / Perseus: helpful
  1502. 10:31 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I roll handguns
  1503. 10:31 PM - Ass Ketchup: athfagets
  1504. 10:31 PM - Entropy / Perseus: can I roll Ash too
  1505. 10:31 PM - Ass Ketchup: no
  1506. 10:31 PM - Bruce Brynes: like
  1507. 10:31 PM - Bruce Brynes: just roll him around
  1508. 10:31 PM - Entropy / Perseus: also are one of the guys in there doctors who can conveniently fix him
  1509. 10:31 PM - Entropy / Perseus: or maybe have a machine that can do it
  1510. 10:31 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so he doesn't have to be lugged around
  1511. 10:31 PM - Entropy / Perseus: cause I feel bad
  1512. 10:31 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: maybe
  1513. 10:32 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: don't
  1514. 10:32 PM - Entropy / Perseus: Entropy doesn't of course but I do
  1515. 10:32 PM - MeltingDakka: :v
  1516. 10:32 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: anyway if I were you I'd barge in without any 'nades and see what happens
  1517. 10:32 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: just a heads up
  1518. 10:32 PM - MeltingDakka: idk man
  1519. 10:32 PM - MeltingDakka: tear gas is pretty cool
  1520. 10:32 PM - Ass Ketchup: that sounds boring
  1521. 10:32 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: actually do
  1522. 10:32 PM - Entropy / Perseus: srsly like wow talk about spoilers gm giveaway 0/10
  1523. 10:32 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: throw a tear gas 'nade
  1524. 10:32 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: it's funny
  1525. 10:33 PM - Entropy / Perseus: anything you've claimed to be funny has ended poorly
  1526. 10:33 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so I'll do it
  1527. 10:33 PM - Ass Ketchup: do any of you have incindiary grenades with you
  1528. 10:33 PM - Higeki Hiro: we can interrogate him later
  1529. 10:33 PM - MeltingDakka: you were gonna do it anyway, liar :V
  1530. 10:33 PM - Entropy / Perseus: yes
  1531. 10:33 PM - Ass Ketchup: use
  1532. 10:33 PM - Ass Ketchup: it
  1533. 10:33 PM - Entropy / Perseus: but tear gas will suffice
  1534. 10:33 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: well violence and injuries are part of the humor so
  1535. 10:33 PM - Ass Ketchup: no
  1536. 10:33 PM - Entropy / Perseus: cause I want my samauri nigga to cut them if they's bad
  1537. 10:33 PM - Entropy / Perseus: cause I likes to see him cut the things
  1538. 10:33 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: if you use an incendiary I'm banning them from the game
  1539. 10:33 PM - Entropy / Perseus: he's got
  1540. 10:33 PM - Ass Ketchup: he can cut them when they're on fire
  1541. 10:33 PM - Entropy / Perseus: edge
  1542. 10:33 PM - MeltingDakka: fire can be cut
  1543. 10:33 PM - Entropy / Perseus: but he can't cut them if they're...
  1544. 10:33 PM - Entropy / Perseus: ASH
  1545. 10:33 PM - Ass Ketchup: fack yuu
  1546. 10:33 PM - Entropy / Perseus: ba dum TISH
  1547. 10:34 PM - Bruce Brynes: what's going ooooon
  1548. 10:34 PM - Higeki Hiro: not much
  1549. 10:34 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: SO WHAT DO YOU DO
  1550. 10:34 PM - Ass Ketchup: fck yu
  1551. 10:34 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: DO YOU THROW A GRENADE
  1552. 10:34 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: OR DO YOU NOT DO A THING
  1553. 10:34 PM - Ass Ketchup: i throw an incindiary
  1554. 10:34 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I THINK I'LL JUST BARGE IN THERE
  1555. 10:34 PM - Entropy / Perseus: BECAUSE GM TOLD ME TO
  1556. 10:34 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: ALRIGHT
  1557. 10:34 PM - Entropy / Perseus: GUN AT THE READY
  1558. 10:34 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: YOU DON'T HAVE TO
  1559. 10:34 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: ALSO LET'S STOP talking in caps
  1560. 10:34 PM - Ass Ketchup: i never begun
  1561. 10:34 PM - Entropy / Perseus: TOO LATE YOU ALREADY RECOMMENDED THIS GMLY COURSE OF ACTION and ok sure
  1562. 10:34 PM - Ass Ketchup: unlike you faggots
  1563. 10:35 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You barge into the room, gun at the ready.
  1564. 10:35 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro follows inside
  1565. 10:36 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Inside are two men, both look like nerds. The older looking one has a white coat on and looks somewhat like a doctor. The other one's wearing a suit, with the sleeves rolled up and holding a wrench in one of his hands.
  1566. 10:36 PM - MeltingDakka has changed their name to John Edsworth.
  1567. 10:36 PM - Bruce Brynes: Oh col
  1568. 10:36 PM - Ass Ketchup: ...
  1569. 10:36 PM - Bruce Brynes: itsdoctor klein
  1570. 10:36 PM - Ass Ketchup: i throw an incindiary grenade
  1571. 10:37 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: He takes one glance at you, then, without batting an eye, brains the other one with the wrench.
  1572. 10:37 PM - Higeki Hiro: "Sir they are somewhat unarmed"
  1573. 10:37 PM - Bruce Brynes: and doc brown
  1574. 10:37 PM - Higeki Hiro: "And somewhat crazy"
  1575. 10:37 PM - Bruce Brynes: SHIT Klein just shepard'd Doc Brown
  1576. 10:37 PM - John Edsworth: I pull the wrench out of the doctor's head.
  1577. 10:37 PM - Bruce Brynes: There goes time travel
  1578. 10:37 PM - John Edsworth: "Uh, hi!"
  1579. 10:37 PM - Bruce Brynes: dun dun duuuuuuuun
  1580. 10:37 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "A wrench does not count as 'armed' Hiro. At ease."
  1581. 10:37 PM - John Edsworth: "Are you the good guys...or what?"
  1582. 10:38 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Um"
  1583. 10:38 PM - Bruce Brynes: "i want to say yes"
  1584. 10:38 PM - Ass Ketchup: "No."
  1585. 10:38 PM - Bruce Brynes: "But....only kinda"
  1586. 10:38 PM - Higeki Hiro: "If you can kill a man with your fists you can kill them with a wrench
  1587. 10:38 PM - Bruce Brynes: "In a very loose sense of the word"
  1588. 10:38 PM - John Edsworth: I hold my wrench at the ready and grimace at the brain matter on it.
  1589. 10:38 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Wouldn't say that, but definitely not as bad as the guy who's, uh... laying in a big-ass pool of blood at my feet? Goddammit, Higeki."
  1590. 10:38 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "That does not mean it is of consequence to us."
  1591. 10:38 PM - John Edsworth: "Welp, that's good enough for me, I guess."
  1592. 10:39 PM - John Edsworth: "I need help getting out of here."
  1593. 10:39 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "And we need help getting in here."
  1594. 10:39 PM - John Edsworth: "I can fix that. I can fix a lot of things, actually."
  1595. 10:40 PM - John Edsworth: "I'm John. And you?"
  1596. 10:40 PM - Bruce Brynes: omg rip off
  1597. 10:40 PM - Bruce Brynes: gonna sue
  1598. 10:40 PM - Higeki Hiro: "Hiro"
  1599. 10:41 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "There is an item and a bounty we are after. You will address me as Entropy.
  1600. 10:41 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "
  1601. 10:41 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "I'm Bradley, but everyone just calls me Tool."
  1602. 10:41 PM - Ass Ketchup: "I'm... the best... the very best..."
  1603. 10:41 PM - John Edsworth: "Herro to you too. Shit, that was kind of racist. Sorry."
  1604. 10:41 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Bruce. You just killed a man with a wrench and you're the most normal person here. Please tell me you're not secretly insane"
  1605. 10:41 PM - John Edsworth: "And, uh, nice to meet you I guess?"
  1606. 10:42 PM - John Edsworth: I step over the brained doc carefully and reach inside a cabinet.
  1607. 10:42 PM - Bruce Brynes: I shaje his hAND
  1608. 10:42 PM - Bruce Brynes: SHAKE HIS HAND**
  1609. 10:42 PM - Bruce Brynes: fuck
  1610. 10:42 PM - Bruce Brynes: Shake his hand***
  1611. 10:42 PM - John Edsworth: When I pull my hands out, they're covered by two greyish gloves, with several buttons on them.
  1612. 10:42 PM - John Edsworth: nice typing there chief
  1613. 10:43 PM - John Edsworth: "Alright, so I can fight, kinda. But I'm better at just tinkering with stuff."
  1614. 10:43 PM - Ass Ketchup: are you going to shoot lightning out of your gloves
  1615. 10:43 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Good. We need someone with your skillset."
  1616. 10:43 PM - Ass Ketchup: do we?
  1617. 10:43 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Yeah, the AV took a few hits on our way in, and I'm not sure how good of a shape it's in."
  1618. 10:44 PM - Higeki Hiro: more than your skill set ash
  1619. 10:44 PM - Ass Ketchup: fuck you too
  1620. 10:44 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah your skill set is blowing shit up and being literally retarded with 2 int
  1621. 10:44 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and having a yellow rat with a taser
  1622. 10:44 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: :v
  1623. 10:44 PM - John Edsworth: "AV? I'm pretty good with those, I can fix it after we're done with... what are you guys even here for?"
  1624. 10:44 PM - Ass Ketchup: im the best
  1625. 10:45 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Crime bust. I'm part of the NCPD"
  1626. 10:45 PM - John Edsworth: "Like, I'm grateful and all, but this is kind of a weird place to show up with a half-dead guy and several deadly weapons."
  1627. 10:45 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Well, it's less of a bust and more of a bounty claim, but potato, potahto."
  1628. 10:45 PM - John Edsworth: Speaking of the half dead guy named Ash, can I First Aid that nigga up?
  1629. 10:45 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you can try but he's got several broken bones
  1630. 10:46 PM - John Edsworth: i've got a 10 in first aid :v
  1631. 10:46 PM - John Edsworth: 24
  1632. 10:46 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: still, the most you can do is set them and like wrap them in shit
  1633. 10:46 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright
  1634. 10:46 PM - John Edsworth: better than letting him kind of loll about on the floor :v
  1635. 10:47 PM - Higeki Hiro: brb gotta piss
  1636. 10:47 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Ash now resembles a mummy - what's what all these bandages - but at least he's not in terrible pain anymore, thanks to John's expert care and stash of drugs.
  1637. 10:47 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Do not fail again, Ash."
  1638. 10:47 PM - John Edsworth: I wipe the blood on the dead doctor and look up. "Like I said, I fix things!"
  1639. 10:48 PM - John Edsworth: "So, where to?"
  1640. 10:48 PM - Ass Ketchup: "Next time i'll make sure to use a stronger grenade.!"
  1641. 10:48 PM - Ass Ketchup: "I mean pokemon."
  1642. 10:48 PM - Ass Ketchup: "I will use a stronger pokemon. Yes."
  1643. 10:48 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "And not to miss."
  1644. 10:48 PM - Ass Ketchup: "That's a minor detail."
  1645. 10:49 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Uh, Boss, I don't mean to hurry ya, but we're kind of in the middle of a hostile territory with Gibson knows how many enemies below."
  1646. 10:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Then we shall continue onwards. Down, to the armory. I need that item."
  1647. 10:50 PM - John Edsworth: "Yeah, there's tons of gang dudes in here. It's kind of a shitty deal."
  1648. 10:50 PM - John Edsworth: "Item?"
