
Touhou Labyrinth 2 Plus Disk Boss AI

Jul 25th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. > Shadow Kasen
  2. --------------
  4. Every 5 turns:
  5. Breath of the Hermit (Self)
  6. Let H be the remaining HP %
  7. Use a regular spell with chance (H-10)%:
  8. 34% chance Instant Death Attack (A)
  9. 33% chance Attack (A)
  10. 33% chance Poison (A)
  11. Otherwise:
  12. 55% chance Echo of the Nine Forest Gods (A)
  13. 23% chance Diving Waltz of the Raijuu (A)
  14. 22% chance Higekiri's Cursed Arm (A)
  16. e.g. at full HP has only 10% chance to use personal spell, half HP has 60%, 10% HP onwards has 100%
  18. > Shadow Suika
  19. --------------
  21. Once, when HP < 66%:
  22. Throwing Atlas (D)
  23. Once, when HP < 33%:
  24. Throwing Atlas (D)
  25. Let H be the remaining HP %
  26. Use a regular spell with chance (H-25)%:
  27. 34% chance Paralyzing Fog (A)
  28. 33% chance Attack (A)
  29. 33% chance Row Attack (A)
  30. Otherwise:
  31. 40% chance Art of Segaki Binding (A)
  32. 30% chance Throwing Mt.Togakushi (D)
  33. 30% chance Gathering and Dissipating (A)
  35. e.g. at full HP has 25% chance to use personal spell, half HP has 75%, 25% HP onwards has 100%
  37. > Shadow Yuugi
  38. --------------
  40. Every turn:
  41. Knockout in Three Steps (A)
  43. > Shadow Kogasa
  44. ---------------
  46. If any ally is afflicted with TRR:
  47. Terror Eater (A)
  48. Otherwise:
  49. 36% chance Karakasa Surprising Flash (A)
  50. 18% chance A Rainy Night's Ghost Story (D)
  51. 18% chance Drizzling Large Raindrops (A)
  52. 10% chance Terrifying Wave (A) (Lv.5)
  53. 9% chance Void Flash Claw (A) (Lv.6)
  54. 9% chance Dividing Slash (A) (Lv.10)
  56. Note: Terrifying Wave being Lv.5 increases TRR duration from usual 10000 to 30000
  58. > Shadow Hina
  59. -------------
  61. If Hina has any debuffs on her:
  62. 50% chance Curse Reversal (Self)
  63. If Hina is afflicted with HVY, SIL or TRR:
  64. Spinning Around More Than Usual (Self)
  65. If turn is even:
  66. Misfortune God's Biorhythm (A) (Affects enemies as well)
  67. Otherwise:
  68. 34% chance Piercing Light (A)
  69. 33% chance Old Lady Ohgane's Fire (A)
  70. 33% chance Magical Light (A)
  72. > Shadow Parsee
  73. ---------------
  75. 20% chance Grudge Returning (A)
  76. 20% chance Jealousy of Kind and Lovely (A)
  77. 12% chance Attack (A)
  78. 12% chance Destroy Magic (A)
  79. 12% chance Black Universe (A)
  80. 12% chance Dividing Slash (A)
  81. 12% chance Midnight Anathema Ritual (A)
  83. > Shadow Alice
  84. --------------
  86. If this is the first turn:
  87. Resummon Doll (Self) (Lv.2)
  88. Once, when HP < 75%:
  89. Trip Wire (A)
  90. Once, when HP < 60%:
  91. Little Legion (A)
  92. Once, when HP < 30%:
  93. Trip Wire (A)
  94. If there are no dolls remaining:
  95. 80% chance Resummon Doll (Self) (Lv.2)
  96. If there is 1 doll remaining:
  97. 60% chance Resummon Doll (Self) (Lv.2)
  98. If there are 2 dolls remaining:
  99. 40% chance Resummon Doll (Self) (Lv.2)
  100. If there are 3 dolls remaining:
  101. 20% chance Resummon Doll (Self) (Lv.2)
  102. If current HP >= 40% max HP:
  103. 20% chance Red Arrow (B)
  104. 20% chance Magical Light (B)
  105. 20% chance Artful Sacrifice (D)
  106. 14% chance Hanged Hourai Dolls (A)
  107. 13% chance Spark Storm (A)
  108. 13% chance Red Curse (A)
  109. Otherwise:
  110. 35% chance Artful Sacrifice (D)
  111. 20% chance Little Legion (A)
  112. 15% chance Hanged Hourai Dolls (A)
  113. 10% chance Red Arrow (B)
  114. 10% chance Piercing Light (A)
  115. 5% chance Red Curse (A)
  116. 5% chance Spark Storm (A)
  118. > Shadow Keine
  119. --------------
  121. If turn is odd and Mokou is alive:
  122. With Mokou (Self)
  123. If turn is odd and Mokou is dead:
  124. Were-Hakutaku's Rage (Self)
  125. If turn is a multiple of 6:
  126. 50% chance Three Treasures - Sword (All enemies)
  127. 50% chance Three Treasures - Mirror (All enemies)
  128. If Mokou is alive:
  129. 25% chance New History -Next History- (A)
  130. 25% chance Ancient History -Old History- (A)
  131. 13% chance Gravity Manipulation (A)
  132. 13% chance Light Arrow (A)
  133. 12% chance Dark Arrow (A)
  134. 12% chance Half Moon Slash (A)
  135. Otherwise:
  136. 15% chance New History -Next History- (A)
  137. 15% chance Ancient History -Old History- (A)
  138. 10% chance Row Attack (A)
  139. 10% chance Great Roar (A)
  140. 10% chance Dividing Slash (A)
  141. 10% chance Instant Death Attack (A)
  142. 8% chance Gravity Manipulation (A)
  143. 8% chance Light Arrow (A)
  144. 7% chance Dark Arrow (A)
  145. 7% chance Half Moon Slash (A)
  147. Note: With Mokou is a self targetting spell that buffs ATK by 12%
  148. Note: Were-Hakutaku's Rage is a self targetting spell that buffs all stats by (10+3*(SLv-1))%
  150. > Shadow Mokou
  151. --------------
  153. If turn is odd and Keine is alive:
  154. All-Regeneration (All enemies) (Lv.5)
  155. If turn is odd and Keine is dead:
  156. Regeneration (Self) (Lv.12)
  157. If this is the second turn:
  158. Fujiyama Volcano (A)
  159. If [local_c + 0x2e8] flag is set:
  160. Fujiyama Volcano (A)
  161. Otherwise:
  162. 35% chance Fire Bird -Flying Phoenix- (D)
  163. 25% chance Tsuki no Iwakasa's Curse (A)
  164. 8% chance Attack (A)
  165. 8% chance Row Attack (A)
  166. 8% chance Daze (A)
  167. 8% chance Azure Arrow (A)
  168. 8% chance Spark Storm (B)
  170. Note/Bug(?): The [local_c + 0x2e8] flag is not set anywhere, I assume this would be set either when Mokou or Keine dies, so that she spams Fujiyama Volcano afterwards. Maybe she resurrected in an earlier version of this fight and that was cut off for balancing reasons? Or maybe 3peso just forgot to set the flag on Keine's death? Hard to know, but the fact is that that flag is not set anywhere.
  172. Note/Visual Bug: All-Regeneration regens 5% HP for both Mokou and Keine, but Keine's heal amount is not displayed
  174. > Mamizou Futatsuiwa
  175. --------------------
  177. Every turn:
  178. Decrease count_pompokolin by 1
  179. Decrease count_transform by 1
  180. If HP < 84% and count_pompokolin <= 0:
  181. Full Moon Pompokolin (A)
  182. Also swaps DEF and MND values
  183. Then sets count_pompokolin to 5
  184. If HP < 70% and count_transform <= 0:
  185. 10 Transformations Danmaku (A)
  186. Also sets all affinities (except VOI) to 150
  187. Then sets a random affinity (excludes VOI) to 60
  188. Then sets count_transform to 8
  189. Let H be the remaining HP %
  190. Follow the regular script with chance (H+20)%:
  191. 15% chance Destroy Magic (A)
  192. 15% chance Grass Knot (A)
  193. 15% chance Razor Wind (A)
  194. 15% chance Leaf Cutting Dance (A)
  195. 10% chance Green Arrow (A)
  196. 10% chance Futatsuiwa Clan's Curse (A)
  197. 10% chance Frolicking Animals Scrolls (A)
  198. 10% chance Healing Power (Self) (Lv.10)
  199. Otherwise, force a personal spell:
  200. 50% chance Futatsuiwa Clan's Curse (A)
  201. 50% chance Frolicking Animals Scrolls (A)
  203. Note: If she heals herself over the Pompokolin threshold, she will not use that spell again until you damage her back below the threshold, no matter the counter's value. The same goes for the Transformations threshold
  205. e.g. At 50% HP, has a 30% chance to force a personal spell, 1 HP has 80% chance
  207. > Shadow Youmu
  208. --------------
  210. Every turn:
  211. Set own's PAR and SHK resistance to 80
  212. If turn is a multiple of 11:
  213. Concentrate (Self)
  214. If used Concentrate last turn:
  215. God's Slash of Karma Wind (A)
  216. If Youmu is dead and turn is a multiple of 5:
  217. Slash Clearing the 6 Senses (A)
  218. If Youmu used Concentrate on her last turn:
  219. Loyal? Gardener's Support (Self) (Lv.33)
  220. If current HP >= 40% max HP:
  221. 50% chance Attack (A)
  222. 40% chance Present Life Slash (A)
  223. 10% chance Slash of Eternity (A)
  224. Otherwise:
  225. 42% chance Present Life Slash (A)
  226. 33% chance Attack (A)
  227. 25% chance Slash of Eternity (A)
  229. Note/Bug: Youmu should check if Yuyuko is dead so she can use Slash Clearing the 6 Senses every 5 turns, but instead checks if herself is dead, making that condition impossible to trigger. The root of this bug is the instruction IMUL EAX, EDX, 0F (in hex: 6B C2 0F) in her AI, which computes the memory offset to use when checking if someone is dead. Since Youmu occupies slot 15 and Yuyuko slot 16, the instruction should have a 10 instead of a 0F. The same thing happens with the condition to use Loyal? Gardener's Support, Youmu is supposed to buff all her stats by 33% while Yuyuko Concentrates to fire Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana, so she can then destroy whoever survived that with buffed attacks. However, this ends up being impossible to trigger since Youmu checks for her own Concentrate flag, and that gets used by God's Slash of Karma Wind.
  231. Note: Loyal? Gardener's Support is a self targetting spell that buffs all stats by (SLv)%
  233. > Shadow Yuyuko
  234. ---------------
  236. If used Concentrate last turn:
  237. Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana (A)
  238. If [empty slot] is alive:
  239. 25% chance Slack Off (All Enemies) (Lv.64)
  240. 15% chance Ghostly Dream's Butterfly (A) (Lv.18)
  241. 15% chance Destroy Magic (A)
  242. 15% chance Concentrate (Self)
  243. This also changes [empty slot]'s PAR and SHK resistance to 50 (Youmu's would be lowered from 80 to 50)
  244. 10% chance Allure of Death (A)
  245. 10% chance Deadly Swallowtail Lance (A)
  246. 10% chance Ghastly Dream (A)
  247. Otherwise:
  248. 40% chance Ghostly Dream's Butterfly (A) (Lv.30)
  249. 20% chance Calming Scent (A)
  250. 10% chance Deadly Swallowtail Lance (A)
  251. 10% chance Ghastly Dream (A) (Lv.8)
  252. 10% chance Concentrate (Self)
  253. 5% chance Storm of Dark Flow (A)
  254. 5% chance Destroy Magic (A)
  256. Note: Yuyuko's Ghostly Dream's Butterfly being Lv.18/30 makes it have a 118/166% DTH chance
  257. Note: Yuyuko's Ghastly Dream being Lv.8 makes it have a 102% DTH chance
  259. Note/Bug: Yuyuko should check if Youmu is alive to know which pattern to use, but similar to Youmu, she looks for her in the wrong enemy slot. Yuyuko assumes Youmu is in slot 13, but she is actually in slot 15. Since that slot is already empty when the fight starts, Yuyuko starts with her "Youmu is dead" pattern. The root and fix to this is exactly the same as described in Youmu's AI, only the instruction will use 0D instead of 0F.
  261. Note: Slack Off restores around 410k to Youmu and Yuyuko, possibly explaining why Youmu has much, much lower HP than the usual Shadow bosses in these floors.
  263. > Shadow Nazrin
  264. ---------------
  266. If Byakuren is dead, Shou is alive and did not use Bishamonten Tag last turn:
  267. Bishamonten Tag (Self) (Lv.20)
  268. If turn is a multiple of 3:
  269. Gravity Accel (E) (Lv.50)
  270. Otherwise:
  271. 34% chance Nazrin Pendulum (A)
  272. 33% chance Gold Rush (A)
  273. 33% chance Rare Metal Detector (A)
  275. Note: Bishamonten Tag is a self targetting spell that buffs SPD by (SLv)%
  276. Note: Gravity Accel is a self targetting spell that buffs SPD by (SLv)%
  278. > Shadow Shou
  279. -------------
  281. If Byakuren is dead, Nazrin is alive and flag_tag is 1:
  282. Bishamonten Tag (Self) (Lv.20)
  283. Also sets the flag_tag to 0
  284. If either Byakuren or Nazrin are dead, and flag_wrath is 1:
  285. Bishamonten's Wrath (Self)
  286. Also permanently raises ATK by 5% per dead ally
  287. Also sets the flag_wrath to 0
  288. Otherwise:
  289. Set both flag_tag and flag_wrath to 1
  290. 20% chance Row Attack (A)
  291. 20% chance Hungry Tiger (A)
  292. 20% chance Radiant Treasure Gun (A)
  293. 20% chance Dazzling Gold (A)
  294. 20% chance Aura of Justice (All Enemies) (Lv.5)
  296. Note: Shou's Aura of Justice does not consume the Bishamonten's Wrath counter
  298. > Shadow Byakuren
  299. -----------------
  301. If turn is odd:
  302. Sutra - Birth of a Superhuman (Self) (Lv.16)
  303. If Byakuren's buffs add up to more than 100%:
  304. If Nazrin's buffs add up to less than half of Byakuren's sum:
  305. Sutra - Duplicating Chant (Nazrin) (Lv.16)
  306. If Shou's buffs add up to less than half of Byakuren's sum:
  307. Sutra - Duplicating Chant (Shou) (Lv.16)
  308. Otherwise:
  309. 30% chance Light Arrow (A)
  310. 18% chance Master of the Great Trichiliocosm (A)
  311. 18% chance Star Sword Apologetics (A)
  312. 17% chance Skanda's Legs (A)
  313. 17% chance Magic Milky Way (A)
  315. Note: Sutra - Birth of a Superhuman is a self targetting spell that buffs all stats by (SLv)%
  316. Note: Byakuren's Duplicating Chant being Lv.16 effectively makes it so that the skill adds 100% of Byakuren's buffs to the target's buffs, making it even more broken than the original disc's version, which copied Byakuren's buffs over the target's.
