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a guest
Oct 19th, 2010
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  1. self notify( \killanimscript\" );"
  2. thread notify_on_end( self._anime );
  3. self notify( \finished_custom_animmode\" + anime );"
  4. notify_on_end( msg )
  5. self notify( \finished_custom_animmode\" + msg );"
  7. level notify( \battlechatter initialized\" );"
  8. anim notify( \battlechatter initialized\" );"
  9. level notify( \battlechatter disabled\" );"
  10. anim notify( \battlechatter disabled\" );"
  11. squad notify( \squad chat initialized\" );"
  12. self notify( \done speaking\" );"
  13. // if we can't specifically respond to someone, throw a notify out there
  14. level notify( \follow order\" self );"
  15. self notify( \playPhrase_done\" );"
  16. self notify( \burst_line_done\" );"
  17. self notify( \debugPrintEvents\" );"
  18. self notify( \removed from battleChatter\" );"
  19. self notify( \responseEvent_failsafe\" );"
  20. self notify( \combat\" );"
  21. self notify( \stop_deciding_how_to_shoot\" );"
  22. self notify( \facing_enemy_immediately\" );"
  23. self notify( \can_stop_turning\" );"
  24. self notify( \turning\" );"
  25. self notify( \done turning\" );"
  26. self notify( \turning_isnt_working\" );"
  27. self notify( \stop_watching_for_need_to_turn\" );"
  28. self notify( \stop_trying_to_melee\" );"
  29. self notify( \need_to_turn\" );"
  30. self notify( \abort_reload\" );// make sure threads that doReloadAnim() started finish"
  31. self notify( \abort_reload\" );"
  32. notifyOnStartAim( endonStr, flagName )
  33. self notify( \start_aim\" );"
  34. self notify( \dropped_gun\" );"
  35. // notify for level script
  36. self notify( \switched_to_sidearm\" );"
  37. self notify( \end_weapon_swap\" );"
  38. self notify( \switched_to_lastweapon\" );"
  39. self notify( \stop tracking\" );"
  40. self notify( \end_aim_idle_thread\" );"
  41. self notify( \fireAnimEnd\" );// stops NotifyOnAnimEnd()"
  42. NotifyOnAnimEnd( animNotify, endNotify )
  43. self endon( endNotify );
  44. self waittillmatch( animNotify, \end\" );"
  45. self notify( endNotify );
  46. self notify( \showing_rocket\" );"
  47. self notify( \shotgun_pump_sound_end\" );"
  48. level notify( \stop_printing_grenade_timers\" );"
  49. self notify( \grenade_debug\" );"
  50. self notify( \stop_aiming_at_enemy\" );"
  51. self notify( \dont_reduce_giptp_on_killanimscript\" );"
  52. self notify( \stop grenade check\" );"
  53. self notify( \done_grenade_throw\" );"
  54. self notify( \weapon_switch_done\" );"
  55. self notify( \watchGrenadeTowardsPlayerTimeout\" );"
  56. level notify( \armoffset\" );"
  57. self notify( \reloadtimeout\" );"
  58. timedNotify( time, msg )
  59. self notify( msg );
  60. self notify( \doFlashBanged\" origin attacker );"
  61. self.changingCoverPos = true; self notify( \done_changing_cover_pos\" );"
  62. self notify( \done_changing_cover_pos\" );"
  63. self notify( \rambo_aim_end\" );"
  64. self notify( \stopNotifyStopShootingAfterTime\" );"
  65. notifyStopShootingAfterTime( time )
  66. self endon( \stopNotifyStopShootingAfterTime\" );"
  67. self notify( \stopShooting\" );"
  68. self notify( \newAngleRangeCheck\" );"
  69. self notify( \stopShooting\" );// For changing shooting pose to compensate for player moving"
  70. self notify( \take_cover_at_corner\" );// Stop doing the adjust - stance transition thread"
  71. //self notify (\stopPeekCheckThread\");"
  72. self notify( \killanimscript\" );"
  73. self notify( \abort_approach\" );"
  74. // this lets code know that script is expecting the \cover_approach\" notify"
  75. self.requestArrivalNotify = true;
  76. self notify( \doing_last_minute_exposed_approach\" );"
  77. self notify( \goal_changed_previous_frame\" );"
  78. idles until the \end_idle\" notify."
  79. self notify( \dont_end_idle\" );"
  80. self notify( \stop_waiting_to_flinch\" );"
  81. self notify( \flinch_done\" );"
  82. self notify( \end_idle\" );"
  83. self notify( \stop_popup_donotetracks\" );"
  84. self notify( \return_to_cover\" );"
  85. owner notify( \turret_use_failed\" );"
  86. self waittill( \turret_use_failed\" );// generally this won't notify and we'll just not do any more cover_wall for now"
  87. self notify( \end_cqb_debug\" );"
  88. player.player_view notify( \pvd_melee_interrupted\" );"
  89. player.player_view notify( \pvd_melee_done\" );"
  90. self notify( \dog_early_notetrack\" );"
  91. self notify( \dog_no_longer_melee_able\" );"
  92. self notify( \combatIdleEnd\" );"
  93. level notify( \clearing_dog_hint\" );"
  94. self notify( \melee_stop\" );"
  95. self notify( \end_melee_all\" );"
  96. self notify( \pvd_melee_done\" );"
  97. self notify( \pvd_melee_interrupted\" );"
  98. notify( \pvd_melee_interrupted\" );"
  99. player notify( \dog_attacks_player\" );"
  100. SavedNotify( player )
  101. thread SavedNotify( player );
  102. player notify( \player_saved_from_dog\" );"
  103. player notify( \deathshield\" 1000000 );"
  104. self notify( \stop_flashbang_effect\" );"
  106. self notify( \move_loop_restart\" );"
  107. dogPlaySoundAndNotify( sound, notifyStr )
  108. self notify( notifyStr );
  109. self startscriptedanim( self.codeScripted[ \notifyName\" ] self.codeScripted[ \"origin\" ] self.codeScripted[ \"angles\" ] self.codeScripted[ \"anim\" ] self.codeScripted[ \"animMode\" ] self.codeScripted[ \"root\" ] );"
  110. init( notifyName, origin, angles, theAnim, animMode, root )
  111. self.codeScripted[ \notifyName\" ] = notifyName;"
  112. self notify( \flashbang_thrown\" );"
  113. self notify( \move_interrupt\" );"
  114. self.faceLastNotifyNum = 0;
  115. SaySpecificDialogue( facialanim, soundAlias, importance, notifyString, waitOrNot, timeToWait )
  116. PlayFaceThread( facialanim, soundAlias, importance, notifyString, waitOrNot, timeToWait )
  117. if ( isdefined( notifyString ) )
  118. self playsound( soundAlias, \animscript facesound\" + notifyString true );"
  119. "wait( 0 ); // This allows the calling script to get to a point where it's waiting for the notify"
  120. self notify( notifyString );
  121. thisNotifyNum = self.faceLastNotifyNum + 1;
  122. "self.faceWaiting[ thisEntryNum ][ \notifyString\"" ] = notifyString;"""
  123. "self.faceWaiting[ thisEntryNum ][ \notifyNum\"" ] = thisNotifyNum; // Unique identifier."""
  124. if ( self.faceWaiting[ i ][ \notifyNum\" ] == thisNotifyNum )"
  125. if ( self.a.faceWaitForResult == \notify\" )"
  126. self.faceWaiting[ thisEntryNum ][ \notifyString\" ]"
  127. "self.faceWaiting[ i - 1 ][ \notifyString\"" ] = self.faceWaiting[ i ][ \""notifyString\"" ];"""
  128. "self.faceWaiting[ i - 1 ][ \notifyNum\"" ] = self.faceWaiting[ i ][ \""notifyNum\"" ];"""
  129. self notify( \end current face\" );"
  130. if ( isDefined( self.a.currentDialogNotifyString ) )
  131. self notify( self.a.currentDialogNotifyString );
  132. self.a.currentDialogNotifyString = notifyString;
  133. //(\Face: Finished facial sound: \" soundAlias \" animation: \" facialanim \" notify: \" notifyString \" importance \" importance);#/"
  134. self.a.currentDialogNotifyString = undefined;
  135. (self.faceWaiting[i][\notifyString\"])"
  136. // Notify the entry in the queue, to play.
  137. self notify( \animscript face stop waiting \" + self.faceWaiting[ nextFaceNum ][ \"notifyNum\" ] );"
  138. //(\Face: Didn't play facial sound: \" soundAlias \" animation: \" facialanim \" notify: \" notifyString \" importance \" importance \" old one \" self.a.currentDialogImportance);#/"
  139. self notify( \animscript facedone\" );"
  140. self notify( msg );
  141. PlayFace_WaitForNotify( waitForString, notifyString, killmeString )
  142. self.a.faceWaitForResult = \notify\";"
  143. PlayFace_WaitForTime( time, notifyString, killmeString )
  144. self notify( \put_weapon_back_in_right_hand\" );"
  145. notifyGrenadePickup( animFlag, notetrack )
  146. self notify( \grenade_pickup\" );"
  147. self notify( \guy_man_turret_stop\" );"
  148. turret notify( \stop_burst_fire_unmanned\" );"
  149. flashedNotify = \flashbang\";"
  150. msg = gunner waittill_any_return( \damage\" flashedNotify );"
  151. if ( msg == flashedNotify )
  152. turret notify( \pain_done\" );"
  153. turret notify( \kill_fireController\" );"
  154. turret notify( \turret_cleanup\" );"
  155. self notify( \newanim\" );"
  156. self notify( \new_fireTarget\" );"
  157. self notify( \doshoot_starting\" );"
  158. turret notify( \stopfiring\" );"
  159. self notify( \doaim_idle_think\" );"
  160. // NOTE! To stop behavior, don't notify do_custom_anim, do self notify( \special_anim\" \"end\" );"
  161. self notify( \do_custom_anim\" );"
  162. self notify( \custom_anim\" );"
  163. turret notify( \turret_ready\" );"
  164. turret notify( \startfiring\" );"
  165. enemyNotify()
  166. anim.shootEnemyWrapper_func = ::shootEnemyWrapper_shootNotify;
  167. ai[ i ] notify( \do_slow_things\" );"
  168. attacker notify( \end_melee\" );"
  169. self notify( \end_melee\" );"
  170. self notify ( \MDBG_att_getInPosition\" );"
  171. notify ( \MDBG_def_getInPosition\" self );"
  172. self notify( \melee_aivsai_execute\" );"
  173. self.melee.partner notify( \partner_end_melee\" );"
  174. self notify( \abort_reload\" ); // in case a reload was going and MoveMainLoopInternal hit an endon"
  175. self notify( \abort_reload\" ); // in case a reload was going and MoveMainLoopProcess hit an endon"
  176. self notify( \doing_shootWhileMoving\" );"
  177. self notify( \stop_move_anim_update\" );"
  178. self notify( \kill_long_death\" );"
  179. self notify( \anim entered pain\" );"
  180. notifyStartAim( animFlag )
  181. painDeathNotify()
  182. // it isn't safe to notify \pain_death\" from the start of an animscript."
  183. self notify( \pain_death\" );"
  184. //notify ac130 missions that a guy is crawling so context sensative dialog can be played
  185. level notify( \ai_crawling\" self );"
  186. self notify( \end_dying_crawl_back_aim\" );"
  187. self notify( \done_crawling\" );"
  188. self notify( \long_death\" );"
  189. self notify( \grenade_drop_done\" );"
  190. self notify( \newEnemyReactionDone\" );"
  191. self notify( \new_hit_react\" );"
  192. self notify( \flashed\" );"
  193. self notify( \interrupt_react_to_bullet\" );"
  194. self notify( \end_face_enemy_tracking\" );"
  195. self notify( \want_aim_while_moving\" );"
  196. self notify( \want_shoot_while_moving\" );"
  197. self notify( \end_shoot_while_moving\" );"
  198. // notify \abort_reload\" in case the reload didn't finish maybe due to \"movemode\" notify. works with handleDropClip() in shared.gsc"
  199. self notify( \switchEnded\" );"
  200. self notify( \complete_weapon_switch\" );"
  201. turret notify( \being_used\" );"
  202. turret notify( \turretstatechange\" );"
  203. self notify( \stopautofireFace\" );"
  204. //thread [[anim.println]](\Entering animscripts\\scripted. anim: \" self.codeScripted[\"anim\"] \" notify: \" self.codeScripted[\"notifyName\"] \" dialogue: \" self.scripted_dialogue \" facial: \" self.facial_animation \"root: \" self.codeScripted[\"root\"]);#/"
  205. self notify( \clearSuppressionAttack\" );"
  206. self notify( \BlendIntoCrouchWalk\" );"
  207. // setflaggedanimknoball(notifyName, anim, rootAnim, goalWeight, goalTime, rate)
  208. self notify( \killtimerscript\" );"
  209. self notify( \entered_pose\" + endPose );"
  210. self notify( \weapon_position_change\" );"
  211. self notify( \end_weapon_drop_\" + position );"
  212. self notify( \entered_pose\" + pose );"
  213. level notify( \glass_break\" self );"
  214. ent thread doNoteTracksForTimeEndNotify( time );
  215. doNoteTracksForTimeEndNotify( time )
  216. self notify( \stop_notetracks\" );"
  217. self notify( \fire\" );"
  218. self notify( \clip_detached\" );"
  219. // this assert can be fixed by adding an \abort_reload\" notify from whatever interrupted the reload."
  220. // This thread will also notify \return_to_cover\" and set self.shouldReturnToCover = true if it's a good idea to do so."
  221. // Notify \stop_deciding_how_to_shoot\" to end this thread if no longer trying to shoot."
  222. self notify( \stop_deciding_how_to_shoot\" );// just in case..."
