
webTech Cyclesheets

May 5th, 2017
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  1. cyclesheets
  3. 1. Write a Php program to display fibonacci series using for and while loop.
  4. <?php
  5. $count = 0 ;
  6. $f1 = 0;
  7. $f2 = 1;
  8. echo $f1." , ";
  9. echo $f2." , ";
  10. while ($count < 20 )
  11. {
  12. $f3 = $f2 + $f1 ;
  13. echo $f3." , ";
  14. $f1 = $f2 ;
  15. $f2 = $f3 ;
  16. $count = $count + 1;
  17. }
  18. ?>
  20. 2. Write a php code to open a file and perform read, write and update that.
  21. <?php
  22. $myfile= fopen(“filename.txt”,a+) or die (“unable to open the file”);
  23. Echo fread(myfile,filesize(“filename.txt”);
  24. $txt= “Hi”;
  25. fwrite($myfile, $txt);
  26. fclose($myfile);
  27. ?>
  28. 3. Write a php code to create a table employee(empno, name, department, salary, designation, date-of-joining), insert 5 records and execute query using php to display name and salary of all employees.
  29. <?php
  30. $servername="localhost";
  31. $username="root";
  32. $password="";
  33. $database="myDB";
  34. $conn=new mysqli("$servername","$username","$password","$database");
  35. if($conn->connect_error)
  36. die ("Connection not established");
  37. $sql = "INSERT INTO employee VALUES(2,'','','','','')";
  38. $sql = "INSERT INTO employee VALUES(2,'','','','','')";
  39. $sql = "INSERT INTO employee VALUES(2,'','','','','')";
  40. $sql = "INSERT INTO employee VALUES(2,'','','','','')";
  41. $sql = "INSERT INTO employee VALUES(2,'','','','','')";
  42. if($conn->multi_query($sql)===TRUE)
  43. echo " created";
  44. ?>
  46. 4. Design the following form using php.
  48. <html>
  49. <head>
  50. <style>
  51. .error {color: #FF0000;}
  52. </style>
  53. </head>
  54. <body>
  56. <?php
  57. // define variables and set to empty values
  58. $nameErr = $emailErr = $genderErr = $websiteErr = "";
  59. $name = $email = $gender = $comment = $website = "";
  61. if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
  62. if (empty($_POST["name"])) {
  63. $nameErr = "Name is required";
  64. } else {
  65. $name = test_input($_POST["name"]);
  66. // check if name only contains letters and whitespace
  67. if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z ]*$/",$name)) {
  68. $nameErr = "Only letters and white space allowed";
  69. }
  70. }
  72. if (empty($_POST["email"])) {
  73. $emailErr = "Email is required";
  74. } else {
  75. $email = test_input($_POST["email"]);
  76. // check if e-mail address is well-formed
  77. if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
  78. $emailErr = "Invalid email format";
  79. }
  80. }
  82. if (empty($_POST["website"])) {
  83. $website = "";
  84. } else {
  85. $website = test_input($_POST["website"]);
  86. // check if URL address syntax is valid (this regular expression also allows dashes in the URL)
  87. if (!preg_match("/\b(?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/|www\.)[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|]/i",$website)) {
  88. $websiteErr = "Invalid URL";
  89. }
  90. }
  92. if (empty($_POST["comment"])) {
  93. $comment = "";
  94. } else {
  95. $comment = test_input($_POST["comment"]);
  96. }
  98. if (empty($_POST["gender"])) {
  99. $genderErr = "Gender is required";