  318. > Mononobe no Futo (first fight)
  319. --------------------------------
  321. If turn is a multiple of 8:
  322. Spirit Mausoleum Desires (Self) (Lv = Cup Count + 1)
  323. Otherwise:
  324. 16% chance Attack (A)
  325. 12% chance Mononobe's Eighty Sake Cups (A)
  326. 12% chance Catastrophic Gate Opening (A)
  327. 12% chance Miwa Plate Storm (A)
  328. 12% chance Taiyi True Fire (A)
  329. 10% chance Daze (A)
  330. 8% chance 1000 Needles (A)
  331. 8% chance Yakumo's Futsu no Mitama no Tsurugi (D)
  332. 6% chance Shredder (A)
  333. 4% chance Activate Life Energy (Self) (Lv.61)
  335. Note: Activating Life Energy heals all enemies by (400% ATK + 400% MAG)
  336. Note: Spirit Mausoleum Desires heals Futo for (Lv*4)% of her max HP, and buffs all stats by (Lv*10)%
  338. > Mononobe no Futo (second fight)
  339. ---------------------------------
  341. If turn is a multiple of 8:
  342. Spirit Mausoleum Desires (Self) (Lv = Cup Count + 1)
  343. Once, when HP < 60%:
  344. Maximum Dish Charge (Self)
  345. Once, when HP < 12%:
  346. Maximum Dish Charge (Self)
  347. Let H be the remaining HP %
  348. Follow the old script with H% chance:
  349. 16% chance Attack (A)
  350. 12% chance Mononobe's Eighty Sake Cups (A)
  351. 12% chance Catastrophic Gate Opening (A)
  352. 12% chance Miwa Plate Storm (A)
  353. 12% chance Taiyi True Fire (A)
  354. 10% chance Daze (A)
  355. 8% chance 1000 Needles (A)
  356. 8% chance Yakumo's Futsu no Mitama no Tsurugi (D)
  357. 6% chance Shredder (A)
  358. 4% chance Activate Life Energy (Self) (Lv.61)
  359. Otherwise, force a personal/strong spell:
  360. 24% chance Mononobe's Eighty Sake Cups (A)
  361. 24% chance Catastrophic Gate Opening (A)
  362. 24% chance Miwa Plate Storm (A)
  363. 14% chance Taiyi True Fire (A)
  364. 14% chance Yakumo's Futsu no Mitama no Tsurugi (D)
  366. e.g. At full HP, has a 0% chance to force a strong spell, 70% HP has 30% chance
  368. > Shadow Cirno
  369. --------------
  371. If any ally is dead and did not use Shadow Team (9) last turn:
  372. Shadow Team (9) (Self) (Lv. no. of dead allies)
  373. Otherwise:
  374. 20% chance Azure Arrow (A)
  375. 20% chance Icicle Fall (A)
  376. 15% chance Diamond Blizzard (A)
  377. 15% chance Perfect Freeze (A)
  378. 10% chance White Album (Self)
  379. 10% chance Blizzard (A)
  380. 10% chance Heavy Fog (A)
  382. Note: Shadow Team (9) buffs all stats by (Lv*20)%
  384. > Shadow Mystia
  385. ---------------
  387. If any ally is dead and did not use Shadow Team (9) last turn:
  388. Shadow Team (9) (Self) (Lv. no. of dead allies)
  389. Otherwise:
  390. 40% chance Attack (D)
  391. 40% chance Ill-Starred Dive (D)
  392. 20% chance Midnight Chorus Master (A)
  394. > Shadow Rumia
  395. --------------
  397. If any ally is dead and did not use Shadow Team (9) last turn:
  398. Shadow Team (9) (Self) (Lv. no. of dead allies)
  399. If Rumia's debuffs add up to 50% or more:
  400. Demarcation (All enemies)
  401. Otherwise:
  402. 30% chance Moonlight Ray (A)
  403. 30% chance Dark Side of the Moon (A)
  404. 20% chance Storm of Dark Flow (A)
  405. 20% chance Purple Curse (A)
  407. > Shadow Wriggle
  408. ----------------
  410. If any ally is dead and did not use Shadow Team (9) last turn:
  411. Shadow Team (9) (Self) (Lv. no. of dead allies)
  412. Otherwise:
  413. 25% chance Poison (A)
  414. 25% chance Comet on Earth (A)
  415. 25% chance Firefly Phenomenon (A)
  416. 25% chance Nightbug Tornado (A)
  418. > Shadow Nitori
  419. ---------------
  421. Fixed pattern (5 turns):
  422. If loop count is odd:
  423. 1-2: Kappa's Illusion Waterfall (A)
  424. If loop count is even:
  425. 1-2: Exteeeending Aaaaarm (A)
  426. 3: Portable Versatile Machine (Self) (Lv.35)
  427. 4: Concentrate (Self)
  428. 5: Super Scope 3D (D) (Lv.21)
  430. Note: Nitori's Portable Versatile Machine being Lv.35 makes it a 50% all stats buff
  432. > Shadow Aya
  433. ------------
  435. If turn is a multiple of 3:
  436. Sarutahiko's Guidance (E) (Lv.21)
  437. Otherwise:
  438. 20% chance Attack (A)
  439. 20% chance Slash Dive (A)
  440. 20% chance Razor Wind (A)
  441. 20% chance Wind God's Fan (A)
  442. 20% chance Peerless Wind God (A)
  444. Note: Aya's Sarutahiko's Guidance being Lv.21 makes it a 100% SPD buff
  446. > Shadow Momiji
  447. ---------------
  449. Fixed pattern (10 turns):
  450. 1: Rabies Bite (A)
  451. 2: Establish Stance (Self)
  452. 3-10: Shield Bash (A) (Lv.3)
  454. Note: Momiji's Establish Stance buffs her DEF and MND to 100%
  456. > Grandgon
  457. ----------
  459. 44% chance Earthquake (A)
  460. 20% chance Roar Shockwave (A) (Lv.30)
  461. 20% chance Destroy Armor (A) (Lv.50)
  462. 16% chance Rock Clash (D) (Lv.10)
  464. Note: Roar Shockwave being Lv.30 makes it a 100% SHK and TRR(60000) chance
  465. Note: Destroy Armor being Lv.50 makes it a 130% DEF/MND 50% debuff chance
  467. > Toyosatomimi no Miko
  468. ----------------------
  470. If this is the first turn:
  471. Set variable var_phase = 1
  472. True Administrator - Good (Self) (Lv.14) (*)
  473. Sets Miko's DEF to 9600
  474. Sets Miko's MND to 132000
  475. Sets Miko's SPI affinity to 1000
  476. Sets Miko's DRK affinity to 50
  477. Sets Miko's PAR resistance to 90
  478. Removes all buffs, debuffs and ailments from Miko
  479. If var_phase = 1 and Miko reached zero HP:
  480. Set variable var_phase = 2
  481. True Administrator - Evil (Self) (Lv.14) (*)
  482. Revives Miko to full HP
  483. Sets Miko's DEF to 132000
  484. Sets Miko's MND to 9600
  485. Sets Miko's SPI affinity to 50
  486. Sets Miko's SPI affinity to 1000
  487. Removes all buffs, debuffs and ailments from Miko
  488. If var_phase = 2 and Miko reached zero HP:
  489. Set variable var_phase = 3
  490. True Administrator - Rivalry of Good and Evil (Self) (Lv.14) (*)
  491. Revives Miko to full HP
  492. Sets Miko's DEF to 132000
  493. Sets Miko's MND to 132000
  494. Sets Miko's SPI affinity to 150
  495. Sets Miko's SPI affinity to 150
  496. Remove all buffs, debuffs and ailments from Miko
  498. Once, if var_phase = 3:
  499. Yamata-no-Orochi's Evil Eye (Self) (Lv.14) (*)
  500. If var_phase = 3 and both Scarlet Gold Avatars are dead:
  501. Halo of the Guse Kannon (A) (*)
  502. If var_phase = 3 and used Halo of the Guse Kannon last turn:
  503. Set variable var_phase = 4
  504. True Administrator - Compatibility of Good and Evil (Self) (Lv.14) (*)
  505. Sets Miko's PAR resistance to 30
  506. Remove all buffs, debuffs and ailments from Miko
  508. If var_phase = 1 and did not use Tradition of Just Rewards on previous turn:
  509. Tradition of Just Rewards (Good) (Self) (Lv.12) (*)
  510. If var_phase = 2 and did not use Tradition of Just Rewards on previous turn:
  511. Tradition of Just Rewards (Evil) (Self) (Lv.12) (*)
  512. If var_phase = 3 and either Scarlet Gold Avatar is alive:
  513. Sage of Toyosatomimi (Self) (Lv.18) (*)
  514. If var_phase = 4 and did not use Sage of Toyosatomimi on previous turn:
  515. Sage of Toyosatomimi (Self) (Lv.14) (*)
  517. If var_phase = 1 and turn is a multiple of 4:
  518. Refresh (Self)
  519. If var_phase = 2 and turn is a multiple of 7:
  520. Karmic Retribution (A)
  521. Otherwise, if var_phase = 1:
  522. 22% chance Light Arrow (A)
  523. 12% chance Shining Arrows from the Sky (A)
  524. 11% chance Storm of Light Particle (A)
  525. 11% chance Piercing Light (A)
  526. 11% chance Half Moon Slash (A)
  527. 11% chance Destroy Magic (B)
  528. 11% chance Yellow Curse (A) (Lv.40)
  529. 11% chance Protecting Light from the Heavens (Self) (Lv.15)
  530. Otherwise, if var_phase = 2:
  531. 16% chance Roar Shockwave (A)
  532. 12% chance Attack (A)
  533. 12% chance Dividing Slash (D)
  534. 12% chance Instant Death Attack (D) (Lv.10)
  535. 12% chance Scythe of Calamity (D)
  536. 12% chance Yellow Curse (A) (Lv.40)
  537. 12% chance Gravity Manipulation (A)
  538. 12% chance Black Universe (B)
  539. Otherwise, if var_phase = 4:
  540. 9% chance Destroy Magic (A)
  541. 9% chance Yellow Curse (A) (Lv.40)
  542. 9% chance Scythe of Calamity (D)
  543. 9% chance Roar Shockwave (A)
  544. 8% chance Piercing Light (A)
  545. 8% chance Half Moon Slash (A)
  546. 8% chance Protecting Light from the Heavens (Self) (Lv.15)
  547. 8% chance Shining Arrows from the Sky (A)
  548. 8% chance Dividing Slash (D)
  549. 8% chance Instant Death Attack (D) (Lv.10)
  550. 8% chance Gravity Manipulation (A)
  551. 8% chance Black Universe (B)
  553. Note: Karmic Retribution is a multi target (150% MAG - 75% MND) DRK spell with 3000 delay that replicates enemy's ailments and debuffs onto your party
  554. Note: Sage of Toyosatomimi is a self targetting spell that buffs all stats by (SLv)%
  555. Note: Actions marked with a (*) do NOT advance the turn counter
  556. Note: The turn counter is NOT reset between changes of var_phase
  557. Note: Miko is invincible when var_phase is set to 3
  558. Note/Bug: True Administrator - Evil changes SPI affinity to 50 as normal but then changes SPI affinity instead of DRK affinity to 1000
  559. Note/Bug: True Administrator - Rivalry of Good and Evil changes SPI affinity to 150 twice, the second time should have been the DRK affinity
  561. > Scarlet Gold Avatar
  562. ---------------------
  564. 20% chance Defensive Barrier (E) (Lv.40)
  565. 20% chance Activate Life Energy (All Enemies)
  566. 15% chance Red Curse (A) (Lv.20)
  567. 15% chance Purple Curse (A) (Lv.20)
  568. 15% chance Yellow Curse (A) (Lv.20)
  569. 15% chance Ancient Curse (A)
  571. > Shadow Minoriko
  572. -----------------
  574. 20% chance Nut Throw (A)
  575. 20% chance Silent Fog (A)
  576. 20% chance Warm Color Harvest (A)
  577. 20% chance Owotoshi Harvester (E) (Lv.11)
  578. 10% chance Sweet Potato Room (E) (Lv.120)
  579. 10% chance Autumn Sky (A)
  581. Note: Minoriko's Owotoshi Harvester being Lv.11 makes it a 75% DEF/MND buff
  583. > Shadow Yuuka
  584. --------------
  586. Every turn:
  587. Increase variable var_cooldown by 1 (starts at 0)
  588. If Minoriko is dead:
  589. If used Concentrate on previous turn:
  590. Master Spark (A)
  591. Otherwise:
  592. Concentrate (Self)
  593. If Minoriko's current HP < 50% her max HP:
  594. Prayer of Recovery (Minoriko) (Lv.300)
  595. If var_cooldown < 5:
  596. 34% chance Flower Shot (A)
  597. 33% chance Attack (A)
  598. 33% chance Green Arrow (A)
  599. Otherwise:
  600. 25% chance Grass Knot (A) (Lv.7)
  601. Sets var_cooldown to 4
  602. 25% chance Pummel (A)
  603. Sets var_cooldown to 3
  604. 25% chance Gensokyo's Reflowering (A) (Lv.2)
  605. Sets var_cooldown to 2
  606. 25% chance Beauty of Nature (A) (Lv.6)
  607. Sets var_cooldown to 0
  609. Note: Yuuka's Prayer of Recovery being Lv.300 heals Minoriko for well over half of her max HP
  610. Note: var_cooldown is incremented before the game picks an action
  611. Note: Pummel is a single target ((59 + SLv)% ATK - 50% DEF) NTR spell with 3200 delay
  613. > Shadow Reisen
  614. ---------------
  616. If Eirin is dead and did not use Grand Patriot's Elixir last turn:
  617. Grand Patriot's Elixir (Self)
  618. Otherwise:
  619. 40% chance Magic Arrow (A)
  620. 30% chance Discarder (A)
  621. 15% chance Mind Starmine (A)
  622. 5% chance Magic Drain (B)
  623. 5% chance Destroy Magic (B)
  624. 5% chance Gas-Woven Orb (A)
  625. 0% chance Lunatic Red Eyes (A)
  627. Note/Bug: Reisen will never use Lunatic Red Eyes because it uses the same value as Magic Arrow in the AI script. The game generates a random value [0-99], and checks that value against each spell's value. In Reisen's case, if it is less than 30, she uses Discarder. If it is less than 70, Magic Arrow, and so on. Lunatic Red Eyes uses 70 as well, so the condition is never met. Changing Magic Arrow to 50, for example, would give each spell a 20% chance to be cast.
  629. > Shadow Eirin
  630. --------------
  632. If Kaguya is dead or used Concentrate last turn:
  633. Astronomical Entombing (A)
  634. If Kaguya's current HP < 50% her max HP:
  635. Hourai Elixir (Kaguya)
  636. Otherwise:
  637. 20% chance Mercury Sea (A)
  638. 20% chance Omoikane's Device (A)
  639. 18% chance Storm of Purple Magic (A)
  640. 17% chance Magic Arrow (A)
  641. 15% chance Concentrate (Self)
  642. 10% chance Magical Blast (A)
  644. > Shadow Kaguya
  645. ---------------
  647. If Eirin and Reisen are both dead:
  648. Bullet Branch of Hourai (A)
  649. Otherwise:
  650. 34% chance Buddha's Stone Bowl (A)
  651. 33% chance Dragon's Neck Jewel (A)
  652. 33% chance Swallow's Cowrie Shell (A)
  654. > Shadow Komachi
  655. ----------------
  657. If Eiki is dead:
  658. 20% chance Narrow Confines of Avici (A)
  659. 20% chance Scythe that Chooses the Dead (D) (Lv.41)
  660. 15% chance Row Attack (A)
  661. 15% chance Phantom's Coldness (A)
  662. 15% chance Short Life Expectancy (D) (Lv.51)
  663. 15% chance Ferriage in the Deep Fog (A) (Lv.41)
  664. If Eiki is alive and var_slack is 0:
  665. Slacking Off (All Enemies)
  666. Otherwise:
  667. 25% chance Pretending to Attack (B)
  668. Decrements var_slack by 1
  669. 15% chance Short Life Expectancy (D) (Lv.51)
  670. 15% chance Ferriage in the Deep Fog (A) (Lv.41)
  671. 15% chance Narrow Confines of Avici (A)
  672. 15% chance Scythe that Chooses the Dead (D) (Lv.41)
  673. 10% chance Row Attack (A)
  674. 5% chance Phantom's Coldness (A)
  676. Note: The variable var_slack starts at 0, and only Eiki can increment it via Lady Eiki's Scolding
  677. Note: Komachi's Short Life Expectancy being Lv.51 makes it have a 115% DTH chance
  678. Note: Komachi's Ferriage in the Deep Fog being Lv.41 makes it have a 73% DTH chance
  679. Note: Komachi's Scythe that Chooses the Dead being Lv.41 makes it have a 129% DTH chance
  680. Note: Pretending to Attack is a single target (10% ATK - 50% DEF) PHY spell with 5000 delay
  682. Note/Bug: Komachi hits herself with Pretending to Attack, despite having target mode B
  684. > Shadow Eiki
  685. -------------
  687. If Komachi is alive and her variable var_slack is 0:
  688. 25% chance Lady Eiki's Scolding (Komachi)
  689. Sets Komachi's var_slack = 2
  690. Otherwise:
  691. 50% chance Last Judgement (D)
  692. 20% chance Wandering Sin (A)
  693. 15% chance Trial of the Ten Kings (A)
  694. 15% chance Light Arrow (A)
  696. Note: Komachi's variable var_slack starts at 0, and only Eiki can increment it via Lady Eiki's Scolding
  698. > Shadow Renko
  699. --------------
  701. If used Astronomic Observation last turn:
  702. Galaxy Stop (A)
  703. If used Concentrate last turn:
  704. Charge (All Enemies) (Lv.80)
  705. If turn is 4 more than a multiple of 5 (i.e.: 4, 9, 14, ...):
  706. 50% chance Astronomic Observation (Self)
  707. 50% chance Concentrate (Self)
  708. If Maribel is alive:
  709. 50% chance Attack (A)
  710. 50% chance First Aid (E) (Lv.301)
  711. Otherwise:
  712. 40% chance Flustered (Self)
  713. 30% chance Attack (A)
  714. 30% chance First Aid (Lv.301)
  716. Note: Renko's Charge uses a special formula, it boosts all stats by (SLv)%
  718. > Shadow Maribel
  719. ----------------
  721. If Renko is dead:
  722. Let T be the number of turns since Renko's death (starts at 1)
  723. (7*T) % chance Liberated Abilities (A)
  724. Also permanently reduces DEF and MND by 10%
  725. Otherwise:
  726. 20% chance Chaotic Quadruple Barrier (A)
  727. 16% chance Dark Arrow (A)
  728. 15% chance Magical Blast (A)
  729. 15% chance Overflowing Unnatural Power (Self) (Lv.50)
  730. 15% chance Mari's DIY Novice Border (All Enemies) (Lv.66)
  731. 10% chance Time-Space Warp (A)
  732. 9% chance Storm of Dark Flow (A)
  734. e.g. Right after Renko dies, Maribel has a 7% chance to cast Liberated Abilities, and then next turn 14%, 21%, etc.
  736. Note: The permanent DEF/MND reduction is based on current value, so after 1 cast it will be 90% of the original values, then 81%, 72.9%, etc.
  737. Note: Maribel's Overflowing Unnatural Power uses a special formula, it boosts all stats by (SLv)%
  738. Note: Maribel's DIY Novice Border uses a special formula, it grants a (SLv)% boost and does not heal HP
  740. > Shadow Meiling
  741. ----------------
  743. If Flandre is alive:
  744. Healer (Flandre)
  745. Otherwise:
  746. 34% chance Brilliant Light Gem (A)
  747. 33% chance Mountain Breaker (A)
  748. 33% chance Attack (A)
  750. Note: Meiling's Healer cures every ailment and debuff
  752. > Shadow Patchouli
  753. ------------------
  755. 20% chance Royal Flare (A)
  756. 20% chance Princess Undine (A)
  757. 20% chance Djinn Gust (A)
  758. 20% chance Satellite Himawari (A)
  759. 20% chance Silent Selene (A)
  761. > Shadow Flandre
  762. ----------------
  764. If turn is odd:
  765. 50% chance Overflowing Insanity: Inflicts Ailments on Self (Self) (*)
  766. 50% chance Uncontrollable Urges: Inflicts Debuffs on Self (Self) (*)
  767. Once, when HP < 50%:
  768. Forbidden Fruit (A)
  769. Once, when HP < 50%:
  770. Laveatein (A)
  771. If turn is 1 more than a multiple of 12 (i.e.: 1, 13, 25, ...):
  772. Laveatein (A)
  773. If turn is 1 more than a multiple of 8, but not 12 (i.e.: 9, 17, 33, ...):
  774. Forbidden Fruit (A)
  775. If turn is 1 more than a multiple of 4, but not 12 or 8 (i.e.: 5, 21, 29, ...):
  776. Starbow Break (A)
  777. Otherwise:
  778. 20% chance Attack (A)
  779. 20% chance Half Moon Slash (A)
  780. 20% chance Piercing Light (A)
  781. 20% chance Flamethrower (A)
  782. 20% chance Blazing Light Shot (A)
  784. Note: Actions marked with a (*) do not end Flandre's turn, so she will cast another spell after casting those marked with a (*)
  785. Note: Overflowing Insanity has equal chance of inflicting either PSN, PAR, HVY, SHK or TRR
  786. Note: Uncontrollable Urges has equal chance of inflicting a 50% debuff to either ATK, DEF, MAG or MND
  788. > Shadow Sanae
  789. --------------
  791. If any enemy has any debuffs:
  792. Miracle Fruit (Suwako/Sanae/Kanako)
  793. For each enemy whose current HP < 66% their max HP:
  794. 50% chance Yasaka's Divine Wind (Kanako/Sanae/Suwako) (Lv.1201)
  795. Otherwise:
  796. 18% chance Magic Drain (A)
  797. 17% chance Light Arrow (A)
  798. 17% chance Moses's Miracle (A)
  799. 16% chance Magic Attack (A)
  800. 16% chance Storm of Light Particle (A)
  801. 16% chance Night of Bright Guest Stars (A)
  803. Note: Sanae's Miracle Fruit's targetting gives preference to the rightmost slots
  804. Note: Sanae's Yasaka's Divine Wind rolls a 50% chance for EACH enemy slot, so there's a 7/8 chance she'll cast it if all 3 are below 66% HP. She begins rolling for the leftmost slot
  806. > Shadow Kanako
  807. ---------------
  809. If Sanae and Suwako are both alive:
  810. 20% chance Attack (A)
  811. 20% chance Magic Attack (A)
  812. 20% chance Earth Shaker (A)
  813. 20% chance Piercing Light (A)
  814. 20% chance Mad Dance on Medoteko (A)
  815. If only one of Sanae or Suwako are alive:
  816. 25% chance Misayama Hunting Ritual (A)
  817. 18.75% chance Beautiful Spring like Suiga (A)
  818. 11.25% chance Attack (A)
  819. 11.25% chance Magic Attack (A)
  820. 11.25% chance Earth Shaker (A)
  821. 11.25% chance Piercing Light (A)
  822. 11.25% chance Mad Dance on Medoteko (A)
  823. If both Sanae and Suwako are dead:
  824. 25% chance Virtue of Wind God (A)
  825. 18.75%% chance Misayama Hunting Ritual (A)
  826. 14.0625% chance Beautiful Spring like Suiga (A)
  827. 8.4375% chance Attack (A)
  828. 8.4375% chance Magic Attack (A)
  829. 8.4375% chance Earth Shaker (A)
  830. 8.4375% chance Piercing Light (A)
  831. 8.4375% chance Mad Dance on Medoteko (A)
  833. Note: The reason for all those decimals is because the game is doing a separate RNG roll for each of Kanako's spells that are added after Sanae or Suwako die. The values presented here are the final probabilities after taking into account all possible paths the AI script can take, as if it only did a single RNG roll.
