
Christmas Ala Time

Dec 22nd, 2015
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  1. 13:22 Cveta Christmas! The best time of the year, Neon was buzzing in the spirit of the year. People were shopping for presents, eggnog, playing in the snow. Wait, Neon is in the gulf, how is there snow? Some didn't question it, could just be a kind Meta, even more didn't mind concidering one of the parks had some sort of Living Snow Show.
  2. 13:23 Cveta Course someone who could also control snow could probably realize what the fuck was going on, like the Person in a large fur coat floating above the Snow Show Park.
  3. 13:23 Cveta [Like who was*]
  4. 13:29 Isidora looked out the window and furrowed her brow at the sight of snow. This wasn't anything new around there, the year before this the ala had brought snow to the gulf city for a few days... but she didn't do anything this time.
  5. 13:31 Isidora "...Који курац..." she mumbled and threw on a coat, heading down the stairs of the apartment building and heading outside. She had only just gotten up, and she was lightly hung over from nog the night before, she wasn't sensing who was near quite yet.
  6. 13:38 Cveta The person flying above the park looked around, for who or what no one knew. They kept up the show in the park, a large horned creature fighting a dragon like snake. People around the park cheering in amazement. "Где си сестра"
  7. 13:48 Isidora "Wuh..." Isi grumbled up as she picked up on the little phrase. It sounded so familiar, and she sure as fuck knew very few other Serbians in town, but that could just be her hearing things again. It wasn't the first time that she got a little buzzed and thought she heard family. Walking through the streets to the park she followed the sound of that voice.
  8. 13:49 Cveta looked around more, spotting a blue female "Коначно" The Snow Show ended with the snake biting the Horned beasts neck, at the same time the Horned Beast ripping the Snake in half, both falling back into snow. The One in the air floated down towards Isidora
  9. 13:54 Isidora rubbed her eyes. She looked like a mess, having just gotten out of bed and clearly not in any kind of peak condition. The short-haired sister had never been any good with drinks.
  10. 13:55 Isidora At first it was disbelief that hit over her, as if her eyes were playing tricks on her in addition to her ears. There was no way that /she/ would be here, and not yet attacking her. "Wh-What... What's going on...?"
  11. 14:01 Cveta "Dont you look fantastic Sister."
  12. 14:08 *** Isidorable joined #covenger_rp
  13. 14:08 Isidorable froze up. This- This was actually happening. She looked like a deer in headlights for a moment, overwhelmed and caught completely off guard in the moment.
  14. 14:08 Isidorable "...What are you doing here? Why haven't you tried to kill me yet? I-Is there some kind of ambush around here?"
  15. 14:09 *** Isidora quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  16. 14:09 *** Isidorable is now known as Isidora
  17. 14:10 Cveta "I..."
  18. 14:11 Cveta "I'm not here to fight you."
  19. 14:17 Isidora didn't look like she expected this. "Oh. I- What are you here for then...?" She had hope that maybe things were better, but after how much they fought she clearly was a bit afraid.
  20. 14:18 *** Bud joined #covenger_rp
  21. 14:19 *** Bud left #covenger_rp
  22. 14:21 Cveta "Well. I was doing some research, about some of the things I missed. And I learned about this time of year, Christmas. How people and family get together, it stopped a war between to armies for a night. I was thinking, maybe for one night. We can be a family again"
  23. 14:27 Isidora almost immediately tried to look stoic. A brief look would show that she wasn't trying to completely shut her sister out... she was trying her best not to /cry/.
  24. 14:28 Isidora "...Well- Well I mean, what the hell took you so long? Do you have any idea how worried sick I am every day?!" And like she did when she was younger, she tried to sound aggressive to hide anything that could embarrass her.
  25. 14:31 *** Isidora quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  26. 14:30 *** Isidora joined #covenger_rp
  27. 14:32 Cveta "I'm sure you were sister. So tell me, what does one do here? I'm so use to just, demanding what I want but, the world seem to forgot about us"
  28. 14:42 Isidora "F-Fine. Whatever. I'm fine!" Isi was still a little caught up in her own emotions for a bit before she got a hold of herself and sighed. "I live around here, kinda like all of the humans. Finding work, getting some kind of pay, finding somewhere to live, meeting people, having fun, buying things..."