  100. } else {
  101. $gender = test_input($_POST["gender"]);
  102. }
  103. }
  105. function test_input($data) {
  106. $data = trim($data);
  107. $data = stripslashes($data);
  108. $data = htmlspecialchars($data);
  109. return $data;
  110. }
  111. ?>
  113. <h2>PHP Form Validation Example</h2>
  114. <p><span class="error">* required field.</span></p>
  115. <form method="post" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);?>">
  116. Name: <input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo $name;?>">
  117. <span class="error">* <?php echo $nameErr;?></span>
  118. <br><br>
  119. E-mail: <input type="text" name="email" value="<?php echo $email;?>">
  120. <span class="error">* <?php echo $emailErr;?></span>
  121. <br><br>
  122. Website: <input type="text" name="website" value="<?php echo $website;?>">
  123. <span class="error"><?php echo $websiteErr;?></span>
  124. <br><br>
  125. Comment: <textarea name="comment" rows="5" cols="40"><?php echo $comment;?></textarea>
  126. <br><br>
  127. Gender:
  128. <input type="radio" name="gender" <?php if (isset($gender) && $gender=="female") echo "checked";?> value="female">Female
  129. <input type="radio" name="gender" <?php if (isset($gender) && $gender=="male") echo "checked";?> value="male">Male
  130. <span class="error">* <?php echo $genderErr;?></span>
  131. <br><br>
  132. <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">
  133. </form>
  135. <?php
  136. echo "<h2>Your Input:</h2>";
  137. echo $name;
  138. echo "<br>";
  139. echo $email;
  140. echo "<br>";
  141. echo $website;
  142. echo "<br>";
  143. echo $comment;
  144. echo "<br>";
  145. echo $gender;
  146. ?>
  148. </body>
  149. </html>
  151. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
  154. cylcesheet1
  158. <!DOCTYPE HTML>
  159. <html>
  160. <head>
  161. <title>Name of cities</title>
  162. </head>
  163. <body bgcolor="white">
  164. <h1 style="text-align:center">Delhi</h1>
  165. <h2>Delhi</h2>
  166. <h3>Delhi</h3>
  167. <h4>Delhi</h4>
  168. <h5>Delhi</h5>
  169. <h6>Delhi</h6>
  170. <b>Bangalore</b>
  171. <u>Bangalore</u>
  172. <i>Bangalore</i>
  173. <ul style="">
  174. <li>Apple</li>
  175. <li>Orange</li>
  176. <li>Grapefruit</li>
  177. </ul>
  178. <ol type="i">
  179. <li>Apple</li>
  180. <li>Orange</li>
  181. <li>Grapefruit</li>
  182. </ol>
  183. <dl>
  184. <dt>HTML</dt>
  185. <dd>A markup language....</dd>
  186. <dt>CSS</dt>
  187. <dd>Language used to...</dd>
  188. </dl>
  189. <p>This is my first paragraph</p>
  190. <p>This is my second paragraph</p>
  191. <div style="background: skyblue;">
  192. This is div</div>
  193. <hr size="5" wodth="70%" />
  194. <center>Hello World</center>
  195. <font size="3"
  196. color="yellow">Font3</font>
  197. <font size="+4"
  198. color="yellow">Font+4</font>
  199. <p><font color="blue">e=mc<sup>2</sup><br>Hello VIT!</font></p>
  200. <em></em>
  201. <mark></mark>
  202. <p>My favourite color is <del>red</del>blue</p>
  203. </body>
  204. </html>
  205. OUTPUT:
  208. 2. HTML CODE:
  209. <html>
  210. <head>
  211. <title>My First HTML Page</title>
  212. <meta name="description" content="HTML description"></meta>
  213. <style type="text/css">
  214. p { font-size: 12pt; line-height: 12pt; }