  835. > Shadow Suwako
  836. ---------------
  838. If Sanae and Kanako are both alive:
  839. 20% chance Azure Arrow (A)
  840. 20% chance Storm of Blue Rain (A)
  841. 20% chance Grass Knot (A)
  842. 20% chance Acid Rain (A)
  843. 20% chance Moreya's Iron Ring (D)
  844. If only one of Sanae or Kanako are alive:
  845. 25% chance Long-Arm and Long-Leg (A)
  846. 18.75% chance Froggy Braves the Elements (A)
  847. 11.25% chance Azure Arrow (A)
  848. 11.25% chance Storm of Blue Rain (A)
  849. 11.25% chance Grass Knot (A)
  850. 11.25% chance Acid Rain (A)
  851. 11.25% chance Moreya's Iron Ring (D)
  852. If both Sanae and Kanako are dead:
  853. 25% chance Mishaguji-sama (A)
  854. 18.75%% chance Long-Arm and Long-Leg (A)
  855. 14.0625% chance Froggy Braves the Elements (A)
  856. 8.4375% chance Azure Arrow (A)
  857. 8.4375% chance Storm of Blue Rain (A)
  858. 8.4375% chance Grass Knot (A)
  859. 8.4375% chance Acid Rain (A)
  860. 8.4375% chance Moreya's Iron Ring (D)
  862. Note: The reason for all those decimals is because the game is doing a separate RNG roll for each of Suwako's spells that are added after Sanae or Kanako die. The values presented here are the final probabilities after taking into account all possible paths the AI script can take, as if it only did a single RNG roll.
  864. > Evil Dragon's Water Spirit
  865. ----------------------------
  867. 10% chance Paralyzing Fog (A)
  868. 10% chance Silent Fog (A)
  869. 10% chance Heavy Fog (A)
  870. 10% chance Devil's Crimes (A)
  871. 10% chance Staring Eye from the Abyss (A)
  872. 10% chance Roar Shockwave (A)
  873. 10% chance Terrifying Wave (A)
  874. 10% chance Storm of Blue Rain (A)
  875. 10% chance Blizzard (A)
  876. 10% chance Wild Dance of Freezing Mist (A)
  878. Note: The party will be cured of all ailments and debuffs every turn
  880. > Evil Dragon's Wood Spirit
  881. ---------------------------
  883. If turn is odd:
  884. Regeneration (Self) (Lv.18)
  885. If turn is even:
  886. 34% chance Grass Knot (A)
  887. 33% chance Green Arrow (A)
  888. 33% chance Storm of Wood Leaves (A)
  890. Note: The party will be healed for 25% HP every turn
  892. > Evil Dragon's Fire Spirit
  893. ---------------------------
  895. If turn is a multiple of 3:
  896. Flowing Hellfire (A) (Lv.6)
  897. Otherwise:
  898. 50% chance Heat Gaze (A)
  899. 50% chance Blazing Light Shot (A)
  900. 0% chance Spark Storm (A)
  901. 0% chance Flamethrower (A)
  903. Note: The party has a 50% chance to stay with 1 HP when taking mortal damage
  905. Note/Bug: Evil Dragon's Fire Spirit will never use Spark Storm or Flamethrower, because it uses the same value as Blazing Light Shot in the AI script. The game generates a random value [0-99], and checks that value against each spell's value. In this case, if it is less than 50, it uses Heat Gaze. If it is less than 100, Blazing Light Shot. The other spells also check for the value 100, so their condition is never met.
  907. > Evil Dragon's Earth Spirit
  908. ----------------------------
  910. If turn is odd:
  911. Earth Element's Protective Light (Self) (Lv.36)
  912. If turn is even:
  913. 20% chance Attack (A)
  914. 20% chance Rock Clash (D)
  915. 20% chance Sandstorm (A)
  916. 20% chance Earth Shaker (A)
  917. 20% chance Earthquake (A)
  919. Note: The party will receive a 25% buff to all stats every turn
  921. Note: Earth Element's Protective Light is a multi target spell that buffs all stats by (SLv)%
  923. > Evil Dragon's Metal Spirit
  924. ----------------------------
  926. 50% chance Rock Clash (A)
  927. 50% chance Double Slash (A)
  929. Note: The party will recover 33% MP every turn
  931. > Evil Dragon's Water Head
  932. --------------------------
  934. 10% chance Paralyzing Fog (A)
  935. 10% chance Silent Fog (A)
  936. 10% chance Heavy Fog (A)
  937. 10% chance Devil's Crimes (A)
  938. 10% chance Staring Eye from the Abyss (A)
  939. 10% chance Roar Shockwave (A)
  940. 10% chance Terrifying Wave (A)
  941. 10% chance Storm of Blue Rain (A)
  942. 10% chance Blizzard (A)
  943. 10% chance Wild Dance of Freezing Mist (A)
  945. Note: The party will recover from all ailments and debuffs, 25% HP, 33% MP, receive a 25% buff to all stats every turn, and have a 50% chance to survive a mortal blow with 1 HP
  947. > Evil Dragon's Wood Head
  948. -------------------------
  950. If turn is odd:
  951. Activate Life Energy (All Enemies) (Lv.33)
  952. If turn is even:
  953. 34% chance Grass Knot (A)
  954. 33% chance Green Arrow (A)
  955. 33% chance Storm of Wood Leaves (A)
  957. Note: The party will recover from all ailments and debuffs, 25% HP, 33% MP, receive a 25% buff to all stats every turn, and have a 50% chance to survive a mortal blow with 1 HP
  959. > Evil Dragon's Fire Head
  960. -------------------------
  962. If turn is a multiple of 3:
  963. Flowing Hellfire (A) (Lv.6)
  964. Otherwise:
  965. 50% chance Heat Gaze (A)
  966. 50% chance Blazing Light Shot (A)
  967. 0% chance Spark Storm (A)
  968. 0% chance Flamethrower (A)
  970. Note: The party will recover from all ailments and debuffs, 25% HP, 33% MP, receive a 25% buff to all stats every turn, and have a 50% chance to survive a mortal blow with 1 HP
  972. Note/Bug: Evil Dragon's Fire Head will never use Spark Storm or Flamethrower, because it uses the same value as Blazing Light Shot in the AI script. The game generates a random value [0-99], and checks that value against each spell's value. In this case, if it is less than 50, it uses Heat Gaze. If it is less than 100, Blazing Light Shot. The other spells also check for the value 100, so their condition is never met.
  974. > Evil Dragon's Earth Head
  975. --------------------------
  977. If turn is odd:
  978. Earth Element's Protective Light (All Enemies) (Lv.30)
  979. If turn is even:
  980. 20% chance Attack (A)
  981. 20% chance Rock Clash (D)
  982. 20% chance Sandstorm (A)
  983. 20% chance Earth Shaker (A)
  984. 20% chance Earthquake (A)
  986. Note: The party will recover from all ailments and debuffs, 25% HP, 33% MP, receive a 25% buff to all stats every turn, and have a 50% chance to survive a mortal blow with 1 HP
  988. > Evil Dragon's Metal Head
  989. --------------------------
  991. 50% chance Rock Clash (A)
  992. 50% chance Double Slash (A)
  994. Note: The party will recover from all ailments and debuffs, 25% HP, 33% MP, receive a 25% buff to all stats every turn, and have a 50% chance to survive a mortal blow with 1 HP
  996. > Yamata no Orochi
  997. ------------------
  999. When all five heads are defeated:
  1000. Sets var_phase = 0
  1001. -Manifestation of the Evil Dragon- (Self)
  1002. Summons Yamata no Orochi
  1003. If var_phase = 0 and Yamata no Orochi reached zero HP:
  1004. Sets var_phase = 1
  1005. -Soul Transfer: DRK- (Self)
  1006. Revives Yamata no Orochi to full HP
  1007. Sets Yamata no Orochi's MYS affinity to 150
  1008. Sets Yamata no Orochi's SPI affinity to 66
  1009. Sets Yamata no Orochi's DRK affinity to 500
  1010. If var_phase = 1 and Yamata no Orochi reached zero HP:
  1011. Sets var_phase = 2
  1012. -Soul Transfer: SPI- (Self)
  1013. Revives Yamata no Orochi to full HP
  1014. Sets Yamata no Orochi's SPI affinity to 500
  1015. Sets Yamata no Orochi's DRK affinity to 66
  1016. If var_phase = 0, follow fixed pattern (12 turns):
  1017. 1: Concentrate (Self)
  1018. 2-3: Karmic Gnashing -Mystic- (D) [no delay]
  1019. 4: Karmic Gnashing -Mystic- (D)
  1020. 5: Random spell
  1021. 6: World-Shaking Rule (Self) (Lv.1 or Lv.2)
  1022. 7: World-Devouring Calamity (A)
  1023. 8-11: Random spell
  1024. 12: World-Shaking Rule (Self) (Lv.1 or Lv.2)
  1025. Random spell distribution:
  1026. 13% chance Horizontal Slice (A)
  1027. 13% chance Roar Shockwave (A)
  1028. 13% chance Evil Dragon's Eyebeam (A)
  1029. 13% chance Shredder (A)
  1030. 12% chance Karmic Evil Fang -Mystic- (A)
  1031. 12% chance Void Flash Claw (A)
  1032. 12% chance Extra-Large Entwining (A)
  1033. 12% chance Magical Light (A)
  1034. If var_phase = 1, follow fixed pattern (12 turns):
  1035. 1: Concentrate (Self)
  1036. 2-3: Karmic Gnashing -Dark- (D) [no delay]
  1037. 4: Karmic Gnashing -Dark- (D)
  1038. 5: Random spell
  1039. 6: World-Devouring Destruction (A)
  1040. 7: World-Shaking Rule (Self) (Lv.1, Lv.2 or Lv.3)
  1041. 8-11: Random spell
  1042. 12: World-Shaking Rule (Self) (Lv.1, Lv.2 or Lv.3)
  1043. Random spell distribution:
  1044. 9% chance Rasetsu Fist (A)
  1045. 9% chance Scythe of Calamity (A)
  1046. 9% chance Roar Shockwave (A)
  1047. 9% chance Extra-Large Entwining (A)
  1048. 8% chance Karmic Evil Fang -Dark- (A)
  1049. 8% chance Dark Arrow (A)
  1050. 8% chance Leg Sweep (A)
  1051. 8% chance Divine Spirit-Burning Hellfire (A)
  1052. 8% chance Greatsword of Calamity (A)
  1053. 8% chance Staring Eye from the Abyss (A)
  1054. 8% chance Protecting Light from the Heavens (Self) (Lv.20)
  1055. 8% chance Evil Dragon's Eyebeam (A)
  1056. If var_phase = 2, follow fixed pattern (12 turns):
  1057. 1: World-Shaking Rule (Self) (Lv.1, Lv.2, Lv.3 or Lv.4)
  1058. 2: Concentrate (Self)
  1059. 3-6: Karmic Thunderous Gnashing -Spirit- (D) [no delay]
  1060. 7: Karmic Thunderous Gnashing -Spirit- (D)
  1061. 8: World-Shaking Rule (Self) (Lv.1, Lv.2, Lv.3 or Lv.4)
  1062. 9: World-Devouring Destruction (A)
  1063. 10-12: Random spell
  1064. Random spell distribution:
  1065. 9% chance Light Arrow (A)
  1066. 9% chance Godly Scarlet Gold Slash (A)
  1067. 9% chance Golden Protection (Self)
  1068. 9% chance Extra-Large Entwining (A)
  1069. 8% chance Karmic Evil Fang -Spirit- (A)
  1070. 8% chance Rasetsu Fist (A)
  1071. 8% chance Leg Sweep (A)
  1072. 8% chance Start of Heavenly Demise (A)
  1073. 8% chance Great Tree that Descended from the Sky (A)
  1074. 8% chance Roar Shockwave (A)
  1075. 8% chance Protecting Light from the Heavens (Self) (Lv.20)
  1076. 8% chance Evil Dragon's Eyebeam (A)
  1078. Note: The party will recover from all ailments and debuffs, 25% HP, 33% MP, receive a 25% buff to all stats every turn, and have a 50% chance to survive a mortal blow with 1 HP
  1079. Note: World-Shaking Rule uses an RNG roll to determine the level, formula is (50 + (10*(SLv-1)))% buff to all stats
  1080. Note: The turn counter is reset between changes of var_phase, but not buffs/debuffs and ailments
  1082. Note: Karmic Gnashing -Mystic- [no delay] is a single target (100% ATK - 66% DEF) MYS spell with no delay
  1083. Note: Karmic Gnashing -Mystic- is a single target (133% ATK - 66% DEF) MYS spell with 2500 delay
  1084. Note: Karmic Evil Fang -Mystic- is a single target (120% ATK - 60% DEF) MYS spell with 6000 delay
  1086. Note: Karmic Gnashing -Dark- [no delay] is a single target (109% ATK - 66% DEF) DRK spell with no delay
  1087. Note: Karmic Gnashing -Dark- is a single target (148% ATK - 66% DEF) DRK spell with 2500 delay
  1088. Note: Karmic Evil Fang -Dark- is a single target (125% ATK - 67.5% DEF) DRK spell with 6000 delay
  1090. Note: Karmic Thunderous Gnashing -Spirit- [no delay] is a single target (120% ATK - 66% DEF) SPI spell with no delay
  1091. Note: Karmic Thunderous Gnashing -Spirit- is a single target (162% ATK - 66% DEF) SPI spell with 2500 delay
  1092. Note: Karmic Evil Fang -Spirit- is a single target (125% ATK - 67.5% DEF) SPI spell with 6000 delay
  1094. Note: Godly Scarlet Gold Slash is a single target (132% ATK - 66% DEF) SPI spell with 2400 delay
  1095. Note: Extra-Large Entwining is a multi target (100% ATK - 100% DEF) PHY spell with a 90% chance to PAR(25000)
  1096. Note: Evil Dragon's Eyebeam is a single target spell that reduces target to 1 HP and has a 150% chance to PAR(20000), HVY(20000) and SIL(20000)
  1098. > Collapse - Yamata no Orochi
  1099. -----------------------------
  1101. If turn < 5:
  1102. Karmic Thunderous Gnashing -Spirit- (D) [no delay]
  1103. If this is the 5th turn:
  1104. Karmic Thunderous Gnashing -Spirit- (D)
  1105. Otherwise, repeat this set pattern:
  1106. 1: "Yamata-no-Orochi's soul is trembling!" (Self)
  1107. Increment var_hellfire by 1 (starts at -1)
  1108. 2: Repeat for var_hellfire turns:
  1109. Divine Spirit-Burning Hellfire (A) [no delay]
  1110. 3: Divine Spirit-Burning Hellfire (A)
  1112. e.g.: Collapse - Yamata no Orochi will first charge, then cast 1 Divine Spirit-Burning Hellfire. It will charge again, then use 2 Divine Spirit-Burning Hellfires. And then 3, 4, etc.