  1649. 10:50 PM - Higeki Hiro: back
  1650. 10:50 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Boss is after an automatic 'nade launcher."
  1651. 10:50 PM - Bruce Brynes: "oh PIT no!"
  1652. 10:51 PM - Bruce Brynes: "We are not letting this rocker-boy moon-skull have a slagggin' auto nade launcher!"
  1653. 10:51 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Relax, whelp. We're putting it on the AV. And that is not the main reason I came here. There is another."
  1654. 10:51 PM - John Edsworth: "Automatic...nade launcher? You mean the MK19?"
  1655. 10:51 PM - Bruce Brynes: also does no one love my cyberslang
  1656. 10:51 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Yep. Got to use it a couple times during basic. Fun stuff."
  1657. 10:52 PM - John Edsworth: no one loves your cyberslang
  1658. 10:52 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I definitely appreciate it
  1659. 10:52 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: +1 coolness from the GM for good roleplaying
  1660. 10:52 PM - Higeki Hiro: i have now gained inspiration for my homebrew
  1661. 10:53 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: like, not the stat
  1662. 10:53 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: just coolness
  1663. 10:53 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: :v
  1664. 10:53 PM - Higeki Hiro: a coolness stat that acts sort of like charisma
  1665. 10:53 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright anyway
  1666. 10:53 PM - Higeki Hiro: but for low charisma characters
  1667. 10:53 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you've still got seven floors to go
  1668. 10:53 PM - John Edsworth: "I don't know exactly /where/ it is, but I know it's here somewhere. I heard some guys talking about it earlier, while we were taking apart a body."
  1669. 10:53 PM - Higeki Hiro: it is gained for doing cool stuff and can be spent and used as charisma
  1670. 10:54 PM - Bruce Brynes: I just make shit up that sounds like current slang "moon-skull=air-head) and combine it with slang from Transformers//Batman Beyond/Spider-Man 2099
  1671. 10:54 PM - Bruce Brynes: pllus some of the game's ACTUAL slang
  1672. 10:55 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "We've wasted enough time. Let us go."
  1673. 10:55 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Let's roll!
  1674. 10:55 PM - Entropy / Perseus: Entropy walks out not giving a fuck
  1675. 10:55 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "
  1676. 10:55 PM - Higeki Hiro: brb
  1677. 10:56 PM - John Edsworth: I follow nervously, fiddling with my power gauntlets.
  1678. 10:56 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You wanna go down to the 7th floor? that's kind of a dumb question but eh
  1679. 10:56 PM - Entropy / Perseus: we're searching floor by floor
  1680. 10:56 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so ye
  1681. 10:56 PM - Bruce Brynes: so what's john's deal
  1682. 10:56 PM - Bruce Brynes: and what happened to Agulia
  1683. 10:56 PM - Entropy / Perseus: he probably woulda put me in a headlock for kicking Ash out of the AV, so I'm glad he wasn't here
  1684. 10:56 PM - Entropy / Perseus: :v
  1685. 10:56 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You slowly take the stairs to the seventh floor. As you go down, you can hear the previously heard gunshots grow louder and louder.
  1686. 10:56 PM - Higeki Hiro: back
  1687. 10:57 PM - John Edsworth: I was kind of here when they took over the building, and they forced me to help their ripperdoc
  1688. 10:57 PM - John Edsworth: and aguilas just off doing his own thing, he doesn't stick in one place very long
  1689. 10:58 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: unrelated but good music
  1690. 10:58 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yes I know I already linked that some time ago
  1691. 10:58 PM - Higeki Hiro: ye
  1692. 10:58 PM - Higeki Hiro: electric youth is some good shit
  1693. 10:58 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: man Electric Youth need to release an album finally goddammit
  1694. 10:58 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: anyway, you hear gunshots. What do you do?
  1695. 10:59 PM - Entropy / Perseus: kill the people shooting them obvs
  1696. 10:59 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: They're coming from the west side of the building.
  1697. 10:59 PM - Entropy / Perseus: what are they even shooting at anyway
  1698. 10:59 PM - Entropy / Perseus: if it isn't us
  1699. 10:59 PM - Entropy / Perseus: like srsly
  1700. 10:59 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: it's not you
  1701. 10:59 PM - Higeki Hiro:
  1702. 11:00 PM - Higeki Hiro: which floor are we on again?
  1703. 11:00 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Hrio, let us push further, but be cautious."
  1704. 11:00 PM - Ass Ketchup: anyway i gotta go now but i guess you can just keep going since my bones are all liquid anyway
  1705. 11:00 PM - Higeki Hiro: nvm
  1706. 11:00 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The shooting stops and you can hear a voice. "Alright, buddy, nice job, but jesus, that cheek weld was pretty terrible. You're gonna have a big ol' bruise on the right side of your face tomorrow. And straighten out your back, dammit!"
  1707. 11:00 PM - Higeki Hiro: can i do sneak attacks
  1708. 11:00 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yes
  1709. 11:00 PM - Higeki Hiro: chacha
  1710. 11:01 PM - Higeki Hiro: 24
  1711. 11:01 PM - Bruce Brynes: gaaaaaaaay
  1712. 11:01 PM - Higeki Hiro: are they close enough so that i can fucked em both up?
  1713. 11:01 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yep
  1714. 11:01 PM - Higeki Hiro: or how many other people are there
  1715. 11:01 PM - Higeki Hiro: 22 and 22 for fencung
  1716. 11:01 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: 7 in total, plus the instructor you just heard
  1717. 11:01 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright
  1718. 11:01 PM - Higeki Hiro: oh fuck
  1719. 11:01 PM - John Edsworth: how does ultraviolet work
  1720. 11:01 PM - Higeki Hiro: can i roll for 8 guys
  1721. 11:01 PM - John Edsworth: can i see through walls?
  1722. 11:02 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You peek through the door of what used to be apartment 2, and see what looks like an improvised shooting booth, with a bench and all. The building on the opposite side of the street seems more riddled with bullets than normal, and there's a shitload of targets spray-painted on it, so you deduce they're using this floor as a firing range.
  1723. 11:03 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: There's two guys in former apartment 2, and presumably more in the other ones. Do you fuck the apt.2 guys up or not?
  1724. 11:03 PM - Bruce Brynes: hah
  1725. 11:03 PM - Bruce Brynes: gaaaaaaay
  1726. 11:03 PM - Higeki Hiro: sure?
  1727. 11:04 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: well yeah wouldn't want to railroad you into anything :v
  1728. 11:04 PM - Higeki Hiro: how many are in there
  1729. 11:04 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: eight in total
  1730. 11:04 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: but the two are isolated
  1731. 11:04 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and if you read what I wrote
  1732. 11:04 PM - Higeki Hiro: can i roll to kill all 8
  1733. 11:04 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you'd know this and wouldn't need to ask
  1734. 11:04 PM - Bruce Brynes: lets stealth kill the two
  1735. 11:04 PM - Entropy / Perseus: can I roll to kill who he doesn't get to
  1736. 11:04 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  1737. 11:04 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: no you can't this is Cyberpunk not metal gear solid revengeance
  1738. 11:04 PM - Bruce Brynes: then seige the 6
  1739. 11:05 PM - Entropy / Perseus: since I got a silenced gun
  1740. 11:05 PM - Higeki Hiro: alright i rolled
  1741. 11:05 PM - Higeki Hiro: 22 and 22
  1742. 11:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah Bruce's got a good idea
  1743. 11:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright
  1744. 11:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: these wouldn't happen to be crit fails would they
  1745. 11:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: also damage and location
  1746. 11:05 PM - Higeki Hiro: 14 and 12 to amage
  1747. 11:05 PM - Higeki Hiro: 1 and 6 to location
  1748. 11:05 PM - Higeki Hiro: beheading motherfucker
  1749. 11:05 PM - Ass Ketchup disconnected.
  1750. 11:05 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeaaa
  1751. 11:06 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: aw he's gone
  1752. 11:06 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: see ya Elowin
  1753. 11:06 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright
  1754. 11:06 PM - Entropy / Perseus: if I had known tossing him out the AV was gonna cripple him I wouldn't have done it :c
  1755. 11:06 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I thought he was gonna land on a corpse or something and be all hunky dory
  1756. 11:06 PM - Higeki Hiro: if it wasn't going to cripple him he would have fucking died
  1757. 11:06 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "if I had known throwing someone from 50 meters was gonna cripple him" just look at what you wrote
  1758. 11:06 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: he's glad he's not dead
  1759. 11:06 PM - Entropy / Perseus: and if I had known it would have been either I wouldn't have done it
  1760. 11:06 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: well tough tits
  1761. 11:07 PM - Higeki Hiro: i am now determined to deck myself the fuck out with cyberware so i can take on 8 guys in one turn
  1762. 11:07 PM - Entropy / Perseus: but now Elowin probs hates me
  1763. 11:07 PM - Entropy / Perseus: ;_;
  1764. 11:07 PM - Higeki Hiro: i already got some speedware
  1765. 11:07 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I'll buy 4 u
  1766. 11:07 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I got 19k
  1767. 11:07 PM - Entropy / Perseus: :v
  1768. 11:07 PM - John Edsworth: whered elowin go?
  1769. 11:08 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Higeki's blade lops off the first guy's head and it flies away in a parabolic arc. The second drops his M16 in shock just before his left arm follows his colleague's head. Both bodies slump to the floor.
  1770. 11:08 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: he said he had to go and wouldn't be able to do anything in the game anyway so he just went
  1771. 11:08 PM - John Edsworth: darn
  1772. 11:08 PM - John Edsworth: welp
  1773. 11:08 PM - John Edsworth: nice one entropy, cripple the new player :v
  1774. 11:08 PM - Entropy / Perseus: ;c
  1775. 11:09 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I said sorry to the sod like 4 times
  1776. 11:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: right after his introduction too
  1777. 11:09 PM - John Edsworth: of literally every useful limb
  1778. 11:09 PM - John Edsworth: anyway
  1779. 11:09 PM - Entropy / Perseus: he had his right arm
  1780. 11:09 PM - Higeki Hiro: he has barely played at all
  1781. 11:09 PM - Entropy / Perseus: :v
  1782. 11:09 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright so six guys left
  1783. 11:09 PM - John Edsworth: can i use my sound editing to hear what the next 6 are saying?
  1784. 11:09 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you don't have to you would've heard them anyway
  1785. 11:09 PM - Entropy / Perseus: assuming they aren't aware of their newly delimbed friends
  1786. 11:10 PM - John Edsworth: can i use radio comm to hear what people on lower floors might be saying to each other? c:
  1787. 11:10 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: sound travels pretty far in an empty building, and besides, the guys are wearing headphones to minimise ear damage :v
  1788. 11:10 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah sure
  1789. 11:10 PM - John Edsworth: coolio
  1790. 11:10 PM - Higeki Hiro: this system is so fucking brilliant
  1791. 11:10 PM - John Edsworth: whadda i roll, awareness?
  1792. 11:11 PM - Higeki Hiro: there are so many ways to deal with shit
  1793. 11:11 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yep
  1794. 11:11 PM - John Edsworth: 22
  1795. 11:11 PM - John Edsworth: that was almost a critical failure c:
  1796. 11:11 PM - Higeki Hiro: with all these skills and cybershits you can solve any problem
  1797. 11:11 PM - John Edsworth: i'm going to deck my guy out with cyber shit
  1798. 11:11 PM - John Edsworth: i have 10 empathy
  1799. 11:11 PM - Higeki Hiro: G'd up from the feet up nigga
  1800. 11:11 PM - John Edsworth: ye boi
  1801. 11:12 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so whose turn is it anyway
  1802. 11:12 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You scan the airwaves with your internal radio thingamajig. Apart from regular bored guards chattering, you hear nothing of note. Looks like nobody's aware of what's going on above them.