  29. 14:42 Isidora "Around this time of year is the holidays here. They give gifts and do things together."
  30. 14:43 Cveta was screaming inside at the idea of getting a job
  31. 14:44 Isidora "...I still haven't gotten any kind of job yet. I just sorta mooch off of friends."
  32. 14:45 Cveta "o-oh, perhaps I can 'mooch' off you?...Шта год да је"
  33. 14:47 Isidora fished around in her wallet a bit. Whatever kind of friend she had, they were providing a lot to the blue girl. "...Yeah! I think I could cover us going out to town."
  34. 14:50 Cveta "Good, not sure what paper can provide for us."
  35. 14:52 Isidora sighed a little and put an arm around her sister's shoulder. "Its the currency the people use around here. I know- It isn't gold it really doesn't have much value, but they seem to think it does. And don't get me started with all their credit and banks."
  36. 14:52 Isidora "They've made the whole thing overcomplicated"
  37. 14:55 Cveta "Truly these are dark times"
  38. 14:57 Isidora "Eh, you'll get used to it. So- What has you most curious about this place? I can show you around wherever you want."
  39. 14:57 Cveta "food"
  40. 14:59 Isidora "...Yeah. That works. Food." Immediately she began directing them over to one of the many supermarkets that litter the snowy city. Notably not flying, she was taking the slow normal walky way.
  41. 15:04 Cveta "..Are you ok Sister?" Cveta floated in front of her "Have you forgotten how to fly? This world can't of had that much of an impact"
  42. 15:06 Isidora quickly took Cveta's hand and tugged her down gently. "I know how to fly still. I just don't want to... You miss a lot when you're just speeding around."
  43. 15:10 Cveta looked at Dora in confusion. "Very Well. If this is how its done now and days"
  44. 15:15 Isidora "Nowadays, sister. This modern English is strange. Did you know that they use 's' to pluralize most things, yet the plural of deer is simply deer?" Isi made a bit of smalltalk as they walked along the city streets, lights up on all of the trees while snow draped down from the sky in little flakes.
  45. 15:16 Isidora Big signs around the town had a big jolly man in red with presents, some people were making snowmen out in the park, anywhere that a gift could be bought from looked like it had lines right out the door.
  46. 15:17 Isidora Isi herself had a rather embarrassing holiday sweater on underneath her coat, the kind that would demean her any other time of the year but now seemed to be allowed.
  47. 15:25 Cveta "You have no clue how confused I was with There Their and They're." Cveta under the large fur coat had the same clothes Trance gave her. She was never that much into fashion, not like most of her sisters.
  48. 15:26 Cveta She still covered her mouth and scars with the same bandages from when she awoke
  49. 15:29 Isidora Eventually they did make it to the supermarket. Knowing exactly what was about to happen she got a cart. Inside was rows and rows and rows of food. Everywhere. And not food like in the old country, everything was fresh and plentiful and made to look as aesthetic as possible.
  50. 15:30 Isidora paused before entering. "...You can't eat anything until we've paid for it."
  51. 15:30 Cveta "Aww"
  52. 15:31 Cveta "...Whats stopping me?"
  53. 15:32 Isidora "I am. People aren't allowed to eat anything here until they buy it and leave, otherwise they get kicked out or get in trouble with the law."
  54. 15:33 Isidora "And since I am your sister I am going to make sure you don't just shovel everything in your face."
  55. 15:36 Cveta Normally, Cveta would attack Dora then go for the food. But she simply breathed in and out. "Very Wells Sister. I'll wait"
  56. 15:43 Isidora moved the cart along into the supermarket and hummed. "Now... if you see anything you want throw it in the cart. I can pay for it."
  57. 15:46 Cveta then process to throw anything and everything she finds. Pizza, Ice Cream, Hot Pockets, Pizza Pockets, Hot Ice Cream, Pizza Cream, some chips, both chocolate and salty
  58. 15:50 Isidora gulped a little as she watched the pile rise and rise the further on they go through the shop. It wasn't her money she was spending but goddamn she could tell it'd cost a lot.
  59. 15:55 Cveta finally stopped "This should be enough, are you not going to pick out something for yourself?"
  60. 16:11 Isidora "No. No I think you got enough to cover us both" Isi internally thought of how she was going to explain spending all this money in one night to the unnamed friend.