  215. p:first-letter { font-size: 200%; }
  216. span { text-transform: uppercase; }
  217. </style>
  218. </head>
  219. <body>
  220. <p>This is my first page....</p>
  221. <a href="file:///C:/Users/Mokshita/Documents/B.Tech/SEM%206/Web%20Tech/Lab/2.html" title="TimeTable">Link to the timetable</a>
  222. <br/>
  223. <img src="C:\Users\Mokshita\Pictures\2L9A5220.JPG" width="50" height="100">Image</img>
  224. <br/>
  225. <em>Mokshita</em>
  226. <br/>
  227. <strong>Mokshita</strong>
  228. <br/>
  229. <b>Mokshita</b>
  230. <br/>
  231. <i>Mokshita</i>
  232. <br/>
  233. <hr size="5" width="70%" />
  234. <br/>
  235. <center>Hello World!</center>
  236. <br/>
  237. <font size="3" color="green">Mokshita</font>
  238. <br/>
  239. <p><font color="blue">e=mc<sup>2</sup></p>
  240. <div style="background: skyblue; font-size:24px; color:red">This is a div</div>
  241. <br/>
  242. <p>This one is <span style="color:red; font-weight:bold">only a test</span></p>
  243. <br/>
  244. <p>Styles demo.<br/>
  245. <span>Mokshita</span>
  246. </p>
  247. <ol type="A">
  248. <li>Apple</li>
  249. <li>Orange</li>
  250. <li>Grape</li>
  251. </ol>
  252. <ul type="disk">
  253. <li>Apple</li>
  254. <li>Orange</li>
  255. <li>Grape</li>
  256. </ul>
  257. <dl>
  258. <dt>HTML</dt>
  259. <dd>It is a markup language...</dd>
  260. </dl>
  261. </body>
  262. </html>
  263. OUTPUT:
  266. 3. TABLE Example:
  267. <html>
  268. <head>
  269. <title>Table Example</title>
  270. </head>
  271. <body>
  272. <table border="1">
  273. <tr>
  274. <th colspan="4">Table-Assignment</th></tr>
  275. <tr>
  276. <th>S.No.</th>
  277. <th>Type</th>
  278. <th colspan="2">Details</th>
  279. </tr>
  280. <tr>
  281. <th rowspan="2">1</th>
  282. <th rowspan="2">Student</th>
  283. <th>5 rows</th>
  284. <th>3 columns</th></tr>
  285. <tr>
  286. <th>2 ros</th>
  287. <th>2 columns</th>
  288. </tr>
  289. <tr>
  290. <td>2</td>
  291. <td>Class</td>
  292. <th>3 rows</th>
  293. <th>5 columns</th></tr>
  294. <tr>
  295. <td rowspan="2">3</td>
  296. <td rowspan="2">Subjects</td>
  297. <th>3 core</th>
  298. <th>2 electives</th></tr>
  299. <tr>
  300. <th>4 core</th>
  301. <th>1 elective</th>
  302. </tr>
  303. </table>
  304. </body>
  305. </html>
  306. OUTPUT:
  308. 4. Table Example:
  309. <html>
  310. <body>
  311. <tr>
  312. <th colspna="7">Time Table</th>
  313. </tr>
  314. <tr>
  315. <td rowspan="6">Hours</td>
  316. <td>MON</td>
  317. <td>TUES</td>
  318. <td>WED</td>
  319. <td>THURS</td>
  320. <td>FRI</td>
  321. </tr>
  322. <tr>
  323. <td>CAO</td>
  324. <td>DBMS</td>
  325. <td>DM</td>
  326. <td>TOC</td>
  327. <td>OS</td>
  328. </tr>
  329. <tr>
  330. <td>NW</td>
  331. <td>CAO</td>
  332. <td>OS</td>
  333. <td>DBMS</td>
  334. <td>DM</td>
  335. </tr>
  336. <tr>
  337. <th colspan="5">Lunch</th>
  338. </tr>
  339. <tr>
  340. <td>NW</td>
  341. <td>TOC</td>
  342. <td>CAO</td>
  343. <td>DM</td>
  344. <td rowspan="2">Project</td>
  345. </tr>
  346. <tr>
  347. <td>TOC</td>
  348. <td>NW</td>
  349. <td>OS</td>
  350. <td>CAO</td>
  351. </tr>
  352. </table>
  353. </body>
  354. </html>
  355. OUTPUT:
  357. 5. Hyperlink example
  358. <html>
  359. <head>
  360. <title>Simple Tags Demo</title>