  1803. 11:12 PM - Bruce Brynes: I want to stay as bruce
  1804. 11:12 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Tool moves in a position where he can cover the corridor with his assault rifle.
  1805. 11:12 PM - Bruce Brynes: but If I have to die (whic aint gonna happen)
  1806. 11:12 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Bruce's up
  1807. 11:12 PM - Bruce Brynes: yay
  1808. 11:13 PM - Higeki Hiro: Welcome to whose turn is it anyway, where the death descriptions are sickening and the combat order doesn't matter
  1809. 11:13 PM - Bruce Brynes: I'm gonna be Inferno from beast wars with WHOLE lotta cbershit
  1810. 11:13 PM - Bruce Brynes: but wait shit
  1811. 11:13 PM - Bruce Brynes: Bruce was gonna be inferno
  1812. 11:13 PM - Bruce Brynes: fuck
  1813. 11:13 PM - Bruce Brynes: anyway
  1814. 11:13 PM - Bruce Brynes: who is there left?
  1815. 11:13 PM - Entropy / Perseus: 6 niggas
  1816. 11:13 PM - John Edsworth: "OK, no one knows what's happening yet, guys." I say quietly to the party.
  1817. 11:13 PM - Entropy / Perseus: boutta get popped
  1818. 11:13 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: ayup
  1819. 11:13 PM - Entropy / Perseus: don't forget we're being sneaky
  1820. 11:13 PM - Bruce Brynes: I whip out my pistol
  1821. 11:13 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so slienced weapon onlee
  1822. 11:14 PM - Bruce Brynes: pop pop pop rollin' to make em drop
  1823. 11:14 PM - Bruce Brynes: 25 and 27
  1824. 11:14 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: who are you firing at
  1825. 11:14 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: the dudes you can't see from your location?
  1826. 11:15 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: actually
  1827. 11:15 PM - Bruce Brynes: the two closest ones
  1828. 11:16 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: now you've got a map
  1829. 11:16 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: ...without y'all on it
  1830. 11:16 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: wait
  1831. 11:17 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: there
  1832. 11:17 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: now it's done
  1833. 11:18 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: also music
  1834. 11:19 PM - Entropy / Perseus: one person in Mekton has a flying bird mecha named Kuso Hato. Literally "goddamned pigeon"
  1835. 11:19 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: motherfuckers are y'all asleep or something
  1836. 11:19 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeeesssss
  1837. 11:19 PM - Bruce Brynes: oh
  1838. 11:19 PM - Bruce Brynes: OH!
  1839. 11:20 PM - Bruce Brynes: I still have to do shit
  1840. 11:20 PM - Bruce Brynes: rollin rollin rollin
  1841. 11:20 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: ...y.e.s.
  1842. 11:20 PM - Bruce Brynes: RAWHIDE
  1843. 11:20 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright but what do you like do beside rolling
  1844. 11:20 PM - Higeki Hiro: god damn learn to roll bruce
  1845. 11:20 PM - Bruce Brynes: 9 and 3 location
  1846. 11:20 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: since,well, look at the map
  1847. 11:20 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I'm playing 2 PnPs right now and I'm not that nad
  1848. 11:20 PM - Entropy / Perseus: bad
  1849. 11:20 PM - Bruce Brynes: wait
  1850. 11:20 PM - Bruce Brynes: I thought we were near niggas
  1851. 11:20 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: aw alright lay off Potato he's an alright dude just a bit absent minded
  1852. 11:20 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you're near niggas just, y'know, not that near
  1853. 11:21 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: check ye mappe
  1854. 11:21 PM - Higeki Hiro: ye
  1855. 11:21 PM - John Edsworth: sorry im watchin evil dead 2013
  1856. 11:21 PM - Higeki Hiro: I'm not really one to judge either :V
  1857. 11:21 PM - Bruce Brynes: what's the black spraycan?
  1858. 11:21 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: the stairs
  1859. 11:21 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: they're clearly marked
  1860. 11:21 PM - Higeki Hiro: that is the hole we blew out of the wall
  1861. 11:21 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: oh that spraycan
  1862. 11:21 PM - Bruce Brynes: oh, kk
  1863. 11:22 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah that's the hole though not that one
  1864. 11:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: also is evil dead 2013 good?
  1865. 11:22 PM - Bruce Brynes: the one made with the spray tool :v
  1866. 11:22 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: that hole was already here
  1867. 11:22 PM - Higeki Hiro: o
  1868. 11:22 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah I just realised that's what you meant :v
  1869. 11:22 PM - John Edsworth: evil dead 2013 kicks ass
  1870. 11:22 PM - John Edsworth: it goes hard as fuck
  1871. 11:22 PM - Bruce Brynes: so we're outside acros from 1
  1872. 11:22 PM - John Edsworth: its a pretty good reboot
  1873. 11:22 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: the building's in kind of a shit shape after years of neglect :v
  1874. 11:22 PM - Bruce Brynes: and the guys are in 2/4/6/8
  1875. 11:23 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah, the guys in 2 are sushi now tho thanks to Higeki
  1876. 11:23 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you've still got six guys to deal with
  1877. 11:23 PM - Entropy / Perseus: wow Potato didn't even go yet
  1878. 11:23 PM - Entropy / Perseus: wtf
  1879. 11:23 PM - Bruce Brynes: So I shot the only guy in the nesxt room
  1880. 11:23 PM - Bruce Brynes: I DID you cumlord
  1881. 11:23 PM - Bruce Brynes: O.K. so I have to re-roll yaaaaaay
  1882. 11:23 PM - Bruce Brynes: and yeah I know shut up
  1883. 11:23 PM - Bruce Brynes: you know what
  1884. 11:23 PM - Bruce Brynes: no
  1885. 11:24 PM - Bruce Brynes: i'll use the first roll
  1886. 11:24 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: sure, go ahead
  1887. 11:24 PM - Bruce Brynes: 4 on chance 9 on location
  1888. 11:24 PM - Bruce Brynes: rollin damage
  1889. 11:24 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright
  1890. 11:24 PM - Bruce Brynes: 11
  1891. 11:24 PM - John Edsworth: ha
  1892. 11:24 PM - John Edsworth: lame
  1893. 11:24 PM - John Edsworth: not even instakill 0/10
  1894. 11:26 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You sneakily sneak up to the door of apt. 4 or what once was it, peer through the doorway, and plant a bullet in the lone shooter's left leg, shattering his femur and his dreams of a career as an olympic runner. He slumps to the ground.
  1895. 11:26 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Was the weapon silenced?
  1896. 11:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: say yes
  1897. 11:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: even if it wasn't say yes
  1898. 11:26 PM - John Edsworth: he can still compete in the cyber olympics :c
  1899. 11:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: it was trust me
  1900. 11:26 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeah
  1901. 11:26 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I'm not gonna ask why a police officer needs a silenced handgun but ok
  1902. 11:27 PM - Entropy / Perseus: because he works with us
  1903. 11:27 PM - Higeki Hiro: for stealth raids
  1904. 11:27 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: wait a minute I should roll for the rest hearing the gun
  1905. 11:27 PM - Higeki Hiro: and illegal activities
  1906. 11:27 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeah, stealth raids
  1907. 11:28 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: eh, there's no rules for that in the book, screw that
  1908. 11:28 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: they don't hear the shot 'cause it's silenced, duh
  1909. 11:28 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The rest of the team moves stealthily up the corridor.
  1910. 11:28 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Entropy's up
  1911. 11:28 PM - Higeki Hiro: I thought silencers were loud as fuck tho\
  1912. 11:28 PM - Entropy / Perseus: also why are we worrying about silenced weapons when we're shooting enemies on a shooting range
  1913. 11:28 PM - Entropy / Perseus: gunshots would hardly be out of place
  1914. 11:28 PM - Higeki Hiro: like dropping a text book on the floor
  1915. 11:29 PM - Higeki Hiro: they stopped shooting?
  1916. 11:29 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: they are but the guys have ear protection
  1917. 11:29 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: since they're on the range and ~safety~
  1918. 11:29 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so who do I see
  1919. 11:29 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: normally they wouldn't give a tenth of a fuck but they have a pro as an instructor so yeah
  1920. 11:29 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you see...
  1921. 11:30 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: three gangers coached by an older looking guy with graying hair and an old cyberleg.
  1922. 11:30 PM - Bruce Brynes: didi snake go to cyberpunk
  1923. 11:30 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: He carries himself like a soldier, and he seems familiar to you somehow.
  1924. 11:30 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: nah, it's not snake
  1925. 11:30 PM - Bruce Brynes: are we secretly in the future of the Fallout campaign
  1926. 11:30 PM - Entropy / Perseus: one API bullet to each
  1927. 11:30 PM - Entropy / Perseus: c:
  1928. 11:30 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: good goddamn song
  1929. 11:30 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright
  1930. 11:31 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: damage, etc., etc.
  1931. 11:31 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: not to mention rolling for hit obviously
  1932. 11:31 PM - Entropy / Perseus: kay
  1933. 11:31 PM - Entropy / Perseus: epeat 4 1D10+6+1+10 => 24 ; 23 ; 23 ; 21
  1934. 11:32 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I'm constantly astonished by how much awesome music is out there
  1935. 11:32 PM - Entropy / Perseus: repeat 4 5D6 => 16 ; 12 ; 18 ; 13
  1936. 11:32 PM - John Edsworth: alright
  1937. 11:32 PM - Entropy / Perseus: repeat 4 1D10 => 6 ; 5 ; 4 ; 4
  1938. 11:32 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: wait what the hell did you roll four times for you said one API to each
  1939. 11:32 PM - John Edsworth: evil dead 3 is done
  1940. 11:32 PM - John Edsworth: damn that was good
  1941. 11:32 PM - Entropy / Perseus: um
  1942. 11:32 PM - Entropy / Perseus: ROF of 2
  1943. 11:32 PM - Entropy / Perseus: 2 actions
  1944. 11:32 PM - Entropy / Perseus: 4 niggas
  1945. 11:32 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: unless you also decided to put two in the coach guy
  1946. 11:32 PM - Entropy / Perseus: 2 bullet per action
  1947. 11:32 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: 3 niggas
  1948. 11:32 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: check the map
  1949. 11:32 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: THE MAP WHICH I SPENT SO MUCH TIME ON :qq:
  1950. 11:32 PM - Entropy / Perseus: well ok then one extra bullet to the coach nigga
  1951. 11:33 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: awright
  1952. 11:33 PM - Entropy / Perseus: since if he's coaching it means he's more skilled meaning more likely to shoot my other leg off
  1953. 11:34 PM - John Edsworth: so uh
  1954. 11:34 PM - John Edsworth: what the hell is going on
  1955. 11:34 PM - Bruce Brynes: we're shooting guys
  1956. 11:34 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I shot 3 nig noggas
  1957. 11:34 PM - Entropy / Perseus: 4 times
  1958. 11:34 PM - Entropy / Perseus: with API ammo
  1959. 11:34 PM - Entropy / Perseus: c:
  1960. 11:34 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Your silenced gun coughs four times. The two young gangers each catch a bullet to the arm and slump over the firing bench, their clothes set on fire from the API bullets. The coach, on the other hand, tries to turn to you, but gets two to the chest. He falls backwards. A large revolver falls out of his hand and clatters on the floor.
  1961. 11:35 PM - Entropy / Perseus: Entropy stares at the revolver. "Is that...?"