  223. self notify( \shoot_behavior_change\" );"
  224. self notify( \new_glint_thread\" );"
  225. self notify( \snowmobile_event_finished\" );"
  226. self notify( \snowmobile_event_occurred\" );"
  227. self notify( \want_shoot_while_driving\" );"
  228. self notify( \end_shoot_while_driving\" );"
  229. self notify( \doing_shootWhileDriving\" );"
  230. // notify \abort_reload\" in case the reload didn't finish. works with handledropclip() in shared.gsc"
  231. self notify( \start_blending_reload\" );"
  232. level notify( \squad created \" + squadName );"
  233. anim notify( \squad created \" + squadName );"
  234. squad notify( \squad_deleting\" );"
  235. level notify( \squad deleted \" + squadName );"
  236. anim notify( \squad deleted \" + squadName );"
  237. self notify( \removed from squad\" );"
  238. "// self notify (\squad change\"");"""
  239. self.squad notify( \squadupdate\" \"combat\" );"
  240. self notify( \stopScript\" );"
  241. self notify( \clearing_specialIdleAnim\" );"
  242. self notify( \kill UpdateProneThread\" );"
  243. self notify( \endTeleportThread\" );"
  244. self notify( \stop_traverse_notetracks\" );"
  245. level notify( \print_this_\" + org );"
  246. level notify( \prrint_this_\" + org );"
  247. // pain and death animscripts don't execute script between notifying killanimscript and starting the next animscript,
  248. self notify( \displaceprint\" );"
  249. self notify( \EndDebugInfo\" );"
  250. self notify( \enddrawstring\" );"
  251. NotifyAfterTime( notifyString, killmestring, time )
  252. self notify( \got known enemy2\" );"
  253. level notify( \stop debug print \" + org );"
  254. self notify( \timeout\" );"
  255. self notify( \stop debug \" + org );"
  256. self notify( \stop shoot \" + self.export );"
  257. "// self notify( \stop debugline \"" + self.export );"""
  258. self notify( \shooting\" );"
  259. shootEnemyWrapper_shootNotify()
  260. level notify( \an_enemy_shot\" self );"
  261. self notify( \stop personal effect\" );"
  262. level notify( \newdebugline\" );"
  263. self notify( \anim_prone_change\" );"
  264. ent notify( \returned\" msg );"
  265. ent notify( \die\" );"
  266. self notify( \returned\" \"timeout\" );"
  267. \MandatoryArg: <string1>: a notify on which the entity should wait\""
  268. level notify( message, setter );// notify needs to be very last thing called
  269. level notify( message );// notify needs to be very last thing called
  270. //do this check so we don't unneccessarily send a notify
  271. level notify( message );// the notify needs to be the very last thing called in this function
  272. \Name: waittill_notify_or_timeout( <msg> <timer> )\""
  273. waittill_notify_or_timeout( msg, timer )
  274. level notify( \exploding_\" + num );"
  275. self notify( \stop sound\" + alias );"
  276. level notify( \new_ent_selection\" );"
  277. level notify( \createfx_exploder_reset\" );"
  278. ent notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  279. self notify( \highlight change\" );"
  280. level notify( \new_createfx_centerprint\" );"
  281. self notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  282. addOption( \string\" \"ender\" \"Level notify for ending 2nd FX\" \"nil\" \"exploder\" );"
  283. // shotguns only do one notify so we need to amp up the damage
  284. self notify( self.loopingSoundStopNotifies[ toString( partIndex ) ][ i ] );
  285. self.modeldummy notify( self.loopingSoundStopNotifies[ toString( partIndex ) ][ i ] );
  286. self notify( \FX_State_Change\" + partIndex );"
  287. self notify( \Health_Drain_State_Change\" + partIndex );"
  288. self notify( \stop_damage_mirror\" );"
  289. parent notify( \damage\" damage attacker direction_vec point type modelName tagName );"
  290. self notify( \damage\" amount self ( 0 0 0 ) ( 0 0 0 ) \"MOD_UNKNOWN\" modelName tagName );"
  291. self notify( \remove_badplace\" );"
  292. self notify( \exploded\" attacker );"
  293. level notify( \destructible_exploded\" );"
  294. self notify( \death\" attacker self.damage_type );"
  295. self notify( \damage\" maxdamage self ( 0 0 0 ) explosionOrigin \"MOD_EXPLOSIVE\" \"\" \"\" );"
  296. self notify( \stop_car_alarm\" );"
  297. self notify( \stop_taking_damage\" );"
  298. self.damageOwner notify( \destroyed_car\" );"
  299. level notify( \player_destroyed_car\" self.damageOwner damageLocation );"
  300. self notify( \destroyed\" );"
  301. level notify( \set_disable_friendlyfire_value_delayed\" );"
  302. self notify( \damage\" 100000 self self.origin self.origin \"MOD_EXPLOSIVE\" \"\" \"\" );"
  303. notifyDamageAfterFrame( damage, attacker, direction_vec, point, damageType, modelName, tagName )
  304. if ( IsDefined( level.notifyDamageAfterFrame ) )
  305. level.notifyDamageAfterFrame = true;
  306. level.notifyDamageAfterFrame = undefined;
  307. self notify( \damage\" damage attacker direction_vec point damageType modelName tagName );"
  308. level notify( \new_destructible_spotlight\" );"
  309. level notify( \handle_destructible_frame_queue\" );"
  310. sortedQueue[ i ].destructible notify( \queue_processed\" true );"
  311. sortedQueue[ i ].destructible notify( \queue_processed\" false );"
  312. self notify( \start_flyby\" );"
  313. self notify( \flyby_done\" );"
  314. plane notify( \stop sound\" + \"veh_mig29_close_loop\" );"
  315. plane notify( \stop sound\" + \"veh_mig29_dist_loop\" );"
  316. self notify( \death\" );"
  317. weapon_notify_loop( grenade, bounds )
  318. self notify( \weapon_triggered\" );"
  319. self notify( \dmg_triggered\" );"
  320. self notify( \touch_triggered\" );"
  321. self notify( \motion_light_timeout\" );"
  322. self.copier notify( \bar_goes\" );"
  323. self.copier notify( \light_on\" );"
  324. trigger notify( \trigger_enter\" self );"
  325. self notify( \trigger_enter\" trigger );"
  326. self notify( \trigger_leave\" trigger );"
  327. trigger notify( \trigger_leave\" self );"
  328. trigger notify( \trigger_empty\" );"
  329. self notify( \floor_override\" );"
  330. inside_trigger notify( \trigger\" \"elevator_called\" );"
  331. inside_trigger.motion_trigger notify( \trigger\" \"elevator_called\" );"
  332. self notify( \interrupt_watch\" );"
  333. level notify( \elevator_interior_button_pressed\" );"
  334. self notify( \interrupted\" );"
  335. // play elevator sounds on notify of behavior
  336. self notify( \elevator_moving\" );"
  337. self notify( \elevator_moved\" );"
  338. self notify( \closing_inner_doors\" );"
  339. self notify( \closed_inner_doors\" );"
  340. self notify( \opening_inner_doors\" );"
  341. self notify( \opened_inner_doors\" );"
  342. self notify( \closing_floor_\" + floor_num + \"_outer_doors\" );"
  343. self notify( \closed_floor_\" + floor_num + \"_outer_doors\" );"
  344. level notify( \elevator_doors_opening\" );"
  345. self notify( \opening_floor_\" + floor_num + \"_outer_doors\" );"
  346. self notify( \opened_floor_\" + floor_num + \"_outer_doors\" );"
  347. self notify( \disable_trigger\" );"
  348. level notify ( \verify_effects_assignment_print\" );"
  349. level.painter_player notify( \menuresponse\" menu response );"
  350. level notify( \clear_previews\" );"
  351. level notify( \crosshair_fadetopoint\" );"
  352. sentry notify( \death\" );"
  353. sentry notify( \deleted\" );"
  354. self notify( \sentry_placement_finished\" sentry );"
  355. sentry notify( \sentry_carried\" );"
  356. self notify( \overheated\" );"
  357. self notify( \cooled\" );"
  358. self notify( \allowFireThread\" );"
  359. self notify( \stop_shooting\" );"
  360. self notify( \anim_state_change\" );"
  361. self notify( \allow_fire\" );"
  362. self notify( \deleted\" );"
  363. self notify( \sound_state_change\" );"
  364. self notify( \placingSentry\" );"
  365. //sentry_gun notify( \deleted\" );"
  366. sentry_gun notify( \deleted\" );"
  367. self notifyOnPlayerCommand( \cancel sentry\" \"+actionslot 4\" );"
  368. self notify( \sentry_placement_canceled\" );"
  369. self notify( \restock_reset\" );"
  370. self notify( \sentry_placement_finished\" sentry_gun );"
  371. "waittillframeend; // wait so self.placingSentry can get cleared before notifying script that we can give the player another turret"
  372. sentry_entity notify( \sentry_placement_started\" );"
  373. self notify( \death\" attacker type );"
  374. self.owner notify( \sentry_placement_canceled\" );"
  375. self notify( \battery_count_started\" );"
  376. level notify( \start_ledge\" );"
  377. self notify( \group2_guy_alerted\" );"
  378. thread intro_price_to_hillside_abort_notify( \player_moving_to_road\" );"
  379. thread intro_price_to_hillside_abort_notify( \_stealth_spotted\" );"
  380. thread intro_price_to_hillside_abort_notify( \player_shot_someone_in_group1\" );"
  381. intro_price_to_hillside_abort_notify( sNotifyString )
  382. level waittill( sNotifyString );
  383. level notify( \hillside_dialogue_stop\" );"
  384. self notify( \end_patrol\" );"
  385. level notify( \road_group1_countdown_kill_alldead_flag_stop\" );"
  386. level notify( \countdown_kill_dialogue_done\" );"
  387. level notify( \player_shot_someone_in_group1\" );"
  388. colortrig notify( \trigger\" );"
  389. level notify( \price_shoot_abort\" );"
  390. level notify( \price_repositioned\" );"
  391. level notify( \player_shot_someone_in_group2\" self );"
  392. anim_ent notify( \stop_hang_idle\" );"
  393. anim_ent notify( \stop_guardB_idle\" );"
  394. anim_ent notify( \stop_guardA_idle\" );"
  395. numToNotify = 3;
  396. guy notify( \heard_scream\" level.player.origin );"
  397. if( notified >= numToNotify )
  398. self notify( \end_scan_when_idle\" );"
  399. level notify( \barracks_firstpatroller_catch_player_abort\" );"
  400. self notify( \heard_scream\" level.player.origin );"
  401. level.price notify( \stop_going_to_node\" );"
  402. self notify( \level_stealth_spotted\" );"
  403. level notify( \player_shot_someone_on_stairs\" );"
  404. level.price notify( \price_goto_node\" );"
  405. array_thread( guys, ::barracks_chess_player_notify_when_broken, \chess_players_broken\" );"
  406. barracks_chess_player_notify_when_broken( notifyStr )
  407. level endon( notifyStr );
  408. level notify( notifyStr );
  409. level.price notify( \scripted_teleport\" );"
  410. price notify( \new_anim_reach\" ); // cancel anim_reach movement"
  411. level.price notify( \stop_animmode\" );"
  412. self notify( \playerclose\" );"
  413. NotifyOnCommand( \playerjump\" \"+gostand\" );"
  414. NotifyOnCommand( \playerjump\" \"+moveup\" );"
  415. level notify( \player_jump_watcher_stop\" );"
  416. steamroom_patroller_notify_on_player_spotted()
  417. level.player notify( \done_with_ledge_sequence\" );"
  418. level.player waittill_notify_or_timeout( \weapon_change\" 5 );"
  419. level.player waittill_notify_or_timeout( \weapon_change\" 1 );"
  420. skylight_flanker notify( \trigger\" level.player );"
  421. level notify( \player_killed_an_enemy\" );"
  422. self notify( \stop_seeking\" );"
  423. price_computer_node notify( \stop_idle\" );"
  424. level notify ( \pre_explosion_happening\" );"
  425. array_notify( keyboards, \trigger\" );"
  426. level.price notify( \nag_anim\" );"
  427. level notify( \breach_activated\" );"
  428. trig notify( \trigger\" );"
  429. level notify( \player_invulnerable\" );"
  430. owner notify( \stop_using_built_in_burst_fire\" );"
  431. littlebird_crasher notify( \death\" );"
  432. level notify( \mission failed\" );"
  433. level notify( \kill_timer\" );"
  434. level notify( \c4_barrels_exploding\" );"
  435. level.price notify( \price_goto_node_and_wait_for_player\" );"
  436. level notify( \player_near_price\" );"
  437. level notify( \price_at_node\" );"
  438. level notify( \player_unsuppressed_weapon_warning\" );"
  439. level notify( \player_falling_to_death\" );"
  440. self notify( \stop_adjust_movement_speed\" );"
  441. self notify( \scripted_shuffle_done\" );"
  442. scripted_covercrouch_earlyout_notify( killNotify, ent )
  443. ent waittill( killNotify );
  444. tag_origin notify( \open_fov\" );"
  445. level notify( \new_quote_string\" );"
  446. array_thread( GetEntArray( \explodable_barrel\" \"targetname\" ) ::barrel_earthquake_notify );"
  447. barrel_earthquake_notify()
  448. level notify( \explosion_earthquake\" self.origin );"
  449. level notify( \stop_cinematic\" );"
  450. level notify( \stop_drone_vehicle_flood\" + groupName );"
  451. waittillframeend;// let the spawned vehicle run its spawn_func to catch this useby notify.
  452. level notify( \stop_music\" );"
  453. //addNotetrack_customFunction( \shepherd\" \"bullets\" ::bullets_notify \"gun_monologue\");"
  454. guy notify( \stop_aim\" );"
  455. level notify ( \stop_random_breathing_sounds\" );"
  456. //addNotetrack_customFunction( \gun_model\" \"bullets\" ::bullets_notify \"gun_monologue\");"
  457. bullets_notify( guy )
  458. level notify( \bullets\" );"
  459. childthread zodiac_treadfx_stop_notify( chaseobj );
  460. zodiac_treadfx_stop_notify( chaseobj )
  461. chaseobj notify( \zodiac_treadfx_stop\" );"
  462. chaseobj notify( \zodiac_treadfx_go\" );"
  463. level notify ( \stop_deadquote_for_gettingout_of_bounds\" );"
  464. level notify( \dialog_helicopter_ahead\" );"
  465. level notify( \dialog_helicopter_six\" );"
  466. trigger notify( \trigger\" level.player );"
  467. self notify( \delete_destructible\" );// kill the effects looping first."
  468. toy notify( \damage\" 160 level.player self.origin toy.origin \"MOD_PISTOL_BULLET\" \"\" \"\" );"
  469. self notify( \raise_attacker_accuracy_while_in_range\" );"
  470. level notify( \conveyerbelt_speed\" );"
  471. level notify( \conveyerbelt_set_speed_fraction\" );"
  472. level notify( \new_river_current\" );"
  473. level notify( \set_breadcrumb_fail_time\" );"
  474. self notify( \newmove\" );"
  475. level.price notify( \new_price_anim_single_on_boat\" );"
  476. price_anim_loop_on_boat( anim_scene, notify_str, relink )
  477. level.players_boat thread anim_generic_loop( level.price, anim_scene, notify_str, \tag_guy2\" );"
  478. level.players_boat waittill( notify_str );
  479. self notify( \enable_shoot_driver\" );"
  480. level notify( \dialog_direction\" );"
  481. self notify( \exp_fade_overlay\" );"
  482. "// thread draw_line_from_ent_to_ent_until_notify( linkorg , level.players_boat , 0 , 1 , 0 , linkorg , \balls\"" );"""
  483. "// thread draw_line_from_ent_to_ent_until_notify( linkorg , shotorgs[i] , 1 , 0 , 1 , linkorg , \balls\"" );"""
  484. linkorg notify( \balls\" );"
  485. level.players_boat notify( \cleanup\" );"
  486. Shepherd notify( \point_end\" );"
  487. level notify( \stop_animate_price_into_boat\" );"
  488. level notify( \dialog_rpg_bridge_guy\" );"
  489. level notify( \end_teleport_price_on_mount\" );"
  490. //ent delayThread( 5, ::send_notify, \complete\" );"
  491. level.players_boat notify( \end_the_rapids_loop\" );"
  492. barrel notify( \damage\" 50 level.player (0 0 0) barrel.origin \"MOD_EXPLOSIVE\" );"
  493. level notify ( \stop_sandstorm_effect\" );"
  494. level delaythread( 5, ::send_notify, \stop_random_breathing_sounds\" );"
  495. anim_node notify ( \player_arrived\" );"
  496. level notify( \stop_drunk_walk\" );"
  497. level notify( \kill_limp\" );"
  498. level notify ( \do_staged_pain_pulse\" ); // stop any more of these"
  499. level notify ( \kill_limp\" );"
  500. level notify ( \no_more_shepherd_idle\" );"
  501. anim_node notify( \player_arrived\" );"
  502. level notify ( \not_random_blur\" );"
  503. level notify ( \stop_heart\" );"
  504. anim_node notify( \stop_crawl\" );"
  505. level notify ( \stop_idle_crawl_fight\" );// kill this if its running"
  506. level notify( \link_player\" player_rig );"
  507. level notify ( \player_has_min_arc\" );"
  508. level notify ( \waiting_for_player_to_look_at_knife\" );"
  509. level notify ( \lerp_view_after_uses_knife\" );"
  510. level notify ( \second_knife_pull\" );"
  511. level notify ( \fight_C_is_over\" );"
  512. level notify ( \knife_pulled_out\" );"
  513. level notify ( \aim_at_shepherd\" );"
  514. level notify ( \pull_back_knife_anim_starts\" );"
  515. anim_node notify ( \stop_loop\" );"
  516. ending_rescue_chopper notify( \suspend_drive_anims\" );"
  517. level notify( \now_fade_in\" );"
  518. level notify( \run_shep_run\" );"
  519. "// self notify( \stopanimscripted\"" );"""
  520. level notify( \shepherd_runs\" );"
  521. self notify( \stop_animmode\" );"
  522. level notify( \stop_random_breathing_sounds\" );"
  523. level notify( \knife_in_player\" );"
  524. level notify( \new_dof_targetent\" );"
  525. level notify( \kill_dof_management\" );"
  526. level notify( \fade_out_knife_hint\" );"
  527. //self notify( \weapon_switch_done\" );"
  528. struct notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  529. self notify( \auto\" );"
  530. "// self notify( \stop_aim\"" );"""
  531. struct delaythread( 100, ::send_notify, \stop\" );"
  532. struct delaythread( 5, ::send_notify, \stop\" );"
  533. timeout delayThread( 7, ::send_notify, \timeout\" );"
  534. //timeout delayThread( 7, ::send_notify, \timeout\" );"
  535. level notify( \new_hurt\" );"
  536. struct delayThread( fade_time, ::send_notify, \stop\" );"
  537. occumulator notify( \stop\" );"
  538. level notify( \new_blend_out_pull_additive\" );"
  539. level notify( \stop_track_melee\" );"
  540. level notify( \dof_target_to_gun_crawl\" );"
  541. "// level notify ( \stop_idle_crawl_fight\"" );"""
  542. level notify( \stop_idle_crawl_fight_just_the_fight\" );"
  543. level notify( \stop_idle_crawl_fight\" );"
  544. level notify( \clear_hurt_pulses\" );"
  545. level notify( \crawl_breath_recover\" );"
  546. self notify( \new_move_to_tag\" );"
  547. level.player NotifyOnPlayerCommand( \throw\" \"+attack\" );"
  548. level.player NotifyOnPlayerCommand( \throw\" \"+melee\" );"
  549. level notify( \stop_blinding\" );"
  550. level notify( \stop_sandstorm_fog\" );"
  551. thread notify_on_use();
  552. level notify( \player_used_knife\" );"
  553. notify_on_use()
  554. "// level.player NotifyOnPlayerCommand( \pressed_use\""" \"+use\" ); no worky?"
  555. level.player notify( \pressed_use\" );"
  556. notifyOnCommand( \player_did_melee\" \"+melee\" );"
  557. level notify ( \clear_rapids_junk\" );"
  558. level.players_boat notify( \end_aim\" );"
  559. level.players_boat notify( \stop_targetting\" );"
  560. level.players_boat notify( \kill_treadfx\" );"
  561. level notify( \player_over_the_waterfall\" );"
  562. level notify( \stop_music_at_splash\" );"
  563. self notify( \stop_crash_loop_sound\" );"
  564. self notify( \crash_done\" );"
  565. self notify( \nodeath_thread\" );"
  566. anim_scene notify( \stop_loop_solo\" );"
  567. level.price notify( \stop_boatrider_targets\" );"
  568. level notify( \quit_bread_crumb\" );// kills failure from falling behind script."