  361. </head>
  362. <body>
  363. <a href="C:\Users\Mokshita\Documents\B.Tech\SEM 6\Web\3.html" title="Time Table">This is a link to the time-table.</a>
  364. <br />
  365. <img src="C:\Users\Mokshita\Pictures\2L9A5220.JPG" width="100" height="200">Screenshot</img>
  366. <a href="C:\Users\Mokshita\Pictures\2L9A5220.JPG">Click me</a>
  367. <br />
  368. </body>
  369. </html>
  370. OUTPUT:
  372. 6. Hyperlink Example:
  373. <html>
  374. <body>
  375. <ul type="disk">
  376. <a href="C:\Users\Mokshita\Pictures\2L9A5220.JPG"><li>Sea</li></a>
  377. <a href="C:\Users\Mokshita\Pictures\2L9A5220.JPG"><li>Mountain</li></a>
  378. <a href="C:\Users\Mokshita\Pictures\2L9A5220.JPG"><li>Valley</li></a>
  379. </ul>
  380. </body>
  381. </html>
  382. OUTPUT:
  384. 7. Form Example:
  385. <html>
  386. <body>
  387. <form name="MyForm" method="get" action="abc.php">
  388. <fieldset>
  389. <legend>Student Details</legend>
  390. <table><tr>Name</tr>
  391. <tr><input type="text" name="fname" value="Name" size="25"></tr>
  392. </br>
  393. <tr>Programmer&nbsp&nbspUG</tr>
  394. <tr><input type="radio" name='pgm" value="UG" checked="checked"></tr>
  395. &nbsp&nbspPG
  396. <tr><input type="radio" name='pgm" value="PG"></tr>
  397. </br>
  398. <tr>Gender&nbsp&nbspMale</tr>
  399. <tr><input type="radio" name="pgm" value="UG"></tr>
  400. &nbsp&nbspFemale
  401. <tr><input type="radio" name="pgm" value="PG"></tr>
  402. </br>
  403. <tr>Mobile</tr>
  404. <tr><input type="text" name="number" value="mobile" size="25"></tr>
  405. </br>
  406. Gender
  407. <select name="gender">
  408. <option value="value1" selected="selected">Male</option>
  409. <option value="value2">Female</option>
  410. <option value="value3">Other</option>
  411. </select>
  412. </br>
  413. <input type="submit" name="submitbtn" value="Apply Now"></input>
  414. </table>
  415. </fieldset>
  416. </form>
  417. OUTPUT:
  419. 8. Form Example:
  420. <html>
  421. <body>
  422. <form name="MyForm" method="get" action="abc.php">
  423. <fieldset>
  424. <legend>Registration Form</legend>
  425. <table>
  426. <tr>First Name</tr>
  427. <tr><input type="text" name="fname" value="Mokshita" size="25"></tr>
  428. <tr>Last Name</tr>
  429. <tr><input type="text" name="fname" value="Tyagi" size="25"></tr>
  430. </br>
  431. <tr>Gender&nbsp&nbspMale</tr>
  432. <tr><input type="radio"></tr>
  433. &nbsp&nbspFemale
  434. <tr><input type="radio"></tr>
  435. </br>
  436. Country
  437. <select name="Country">
  438. <option value="value1" selected="selected">USA</option>
  439. <option value="value2">India</option>
  440. <option value="value3">Other</option>
  441. </select>
  442. </br>
  443. <tr>Email</tr>
  444. <tr><input type="text" name="Email" value="" size="25"></tr>
  445. </br>
  446. <tr>Additional Comments</tr>
  447. <textarea name="message" rows="10" column="20">
  448. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  449. </textarea>
  450. <button type="button" onclick=alert('Are you sure?')">Confirm</button>
  451. </table>
  452. </fieldset>
  453. </form>
  454. OUTPUT:
  456. 9. Make up three image links and put them in a borderless table. Construct the table so that there is just a little space between the images.