  1962. 11:35 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: he shot three nig nogs and killed 'em 'cause that's how Entropy rolls.
  1963. 11:35 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I investigate ye revolver further
  1964. 11:35 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I like large revolvers
  1965. 11:35 PM - Bruce Brynes: is it ocelot
  1966. 11:35 PM - Higeki Hiro: god dammit
  1967. 11:35 PM - Higeki Hiro: we killed him :c
  1968. 11:36 PM - Entropy / Perseus: we killed Ren
  1969. 11:36 PM - Entropy / Perseus: again
  1970. 11:36 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You pick up the revolver. The markings on the side say "LeMat 2020". It's got an oversized cylinder and a second barrel under the regular one.
  1971. 11:36 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and no, it wasn't Ocelot
  1972. 11:36 PM - Higeki Hiro: thank god
  1973. 11:36 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You swing the cylinder open - nine chambers. Looks like it takes .41 ammo, too.
  1974. 11:36 PM - Entropy / Perseus: You're not sure, but under the darkened, dusty, and buzzing lights of this old building, you think you see a single tear roll down his cheek from under Entropy's mirror shades
  1975. 11:36 PM - John Edsworth: Righteousness -and superior firepower- has triumphed! The filthy beast is no more!
  1976. 11:37 PM - Higeki Hiro: so edgy
  1977. 11:37 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: twoooooooo enemies leeeeeeft!
  1978. 11:37 PM - Higeki Hiro: wait we killed the guys in room 8 right?
  1979. 11:37 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "It is. This is it."
  1980. 11:37 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and they don't even know you're there :v
  1981. 11:38 PM - Higeki Hiro: o nvm
  1982. 11:38 PM - John Edsworth: I go search the other bodies for lewt
  1983. 11:38 PM - Higeki Hiro: whose turn now
  1984. 11:38 PM - Higeki Hiro: mine i guess
  1985. 11:38 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yours I suppose
  1986. 11:38 PM - Higeki Hiro: there are still guys there
  1987. 11:38 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: do you slay the remaining a-holes/
  1988. 11:38 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: ?
  1989. 11:38 PM - Higeki Hiro: alright ill just run up and slice em up
  1990. 11:38 PM - Higeki Hiro: 29 and 30
  1991. 11:39 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright that's definitely two hits
  1992. 11:39 PM - Higeki Hiro: crit fags
  1993. 11:39 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: damage, location?
  1994. 11:39 PM - John Edsworth: slice a nigga IN HALF
  1995. 11:39 PM - Higeki Hiro: 20 and 15
  1996. 11:39 PM - Higeki Hiro: 4 and 6
  1997. 11:40 PM - Higeki Hiro: wait does this even have crits
  1998. 11:40 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You cut the first guy across the chest, effectively slashing him in half. Then, you turn to the other one, bump the rifle he was about to fire at you up, and quickly slash his left arm off before he manages to get a shot.
  1999. 11:40 PM - Bruce Brynes: wait, it's head, torso, l leg, r leg, l arm, and r arm
  2000. 11:40 PM - Bruce Brynes: what about the other 4?
  2001. 11:40 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: clean up on aisle 7!
  2002. 11:40 PM - John Edsworth: head = 1
  2003. 11:40 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: torso's like 2-4
  2004. 11:40 PM - John Edsworth: torso equal 2-4
  2005. 11:40 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: it's on the sheet man
  2006. 11:41 PM - Bruce Brynes: kk
  2007. 11:41 PM - Higeki Hiro: is he still alive
  2008. 11:41 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: not really, no
  2009. 11:41 PM - John Edsworth: arm and head is harder to hit than everything else
  2010. 11:41 PM - John Edsworth: its pretty awesome
  2011. 11:41 PM - John Edsworth: so yeah
  2012. 11:41 PM - John Edsworth: i lewt ye bodies
  2013. 11:41 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I need no loot. I have my LeMat.
  2014. 11:41 PM - Higeki Hiro: 20 dmg is a shit load of damage
  2015. 11:42 PM - Higeki Hiro: 6 damage pretty much puts you in a near death state
  2016. 11:42 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you find five M16A2 rifles, two M12 CAW automatic shotguns, and what should've been one LeMat revolver but Entropy already snatched it up.
  2017. 11:42 PM - Higeki Hiro: so i killed him like 50 times
  2018. 11:43 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: uh, nah, 12 damage puts you in near death :v
  2019. 11:43 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro flicks the blood off of his blade
  2020. 11:43 PM - Higeki Hiro: o
  2021. 11:43 PM - Entropy / Perseus: Entropy investigates the LeMat further before spinning it on his finger and snap aiming at various objects
  2022. 11:43 PM - John Edsworth: eh, i don't want any of the guns
  2023. 11:43 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: if you get more than that you gotta start rolling for not dying so yeah
  2024. 11:43 PM - Higeki Hiro: I thought 12 was like all of it
  2025. 11:43 PM - John Edsworth: "Found some guns, guys!" I call
  2026. 11:43 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: but but you can sell them to Neil and stuff
  2027. 11:43 PM - John Edsworth: you can take something like 52 damage total before you are dead permanently
  2028. 11:43 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yep
  2029. 11:43 PM - John Edsworth: but uh, if you fail a roll before that
  2030. 11:44 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: in fact Entropy took like 40
  2031. 11:44 PM - John Edsworth: you're a little fucked
  2032. 11:44 PM - John Edsworth: yeah that was pretty great
  2033. 11:44 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and I didn't make him roll 'cause I'm a merciful GM
  2034. 11:44 PM - John Edsworth: he was one point away from dying if i recall correctly
  2035. 11:44 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and having someone die in the second combat in the game would suck major ones
  2036. 11:44 PM - John Edsworth: yep
  2037. 11:44 PM - John Edsworth: and then i wrenched the situation back under our control
  2038. 11:44 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: aw
  2039. 11:44 PM - Higeki Hiro: it would definately scare the fuck out of us
  2040. 11:45 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I'm pretty sure that was physically painful, Data
  2041. 11:45 PM - John Edsworth: it was
  2042. 11:45 PM - Higeki Hiro: just to realize the actually brutality of the combat
  2043. 11:45 PM - John Edsworth: i think i broke a finger, actually
  2044. 11:45 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "This is all the gun I need."
  2045. 11:45 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: well it is pretty fucking brutal
  2046. 11:45 PM - John Edsworth: it is totally brutal
  2047. 11:45 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: the enemies are dying in droves
  2048. 11:45 PM - John Edsworth: i love it
  2049. 11:45 PM - John Edsworth: i'm actually glad entropy almost died
  2050. 11:45 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "My father's old LeMat. I have been searching years for this."
  2051. 11:45 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: it's just y'all fuckers are so good at using cover :v
  2052. 11:45 PM - Entropy / Perseus: me too
  2053. 11:45 PM - Entropy / Perseus: gave me free EMP points
  2054. 11:45 PM - Entropy / Perseus: :v
  2055. 11:45 PM - Higeki Hiro: I am pretty much Ogami Itto when it comes to these killcounts now
  2056. 11:45 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: it's not your father's old LeMat, it's a 2020 update :v
  2057. 11:46 PM - John Edsworth: nah, but it put things into perspective :v
  2058. 11:46 PM - John Edsworth: "Why was your father's old LeMat among unissued military surplus?"
  2059. 11:46 PM - Entropy / Perseus: fuk u
  2060. 11:46 PM - John Edsworth: ruined
  2061. 11:46 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I thought we agreed
  2062. 11:46 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Doesn't look like the orginal. Think it's that updated version that was released this year."
  2063. 11:47 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: we agreed on you getting a LeMat
  2064. 11:47 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: :v
  2065. 11:47 PM - Entropy / Perseus: beg your pardon
  2066. 11:47 PM - Entropy / Perseus: but do I have to quote you
  2067. 11:47 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and this one has snazzy stuff like a rad laser sight
  2068. 11:47 PM - Entropy / Perseus: 8:11 PM - Entropy / Perseus: can we fluff it so, like, the LeMat was actually my father's or something
  2069. 8:11 PM - Entropy / Perseus: and I've been tracking it
  2070. 5:12 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: eh, why not
  2071. 8:12 PM - Entropy / Perseus: makes it seem a little more believeable than "entropy wants a cool gun"
  2072. 11:47 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so
  2073. 11:47 PM - Entropy / Perseus: fuk u
  2074. 11:47 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I win
  2075. 11:47 PM - John Edsworth: but you do just want a cool gun :v
  2076. 11:47 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeah
  2077. 11:48 PM - Entropy / Perseus: but I want my edgy dead father's cool gun
  2078. 11:48 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah but let's say the your father had the orginal and now you have the update
  2079. 11:48 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: it's pretty symbolic in a way
  2080. 11:48 PM - Higeki Hiro: why are the times so fucked up with that copy paste
  2081. 11:48 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: y'know, things change and yet they stay the same and so on
  2082. 11:48 PM - Bruce Brynes: hey
  2083. 11:48 PM - John Edsworth: anyway, to the 6th floor!
  2084. 11:48 PM - Higeki Hiro: "John"
  2085. 11:48 PM - John Edsworth: "C'mon guys, floor 6 awaits!"
  2086. 11:48 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro points to a 3 digit dermal killcount on his neck reading 999
  2087. 11:49 PM - Bruce Brynes disconnected.
  2088. 11:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: threeway giant mecha combination goin on
  2089. 11:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: hot
  2090. 11:49 PM - Your state is set to Offline.
  2091. 11:49 PM - Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  2092. 11:49 PM - Connected again and rejoined chat.
  2093. 11:49 PM - John Edsworth: "Uh, you could, I guess. I'm not very good with Cyber-Tech, though."
  2094. 11:50 PM - Higeki Hiro: "It figure I should upgrade it soon since it is 243 numbers behind"
  2095. 11:50 PM - Bruce Brynes entered chat.
  2096. 11:50 PM - Higeki Hiro: "Ah"
  2097. 11:50 PM - John Edsworth: "I'd need some practice, or I might end up slicing your throat open!"
  2098. 11:50 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright he's back
  2099. 11:50 PM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro doesn't get the joke
  2100. 11:50 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: rad
  2101. 11:50 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: anyway
  2102. 11:51 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You follow the stairs further down, onto the sixth floor.
  2103. 11:51 PM - John Edsworth: just think guys
  2104. 11:51 PM - John Edsworth: in 7 years
  2105. 11:51 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You can faintly hear two people talking as you descend.
  2106. 11:51 PM - John Edsworth: everything will be 80s
  2107. 11:51 PM - John Edsworth: and we'll use stupid-ass slang
  2108. 11:51 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: oh, I wish
  2109. 11:51 PM - Higeki Hiro: everything is pretty much 80s now
  2110. 11:52 PM - John Edsworth: :v
  2111. 11:52 PM - Entropy / Perseus: 80s makes a comeback in 2020
  2112. 11:52 PM - John Edsworth: idk bout new york, but i don't usually see fringe jackets
  2113. 11:52 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah but it's not as 80s as it could be
  2114. 11:52 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: also the first edition of cyberpunk was called guess what?