  569. level notify( \no_more_reverse_hints\" );"
  570. level notify( \price_stops_talking_about_helicopters\" );"
  571. level notify( \stop_explode_targets\" );"
  572. actor add_func( ::send_notify, \stop_blindfire\" );"
  573. level notify( \friendly_fire_stop_checking_for_player_dist\" );"
  574. van notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  575. guy notify( \shoot_me\" );"
  576. guy notify( \grenade_throw_done\" );"
  577. player notify( \blend_movespeedscale_custom\" );"
  578. self notify( \move\" );"
  579. node notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  580. self notify( \stop_spray_and_pray\" );"
  581. delayThread( 2.0, ::send_notify, \stop_spray_and_pray\" );"
  582. delayThread( time + 2, ::send_notify, \stop_spray_and_pray\" );"
  583. delayThread( time + 4.5, ::send_notify, \stop_spray_and_pray\" );"
  584. delayThread( time + 1, ::send_notify, \stop_spray_and_pray\" );"
  585. self notify( \_utility::follow_path\" );"
  586. self notify( \upperdeck_canned_deaths_execute_fire\" );"
  587. self notify( \nocleanup\" );"
  588. guy notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  589. temp notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  590. elevator notify( \elevator_moved\" );"
  591. self notify_delay( \stop_spray_and_pray\" .5 );"
  592. self notify_delay( \stop_spray_and_pray\" 2 );"
  593. self notify_delay( \stop_spray_and_pray\" 1 );"
  594. self notify_delay( \stop_spray_and_pray\" 1.5 );"
  595. self notify_delay( \stop_spray_and_pray\" 1.25 );"
  596. self notify_delay( \stop_spray_and_pray\" 1.75 );"
  597. self notify_delay( \stop_spray_and_pray\" .75 );"
  598. self notify_delay( \stop_spray_and_pray\" .8 );"
  599. self notify( \aim_stop\" );"
  600. self notify( \stop_burst_fire\" );"
  601. self notify( \stop_fire_full_auto\" );"
  602. level.makarov notify( \stop_animmode\" );"
  603. level notify( \tarmac_riotshield_group_van_ready\" );"
  604. level notify( \redoing_riot_groups\" );"
  605. group waittill_notify_or_timeout( \goal\" 5 );"
  606. level notify( \tarmac_riotshield_group_last_stand\" );"
  607. member notify( \tarmac_retreat_logic\" );"
  608. level notify( \spawned\" + value );"
  609. self notify( \tarmac_police_fire\" );"
  610. self.ref notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  611. self notify( \goal\" );"
  612. self notify( \debug_goal\" );"
  613. thread draw_line_from_ent_to_ent_until_notify( self, node, 1, 1, 1, self, \debug_goal\" );"
  614. thread draw_circle_until_notify( node.origin, self.radius, 1, 1, 1, self, \debug_goal\" );"
  615. self notify( \tarmac_sniper_fire\" );"
  616. self notify( \hack_unload\" );"
  617. guy notify( \hack_unloaded\" );"
  618. self.seats[ index ][ \node\" ] notify( \"stop_loop\" );"
  619. self notify( \finished_unloading\" );"
  620. self.van_seat notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  621. level notify( \friendly_fire_stop_checking_for_player_fire\" );"
  622. self notify( \done_shoot_player\" );"
  623. level thread notify_delay( \friendly_fire_watch_player\" .1 );"
  624. NotifyOnCommand( \attack\" \"+frag\" );"
  625. NotifyOnCommand( \attack\" \"+attack\" );"
  626. self notify( \friendly_fire_new_watch_cycle\" );"
  627. self notify( self.state );
  628. self notify( \damage\" dmg );"
  629. parent notify( \took_damage\" amount attacker direction_vec point type );"
  630. getent( \friendlyspawn_trigger_checkpoint\" \"script_noteworthy\" ) notify( \"trigger\" level.player );"
  631. trig notify( \trigger\" level.player );"
  632. level notify( \golf_course_mansion\" );"
  633. level notify( \objective_laze_golfcourse\" );"
  634. bottle notify( \delete\" );"
  635. self notify( \stop_idle\" );"
  636. self notify( \delete\" );"
  637. player notifyOnPlayerCommand( \use_laser\" \"+actionslot 4\" );"
  638. player notifyOnPlayerCommand( \fired_laser\" \"+attack\" );"
  639. player notify( \cancel_laser\" );"
  640. level notify( \laser_coordinates_received\" );"
  641. self notify( \use_laser\" );"
  642. level notify( \stop_laze_golf_course_dialog\" );"
  643. level notify( \delete_all_fake_choppers\" );"
  644. gunner notify( \dismount\" );"
  645. zpu notify( \stop_shooting\" );"
  646. gunner notify( \stop_shooting\" );"
  647. zone notify( \waiting_for_path_reconnection\" );"
  648. self notify( \ai_avoid_stryker\" );"
  649. level.bmp notify( \attacking_player\" );"
  650. self notify( \stryker_setmode_manual\" );"
  651. self notify( \stryker_turret_think\" );"
  652. self notify( \stop_scanning\" );"
  653. self notify( \stryker_shoot_target\" );"
  654. self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \turret_rotate_stopped\" 1.0 );"
  655. self notify( \stryker_fire_shots\" );"
  656. self notify( \ai_becomes_suppressed\" );"
  657. level.stryker notify( \stryker_laser_reminder_dialog\" );"
  658. level notify( \release_objective\" );"
  659. self notify( \death\" self.rpg_guy \"MOD_PROJECTILE\" );"
  660. vehicle waittill_notify_or_timeout( \death\" 5 );"
  661. level notify( \road_heli_spawned\" );"
  662. level notify( \spawn_littlebird\" );"
  663. heli notify( \reaction_end\" );"
  664. getentarray( \littlebird_trigger\" \"targetname\" )[0] notify( \"trigger\" );"
  665. level.heli notify( \react\");"
  666. level notify( \hummer_dead\" );"
  667. self notify( \stop_hunt\" );"
  668. self SetNearGoalNotifyDist( 512 );
  669. self notify( \stop_hunt\" ); // stops the first hunt"
  670. self notify( \stop_hunt\" ); // stops the hunt just above."
  671. level.heli notify( \missed_final\" );"
  672. self notify( \clear_turret_target\" );"
  673. level.heli notify( \reaction_end\" );"
  674. level.heli notify( \stop_hunt\" );"
  675. self notify( \newpath\" );"
  676. vehicle notify( \event\" self.script_parameters );"
  677. vehicle notify( \end_induced_death\" );"
  678. vehicle notify( \dying\" );"
  679. self notify( \event\" \"frontal\" );"
  680. self notify( \dying\" );"
  681. ent delaythread( timeOut, ::send_notify, \timeout\" );"
  682. level notify( \uaz_park_crash\" );"
  683. level notify( \hinge_stopped\" hatch );"
  684. self notify( \react\" );"
  685. self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \missile_fire\" timeout );"
  686. etarget notify( \rpg_fired\" );"
  687. self notify( \rpg_guy_done\" );"
  688. self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \goal\" 5 );"
  689. guy notify( \animontag_thread\" );"
  690. killer_bird SetNearGoalNotifyDist( 4000 );
  691. killer_bird notify( \killing_player\" );"
  692. set_flag_on_notify( flag_str, msg_str )
  693. flag_set_on_notify( flag_str, msg )
  694. self notify( \tobedeleted\" );"
  695. Used to wait on multiple messages and/or entities and get the message and triggering ent and variables passed through the notify
  696. "damager = level.waittill_stack.b; // gets the second variable passes by the notify."
  697. self notify( \waittill_stack\" );"
  698. self notify( \waittill_stack\" msg ent );"
  699. notify( \move\" my_line );"
  700. subtitle notify( \destoyed\" );"
  701. self notify( \new_debug\" );"
  702. level notify( \new_room_anim_go\" );"
  703. level notify( \cam_hostage\" );"
  704. self notify( \new_custom_anim\" );"
  705. self notify( \panic_button\" );"
  706. self notify( \stop_first_frame\" );"
  707. level notify( \kill_variable_blizzard\" );"
  708. level notify( \stop_price_shield\" );"
  709. self notify( \stop_slide_fx\" );"
  710. level notify( \stop_skidout_fx\" );"
  711. self notify( \bmp_aim_at_player\" );"
  712. GetEnt( self.triggername, \targetname\" ) notify( \"trigger\" );"
  713. guy.ref_node add_func( ::send_notify, \stop_loop\" );"
  714. guy.ref_node notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  715. self notify( \stop_idle_proc\" );"
  716. self notify( \play_sound_done\" );"
  717. level notify( \camp_save\" );"
  718. self notify( \follow_player\" );"
  719. anim.shootEnemyWrapper_func = ::ShootEnemyWrapper_SSNotify;
  720. ShootEnemyWrapper_SSNotify()
  721. self notify( \animscript_shot\" );"
  722. other notify( \target_stop\" );"
  723. self notify( \start_dynamic_run_speed\" );"
  724. level notify( \tarmac_snowmobile_unload\" );"
  725. price notify( \single anim\" \"end\" );"
  726. locker notify( \single anim\" \"end\" );// send the notify so the sequence ends"
  727. satelite_sequence_node notify( \stop_satellite_idle\" );"
  728. price_capture_node notify( \stop_capture_idle\" );"
  729. GetEnt( \price_starts_moving\" \"targetname\" ) notify( \"trigger\" );"
  730. GetEnt( \price_position_on_ridge\" \"targetname\" ) notify( \"trigger\" );"
  731. level notify( \kill_price\" );"
  732. level.player delayThread( 1, ::send_notify, \player_shot\" );"
  733. level notify( \stop_detecting_player_shot\" );"
  734. level.player notify( \player_shot\" );"
  735. //anim_ent notify( \stop_idle\" );"
  736. self notify( \new_node_orders\" );"
  737. level notify( \new_player_protection_trip\" );"
  738. price notify( \new_node_orders\" ); // stop any more color talking"
  739. self add_func( ::send_notify, \player_left_bad_positions\" );"
  740. self notify( \player_moved_on\" );"
  741. self add_func( ::send_notify, \player_reached_good_position\" );"
  742. node notify( \enemies_receded\" );"
  743. level.player.vehicle notify( \veh_collision\" );"
  744. //level.price.vehicle notify( \stop_modulating_speed\" );"
  745. level.price.vehicle notify( \stop_modulating_speed\" );"
  746. "// self notify( \unload\"" );"""
  747. other notify( \driver_died\" );"
  748. level notify( \new_icepick_snowmobile\" );"
  749. self setNearGoalNotifyDist( 1000 );
  750. self notify( \stop_tracking\" );"
  751. level notify( \new_player_position\" self.script_noteworthy );"
  752. level notify( \cliff_death\" );"
  753. self notify( \near_enemy\" );"
  754. self notify( \enemy_runto_and_lookaround\" );"
  755. self notify( \restart_attack_behavior\" );"
  756. waittill_notify_or_timeout( \near_enemy\" 3 );"
  757. self notify( \stop_check_near_enemy\" );"
  758. //this notify makes sure that script dies here so that the
  759. level.truck_patrol notify( \stop sound\" + \"cliffhanger_truck_music\" );"
  760. spawner_triggers[i] notify ( \trigger\" );"
  761. level.player thread maps\_remotemissile::RemoteMissileDetonatorNotify();
  762. level.price notify( \stop_smart_path_following\" );"
  763. level.price notify( \stop_adjust_movement_speed\" );"
  764. "// level.price notify( \stop_smart_path_following\"" );"""
  765. level notify( \run_to_woods\" );"
  766. level.price notify( \_utility::follow_path\" );"
  767. level.price notify( \stop_going_to_node\" );// kills the last call to go_to_node"
  768. level notify( \stop_snow\" );"
  769. level.price notify( \stop_dynamic_run_speed\" );"
  770. "// level notify( \stop_snow\"" );"""
  771. "// level notify( \stop_sub_enemies\"" );"""
  772. level notify( \stop_base_arrival_music\" );"
  773. self notify( \kill_treads_forever\" );"
  774. self notify( \stop_vehicle_enabled_paths\" );"
  775. // Notify from _vehicle::vehicle_kill, after the phys vehicle is blown up and disconnectpaths
  776. self notify( \stop_barney\" );"
  777. level notify ( \mission failed\" );"
  778. level notify( \uav_destroyed\" );"
  779. level notify( next_node.targetname );//so we can react to price deciding to move
  780. tree notify ( \explode\" );"
  781. level notify( \shoot_at_player\" );//stops the scripted tree destruction"
  782. level notify( \player kill dialog\" );"
  783. level notify( \dialog_price_kill_dog\" );"
  784. level notify( \dialog_price_kill\" );"
  785. level notify( \saying_patience\" );"
  786. //level.price notify( \stop_going_to_node\" );"
  787. //level.price notify( \stop_dynamic_run_speed\" );"
  788. //level.price notify( \stop_going_to_node\" );//end follow_path"
  789. level notify( \said_convoy_coming\" );"
  790. level notify( \dialog_someone_is_alert\" );"
  791. self notify( \finished_anim_reach\" );"
  792. "// self notify( \start_dynamic_run_speed\"" );"""
  793. "// self notify( \dynamic_run_speed_changing\"" );"""
  794. "// self notify( \stop_loop\"" );"""
  795. "// self notify( \stop_loop\"" );"""
  796. "// self notify( \stop_going_to_node\"" );"""
  797. "// self notify( \killanimscripts\"" );"""
  798. //self notify( \end_patrol\" );"
  799. self notify( \stop_dynamic_run_speed\" );"
  800. level notify( \moving \" + objName );"
  801. level notify( \timer_tick\" );"
  802. "// level notify( \gun_2_chest\"" );"""
  803. "// level notify( \shotgun_pickup\"" );"""
  804. notetrack_notify_attach_rocket( guy )
  805. guy notify( \attach rocket\" );"
  806. notetrack_notify_fire_rocket( guy )
  807. guy notify( \fire rocket\" );"
  808. notetrack_notify_drop_rocket( guy )
  809. guy notify( \drop rocket\" );"
  810. addNotetrack_customFunction( \bricktop\" \"attach rocket\" ::notetrack_notify_attach_rocket \"at4_fire\" );"
  811. addNotetrack_customFunction( \bricktop\" \"fire rocket\" ::notetrack_notify_fire_rocket \"at4_fire\" );"
  812. addNotetrack_customFunction( \bricktop\" \"drop rocket\" ::notetrack_notify_drop_rocket \"at4_fire\" );"
  813. addNotetrack_customFunction( \rasta\" \"attach rocket\" ::notetrack_notify_attach_rocket \"at4_fire\" );"
  814. addNotetrack_customFunction( \rasta\" \"fire rocket\" ::notetrack_notify_fire_rocket \"at4_fire\" );"
  815. addNotetrack_customFunction( \rasta\" \"drop rocket\" ::notetrack_notify_drop_rocket \"at4_fire\" );"
  816. addNotetrack_customFunction( \price\" \"attach rocket\" ::notetrack_notify_attach_rocket \"at4_fire\" );"
  817. addNotetrack_customFunction( \price\" \"fire rocket\" ::notetrack_notify_fire_rocket \"at4_fire\" );"
  818. addNotetrack_customFunction( \price\" \"drop rocket\" ::notetrack_notify_drop_rocket \"at4_fire\" );"
  819. level notify ( \btr_fired\" );"
  820. self notify( \laser_off\" );"
  821. //the script has received the \death\" notify but after the AI has died."
  822. level notify( \kill_3d_checkpoint_icon\" );"
  823. level notify( \kill_checkpoint_timer\" );"
  824. level notify( \checkpoint_timer_expired\" );"
  825. level notify( \specop_challenge_completed\" );"
  826. level notify( \clearing_hints\" );"
  827. seaknight_loader_start notify( \spawn\" );"
  828. seaknight_loader_start2 notify( \spawn\" );"
  829. seaknight_loader_start thread waittill_flag_then_notify( \seaknight_drones_loaded\" \"load_riders\" );"
  830. seaknight_loader_start thread waittill_notify_then_notify( \riders_loaded\" \"play_anim\" );"
  831. seaknight_loader_start2 thread waittill_flag_then_notify( \seaknight_drones2_loaded\" \"load_riders\" );"
  832. seaknight_loader_start2 thread waittill_notify_then_notify( \riders_loaded\" \"play_anim\" );"
  833. trig_colornode notify( \trigger\" level.player );"
  834. self notify( \stop_drone_fighting\" );"
  835. self notify( \turret_fire\" );"
  836. "// self notify( \death\"" );"""
  837. self notify( \stop_firing_turret\" );"
  838. level.bradley_commerce waittill_notify_or_timeout( \turret_rotate_stopped\" 1 );"
  839. self.base notify( \death\" );"
  840. "// self notify( \alerted\"" );"""
  841. self notify( \alerted\" );"
  842. reference notify( \stop_idle\" );"
  843. elevator_dude notify( \doors_closing\" );"
  844. bmp notify( \deleted_through_script\" );"
  845. colornodes_crowsnest notify( \trigger\" level.player );"
  846. self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \new_target\" randomWait );"
  847. self.reference notify( \stop_idle\" );"
  848. self notify( \stop_shooting_stingers_and_javs\" );"
  849. guy notify( \new_target\" );"
  850. self notify ( \stop_shooting_at_drones\" );"
  851. self notify( \shot_at\" );"
  852. crowsnest_seaknight_01 notify( \spawn\" );"
  853. crowsnest_seaknight_02 notify( \spawn\" );"
  854. crowsnest_seaknight_01 notify( \play_anim\" );"
  855. crowsnest_seaknight_02 notify( \play_anim\" );"
  856. level notify( \evac_vehicle_owned\" );"
  857. level notify( \monument_dummy_hit\" );"
  858. heli notify( \stop_firing_turret\" );"
  859. roof_seaknight_01 notify( \spawn\" );"
  860. roof_seaknight_02 notify( \spawn\" );"
  861. roof_seaknight_01 thread notify_delay( \play_anim\" 1 );"
  862. roof_seaknight_02 thread notify_delay( \play_anim\" 1 );"
  863. ww2_heli thread notify_delay( \liftoff\" 3 );"
  864. level.teamleader notify( \stop_teleport_hack\" );"
  865. self notify( \damage\" 5000 level.player undefined undefined \"MOD_PROJECTILE\" );"
  866. soundOrg notify( \death\" );"
  867. slamraam thread notify_delay( \fire\" delay );"
  868. level notify( \player_off_blackhawk_gun\" );"
  869. //thread notify_hack();
  870. level.player notify( \stop sound\" + \"dcburning_heli_alarm\" );"
  871. level.blackhawk notify( \stop sound\" + \"blackhawk_helicopter_dying_loop\" );"
  872. //notify_hack()
  873. "// level.blackhawk notify( \stop sound\"" + \""Minigun_gatling_fire\"" );"""
  874. "// level notify( \stopMinigunSound\"" );"""
  875. self notify( \weapon_detached\" );"
  876. self notify( \landing\" );"
  877. self notify( \landed\" );"
  878. self notify( \killed_by_friendly\" );"
  879. self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \turret_rotate_stopped\" fRand );"
  880. self notify( \cooldown_started\" );"
  881. self notify( \death\" level.player \"MOD_PROJECTILE\" );"
  882. self.eAnimEnt notify( \stop_idle\" );"
  883. self notify ( \stop_idle\" );"
  884. "// self notify( \death\"" );"""
  885. self notify_delay( \taking_off\" 4 );"
  886. self notify( \stop_rider_idle\" );"
  887. self notify( \riders_loaded\" );"
  888. level notify( \stop_drone_flood\" + groupName );"
  889. guy notify( \stop_adjust_movement_speed\" );"
  890. self notify( \deleted_through_script\" );"
  891. waittill_notify_then_notify( notifyToWaitFor, notifyToNotify )
  892. self waittill( notifyToWaitFor );