  460. CODE:
  461. <html>
  462. <head>
  463. <title>Ques6</title>
  464. </head>
  465. <body>
  466. <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="15">
  467. <tr>
  468. <td><img src="C:\Users\Mokshita\Pictures\2L9A5220.JPG width="10" height="10"/>
  469. </tr>
  470. <tr>
  471. <td><img src="C:\Users\Mokshita\Pictures\2L9A5220.JPG width="10" height="10"/>
  472. </tr>
  473. <tr>
  474. <td><img src="C:\Users\Mokshita\Pictures\2L9A5220.JPG width="10" height="10"/>
  475. </tr>
  476. </table>
  477. OUTPUT:
  479. 10. Frames Example:
  480. <html>
  481. <head>
  482. <title>Frames Example</title></head>
  483. <frameset cols="180px,*,150px">
  484. <frame src="left.html"/>
  485. <frame src="middle.html"/>
  486. <frame src="right.html"/>
  487. </frameset>
  488. </html>
  489. OUTPUT:
  492. 11. Create a following page
  494. Create a link on the second frame and the content of the link should be displayed on the third frame.
  496. CODE:
  497. <html>
  498. <head>
  499. <title>Frames Example</title></head>
  500. <frameset rows="50%,*">
  501. <frame src="a.html" name="upper">
  502. <frame src="b.html" name="lower">
  503. </frameset>
  504. </html>
  506. b.html
  507. <html>
  508. <head>
  509. <frameset cols="50%,*">
  510. <frame src="d.html" name="left">
  511. <frame src="e.html" name="right">
  512. </frameset>
  513. </head>
  514. </html>
  516. d.html
  517. <html>
  518. <head>
  519. </head>
  520. <body>
  521. <a href="1.html" target="right">Home
  522. </a>
  523. </body>
  525. e.html
  526. <html>
  527. <head>
  528. </head>
  529. <body>
  530. hello i am e
  531. </body>
  532. OUTPUT:
  534. 12. CSS Example
  535. <html>
  536. <head>
  537. <link rel="stylesheet" style="text/css" href="index.css">
  539. </head>
  540. <body>
  541. <div class="first">
  542. hello mokshita
  543. <div class="second">hiiii
  544. </div>
  545. </div>
  546. </body>
  547. </html>
  549. Index.css
  550. div.first{
  551. color:red;
  552. background: skyblue;
  553. }
  555. div.second{
  556. color:white;
  557. background: green;
  558. }
  559. Output:
  562. 13. Embedded styling:
  563. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
  564. <html xmlns="">
  565. <head>
  566. <title>Style Sheets</title>
  567. <style type="text/css">
  568. em {background-color:#8000FF; color:white}
  569. h1 {font-family:Arial, sans-serif}
  570. p {font-size:18pt}
  571. .blue {color:blue}
  572. </style>
  573. <head>
  574. <body>
  575. <h1 class="blue">A Heading</h1>
  576. <p>Here is some text. Here is some text. Here
  577. is some text. Here is some text. Here is some
  578. text.</p>
  579. <h1>Another Heading</h1>
  580. <p class="blue">Here is some more text.
  581. Here is some more text.</p>
  582. <p class="blue">Here is some <em>more</em>
  583. text. Here is some more text.</p>
  584. </body>
  585. </html>
  586. Output:
  588. 14. External
  589. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
  590. Transitional//EN"
  591. "">
  592. <html xmlns="">
  593. <head>
  594. <title>Importing style sheets</title>
  595. <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
  596. href="styles.css" />
  597. </head>
  598. <body>
  599. <h1>Shopping list for <em>Monday</em>:</h1>
  600. <li>Milk</li>
  601. <li>Bread
  602. <ul>
  603. <li>White bread</li>
  604. <li>Rye bread</li>
  605. <li>Whole wheat bread</li>
  606. </ul>
  607. </li>
  608. <li>Rice</li>
  609. <li>Potatoes</li>
  610. <li>Pizza <em>with mushrooms</em></li>
  611. </ul>
  612. <a href="" title="grocery
  613. store">Go to the Grocery store</a>
  614. </body>
  615. </html>
  617. Styles.css:
  618. a { text-decoration: none }
  620. a:hover { text-decoration: underline;
  621. color: red;
  622. background-color: #CCFFCC }
  624. li em { color: red;
  625. font-weight: bold }
  627. ul { margin-left: 2cm }
  629. ul ul { text-decoration: underline;
  630. margin-left: .5cm }
  631. Output:
  634. 15. Inline styling
  635. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" " DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
  636. <html xmlns="">
  637. <head>
  638. <title>Inline Styles</title>
  639. </head>
  640. <body>
  641. <p>Here is some text</p>
  642. <!--Separate multiple styles with a semicolon-->
  643. <p style="font-size: 20pt">Here is some
  644. more text</p>
  645. <p style="font-size: 20pt;color:
  646. #0000FF" >Even more text</p>
  647. </body>
  648. </html>
  649. Output:
  651. 16. Write a script to take three numbers from the user and display the greatest number out of three.