  1114. Note: The party will recover from all ailments and debuffs, 25% HP, 33% MP, receive a 25% buff to all stats every turn, and have a 50% chance to survive a mortal blow with 1 HP
  1116. Note: Divine Spirit-Burning Hellfire [no delay] is a multi target (60% (ATK+MAG) - 25% (DEF+MND)) MYS/SPI/DRK spell with no delay
  1117. Note: Divine Spirit-Burning Hellfire is a multi target (112% (ATK+MAG) - 37% (DEF+MND)) MYS/SPI/DRK spell with max delay
  1119. > Shadow Iku
  1120. ------------
  1122. Once, when HP < 55%:
  1123. Thundercloud Stickleback (Self)
  1124. Light Dragon's Sigh (A)
  1125. Once, when HP < 50%:
  1126. Whiskers of the Dragon God (Self)
  1127. Also removes all of Iku's ailments
  1128. If current HP >= 50% max HP:
  1129. 40% chance Elekiter Dragon Palace (B)
  1130. 20% chance Storm of Yellow Drive (A)
  1131. 20% chance Paralyzing Fog (A)
  1132. 20% chance Green Curse (A)
  1133. Otherwise:
  1134. 30% chance Elekiter Dragon Palace (B)
  1135. 25% chance Whiskers of the Dragon God (Self)
  1136. 15% chance Light Dragon's Sigh (A)
  1137. 15% chance Razor Wind (A)
  1138. 7.5% chance Paralyzing Fog (A)
  1139. 7.5% chance Green Curse (A)
  1141. > Shadow Tenshi
  1142. ---------------
  1144. If any character has over 100% total buffs:
  1145. 40% chance Sword of Hisou (Leftmost character with sum >100)
  1146. If turn is 1 more than a multiple of 7 (i.e.: 1, 8, 15, ...):
  1147. State of Enlightenment (Self) (Lv.6)
  1148. Once, when HP < 75%:
  1149. Shredder (A)
  1150. Once, when HP < 66%:
  1151. Violent Motherland (A)
  1152. Once, when HP < 50%:
  1153. Shredder (A)
  1154. Once, when HP < 33%:
  1155. Violent Motherland (A)
  1156. Once, when HP < 25%:
  1157. Shredder (A)
  1158. If current HP >= 40% max HP:
  1159. 20% chance World Creation Press (A)
  1160. 20% chance Earth Shaker (A)
  1161. 20% chance Leg Sweep (A)
  1162. 20% chance Grass Knot (A)
  1163. 20% chance Shadowstep (A)
  1164. Otherwise:
  1165. 20% chance World Creation Press (A)
  1166. 20% chance Violent Motherland (A)
  1167. 20% chance Earthquake (A)
  1168. 20% chance Leg Sweep (A)
  1169. 20% chance Shadowstep (A)
  1171. > Shadow Orin
  1172. -------------
  1174. 28% chance Cat's Walk (A)
  1175. 15% chance Daze (A)
  1176. 15% chance Lava Flow (A)
  1177. 14% chance Vengeful Cannibal Spirit (A)
  1178. 14% chance Former Hell's Needle Hill (A)
  1179. 14% chance Blazing Wheel (A)
  1181. > Shadow Utsuho
  1182. ---------------
  1184. Fixed pattern (12 turns):
  1185. 1: Concentrate (Self)
  1186. 2: Giga Flare (A)
  1187. 3: Random spell
  1188. 4: Intense Nuclear Reaction (A)
  1189. 5-7: Random spell
  1190. 8: Intense Nuclear Reaction (A)
  1191. 9-12: Random spell
  1192. Random spell distribution:
  1193. 20% chance Hell's Tokamak (A)
  1194. 20% chance Storm of Purple Magic (A)
  1195. 20% chance Spark Storm (A)
  1196. 20% chance Magic Arrow (A)
  1197. 20% chance Red Arrow (A)
  1199. > Shadow Sakuya
  1200. ---------------
  1202. If Remilia is dead:
  1203. If turn is a multiple of 3:
  1204. Lunar Clock (Self)
  1205. If turn is 1 more than a multiple of 3:
  1206. Soul Sculpture (A)
  1207. If turn is 2 more than a multiple of 3:
  1208. Private Square (A)
  1209. Otherwise:
  1210. Killing Doll (A)
  1211. Once, if HP < 50%:
  1212. Repeat for 10 turns:
  1213. Private Square (A)
  1214. Otherwise:
  1215. 30% chance Misdirection (A)
  1216. 30% chance Attack (A)
  1217. 20% chance Daze (A)
  1218. 15% chance Razor Wind (A)
  1219. 5% chance Soul Sculpture (A)
  1221. Note/Bug: Sakuya will never use Killing Doll, since its condition is never met. If the modulo operation was done with 4 instead of 3, then it would fix the issue as it would properly cycle through the spells.
  1223. > Shadow Remilia
  1224. ----------------
  1226. If Sakuya is dead:
  1227. If turn is a multiple of 4:
  1228. Curse of Vlad Tepes (Self)
  1229. Otherwise:
  1230. Spear the Gungnir (A)
  1231. Once, when HP < 50%:
  1232. Blood Drain (Sakuya)
  1233. Otherwise:
  1234. 40% chance Attack (A)
  1235. 25% chance Row Attack (A)
  1236. 20% chance Spear the Gungnir (A)
  1237. 15% chance Slash Dive (A)
  1239. > Shadow Rinnosuke
  1240. ------------------
  1242. If Tokiko is alive:
  1243. If Tokiko has an ailment:
  1244. First Aid (Tokiko) (Lv.1001)
  1245. If turn is even:
  1246. First Aid (Tokiko) (Lv.1001)
  1247. Otherwise:
  1248. 20% chance Atack (A)
  1249. 20% chance Grass Knot (A)
  1250. 20% chance Shadowstep (A)
  1251. 20% chance Magic Drain (A)
  1252. 20% chance Shredder (A)
  1254. > Shadow Tokiko
  1255. ---------------
  1257. Once, when HP < 33%:
  1258. Fly Up (Self)
  1259. Flying Press (A)
  1260. Otherwise, fixed pattern (3 turns):
  1261. 1: Youkai Yakuza Kick (A)
  1262. 2: 25% chance Attack (A)
  1263. 25% chance Slash Dive (A)
  1264. 25% chance Razor Wind (A)
  1265. 25% chance 1000 Needles (A)
  1266. 3: 50% chance The Count of Monte Cristo (A)
  1267. 50% chance Musketeer d'Artagnan (A)
  1269. > Shadow Akyuu
  1270. --------------
  1272. If turn is odd:
  1273. Regeneration (Self) (Lv.50)
  1274. If Mamizou is alive:
  1275. 33% chance Art of the Battlemage (Mamizou) (Lv.4)
  1276. Otherwise:
  1277. 25% chance Wise Protective Art (E)
  1278. 25% chance Wise Defensive Art (E)
  1279. 25% chance Magic Drain (A)
  1280. 25% chance Refresh (A)
  1282. > Shadow Mamizou
  1283. ----------------
  1285. If turn is a multiple of 5:
  1286. Full Moon Pompokolin (A)
  1287. Also swaps DEF and MND values
  1288. If turn is a multiple of 8:
  1289. 10 Transformations Danmaku (A)
  1290. Also sets all affinities (except VOI) to 150
  1291. Then sets a random affinity (excludes VOI) to 60
  1292. Let H be the remaining HP %
  1293. Follow the regular script with chance (H+20)%:
  1294. 15% chance Destroy Magic (A)
  1295. 15% chance Grass Knot (A)
  1296. 15% chance Razor Wind (A)
  1297. 15% chance Leaf Cutting Dance (A)
  1298. 10% chance Green Arrow (A)
  1299. 10% chance Futatsuiwa Clan's Curse (A)
  1300. 10% chance Frolicking Animals Scrolls (A)
  1301. 10% chance Healing Power (Self) (Lv.10)
  1302. Otherwise, force a personal spell:
  1303. 50% chance Futatsuiwa Clan's Curse (A)
  1304. 50% chance Frolicking Animals Scrolls (A)
  1306. e.g. At 50% HP, has a 30% chance to force a personal spell, 1 HP has 80% chance
  1308. > In Laquetti
  1309. -------------
  1311. If turn is even and In Laquetti has a debuff or an ailment:
  1312. Karmic Retribution (A)
  1313. Once, when HP < 66%:
  1314. Great Catastrophe (A)
  1315. Otherwise:
  1316. 30% chance Magic Arrow (A)
  1317. 15% chance Storm of Purple Magic (A)
  1318. 15% chance Piercing Light (A)
  1319. 10% chance Half Moon Slash (A)
  1320. 10% chance Golden Protection (A)
  1321. 10% chance Great Catastrophe (A)
  1322. 10% chance Great Destruction (A)
  1324. > Shadow Chen
  1325. -------------
  1327. If Ran is dead:
  1328. If turn is a multiple of 5:
  1329. Kimontonkou (Self) (Lv.6)
  1330. Otherwise:
  1331. 30% chance Flight of Idaten (A)
  1332. 30% chance Phoenix Spread Wings (A)
  1333. 20% chance Leg Sweep (A)
  1334. 20% chance Row Attack (A)
  1335. Otherwise:
  1336. 25% chance Flight of Idaten (A)
  1337. 25% chance Phoenix Spread Wings (A)
  1338. 25% chance Row Attack (A)
  1339. 25% chance Attack (A)
  1341. > Shadow Ran
  1342. ------------
  1344. If Chen is dead:
  1345. If there are less than 2 Shikigami in the field:
  1346. Summon Shikigami (Self) (Lv.10)
  1347. If current HP >= 50% max HP:
  1348. 36% chance Soaring En no Ozuno (B)
  1349. 16% chance Half Moon Slash (A)
  1350. 16% chance 1000 Needles (A)
  1351. 16% chance Row Attack (B)
  1352. 16% chance Attack (B)
  1353. Otherwise:
  1354. 25% chance Fox-Tanuki Youkai Laser (A)
  1355. 25% chance Princess Tenko (A)
  1356. 25% chance Piercing Light (B)
  1357. 25% chance Destroy Magic (B)
  1358. If Chen's buffs add up to less than 100%:
  1359. 66% chance Ability to use Shikigamis (Chen) (Lv.66)
  1360. Otherwise:
  1361. 84% chance Fox-Tanuki Youkai Laser (A)
  1362. 16% chance Princess Tenko (A)
  1364. Note/Bug (?): Ran's script when Chen is alive has 6 different RNG checks, meaning she seems to be meant to use 6 different spells, but only the first one is not set to Fox-Tanuki Youkai Laser.
  1365. Note: Ability to use Shikigamis boosts all stats by (SLv)%
  1367. > Shadow Satori
  1368. ---------------
  1370. Randomly chooses a spell from any playable character. Can only choose from the first 2 slots of any character. For example, she can only choose Reimu's Yin-Yang Orb or Fantasy Seal; Marisa's Magic Missile or Asteroid Belt, and so on.
  1372. > Shadow Koishi
  1373. ---------------
  1375. If Satori is alive and her buffs/debuffs add up to -50% or less:
  1376. 66% chance Selfless Love (Satori)
  1377. Otherwise:
  1378. 25% chance Hand of Terror (A)
  1379. 25% chance Silent Fog (A) (Lv.31)
  1380. 25% chance The Embers of Love (A)
  1381. 13% chance Bedside Ancestors (A)
  1382. 12% chance Super-Ego (A)
  1384. Note: Silent Fog being Lv.31 makes it have a 131% SIL(12000) chance
  1385. Note: Hand of Terror is a single target (100% MAG - 50% MND) MYS spell with 6000 delay that has a 108% chance to inflict TRR(25000)
  1387. > Shadow Futo
  1388. -------------
  1390. Every turn:
  1391. Increment var_plate_recharge by 1 (starts at 0)
  1392. If turn is a multiple of 8:
  1393. Spirit Mausoleum Desires (Self) (Lv = Cup Count + 1)
  1394. If only one of Miko and Kokoro is dead and var_plate_recharge > 9:
  1395. Maximum Dish Charge (Self)
  1396. Sets var_plate_recharge to 0
  1397. If both Miko or Kokoro are dead and var_plate_recharge > 5:
  1398. Maximum Dish Charge (Self)
  1399. Sets var_plate_recharge to 0
  1400. If Miko and Kokoro are both alive:
  1401. 24% chance Mononobe's Eighty Sake Cups (A)
  1402. 16% chance Attack (A)
  1403. 12% chance Catastrophic Gate Opening (A)
  1404. 12% chance Miwa Plate Storm (A)
  1405. 12% chance Shredder (A)
  1406. 10% chance 1000 Needles (A)
  1407. 10% chance Daze (A)
  1408. 4% chance Activate Life Energy (All Enemies) (Lv.61)
  1409. Otherwise:
  1410. 28% chance Taiyi True Fire (A)
  1411. 24% chance Mononobe's Eighty Sake Cups (A)
  1412. 24% chance Catastrophic Gate Opening (A)
  1413. 24% chance Miwa Plate Storm (A)
  1415. Note: var_plate_recharge is incremented before the game picks an action
  1417. > Shadow Miko
  1418. -------------
  1420. If only one of Futo and Kokoro is dead and did not use Sage of Toyosatomimi on previous turn:
  1421. Sage of Toyosatomimi (Self) (Lv.12)
  1422. If both Futo and Kokoro are dead and did not use Sage of Toyosatomimi on previous turn:
  1423. Sage of Toyosatomimi (Self) (Lv.24)
  1424. If at least one of Futo or Kokoro is dead and turn is a multiple of 12:
  1425. Karmic Retribution (A) (Lv.24)
  1426. If at least one of Futo or Kokoro is dead and turn is a multiple of 6:
  1427. Refresh (A) (Lv.24)
  1428. If turn is 0-5 more than a multiple of 12 (i.e.: 1-5, 12-17, 24-29, ...):
  1429. 22% chance Light Arrow (A)
  1430. 12% chance Shining Arrows from the Sky (A)
  1431. 11% chance Storm of Light Particle (A)
  1432. 11% chance Piercing Light (A)
  1433. 11% chance Half Moon Slash (A)
  1434. 11% chance Destroy Magic (B)
  1435. 11% chance Yellow Curse (A) (Lv.40)
  1436. 11% chance Protecting Light from the Heavens (A) (Lv.15)
  1437. Otherwise:
  1438. 16% chance Roar Shockwave (A)
  1439. 12% chance Attack (A)
  1440. 12% chance Dividing Slash (D)
  1441. 12% chance Instant Death Attack (D) (Lv.10)
  1442. 12% chance Scythe of Calamity (D)
  1443. 12% chance Yellow Curse (A) (Lv.40)
  1444. 12% chance Gravity Manipulation (A)
  1445. 12% chance Black Universe (B)
  1447. > Shadow Kokoro
  1448. ---------------
  1450. If both Futo and Miko are alive:
  1451. 20% chance Worrisome Man of Qi (A)
  1452. 80% chance use other spell
  1453. If only one of Futo and Miko is dead:
  1454. 10% chance Worrisome Man of Qi (A) (Lv.5)
  1455. 22.5% chance Invigorated Kagura Lion (A) (Lv.3)
  1456. 23.625% chance Four Humors Possession (A)
  1457. 43.875% chance use other spell
  1458. If both Futo and Miko are dead:
  1459. 20% chance Worrisome Man of Qi (A) (Lv.5)
  1460. 32% chance Invigorated Kagura Lion (A) (Lv.5)
  1461. 19.2% chance Four Humors Possession (A) (Lv.5)
  1462. 28.8% chance use other spell
  1463. Other spells:
  1464. 25% chance Paralyze (A)
  1465. 25% chance Shadowstep (A)
  1466. 25% chance Leg Sweep (A)
  1467. 25% chance Leaf Cutting Dance (A)
  1469. > Shadow Yukari
  1470. ---------------
  1472. Once, when HP < 75%:
  1473. Summon Shikigami + Shikigami (Self)
  1474. Shikigami "Ran Yakumo+" (A)
  1475. Once, when HP < 30%:
  1476. Summon Shikigami + Shikigami (Self)
  1477. Shikigami "Ran Yakumo+" (A)
  1478. World-Devouring Calamity (A)
  1479. IN Quadruple Barrier (Self)
  1480. If turn is a multiple of 5 and Yukari has a debuff:
  1481. Yukari's Spiriting Away (Self)
  1482. If current HP < 30% max HP:
  1483. 33% chance IN Quadruple Barrier (Self)
  1484. Once, when HP < 50%:
  1485. Hyperactive Flying Object (A)
  1486. If current HP < 50% max HP:
  1487. 20% chance Hyperactive Flying Object (A)
  1488. Once, when HP < 80%:
  1489. Mesh of Light and Darkness (A)
  1490. If current HP < 80% max HP:
  1491. 20% chance Mesh of Light and Darkness (A)
  1492. Otherwise:
  1493. 20% chance Magic Arrow (A)
  1494. 20% chance Storm of Purple Magic (A)
  1495. 20% chance Piercing Light (A)
  1496. 20% chance Gravity Manipulation (A)
  1497. 20% chance Black Universe (A)
  1499. Note: Shikigami "Ran Yakumo+" becomes a row spell, uses a special formula: (40% MAG - 20% DEF), and has 3300 delay
  1501. > Shadow Reimu
  1502. --------------
  1504. If Marisa is dead:
  1505. If did not use Fantasy Seal -Blink- last turn:
  1506. Fantasy Seal -Blink- (Self) (Lv.5)
  1507. Otherwise:
  1508. 25% chance Yin-Yang Orb (A)
  1509. 25% chance Fantasy Seal (A)
  1510. 13% chance Storm of Light Particle (A)
  1511. 13% chance Shining Arrows from the Sky (A)
  1512. 12% chance Half Moon Slash (A)
  1513. 12% chance Paralyzing Fog (A) (Lv.21)
  1514. If this is the first turn:
  1515. Great Hakurei Barrier (All Enemies) (Lv.90)
  1516. Otherwise:
  1517. 25% chance Great Hakurei Barrier (All Enemies) (Lv.90)
  1518. 13.5% chance Yin-Yang Orb (A)
  1519. 13.5% chance Fantasy Seal (A)
  1520. 13.5% chance Light Arrow (A)
  1521. 13.5% chance Half Moon Slash (A)
  1522. 13.5% chance Paralyzing Fog (A)
  1523. 7.5% chance Exorcising Border (All Enemies)
  1525. Note: Fantasy Seal -Blink- adds a (SLv)% ALL EX buff, which caps at 100%
  1526. Note: Reimu's Yin-Yang Orb has a (5*(SLv-2) + 110) = 105% chance to inflict PAR(10000)
  1527. Note: Reimu's Great Hakurei Barrier uses a special formula: (SLv)% buff to DEF/MND
  1528. Note: Paralyzing Fog being Lv.21 makes it have a 260% PAR(12000) chance
  1530. > Shadow Marisa
  1531. ---------------
  1533. If Reimu is dead:
  1534. Fixed pattern (4 turns):
  1535. 1. Asteroid Belt (A)
  1536. 2. Storm of Purple Magic (A)
  1537. 3. Magic Missile (A)
  1538. 4. Concentration (Self)
  1539. Otherwise:
  1540. Fixed pattern (5 turns):
  1541. 1. Magic Arrow (A)
  1542. 2. Storm of Purple Magic (A)
  1543. 3. Magic Missile (A)
  1544. 4. Magic Missile (A)
  1545. 5. Asteroid Belt (A)
  1547. > Enforcer of Power
  1548. -------------------
  1550. If turn is 1 more than a multiple of 3 (i.e.: 1, 4, 7, ...):
  1551. If Enforcer of Power's both DEF and MND are not buffed:
  1552. Guard Stance (Self)