  893. self notify( notifyToNotify );
  894. waittill_flag_then_notify( flagToWaitFor, notifyToNotify )
  895. guy notify( \reload_begin\" );"
  896. node2 notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  897. level notify( \player_unlinked\" );"
  898. level.foley notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  899. self notify( \corner_at_plane\" );"
  900. self notify( \movingout\" );"
  901. self notify( \reached_path_end\" );"
  902. self notify( \stop_custom_aim\" );"
  903. self notify( \sounddone\" );"
  904. self.refnode notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  905. self notify( \plaza_moveup_kill_backup\" );"
  906. self.colornode_func = ::notify_node_on_goal;
  907. notify_node_on_goal( node )
  908. node notify( \trigger\" self );"
  909. self notify( \done_organizing\" );"
  910. heli notify( \stop_heli_spark_effects\" );"
  911. btr notify( \stop_heli_spark_effects\" );"
  912. "// array_thread(, ::notify_delay, \killanimscript\""" time );"
  913. level thread notify_delay( \office_enemy_suppressive_fire\" 5 );"
  914. level notify( \office_enemies_wave1_hurt\" );"
  915. self notify( \remove_team\" );"
  916. model notify( \stop_sun_fx\" );"
  917. level notify( \lerp_sunlight\" );"
  918. level notify( \lerp_specular\" );"
  919. guy notify( \killanimscript\" );"
  920. level notify( \whitehouse_hammerdown_death\" );"
  921. self notify( \stop_going_to_node\" );"
  922. self notify( \remove_flare\" );"
  923. anim_ent notify( \foley_idle_end\" );"
  924. level notify( \tunnels_dead_check_done\" );"
  925. spotlight notify( \death\" );"
  926. level notify( \sandbag_group_\" + self.script_group );"
  927. self notify( \stop_path\" );"
  928. self notify( \stop_firing\" );"
  929. turret notify( \stop_firing\" );"
  930. level notify( \sandbag_group_\" + damaged_ent.script_group );"
  931. level notify( \sandbag_group_\" + bag.script_group );"
  932. bag notify( \thrown\" );"
  933. group_struct notify( \throw_done\" );"
  934. group_struct notify( \damage\" self damage );"
  935. self notify( \chandelier_swing\" );"
  936. self notify( \chandelier_turn\" );"
  937. self notify( \chandelier_fall\" );"
  938. self notify( \damage\" damage undefined direction_vec undefined \"mod_grenade_splash\" );"
  939. level notify( \emp_lighting_flash\" );"
  940. level notify( \stop_drone_flood\" + \"axis_crash_drones\" );"
  941. "// level notify( \player_crash_temp_invulnerable\"" );"""
  942. heli_crash_site_spotlight notify( \stop_spotlight_random_targets\" );"
  943. wh_spotlight.damage_ent notify( \damage\" 1000 level.player );"
  944. ww_spotlight.damage_ent notify( \damage\" 1000 level.player );"
  945. animent notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  946. level notify( \flare_spotted\" );"
  947. guy notify( \stop_flare_fx\" );"
  948. flare notify( \stop_flare_fx\" );"
  949. houseAttackTrig notify ( \trigger\" );"
  950. level notify ( \breaching_number_3\" );"
  951. //trig notify ( \trigger\" );"
  952. trig notify ( \trigger\" );"
  953. self notify( \blurview_stop\" );"
  954. level notify ( \ending_normal_death\" );"
  955. level notify ( \ending_slacker_death\" );"
  956. level notify ( \stop_blur_cycler\" );"
  957. //level.player notify ( \damage\" );"
  958. //level.player notify ( \pain\" );"
  959. level notify ( \stop_player_breathing\" );"
  960. self notify( \gas_splash_end\" );"
  961. self notify( \gas_drip_end\" );"
  962. level notify ( \ghost_leaving_start_area_on_cue\" );"
  963. starter notify ( \trigger\" );"
  964. level notify ( \ghost_leaving_start_area_early\" );"
  965. level notify ( \gameplay_mine_done\" );"
  966. level notify ( \gameplay_mine_deployed\" );"
  967. "// - also notify to terminate the cancel thread for the battleplan"
  968. //if the extraguy spawns, send a notify that terminates the thread that would artificially decrement the battleplan's spawners from floorpop
  969. level notify ( endonMsg );
  970. level notify ( \mainfloor_enemy_killed\" );"
  971. level notify ( \topfloor_enemy_killed\" );"
  972. level notify ( \basement_enemy_killed\" );"
  973. level notify ( \house_reset_ghost\" );"
  974. level notify ( \stop_timeout\" );"
  975. level notify ( \counterattacker_died\" );"
  976. level notify ( \magic_sniper_breaktime\" );"
  977. level notify ( \dsm_has_been_destroyed\" );"
  978. level notify ( \player_is_out_of_danger_zone\" );"
  979. level notify ( \player_deserted_the_area\" );"
  980. level notify( \stop_monitoring_makarov_damage\" );"
  981. level notify( \end_scene\" );"
  982. animNode notify( \stop_shooting\" );"
  983. notifyOnCommand( \go_crouch\" \"+movedown\" );"
  984. notifyOnCommand( \go_crouch\" \"+prone\" );"
  985. notifyOnCommand( \go_crouch\" \"+stance\" );"
  986. notifyOnCommand( \go_crouch\" \"lowerstance\" );"
  987. notifyOnCommand( \go_crouch\" \"togglecrouch\" );"
  988. notifyOnCommand( \go_crouch\" \"toggleprone\" );"
  989. notifyOnCommand( \go_crouch\" \"goprone\" );"
  990. notifyOnCommand( \go_crouch\" \"gocrouch\" );"
  991. notifyOnCommand( \go_stand\" \"+stance\" );"
  992. notifyOnCommand( \go_stand\" \"raisestance\" );"
  993. notifyOnCommand( \go_stand\" \"togglecrouch\" );"
  994. notifyOnCommand( \go_stand\" \"toggleprone\" );"
  995. notifyOnCommand( \go_stand\" \"+moveup\" );"
  996. notifyOnCommand( \go_stand\" \"+gostand\" );"
  997. player_rig notify( \stop_down_idle\" );"
  998. level notify( \exiting_vehicle\" );"
  999. vehicle notify( \door_open\" );"
  1000. level notify( \runner_shot\" );"
  1001. level notify( \makarov_wounded_successfully\" );"
  1002. ent notify( \stop_car_alarm\" );"
  1003. level notify( \black_screen_start\" );"
  1004. level notify( \black_screen_finish\" );"
  1005. driver notify( \stop sound\" + alias );"
  1006. level.player notify( \shot_next_frame\" );"
  1007. eNode notify( \stop_idle_anim\" );"
  1008. civilian notify( \stop_idle_anim\" );"
  1009. level notify( \objective_on_faust\" );"
  1010. level notify( \stop_street_traffic\" );"
  1011. anim.shootEnemyWrapper_func = animscripts\utility::ShootEnemyWrapper_shootNotify;
  1012. self notify( \stop_drive_idle\" );"
  1013. self notify( \fall\" );"
  1014. guy notify( \deleted\" );"
  1015. redshirt notify( \death\" );"
  1016. level notify( \cleaning_up_rojas\" );"
  1017. level notify( \color_flags_advance_stop\" );"
  1018. animref notify( \sarge_idle_stop\" );"
  1019. level notify( \radiotower_hiding_door_guy_cleanup_cancel\" );"
  1020. self notify( \technical_health_reset\" );"
  1021. level notify( \kill_technical_gunners\" );"
  1022. guy notify( \wavingguy_activated\" );"
  1023. level notify( \kill_hidden_reinforcement_waiting\" );"
  1024. self SetNearGoalNotifyDist( 256 );
  1025. self SetNearGoalNotifyDist( 600 );
  1026. NotifyOnCommand( \mantle\" \"+gostand\" );"
  1027. NotifyOnCommand( \mantle\" \"+moveup\" );"
  1028. player_left_trigger_notify( trig )
  1029. self notify( \left_trigger\" );"
  1030. level.sarge.animlooporg notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  1031. guy.animlooporg notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  1032. self notify( \roofrun_friendly_cleanup\" );"
  1033. door notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  1034. level notify( \glass_break\" level.player );"
  1035. NotifyOnCommand( flagstr, \+breath_sprint\" );"
  1036. NotifyOnCommand( flagstr, \+sprint\" );"
  1037. chopper notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  1038. self notify( \stop sound\" + idleAlias );"
  1039. level.player notify( \stop_sliding\" ); // defensive. deleting the slide trigger when we catch the jump should work but just in case it starts in some super edge case I don't want StopSlide() to ever try to unlink him"
  1040. kicker waittill_notify_or_timeout( \goal\" 5 );"
  1041. level notify( \group_at_scriptedgoal\" );"
  1042. array_notify( level.friends, \death\" );"
  1043. level notify( \color_flag_advance_queue_updated\" );"
  1044. level notify( \airliner_flyby\" );"
  1045. self notify( \sbmodel_rotatedone\" );"
  1046. trig notify( \trigger_fuse\" self );"
  1047. level notify( trigTN, other );
  1048. level notify( \stop_special_treadfx\" );"
  1049. level notify( \stop_gulag_drones\" );"
  1050. level.player_heli SetNearGoalNotifyDist( 8 );
  1051. level notify( \force_door_open\" );"
  1052. level notify( \stop_cellblock_respawn\" );"
  1053. "// ent notify( \stop_loop\"" );"""
  1054. level.price notify( \change_to_regular_weapon\" );"
  1055. trigger_to notify( \trigger\" level.player );"
  1056. level notify( \kill_color_replacements\" );"
  1057. level notify( \stop_objective_updating\" );"
  1058. level notify( \flashed_room\" );"
  1059. guy notify( \stop_slide_fx\" );"
  1060. level notify( \switch_look\" );"
  1061. level notify( \stop_moving_gulag_center\" );"
  1062. level.player_heli notify( \newpath\" );"
  1063. array_thread( allies, ::send_notify, \stop_adding_mbs\" );"
  1064. level notify( \stop_tv_loop\" );"
  1065. "// level notify( \stop_rotating_around_gulag_break\"" );"""
  1066. level delayThread( 1.8, ::send_notify, \f15_smoke\" );"
  1067. level delayThread( 2.1, ::send_notify, \afterburner\" );"
  1068. level notify( \stop_rotating_around_gulag_break\" );"
  1069. delayThread( 12, ::Send_notify, \stop_tracking\" );"
  1070. level notify( \tarp_activate\" );"
  1071. node delayThread( 3.15, ::send_notify, \tarp_activate\" );"
  1072. level notify( \new_ai_move_command\" );"
  1073. self notify( \stop_dyn\" );"
  1074. light notify( \stop_flickering\" );"
  1075. level notify( \opened_\" + self.targetname );"
  1076. level notify( \cell_door_opens\" );"
  1077. level notify( \physics_jump\" struct.origin );"
  1078. self notify( \stop_setting_off_exploders\" );"
  1079. ai_hole_rappel_triggers[ 0 ] notify( \trigger\" guy );"
  1080. self notify( \saved\" );"
  1081. level notify( \ending_flee_death\" );"
  1082. self notify( \new_debug_print\" );"
  1083. slamraam notify( \lose_operation\" );"
  1084. animscripts\utility::shootEnemyWrapper_shootNotify();
  1085. level notify( \stop_following_node_chain\" );"
  1086. struct notify( \stop\" );"
  1087. dest notify( \stop_jitter\" );"
  1088. self notify( \stop_line\" );"
  1089. ent delaythread( 35, ::send_notify, \stop\" );"
  1090. level.soap notify( \stop_going_to_node\" );"
  1091. level.redshirt notify( \stop_going_to_node\" );"
  1092. level notify( \cafeteria_sequence_begins\" );"
  1093. level notify( \stop_cavein\" );"
  1094. level.player notify( \stop_opening_fov\" );"
  1095. level notify( \skip_stumble_trigger_think\" );"
  1096. level notify( \stop_minor_earthquakes\" );"
  1097. level notify( \player_dist_from_squad\" dist );"
  1098. self notify( \movemode\" );"
  1099. level notify( \collapse_fx_stop\" );"
  1100. ent delaythread( time, ::send_notify, \stop\" );"
  1101. targ notify( \topple\" );"
  1102. models[ \script_brushmodel\" ] notify( \"stop_killing\" );"
  1103. level notify( \dropit\" );"
  1104. level.price_breach_ent notify( \stop_following_player\" );"
  1105. level notify( \breach_concludes\" );"
  1106. level notify( \blend_out_dof\" outblend );"
  1107. level notify( \swing\" mag );"
  1108. level notify( \stop_chase_fx\" );"
  1109. level notify( \introscreen_complete\" );// Do final notify when player controls have been restored"
  1110. first_planes notify( \trigger\" );"
  1111. //level.humvee_player notify( \death\" );"
  1112. burning_tree notify( \stop_burning_tree\" );"
  1113. anim_node notify( \stop_invasion_vehicle_cover_dialogue_guy1_idle\" );"
  1114. level notify( \enemy_group_spawning\" );"
  1115. level notify( \warning_player_is_leaving_BT\" );"
  1116. president_start_node notify( \stop_wounded_idle\" );"
  1117. level.house_destroyer notify ( \backed_away\" );"
  1118. //self notify( \stop_adjust_movement_speed\" );"
  1119. level.obj_sentry notify ( \deleted\" );"
  1120. level notify( \hellfire\" );"
  1121. level notify( \dialog_bmp_hasnt_spotted_us\" );"
  1122. level notify( \btr_smoke_too_far\" );"
  1123. level notify ( \truck_guy_died\" );"
  1124. level notify( \bmp_died\" );"
  1125. self notify( \new_target\" );//clears ambient target shooting"
  1126. vehicle notify( \new_target\" );"
  1127. "// other notify( \start_drop\"" );"""
  1128. "// other notify( \stop_drop\"" );"""
  1129. level notify ( \humvee_destroyer_fired\" );"
  1130. "// using_supply_crate notify ( \stop_idle\"" );"""
  1131. level notify( \humvee_blows_up\" );//starts animation"
  1132. level notify ( \bmps_from_north_dead\" );"
  1133. level notify( \attack_heli_spawned\" );"
  1134. level notify( \moving obj_raptor_defend\" );"
  1135. node notify( \stop_tangled_chute_idle\" );"
  1136. node notify( \stop_tangled_guy_idle\" );"
  1137. node notify( \he got free\" );"
  1138. node notify( \stop_tangled_chute_idle\" );//he might die before trying to free self"
  1139. self notify( \stop_front_humvee_anims\" );"
  1140. level notify( \roof_landing_anim_finished\" );"
  1141. //level notify( \roll_death\" );"
  1142. level notify( \crawl_death_finished\" );"
  1143. glass notify( \damage\" 150 undefined undefined undefined \"bullet\" );"
  1144. "// glass notify ( \damage\"" );"""
  1145. level notify (\show_start_exploders_thread\");"
  1146. ai_notify( sNotify, duration )
  1147. self notify( sNotify );
  1148. self notify( \ai_notify_complete\" );"
  1149. wait_for_level_notify_or_timeout( msg1, timer )
  1150. self notify( \stop_3dprint\" );"
  1151. self notify( \smoke_has_been_thrown\" );"
  1152. aTrigArray[ i ] notify( \trigger\" );"
  1153. eTrig notify( \trigger\" level.player );"
  1154. level notify( \arena_flag_time\" );"
  1155. level notify( \down_to_one\" );"
  1156. level notify ( \spawned_player\" );"
  1157. player notify( \objective\" \"captured\" );"
  1158. self.didStatusNotify = false;
  1159. if ( progress > 0.05 && change && !self.didStatusNotify )
  1160. self.didStatusNotify = true;
  1161. self notify ( \picked_up\" );"
  1162. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotify( \flagreturn\" maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( \"return\" ) );"
  1163. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotify( \flagpickup\" maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( \"pickup\" ) );"
  1164. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotify( \flag_capture\" maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( \"capture\" ) );"
  1165. player notify ( \bomb_planted\" );"
  1166. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotify( \plant\" maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( \"plant\" ) );"
  1167. self.visuals[0] notify( \stopTicking\" );"
  1168. splashPlayer thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotify( \time_added\" );"
  1169. player notify ( \bomb_defused\" );"
  1170. self notify( \defused\" );"
  1171. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotify( \ninja_defuse\" ( maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( \"defuse\" ) ) );"
  1172. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotify( \defuse\" maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( \"defuse\" ) );"
  1173. level notify(\bomb_defused\" + siteDefused.label);"
  1174. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotify( \capture\" maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( \"capture\" ) );"
  1175. attacker thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotify( \assault\" maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( \"assault\" ) );"
  1176. attacker thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotify( \defend\" maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( \"defend\" ) );"
  1177. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotify( \gtnw_overtime\" );"
  1178. self notify( \stop_counting\" );"
  1179. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotify( \captured_nuke\" maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( \"capture\" ) );"
  1180. level notify(\hq_reset\");"
  1181. player notify( \force_spawn\" );"
  1182. level notify( \hq_captured\" );"
  1183. level notify( \hq_destroyed\" );"
  1184. level notify(\awardHQPointsRunning\");"
  1185. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotify( \flagreturn\" maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( \"pickup\" ) );"
  1186. self notify ( \flag_reset\" );"
  1187. level notify ( \bomb_picked_up\" );"
  1188. level notify ( \last_alive\" self );"
  1189. level notify ( \overtime\" );"
  1190. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotify( \sab_overtime\" );"
  1191. level notify(\bomb_defused\");"
  1192. self notify( \graceComplete\" );"
  1193. self notify( \waitSkipped\" );"
  1194. self notify ( soundAlias );
  1195. self notify(\disconnect\");"
  1196. self notify ( \weapon_change\" \"riotshield_mp\" );"
  1197. self notify ( \changed_kit\" );"
  1198. self notify ( \giveLoadout\" );"
  1199. self.damagetrig notify(\unlink\");"
  1200. self notify(\passive\");"
  1201. notifyArrived()
  1202. self notify(\arrived\");"
  1203. self notify(\death\");"
  1204. self notify(\finaldeath\");"
  1205. level notify( \ai_killed\" self );"
  1206. level notify ( \player_got_killstreak_\" + attacker.pers[\"cur_kill_streak\"] attacker );"
  1207. attacker notify ( \killed_enemy\" );"
  1208. victim notify( \killed_player\" );"
  1209. self notify ( \death\" );"
  1210. attacker notify( \crushed_enemy\" );"
  1211. victim notify( \death_delay_finished\" );"
  1212. self notify ( \giveRecentShieldXP\" );"
  1213. victim notify ( \shield_blocked\" );"
  1214. victim notify( \survived_explosion\" );"
  1215. level notify( \ai_pain\" victim );"
  1216. notifyData = spawnStruct();
  1217. notifyData.titleText = game[ \strings\" ][ \"final_stand\" ];"