  2115. 11:52 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Cyberpunk 2013
  2116. 11:52 PM - Higeki Hiro: the style is sort of coming back
  2117. 11:52 PM - Higeki Hiro: whoa fuck bro
  2118. 11:52 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: so we're already livin' in the cyber-era
  2119. 11:53 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and yeah the 80's have been coming back for a while now
  2120. 11:53 PM - Entropy / Perseus: where's my edgy then
  2121. 11:53 PM - Entropy / Perseus: this isn't nearly edgy enough
  2122. 11:53 PM - Higeki Hiro: technology moves fast as fuck
  2123. 11:53 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and hell, I'm listening to 80s revival music all the time too so :v
  2124. 11:53 PM - Higeki Hiro: so i wouldn't be suprised if we had cybershit in 2020
  2125. 11:53 PM - John Edsworth: muse is pretty 80s
  2126. 11:53 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: HUDs in cars are slowly becoming more and more standard
  2127. 11:53 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: we're getting cyberlimbs and shit though they're not nearly as advanced yt
  2128. 11:53 PM - John Edsworth: yeah tech is advancing like a motherfucker
  2129. 11:53 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: *yet
  2130. 11:54 PM - Higeki Hiro: man the future is going to be weird as fuck
  2131. 11:54 PM - John Edsworth: now, to the 6th floor?
  2132. 11:54 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeah
  2133. 11:54 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and we'll get to live through it (hopefully)
  2134. 11:54 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: 05:51 - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You can faintly hear two people talking as you descend.
  2135. 11:54 PM - Higeki Hiro: 2020 sounds like a big future thing but it won't matter much at the time
  2136. 11:55 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so can we go downstairs
  2137. 11:55 PM - Entropy / Perseus: and kill these niggas
  2138. 11:55 PM - Higeki Hiro: yes
  2139. 11:55 PM - Higeki Hiro: we can
  2140. 11:55 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yes
  2141. 11:55 PM - John Edsworth: hell, i'll be in college in 2020
  2142. 11:55 PM - Higeki Hiro: john can probably do some sound editing shit
  2143. 11:55 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I'm already in college
  2144. 11:55 PM - Entropy / Perseus: not fun
  2145. 11:55 PM - John Edsworth: weird to think about
  2146. 11:55 PM - John Edsworth: my bro says the same thing :v
  2147. 11:55 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: as you get closer and closer to apartment nr. 6, the conversation gets easier to make out.
  2148. 11:56 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "...colors. Ya ever thought of that? Like, what if, the red I'm seeing, isn't the red you're seeing? Weird shit."
  2149. 11:57 PM - Higeki Hiro: that is some weird shit
  2150. 11:57 PM - John Edsworth: they'll both be seeing the same kind of red soon anyway :v
  2151. 11:57 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  2152. 11:57 PM - Higeki Hiro: sneaky kill time
  2153. 11:57 PM - Entropy / Perseus: ba dum tish
  2154. 11:57 PM - Higeki Hiro: ?
  2155. 11:57 PM - John Edsworth: indubitably
  2156. 11:57 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: the other voice replies "Oh, goddammit, you always get like that after you smoke up. Motherfuckin' street philosopher. Now pass the goddamn joint, will ya?"
  2157. 11:57 PM - Higeki Hiro: :V
  2158. 11:57 PM - Higeki Hiro: they are seeing the same green tho
  2159. 11:58 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: nice one
  2160. 11:58 PM - Higeki Hiro: also 0/10 no future drugs
  2161. 11:58 PM - Higeki Hiro: I kind of want to make my own drugs
  2162. 11:58 PM - John Edsworth: wat
  2163. 11:58 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: weed is the future drug my friend
  2164. 11:58 PM - Higeki Hiro: it has that thing in the rulebook but i haven't read it yet
  2165. 11:58 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I'm pretty sure he meant, like, in game
  2166. 11:58 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah
  2167. 11:58 PM - Higeki Hiro: seems cool
  2168. 11:58 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "This is our opposition?" Entropy whispers
  2169. 11:58 PM - John Edsworth: i hope so
  2170. 11:58 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: not like Walter Whiteing it up and grabbing an RV and going out in the desert to cook some meth
  2171. 11:59 PM - Higeki Hiro: nah
  2172. 11:59 PM - Higeki Hiro: drugs are bad kids
  2173. 11:59 PM - John Edsworth: "Why didn't you just buy the MK19 from them? Aren't you famous?"
  2174. 11:59 PM - Higeki Hiro: "shh
  2175. 11:59 PM - Higeki Hiro: "
  2176. 11:59 PM - John Edsworth: "Sorry," I whisper.
  2177. 11:59 PM - Higeki Hiro: can i sneak attack now
  2178. 11:59 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yep
  2179. 11:59 PM - Higeki Hiro: 24
  2180. 11:59 PM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Damn, ya heard this shit?"
  2181. 11:59 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "I'm famous, but that gives me enemies." I glare. "Do you wish to become one?"
  2182. Sunday, November 10, 2013
  2183. 12:00 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Nah, must've been the wind or something."
  2184. 12:00 AM - Higeki Hiro: 29 and 28
  2185. 12:00 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: dam/loc
  2186. 12:00 AM - Higeki Hiro: 6 and 10 for location
  2187. 12:00 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I'm definitely buying you something nice
  2188. 12:00 AM - Higeki Hiro: 8 and 17 for damage
  2189. 12:00 AM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro quickly runs down the stairs and does an unsheathing slash to one foe
  2190. 12:01 AM - John Edsworth: "Jeez, calm down. Just wondering."
  2191. 12:01 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You emerge from the shadows and lop off the first guy's arm. "Shit, B, monsters! I knew this weed was ba-" says the one in a panicked voice before you cut his leg to pieces.
  2192. 12:01 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: rip stoners
  2193. 12:01 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: they just wanted to smoke up in piece
  2194. 12:01 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and you killed them
  2195. 12:01 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: u monster
  2196. 12:01 AM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro wispers "Kagemusha"
  2197. 12:01 AM - John Edsworth: >not stoning them to death
  2198. 12:01 AM - Higeki Hiro: "Onimusha"
  2199. 12:02 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you're hella anime Wing
  2200. 12:02 AM - Higeki Hiro: i am just saying words
  2201. 12:02 AM - Higeki Hiro: i dunno what the fuck onimush means
  2202. 12:02 AM - John Edsworth: that sound vaguely japanese
  2203. 12:02 AM - Higeki Hiro: its a ps2 game
  2204. 12:02 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah
  2205. 12:02 AM - John Edsworth: pfffft
  2206. 12:02 AM - John Edsworth: nice
  2207. 12:02 AM - Higeki Hiro: its sitting right the fuck next to me and i haven't played it yet
  2208. 12:02 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: say "nagasaki" next time
  2209. 12:02 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: or maybe "panasonic"
  2210. 12:03 AM - Entropy / Perseus: or "kawaii desu oni chan"
  2211. 12:03 AM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro steps on the joint and pivots his foot around
  2212. 12:03 AM - John Edsworth: or "subaru"
  2213. 12:03 AM - Entropy / Perseus: as you slice people into sushi
  2214. 12:03 AM - John Edsworth: *PIVOT*
  2215. 12:03 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: noooooooo weed is expensive in CP
  2216. 12:03 AM - Higeki Hiro: sick pivots
  2217. 12:03 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you just wasted some perfectly good kush
  2218. 12:03 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: monster
  2219. 12:03 AM - John Edsworth: kush monster? oh jesus save us
  2220. 12:03 AM - Higeki Hiro: they already got their cyber stds all over the joint
  2221. 12:04 AM - Higeki Hiro: plus i got 15000eb
  2222. 12:04 AM - Higeki Hiro: i think i can buy some weed
  2223. 12:04 AM - Entropy / Perseus: so wait who is the guy we're even gonna get a bounty on anyway
  2224. 12:04 AM - Entropy / Perseus: do we know his face
  2225. 12:04 AM - John Edsworth: i have 17k
  2226. 12:04 AM - Higeki Hiro: lol no
  2227. 12:04 AM - Entropy / Perseus: or did we aleady blow it off
  2228. 12:04 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: no and no
  2229. 12:04 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and why do you assume it's a guy
  2230. 12:04 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: sexist
  2231. 12:04 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: check your privilege
  2232. 12:04 AM - John Edsworth: lol
  2233. 12:05 AM - Entropy / Perseus: no
  2234. 12:05 AM - Higeki Hiro: inb4 it is a guy to make you think he tricked you into thinking it is a girl but then he tricks to again to make it a guy
  2235. 12:05 AM - John Edsworth: so uh
  2236. 12:05 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I am privliged
  2237. 12:05 AM - Bruce Brynes: im datinga bi blakcwomen
  2238. 12:05 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I'm Entropy
  2239. 12:05 AM - John Edsworth: is there a 6th floor map
  2240. 12:05 AM - Bruce Brynes: check YO priv
  2241. 12:05 AM - Entropy / Perseus: Potato nobody cares
  2242. 12:05 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: no
  2243. 12:05 AM - Higeki Hiro: cyberpunk is filled with twists and turns
  2244. 12:05 AM - Bruce Brynes: yep
  2245. 12:05 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: 'cause that was all that was on the sixth floor
  2246. 12:05 AM - Entropy / Perseus: and bad slang
  2247. 12:05 AM - John Edsworth: really bad slang
  2248. 12:05 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: what you callin' bad slang boy
  2249. 12:06 AM - John Edsworth: choomba*
  2250. 12:06 AM - John Edsworth: anyway
  2251. 12:06 AM - John Edsworth: >lewt
  2252. 12:06 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah
  2253. 12:07 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You find: a few blunts, an Armalite .44, and a banged up zippo lighter. Oh, and a rasta cap. Damn, these guys were dedicated
  2254. 12:07 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I'll let the other plebs carry loot
  2255. 12:08 AM - Higeki Hiro: dedicated to the end ;_;7
  2256. 12:08 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: another good song
  2257. 12:08 AM - John Edsworth: eh, lame loot
  2258. 12:08 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Electric Youth status: still own
  2259. 12:09 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Tool picks up the lighter. "Hey, nice! I lost my old one."
  2260. 12:09 AM - John Edsworth: let's continue to the next floor, if theres no other rooms to check
  2261. 12:09 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: sure thing
  2262. 12:10 AM - Bruce Brynes: sorry hadto take piss
  2263. 12:10 AM - Entropy / Perseus: Is everyone Ryan
  2264. 12:11 AM - John Edsworth: i havent pissed yet
  2265. 12:11 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You descend further down the stairs. Finally, you find yourselves in a large, dark room, lighted only by... wait, torches? The hell is that?
  2266. 12:11 AM - Bruce Brynes: "Torches? The hell?"
  2267. 12:11 AM - Entropy / Perseus: "Primitive."
  2268. 12:11 AM - John Edsworth: "Do they know it's 2020?"
  2269. 12:11 AM - Bruce Brynes: are we secretly playing Du&De?
  2270. 12:12 AM - John Edsworth: I cough. "Aw, jesus. I hate smoke."
  2271. 12:12 AM - Higeki Hiro: How dark is it exactly
  2272. 12:12 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Your eyes gravitate towards the center of the room. In the center stands a massive throne-like chair, with a beautiful and yet savage and cruel looking woman sitting atop of it. She's got short blonde hair. (and no, she's not black. You fucking racist)
  2273. 12:13 AM - Bruce Brynes: why would we think she's black?
  2274. 12:13 AM - Bruce Brynes: She has blonde hair
  2275. 12:13 AM - Entropy / Perseus: "You must be the 150,000 eurobuck bounty, judging by the overdramatic throne."
  2276. 12:13 AM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro stows his sword but keeps his hand on the sheathed tanto behind his back
  2277. 12:14 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The throne is surrounded by guard-looking ladies, giving a distinct "warrior woman" vibe. They're holding shotguns and machine pistols, and look like they mean business.