  61. 16:17 Cveta " do we pay?"
  62. 16:21 Isidora pushed the now nearly overencumbered cart over to the checkout line. Where they had to wait in line like everybody else as Christmas music played over speakers and families were getting their food for the holidays.
  63. 16:22 Isidora For being, y'know, blue there were a few weird looks turned their ways but nothing more than that. People were used to having metas and other types around.
  64. 16:26 Cveta tried her best not to attack any of the onlookers
  65. 19:47 Isidora slowly but surely got through the line and had to sit through the poor checkout lady scanning everything that they bought. The price of sisterhood was heavy it seemed, and literally so, she forked over quite a lot of dough.
  66. 19:52 Cveta started eating the food box and everything as soon as it was paid for
  67. 19:53 Isidora quickly whipped a hand over and smacked the back of Cveta's hand as soon as she tried to start eating. "No. Like I said, when we are out of here. We can't just eat while we're in the store we have to go find somewhere nice to go."
  68. 19:55 Cveta "We paid for it whats the problem" She grumbled to herself
  69. 19:58 Isidora "There's manners we have to follow. It'd make a scene." Isi tutted and took the cart outside. She summoned a cloud to her side and started putting bags onto it. Of course, she thinks eating in a supermarket would cause a scene but having a cloud follow you about is normal.
  70. 20:03 Cveta "Why should we care about what Mortals think?"
  71. 20:05 Isidora "Because... you know, when you live among them more you start to care a bit about that. I'm not perfect by their standards by a long shot but it saves me the trouble of terrorizing people and having somebody fight back"
  72. 20:05 Isidora "Around here they have many people who can fight back. A lot of heroes. There's people who I wouldn't doubt could get rid of an ala."
  73. 20:05 Isidora "...And I guess I just am used to it"
  74. 20:06 Cveta "No one can rid the world of Ala's, even the wizard had to Lock us up"
  75. 20:07 *** Isidora quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  76. 20:08 *** Isidora joined #covenger_rp
  77. 20:08 Isidora "You know that isn't true. Men have killed our sisters before with magic."
  78. 20:09 Isidora "It isn't easy, but they can."
  79. 20:10 Cveta "..."
  80. 20:10 Isidora "...Lets not talk about it"
  81. 20:10 Cveta "Agreed"
  82. 20:13 Cveta "...So, where can we eat?"
  83. 20:17 Isidora sighed a little. "I mean, where might you want? We could go into the clouds, or into the park, or we could go inside where it'd be warmer..."
  84. 20:20 Cveta "Eating in the clouds, making fun of the mortals. Its been too long since I've done that with company"
  85. 20:23 Isidora "Fine, fine, that does sound pretty fucking good right about now"
  86. 20:24 Isidora took hold of the cloud and began to fly upwards
  87. 20:24 Cveta flies up with her
  88. 20:26 Isidora finds themselves a place in the clouds as snow continues to fall down onto Neon, sitting down on one and adjusting her coat. "I haven't really had anybody to come up here with. Not many of the mortals are able to fly despite their many powers"
  89. 20:30 Cveta "These mortals, they certainly are different from the past. The only aloviti being cared by a man who can move coins, or a female made of fire."
  90. 20:31 Isidora "They make much more beautiful things than they used to" Then Isi began to take things from the bags, eating cookies pretty casually while she talked. Still had HORRIBLE table manners as always.
  91. 20:32 Isidora "Much more complicated things. Cleaner."
  92. 20:33 Cveta "Every building here is like a tower, something you'd never see. And don't get me started on the metal boxes they call cars." Cveta to a frozen pizza and ate it whole, box and all
  93. 20:35 Isidora watched Cveta eat the frozen pizza. "You know- You're supposed to heat that up before you eat it. They freeze a lot of things to preserve them nowadays, then reheat them and its like fresh."
  94. 20:37 Cveta "that is stupid"
  95. 20:38 Cveta She then ate a frozen Hot Pocket
  96. 20:49 Isidora "Well, mortals can't eat their food while its fully frozen usually. Except for creams. And some of them eat ice. I don't understand it either"
  97. 20:53 Cveta "Pathetic"
  98. 20:53 Cveta eats a plastic bag
  99. 20:56 Isidora thought things over while chewing on a cake she is eating with her hands. "So... What is it like where you are living?"