  1553. Otherwise:
  1554. Enforcer's Will (Self) (Lv.24)
  1555. Once, when HP < 30%:
  1556. Concentrate (Self)
  1557. Peerless Chaotic Dance (A) (Lv.14)
  1558. If current HP >= 50% max HP:
  1559. 30% chance Attack (D)
  1560. 20% chance Double Slash (D)
  1561. 10% chance Half Moon Slash (A)
  1562. 10% chance Severing Flash (A)
  1563. 10% chance Angelic Light (A)
  1564. 10% chance Destroy Magic (A)
  1565. 10% chance Activate Life Energy (A)
  1566. Otherwise:
  1567. 30% chance Attack (D)
  1568. 25% chance Double Slash (D)
  1569. 15% chance Half Moon Slash (A)
  1570. 15% chance Severing Flash (A)
  1571. 15% chance Activate Life Energy (A) (Lv.5)
  1573. Note: Guard Stance is a self targetting spell that buffs DEF/MND by 80% and debuffs ATK by 30%, and has no delay
  1574. Note: Enforcer's Will is a self targetting spell that buffs ATK by (SLv)%, and has no delay
  1575. Note: Peerless Chaotic Dance is a multi target (150% ATK - 75% DEF) PHY spell with 3000 delay
  1577. > Wood Spirit
  1578. -------------
  1580. If turn is odd:
  1581. Activate Life Energy (All Enemies) (Lv.41)
  1582. If turn is even:
  1583. 34% chance Grass Knot (A)
  1584. 33% chance Green Arrow (A)
  1585. 33% chance Storm of Wood Leaves (A)
  1587. > Fire Spirit
  1588. -------------
  1590. If turn is a multiple of 3:
  1591. Flowing Hellfire (A) (Lv.6)
  1592. Otherwise:
  1593. 50% chance Spark Storm (A)
  1594. 25% chance Flamethrower (A)
  1595. 13% chance Blazing Light Shot (A)
  1596. 12% chance Heat Gaze (A)
  1598. > Earth Spirit
  1599. --------------
  1601. If turn is odd:
  1602. Earth Element's Protective Light (All Enemies) (Lv.24)
  1603. If turn is even:
  1604. 20% chance Attack (A)
  1605. 20% chance Rock Clash (D)
  1606. 20% chance Sandstorm (A)
  1607. 20% chance Earth Shaker (A)
  1608. 20% chance Earthquake (A)
  1610. > Metal Spirit
  1611. --------------
  1613. 50% chance Rock Clash (A)
  1614. 50% chance Double Slash (A)
  1616. > Water Spirit
  1617. --------------
  1619. 10% chance Paralyzing Fog (A)
  1620. 10% chance Silent Fog (A)
  1621. 10% chance Heavy Fog (A)
  1622. 10% chance Devil's Crimes (A)
  1623. 10% chance Staring Eye from the Abyss (A)
  1624. 10% chance Roar Shockwave (A)
  1625. 10% chance Terrifying Wave (A)
  1626. 10% chance Storm of Blue Rain (A)
  1627. 10% chance Blizzard (A)
  1628. 10% chance Wild Dance of Freezing Mist (A)
  1630. > Hollow Yamata-no-Orochi
  1631. -------------------------
  1633. Every turn:
  1634. Decrease var_respawn by 1
  1635. If not a Karmic Gnashing turn:
  1636. Once, when HP goes below 75%:
  1637. Ura Dragon - Summon (Self) (*)
  1638. Increase var_summons by 1
  1639. Set var_respawn to 2*var_summons + 2
  1640. Once, when HP goes below 40%:
  1641. Conncentrate (Self) (*)
  1642. Divine Spirit-Burning Hellfire (A) [no delay] (*)
  1643. Divine Spirit-Burning Hellfire (A) [no delay] (*)
  1644. Divine Spirit-Burning Hellfire (A) (*)
  1645. If var_respawn is 0, both summons are dead, and below 75% max HP:
  1646. 33% chance Ura Dragon - Summon (Self) (*)
  1647. Increase var_summons by 1
  1648. Set var_respawn to 2*var_summons + 2
  1649. If var_respawn is 0, only one summon is dead, and below 75% max HP:
  1650. 12% chance Ura Dragon - Summon (Self) (*)
  1651. Increase var_summons by 1
  1652. Set var_respawn to 2*var_summons + 2
  1653. Fixed pattern (24 turns):
  1654. 1-4: Random spell (Pool A)
  1655. 5: World-Shaking Rule (Self) (Lv.13)
  1656. 6-7: Karmic Gnashing -Dark- (D) [no delay]
  1657. 8: Karmic Gnashing -Dark- (D)
  1658. 9: Random spell (Pool A)
  1659. 10: Evil Dragon's Eyebeam (A)
  1660. 11: Refresh (Self)
  1661. 12: World-Shaking Rule (Self) (Lv.13)
  1662. 13-16: Random spell (Pool B)
  1663. 17: World-Shaking Rule (Self) (Lv.13)
  1664. 18-19: Karmic Gnashing -Dark- (D) [no delay]
  1665. 20: Karmic Gnashing -Dark- (D)
  1666. 21: Random spell (Pool B)
  1667. 22: Protecting Light from the Heavens (A) (Lv.40)
  1668. 23: World-Devouring Calamity (A)
  1669. 24: World-Shaking Rule (Self) (Lv.13)
  1670. Random spell distribution (Pool A):
  1671. If current HP >= 40% max HP:
  1672. 20% chance Instant Death Attack (A)
  1673. 20% chance Dark Arrow (B)
  1674. 20% chance Karmic Evil Fang -Dark- (A)
  1675. 20% chance Rasetsu Fist (A)
  1676. 20% chance Greatsword of Calamity (A)
  1677. Otherwise:
  1678. 20% chance Karmic Evil Fang -Dark- (A)
  1679. 20% chance Greatsword of Calamity (A)
  1680. 20% chance Rasetsu Fist (A)
  1681. 20% chance Staring Eye from the Abyss (A)
  1682. 20% chance Evil Scarlet Gold Slash (D)
  1683. Random spell distribution (Pool B):
  1684. If current HP >= 40% max HP:
  1685. 25% chance Storm of Dark Flow (A)
  1686. 25% chance Extra-Large Entwining (A)
  1687. 25% chance Scythe of Calamity (A)
  1688. 25% chance Roar Shockwave (A)
  1689. Otherwise:
  1690. 20% chance Storm of Dark Flow (A)
  1691. 20% chance Extra-Large Entwining (A)
  1692. 20% chance Scythe of Calamity (A)
  1693. 20% chance Roar Shockwave (A)
  1694. 20% chance Divine Spirit-Burning Hellfire (A)
  1696. Note: Evil Scarlet Gold Slash is a single target (250% ATK - 250% DEF) DRK spell with 6400 delay
  1697. Note: Actions marked with a (*) do NOT advance the turn counter
  1698. Note: var_respawn and var_summons both start at 0
  1700. > Dragon God
  1701. ------------
  1703. If (var_color is "blue" and turn counter > 8) or (var_color is "red" and turn counter > 4):
  1704. Dragon God's body color returned to normal... (Self) (*)
  1705. Changes var_color to "normal"
  1706. Resets turn counter to 0
  1707. Sets DRK affinity to 100
  1708. Sets NTR affinity to 100
  1709. Sets TRR resistance to 100
  1710. Sets PAR resistance to 100
  1711. If var_color is "blue":
  1712. Dragon Whirlwind (A) (*)
  1713. If var_color is "red":
  1714. Dragon Strength (D) (*)
  1715. Once, when HP < 80% HP, and once again when HP < 40%:
  1716. Dragon God's body color has changed! (Self) [Blue] (*)
  1717. Changes var_color to "blue"
  1718. Resets turn counter to 0
  1719. Sets DRK affinity to 66
  1720. Sets TRR resistance to 66
  1721. Once, when HP < 60% HP, and once again when HP < 20%:
  1722. Dragon God's body color has changed! (Self) [Red] (*)
  1723. Changes var_color to "red"
  1724. Resets turn counter to 0
  1725. Sets NTR affinity to 66
  1726. Sets PAR resistance to 66
  1727. Otherwise, follow a fixed pattern (15 turns):
  1728. 1: Hellfire Breath (A)
  1729. 2: Cocytus Breath (A)
  1730. 3: Lightning Breath (A)
  1731. 4: Green Acid Breath (A)
  1732. 5: Roar Shockwave (A)
  1733. 6-9: Repeat 1-4
  1734. 10: Azure Shining Light (A) (Lv.15)
  1735. 11-14: Repeat 1-4
  1736. 15: MAG UP (Self) (Lv.50)
  1738. Note: Actions marked with an (*) do not advance the fixed pattern
  1739. Note: Hellfire Breath is a multi target (128% MAG - 64% MND) FIR spell with 5000 delay
  1740. Note: Cocytus Breath is a multi target (128% MAG - 64% MND) CLD spell with 5000 delay
  1741. Note: Lightning Breath is a multi target (128% MAG - 64% MND) WND spell with 5000 delay
  1742. Note: Green Acid Breath is a multi target (128% MAG - 64% MND) NTR spell with 5000 delay
  1744. > Red Hero
  1745. ----------
  1747. Every turn:
  1748. Decrease var_invincible by 1 (stops at 0 - removes invincibility then)
  1749. Once, when Green Brute is dead:
  1750. Red Hero has entered Boost Mode! (Self)
  1751. Heals 50% of Red Hero's missing HP and provides a 20% All EX buff
  1752. Sets var_boost to 1
  1753. Resets the turn counter to 1
  1754. Once, when var_boost is 1 and HP < 20%:
  1755. Red Hero has entered Double Boost Mode! (Self)
  1756. Provides and additional 10% All EX buff
  1757. Sets var_boost to 2
  1758. Resets the turn counter to 1
  1759. If var_boost is 1 and turn is odd:
  1760. Regeneration (Self) (Lv.3)
  1761. If var_boost is 2 and turn is odd:
  1762. Regeneration (Self) (Lv.5)
  1763. If var_boost is 0, follow fixed pattern (10 turns):
  1764. 1: Strong DownThrust (A)
  1765. 2: Double Slash (A)
  1766. 3: 50% chance Infuse Raval Ore (Self) (Lv.50)
  1767. 50% chance Brocia Serum (Self) (Lv.50)
  1768. 4: Attack (A)
  1769. 5: Strong DownThrust (A)
  1770. 6: Select a random bracelet
  1771. 7: Use bracelet spell 1
  1772. 8: Use bracelet spell 2
  1773. 9: Use bracelet spell 1
  1774. 10: Red Hero made a stance with his sword! (Self)
  1775. Sets var_bracelet to 0
  1776. Otherwise, follow fixed pattern (18 turns):
  1777. Odd turns: Regeneration (as seen on top of script)
  1778. 2: Select a random bracelet
  1779. 4: Use bracelet spell 1
  1780. 6: Strong DownThrust (A)
  1781. 8: Use bracelet spell 2
  1782. 10: Strong DownThrust (A)
  1783. 12: Use bracelet spell 1
  1784. 14: Concentrate (Self)
  1785. 16: Use bracelet ultimate spell
  1786. 18: Use bracelet spell 1
  1787. Selecting a bracelet:
  1788. 1/3 chance Red Hero changed to Ignis Bracelet! (Self)
  1789. Sets var_bracelet to ignis
  1790. 1/3 chance Red Hero changed to Ventus Bracelet! (Self)
  1791. Sets var_bracelet to ventus
  1792. 1/3 chance Red Hero changed to Terra Bracelet! (Self)
  1793. Sets var_bracelet to terra
  1794. Ignis bracelet spells:
  1795. 1: Ignis Fireball (B)
  1796. 2: Nightfire Gem (B)
  1797. Ultimate: Ignis Explosion (B)
  1798. Ventus bracelet spells:
  1799. 1: Ventus Whirlwind (B)
  1800. 2: Amulet (B)
  1801. Ultimate: Ventus Tornado (B)
  1802. Terra bracelet spells:
  1803. 1: Terra Bodyslam (D)
  1804. 2: Illusion Mirror (Self)
  1805. Sets var_invincible to 3
  1806. Ultimate: Terra Shockwave (B)
  1808. Note: var_boost, var_bracelet and var_invincible start the battle with value 0
  1810. Note: Strong DownThrust is a single target (112% ATK - 37% DEF) NTR spell with 6120 delay, and a 100% chance to inflict PAR(20000) and SHK
  1811. Note: Infuse Raval Ore is a self targeting spell with 7500 delay that buffs ATK by (SLv)%
  1812. Note: Brocia Serum is a self targeting spell with 7500 delay that buffs SPD by (SLv)%
  1813. Note: Every bracelet change and boost mode change has 5000 delay
  1815. Note: Ignis Fireball is a single target (142% MAG - 47% MND) FIR spell with 3770 delay
  1816. Note: Nightfire Gem is a single target (50% MAG - 50% MND) FIR spell with 5660 delay, that removes all buffs and EX buffs (e.g. Boost, Overheat, Fighting Spirit) from the target, and also drains all of the target's MP
  1817. Note: Ignis Explosion is a single target (332% MAG - 50% MND) FIR spell with 3660 delay
  1819. Note: Ventus Whirlwind is a multi target (90% MAG - 50% MND) WND spell with 3800 delay
  1820. Note: Amulet is a multi target (20% MAG - 50% MND) WND Spell with 3000 delay, and a 128% chance to inflict PAR(8800)
  1821. Note: Ventus Tornado is a multi target (149% MAG - 83% MND) WND spell with 1800 delay, and a 128% chance to inflict PAR(8800)
  1823. Note: Terra Bodyslam is a row targetting (129% MAG - 72% MND) NTR spell with 6600 delay, and a 128% chance of inflicting SHK
  1824. Note: Illusion Mirror is a self targetting spell with 6000 delay that grants 3 turns of invincibility to Red Hero
  1825. Note: Terra Shockwave is a row targetting (115% MAG - 72% MND) NTR spell with 5000 delay, and a 256% chance of inflicting SHK
  1827. > Green Brute
  1828. -------------
  1830. Once, when Red Hero is dead:
  1831. Green Brute has drawn his demon sword! (Self) (*)
  1832. Heals 50% of Green Brute's missing HP, and provides a 15% ATK EX buff and a 100% SPD EX buff
  1833. Sets var_boost to 1
  1834. Resets the turn counter to 1
  1835. Once, when Red Hero is dead and HP < 50%:
  1836. Green Brute's level is rising infinitely! (Self) (*)
  1837. Sets var_infinity to 1
  1838. If did not level up last turn, and (var_infinity = 1 or got a KO from this turn's attack):
  1839. Green Brute levels up in battle and becomes stronger! (Self) (*)
  1840. If var_boost is 0, follow fixed pattern (12 turns):
  1841. 1: Gird Stance (Self) (Lv.100)
  1842. 2-3: Mercy Attack (A)
  1843. 4: Assault (D)
  1844. 5-6: Mercy Attack (A)
  1845. 7: Train Slash (A)
  1846. 8: One Shot Wonder (Self) (Lv.100)
  1847. 9: Assault (D)
  1848. 10-11: Mercy Attack (A)
  1849. 12: Verbal Abuse (A)
  1850. Otherwise, follow fixed pattern (24 turns):
  1851. 1: Concentrate (Self)
  1852. 2: Kichiku Attack (A)
  1853. 3-4: Mercy Attack (A)
  1854. 5: Gird Stance (Self) (Lv.100)
  1855. 6: Assault (D)
  1856. 7: Train Slash (A)
  1857. 8: One Shot Wonder (Self) (Lv.100)
  1858. 9: Train Slash (A)
  1859. 10: One Shot Wonder (Self) (Lv.100)
  1860. 11: Assault (D)
  1861. 12-13: Mercy Attack (A)
  1862. 14: Verbal Abuse (A)
  1863. 15: Concentrate (Self)
  1864. 16: One Shot Wonder (Self) (Lv.100)
  1865. 17: Kichiku Attack (A)
  1866. 18: Gird Stance (Self) (Lv.100)
  1867. 19-20: Mercy Attack (A)
  1868. 21: One Shot Wonder (Self) (Lv.100)
  1869. 22: Assault (D)
  1870. 23-24: Mercy Attack (A)
  1872. Note: Actions marked with a (*) do NOT advance the turn counter
  1873. Note: var_boost and var_infinity start the battle with value 0
  1874. Note: For each level Green Brute gains, it will increase all of its stats by 10% (including ACC and EVA) (kinda like what Last Fortress does)
  1876. Note: Gird Stance is a self targetting spell that buffs DEF by (SLv)%
  1877. Note: One Shot Wonder is a self targetting spell that gives a (SLv)% boost to the next attack
  1879. Note: Mercy Attack is a single target (70% ATK - 50% DEF) PHY spell with 7700 delay, and a 200% chance to inflict SHK
  1880. Note: Verbal Abuse is a multi target (12% ATK - 60% DEF) DRK spell with 3700 delay, and a 100% chance to inflict SHK, TRR(16000) and SIL(16000)
  1881. Note: Train Slash is a row targetting (115% ATK - 64% DEF) PHY spell with 4700 delay
  1882. Note: Assault is a single target (150% ATK - 125% DEF) PHY spell with 4700 delay, and a 100% chance to inflict SHK and TRR(32200)
  1883. Note: Kichiku Attack is a multi target (224% ATK - 280% DEF) PHY spell with 720 delay, and a 200% chance to inflict SHK
  1885. > Kedama Goddess
  1886. ----------------
  1888. Fixed pattern (3 turns):
  1889. 1: Spirit Decomposition (D)
  1890. 2: Time-Space Warp (A)
  1891. 3: Space Compression (A)
  1893. > Shredding Entity
  1894. ------------------
  1896. If var_active = 0:
  1897. The void eyes are resting... (Self)
  1898. Shredding Entity's eyes are focused! (Self)
  1899. Sets var_active = 1
  1900. Sets the turn counter to 0
  1901. If at least one other Entity is alive:
  1902. Fixed pattern (6 turns):
  1903. 1: True Greatsword of Calamity (D)
  1904. 2: Instant Death Attack (A)
  1905. 3: Double Slash (D)
  1906. 4: Summon Herculean Power (All Enemies) (Lv.50)
  1907. 5: True Greatsword of Calamity (D)
  1908. 6: Instant Death Attack (A)
  1909. Otherwise:
  1910. If turn is odd:
  1911. Body is regenerating at abnormal pace! (Self) (Lv.3)
  1912. Once, when HP < 30%:
  1913. Azure Shining Light (A) (Lv.50)
  1914. Fixed pattern (14 turns):
  1915. Odd turns: see above
  1916. 2: Scythe of Calamity (D)
  1917. 4: Void Flash Claw (A)
  1918. 6: Instant Death Attack (A)
  1919. 8: Double Slash (D)
  1920. 10: True Greatsword of Calamity (D)
  1921. 12: Half Moon Slash (A)
  1922. 14: True Greatsword of Calamity (D)
  1924. Note: var_active starts with value 0, and the turn counter is reset when both other entities are killed
  1925. Note: The void eyes are resting... is a skill with no effect and 5000 delay
  1926. Note: Shredding Entity's eyes are focused! is a skill with no effect and 5000 delay