  1218. notifyData.iconName = \specialty_finalstand\";"
  1219. notifyData.titleText = game[ \strings\" ][ \"last_stand\" ];"
  1220. notifyData.iconName = \specialty_pistoldeath\";"
  1221. notifyData.glowColor = ( 1, 0, 0 );
  1222. notifyData.sound = \mp_last_stand\";"
  1223. notifyData.duration = 2.0;
  1224. level notify ( \player_last_stand\" );"
  1225. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( \reviver\" 200 );"
  1226. self.owner thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::playerCardSplashNotify( \revived\" player );"
  1227. player notify( \confirm_location\" level.mapCenter 0 );"
  1228. player notify(\gambit_on\");"
  1229. if ( getDvar(\scr_levelnotify\" ) != \"\" )"
  1230. level notify ( getDvar( \scr_levelnotify\" ) );"
  1231. setDevDvar( \scr_levelnotify\" \"\" );"
  1232. self notify ( \cancel_notify\" );"
  1233. if ( getDvar( \scr_do_notify\" ) != \"\" )"
  1234. level.players[i] maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::oldNotifyMessage( getDvar( \scr_do_notify\" ) getDvar( \"scr_do_notify\" ) game[\"icons\"][\"allies\"] );"
  1235. announcement( getDvar( \scr_do_notify\" ) );"
  1236. setDevDvar( \scr_do_notify\" \"\" );"
  1237. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::splashNotifyDelayed( \longshot\" );"
  1238. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::splashNotifyDelayed( \headshot\" );"
  1239. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::challengeSplashNotify( \ch_marksman_m16\" );"
  1240. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::splashNotifyDelayed( \execution\" );"
  1241. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::killstreakSplashNotify( \uav\" 3 );"
  1242. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::killstreakSplashNotify( \ac130\" 11 );"
  1243. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::splashNotify( splashName, splashValue );
  1244. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::killstreakSplashNotify( splashName, splashValue );
  1245. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::challengeSplashNotify( splashName );
  1246. level notify( \hostmigration_enoughplayers\" );"
  1247. level notify(\end_draw_map_bounds\");"
  1248. self notify(\menuresponse\" game[\"menu_team\"] team);"
  1249. self notify(\menuresponse\" \"changeclass\" class);"
  1250. level notify(\hide_spawnpoints\");"
  1251. self notify ( \new_test_weapon\" );"
  1252. self notifyOnPlayerCommand( \dpad_down\" \"+actionslot 2\" );"
  1253. self notifyOnPlayerCommand( \dpad_up\" \"+actionslot 1\" );"
  1254. self notifyOnPlayerCommand( \next_weapon\" \"weapnext\" );"
  1255. level notify( \abort_forfeit\" );"
  1256. level notify ( \grace_period_ending\" );"
  1257. level notify( \match_ending_soon\" \"score\" );"
  1258. level notify( \match_start_timer_beginning\" );"
  1259. self notify(\perks_hidden\"); // stop any threads that are waiting to hide the perk icons"
  1260. level notify ( \round_end_finished\" );"
  1261. level notify ( \give_match_bonus\" );"
  1262. level notify ( \update_scorelimit\" );"
  1263. self notify(\stop_ticking\");"
  1264. level notify ( \match_ending_soon\" \"time\" );"
  1265. level notify ( \match_ending_very_soon\" );"
  1266. level notify(\prematch_over\");"
  1267. level notify ( \wave_respawn_allies\" );"
  1268. level notify ( \wave_respawn_axis\" );"
  1269. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::teamOutcomeNotify( winner, true, endReasonText );
  1270. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::outcomeNotify( winner, endReasonText );
  1271. level notify ( \round_win\" winner );"
  1272. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::teamOutcomeNotify( winner, false, endReasonText );
  1273. level notify ( \game_win\" winner );"
  1274. level notify ( \round_switch\" switchType );"
  1275. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::teamOutcomeNotify( switchType, true, level.halftimeSubCaption );
  1276. level notify ( \round_switch\" \"overtime\" );"
  1277. level notify ( \restarting\" );"
  1278. level notify ( \round_switch\" \"halftime\" );"
  1279. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::teamOutcomeNotify( \halftime\" true level.halftimeSubCaption );"
  1280. level notify ( \game_ended\" winner );"
  1281. player notify ( \reset_outcome\" );"
  1282. level notify ( \game_cleanup\" );"
  1283. level notify ( \spawning_intermission\" );"
  1284. level notify( \exitLevel_called\" );"
  1285. self notify ( \pickup_object\" );"
  1286. self notify ( \reset\" );"
  1287. self notify ( \dropped\" );"
  1288. self notify(\carrier_cleared\");"
  1289. self notify ( \drop_object\" );"
  1290. self notify ( \deleted\" );"
  1291. self notify ( \finished_use\" );"
  1292. player notify ( \use_hold\" );"
  1293. player notify( \done_using\" );"
  1294. objPoint notify( \stop_flashing_thread\" );"
  1295. self.visuals[index] notify(\changing_solidness\");"
  1296. self notify(\changing_solidness\");"
  1297. self notify(\disabled\");"
  1298. level notify(\updating_scores\");"
  1299. level notify(\updating_dm_scores\");"
  1300. player notify( \update_outcome\" );"
  1301. level notify( \game_ended\" );"
  1302. notifyData.titleText = &\MP_CHALLENGE_COMPLETED\";"
  1303. notifyData.notifyText = \wheee\";"
  1304. notifyData.sound = \mp_challenge_complete\";"
  1305. level notify( \host_migration_begin\" );"
  1306. level notify( \host_migration_end\" );"
  1307. self notify ( \fontPulse\" );"
  1308. player thread initNotifyMessage();
  1309. notifyData.notifyText = hintText;
  1310. notifyData.glowColor = (0.3, 0.6, 0.3);
  1311. notifyMessage( notifyData );
  1312. initNotifyMessage()
  1313. self.notifyTitle = createFontString( font, titleSize );
  1314. self.notifyTitle setPoint( point, undefined, xOffset, yOffset );
  1315. self.notifyTitle.glowColor = (0.2, 0.3, 0.7);
  1316. self.notifyTitle.glowAlpha = 1;
  1317. self.notifyTitle.hideWhenInMenu = true;
  1318. self.notifyTitle.archived = false;
  1319. self.notifyTitle.alpha = 0;
  1320. self.notifyText = createFontString( font, textSize );
  1321. self.notifyText setParent( self.notifyTitle );
  1322. self.notifyText setPoint( point, relativePoint, 0, 0 );
  1323. self.notifyText.glowColor = (0.2, 0.3, 0.7);
  1324. self.notifyText.glowAlpha = 1;
  1325. self.notifyText.hideWhenInMenu = true;
  1326. self.notifyText.archived = false;
  1327. self.notifyText.alpha = 0;
  1328. self.notifyText2 = createFontString( font, textSize );
  1329. self.notifyText2 setParent( self.notifyTitle );
  1330. self.notifyText2 setPoint( point, relativePoint, 0, 0 );
  1331. self.notifyText2.glowColor = (0.2, 0.3, 0.7);
  1332. self.notifyText2.glowAlpha = 1;
  1333. self.notifyText2.hideWhenInMenu = true;
  1334. self.notifyText2.archived = false;
  1335. self.notifyText2.alpha = 0;
  1336. self.notifyIcon = createIcon( \white\" iconSize iconSize );"
  1337. self.notifyIcon setParent( self.notifyText2 );
  1338. self.notifyIcon setPoint( point, relativePoint, 0, 0 );
  1339. self.notifyIcon.hideWhenInMenu = true;
  1340. self.notifyIcon.archived = false;
  1341. self.notifyIcon.alpha = 0;
  1342. self.notifyOverlay = createIcon( \white\" iconSize iconSize );"
  1343. self.notifyOverlay setParent( self.notifyIcon );
  1344. self.notifyOverlay setPoint( \CENTER\" \"CENTER\" 0 0 );"
  1345. self.notifyOverlay.hideWhenInMenu = true;
  1346. self.notifyOverlay.archived = false;
  1347. self.notifyOverlay.alpha = 0;
  1348. oldNotifyMessage( titleText, notifyText, iconName, glowColor, sound, duration )
  1349. notifyData.titleText = titleText;
  1350. notifyData.notifyText = notifyText;
  1351. notifyData.iconName = iconName;
  1352. notifyData.glowColor = glowColor;
  1353. notifyData.sound = sound;
  1354. notifyData.duration = duration;
  1355. notifyMessage( notifyData )
  1356. if ( !isDefined( notifyData.slot ) )
  1357. notifyData.slot = 0;
  1358. slot = notifyData.slot;
  1359. if ( !isDefined( notifyData.type ) )
  1360. notifyData.type = \\";"
  1361. else if ( notifyData.type == \rank\" && self.doingSplash[ slot ].type != \"challenge\" && self.doingSplash[ slot ].type != \"killstreak\" )"
  1362. self.splashQueue[ slot ][ self.splashQueue[ slot ].size ] = notifyData;
  1363. dispatchNotify( slot )
  1364. nextNotifyData = self.splashQueue[ slot ][ 0 ];
  1365. if ( isDefined( ) )
  1366. actionNotify( nextNotifyData );
  1367. showNotifyMessage( nextNotifyData );
  1368. promotionSplashNotify()
  1369. showNotifyMessage( notifyData )
  1370. assert( isDefined( notifyData.slot ) );
  1371. if ( isDefined( notifyData.type ) && notifyData.type == \rank\" )"
  1372. self.doingSplash[ slot ] = notifyData;
  1373. if ( isDefined( notifyData.duration ) )
  1374. duration = notifyData.duration;
  1375. if ( isDefined( notifyData.sound ) )
  1376. self playLocalSound( notifyData.sound );
  1377. if ( isDefined( notifyData.leaderSound ) )
  1378. self leaderDialogOnPlayer( notifyData.leaderSound );
  1379. if ( isDefined( notifyData.glowColor ) )
  1380. glowColor = notifyData.glowColor;
  1381. anchorElem = self.notifyTitle;
  1382. if ( isDefined( notifyData.titleText ) )
  1383. if ( isDefined( notifyData.titleLabel ) )
  1384. self.notifyTitle.label = notifyData.titleLabel;
  1385. self.notifyTitle.label = &\\";"
  1386. if ( isDefined( notifyData.titleLabel ) && !isDefined( notifyData.titleIsString ) )
  1387. self.notifyTitle setValue( notifyData.titleText );
  1388. self.notifyTitle setText( notifyData.titleText );
  1389. self.notifyTitle setPulseFX( int(25*duration), int(duration*1000), 1000 );
  1390. self.notifyTitle.glowColor = glowColor;
  1391. self.notifyTitle.alpha = 1;
  1392. if ( isDefined( notifyData.textGlowColor ) )
  1393. glowColor = notifyData.textGlowColor;
  1394. if ( isDefined( notifyData.notifyText ) )
  1395. if ( isDefined( notifyData.textLabel ) )
  1396. self.notifyText.label = notifyData.textLabel;
  1397. self.notifyText.label = &\\";"
  1398. if ( isDefined( notifyData.textLabel ) && !isDefined( notifyData.textIsString ) )
  1399. self.notifyText setValue( notifyData.notifyText );
  1400. self.notifyText setText( notifyData.notifyText );
  1401. self.notifyText setPulseFX( 100, int(duration*1000), 1000 );
  1402. self.notifyText.glowColor = glowColor;
  1403. self.notifyText.alpha = 1;
  1404. anchorElem = self.notifyText;
  1405. if ( isDefined( notifyData.notifyText2 ) )
  1406. self.notifyText2 setParent( anchorElem );
  1407. if ( isDefined( notifyData.text2Label ) )
  1408. self.notifyText2.label = notifyData.text2Label;
  1409. self.notifyText2.label = &\\";"
  1410. self.notifyText2 setText( notifyData.notifyText2 );
  1411. self.notifyText2 setPulseFX( 100, int(duration*1000), 1000 );
  1412. self.notifyText2.glowColor = glowColor;
  1413. self.notifyText2.alpha = 1;
  1414. anchorElem = self.notifyText2;
  1415. if ( isDefined( notifyData.iconName ) )
  1416. self.notifyIcon setParent( anchorElem );
  1417. self.notifyIcon setShader( notifyData.iconName, 60, 60 );
  1418. if ( isDefined( notifyData.iconOverlay ) )
  1419. self.notifyIcon fadeOverTime( 0.15 );
  1420. self.notifyIcon.alpha = 1;
  1421. //if ( !isDefined( notifyData.overlayOffsetY ) )
  1422. notifyData.overlayOffsetY = 0;
  1423. self.notifyOverlay setPoint( \CENTER\" \"CENTER\" 0 notifyData.overlayOffsetY );"
  1424. self.notifyOverlay setShader( notifyData.iconOverlay, 512, 512 );
  1425. self.notifyOverlay.color = (1,0,0);
  1426. self.notifyOverlay fadeOverTime( 0.4 );
  1427. self.notifyOverlay.alpha = 0.85;
  1428. self.notifyOverlay scaleOverTime( 0.4, 32, 32 );
  1429. self.notifyIcon fadeOverTime( 0.75 );
  1430. self.notifyOverlay fadeOverTime( 0.75 );
  1431. self.notifyIcon fadeOverTime( 1.0 );
  1432. self notify ( \notifyMessageDone\" );"
  1433. killstreakSplashNotify( streakName, streakVal, appendString )
  1434. defconSplashNotify( defconLevel, forceNotify )
  1435. actionData.forceNotify = forceNotify;
  1436. challengeSplashNotify( challengeRef )
  1437. splashNotify( text, optionalNumber )
  1438. splashNotifyDelayed( text, optionalNumber )
  1439. playerCardSplashNotify( splashRef, player, optionalNumber )
  1440. actionNotify( actionData )
  1441. actionNotifyMessage( actionData )
  1442. self notify ( \actionNotifyMessage\" + slot );"
  1443. self endon ( \actionNotifyMessage\" + slot );"
  1444. self endon ( \notifyMessageDone\" );"
  1445. resetNotify();
  1446. self notify ( \resetOnCancel\" );"
  1447. level waittill ( \cancel_notify\" );"
  1448. resetNotify()
  1449. self matchOutcomeNotify( \draw\" );"
  1450. self matchOutcomeNotify( \victory\" );"
  1451. self matchOutcomeNotify( \defeat\" );"
  1452. matchOutcomeNotify( outcome )
  1453. teamOutcomeNotify( winner, isRound, endReasonText )
  1454. self notify ( \reset_outcome\" );"
  1455. outcomeNotify( winner, endReasonText )
  1456. resetOutcomeNotify( outcomeTitle, outcomeText, firstTitle, secondTitle, thirdTitle, matchBonus )
  1457. resetTeamOutcomeNotify( outcomeTitle, outcomeText, leftIcon, rightIcon, LeftScore, rightScore, matchBonus )
  1458. self notify ( \begin_killcam\" startTime );"
  1459. self notify ( \killcam_ended\" );"
  1460. self notify ( \showing_final_killcam\" );"
  1461. self notify(\abort_killcam\");"
  1462. self notifyOnPlayerCommand( \use_copycat\" \"weapnext\" );"
  1463. attacker thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::playerCardSplashNotify( \copied\" self );"
  1464. self notify(\killcam_ended\"); // do this last in case this function was called from a thread ending on it"
  1465. self notify(\end_respawn\");"
  1466. // these are generally triggered from the \connected\" notify which can happen on the same"
  1467. self notify( \joined_spectators\" );"
  1468. level notify( \joined_team\" );"
  1469. self notify( \joined_team\" );"
  1470. owner maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::playerCardSplashNotify( \destroyed_insertion\" self );"
  1471. self notify( \clearing_expID_\" + expID );"
  1472. data.attacker notify( \playerKilledChallengesProcessed\" );"
  1473. self notify( \destroyed_explosive\" );"
  1474. self notify( \begin_airstrike\" );"
  1475. self notify( \destroyed_car\" );"
  1476. self notify( \destroyed_helicopter\" );"
  1477. // don't need to endon disconnect because we will get the notify we're waiting for when we disconnect.
  1478. self notify ( \attempted_spawn\" );"
  1479. self waitForTimeOrNotify( timeUntilSpawn, \force_spawn\" );"
  1480. self notify(\stop_wait_safe_spawn_button\");"
  1481. self notify ( \revive\" );"
  1482. thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::defconSplashNotify( game[\defcon\"] false );"
  1483. thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::splashNotify( \rested\" );"
  1484. self notify( \predicting_about_to_spawn_player\" );"
  1485. self notify( \used_predicted_spawnpoint\" );"
  1486. self maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::playerCardSplashNotify( \destroyed_insertion\" package.owner );"
  1487. self notify( \spawned\" );"
  1488. self notify( \end_respawn\" );"
  1489. thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::oldNotifyMessage( game[\strings\"][\"overtime\"] game[\"strings\"][\"overtime_hint\"] undefined (1 0 0) \"mp_last_stand\" );"
  1490. thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::oldNotifyMessage( game[\strings\"][team + \"_name\"] undefined game[\"icons\"][team] + \"_blue\" game[\"colors\"][\"blue\"] );"
  1491. thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::oldNotifyMessage( game[\strings\"][team + \"_name\"] undefined game[\"icons\"][team] game[\"colors\"][team] );"
  1492. // notify which can happen on the same frame as the \connected\" notify"
  1493. self notify( \spawned_player\" );"
  1494. level notify ( \player_spawned\" self );"
  1495. self notify(\perks_hidden\");"
  1496. self notify(\spawned\");"
  1497. notifyConnecting()
  1498. level notify( \connecting\" self );"
  1499. thread notifyConnecting();
  1500. level notify( \connected\" self );"
  1501. // give any threads waiting on the \connected\" notify a chance to process before we are added to level.players"
  1502. thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::splashNotify( \rested_done\" );"
  1503. self notify(\update_rank\");"
  1504. level waittill_notify_or_timeout( \game_over\" 0.25 );"
  1505. thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::promotionSplashNotify();
  1506. self notify( \scorePopup\" );"
  1507. self notify ( \end_explode\" );"
  1508. self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \death\" 2.0 );"
  1509. level notify(\drawing_spawn_data\");"
  1510. level notify(\stop_spawn_profile\");"
  1511. level notify( \end_spawn_graph\" );"
  1512. level notify( \spawn_graph_stop_draw\" );"
  1513. level notify(\stop_spawn_weight_debug\");"
  1514. spawnpoint notify( \debug_stop_LOS\" );"
  1515. destPlayer notify( \scavenger_pickup\" );"
  1516. self notify ( \updateMagShots_\" + weaponName );"
  1517. // sometimes the \weapon_fired\" notify happens after we hit the guy..."
  1518. self.gotPullbackNotify = false;
  1519. self.gotPullbackNotify = true;
  1520. level notify ( \stinger_fired\" self missile self.stingerTarget );"
  1521. level notify ( \stinger_fired\" self missile self.javelinTarget );"
  1522. ent notify( \emp_damage\" self.owner 8.0 );"
  1523. if ( self.gotPullbackNotify )
  1524. // no grenade_pullback notify! we must have picked it up off the ground.
  1525. self notify( \disabled\" );"
  1526. self notify( \enabled\" );"
  1527. self notify( \activated\" );"
  1528. self notify( \alt_detonate\" );"
  1529. self notify( \detonated\" );"
  1530. // \destroyed_explosive\" notify for challenges"
  1531. attacker notify( \destroyed_explosive\" );"
  1532. // won't get here; got death notify.
