

Jun 23rd, 2016
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  1. Then, perhaps the most important match on the Wrestlemania card: [b]HHH vs Kurt Angle for control of WWE[/b]. Angle came out first, the crowd chanting YOU ROCK along with his theme, and began stretching, his eyes trained on the ramp. Then the arena went dark.
  7. HHH appeared at the top of the ramp, in a crown of thorns, purple and gold gear, and hauling a cross. As his theme blared, he dragged the cross down the ramp, finally letting it fall as he neared the ring. He dropped the crown and a purple cloak he had been wearing onto it and entered the ring, a malicious smirk on his face. As ringside attendants carried the cross and crown away, the ref checked both men, with HHH being a bit less willing to submit to the check than Angle, and signaled for the bell.
  9. The match began with Angle trying a technical approach, wrapping HHH up in wristlocks and waistlocks, while HHH rebuffed him with hard strikes. Neither man really got an advantage here, with Angle getting a hold in only for HHH to get out, get a good hit in, and get hooked right back into another hold. This kept going until Angle was able to take HHH to the mat with a German Suplex, at which point he got the decisive lead. Once HHH was down, Angle started going after his legs, wearing him down with a few stomps before going for the first Ankle Lock of the match, but HHH got out quick, reaching the ropes and forcing a break.
  11. HHH kept near the ropes, daring Angle to come at him, but Angle played coy, keeping his distance and waiting for HHH to go for him. The standoff lasted a few moments, with both men feinting strikes, before Angle drove HHH into the corner with a running European Uppercut, prompting a few CE-SA-RO chants from the crowd, before laying into him with more uppercuts. Kurt got a little cocky, and scaled the ropes for a 10 punch spot, but HHH took advantage, grabbing Angle by the waist and driving him back-first into the opposite turnbuckle before laying in some strikes of his own. After a particularly harsh strike, HHH whipped Angle back across the ring into the turnbuckle and hit a running step-up knee strike. As the woozy Angle stumbled out of the corner, HHH smirked to the camera, put his hands together, and laid his head on them like a pillow before picking Angle up for the Go To Sleep! However, on the way down, Angle grabbed HHH's leg, turning the GTS into a Dragon Screw and sending HHH back to the mat before locking on the Ankle Lock yet again. HHH yet again made the ropes, and once the break was made he pulled himself out of the ring.
  13. Angle didn't follow HHH out of the ring quite yet, instead keeping his distance as HHH hobbled around ringside, the ref starting to count to 10. At 5, Steph had made her way through the crowd with a water bottle for her husband, and he enjoyed a drink as Angle began getting impatient. At 8, he had finished the bottle and rolled back into the ring, immediately rolling back out and restarting the count. This ticked Angle off, and he ran for HHH, knocking him over with a baseball slide kick off the apron before going on the offensive. Angle whipped him into the barricade, following up with a running uppercut and an attempted belly-to-belly, but Hunter reversed the suplex into a suplex of his own, tossing Angle against the (thankfully padded) barricade before picking him up, whipping him into a barricade closer to the announce desk, and hitting a running lariat, which hit hard despite HHH's slowed pace. As the ref got to 8, HHH rolled back in and out, restarting the count again, before clearing out the announce table and dragging Angle over. He set Angle down on the table, scaled it himself, and started to set Angle up for a Pedigree through the table, but Angle fought back, and the two tenderized each other with hard strikes before HHH got the advantage, hooked Angle's arms, AND PUT HIM FACE FIRST THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE DESK WITH A PEDIGREE!
  15. Neither man left that spot intact, with HHH's already weakened leg further damaged by the knees-first drop and Angle's arm having landed wrong on a piece of equipment, causing a laceration. As officials checked on both men, the ref momentarily paused his count. While Angle was bleeding, the officials didn't deem it serious enough to stop the match, and the count continued. Neither man was able to get to his feet before 7, but Angle was able to drag HHH to the ring and roll him in before rolling in himself. Rather than going immediately for the Ankle Lock, Angle scaled the turnbuckle, waited for HHH to struggle to his feet, AND KICKED HHH'S LEG OUT OF HIS LEG WITH A MISSILE DROPKICK! HHH was on the mat, clutching his leg, and Angle struck, getting the Ankle Lock hooked in. HHH kept struggling, trying to make it to the ropes, trying to roll through, but through it all, Angle kept the hold on. After one more attempt to make the ropes, Angle grapevined, taking some pressure off his bleeding arm, and [b]HHH had no choice but to tap out.[/b] Once Hunter tapped, Angle fell to the mat, unconscious.
  17. As officials rushed the ring to provide both men medical attention, the ref raised the still-prone Angle's good arm, declaring him [b]the winner, and the new head of WWE![/b]
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