  1928. Note: True Greatsword of Calamity is a single target (1760% ATK - 2000% DEF) DRK spell with 4400 delay. This spell's damage deals permanent damage to the target's max HP
  1929. Note: Summon Herculean Power is a multi target spell that buffs ATK by (SLv)% with 3300 delay
  1930. Note: Body is regenerating at abnormal pace! has no delay, heals (SLv)% Max HP and gives a (2*SLv)% EX buff to ATK/DEF/SPD
  1932. > Aria-singing Entity
  1933. ---------------------
  1935. If var_active = 0:
  1936. The void eyes are resting... (Self)
  1937. The void eyes are resting... (Self)
  1938. The void eyes are resting... (Self)
  1939. Aria-singing Entity's eyes are focused! (Self)
  1940. Sets var_active = 1
  1941. Sets the turn counter to 0
  1942. If at least one other Entity is alive:
  1943. Fixed pattern (6 turns):
  1944. 1: Perpetual Insanity (A)
  1945. 2: Random curse
  1946. 3: Random curse
  1947. 4: Magical Light (A)
  1948. 5: Piercing Light (A)
  1949. 6: Magical Blast (A) (Lv.40)
  1950. Otherwise:
  1951. Fixed pattern (12 turns):
  1952. Odd turns: Regeneration (Self) (Lv.6)
  1953. 2: Magical Blast (A)
  1954. 4: Perpetual Insanity (A)
  1955. 6: Random curse
  1956. 8: Perpetual Insanity (A)
  1957. 10: Black Universe (B)
  1958. 12: Perpetual Insanity (A) (Lv.40)
  1959. Random curses:
  1960. 20% chance Red Curse (A)
  1961. 20% chance Blue Curse (A)
  1962. 20% chance Purple Curse (A)
  1963. 20% chance Green Curse (A)
  1964. 20% chance Yellow Curse (A)
  1966. Note: var_active starts with value 0, and the turn counter is reset when both other entities are killed
  1967. Note: Aria-singing Entity's eyes are focused! is a skill with no effect and 5000 delay
  1969. > Staring Entity
  1970. ----------------
  1972. If var_active = 0:
  1973. The void eyes are resting... (Self)
  1974. The void eyes are resting... (Self)
  1975. The void eyes are resting... (Self)
  1976. The void eyes are resting... (Self)
  1977. The void eyes are resting... (Self)
  1978. Staring Entity's eyes are focused! (Self)
  1979. Sets var_active = 1
  1980. Sets the turn counter to 0
  1981. If at least one other Entity is alive:
  1982. 10% chance Storm Of Dark Flow (A)
  1983. 10% chance Flux Of Yomotsu Hirasaka (A)
  1984. 8% chance Staring Eye From The Abyss (B)
  1985. 8% chance Dark Arrow (B)
  1986. 8% chance Time Space Warp (A)
  1987. 8% chance Swallow (A)
  1988. 8% chance Silent Fog (A)
  1989. 8% chance Shadowstep (A)
  1990. 8% chance Scythe Of Calamity (A)
  1991. 8% chance Perpetual Insanity (A)
  1992. 8% chance Heat Gaze (A)
  1993. 8% chance Destroy Magic (A)
  1994. Otherwise:
  1995. Fixed pattern (6 turns):
  1996. 1: Staring Eye from the Abyss (B)
  1997. 2: Random spell from previous phase
  1998. 3: Great Catastrophe (A)
  1999. 4: Staring Eye from the Abyss (B)
  2000. 5: Random spell from previous phase
  2001. 6: Great Destruction (A)
  2003. Note: var_active starts with value 0, and the turn counter is reset when both other entities are killed
  2004. Note: Aria-singing Entity's eyes are focused! is a skill with no effect and 5000 delay
  2006. > Fundoshi Man
  2007. --------------
  2009. If var_form = "start":
  2010. Fixed pattern (6 turns):
  2011. 1: Ame-no-Murakumo Slash (D)
  2012. 2: Attack (A)
  2013. 3: Ame-no-Murakumo Slash (D)
  2014. 4: Attack (A)
  2015. 5: Concentrate (Self)
  2016. 6: Start of Heavenly Demise (A)
  2017. If var_form = "fire":
  2018. Fixed pattern (6 turns):
  2019. 1: Red Arrow (B)
  2020. 2: Spark Storm (A)
  2021. 3: Hellfire Breath (A)
  2022. 4: Start of Heavenly Demise (A)
  2023. 5: Soul-searing Sunlight (A)
  2024. 6: Form Change (random form that isn't dead)
  2025. Also restores 50% of max HP to Fire form
  2026. If var_form = "cold":
  2027. Fixed pattern (6 turns):
  2028. 1: Silencing Attack (A)
  2029. 2: Ice Crash (D) (Lv.6)
  2030. 3: Ame-no-Murakumo Slash (A)
  2031. 4: Ice Crash (D) (Lv.6)
  2032. 5: Absolute Zero Ice Crystal (A)
  2033. 6: Form Change (random form that isn't dead)
  2034. Also restores 50% of max HP to Cold form
  2035. If var_form = "wind":
  2036. Fixed pattern (6 turns):
  2037. 1: Razor Wind (A)
  2038. 2: Storm of Yellow Drive (A)
  2039. 3: Storm of Yellow Drive (A)
  2040. 4: Ame-no-Murakumo Slash (D)
  2041. 5: Calamitous Rainbow Wind (A) (Lv.51)
  2042. 6: Form Change (random form that isn't dead)
  2043. Also restores 50% of max HP to Wind form
  2044. If var_form = "nature":
  2045. Fixed pattern (6 turns):
  2046. 1: Green Arrow (B) (Lv.12)
  2047. 2: Space Compression (A)
  2048. 3: MAG UP (Self) (Lv.72)
  2049. 4: Ame-no-Murakumo Slash (D)
  2050. 5: The Word for World is Forest (A)
  2051. 6: Form Change (random form that isn't dead)
  2052. Also restores 50% of max HP to Nature form
  2053. If var_form = "final":
  2054. Fixed pattern (2 turns):
  2055. 1: Last Stand (Self) (Lv.4)
  2056. 2: Start of Heavenly Demise (A)
  2058. Note: var_form's initial value is set to "start"
  2059. Note: When killing the starting form, pick one of the elemental forms at random and Form Change into it, setting the appropriate value to var_form
  2060. Note: When killing an elemental form, pick any of the remaining elemental forms and Form Change into it, setting the appropriate value to var_form
  2061. Note: If no elemental forms remain, use Form Change - Terminate and set var_form to "final"
  2063. Note: Ame-no-Murakumo Slash is a single target (112% ATK - 75% DEF) SPI spell with 5800 delay
  2064. Note: Start of Heavenly Demise is a multi target (62% (ATK+MAG) - 31% (DEF+MND)) SPI spell with 4000 delay
  2065. Note: Last Stand adds a (SLv)% ALL EX buff to himself
  2067. Note: Hellfire Breath is a multi target (128% MAG - 64% MND) FIR spell with 2500 delay
  2068. Note: Soul-searing Sunlight is a multi target FIR spell with 5000 delay that deals damage equal to 2/3 of target's max HP
  2069. Note: Ice Crash is a single target (156% ATK - 62% DEF) CLD spell with 5550 delay
  2070. Note: Absolute Zero Ice Crystal is a multi target (49% ATK - 75% DEF) CLD spell with 1200 delay
  2071. Note: Calamitous Rainbow Wind is a multi target (100% MAG - 50% MND) WND spell with 2000 delay
  2072. Note: The Word for World is Forest is a multi target (165% MAG - 125% MND) NTR spell with max delay
  2074. > King
  2075. ------
  2077. If var_demons is equal to 6:
  2078. King begins focusing a terrifying force! (Self) (*)
  2079. Gaea Rage (A) (*)
  2080. King's parameters have risen above the limit! (Self) (Lv.20) (*)
  2081. Set var_demons to 0
  2082. If there are less than 2 demons in the field:
  2083. If var_demons is equal to 0:
  2084. Summon Hero (Self) (*)
  2085. If var_demons is equal to 1:
  2086. Summon Elephant (Self) (*)
  2087. If var_demons is equal to 2:
  2088. Summon Buddy (Self) (*)
  2089. If var_demons is equal to 3:
  2090. Summon Kunitsukami (Self) (*)
  2091. If var_demons is equal to 4:
  2092. Summon Queen (Self) (*)
  2093. If var_demons is equal to 5:
  2094. Summon Mother Goddess (Self) (*)
  2095. Increase var_demons by 1
  2096. Once, when HP < 75%:
  2097. Ultimate Life (All Enemies) (*)
  2098. Otherwise, follow fixed pattern (10 turns):
  2099. 1: Grand Heat Slash (A)
  2100. 2: Attack (A)
  2101. 3: Attack (A)
  2102. 4: Zero Shock (A)
  2103. 5: Javelin Rain (A)
  2104. 6: Attack (A)
  2105. 7: Attack (A)
  2106. 8: Attack (A)
  2107. 9: Grand Heat Slash (A)
  2108. 10: Freikugel (D)
  2110. Note: var_demons starts at 0
  2112. Note: King begins focusing a terrifying force! has no effect and max delay
  2113. Note: King's parameters have risen above the limit! gives a (SLv)% EX buff with 6600 delay
  2114. Note: Grand Heat Slash is a row target (125% ATK - 125% DEF) FIR spell with 4400 delay
  2115. Note: Zero Shock is a row target (87% ATK - 66% DEF) CLD spell with 3200 delay
  2116. Note: Javelin Rain is a row target (70% ATK - 35% DEF) PHY spell with 2800 delay
  2117. Note: Freikugel is a single target (400% ATK - 100% DEF) PHY spell with 1000 delay
  2118. Note: Gaea Rage is a multi target (2500% ATK - 250% DEF) DRK spell with max delay
  2119. Note: Ultimate Life fully heals all enemies and has max delay
  2121. > Summoned Hero
  2122. ---------------
  2124. If turn is a multiple of 10:
  2125. Ultimate Life (All Enemies)
  2126. If turn > 2 and King has debuffs:
  2127. Dekunda (All Enemies)
  2128. If turn is 1 or 2 more than a multiple of 5:
  2129. Attack (D)
  2130. If turn is 3 more than a multiple of 5:
  2131. Demon Rave (A)
  2132. If turn is 4 more than a multiple of 5:
  2133. Taunt (A) (Lv.50)
  2134. If turn is a multiple of 5:
  2135. Demon Rave (A)
  2137. Note: Demon Rave is a multi target (43% ATK - 33% DEF) DRK spell with 5600 delay
  2138. Note: Taunt is a single target spell that deals no damage with 5000 delay and has a 100% chance to debuff DEF/MND by (SLv*3)% and a 10000% chance to buff ATK/MAG by (SLv)%
  2139. Note: Dekunda is a multi target spell that deals no damage with 3300 delay and removes all debuffs from all enemies
  2141. > Summoned Elephant
  2142. -------------------
  2144. Fixed pattern (10 turns):
  2145. 1: Attack (D)
  2146. 2: Attack (D)
  2147. 3: Grand Curse (A)
  2148. 4: Attack (D)
  2149. 5: Demon Rave (A)
  2150. 6: Dekaja (A)
  2151. 7: Attack (D)
  2152. 8: Grand Curse (A)
  2153. 9: Attack (D)
  2154. 10: Ultimate Life (All Enemies)
  2156. Note: Grand Curse is a multi target (50% MAG - 50% MND) DRK spell with 4000 delay and a 108% chance of inflicting DTH
  2157. Note: Dekaja is a multi target spell that deals no damage with 3300 delay and removes all buffs and beneficial effects from all allies
  2159. > Summoned Buddy
  2160. ----------------
  2162. Fixed pattern (10 turns):
  2163. 1: Shadowstep (A)
  2164. 2: Storm of Yellow Drive (A)
  2165. 3: Recover (E)
  2166. 4: Concentrate (Self)
  2167. 5: Astral Burst (A)
  2168. 6: Shadowstep (A)
  2169. 7: Storm of Yellow Drive (A)
  2170. 8: Recover (E)
  2171. 9: Concentrate (Self)
  2172. 10: Ultimate Life (All Enemies)
  2174. Note: Astral Burst is a multi target (100% MAG) VOI spell with max delay
  2176. > Summoned Kunitsukami
  2177. ----------------------
  2179. Fixed pattern (10 turns):
  2180. 1: Gate of Hell (A)
  2181. 2: Attack (A)
  2182. 3: Gravity Manipulation (A)
  2183. 4: Attack (A)
  2184. 5: Debilitate (A)
  2185. 6: Gate of Hell (A)
  2186. 7: Attack (A)
  2187. 8: Gravity Manipulation (A)
  2188. 9: Attack (A)
  2189. 10: Ultimate Life (All Enemies)
  2191. Note: Gate of Hell is a multi target (25% MAG - 25% MND) DRK spell with 2500 delay and a 100% chance of inflicting SIL(18800) and DTH
  2192. Note: Debilitate is a multi target spell that deals no damage with 3300 delay and a 120% chance of debuffing all stats by (SLv*10)%
  2194. > Summoned Queen
  2195. ----------------
  2197. Fixed pattern (10 turns):
  2198. 1: Spark Storm (A)
  2199. 2: Power Draining Circle (A)
  2200. 3: Storm of Yellow Drive (A) (Lv.40)
  2201. 4: Magic Draining Circle (A)
  2202. 5: Dekaja (A)
  2203. 6: Speed Draining Circle (A)
  2204. 7: Storm of Blue Rain (A)
  2205. 8: Dekunda (A)
  2206. 9: Spark Storm (A)
  2207. 10: Ultimate Life (All Enemies)
  2209. Note: Power Draining Circle is a multi target spell that deals no damage with 3300 delay and a 108% chance of debuffing ATK by 100%
  2210. Note: Magic Draining Circle is a multi target spell that deals no damage with 3300 delay and a 108% chance of debuffing MAG by 100%
  2211. Note: Speed Draining Circle is a multi target spell that deals no damage with 3300 delay and a 108% chance of debuffing SPD by 100%
  2213. > Summoned Mother Goddess
  2214. -------------------------
  2216. Fixed pattern (10 turns):
  2217. 1: Light Arrow (B)
  2218. 2: Shippu Jinrai (Self) (Lv.50)
  2219. 3: Silent Fog (A) (Lv.21)
  2220. 4: Summon Herculean Power (Self) (Lv.50)
  2221. 5: Recover (E) (Lv.1001)
  2222. 6: Light Arrow (B)
  2223. 7: Shippu Jinrai (Self) (Lv.50)
  2224. 8: Silent Fog (A) (Lv.21)
  2225. 9: Summon Herculean Power (Self) (Lv.50)
  2226. 10: Ultimate Life (All Enemies)
  2228. Note: Shippu Jinrai is a multi target spell that buffs SPD by (SLv)% with 3300 delay
  2229. Note: Silent Fog being Lv.21 makes it have a 121% SIL(12000) chance
  2230. Note: Recover being level 1001 effectively makes it a full heal
  2232. > Shadow Reimu - Abyss
  2233. ----------------------
  2235. If HP < 60% and did not use Fantasy Seal -Blink- last turn:
  2236. Fantasy Seal -Blink- (Self) (Lv.10)
  2237. Once, when HP < 70%:
  2238. Great Hakurei Barrier (Self) (Lv.80)
  2239. Once, when HP < 25%:
  2240. Fantasy Seal (A) (Lv.9)
  2241. Otherwise:
  2242. 25% chance Yin-Yang Orb (A)
  2243. 25% chance Fantasy Seal (A)
  2244. 18% chance Paralyzing Fog (A)
  2245. 15% chance Half Moon Slash (A)
  2246. 10% chance Light Arrow (A) (Lv.11)
  2247. 7% chance Exorcising Border (Self)
  2249. Note: If she heals herself back over 60% HP she will stop using Fantasy Seal -Blink-
  2251. > Shadow Marisa - Abyss
  2252. -----------------------
  2254. If this is the first turn:
  2255. Magic Drain Missile (D)
  2256. Once, when HP < 80%:
  2257. Hakkero Charge (Self) (Lv.50)
  2258. Asteroid Belt (A)
  2259. Once, when HP < 50%:
  2260. Hakkero Charge (Self) (Lv.50)
  2261. Hakkero Charge (Self) (Lv.100)
  2262. Asteroid Belt (A)
  2263. Once, when HP < 20%:
  2264. Hakkero Charge (Self) (Lv.50)
  2265. Hakkero Charge (Self) (Lv.100)
  2266. Hakkero Charge (Self) (Lv.150)
  2267. Asteroid Belt (A)
  2268. Concentrate (Self)
  2269. Master Spark (A)
  2270. Otherwise:
  2271. 32% chance Magic Drain Missile (D)
  2272. 32% chance Magic Missile (A)
  2273. 20% chance Asteroid Belt (A)
  2274. 16% chance Storm of Purple Magic (A)
  2276. Note: Hakkero Charge grants Marisa a (SLv)% Boost
  2277. Note: Magic Drain Missile is a single target (147% MAG - 82% MND) MYS spell with 6000 delay that also sets the target's MP to 0
  2279. > Diamond Knight
  2280. ----------------
  2282. If inflicted by an ailment or a debuff, and didn't use Summon Vengeful Strength on previous turn:
  2283. Summon Vengeful Strength (Self) (Lv.24)
  2284. If this is not the first turn:
  2285. 67.5% chance Scourge (D)
  2286. 25% chance other spells
  2287. 7.5% chance Scourge (A)
  2288. Otherwise:
  2289. 30% chance Attack (A)
  2290. 30% chance Double Slash (A)
  2291. 15% chance Razor Wind (A)
  2292. 15% chance Severing Flash (A)
  2293. 10% chance Half Moon Slash (A)
  2295. Note: Summon Vengeful Strength buffs ATK by (SLv)% and has no delay
  2296. Note: Scourge is a single target (2000% ATK - 1000% DEF) PHY spell with 6400 delay, with a 100% chance to inflict PSN(20000), PAR(10000), HVY(20000), TRR(20000), SIL(20000), SHK, DTH and a 100% debuff on all stats
  2298. > Shadow Rinnosuke - Abyss
  2299. --------------------------
  2301. If turn is odd:
  2302. Murakumo's Previous Owner (A) (Lv.16)
  2303. Once, when HP < 66%:
  2304. HP Giga Boost (Self)
  2305. MAG Giga Boost (Self) (Lv.100)
  2306. Once, when HP < 40%:
  2307. ATK Giga Boost (Self) (Lv.100)
  2308. Otherwise:
  2309. 25% chance Aspiration Surge (A)
  2310. 15% chance Attack (A)
  2311. 15% chance PuncturingThrust (A)
  2312. 15% chance Iron Mountain Charge (A)
  2313. 15% chance Severing Flash (A)
  2314. 10% chance Explosive Flame Sword (A)
  2315. 5% chance Penetrator (A)
  2317. Note: Murakumo's Previous Owner is a multi target spell that deals no damage and has a 200% chance of debuffing all stats by (SLv)% and has no delay
  2318. Note: HP Giga Boost is a self target spell that heals for (7500% ATK + 7500% MAG) with 8000 delay