  1533. trigger notify( \end_detection\" );"
  1534. self.entity notify( \damage\" iDamage eAttacker ( 0 0 0 ) ( 0 0 0 ) \"mod_explosive\" \"\" \"\" );"
  1535. eAttacker notify( \stun_hit\" );"
  1536. stuckTo maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::playerCardSplashNotify( \semtex_stuck\" self );"
  1537. self notify( \process\" \"ch_bullseye\" );"
  1538. player notify ( \weapon_change\" \"none\" );"
  1539. player notify ( \weapon_change\" player getCurrentWeapon() );"
  1540. player notify ( \ac130player_removed\" );"
  1541. level notify ( \ac130player_removed\" );"
  1542. level.ac130.cameraModel notify ( \death\" );"
  1543. attacker notify( \destroyed_killstreak\" );"
  1544. level notify(\stop_rotatePlane_thread\");"
  1545. self notifyOnPlayerCommand( \switch thermal\" \"+activate\" );"
  1546. level notify( \gun_fired_and_ready_105mm\" );"
  1547. self notify( \darkScreenOverlay\" );"
  1548. level notify ( \enemy_killed\" );"
  1549. array_thread( getentarray( \context_dialog_car\" " \""targetname\"" )" " ::context_Sensative_Dialog_Locations_Add_Notify_Event" \"car\" );"
  1550. array_thread( getentarray( \context_dialog_truck\" " \""targetname\"" )" " ::context_Sensative_Dialog_Locations_Add_Notify_Event" \"truck\" );"
  1551. array_thread( getentarray( \context_dialog_building\" " \""targetname\"" )" " ::context_Sensative_Dialog_Locations_Add_Notify_Event" \"building\" );"
  1552. array_thread( getentarray( \context_dialog_wall\" " \""targetname\"" )" " ::context_Sensative_Dialog_Locations_Add_Notify_Event" \"wall\" );"
  1553. array_thread( getentarray( \context_dialog_field\" " \""targetname\"" )" " ::context_Sensative_Dialog_Locations_Add_Notify_Event" \"field\" );"
  1554. array_thread( getentarray( \context_dialog_road\" " \""targetname\"" )" " ::context_Sensative_Dialog_Locations_Add_Notify_Event" \"road\" );"
  1555. array_thread( getentarray( \context_dialog_church\" " \""targetname\"" )" " ::context_Sensative_Dialog_Locations_Add_Notify_Event" \"church\" );"
  1556. array_thread( getentarray( \context_dialog_ditch\" " \""targetname\"" )" " ::context_Sensative_Dialog_Locations_Add_Notify_Event" \"ditch\" );"
  1557. context_Sensative_Dialog_Locations_Add_Notify_Event( locationType )
  1558. level notify ( \context_location\" locationType );"
  1559. level notify ( \radio_not_in_use\" );"
  1560. level.ac130.planeModel notify ( \crashing\" );"
  1561. self notify( \markerDetermined\" );"
  1562. self notify ( \stopWatchingAirDropMarker\" );"
  1563. self notify( \watchAirDropMarkerUsage\" );"
  1564. self notify( \watchAirDropMarker\" );"
  1565. self notify( \beginAirDropMarkerTracking\" );"
  1566. self notify( \airDropMarkerActivate\" );"
  1567. level.nukeCrate notify( \nukeLanded\" );"
  1568. chopper notify( \drop_crate\" );"
  1569. chopper notify( \leaving\" );"
  1570. chopper notify( \delete\" );"
  1571. c130 notify ( \drop_crate\" );"
  1572. self notify( \helicopter_gone\" );"
  1573. self notify( \drop_crate\" );"
  1574. self notify ( \explode\" );"
  1575. self notify ( \captured\" player );"
  1576. player thread hijackNotify( self, \airdrop\" );"
  1577. player thread hijackNotify( self, \emergency_airdrop\" );"
  1578. //self.owner maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::playerCardSplashNotify( \giveaway_airdrop\" player );"
  1579. self.owner thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( \sharepackage\" maps\mp\killstreaks\_killstreaks::getStreakCost( self.crateType ) * 50 );"
  1580. player maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::killstreakSplashNotify( self.crateType, undefined, \pickup\" );"
  1581. level notify( \nukeCaptured\" player );"
  1582. player thread hijackNotify( self, \sentry\" );"
  1583. self.owner maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::playerCardSplashNotify( \giveaway_sentry\" player );"
  1584. hijackNotify( crate, crateType )
  1585. self notify( \hijacker\" crateType crate.owner );"
  1586. owner notify ( \begin_airstrike\" );"
  1587. level notify ( \begin_airstrike\" );"
  1588. level notify(\debugArtilleryDangerCenters_thread\");"
  1589. self notify ( \airstrikeDamageEntsThread\" );"
  1590. plane notify( \delete\" );"
  1591. plane notify ( \start_bombing\" );"
  1592. plane notify ( \stop_bombing\" );"
  1593. self notify( \stop_bombing\" );"
  1594. self notify ( \cancel_location\" );"
  1595. self notify( \used\" );"
  1596. self notify( \stop_location_selection\" );"
  1597. self notifyOnPlayerCommand( \place_sentry\" \"+attack\" );"
  1598. self notifyOnPlayerCommand( \cancel_sentry\" \"+actionslot 4\" );"
  1599. self notify ( \sentry_handleOwner\" );"
  1600. self notify ( \placed\" );"
  1601. self notify ( \carried\" );"
  1602. self notify( \not_overheated\" );"
  1603. self notify( \saveWeaponAmmoOnDeath\" );"
  1604. self notify( weaponName + \_ammo_monitor\" );"
  1605. self notify( \used_emp\" );"
  1606. level notify ( \EMP_JamTeam\" + teamName );"
  1607. level notify ( \emp_update\" );"
  1608. level notify ( \EMP_JamPlayers\" );"
  1609. level notify ( \emp_ended\" );"
  1610. rocket notify ( \death\" );"
  1611. self notify( \engageGround\" );"
  1612. self notify( \leaving\" );"
  1613. self notify(\stopRand\");"
  1614. self notify ( \harrier_gone\" );"
  1615. self notify( \randomHarrierMovement\" );"
  1616. self notify( \randMove\" );"
  1617. self notify( \acquiringTarget\" );"
  1618. self notify( \watchTargetDeath\" );"
  1619. self notify(\stopfiring\");"
  1620. self notify( \newTarget\" );"
  1621. self notify( \harrierGetTargets\" );"
  1622. self notify( \acquiringVehTarget\" );"
  1623. queueEnt thread deleteOnEntNotify( self, \disconnect\" );"
  1624. deleteOnEntNotify( ent, notifyString )
  1625. ent waittill ( notifyString );
  1626. self notify ( \heliPlayer_removed\" );"
  1627. self notify( \helicopter_done\" );"
  1628. self notify( \primary acquired\" );"
  1629. self notify( \secondary acquired\" );"
  1630. validAttacker notify( \destroyed_killstreak\" weapon );"
  1631. attacker notify( \destroyed_helicopter\" );"
  1632. self notify( \crashing\" );"
  1633. // give \death\" notify time to process"
  1634. self notify( \missile fired\" );"
  1635. self notify ( \missile ready\" );"
  1636. self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \turret_on_target\" timeOut );"
  1637. self notify( \flying\");"
  1638. self notify ( \waitForChangeTeam\" );"
  1639. self notify ( \finish_death\" );"
  1640. self notify( \got_killstreak\" streakCount );"
  1641. rewardNotify( streakName, streakVal )
  1642. self maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::killstreakSplashNotify( streakName, streakVal );
  1643. level notify ( \gave_killstreak\" streakName );"
  1644. self notify( \received_earned_killstreak\" );"
  1645. lb notify ( \stopFiring\" );"
  1646. lb notify( \gone\" );"
  1647. trail_fx( trail_fx, trail_tag, stop_notify )
  1648. self notify( stop_notify );
  1649. self endon( stop_notify );
  1650. self notify( \used_nuke\" );"
  1651. level notify ( \nuke_cancelled\" );"
  1652. level notify( \nuke_death\" );"
  1653. // instantly deletes its self after an explode and death notify
  1654. self notify ( \path_abandoned\" );"
  1655. startNode notify ( \trigger\" self true );"
  1656. print(\sent death notify via script\");"
  1657. self notify ( \abandoned\" );"
  1658. self notify( \tankDestroyed\" );"
  1659. self notify( \onTargOrTimeOut\" );"
  1660. self notify( \killedTarget\" );"
  1661. self notify( \abandonedTarget\" );"
  1662. self notify( \targetRemoved\" );"
  1663. self notify( \acquiringMiniTarget\" );"
  1664. self notify( \killedMiniTarget\" );"
  1665. self notify( \abandonedMiniTarget\" );"
  1666. level notify ( \end_tankPathHandling\" );"
  1667. debugPrintLn2( \... sending notify.\" );"
  1668. nextNode notify ( \trigger\" tank true );"
  1669. debugPrintLn2( \tank missed node: forcing notify in one frame...\" );"
  1670. self notify ( \drawTankGraphIds\" );"
  1671. level notify ( \uav_update\" );"
  1672. UAVModel waittill_notify_or_timeout_hostmigration_pause( \death\" duration - 7 );"
  1673. UAVModel waittill_notify_or_timeout_hostmigration_pause( \death\" 3 );"
  1674. UAVModel waittill_notify_or_timeout_hostmigration_pause( \death\" 4 );"
  1675. waittill_notify_or_timeout_hostmigration_pause( msg, timer )
  1676. self notify( \used_counter_uav\" );"
  1677. self notify( \used_uav\" );"
  1678. self notify ( \blockPlayerUAV\" );"
  1679. self notify ( \usePlayerUAV\" );"
  1680. level notify( \radar_status_change\" team );"
  1681. self notify(\deleted\");"
  1682. player notify( \killstreak_destroyed\" );"
  1683. self notify ( \end_perkUseTracker\" );"
  1684. self notify( \stopEndGame\" );"
  1685. self notify ( \unset_combathigh\" );"
  1686. self notifyOnPlayerCommand( \adjustedStance\" \"+stance\" );"
  1687. self notifyOnPlayerCommand( \jumped\" \"+goStand\" );"
  1688. self notify ( \end_ac130Think\" );"
  1689. self notify ( \end_sentry_minigunThink\" );"
  1690. self notify ( \endCarePackageThink\" );"
  1691. self notify ( \end_tankThink\" );"
  1692. self notify ( \end_precision_airstrike\" );"
  1693. self notify ( \end_predator_missileThink\" );"
  1694. self notify ( \end_helicopter_minigunThink\" );"
  1695. self notify ( \stop_oneManArmyTracker\" );"
  1696. level notify ( \changed_kit\" );"
  1697. self notify( \end_monitorTIUse\" );"
  1698. attacker notify ( \destroyed_insertion\" owner );"
  1699. attacker notify( \destroyed_explosive\" ); // count towards SitRep Pro challenge"
  1700. player notify ( \destroyed_insertion\" owner );"
  1701. player notify( \destroyed_explosive\" ); // count towards SitRep Pro challenge"
  1702. self notify ( \end_littlebird_support_think\" );"
  1703. self notify( \combathigh_survived\" );"
  1704. self notifyOnPlayerCommand( \gambit_on\" \"+frag\" );"
  1705. level.active_button notify( \select_button_pressed\" );"
  1706. button notify( \remove_button\" );"
  1707. level notify ( \defcon_killstreak\" streakCount player );"
  1708. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::playerCardSplashNotify( \two_from_defcon\" changingPlayer );"
  1709. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::playerCardSplashNotify( \one_from_defcon\" changingPlayer );"
  1710. changingPlayer notify( \changed_defcon\" );"
  1711. changingPlayer thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::splashNotify( \caused_defcon\" streakCount );"
  1712. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::defconSplashNotify( game[\defcon\"] newDefcon < oldDefcon );"
  1713. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::playerCardSplashNotify( \changed_defcon\" changingPlayer );"
  1714. self notify ( \destroyIconsOnDeath\" );"
  1715. self notify( \kill_entity_headicon_thread\" );"
  1716. self notify ( \updateRecentKills\" );"
  1717. owner maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::playerCardSplashNotify( \hijacked_sentry\" self );"
  1718. self notify( \process\" \"ch_hijacker\" );"
  1719. owner maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::playerCardSplashNotify( \hijacked_emergency_airdrop\" self );"
  1720. self notify( \process\" \"ch_newjack\" );"
  1721. owner maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::playerCardSplashNotify( \hijacked_airdrop\" self );"
  1722. self notify(\stop_monitoring_flash\");"
  1723. self notify(\flash_rumble_loop\");"
  1724. attacker notify( \flash_hit\" );"
  1725. soundfx( fxId, fxPos, endonNotify )
  1726. if ( isdefined( endonNotify ) )
  1727. org thread soundfxDelete( endonNotify );
  1728. soundfxDelete( endonNotify )
  1729. level waittill( endonNotify );
  1730. self notify( \stop_lockon_sound\" );"
  1731. level notify( \killexplodertridgers\" + trigger.script_exploder );"
  1732. self notify( \giveMoney\" );"
  1733. showLootNotify( lootTier )
  1734. notifyData.titleText = \Target of Opportunity!\";"
  1735. notifyData.iconName = \skull_black_plain\";"
  1736. notifyData.iconOverlay = \skull_crosshair_white\";"
  1737. notifyData.titleText = \You've got mail!\";"
  1738. //notifyData.sound = \loot_drop_\" + lootTier;"
  1739. notifyData.glowColor = (1, 0, 0);
  1740. notifyData.duration = 3.0;
  1741. thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::notifyMessage( notifyData );
  1742. self.owner thread randomKillstreakNotify( streakName );
  1743. randomKillstreakNotify( streakName )
  1744. notifyData.titleText = \Killstreak In a Box!\";"
  1745. notifyData.notifyText = maps\mp\killstreaks\_killstreaks::getKillstreakHint( streakName );
  1746. notifyData.textIsString = true;
  1747. notifyData.sound = maps\mp\killstreaks\_killstreaks::getKillstreakSound( streakName );
  1748. notifyData.leaderSound = streakName;
  1749. notifyData.glowColor = (1, 0.76, 0.35);
  1750. notifyData.textGlowColor = (1, 1, 0.5);
  1751. self maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::notifyMessage( notifyData );
  1752. self notify( \leftTrigger\");"
  1753. level notify (\wind blows\" windDirection);"
  1754. self notify( \stop_javelin_locking_feedback\" );"
  1755. self notify( \stop_javelin_locked_feedback\" );"
  1756. self notify ( \ResetStingerLockingOnDeath\" );"
  1757. //self notify( \lower_message_set\" );"
  1758. waitForTimeOrNotify( time, notifyname )
  1759. self endon( notifyname );
  1760. self notify ( \playLeaderDialogOnPlayer\" );"
  1761. level.watchDvars[ dvarString ].notifyString = \update_\" + nameString;"
  1762. level notify( level.watchDvars[ dvarString ].notifyString, dvarValue );
  1763. self notify( \using_remote\" );"
  1764. self notify( \stopped_using_remote\" );"
  1765. self notify ( \altscene\" );"
  1766. self notify ( \end_altScene\" );"
  1767. level notify ( flagName );
  1768. player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::playerCardSplashNotify( splash, owner );
  1769. guy notify( \finished_swim_animation\" );"
  1770. level notify( \A door in breach group 300 has been activated.\" );"
  1771. self notify( \finished_swim_animation\" );"
  1772. level notify( \player_is_below_water\" );"
  1773. level notify( \player_is_above_water\" );"
  1774. level notify( \player_in_water\" );"
  1775. level notify( \player_out_of_water\" );"
  1776. level.eNodeIntroDuplicate notify( \stop_idle\" );"
  1777. sound_org notify( \stop sound\" + \"oilrig_muffled_breach_voices\" );"
  1778. eNode notify( \stop_idle\" );"
  1779. level notify( \stealth_broken\" );"
  1780. level.teamleader notify( \stop_idle\" );"
  1781. "// c4_model.trigger notify( \trigger\""" level.player );"
  1782. c4_player_on_deadguy notify( \clear_c4\" );"
  1783. "// org_c4 notify( \clear_c4\"" );"""
  1784. self.trigger notify( \trigger\" level.player );"
  1785. level notify( \breach_deck3_autosave_threaded\" );"
  1786. guy notify( \over_solid_ground\" );"
  1787. level notify( \oilrig_timeout_func\" );"
  1788. level notify( \breach_nag_called\" );"
  1789. level notify( \breach_explosion\" );"
  1790. level notify( \doing_generic_mission_fail\" );"
  1791. self notify( \moving\" );"
  1792. self notify( \arriving\" );"
  1793. self notify( \stopped_moving\" );"
  1794. //self notify( \moving\" );"
  1795. killtrigger_ocean notify( \turn_off\" );"
  1796. self notify( \running_stealth_monitor_on_me\" );"
  1797. "// self notify( \running_stealth_monitor_on_me\"" );"""
  1798. "// level notify( \stealth_broken\"" );"""
  1799. level notify( \oilrig_stealth_monitor_off\" );"
  1800. "// level notify( \stealth_broken\"" );"""
  1801. self notify( \stop sound\" + \"sdv_move_loop_plr\" );"
  1802. self notify( \stop sound\" + \"sdv_move_loop\" );"
  1803. level notify( \stop_updating_player_vehicle_speed\" );"
  1804. level notify( \ride_ends\" );"
  1805. turret notify( \stop_aiming_at_targets\" );"
  1806. self notify( \stop\" );"
  1807. timeoutEnt thread notify_delay( \timeout\" timeout_time );"
  1808. level notify( \tanks_stop_firing\" );"
  1809. self notify( \stop_tank_fire\" );"
  1810. self notify( \animontagdone\" \"end\" );"
  1811. self notify( \trigger\" );"
  1812. owner notify( \special_anim\" \"end\" );"
  1813. //self notify( \do_custom_anim\" );"
  1814. level waittill_notify_or_timeout( \shot_rings_out\" 1.5 );"
  1815. level notify( \new_force_player_speed\" );"
  1816. bmp_destroyed notify( \destroyed\" );"
  1817. waittill_notify_or_timeout( \damage\" 1.5 );"
  1818. level notify( \school_spawner_death\" );"