  2278. 12:14 AM - John Edsworth: i thought that said "euroblack"
  2279. 12:14 AM - Entropy / Perseus: and I'm the reacist one
  2280. 12:14 AM - Entropy / Perseus: racist
  2281. 12:14 AM - Entropy / Perseus: wow that was a terrible typo
  2282. 12:14 AM - Entropy / Perseus: how did I even
  2283. 12:14 AM - John Edsworth: I let out a yelp and take a step back. "Oh crap. What is this, the Amazons?"
  2284. 12:14 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The woman throws her head backwards and lets out a short laugh. "Ha! Overdramatic! You dare insult the queen of the Warrior Hearts?"
  2285. 12:14 AM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro takes his hand off the tanto and moves it back to his sword
  2286. 12:15 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Suddenly, she notices John. "And you! You traitor! You are with them? After all the money you were paid for your job?"
  2287. 12:15 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: (note: they didn't pay you a single cent)
  2288. 12:15 AM - John Edsworth: "Money? And hey, I don't even want to be here!"
  2289. 12:15 AM - Entropy / Perseus: "I take that back. Painfully dramatic enough to warrant being written by Shakespear."
  2290. 12:15 AM - Bruce Brynes: "Ma'am. You need to come with us"
  2291. 12:15 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "But of course, that's how life is in today's world. And now, for this act of betrayal..."
  2292. 12:16 AM - Bruce Brynes: Also this is totes illegal isn't it
  2293. 12:16 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: She pulls a monosword from behind the throne.
  2294. 12:16 AM - Bruce Brynes: even before we killed all of these people
  2295. 12:16 AM - Entropy / Perseus: a sword
  2296. 12:16 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "You and your friends! Shall! Die!"
  2297. 12:16 AM - Entropy / Perseus: bitch I got a gun
  2298. 12:16 AM - Entropy / Perseus: a damned fine one
  2299. 12:16 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I test it
  2300. 12:16 AM - Higeki Hiro: "Wait!"
  2301. 12:16 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yes, you do :v
  2302. 12:16 AM - John Edsworth: i'd say the huge military-grade surplus in here is illegal
  2303. 12:16 AM - John Edsworth: oh shit
  2304. 12:16 AM - Higeki Hiro: "Let us fight this out like warriors"
  2305. 12:16 AM - Entropy / Perseus: Entropy halts mid draw.
  2306. 12:16 AM - John Edsworth: samurai duel coming
  2307. 12:16 AM - Higeki Hiro: "A duel with swords"
  2308. 12:17 AM - Bruce Brynes: oh yeah, Plot Excuse
  2309. 12:17 AM - John Edsworth: your sword is gonna fuckin shatter lol
  2310. 12:17 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1:
  2311. 12:17 AM - Higeki Hiro: fuck off mate
  2312. 12:17 AM - Higeki Hiro: i beat women hard
  2313. 12:17 AM - Bruce Brynes: (RE: I'm was told to keep an eye on you guys while I arrest)
  2314. 12:17 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Very well. I shall accept the offer."
  2315. 12:17 AM - Entropy / Perseus: "Ordinairly, I do not conceed to commands. But I trust in your judgement, Hiro. You jabe proved capable thus far."
  2316. 12:17 AM - Higeki Hiro: huehue
  2317. 12:17 AM - Bruce Brynes: I whip out the shotgun
  2318. 12:17 AM - Entropy / Perseus: Entropy steps back, and watched
  2319. 12:17 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The lady is definitely nuts.
  2320. 12:17 AM - Entropy / Perseus: have
  2321. 12:17 AM - Entropy / Perseus: not jabe
  2322. 12:17 AM - Higeki Hiro: "No armor, swords and daggers only"
  2323. 12:17 AM - Entropy / Perseus: god damned I'm tired
  2324. 12:17 AM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro takes of his shirt and jacket
  2326. 12:18 AM - John Edsworth: yo fault nigga
  2327. 12:18 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright we'll cut it after the fight
  2328. 12:18 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and do the rest next time
  2329. 12:18 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: or tomorrow
  2330. 12:18 AM - Entropy / Perseus: nah we can keep going
  2331. 12:18 AM - Entropy / Perseus: unless someone else wants to stop
  2332. 12:18 AM - John Edsworth: i'd like to keep going, if everyone else aint tired
  2333. 12:18 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I won't be that guy
  2334. 12:18 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: since monday is Poland's independence day and I've got school off so yeah
  2335. 12:18 AM - John Edsworth: i got a 3 day weekend for veterans day
  2336. 12:18 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I'll leave that to Wing
  2337. 12:18 AM - Higeki Hiro: His body in littered with tattoos and you see a small led screen on the back of his next reaing "ARMED"
  2338. 12:18 AM - Entropy / Perseus: :v
  2339. 12:18 AM - Higeki Hiro: reading*
  2340. 12:18 AM - Higeki Hiro: I can stay up for a bit longer
  2341. 12:19 AM - Bruce Brynes: Aw, I have a normal weekend
  2342. 12:19 AM - John Edsworth: ha, he's NAKED.
  2343. 12:19 AM - Bruce Brynes: but it is saturday so who cares
  2344. 12:19 AM - Higeki Hiro: I still got pants pleb
  2345. 12:19 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: nah he's wearing pants
  2346. 12:19 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I hope
  2347. 12:19 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: phew
  2348. 12:19 AM - John Edsworth: you don't get veterans day off?
  2349. 12:19 AM - John Edsworth: man, sucks to be texan
  2350. 12:19 AM - John Edsworth: :v
  2351. 12:19 AM - Higeki Hiro: I don't either
  2352. 12:19 AM - Bruce Brynes: I think we usually do?
  2353. 12:19 AM - Bruce Brynes: But my school is messed up
  2354. 12:19 AM - Higeki Hiro: didn't get columbus day off either
  2355. 12:19 AM - Bruce Brynes: we have NO eraly dismissal days
  2356. 12:19 AM - Bruce Brynes: NONE
  2357. 12:19 AM - John Edsworth: i have every monday early dismissal
  2358. 12:19 AM - John Edsworth: and basically every holiday every off
  2359. 12:19 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: music
  2360. 12:19 AM - John Edsworth:
  2361. 12:19 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: annd
  2362. 12:20 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: so do you fight or
  2363. 12:20 AM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro readies his sword
  2364. 12:20 AM - Bruce Brynes: My middle school had early dis weds but they took it out after 6th grade
  2365. 12:20 AM - Higeki Hiro: "Any other rules you'd like to address?"
  2366. 12:20 AM - Entropy / Perseus: Entropy stands back and watches
  2367. 12:20 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Tool tightens his eyes as he holds his rifle at the ready.
  2368. 12:20 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Yes. We fight... To the death."
  2369. 12:20 AM - Higeki Hiro: "Then strike true"
  2370. 12:20 AM - John Edsworth: "M-maybe we can talk this out?" I stammer out from the corner.
  2371. 12:20 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "Now, come close and taste the defeat from the Warrior Queen's hand!
  2372. 12:20 AM - Entropy / Perseus: let the ultra anime battle commence
  2373. 12:20 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: "
  2374. 12:21 AM - Higeki Hiro: shall we roll for initiative?
  2375. 12:21 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah
  2376. 12:21 AM - Higeki Hiro: ref+1d10
  2377. 12:21 AM - Higeki Hiro: ?
  2378. 12:21 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yep
  2379. 12:21 AM - Higeki Hiro: 22
  2380. 12:21 AM - Entropy / Perseus: cum on bby i believe in u
  2381. 12:21 AM - Higeki Hiro: I also activate my speedware
  2382. 12:21 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: she only gets 15
  2383. 12:21 AM - John Edsworth: hoshit
  2384. 12:21 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright you're gonna own her ass
  2385. 12:21 AM - Bruce Brynes: ew
  2386. 12:21 AM - Entropy / Perseus: hot
  2387. 12:22 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: oh yeah, phrasing
  2388. 12:22 AM - Higeki Hiro: I run up and do as many fucking slashes as humanly possible
  2389. 12:22 AM - Higeki Hiro: how many slashes are humanly possible
  2390. 12:22 AM - Higeki Hiro: ?
  2391. 12:22 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: depends on your sword's ROF :v
  2392. 12:22 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: which is 2 I think
  2393. 12:22 AM - John Edsworth:
  2394. 12:22 AM - John Edsworth: pic very related to higeki
  2395. 12:22 AM - Higeki Hiro: alright then
  2396. 12:22 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: also you use up one action for running up
  2397. 12:23 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: so yeah two slashes
  2398. 12:23 AM - Higeki Hiro: whoa fuck yo
  2399. 12:23 AM - Higeki Hiro: 24 and 30
  2400. 12:23 AM - Higeki Hiro: i do double damage bitch
  2401. 12:23 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: dayum son
  2402. 12:23 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright
  2403. 12:23 AM - Higeki Hiro: 20 and 13
  2404. 12:23 AM - Higeki Hiro: for damage
  2405. 12:23 AM - John Edsworth: hooshit boi
  2406. 12:23 AM - Higeki Hiro: 5 and 8 for location
  2407. 12:23 AM - John Edsworth: she is DEAD as fuck
  2408. 12:23 AM - Higeki Hiro: 20 gets doubled yo
  2409. 12:24 AM - John Edsworth: you pretty much ran toward her and annihilated her booty
  2410. 12:24 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright she rolls 26 on the first one and
  2411. 12:24 AM - Bruce Brynes: ew
  2412. 12:24 AM - John Edsworth: oh right, double entendres
  2413. 12:25 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: 22 on the second one, sorry, had to double check :v
  2414. 12:25 AM - Higeki Hiro: "I Higeki Hiro, personal excutioner of Entropy, sentence you to death by the sword"
  2415. 12:25 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: She deflects the first blow, but the second goes through her defenses and cuts straight through her right leg, severing an artery.
  2416. 12:26 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: She slowly falls to the ground. "Get them!" she shrieks, before fainting from the blood loss.
  2417. 12:26 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Her guards raise their weapons. Maybe it's time to find some cover?
  2418. 12:26 AM - Higeki Hiro: "You dishonor your oath"
  2419. 12:27 AM - Entropy / Perseus: Entropy draws his LeMat and readies to fire at guards
  2420. 12:27 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: (I would suggest now)
  2421. 12:27 AM - Higeki Hiro: can i run now
  2422. 12:27 AM - Higeki Hiro: i run now
  2423. 12:27 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yes
  2424. 12:27 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Bruce, you're up
  2425. 12:27 AM - Entropy / Perseus: though I think I'd like cover first
  2426. 12:27 AM - Entropy / Perseus: when my turn comes
  2427. 12:27 AM - Entropy / Perseus: :v
  2428. 12:27 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and I gotta do a map right quick
  2429. 12:27 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: 'cause that one floor is different from the others and of course it's the one I forgot to do the map of :v
  2430. 12:27 AM - Bruce Brynes disconnected.
  2431. 12:28 AM - John Edsworth: rip
  2432. 12:28 AM - Entropy / Perseus: Mekton right now
  2433. 12:28 AM - Entropy / Perseus:
  2434. 12:28 AM - John Edsworth: as soon as i get out of this place, i'm taking classes in cyber tech and possibly av piloting
  2435. 12:28 AM - Entropy / Perseus: giant airship mecha shoots 100 missiles, newly combined mecha friends have 300
  2436. 12:29 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I'm taking classes in being cool
  2437. 12:29 AM - Entropy / Perseus: shame I'm the one giving the classes
  2438. 12:29 AM - Entropy / Perseus: cause I already know everything
  2439. 12:29 AM - John Edsworth: :v
  2440. 12:29 AM - Entropy / Perseus: welp
  2441. 12:29 AM - Bruce Brynes entered chat.