  652. <html>
  653. <head>
  654. <script>
  655. var theNumber=Number(prompt("Pick a number",""));
  656. var theNumber2=Number(prompt("Pick another number",""));
  657. var theNumber3=Number(prompt("Pick another number",""));
  658. alert("The maximum number is"+" "+Math.max(theNumber,theNumber2,theNumber3));
  659. </script>
  660. </head>
  661. <body>
  662. </body>
  663. </html>
  664. OUTPUT:
  668. 17. Create a web page containing a clock
  669. <!DOCTYPE html>
  670. <html>
  671. <head>
  672. <script>
  673. function startTime() {
  674. var today=new Date();
  675. var h=today.getHours();
  676. var m=today.getMinutes();
  677. var s=today.getSeconds();
  678. m=checkTime(m);
  679. s=checkTime(s);
  680. document.getElementById('txt').innerHTML=h+":"+m+":"+s;
  681. var t=setTimeout(startTime,500);
  682. }
  683. function checkTime(i) {
  684. if(i<10) {i="0"+i};
  685. return i;
  686. }
  687. </script>
  688. </head>
  689. <body onload="startTime()">
  690. <div id="txt"></div>
  691. </body>
  692. </html>
  693. OUTPUT:
  695. 18. Create a web page that allows the user to select one or more books by using checkboxes. Display the name of each book and its price. Display the current total in a text box at the bottom of the page. When a book is selected (or unselected), update the total. Use JavaScript to perform any arithmetic operations.
  696. <html>
  697. <head>
  698. </head>
  699. <body>
  700. <form action=" " id="theform">
  701. <fieldset>
  702. <legend>
  703. books
  704. </legend>
  705. </br>
  706. <label>
  707. <input type="checkbox" name="book" value="300" id="b1" onclick="total()"/>
  708. story 300/-
  709. </label>
  710. </br>
  711. <label>
  712. <input type="checkbox" name="book" value="500" id="b2" onclick="total()"/>
  713. romance 500/-
  714. </label>
  715. </br>
  716. <label>
  717. <input type="checkbox" name="book" value="150" id="b3" onclick="total()"/>
  718. thriller 150/-
  719. </label>
  720. </br>
  721. <label>
  722. <input type="checkbox" name="book" value="200" id="b4" onclick="total()"/>
  723. sgeneral 200/-
  724. </label>
  725. </br>
  726. <label>
  727. total
  728. <input value="0.00" readonly="readonly" type="text" id="total"/>
  729. </label>
  730. </br>
  731. </fieldset>
  732. <input value="submit" type="submit"/>
  733. <input value="reset" type="reset"/>
  734. </form>
  735. <script type-"text/javascript">
  736. <function total()
  737. {
  738. var input=document.getElementById("form");
  739. var total=0;
  740. for(var i=0;i<input.length;i++)
  741. {
  742. total+=parseFloat(input[i].value);
  743. }
  744. }
  745. document.getElementById("total").value=" "+total;
  746. }
  747. </script>
  748. </html>
  749. OUTPUT:
  751. 19. Write a function “multiple” in JavaScript that determines, for a pair of integers, whether the second integer is a multiple of the first. The function takes two integer arguments and return true if the second is the multiple of the first, and false otherwise.