  1819. self notify( \done\" );"
  1820. "// ent delayThread( 4.5, ::send_notify, \done\"" );"""
  1821. level notify( \convoy_continues_to_ambush\" );"
  1822. level notify( \kaboom_to_detour_vehicle\" );"
  1823. level notify( \jumper_reached_goal\" );"
  1824. level delayThread( 0.95, ::send_notify, \stop_pulling\" );"
  1825. level notify( \spy_baddies_flee\" );"
  1826. self notify( \overrail\" );"
  1827. self notify( \stop_draw_on_ent\" );"
  1828. self notify( \taxi_moving\" );"
  1829. "// level thread notify_delay( \bridge_collapse\""" 10 );"
  1830. level notify( \bridge_collapse_start\" );"
  1831. level thread notify_delay( \bridge_sway_start\" 0.5 );"
  1832. chopper.defaultNearGoalNotifyDist = 400;
  1833. self notify( \stop_chopper_gun_face_entity\" );"
  1834. level.chopper notify( \stop_chopper_gun_face_entity\" );"
  1835. level.chopper notify( \stop_chopper_fake_hover\" );"
  1836. level notify( \so_rpgs_shot\" );"
  1837. self SetNearGoalNotifyDist( 200 );
  1838. self notify( \stop_chopper_notify_near_goal\" );"
  1839. // Reinitiate the chopper_notify_near_goal since we stopped it before
  1840. chopper_notify_near_goal()
  1841. self endon( \stop_chopper_notify_near_goal\" );"
  1842. self notify( \chopper_near_goal\" );"
  1843. self notify( \stop_chopper_fake_hover\" );"
  1844. self SetNearGoalNotifyDist( path_point.radius );
  1845. self notify( \follow_path_done\" );"
  1846. self notify( \stop_debug_trigger_everything_think\" );"
  1847. level notify( \stop_draw_linesegment_point\" );"
  1848. level notify( note );
  1849. trigger thread notify_delay( \trigger\" 10 );"
  1850. level notify( \bridge_collapse\" );"
  1851. level notify( \wave_complete\" );"
  1852. "self notify( \new_target\"" ); // Clears ambient target shooting"""
  1853. level notify( \btr80_death\" );"
  1854. level notify( \btr80s_all_down\" );"
  1855. level notify( \hunter_refill_complete\" );"
  1856. level notify( \hunter_death\" );"
  1857. level notify( \hunters_all_down\" );"
  1858. level notify( \attack_heli_death\" );"
  1859. level notify( \attack_helis_all_down\" );"
  1860. level notify( \hellfire_attack_pause\" );"
  1861. level notify( \hellfire_attack_stop\" );"
  1862. level notify( \hellfire_attack_notarget_\" + self.unique_id );"
  1863. ai notify( \stop_going_to_node\" );"
  1864. level notify( \clean_up\" volume.script_group );"
  1865. self notify_area_clear();
  1866. notify_area_clear()
  1867. self notify( \so_bcs_area_secure\" );"
  1868. notifyoncommand( \player_fired\" \"+attack\" );"
  1869. notifyoncommand( \player_fired\" \"+melee\" );"
  1870. notifyoncommand( \player_fired\" \"+frag\" );"
  1871. notifyoncommand( \player_fired\" \"+smoke\" );"
  1872. level notify( \vehicle_destroyed\" );"
  1873. self notify( \show_vehicle_locs\" );"
  1874. self notify( \hide_vehicle_locs\" );"
  1875. self notify( \refresh_vehicle_locs\" );"
  1876. self notify( \rebuild_time_bonus\" );"
  1877. self notify( \downloading\" );"
  1878. self delaythread( 0.1, ::download_files_wave_death ); // delay so we can start waiting for the notify before it fires
  1879. self notify( \downloading_stopped\" );"
  1880. self notify( \download_interrupted\" );"
  1881. self NotifyOnPlayerCommand( \use_laser\" \"+actionslot 4\" );"
  1882. self NotifyOnPlayerCommand( \fired_laser\" \"+attack\" );"
  1883. self notify( \resuming speed\" );"
  1884. self notify( \wait for gate\" );"
  1885. self notify( \remove_laser_targeting_device\" );"
  1886. self notify( \cancel_laser\" );"
  1887. self notify( \woken_up\" );"
  1888. level notify( \nonsilenced_weapon_pickup\" );"
  1889. self notify( \stop_moving\" );"
  1890. self notify( \abandon_shooting\" );"
  1891. self notify ( \quit_ghillie_behavior\" );"
  1892. self notify( \quit_ghillie_forever\" );"
  1893. self notify( \ghillie_silent_kill\" );"
  1894. level notify( \multi_kill_message\" );"
  1895. self notify( \patrol_silent_kill\" );"
  1896. level notify( \kill_registered\" );"
  1897. level notify( \who_let_the_dogs_out\" );"
  1898. self notify( \hud_cleaned_up\" );"
  1899. level notify( \enemy_number_changed\" );"
  1900. level notify( \enemy_downed\" );"
  1901. level notify( \enemy_killed_by_player\" );"
  1902. level notify( \civilian_died\" );"
  1903. level notify( \hunter_group_spawn_complete\" );"
  1904. level notify( \score_updated\" );"
  1905. level notify ( \pulse_queue_processed\" );"
  1906. self notify( \hud_create_kill_splash\" );"
  1907. // Do not notify the first one
  1908. trigger notify( \trigger\" );"
  1909. additional_trigger notify( \trigger\" );"
  1910. level notify( \pre_display_splash\" + ( num + 1 ) );"
  1911. level notify( \civilian_killed_\" + count );"
  1912. array_notify( course_triggers_01, \activate\" );"
  1913. level notify ( \test_cleared\" );"
  1914. self notify( \clearing_hints\" );"
  1915. level notify( \stop_hint_missed_target\" );"
  1916. level notify( \new_wave_started\" );"
  1917. level notify( \stop_uav_reload\" );"
  1918. player notify( \force_out_of_uav\" );"
  1919. self notify( \wave_closing_in_called\" );"
  1920. self notify( \kill_badplace_forever\" );"
  1921. level notify( \stop_fading_count\" );"
  1922. self notify( \player_in_range\" );"
  1923. level notify( \player_in_truck_range\" );"
  1924. level notify( \an_explosive_planted\" );"
  1925. level notify( \all_players_finished\" );"
  1926. level notify( \stop_spawning_enemies\" );"
  1927. level notify( \time_ran_out\" );"
  1928. star notify( \destroy\" );"
  1929. level notify( \new_challenge_timer\" );"
  1930. level notify( \gate_splash\" );"
  1931. level notify( \move_objective_overtime\" );"
  1932. level.foley.animnode notify( \stop_idle\" );"
  1933. level.foley thread nag_on_notify_till_flag_set( \nag_hip_fire_0\" 2 \"player_needs_to_fire_from_the_hip\" \"hip_fire_done\" );"
  1934. level.player notify( \did_action_stop_ads\" );"
  1935. level.foley thread nag_on_notify_till_flag_set( \nag_ads_fire_0\" 2 \"player_needs_to_ADS\" \"firing_range_hip_and_ads_done\" );"
  1936. level.foley thread nag_on_notify_till_flag_set( \nag_crouch_fire_0\" 2 \"player_needs_to_crouch\" \"firing_range_hip_and_ads_done\" );"
  1937. level.player notify( \did_action_crouch\" );"
  1938. level.player notify( \did_action_ads_360\" );"
  1939. level.player notify( \did_action_ads\" );"
  1940. nag_on_notify_till_flag_set( sNagLine, iNumberOfLines, sNotify, sFlagToStop )
  1941. level waittill( sNotify );
  1942. target notify( \pop_up\" );"
  1943. level notify( \player_needs_to_crouch\" );"
  1944. level notify( \player_needs_to_fire_from_the_hip\" );"
  1945. level notify( \player_needs_to_ADS\" );"
  1946. level notify( \player_needs_to_shoot_through_plywood\" );"
  1947. level.foley thread nag_on_notify_till_flag_set( \nag_ads_snap_0\" 4 \"player_needs_to_ADS\" \"firing_range_timed_ads_done\" );"
  1948. level waittill_notify_or_timeout( \player_has_hit_too_many_from_hip\" 10 );"
  1949. level notify( \times_up\" );"
  1950. targets[ selected_target ] notify( \pop_up\" );"
  1951. level notify( \a timed target has been hit\" );"
  1952. level notify( \player_has_hit_too_many_from_hip\" );"
  1953. level.foley thread nag_on_notify_till_flag_set( \nag_penetration_fire_0\" 2 \"player_needs_to_shoot_through_plywood\" \"firing_range_penetration_done\" );"
  1954. level.plywood notify( \plywood_going_down\" );"
  1955. level.translatoranimnode notify( \stop_idle\" );"
  1956. level.traineeanimnode notify( \stop_idle\" );"
  1957. self notify( \pop_up\" );"
  1958. level.pitguy.animnode notify( \stop_idle\" );"
  1959. level notify ( \sideArmTraining_end\" );"
  1960. notify_on_sprint();
  1961. thread flag_on_notify( \sprinted\" );"
  1962. //level notify ( \kill_sprint_hint\" );"
  1963. level notify( \starting sprint monitor\" );"
  1964. level notify( \try_again_thread\" );"
  1965. //level notify( \okay_if_friendlies_in_line_of_fire\" );"
  1966. level notify( \clear_course\" );"
  1967. level notify( \starting_civilian_nags\" );"
  1968. level notify( \starting_hurry_nags\" );"
  1969. level notify( \track_player_kill_frequency\" );"
  1970. level waittill_notify_or_timeout( \target_killed\" 8 );"
  1971. level notify( \player_not_killing_targets_at_a_good_rate\" );"
  1972. level notify( \starting_reload_nags\" );"
  1973. level notify( \starting_ADS_nags\" );"
  1974. //array_notify( level.aRangeActors, \stop_idle\" );"
  1975. array_notify( self.targets, \pop_up\" );"
  1976. level notify( \civilian_killed\" );"
  1977. level notify( \target_killed\" );"
  1978. self notify( \hit_with_grenade\" );"
  1979. level notify( \pit_target_hit_without_ADS\" );"
  1980. self notify ( \hit\" );"
  1981. self notify ( \target_going_back_down\" );"
  1982. self notify( \deleted_because_player_was_too_close\" );"
  1983. self notify( \damage\" 1000 \"worldspawn\" undefined undefined \"scripted_target_drop\" );"
  1984. notifyName = \did_action_\" + actionName;"
  1985. notifyOnCommand( notifyName, actionBind.binding );
  1986. level.player thread notifyOnTimeout( notifyName, timeOut );
  1987. level.player waittill( notifyName );
  1988. level notify ( \clearing_hints\" );"
  1989. notifyOnTimeout( finishedNotify, timeOut )
  1990. self endon( finishedNotify );
  1991. self notify( finishedNotify );
  1992. self notify( \starting sparks\" );"
  1993. self notify( \spark off\" );"
  1994. level notify ( \accuracy_bonus\" );"
  1995. level notify ( \kill_timer\" );"
  1996. flag_on_notify( msg )
  1997. notify_on_sprint()
  1998. NotifyOnCommand( \sprinted\" \"+breath_sprint\" );"
  1999. NotifyOnCommand( \sprinted\" \"+sprint\" );"
  2000. level notify( \post_effects_disabled\" );"
  2001. level notify( \stop_rotatePlane_thread\" );"
  2002. level notify( \ac130_reposition\" );"
  2003. level notify( \ac130_almost_at_destination\" );"
  2004. notifyOnCommand( \switch weapons\" \"weapnext\" );"
  2005. level.ac130player notify( \shot weapon\" );"
  2006. level notify( \blinking_weapon_name_hud_elem\" );"
  2007. level notify( \stop_blinking_crosshairs\" );"
  2008. notifyOnCommand( \switch thermal\" \"+usereload\" );"
  2009. notifyOnCommand( \switch thermal\" \"+activate\" );"
  2010. level notify( \setting_ammo\" );"
  2011. trigger notify( \timeout\" );"
  2012. level notify( \darkScreenOverlay\" );"
  2013. level notify( \hud_target_blink_on\" );"
  2014. level notify( \hud_target_blink_off\" );"
  2015. level notify( \enemy_killed\" );"
  2016. array_thread( getentarray( \context_dialog_car\" " \""targetname\"" )" " ::context_Sensative_Dialog_Locations_Add_Notify_Event" \"car\" );"
  2017. array_thread( getentarray( \context_dialog_truck\" " \""targetname\"" )" " ::context_Sensative_Dialog_Locations_Add_Notify_Event" \"truck\" );"
  2018. array_thread( getentarray( \context_dialog_building\" " \""targetname\"" )" " ::context_Sensative_Dialog_Locations_Add_Notify_Event" \"building\" );"
  2019. array_thread( getentarray( \context_dialog_wall\" " \""targetname\"" )" " ::context_Sensative_Dialog_Locations_Add_Notify_Event" \"wall\" );"
  2020. array_thread( getentarray( \context_dialog_field\" " \""targetname\"" )" " ::context_Sensative_Dialog_Locations_Add_Notify_Event" \"field\" );"
  2021. array_thread( getentarray( \context_dialog_road\" " \""targetname\"" )" " ::context_Sensative_Dialog_Locations_Add_Notify_Event" \"road\" );"
  2022. array_thread( getentarray( \context_dialog_church\" " \""targetname\"" )" " ::context_Sensative_Dialog_Locations_Add_Notify_Event" \"church\" );"
  2023. array_thread( getentarray( \context_dialog_ditch\" " \""targetname\"" )" " ::context_Sensative_Dialog_Locations_Add_Notify_Event" \"ditch\" );"
  2024. level notify( \context_location\" locationType );"
  2025. level notify( \radio_not_in_use\" );"
  2026. level notify ( \slowview\" );"
  2027. level notify ( \swivel_stunplayer\" );"
  2028. level notify( \stop_stumble\" );"
  2029. level notify( \slowview\" 3.5 );"
  2030. level notify( \recovered\" );"
  2031. stumble( stumble_angles, stumble_time, recover_time, no_notify )
  2032. if ( !isdefined( no_notify ) )
  2033. level notify( \reverb_overwrite\" );"
  2034. level notify( \new_ambient_event_track\" track );"
  2035. level notify( \trigger_ambience_touched\" );"
  2036. "// level notify( \new_ambient_event_track\"" );"""
  2037. \Name: anim_generic_loop( <guy> <scene> <optional ender notify> <optional tag to animate relative to> )\""
  2038. \OptionalArg: <optional ender notify> : Ends the loop on notify.\""
  2039. self notify( anime );
  2040. guy notify( \stop_sequencing_notetracks\" );"
  2041. ent thread anim_deathNotify( guys[ scriptedAnimationIndex ], anime );
  2042. ent thread anim_animationEndNotify( guys[ scriptedAnimationIndex ], anime, scriptedAnimationTime, anim_end_time );
  2043. ent thread anim_deathNotify( guys[ scriptedFaceIndex ], anime );
  2044. ent thread anim_facialEndNotify( guys[ scriptedFaceIndex ], anime, scriptedFaceAnim );
  2045. ent thread anim_deathNotify( guys[ scriptedSoundIndex ], anime );
  2046. ent thread anim_dialogueEndNotify( guys[ scriptedSoundIndex ], anime );
  2047. anim_deathNotify( guy, anime )
  2048. anim_facialEndNotify( guy, anime, scriptedFaceAnim )
  2049. anim_dialogueEndNotify( guy, anime )
  2050. anim_animationEndNotify( guy, anime, scriptedAnimationTime, anim_end_time )
  2051. ent notify( \reached_position\" );"
  2052. ent waittill( \reach_notify\" );"
  2053. level notify( \x\" + \"clearAnimDebug\" );"
  2054. reach_death_notify( ent )
  2055. ent notify( \reach_notify\" );"
  2056. thread reach_death_notify( ent );
  2057. "self.stopAnimDistSq = squared( 64 ); // get a \stop_soon\"" notify when within this distance to goal" but don't slow down"
  2058. self notify( \anim_reach_complete\" );"
  2059. self notify( \new_anim_reach\" );"
  2060. waittillframeend;// delay a frame so if you end a loop with a notify then start a new loop, this guarentees that
  2061. // the 2nd loop doesnt start before the loop decrementer receives the same notify that ended the first loop
  2062. guy notify( \newLookTarget\" );"
  2063. self notify( \newLookTarget\" );"
  2064. self notify( \lookline\" );"
  2065. self notify( \stopReachIdle\" );"
  2066. ent notify( \reached_goal\" );"
  2067. level notify( \lost_streak\" );"
  2068. level notify( \arcademode_decrement_kill_streak\" );"
  2069. level notify( \arcademode_new_kill_streak_time\" );"
  2070. level notify( \arcademode_new_kill_streak\" );"
  2071. level notify( \arcademode_new_kill\" );"
  2072. level notify( \arcademode_stop_kill_streak_art\" );"
  2073. level notify( \arcademode_stop_kill_streak\" );"
  2074. eHeli thread notify_disable();
  2075. eHeli thread notify_enable();
  2076. self notify( \heli_players_dead\" );"
  2077. heli thread notify_disable();
  2078. heli thread notify_enable();
  2079. heli SetNearGoalNotifyDist( 100 );
  2080. heli SetNearGoalNotifyDist( 500 );
  2081. self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \damage_by_player\" fRand );"
  2082. self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \damage_by_player\" level.attackHeliTargetReaquire );"
  2083. level notify( \player_is_heli_target\" );"
  2084. eHeli waittill_notify_or_timeout( \damage_by_player\" level.attackHeliPlayerBreak );"
  2085. notify_disable()
  2086. self notify( \notify_disable_thread\" );"
  2087. self endon( \notify_disable_thread\" );"
  2088. notify_enable()
  2089. self notify( \notify_enable_thread\" );"
  2090. self endon( \notify_enable_thread\" );"
  2091. self notify( \fire_missiles\" self.eTarget );"
  2092. self notify( \firing_miniguns\" );"
  2093. "// array_thread( turrets, ::send_notify, \turretstatechange\"" );"""
  2094. self notify( \stopping_firing\" );"
  2095. self notify( \tracking_player\" );"
  2096. self notify( \cant_see_player\" );"
  2097. self notify( \miniguns_have_new_target\" );"
  2098. self notify( \stop sound\" + \"littlebird_minigun_spinloop\" );"
  2099. self notify( \damage_by_player\" );"
  2100. self notify( \taking damage\" );"
  2101. self notify( \attacker_seen\" );"
  2102. level notify( \attack_heli_destroyed\" );"
  2103. self notify( \stop_default_heli_missiles\" );"
  2104. self notify( \turn_off_spotlight\" );"
  2105. self notify( \stop_spotlight_random_targets\" );"
  2106. level notify( \autosave_timeout\" );"
  2107. level notify( \trying_new_autosave\" );"
  2108. //WIP.. posible to unload different sets of people wirh vehicle notify( \unload\" set ); sets defined here."