  2442. 12:30 AM - John Edsworth: you're a dumbbutt
  2443. 12:30 AM - Bruce Brynes: Bruce Brynes: soeey about that, had to go afk
  2444. 12:30 AM - Entropy / Perseus: they're firing all 300 missiles
  2445. 12:30 AM - Bruce Brynes: is she alive/
  2446. 12:30 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: wait
  2447. 12:30 AM - John Edsworth: that bitch fainted from blood loss
  2448. 12:30 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I'm making the map
  2449. 12:30 AM - Higeki Hiro: I was expecting like a 30 minute combat duel with tons of dodges and parrys n shit
  2450. 12:30 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: also yes
  2451. 12:30 AM - John Edsworth: its your turn bruce, the lady warriors are pissed
  2452. 12:30 AM - John Edsworth: you have speedware
  2453. 12:30 AM - Higeki Hiro: glad it didn't come to that
  2454. 12:30 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: well it's your fault you own hardcore at swording
  2455. 12:30 AM - John Edsworth: its called speedware for a reason
  2456. 12:30 AM - Bruce Brynes: ooh, lady warriors
  2457. 12:30 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and also you scored a crit
  2458. 12:31 AM - Higeki Hiro: I am an executioner for a yakuza gang
  2459. 12:31 AM - Higeki Hiro: I think i would be fucking rad with a sword
  2460. 12:31 AM - Bruce Brynes: "MA'AMS, I AM AUTHORIZED TO USE DEADLY FORCE" I say as I shotgun the nearest ninja check in the torso
  2461. 12:31 AM - John Edsworth: damn i should stat out like
  2462. 12:31 AM - John Edsworth: force hammers
  2463. 12:31 AM - John Edsworth: the future equivalent of monoswords
  2464. 12:31 AM - Higeki Hiro: monoswords do like double damage on a crit
  2465. 12:31 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: map
  2466. 12:32 AM - Higeki Hiro: it is magnificent
  2467. 12:32 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: is up
  2468. 12:32 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright Bruce
  2469. 12:32 AM - Bruce Brynes: Bruce Brynes: "MA'AMS, I AM AUTHORIZED TO USE DEADLY FORCE" I say as I shotgun the nearest ninja chick in the torso
  2470. 12:32 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: hit, damage, location, you know the drill
  2471. 12:32 AM - Higeki Hiro: I need to get a motorcycle
  2472. 12:32 AM - Bruce Brynes: can I just say "I shot them in the torso"?
  2473. 12:33 AM - Higeki Hiro: so i can do some rad ass mounted combat
  2474. 12:33 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: moosic
  2475. 12:33 AM - Entropy / Perseus: that's target shotting tho
  2476. 12:33 AM - John Edsworth: who knows, roll :V
  2477. 12:33 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah just roll and we'll see
  2478. 12:33 AM - Bruce Brynes: 9!
  2479. 12:33 AM - Bruce Brynes: for chance
  2480. 12:33 AM - John Edsworth: right leg i think
  2481. 12:33 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: noice
  2482. 12:33 AM - Bruce Brynes: so that's
  2483. 12:33 AM - Bruce Brynes: 30!
  2484. 12:33 AM - John Edsworth: oh
  2485. 12:33 AM - John Edsworth: rad
  2486. 12:33 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: noicex2
  2487. 12:33 AM - Bruce Brynes: 4 location
  2488. 12:33 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: that's torso :v
  2489. 12:33 AM - Bruce Brynes: HAH
  2490. 12:33 AM - Bruce Brynes: HA
  2491. 12:34 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: what 'bout damage?
  2492. 12:34 AM - Bruce Brynes: HA
  2493. 12:34 AM - Bruce Brynes: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA
  2494. 12:34 AM - Bruce Brynes: HA
  2495. 12:34 AM - Bruce Brynes: 16
  2496. 12:34 AM - Bruce Brynes: not bad, I guess
  2497. 12:34 AM - John Edsworth: wait if you rolled a 9, how the hell did you get to 30
  2498. 12:34 AM - John Edsworth: do you have an 11 in something
  2499. 12:34 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: modifiers
  2500. 12:34 AM - Bruce Brynes: Plus 9 bease stat
  2501. 12:34 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: like, weapon modifiers
  2502. 12:34 AM - Bruce Brynes: and 12 rifle
  2503. 12:34 AM - John Edsworth: >12 rifle
  2504. 12:34 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you don't have 12 rifle
  2505. 12:35 AM - John Edsworth: what
  2506. 12:35 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you can't
  2507. 12:35 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: the cap is 10
  2508. 12:35 AM - Entropy / Perseus: so just lemme know when I should shoot 4 bitches with my new toy
  2509. 12:35 AM - Bruce Brynes: ...
  2510. 12:35 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: don't refer to them as bitches they're liberated women
  2511. 12:35 AM - Bruce Brynes: so it turns out im a dumbass
  2512. 12:35 AM - John Edsworth: :v
  2513. 12:35 AM - Bruce Brynes: that's less awesome
  2514. 12:35 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: it's still pretty awesome
  2515. 12:35 AM - Entropy / Perseus: they're about to be liberated
  2516. 12:35 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and you still hit
  2517. 12:35 AM - Entropy / Perseus: from living
  2518. 12:35 AM - John Edsworth: jesus appy
  2519. 12:36 AM - John Edsworth: did you like pop a vein typing that
  2520. 12:36 AM - John Edsworth: i would've :v
  2521. 12:36 AM - Higeki Hiro: I liberated her guts from her stomach
  2522. 12:36 AM - John Edsworth: WE liberated two cities back in ww2!
  2523. 12:36 AM - John Edsworth: :murrica:
  2524. 12:36 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The warrior woman gets a load of buckshot straight to the torso, knocking her down to the ground. However, her vest stops most of the impact.
  2525. 12:37 AM - Entropy / Perseus: what's this, vests? Headshots incoming
  2526. 12:37 AM - Higeki Hiro: lol that is what you get for targeting torsos bitch
  2527. 12:37 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: That is also a signal for the rest of 'em to open up with their automatic weapons. Good thing you're all in cover! oh, wait
  2528. 12:37 AM - Higeki Hiro: ?
  2529. 12:37 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: funny you're asking that
  2530. 12:37 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: look at map
  2531. 12:37 AM - Higeki Hiro: o fuck
  2532. 12:37 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah
  2533. 12:37 AM - Bruce Brynes: I thought
  2534. 12:37 AM - Bruce Brynes: they had swords
  2535. 12:37 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you better get back on the double
  2536. 12:37 AM - Higeki Hiro: ofuckqofuckofuckofuckofuckofuckofuckofuckofuckofuckofuckofuck
  2537. 12:37 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: only the QUEEN had a sword
  2538. 12:37 AM - Bruce Brynes: they ALWAYS have swords
  2539. 12:37 AM - Entropy / Perseus: wow really there's only 5 of them plebs
  2540. 12:37 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: the rest has automatic shotties and Mac-10s
  2541. 12:38 AM - Bruce Brynes: I mean, holywood wont let women use guns
  2542. 12:38 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah they're the elite guard duh
  2543. 12:38 AM - Bruce Brynes: because sexism
  2544. 12:38 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yeah but I'm not hollywood :v
  2545. 12:38 AM - Bruce Brynes: or ARE you
  2546. 12:38 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I also like to think I'm not that sexist
  2547. 12:38 AM - Higeki Hiro: the only thing protecting me is a skinweave and a fucking motorcycle helmet
  2548. 12:38 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and your bomb-ass leather
  2549. 12:38 AM - Higeki Hiro: that jacket
  2550. 12:38 AM - Higeki Hiro: is currently
  2551. 12:38 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1:
  2552. 12:38 AM - Higeki Hiro: not on me :C
  2553. 12:38 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: oh
  2554. 12:38 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: oh, yeah
  2555. 12:38 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: whoops
  2556. 12:39 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: well you better get back to that pillar on the double
  2557. 12:39 AM - Higeki Hiro: my yakuza tattoos will save me
  2558. 12:39 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1:
  2559. 12:39 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: here's hopin'
  2560. 12:39 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright Entropy time
  2561. 12:39 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Entropy, bust some caps in asses with your bomb-ass new LeMat
  2562. 12:39 AM - John Edsworth: what is it with you and asses
  2563. 12:39 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: don't forget you've got the laser sight I think it adds like +1 to aiming
  2564. 12:39 AM - Entropy / Perseus: but of course
  2565. 12:39 AM - Entropy / Perseus: ooo
  2566. 12:39 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I like bonuses
  2567. 12:40 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: it's a figure of speech, Data
  2568. 12:40 AM - John Edsworth: :v
  2569. 12:40 AM - Entropy / Perseus: so I'll be taking 2 target shots to some bitch ass faces
  2570. 12:40 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: sexist
  2571. 12:40 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and be my guest
  2572. 12:40 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: though regular shots would suffice
  2573. 12:40 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: you've got a fuckin' handcannon
  2574. 12:40 AM - Entropy / Perseus: oh
  2575. 12:40 AM - Entropy / Perseus: well in that case
  2576. 12:40 AM - Entropy / Perseus: 4 shots
  2577. 12:40 AM - Entropy / Perseus: to 4 bitches
  2578. 12:40 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: with API
  2579. 12:40 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright attaboy
  2580. 12:41 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: roll ye dice
  2581. 12:41 AM - Entropy / Perseus: kay
  2582. 12:41 AM - John Edsworth: welp
  2583. 12:41 AM - Entropy / Perseus: repeat 4 1D10+10+6+1+1 => 24 ; 25 ; 26 ; 22
  2584. 12:41 AM - John Edsworth: appy reached his endgame gun rather fast :v
  2585. 12:41 AM - Entropy / Perseus: repeat 4 1D10 => 1 ; 4 ; 1 ; 2
  2586. 12:41 AM - Higeki Hiro: we all have
  2587. 12:41 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: dude he had his endgame gun from the very beginning
  2588. 12:42 AM - Entropy / Perseus: whats the damage of this thing again
  2589. 12:42 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: holy fuck
  2590. 12:42 AM - John Edsworth: two headshots
  2591. 12:42 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: that's two headshots and two torsoshots
  2592. 12:42 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: like 5d6, I dunno, the same as your old gun
  2593. 12:42 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: there's a handy-dandy .txt in the dropbox folder with all the stats
  2594. 12:42 AM - Entropy / Perseus: repeat 4 5D6 => 19 ; 15 ; 20 ; 12
  2595. 12:42 AM - John Edsworth: the highest damage rolls were on the headshots :v
  2596. 12:42 AM - Entropy / Perseus: aye, but I'm in the middle of thruster boost dive bombing through a giant heavily wounded enemy mecha
  2597. 12:43 AM - John Edsworth: is that what the kids are callin it these days?
  2598. 12:43 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Entropy utilizes his handgun skills and the laser sight on his newly acquired handgun and hip-fires his gun four times, changing the target after every shot.
  2599. 12:43 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: All four slugs slam home, with disastrous results. The ladies fall, one by one, like dominoes.
  2600. 12:44 AM - John Edsworth: that just kind of destroyed their armor
  2601. 12:44 AM - Entropy / Perseus: "Now this is a firearm."
  2602. 12:44 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: Chunks of brain and internal organs litter the floor.
  2603. 12:44 AM - Higeki Hiro: shit dawg
  2604. 12:44 AM - Entropy / Perseus: "You are queen of nothing but failure."