  752. <html>
  753. <head>
  754. <script>
  755. function multi(){
  756. var x=document.forms["myForm"]["a"].value;
  757. var y=document.forms["myForm"]["b"].value;
  758. var z=y%x;
  759. if(z==0)
  760. {
  761. document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML="is a multiple";
  762. }
  763. else
  764. {
  765. document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML="is not a multiple";
  766. }
  767. }
  768. </script>
  769. </head>
  770. <body>
  771. <form name="myForm">
  772. <input type="text" id="a">
  773. <input type="text" id="b">
  774. <button type="button" onclick="multi()">click here</button>
  775. <p id="demo"></p>
  776. </form>
  777. </body>
  778. </html>
  779. OUTPUT:
  781. 20. Create a web page with a text box and a button. On click of a button a message box is displayed with the text entered by the user in the textbox.
  782. <html>
  783. <head>
  784. <script>
  785. function m(){
  786. var x=document.forms["myForm"]["a"].value;
  787. window.alert(x);
  788. }
  789. </script>
  790. </head>
  791. <body>
  792. <form name="myForm">
  793. <input type="text" id="a">
  794. <button type="button" onclick="m()">click here</button>
  795. </form>
  796. </body>
  797. </html>
  798. OUTPUT:
  800. 21. Create a web page with an image and a button. On click of a button the image should move horizontally and also on mouse over the size of the image should be changed.
  801. <html>
  802. <body>
  803. <style>
  804. #animate {
  805. width: 100;
  806. height: 100;
  807. position: absolute;
  808. background-image: url("Screenshot from 2017-03-24 16:16:37.png");
  809. }
  810. </style>
  811. <script>
  812. function myMove() {
  813. var elem=document.getElementById("animate");
  814. var pos=0;
  815. var id=setInterval(frame,5);
  816. function frame() {
  817. if(pos==350) {
  818. clearInterval(id);
  819. } else {
  820. pos++;
  822. }
  823. }
  824. }
  825. function mOver(obj) {
  828. }
  829. function mOut(obj) {
  832. }
  833. </script>
  834. <p>
  835. <button onclick="myMove()">Click Me</button>
  836. </p>
  837. <div id="animate" onmouseover="mOver(this)" onmouseout="mOut(this)"></div>
  838. </body>
  839. </html>
  840. OUTPUT:
  842. 22. Write the Java Script for the following
  843. • Generate alert box
  844. <html>
  845. <head>
  846. <script type="text/javascript">
  847. function Warn(){
  848. alert("This is a warning message!");
  849. document.write("This is a warning message!");
  850. }
  851. </script>
  852. </head>
  853. <body>
  854. <p>Click the following button to see the result</p>
  855. <form>
  856. <input type="button" value="Click me" onclick="Warn();"/>
  857. </form>
  858. </body>
  859. </html>
  860. OUTPUT:
  862. • Generate Confirm box
  863. <html>
  864. <head>
  865. <script type="text/javascript">
  866. function getConfirmation(){
  867. var retVal=confirm("Do you want to continue");
  868. if(retVal==true){
  869. document.write("User wants to continue !");
  870. return true;
  871. }
  872. else{
  873. document.write("User does not want to continue !");
  874. return false;
  875. }}
  876. </script>
  877. </head>
  878. <body>
  879. <p>Click the following button to see the result:</p>
  880. <form>
  881. <input type="button" value="Click me" onclick="getConfirmation():"/>
  882. </form>
  883. </body>
  884. </html>
  885. OUTPUT:
  887. • Generate Prompt box
  888. <html>
  889. <head>
  890. <script type="text/javascript">
  891. function getValue(){
  892. var retValue=prompt("Enter your name:","your name here");
  893. document.write("You have entered:"+retVal);
  894. }
  895. </script>
  896. </head>
  897. <body>
  898. <p>Click the following button to see the result:</p>
  899. <form>