  2319. Note: ATK Giga Boost is a self target spell that gives a 100% ATK EX buff with 8000 delay
  2320. Note: MAG Giga Boost is a self target spell that gives a 100% MAG EX buff with 8000 delay
  2322. > Shadow Keine - Abyss
  2323. ----------------------
  2325. If turn is 1 more than a multiple of 3 (i.e.: 1, 4, 7, ...):
  2326. 50% chance Three Treasures - Sword (Self)
  2327. Also gives 1 stack of History Accumulation - Sword
  2328. 50% chance Three Treasures - Mirror (Self)
  2329. Also gives 1 stack of History Accumulation - Mirror
  2330. Otherwise:
  2331. 25% chance Ancient History -Old History- (A)
  2332. 25% chance New History -Next History- (A)
  2333. 10% chance Recover (Self) (Lv.40)
  2334. 10% chance Storm of Light Particle (A)
  2335. 10% chance Storm of Dark Flow (A)
  2336. 10% chance Ancient Curse (A)
  2337. 10% chance Black Universe (A)
  2339. Note: History Accumulation can stack indefinitely (I only tested up to 50 stacks, but it should keep going)
  2341. > The Destroyer
  2342. ---------------
  2344. Fixed pattern (24 turns):
  2345. 1: Melt Shell (Self)
  2346. Reduces current DEF and MND by 10%
  2347. 2: Countdown to Ragnarok (Self) (Lv.10)
  2348. 3: Random spell
  2349. 4-21: Repeat pattern 1-3
  2350. 22: Melt Shell (Self)
  2351. Reduces current DEF and MND by 10%
  2352. 23: Countdown to Ragnarok (Self) (Lv.10)
  2353. 24: Peerless Chaotic Dance (D) (Lv.12)
  2354. Random spell distribution:
  2355. 30% chance Attack (A)
  2356. 30% chance Double Slash (D)
  2357. 14% chance Half Moon Slash (A)
  2358. 13% chance Severing Flash (A)
  2359. 13% chance Horizontal Slice (A)
  2361. Note: Melt Shell and Countdown to Ragnarok have no delay
  2362. Note: Countdown to Ragnarok is a self targetting spell that gives a 10% ATK EX buff and has no cap (I only tested up to 300%, but it should keep going)
  2364. > Shadow Momiji - Abyss
  2365. -----------------------
  2367. If turn is odd:
  2368. White Wolf's Sword & Shield (Self) (Lv.18)
  2369. Otherwise:
  2370. 25% chance Attack (A)
  2371. 25% chance Rabies Bite (D)
  2372. 13% chance Shield Defense (Self)
  2373. 13% chance Shadowstep (A)
  2374. 12% chance Expellee's Canaan (A)
  2375. 12% chance Dividing Slash (A)
  2377. Note: White Wolf's Sword & Shield gives a (SLv)% buff to ATK and DEF and has no delay
  2379. > Shadow Youmu - Abyss
  2380. ----------------------
  2382. Once, when HP < 80%:
  2383. Slash Clearing the 6 Senses (A)
  2384. Once, when HP < 60%:
  2385. Concentrate (Self)
  2386. God's Slash of Karma Wind (A)
  2387. Once, when HP < 20%:
  2388. Concentrate (Self)
  2389. God's Slash of Karma Wind (A)
  2390. If current HP >= 50% max HP:
  2391. 50% chance Attack (A)
  2392. 50% chance Present Life Slash (A)
  2393. Otherwise:
  2394. 34% chance Slash Clearing the 6 Senses (A)
  2395. 33% chance Present Life Slash (A)
  2396. 33% chance Slash of Eternity (D)
  2398. > Shadow Kogasa - Abyss
  2399. -----------------------
  2401. If there are frontliners affected by TRR and didn't use Angstfreude on the two previous turns:
  2402. Angstfreude (Self) (Lv.10 + 5*(number of TRR'd characters))
  2403. If there are frontliners affected by TRR and didn't use The Terror Unto Death on the previous turn:
  2404. The Terror Unto Death (Self) (Lv.(number of TRR'd characters))
  2405. Otherwise:
  2406. 20% chance Attack (A)
  2407. 20% chance Karakasa Surprising Flash (A)
  2408. 20% chance A Rainy Night's Ghost Story (A)
  2409. 20% chance Drizzling Large Raindrops (A)
  2410. 20% chance Terror Eater (A)
  2412. Note: Angstfreude is a self targetting spell with no delay that heals Kogasa for (SLv)% of her max HP
  2413. Note: The Terror Unto Death is a self targetting spell with no delay that buffs all of Kogasa's stats by (50+10*SLv)%
  2415. > Serpent of Chaos
  2416. ------------------
  2418. Once, when HP < 90%:
  2419. Spirit Decomposition (D)
  2420. Once, when HP < 80%:
  2421. Time-Space Warp (A)
  2422. Decomposition Breath (A)
  2423. Once, when HP < 75%:
  2424. Great Catastrophe (A)
  2425. Once, when HP < 60%:
  2426. Spirit Decomposition (D)
  2427. Once, when HP < 50%:
  2428. Great Destruction (A)
  2429. Once, when HP < 40%:
  2430. Time-Space Warp (A)
  2431. Decomposition Breath (A)
  2432. Once, when HP < 30%:
  2433. Spirit Decomposition (D)
  2434. Once, when HP < 25%:
  2435. Great Catastrophe (A)
  2436. Once, when HP < 10%:
  2437. Spirit Decomposition (D)
  2438. Otherwise:
  2439. 17% chance Storm of Dark Flow (A)
  2440. 16% chance Attack (D)
  2441. 9% chance Rasetsu Fist (A)
  2442. 9% chance Staring Eye from the Abyss (A)
  2443. 9% chance Earthquake (A)
  2444. 8% chance Void Flash Claw (A)
  2445. 8% chance Scythe of Calamity (A)
  2446. 8% chance Greatsword of Calamity (A)
  2447. 8% chance Hellfire Breath (A)
  2448. 8% chance Cocytus Breath (A)
  2450. Note: Spirit Decomposition is a single target spell with 5000 delay with 500% chance to inflict DTH
  2451. Note: Decomposition Breath is a multi target (66% ATK) VOI spell with 3500 delay
  2452. Note: Hellfire Breath is a multi target (128% MAG - 64% MND) FIR spell with 2500 delay (not to be confused with Dragon God's Hellfire Breath)
  2453. Note: Cocytus Breath is a multi target (128% MAG - 64% MND) CLD spell with 2500 delay (not to be confused with Dragon God's Cocytus Breath)
  2455. > Shadow Rumia - Abyss
  2456. ----------------------
  2458. If this is the first turn:
  2459. Awakened Dark Side of the Moon (A)
  2460. Once, when HP < 30% and the turn is odd:
  2461. Awakened Dark Side of the Moon (A)
  2462. If turn is odd and Rumia's buffs and debuffs add up to less than -50%:
  2463. Let X be the negative of Rumia's sum of buffs and debuffs
  2464. e.g.: Her buffs and debuffs add up to -60%, so X is 60
  2465. Demarcation (Self) (Lv.X/5)
  2466. Otherwise, follow a fixed pattern (8 turns):
  2467. 1: 66% chance Magic Arrow (A)
  2468. 34% chance Destroy Magic (A)
  2469. 2: Awakened Moonlight Ray (A)
  2470. 3: Dark Arrow (A)
  2471. 4: Going it Alone (Self) (Lv.8)
  2472. 5: 66% chance Storm of Purple Magic (A)
  2473. 34% chance Yellow Curse (A)
  2474. 6: Awakened Moonlight Ray (A)
  2475. 7: Storm of Dark Flow (A)
  2476. 8: Going it Alone (Self) (Lv.8)
  2478. Note: Awakened Dark Side of the Moon and Demarcation advance the turn counter normally, meaning she will always follow these 2 spells with Awakened Moonlight Ray or Going it Alone
  2480. Note: Awakened Moonlight Ray is a single target () MYS spell with 6000 delay with a 100% chance of inflicting PSN(20000), PAR(10000), HVY(20000), TRR(20000), SIL(20000), SHK and DTH
  2481. Note: Awakened Dark Side of the Moon is a multi target (150% MAG) DRK spell with max delay that has a 133% chance to debuff all stats by 100%
  2482. Note: Demarcation uses a special formula for healing (625% ATK + 625% MAG) and will remove all debuffs from all enemies, has 3000 delay
  2483. Note: Going it Alone is a self targetting spell that gives an All Stats (SLv)% EX buff (caps at 100%), has 9000 delay
  2485. > Shadow Cirno - Abyss
  2486. ----------------------
  2488. Fixed pattern (8 turns):
  2489. 1: Going it Alone (Self) (Lv.5)
  2490. 2: White Album (Self) (Lv.51)
  2491. 3: Diamond Blizzard (A) (Lv.5)
  2492. 4: Random spell
  2493. 5: Going it Alone (Self) (Lv.5)
  2494. 6-7: Random spell
  2495. 8: Perfect Freeze (A) (Lv.6)
  2496. Random spell distribution:
  2497. 67.8% chance Attack (A) (Lv.12)
  2498. 32.2% chance Azure Arrow (A) (Lv.12)
  2499. 0% chance Silent Fog (A)
  2500. 0% chance Shadowstep (A)
  2502. Note/Bug: Cirno's AI rolls a random number 0-59 instead of 0-99, meaning the original distribution 40/40/10/10 gets skewed towards the lower numbers, and the bottom 2 spells go unused since a number above 80 is never rolled.
  2504. Note: White Album being Lv.51 makes it a 254% buff to DEF/MND
  2505. Note: Diamond Blizzard uses a special formula for PAR: 100% chance PAR(SLv*10000), making it a PAR(50000) at this fight
  2506. Note: Perfect Freeze uses a special formula for the debuff: (SLv+131)% to inflict a 40% debuff to SPD
  2508. > Shadow Minoriko - Abyss
  2509. -------------------------
  2511. Fixed pattern (14 turns):
  2512. 1: Red Curse (A) (Lv.25)
  2513. 2-3: 50% chance Autumn Sky (A)
  2514. 50% chance Green Arrow (A)
  2515. 4: Sweet Potato Room (Self) (Lv.31)
  2516. 5: Symbol of Abundance and Harvest (Self) (Lv.100)
  2517. 6: Concentrate (Self)
  2518. 7: Warm Color Harvest (A)
  2519. 8: Purple Curse (A) (Lv.25)
  2520. 9-10: 66% chance Storm of Wood Leaves (A)
  2521. 33% chance Leaf Cutting Dance (A)
  2522. 11: Symbol of Abundance and Harvest (Self) (Lv.200)
  2523. 12: Concentrate (Self)
  2524. 13: Herb of Awakening (Self) (Lv.93)
  2525. 14: Sweet Potato Room (Self) (Lv.31)
  2527. Note: Symbol of Abundance and Harvest is a self targetting skill that buffs MAG by (SLv)%
  2528. Note: Herb of Awakening being Lv.93 makes it provide a 300% boost
  2530. > Shadow Komachi - Abyss
  2531. ------------------------
  2533. Fixed pattern (4 turns):
  2534. 1: Random spell
  2535. 2: Random spell
  2536. 3: Random spell
  2537. If loop count is a multiple of 4:
  2538. 4: Scythe that Chooses the Dead (D) (Lv.41)
  2539. Otherwise:
  2540. 4: Narrow Confines of Avici (A)
  2541. Random spell distribution:
  2542. If current HP >= 50% max HP:
  2543. 50% chance Attack (A)
  2544. 30% chance Short Life Expectancy (D)
  2545. 7% chance Phantom's Coldness (B)
  2546. 7% chance Row Attack (A)
  2547. 6% chance Ferriage in the Deep Fog (B)
  2548. Otherwise:
  2549. 66% chance Short Life Expectancy (D)
  2550. 12% chance Ferriage in the Deep Fog (B)
  2551. 12% chance Row Attack (A)
  2552. 10% chance Recover (Self) (Lv.15)
  2554. Note: Scythe that Chooses the Dead being Lv.41 makes it have a 128% chance to inflict DTH
  2556. > Shadow Chen - Abyss
  2557. ---------------------
  2559. If turn is odd:
  2560. Shikigami Heavy Accel Attack (Self) (Lv.5)
  2561. If turn is even:
  2562. 60% chance Flight of Idaten (D)
  2563. 20% chance Attack (A)
  2564. 10% chance Phoenix Spread Wings (A)
  2565. 10% chance Row Attack (A)
  2567. Note: Shikigami Heavy Accel Attack gives a (SLv)% EX ATK buff that has no cap, and has no delay
  2569. > Shadow Nitori - Abyss
  2570. -----------------------
  2572. Fixed pattern (8 turns):
  2573. 1: Enhanced Versatile Machine (Self) (Lv.100)
  2574. 2-5: Super Scope 3D (B)
  2575. 6: Nitori exchanged her burnt barrel! (Self)
  2576. 7: Nitori reloads for Super Scope! (Self)
  2577. 8: Nitori is aiming with Super Scope! (Self)
  2579. Note: This version of Super Scope 3D has 8000 delay and the original disc formula: (625% ATK - 125% DEF)
  2580. Note: Enhanced Versatile Machine buffs all stats by (SLv)% and has max delay
  2581. Note: Nitori's reload spells have, in order: max delay, 5000 delay, 5000 delay
  2583. > Shadow Parsee - Abyss
  2584. -----------------------
  2586. If turn is even:
  2587. Jealousy's Final Blow (A)
  2588. Once, when HP < 60%:
  2589. Concentrate (Self)
  2590. Green-Eyed Monster (A)
  2591. If any ally affected by TRR:
  2592. Jealousy of Kind and Lovely (A)
  2593. Otherwise:
  2594. 1/7 chance Attack (A)
  2595. 1/7 chance Storm of Dark Flow (A)
  2596. 1/7 chance Instant Death Attack (A)
  2597. 1/7 chance Dividing Slash (D)
  2598. 1/7 chance Large Box and Small Box (A)
  2599. 1/7 chance Midnight Anathema Ritual (D)
  2600. 1/7 chance Grudge Returning (A)
  2602. Note: Green-Eyed Monster is a multi target (33% MAG - 50% MND) with 5000 delay, and has a 120% chance of debuffing all stats by 200%, and inflicting PSN(200000), PAR(20000), HVY(240000), TRR(800000), SIL(80000), SHK and DTH
  2603. Note: Jealousy's Final Blow has no delay and will halve the HP/MP of frontliners that have an ailment
  2604. Note: Grudge Returning has a 115% chance to inflict TRR(25000)
  2605. Note: Jealousy of Kind and Lovely receives the same 1% bonus damage per 2500 TRR the player gets
  2607. > Shadow Wriggle - Abyss
  2608. ------------------------
  2610. Fixed pattern (6 turns):
  2611. 1: Comet on Earth (D)
  2612. 2: Random spell
  2613. 3: Nightbug Tornado (A)
  2614. 4: Firefly Phenomenon (A) (Lv.7)
  2615. 5: Random spell
  2616. 6: Nightbug Tornado (A)
  2617. Random spell distribution:
  2618. 34% chance Venomous Fog (A)
  2619. 33% chance Poison (A)
  2620. 33% chance Storm of Wood Leaves (A)
  2622. Note: Comet on Earth uses a special formula (100% ATK - 50% DEF), has 6000 delay and a 300% chance to inflict PSN(150000)
  2623. Note: Firefly Phenomenon uses a special formula (72% ATK - 60% DEF), has 3800 delay and a 128% chance to inflict PSN(16000) at Lv.7
  2624. Note: Nightbug Tornado uses a special formula (57% ATK - 16% DEF) and has 3000 delay. This version will deal 10 times the usual damage to poisoned targets
  2626. > Shadow Kaguya - Abyss
  2627. -----------------------
  2629. Fixed pattern (9 turns):
  2630. 1: Concentrate (Self)
  2631. 2: Dragon's Neck Jewel (A)
  2632. 3: Concentrate (Self)
  2633. 4: Swallow's Cowrie Shell (A)
  2634. 5: Concentrate (Self)
  2635. 6: Buddha's Stone Bowl (A)
  2636. 7: Concentrate (Self)
  2637. 8: Bullet Branch of Hourai
  2638. 9: Five Impossible Requests (Self)
  2640. Note: Five Impossible Requests has 6600 delay and buffs MAG by 75%
  2642. > Shadow Mokou - Abyss
  2643. ----------------------
  2645. If turn is odd:
  2646. Regeneration (Self) (Lv.8)
  2647. Once, after Mokou ressurects for the first time:
  2648. Fujiyama Volcano (A)
  2649. Once, after Mokou ressurects for the second time:
  2650. Fujiyama Volcano (A)
  2651. Once, after Mokou ressurects for the third time:
  2652. Fujiyama Volcano (A)
  2653. Otherwise:
  2654. 35% chance Fire Bird -Flying Phoenix- (D)
  2655. 15% chance Tsuki no Iwakasa's Curse (A)
  2656. 8% chance Red Arrow (B)
  2657. 8% chance Spark Storm (A)
  2658. 8% chance Attack (A)
  2659. 8% chance Row Attack (A)
  2660. 8% chance Daze (A)
  2662. > Shadow Aya - Abyss
  2663. --------------------
  2665. Whenever Aya dodges a move:
  2666. Receive a level of Proof of the Fastest
  2667. If turn is a multiple of 8:
  2668. Sarutahiko's Guidance (Self) (Lv.21)
  2669. Otherwise:
  2670. 30% chance Peerless Wind God (A)
  2671. 20% chance Attack (A)
  2672. 20% chance Paralyze (A)
  2673. 14% chance Storm of Yellow Drive (A)
  2674. 10% chance Wind God's Fan (A)
  2675. 6% chance Shredder (A)
  2677. Note: Proof of the Fastest boosts damage dealt by 10% per level and raises her ATK/SPD by 10%
  2678. Note: Sarutahiko's Guidance being Lv.21 makes it a 100% SPD buff
  2680. > Shadow Mystia - Abyss
  2681. -----------------------
  2683. If any frontliners affected by SIL, and did not use Deaf to All but the Song on previous turn:
  2684. Deaf to All but the Song (Self) (Lv.8) (*)
  2685. Fixed pattern (8 turns):
  2686. 1: Going it Alone (Self) (Lv.4)
  2687. 2: Midnight Chorus Master (A) (Lv.2)
  2688. 3-4: Random spell
  2689. 5: Going it Alone (Self) (Lv.4)
  2690. 6: Poisonous Moth's Dark Dance (A)
  2691. 7-8: Random spell
  2692. Random spell distribution:
  2693. 20% chance Attack (A)
  2694. 20% chance Silencing Attack (A)
  2695. 20% chance Ill-Starred Dive (D)
  2696. 20% chance Slash Dive (A)
  2697. 20% chance Great Whirlwind (A)
  2699. Note: Actions marked with a (*) do not advance the turn count
  2701. Note: Deaf to All but the Song is a self targeting spell with no delay that gives a (SLv)% All EX buff (caps at 100%)
  2702. Note: Midnight Chorus Master has a special formula (64% ATK - 80% DEF), having 3000 delay and a 100% chance to inflict SIL(20000)