  2605. 12:45 AM - John Edsworth: what were these niggas armor SP anyway
  2606. 12:45 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The remaining lady - the one Bruce shot at the beginning - lets out a scream of rage and does that cool firing-while-rolling maneuver Mel Gibson did in the first Lethal Weapon with her Mac-10.
  2607. 12:45 AM - Entropy / Perseus: not enough to stop the LeMat, it seems
  2608. 12:45 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: like... 10?
  2609. 12:45 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: regular kevlar vests, that's all
  2610. 12:45 AM - John Edsworth: ah
  2611. 12:45 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright, firezone time!
  2612. 12:45 AM - John Edsworth: pff
  2613. 12:45 AM - John Edsworth: you really love that
  2614. 12:45 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yep
  2615. 12:46 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: it's also much easier and requires less rolling
  2616. 12:46 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: \
  2617. 12:46 AM - John Edsworth: god fucking dammit
  2618. 12:46 AM - John Edsworth: i got sick somehow
  2619. 12:46 AM - John Edsworth: this one didnt even have the decency to sneak up on me
  2620. 12:46 AM - Higeki Hiro:
  2621. 12:46 AM - Entropy / Perseus: Also our combined mecha has guns on its fists
  2622. 12:47 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright I'd say that'd be like a 4 or 5 meter radius
  2623. 12:47 AM - Entropy / Perseus: so we're already under incredible momentum from a double crit pass on dodging, then we boosted even further with thrusters, now we're gonna dive bomb through it's chest with amped up spiked fist hands that have guns on them
  2624. 12:47 AM - John Edsworth: oh cool im safe
  2625. 12:48 AM - Entropy / Perseus: did I get hit
  2626. 12:48 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: everyone who's in the zone, roll Athletics+REF+1d10
  2627. 12:48 AM - Entropy / Perseus: if I did it probably didn't get through my armor
  2628. 12:48 AM - Bruce Brynes: ok do you guys have any room in mekton
  2629. 12:48 AM - Higeki Hiro: i assume i am in the zon
  2630. 12:48 AM - Higeki Hiro: e
  2631. 12:48 AM - Entropy / Perseus: afraid not
  2632. 12:48 AM - Entropy / Perseus: :v
  2633. 12:48 AM - Bruce Brynes: fuck everything
  2634. 12:48 AM - John Edsworth: theres a map, wing
  2635. 12:48 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: nah, you're not
  2636. 12:48 AM - Higeki Hiro: o
  2637. 12:48 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: the zone is clearly marked with an Archer reference to boot
  2638. 12:49 AM - Higeki Hiro: didn't know that was updated
  2639. 12:49 AM - John Edsworth: ha, i've got better armor than entropy
  2640. 12:49 AM - Bruce Brynes: one sec
  2641. 12:49 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: so yeah John, Bruce and Entropy, roll please
  2642. 12:49 AM - Bruce Brynes: 8
  2643. 12:49 AM - Bruce Brynes: sooo
  2644. 12:49 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: cover doesn't matter
  2645. 12:49 AM - John Edsworth: what do i roll
  2646. 12:49 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: 06:48 - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: everyone who's in the zone, roll Athletics+REF+1d10
  2647. 12:49 AM - Bruce Brynes: 20
  2648. 12:50 AM - Bruce Brynes: 20 total
  2649. 12:50 AM - John Edsworth: ah
  2650. 12:50 AM - Entropy / Perseus: 1D10+10 => 19
  2651. 12:50 AM - Entropy / Perseus: c:
  2652. 12:50 AM - John Edsworth: 16
  2653. 12:50 AM - John Edsworth: ah well
  2654. 12:50 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: y'all pass
  2655. 12:50 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: :v
  2656. 12:50 AM - John Edsworth: rad
  2657. 12:50 AM - John Edsworth: :v
  2658. 12:50 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: She futilely empties her mag, sending thirty .45 bullets in your direction but missing with every single one.
  2659. 12:51 AM - John Edsworth: can i follow up on that shit and grapplehand her gun away
  2660. 12:51 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: So, who wants to finish her off? :v
  2661. 12:51 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: yep
  2662. 12:51 AM - John Edsworth: rad
  2663. 12:51 AM - Higeki Hiro: I can
  2664. 12:51 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: unless you like
  2665. 12:51 AM - Entropy / Perseus: If nobody else I will
  2666. 12:51 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: arrest her
  2667. 12:51 AM - Higeki Hiro: nvm
  2668. 12:51 AM - Entropy / Perseus: pfft
  2669. 12:51 AM - Entropy / Perseus: Imma pop a cap in her face
  2670. 12:51 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I mean Bruce should have some handcuffs
  2671. 12:51 AM - John Edsworth: 24
  2672. 12:51 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: he's a cop
  2673. 12:51 AM - John Edsworth: KK, i ripped her gun out of her hands
  2674. 12:51 AM - Bruce Brynes: I'll aresst her
  2675. 12:51 AM - Higeki Hiro: I could do a rad ass running slash
  2676. 12:51 AM - Entropy / Perseus: do it
  2677. 12:51 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: John grapples the empty machine pistol with his grapplehand.
  2678. 12:51 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: arrest her before the psychos kill her then
  2679. 12:51 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: goddammit
  2680. 12:52 AM - Bruce Brynes: I walk up to her and pull out some cuffs
  2681. 12:52 AM - John Edsworth: "Crystal Skull my ass, I just want to get out of here!"
  2682. 12:52 AM - Higeki Hiro: Hiro puts his jacket on
  2683. 12:52 AM - Bruce Brynes: "You are under arrest by the NCPD. You know your rights, and if you do not they will be read to you in due time"
  2684. 12:52 AM - Higeki Hiro: "I don't remember buying this is red"
  2685. 12:52 AM - Entropy / Perseus: "Hiro."
  2686. 12:52 AM - Bruce Brynes: I put the cuffs on her and drag her out
  2687. 12:53 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: The warrior woman spits in your face.
  2688. 12:53 AM - John Edsworth left chat.
  2689. 12:53 AM - Higeki Hiro: "Yes sir?"
  2690. 12:53 AM - Entropy / Perseus: Entropy walks over to Hiro and puts a hand on Hiro's shoulder. "You've preformed well."
  2691. 12:53 AM - Bruce Brynes: "Kinky"
  2692. 12:53 AM - Entropy / Perseus: Entropy walks away
  2693. 12:53 AM - John Edsworth entered chat.
  2694. 12:53 AM - John Edsworth: whatd i miss :v
  2695. 12:53 AM - Higeki Hiro: nothing
  2696. 12:53 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: You heft her up the stairs, and throw her in the back of the AV, next to Ash's limp, unconcious, broken in multiple places body.
  2697. 12:54 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: do we cut it here or do y'all wanna keep goin? there's a big-ass fight ahead
  2698. 12:54 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: and I do mean big-ass, it's gonna be like 20 guys
  2699. 12:54 AM - Higeki Hiro: lets cut it here then
  2700. 12:54 AM - John Edsworth: oh
  2701. 12:54 AM - John Edsworth: ok
  2702. 12:54 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alrighty
  2703. 12:54 AM - Bruce Brynes: yeah, cut
  2704. 12:54 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: man that was a bit too much fallouty wasn't it
  2705. 12:54 AM - Bruce Brynes: I read that as "you lead her big ass up stairs"
  2706. 12:54 AM - John Edsworth: :v
  2707. 12:54 AM - Higeki Hiro: wasn't that fallouty
  2708. 12:55 AM - Entropy / Perseus: never fallouty enough
  2709. 12:55 AM - Higeki Hiro: except for the amazonians downstairs
  2710. 12:55 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: well the whole concept of amazons and shit but you're not gonna be fighting more of them
  2711. 12:55 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: well, many more
  2712. 12:55 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: just like a couple of ladies that's all
  2713. 12:55 AM - Entropy / Perseus: they weren't psykers
  2714. 12:55 AM - Entropy / Perseus: not fallout
  2715. 12:56 AM - Bruce Brynes: yeah
  2716. 12:56 AM - Bruce Brynes: Well,
  2717. 12:56 AM - Bruce Brynes: we did have a guy named john
  2718. 12:56 AM - Bruce Brynes: and a guy with a wrench
  2719. 12:56 AM - Entropy / Perseus: hmm
  2720. 12:56 AM - Entropy / Perseus: and also headshots alamode
  2721. 12:57 AM - John Edsworth: i just bought shadow warrior classic on a whim
  2722. 12:57 AM - Bruce Brynes: gonna get food then sleep
  2723. 12:57 AM - Bruce Brynes: g'night
  2724. 12:57 AM - Higeki Hiro: shit is cash
  2725. 12:57 AM - Higeki Hiro: cya
  2726. 12:57 AM - John Edsworth: bye
  2727. 12:57 AM - Bruce Brynes: man, wish there was a spot in Mekton
  2728. 12:57 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: I gotta say that Entropy's cowboy shit was pretty amazing
  2729. 12:57 AM - Bruce Brynes: would of been this guy:
  2730. 12:58 AM - Bruce Brynes:
  2731. 12:58 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I must admit that I love the LeMat
  2732. 12:58 AM - John Edsworth: i didn't really do much of anything :v
  2733. 12:58 AM - Higeki Hiro: the whole fastdraw system in this game really makes me want to play deadlands n shit
  2734. 12:58 AM - John Edsworth: but it was cool
  2735. 12:58 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I need to do some super anime swag as shit cool finish with the shotgun shell
  2736. 12:58 AM - Bruce Brynes disconnected.
  2737. 1:00 AM - Entropy / Perseus: well that was fun
  2738. 1:00 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I like my LeMat
  2739. 1:00 AM - Higeki Hiro: indeed
  2740. 1:00 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I need another one
  2741. 1:00 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: nah
  2742. 1:00 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: it already packs like nine shots
  2743. 1:01 AM - Entropy / Perseus: 10 technically
  2744. 1:01 AM - Higeki Hiro: I need some modifications for my monoblades
  2745. 1:01 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I'll buy them for you
  2746. 1:01 AM - Entropy / Perseus: c:
  2747. 1:01 AM - Higeki Hiro: I'll probably be sticking with this one the whole game
  2748. 1:02 AM - Bruce Brynes entered chat.
  2749. 1:02 AM - Higeki Hiro: we'll have to invent some tho
  2750. 1:02 AM - Bruce Brynes left chat.
  2751. 1:03 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1: alright peace y'all I'm off to catch some z's
  2752. 1:03 AM - The Duke Of Night City, A-Nr.1 disconnected.
  2753. 1:03 AM - John Edsworth: kk
  2754. 1:03 AM - Entropy / Perseus: guess I'll get the log
  2755. 1:03 AM - Entropy / Perseus: again
  2756. 1:03 AM - Entropy / Perseus: since none of you otha niggas ever do
  2757. 1:04 AM - Higeki Hiro: you always insist on doing in
  2758. 1:04 AM - Higeki Hiro: we don't want to spoil your fun
  2759. 1:04 AM - John Edsworth: ^
  2760. 1:04 AM - Entropy / Perseus: bah
  2761. 1:04 AM - Entropy / Perseus: plebs
  2762. 1:04 AM - Higeki Hiro: bao
  2763. 1:04 AM - Higeki Hiro left chat.
  2764. 1:04 AM - Entropy / Perseus: leave already so I can save the log with everyone perfectly gone
  2765. 1:05 AM - John Edsworth: fuck your shit
  2766. 1:05 AM - Entropy / Perseus: god damn I've had to piss for like 2 hours
  2767. 1:05 AM - John Edsworth: i will stay til the end
  2768. 1:05 AM - John Edsworth left chat.
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