  900. <input type="button" value="Click Me" onclick="getValue();"/>
  901. </form>
  902. </body>
  903. </html>
  904. OUTPUT:
  906. • function with an argument that returns a value
  907. <html>
  908. <head>
  909. <script type="text/javascript">
  910. function total(numberA, numberB)
  911. {
  912. return numberA+numberB
  913. }
  914. </script>
  915. </head>
  916. <body>
  917. <script type="text/javascript">
  918. document.write(total(2,3))
  919. </script>
  920. <p>The script in the body section calls a function with two arguments: 2 and 3.</p>
  921. <p>The function returns the sum of these two arguments.</p>
  922. </body>
  923. </html>
  924. OUTPUT:
  926. • Looping construct and Error handling
  927. <html>
  928. <head>
  929. <script type="text/javascript">
  930. try
  931. {
  932. docutypoment.write("This is an error as document is misspelled as docutypoment");
  933. }
  934. catch(errorvariable)
  935. {
  936. document.write("An error occured :Error details:"+errorvariable.description);
  937. }
  938. </script>
  939. </body>
  940. </html>
  941. Looping:
  942. <html>
  943. <head>
  944. <script type="text/javascript">
  945. var a=10;
  946. for(a=11;a<=20;a++)
  947. {
  948. document.write(a);
  949. document.write(" ");
  950. }
  951. </script>
  952. </body>
  953. </html>
  954. OUTPUT:
  956. 23. Write a web application to implement online quiz system. The application includes only client side script.
  957. <!DOCTYPE html>
  958. <html>
  959. <head>
  960. <meta charset="UTF-8">
  961. <style>
  962. div#test{ border:#000 1px solid; padding:10px 40px 40px 40px; }
  963. </style>
  964. <script>
  965. var pos = 0, test, test_status, question, choice, choices, chA, chB, chC, correct = 0;
  966. var questions = [
  967. [ "Who is the captain of the indian cricket team?", "dhoni", "kohli", "rahane", "B" ],
  968. [ "who is the president of india?", "A.P.J Abdul Kalam", "Hamid Ansari", "Pranab Mukherjee", "C" ],
  969. [ "What is the square root of 576?", "24", "22", "26", "A" ],
  970. [ "What is the capital of Arunachal Pradesh?", "Imphal", "Aizowl", "Itanagar", "C" ]
  971. ];
  972. function _(x){
  973. return document.getElementById(x);
  974. }
  975. function renderQuestion(){
  976. test = _("test");
  977. if(pos >= questions.length){
  978. test.innerHTML = "<h2>You got "+correct+" of "+questions.length+" questions correct</h2>";
  979. _("test_status").innerHTML = "Test Completed";
  980. pos = 0;
  981. correct = 0;
  982. return false;
  983. }
  984. _("test_status").innerHTML = "Question "+(pos+1)+" of "+questions.length;
  985. question = questions[pos][0];
  986. chA = questions[pos][1];
  987. chB = questions[pos][2];
  988. chC = questions[pos][3];
  989. test.innerHTML = "<h3>"+question+"</h3>";
  990. test.innerHTML += "<input type='radio' name='choices' value='A'> "+chA+"<br>";
  991. test.innerHTML += "<input type='radio' name='choices' value='B'> "+chB+"<br>";
  992. test.innerHTML += "<input type='radio' name='choices' value='C'> "+chC+"<br><br>";
  993. test.innerHTML += "<button onclick='checkAnswer()'>Submit Answer</button>";
  994. }
  995. function checkAnswer(){
  996. choices = document.getElementsByName("choices");
  997. for(var i=0; i<choices.length; i++){
  998. if(choices[i].checked){
  999. choice = choices[i].value;
  1000. }
  1001. }
  1002. if(choice == questions[pos][4]){
  1003. correct++;
  1004. }
  1005. pos++;
  1006. renderQuestion();
  1007. }
  1008. window.addEventListener("load", renderQuestion, false);
  1009. </script>
  1010. </head>
  1011. <body>
  1012. <h2 id="test_status"></h2>
  1013. <div id="test"></div>
  1014. </body>
  1015. </html>
  1016. OUTPUT:
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