  2704. > Shadow Kasen - Abyss
  2705. ----------------------
  2707. Once, when HP < 90%:
  2708. Summon Abyss Dragon and Tiger (Self)
  2709. Once, when HP < 25%:
  2710. Summon Abyss Dragon and Tiger (Self)
  2711. Let H be the remaining HP %
  2712. Use a regular spell with chance (H-10)%:
  2713. 34% chance Instant Death Attack (A)
  2714. 33% chance Attack (A)
  2715. 33% chance Poison (A)
  2716. Otherwise:
  2717. 50% chance Higekiri's Cursed Arm (A)
  2718. 20% chance Breath of the Hermit (Self)
  2719. 15% chance Echo of the Nine Forest Gods (A)
  2720. 15% chance Diving Waltz of the Raijuu (A)
  2722. e.g. at full HP has only 10% chance to use personal spell, half HP has 60%, 10% HP onwards has 100%
  2724. Note: Summon Abyss Dragon and Tiger has 3300 delay
  2726. > Dragon of the Abyss
  2727. ---------------------
  2729. Fixed pattern:
  2730. 1: Great Whirlwind (A)
  2731. 2: Storm of Yellow Drive (A)
  2732. 3: Great Whirlwind (A)
  2733. 4+:
  2734. If Kasen is alive:
  2735. Eternal Summon Super Power (Kasen) (Lv.10)
  2736. Otherwise:
  2737. Storm of Yellow Drive (A)
  2739. Note: Eternal Summon Super Power has 5000 delay and gives a (SLv)% EX buff to DEF/MND/SPD, does not cap
  2741. > Tiger of the Abyss
  2742. --------------------
  2744. Fixed pattern:
  2745. 1: Attack (A)
  2746. 2: Attack (A)
  2747. 3+:
  2748. If Kasen is alive:
  2749. Eternal Summon Herculean Power (Kasen) (Lv.10)
  2750. Otherwise:
  2751. Attack (A)
  2753. Note: Eternal Summon Herculean Power has 5000 delay and gives a (SLv)% EX buff to ATK, does not cap
  2755. > Shadow Nazrin - Abyss
  2756. -----------------------
  2758. Once, when HP < 90%:
  2759. Bishamonten Protection: SPD (Self) (Lv.200) (*)
  2760. Once, when HP < 60%:
  2761. Bishamonten Protection: MAG (Self) (Lv.200) (*)
  2762. Once, when HP < 30%:
  2763. Bishamonten Protection: SPD (Self) (Lv.200) (*)
  2764. Bishamonten Protection: MAG (Self) (Lv.200) (*)
  2765. Fixed pattern (12 turns):
  2766. 1: Random spell (Pool A)
  2767. 2: Random spell (Pool A)
  2768. 3: Random spell (Pool A)
  2769. 4: Tiny Commander's Wisdom (Self) (Lv.100)
  2770. 5: Random spell (Pool B)
  2771. 6: Random spell (Pool B)
  2772. 7: Random spell (Pool A)
  2773. 8: Random spell (Pool A)
  2774. 9: Random spell (Pool A)
  2775. 10: Tiny Commander's Wisdom (Self) (Lv.100)
  2776. 11: Random spell (Pool B)
  2777. 12: Random spell (Pool B)
  2778. Random spell distribution (Pool A):
  2779. 34% chance Thunder Arrow (A)
  2780. 33% chance Blade Arrow (A)
  2781. 33% chance Azure Arrow (A)
  2782. Random spell distribution (Pool B):
  2783. 34% chance Nazrin Pendulum (B)
  2784. 33% chance Gold Rush (B)
  2785. 33% chance Rare Metal Detector (B) (Lv.3)
  2787. Note: Actions marked with a (*) do not advance the turn counter
  2789. Note: Bishamonten Protection: MAG is a self targetting spell that buffs MAG by (SLv)% and has 9000 delay
  2790. Note: Bishamonten Protection: SPD is a self targetting spell that buffs SPD by (SLv)% and has 9000 delay
  2791. Note: Tiny Commander's Wisdom is a self targetting spell that gives a (SLv)% boost effect
  2793. > Dark Lord of Woe
  2794. ------------------
  2796. If var_strong_spell = 1 and var_spell_counter is odd:
  2797. Hell Fire (A) (*)
  2798. Sets var_strong_spell to 0
  2799. If var_strong_spell = 1 and var_spell_counter is even:
  2800. Meteor Strike (A) (*)
  2801. Sets var_strong_spell to 0
  2802. Once, when HP < 90%:
  2803. Dark Lord of Woe reachs for a terrifying scepter! (Self) (*)
  2804. Underworld Hammer "Grond" (B) (*)
  2805. Once, when HP < 60%:
  2806. Dark Lord of Woe reachs for a terrifying scepter! (Self) (*)
  2807. Underworld Hammer "Grond" (B) (*)
  2808. Once, when HP < 50%:
  2809. Magic Erase (A) (*)
  2810. Dark Lord of Woe reachs for his own crown! (Self) (*)
  2811. Unmarred Light of the Two Trees (A) (*)
  2812. Once, when HP < 30%:
  2813. Dark Lord of Woe reachs for a terrifying scepter! (Self) (*)
  2814. Underworld Hammer "Grond" (B) (*)
  2815. Underworld Hammer "Grond" (B) (*)
  2816. Once, when HP < 10%:
  2817. Dark Lord of Woe reachs for his own crown! (Self) (*)
  2818. Unmarred Light of the Two Trees (A) (*)
  2819. Otherwise, follow fixed pattern (12 turns):
  2820. Odd turns: Random spell
  2821. 2: Shatter Attack (D)
  2822. 4: Brain Smash (D)
  2823. 6: Shatter Attack (D)
  2824. 8: Mana Stealing Hand (D)
  2825. 10: Shatter Attack (D)
  2826. 12: Hell Sphere (A)
  2827. Random spell distribution:
  2828. If current HP < 50% max HP:
  2829. 1/6 chance Dark Lord of Woe starts chanting for a strong spell! (Self)
  2830. Sets var_strong_spell to 1
  2831. Increment var_spell_counter by 1
  2832. 1/6 chance for each other spell
  2833. Otherwise:
  2834. 20% chance Attack (A)
  2835. 20% chance Instant Death Attack (A)
  2836. 20% chance Storm of Flames (A)
  2837. 20% chance Storm of Ice (A)
  2838. 20% chance Dark Lord of Woe groans from his old wounds! (Self)
  2840. Note: Actions marked with a (*) do not advance the turn counter
  2841. Note: var_strong_spell and var_spell_counter both start the fight with value 0
  2843. Note: Dark Lord of Woe reachs for a terrifying scepter! has no effect and 1000 delay
  2844. Note: Dark Lord of Woe reachs for his own crown! has no effect and 5000 delay
  2845. Note: Dark Lord of Woe starts chanting for a strong spell! has no effect and 5000 delay
  2846. Note: Dark Lord of Woe groans from his old wounds! has no effect and 5000 delay
  2848. Note: Underworld Hammer "Grond" is a single target (625% ATK - 125% DEF) PHY spell with 5000 delay
  2849. Note: Magic Erase is a multi target spell that deals no damage and removes all buffs and EX buffs (e.g. Boost, Overheat, Fighting Spirit), has 7500 delay
  2850. Note: Unmarred Light of the Two Trees is a multi target spell that deals no damage, halves HP and MP, transfers all buffs to the boss, and has max delay
  2852. Note: Shatter Attack is a single target (150% ATK - 150% DEF) PHY spell with 5500 delay and a 100% chance to debuff all stats by 100%
  2853. Note: Brain Smash is a single target (105% ATK - 66% DEF) DRK spell with 5500 delay and a 250% chance to inflict PAR(100000), HVY(100000), SIL(100000), TRR(100000), SHK and a 125% chance to inflict DTH
  2854. Note: Mana Stealing Hand is a single target (56% MAG - 37% MND) DRK spell with 5000 delay that empties the target's MP and transfers all buffs to the boss
  2855. Note: Hell Sphere is a multi target (80% MAG - 100% MND) DRK spell with 1000 delay and a 100% chance to inflict TRR(50000) and SIL(25000). The damage done will permanently reduce the targets' HP
  2857. Note: Storm of Flames is a multi target (100% MAG - 50% MND) FIR spell with 4400 delay
  2858. Note: Storm of Ice is a multi target (100% MAG - 50% MND) CLD spell with 4000 delay
  2859. Note: Hell Fire is a multi target (500% MAG - 1000% MND) FIR/DRK spell with 6000 delay
  2860. Note: Meteor Strike is a multi target (224% MAG - 100% MND) DRK/PHY spell with max delay
  2862. > ***WINNER***
  2863. ----------------
  2865. Fixed pattern (up to 7 turns):
  2866. Every turn:
  2867. Decrement var_invincible by 1
  2868. If var_invincible < 1:
  2869. Remove effect "Invincible" from Winner
  2870. 1: Open a spellbook
  2871. 2: Use book spell 1
  2872. 3: Use book spell 2
  2873. If current HP >= 90% max HP:
  2874. Reset pattern
  2875. 4: Use book spell 3
  2876. If current HP >= 60% max HP:
  2877. Reset pattern
  2878. 5: Use book spell 4
  2879. If current HP >= 40% max HP:
  2880. Reset pattern
  2881. If current HP >= 15% max HP:
  2882. 6: 50% chance to reset pattern
  2883. 50% chance to ***WINNER*** begins charging a strong spell! (Self)
  2884. 7: Use book ultimate spell
  2885. Otherwise:
  2886. 6: Use book ultimate spell
  2887. Choosing a spellbook:
  2888. Increment var_book by 1
  2889. Set all affinities to 100
  2890. Set PSN resistance to 85
  2891. Set PAR resistance to 100
  2892. Set HVY resistance to 75
  2893. Set SHK resistance to 100
  2894. Set TRR resistance to 75
  2895. Set SIL resistance to 75
  2896. Set DTH resistance to 1000
  2897. Set all DBF resistance to 75
  2898. If var_book is an odd number:
  2899. 1/3 chance ***WINNER*** opened spellbook of "Life"! (Self)
  2900. Set SPI affinity to 500
  2901. Set DRK affinity to 66
  2902. Set PSN resistance to 55
  2903. Set PAR resistance to 90
  2904. Set HVY resistance to 45
  2905. Set SHK resistance to 90
  2906. Set TRR resistance to 45
  2907. Set SIL resistance to 45
  2908. 1/3 chance ***WINNER*** opened spellbook of "Nature"! (Self)
  2909. Set FIR affinity to 75
  2910. Set CLD affinity to 75
  2911. Set WND affinity to 300
  2912. Set NTR affinity to 300
  2913. Set PSN resistance to 65
  2914. Set PAR resistance to 100
  2915. Set HVY resistance to 55
  2916. Set SHK resistance to 100
  2917. Set TRR resistance to 55
  2918. Set SIL resistance to 55
  2919. Set all DBF resistance to 120
  2920. 1/3 chance ***WINNER*** opened spellbook of "Sorcery"! (Self)
  2921. Set PSN resistance to 135
  2922. Set PAR resistance to 150
  2923. Set HVY resistance to 125
  2924. Set SHK resistance to 150
  2925. Set TRR resistance to 125
  2926. Set SIL resistance to 125
  2927. Set all DBF resistance to 35
  2928. If var_book is an even number:
  2929. 1/3 chance ***WINNER*** opened spellbook of "Death"! (Self)
  2930. Set SPI affinity to 50
  2931. Set DRK affinity to 500
  2932. 1/3 chance ***WINNER*** opened spellbook of "Crusade"! (Self)
  2933. Set MYS affinity to 50
  2934. Set SPI affinity to 300
  2935. Set DRK affinity to 300
  2936. Set PSN resistance to 50
  2937. Set PAR resistance to 80
  2938. Set HVY resistance to 25
  2939. Set SHK resistance to 80
  2940. Set TRR resistance to 25
  2941. Set SIL resistance to 25
  2942. Set all DBF resistance to 25
  2943. 1/3 chance ***WINNER*** opened spellbook of "Chaos"! (Self)
  2944. Set FIR affinity to 80
  2945. Set CLD affinity to 80
  2946. Set WND affinity to 80
  2947. Set NTR affinity to 80
  2948. Set MYS affinity to 500
  2949. Set SPI affinity to 200
  2950. Set DRK affinity to 200
  2951. Set all DBF resistance to 25
  2952. Spellbook of Life:
  2953. Spell 1:
  2954. If Winner has debuffs or ailments: Cure Wounds+Poison (Self)
  2955. Otherwise: Call Light (A)
  2956. Spell 2: Recover (Self)
  2957. Spell 3: Day of the Dove (A)
  2958. Spell 4:
  2959. If Winner has debuffs or ailments: Restoration (Self)
  2960. Otherwise: True Healing (Self)
  2961. Ultimate: True Resistance (Self)
  2962. Sets var_invincible to 3
  2963. Spellbook of Nature:
  2964. Spell 1: Lightning Bolt (A)
  2965. Spell 2: Ray of Sunlight (D)
  2966. Spell 3: Stoneskin (Self) (Lv.100)
  2967. Spell 4: Lightning Storm (A)
  2968. Ultimate: Nature's Wrath (A)
  2969. Spellbook of Sorcery:
  2970. Spell 1: Magic Circuit (Self) (Lv.80)
  2971. Spell 2: Slow Monster (A)
  2972. Spell 3: Haste Self (Self) (Lv.100)
  2973. Spell 4: Teleport Evil (A)
  2974. Ultimate: Globe of Invulnerability (Self)
  2975. Sets var_invincible to 6
  2976. Spellbook of Death:
  2977. Spell 1: Malediction (A)
  2978. Spell 2: Cloudkill (A)
  2979. Spell 3: Word of Death (A)
  2980. Spell 4: Mass Genocide (A)
  2981. Ultimate: Hellfire (A)
  2982. Spellbook of Crusade:
  2983. Spell 1: Purify Body (Self)
  2984. Spell 2: Holy Orb (A)
  2985. Spell 3: Starburst (A)
  2986. Spell 4: Eye for an Eye (A)
  2987. Ultimate: Divine Wrath (A)
  2988. Spellbook of Chaos:
  2989. Spell 1: Magic Missile (A)
  2990. Spell 2: Doom Bolt (A)
  2991. Spell 3: Atom Decomposition (D)
  2992. Spell 4: Summon Chaos (D)
  2993. Ultimate: Mana Storm (A)
  2995. Note: var_book and var_invincible start at 0
  2997. Note: Cure Wounds+Poison is a self targetting spell with 6600 delay that halves Winner's ailment durations and debuffs
  2998. Note: Call Light is a multi target (82% MAG - 55% MND) SPI spell 4500 delay
  2999. Note: Day of the Dove is a multi target (84% MAG - 64% MND) SPI spell with 5400 delay
  3000. Note: Restoration is a self targetting spell with 6600 delay that removes Winner's ailments and debuffs
  3001. Note: True Healing is a self targetting (150% DEF + 150% MND) healing spell with 5000 delay
  3002. Note: True Resistance is a self targetting spell with 7000 delay that gives a (SLv)% DEF/MND/SPD EX buff to Winner, and also makes him invincible for 3 turns
  3004. Note: Lightning Bolt is a single target (102% MAG - 40% MND) WND spell with 6000 delay
  3005. Note: Ray of Sunlight is a single target (131% MAG - 84% MND) NTR spell with 5000 delay
  3006. Note: Stoneskin is a self targetting spell with 6600 delay, that buffs DEF/MND by (SLv)% and gives a 10% EX buff to DEF/MND
  3007. Note: Lightning Storm is a multi target (49% MAG - 35% MND) WND spell with 4400 delay
  3008. Note: Nature's Wrath is a multi target (512% MAG - 1280% MND) NTR spell with max delay
  3010. Note: Magic Circuit is a self targetting spell with 5000 delay that buffs MAG by (SLv)%
  3011. Note: Slow Monster is a multi target (25% MAG - 25% MND) MYS spell with 5800 delay that has a 100% chance to debuff SPD by 100%
  3012. Note: Haste Self is a self targetting spell with 7000 delay that buffs SPD by (SLv)% and gives a 10% EX buff to SPD
  3013. Note: Teleport Evil is a multi target spell with 5000 delay that shuffles the frontline and then applies HVY(25000) to the new frontline
  3014. Note: Globe of Invulnerability is a self targetting spell with 5000 delay that makes Winner invincible for 6 turns
  3016. Note: Malediction is a single target (112% MAG - 56% MND) DRK spell with 5000 delay that has a 98% chance to inflict DTH
  3017. Note: Cloudkill is a multi target (86% MAG - 54% MND) DRK spell with 3800 delay that has a 70% chance to inflict DTH and PSN(100)
  3018. Note: Word of Death is a single target (150% MAG - 100% MND) DRK spell with 3800 delay that has a 108% chance to inflict DTH and TRR(100)
  3019. Note: Mass Genocide is a multi target (200% MAG - 200% MND) DRK spell with 2400 delay that has a 108% chance to inflict DTH
  3020. Note: Hellfire is a multi target (219% MAG - 333% MND) DRK spell with max delay that has a 108% chance to inflict PSN(50000), PAR(10000), HVY(20000), TRR(100000), SIL(20000), SHK and DTH, on top of debuffing Winner's MAG/SPD by 50%
  3022. Note: Purify Body is a self targetting spell with 6600 delay that removes Winner's ailments and debuffs
  3023. Note: Holy Orb is a single target (150% MAG - 50% MND) SPI spell with 3600 delay
  3024. Note: Starburst is a row target (120% MAG - 60% MND) SPI spell with 3000 delay
  3025. Note: Eye for an Eye is a multi target (100% MAG - 50% MND) SPI spell with 3000 delay that doubles ailment duration and debuffs on the targets
  3026. Note: Divine Wrath is a multi target (250% MAG - 250% MND) SPI spell with 2000 delay that sets all targets' MP to 0
  3028. Note: Magic Missile is a single target (158% MAG - 50% MND) MYS spell with 6000 delay
  3029. Note: Doom Bolt is a single target (112% MAG - 44% MND) MYS spell with 5400 delay that reduces the target's max HP by the damage dealt
  3030. Note: Atom Decomposition is a single target spell with 5000 delay that has a 200% chance to inflict DTH
  3031. Note: Summon Chaos is a multi target (112% MAG - 75% MND) MYS spell with 4000 delay that reduces the targets' max HP by the damage dealt
  3032. Note: Mana Storm is a multi target (200% MAG) MYS spell with max delay
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