  100. 21:06 Cveta "Strange. To say the least. The Mortals want me to
  101. 21:07 Cveta "Strange. To say the least. The Mortals want me to 'train' or 'corporate' with them. I only stay there because of the food they give me"
  102. 21:15 Isidora "They know what we can do. They're pretty clearly trying to get you to destroy things for them."
  103. 21:17 Cveta "I know. But they treat me with respect, they know I can destroy everything they've built in a storm"
  104. 21:20 Isidora "I can't fathom thinking of working for people like that. Or working for that matter."
  105. 21:21 Isidora "Living like this, relaxing and finding things to enjoy, low-key without the humans eyes all on me. It is really goddamn cathartic after being trapped for so long."
  106. 21:22 Cveta "All I ever though about was getting revenge. Now the closes way to do that is to kill the last aloviti. Funny how fate does this"
  107. 21:23 Isidora "...Drago isn't a bad kid. And he's harmless to us."
  108. 21:26 Isidora "He's in the same kind of position. This isn't the old world where we really fit in like we used to, and the old rules don't apply as much."
  109. 21:26 Isidora "And as far as I know the wizard behind all of this is dead. Has to be."
  110. 21:28 Cveta "Still. The fact he grew up hating us..."
  111. 21:31 Isidora "That can be changed though" Then Isi went quiet for a few moments, around a minute, before leaning over to her sister.
  112. 21:31 Isidora "...You should take the bandages off. The food could get them dirty if you eat like that."
  113. 21:32 Cveta "..."
  114. 21:32 Cveta removes the bandages
  115. 21:34 Isidora sat a little awkwardly. Then she smiled.
  116. 21:37 Cveta touches the scars. Not saying anything for a while. Scooting close to her sister, eating some food slowly.
  117. 21:41 Isidora "...You look good without the covers" Breaking the silence she rested her head on Cveta's shoulder and beamed a bit. This is what she had wanted.
  118. 21:49 Cveta "Show off my wounds and weakness to the world. Only because you asked..."
  119. 21:53 Cveta gets closer to isidora. "Heh, you'd never see any of our sisters act like this"
  120. 21:56 Isidora "You've healed by now, they're hardly wounds. It just shows what you survived and toughed through." From there she turned the leaning into something of a hug. Hell, she was starting to get emotional and teary again.
  121. 21:59 Cveta made it a full on hug, nearly crying as well
  122. 22:03 Isidora sniffled let herself freely weep, just a tiny bit. For now, it felt like she had a sister back, and now she could see the value of that. Things she took for granted and worthless when she was young.
  123. 22:09 Cveta let the tears roll
  124. 22:12 Isidora "...I-I missed you"
  125. 22:14 Cveta "I missed you too."
  126. 22:15 Cveta "I miss Mom, I miss our sisters." She hugs tighter
  127. 22:17 Isidora "I do too- I haven't forgotten about any of them, it still hurts me every day. After you went off I could hardly sleep. I-I just don't want to lose anything more"
  128. 22:21 Cveta "You, couldn't sleep...You care so much"
  129. 22:22 Isidora "I was horrible and I overreacted in the moment- I'm confused and scared, alright?! I've always been and I never wanted to admit it."
  130. 22:22 Isidora "I- I am sorry, o-okay?"
  131. 22:22 Isidora has totally broken down into tears
  132. 22:28 Cveta "I was trapped for so long. My mind wasn't right. I-I wasn't thinking straight" Cveta has also broken into tears
  133. 22:32 Isidora babbled incoherently for a bit, mostly apologies she had never gotten to say, eventually quieting down and still hugging her sister.
  134. 22:38 Cveta stops hugging, but stays close to her
  135. 22:51 Cveta "I'm...I'm glad I decided to do this Sister. Even if it is for one day"
  136. 22:52 Isidora seemed genuinely distraught at hearing that it was just for the day. The sun was already starting to go down, the sky turning darker and into a shade of gold and crimson that spread out over the cloud-tops where they sat.
  137. 22:55 Cveta "I never realized how beautiful a sunset can be" She rests her head on Dora;s
  138. 23:04 Isidora held onto Cveta and watched the sun go down, internally hoping this moment wouldn't end.
  139. 23:09 Cveta didn't want it to end either
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