  2109. "// dummy notify( \newanim\"" );"""
  2110. "// self notify( \player_fastroped_out\"" );"""
  2111. level notify( \blizzard_set_culldist\" );"
  2112. level notify( \blizzard_set_sunlight\" );"
  2113. level notify( \blizzard_level_change\" );"
  2114. level notify( \blizzard_changed\" );"
  2115. "// build_deathfx( effect, tag, sound, bEffectLooping, delay, bSoundlooping, waitDelay, stayontag, notifyString )"
  2116. "// build_deathfx( effect, tag, sound, bEffectLooping, delay, bSoundlooping, waitDelay, stayontag, notifyString )"
  2117. "// build_deathfx( effect, tag, sound, bEffectLooping, delay, bSoundlooping, waitDelay, stayontag, notifyString )"
  2118. self notify( \ready_to_breach\" );"
  2119. self notify( \execute_the_breach\" );"
  2120. self notify( \breach_complete\" );"
  2121. eVolume.animEnt notify( self.ender );
  2122. eVolume notify( \spawn_hostiles\" );"
  2123. eVolume notify( \detpack_about_to_blow\" );"
  2124. eVolume notify( \detpack_detonated\" );"
  2125. eVolume notify( \play_breach_fx\" );"
  2126. eRoomVolume notify( \execute_the_breach\" );"
  2127. self notify( \stop_infinite_ammo\" );"
  2128. self notify( \briefingskip\" );"
  2129. self notify( \briefingend\" );"
  2130. technical notify( \death\" ); // this does the explosion and model swap for a vehicle. Other entities might need other ways to do the model swap."
  2131. <entity> notify( \clear_c4\" ); // this will remove the c4 without detonation."
  2132. level notify( \c4_in_place\" self );"
  2133. c4_target notify( \c4_planted\" self );"
  2134. c4_target notify( \c4_detonation\" );"
  2135. wounded notify( \stop_wounded_idle\" );"
  2136. wounded.woundedNode notify( \stop_wounded_idle\" );"
  2137. wounded notify( \stop_carried_loop\" );"
  2138. wounded notify( \stop_putdown\" );"
  2139. //NotifyOnCommand( \jump\" \"+gostand\" );"
  2140. //NotifyOnCommand( \jump\" \"+moveup\" );"
  2141. //level notify( \finished_slam_zoom\" );"
  2142. ent.viewModel notify( \stop_crack\" ); // stop the rumble"
  2143. ent.viewModel notify( \stop_crack\" );"
  2144. fake_model notify( \stop_fixing_origin\" );"
  2145. ent.viewModel notify( \arm_stabs\" );"
  2146. level notify( \fourth_swing\" );"
  2147. //fake_model notify( \stop_fixing_origin\" );"
  2148. ent.player notify( \climbing\" );"
  2149. ent.player notify( \stop_climbing\" );"
  2150. ent notify( \searching_for_new_stab_notetrack\" );"
  2151. level notify( \additives_created\" );"
  2152. self notify( \draw_ent_num\" );"
  2153. level delayThread( 10, ::send_notify, \follow_price_obj\" );"
  2154. node notify( \stop_idle\" );"
  2155. climb_jump_org notify( \stop_idle\" );"
  2156. level.player notify( \stop_climbing\" );"
  2157. level notify( \stop_force_sliding_the_player\" );"
  2158. player_arms notify( \stop_weights\" );"
  2159. player_arms notify( \stop_fx\" );"
  2160. //player_arms notify( \stop_weights\" );"
  2161. level.player notify( \stop sound\" + \"gear_jacket_flapping_plr_loop\" );"
  2162. level notify( \player_in_base\" );"
  2163. level notify( \stop_spamming_max_health\" );"
  2164. self notify( \stop_kicking_up_dust\" );"
  2165. chopper notify( \nodeath_thread\" );"
  2166. chopper notify( \no_regen_health\" );"
  2167. chopper notify( \stop_turret_shoot\" );"
  2168. chopper notify( \stop_friendlyfire_shield\" );"
  2169. chopper notify( \stop_vehicle_wait\" );"
  2170. self notify( \takeoff\" );"
  2171. self notify( \gunner_stop_firing\" );"
  2172. level notify( \weapon_armed\" );"
  2173. self.pilot notify( \stop sound\" + level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ \"sound_armed_loop\" ] );"
  2174. // code notify that the trigger was pulled
  2175. missileTarget.targetEntity notify( \incomming_missile\" eMissile );"
  2176. self notify( \noammo_warning\" );"
  2177. self notify( \nolock_warning\" );"
  2178. level notify( \targets_updated\" );"
  2179. level notify( \checking for missile locks\" );"
  2180. targetStruct notify( \stop sound\" + targetStruct.locking_sound_playing );"
  2181. targetStruct.targetEntity notify( \missile_lock\" level.playervehicle );"
  2182. targetStruct.targetEntity notify( \missile_lock_ended\" level.playervehicle );"
  2183. targetStruct notify( \Sidewinder_ReticleLockOn_Stop\" );"
  2184. self.pilot notify( \stop sound\" + \"alarm_cobra_death_imminent\" );"
  2185. self notify( \damage\" );"
  2186. level notify( \redScreenFlash\" );"
  2187. self notify( \stop_health_leak\" );"
  2188. Impending Collision Notify
  2189. self notify( \stop_looping_death_fx\" );"
  2190. self notify( \death_finished\" );"
  2191. level notify ( \cobra_death\" );"
  2192. level notify( \cobra_death\" );"
  2193. level.player notify( \stop sound\" + \"alarm_cobra_enemy_launch\" );"
  2194. array_thread( getentarray( \ammo_reload\" \"targetname\" ) ::ammo_Reload_Station_Notify \"ammo_reload\" );"
  2195. ammo_Reload_Station_Notify( notifyString )
  2196. assert( isdefined( notifyString ) );
  2197. level notify( notifyString, regenPoint, trig );
  2198. level notify( notifyString, regenPoint, self );
  2199. level notify( \health_regen\" );"
  2200. array_thread( getentarray( \border_inner\" \"targetname\" ) ::edge_Of_World_Notify \"border_inner\" );"
  2201. array_thread( getentarray( \border_outer\" \"targetname\" ) ::edge_Of_World_Notify \"border_outer\" );"
  2202. level notify( \player_out_of_bounds\" );"
  2203. level notify( \player_in_bounds\" );"
  2204. edge_Of_World_Notify( notifyString )
  2205. level notify( notifyString );
  2206. level notify( \edge_Of_World_Warning\" );"
  2207. self notify( \stop_looking_at_target\" );"
  2208. level notify( \incomming_missile_blink_off\" );"
  2209. level notify( \incomming_missile_blink_on\" );"
  2210. self notify( \stop_color_move\" );"
  2211. // can get a stop color notify during the delay
  2212. ai[ i ] notify( \eject_from_my_node\" );"
  2213. self notify( \eject_from_my_node\" );"
  2214. self notify( \stop_color_move\" );// clear out any existing color / number processes"
  2215. level notify( \reinforcement_spawned\" spawn );"
  2216. level notify( \player_downed\" );"
  2217. self notify( \flash_color_thread\" );"
  2218. self notify( \end_func_player_coop_downed_icon\" );"
  2219. self notify( \so_downed\" );"
  2220. self notify( \player_downed_hud_blinkstate\" );"
  2221. self NotifyOnPlayerCommand( \nag\" \"weapnext\" );"
  2222. self notify( \nag_cancel\" );"
  2223. self notify( \coop_bled_out\" );"
  2224. self notify( \so_reviving\" );"
  2225. self notify( \so_revived\" );"
  2226. level notify( \revive_bars_killed\" );"
  2227. bar notify( \destroying\" );"
  2228. self notify( \revived\" );"
  2229. notifyoncommand( \draw_attention\" \"+attack\" );"
  2230. self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \draw_attention\" 4 );"
  2231. ai[ i ] notify( \stop_drawing_enemy_pos\" );"
  2232. self notify( \stopdebugmisstime\" );"
  2233. anim notify( \new exceptions\" );"
  2234. level notify( \end_draw_map_bounds\" );"
  2235. level notify( \new_chasecam\" );"
  2236. self.entity notify( \damage\" iDamage eAttacker );"
  2237. trigger_use must have origin brush or it will be usable even if activate_notify is set
  2238. The \activate_notify\" parameter is the notify the bombs wait for before becoming usable"
  2239. main( objective_number, objective_text, array_targetname, activate_notify )
  2240. documents[ i ] thread document_think( activate_notify, array_targetname );
  2241. level notify( temp );
  2242. document_think( activate_notify, array_targetname )
  2243. if ( isdefined( activate_notify ) )
  2244. level waittill( activate_notify );
  2245. level notify( array_targetname + \ gotten\" );"
  2246. self notify( \firing\" );"
  2247. level notify( \nextmission\" );"
  2248. "// level notify( dvar + \new_lightmerge\"" );"""
  2249. level notify( \stop_combining_sunlight_and_brightness\" );"
  2250. level thread notifyDamage( entity );
  2251. level thread notifyDamageNotDone( entity );
  2252. level thread notifyDeath( entity );
  2253. entity waittill( \friendlyfire_notify\" damage attacker direction point method weaponName );"
  2254. level notify( \friendlyfire_mission_fail\" );"
  2255. notifyDamage( entity )
  2256. entity notify( \friendlyfire_notify\" damage attacker direction point method weaponName );"
  2257. notifyDamageNotDone( entity )
  2258. entity notify( \friendlyfire_notify\" -1 attacker undefined undefined method );"
  2259. notifyDeath( entity )
  2260. entity notify( \friendlyfire_notify\" -1 attacker undefined undefined method weaponName );"
  2261. level notify( \stop_printing_health_bars\" );"
  2262. self notify( \playeraim\" );"
  2263. "// self notify( \hit_again\"" ); was cutting off the overlay fadeout"""
  2264. self notify( \hit_again\" );"
  2265. level notify( \player_becoming_invulnerable\" );// because \"player_is_invulnerable\" notify happens on both set * and * clear"
  2266. self notify( \being_destroyed\" );"
  2267. self notify( \take_cover_done\" );"
  2268. self notify( \new_cover_on_death_thread\" );"
  2269. path notify( \showpath\" );"
  2270. level notify( \newtrigger\" );"
  2271. vehicle notify( \taking_evasive_actions\" );"
  2272. vehicle notify( \evasive_action_done\" );"
  2273. vehicle setNearGoalNotifyDist( 1500 );
  2274. thread draw_line_until_notify( points[ i ][ \pos\" ] points[ i ][ \"pos\" ] + ( vector_multiply( anglesToForward( ( 0 goalYawAngle 0 ) ) 250 ) ) 1 1 0.2 vehicle \"evasive_action_done\" );"
  2275. vehicle notify( \end_maneuvers\" );"
  2276. thread draw_line_until_notify( points[ i - 1 ][ \pos\" ] points[ i ][ \"pos\" ] 1 0.2 0.2 self \"evasive_action_done\" );"
  2277. vehicle notify( \flares_out\" );"
  2278. self notify( \gunner_new_target\" );"
  2279. guy notify( \newanim\" );"
  2280. level notify( \stop_draw_hud_on_death\" );"
  2281. self notify( \stop_quake\" );"
  2282. door_org notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  2283. door_org notify( \push_player\" );"
  2284. self notify( \charge\" );"
  2285. self notify( \quit_door_behavior\" );"
  2286. self add_func( ::send_notify, \stop_idle_proc\" );"
  2287. node notify( ender );
  2288. self notify( \_idle_reaction\" msg );"
  2289. self notify( \end_trigger_thread\" );"
  2290. self notify( \end_loop_thread\" );"
  2291. self notify( \off\" );"
  2292. self.usetrig notify( \death\" );"
  2293. level notify( \glass_shatter\" );"
  2294. self notify( \exploding\" );"
  2295. self notify( \ok_remove\" );"
  2296. eBreakable notify( \damage\" 100 other );"
  2297. other notify( \damage\" amount ent );"
  2298. self notify( \entered_xenon_auto_aim_stop_logic\" );"
  2299. self notify( \xenon_remove_auto_aim\" );"
  2300. self notify( \do not kill\" );"
  2301. // Shouldn't do a notify without a wait statement before it, or bad things can happen when loading a save game.
  2302. level notify( \finished final intro screen fadein\" );"
  2303. level notify( \starting final intro screen fadeout\" );"
  2304. level notify( \controls_active\" );// Notify when player controls have been restored"
  2305. flag_set( \introscreen_complete\" );// Do final notify when player controls have been restored"
  2306. flag_set( \introscreen_complete\" );// Notify when complete"
  2307. level notify( \new_introscreen_element\" );"
  2308. hudelem notify( \destroying\" );"
  2309. hudelem notify( \destroy\" );"
  2310. level notify( \introscreen_complete\" );"
  2311. level notify( \black_fading\" );"
  2312. // Do final notify when player controls have been restored
  2313. self notify( \javelin_clu_cleartarget\" );"
  2314. self notify( \javelin_clu_off\" );"
  2315. //array_thread( level.players,::JavelinFiredNotify );
  2316. JavelinFiredNotify()
  2317. level notify( \juggernaut_spawned\" );"
  2318. level notify( \juggernaut_died\" );"
  2319. level notify( \juggernaut_attacking\" );"
  2320. self notifyOnPlayerCommand( \use killstreak\" \"+actionslot 4\" );"
  2321. self streakNotify( streak );
  2322. streakNotify( streakVal )
  2323. notifyData.titleLabel = &\MP_KILLSTREAK_N\";"
  2324. notifyData.titleText = streakVal;
  2325. self maps\_rank::notifyMessage( notifyData );
  2326. notifyData.notifyText = getKillstreakHint( streakName );
  2327. //notifyData.sound = getKillstreakSound( streakName );
  2328. self notify( \got_killstreak\" streakName );"
  2329. self notify( \drained\" );"
  2330. set script_delay on a node to have the ai use a delay instead of waiting for a leap notify.
  2331. node notify( \leapfrog\" next_node );"
  2332. // Notify the node and pass the guy. Might be good for something
  2333. // notify level and pass the guy that reached his final leapfrog node.
  2334. level notify( \leapfrog_completed\" self );"
  2335. Sets the script_flag when triggered. The entity that triggered it is passed with the level notify and to the flag_wait.*/
  2336. Target to a func_glass. When an entity touching this trigger sends a level notify of \glass_break\" the func_glass targeted by this trigger will break."
  2337. Sets the script_flag after being triggered by all player in a specialops map. The last entity that triggered it is passed with the level notify and to the flag_wait.*/
  2338. level notify( \trigger_group_\" + self.script_trigger_group self );"
  2339. trigger notify( \custom_battlechatter_done\" );"
  2340. level notify( \ramping_water_movement_speed\" );"
  2341. array_notify( target_triggers, \relock\" );"
  2342. level notify( \unlocked_trigger_hit\" + noteworthy );"
  2343. ent notify( \trigger\" );"
  2344. // notify targetted triggers as well
  2345. array_thread( triggers, ::send_notify, \trigger\" );"
  2346. self notify( \notify_wait_then_clear_skipBloodPool\" );"
  2347. self endon( \notify_wait_then_clear_skipBloodPool\" );"
  2348. self notify( \stun_player\" );"
  2349. level notify( \level.players initialized\" );"
  2350. // the ent that sent the notify needs to be touching the trigger_glass_break
  2351. self notify( \acogThermalTracker\" );"
  2352. level notify( \thermal_fx_off\" + self.unique_id );"
  2353. notifyOnCommand( \_cheat_player_press_slowmo\" \"+melee\" );"
  2354. notifyOnCommand( \_cheat_player_press_slowmo\" \"+melee_breath\" );"
  2355. level notify( \loadout complete\" );"
  2356. self notify( \newupdatemodel\" );"
  2357. level notify( \open_menu\" );"
  2358. level notify( \close_menu\" level.menuStack.size );"
  2359. level notify( self.event );
  2360. level notify( self.targetname );
  2361. ai[ i ] notify( \auto_ai\" );"
  2362. mg42 notify( \stopfiring\" );"
  2363. self notify( \turretstatechange\" );"
  2364. self notify( \stop random_spread\" );"
  2365. self notify( \stop_using_built_in_burst_fire\" );"
  2366. mg42 notify( \startfiring\" );"
  2367. self notify( \next_target\" );"
  2368. drone notify( \drone_mg42_fail\" );"
  2369. self notify( \gun_placed_again\" );"
  2370. self notify( \stop_updating_enemy_target_pos\" );"
  2371. self notify( \kill_get_gun_back_on_killanimscript_thread\" );"
  2372. self notify( \kill_turret_detach_thread\" );"
  2373. spot notify( \restore_default_drop_pitch\" );"
  2374. self notify( \bcs_portable_turret_setup\" );"
  2375. self notify( \stop_checking_for_flanking\" );"
  2376. self.owner notify( \end_mg_behavior\" );"
  2377. self notify( \end_mg_behavior\" );"
  2378. self notify( \continue_cover_script\" );"
  2379. self.turret notify( \startfiring\" );"
  2380. self.turret notify( \stopfiring\" );"
  2381. array_thread( level.mg_gunner_team, ::mg_gunner_death_notify, ent );
  2382. array[ i ] notify( \stop_using_built_in_burst_fire\" );"
  2383. mg_gunner_death_notify( ent )
  2384. ent notify( \gunner_died\" );"
  2385. level notify( \new_mg_firing_team\" + mgTeam[ 0 ].script_noteworthy );"
  2386. self notify( \saw_enemy\" );"
  2387. self notify( \new_enemy\" );"
  2388. level notify( \mine death\" );"
  2389. self notify( \stop sound\" + \"minigun_heli_gatling_fire\" );"
  2390. level notify( \stopMinigunSound\" );"
  2391. self notify( \playing_fire_loop_sound\" );"
  2392. "// //level notify ( \disable_overheat\"" );"""
  2393. "// level notify( \stop_overheat_drain\"" );"""
  2394. "// level notify( \stop_overheat_drain\"" );"""
  2395. "CONST_money_notify_interval = 5000; // Email notifies every $2000 earned"
  2396. self.notifyTitle = createClientFontString( font, titleSize );
  2397. self.notifyTitle.glowColor = ( 0.2, 0.3, 0.7 );
  2398. self.notifyText = createClientFontString( font, textSize );
  2399. self.notifyText.glowColor = ( 0.2, 0.3, 0.7 );
  2400. self.notifyText2 = createClientFontString( font, textSize );
  2401. self.notifyText2.glowColor = ( 0.2, 0.3, 0.7 );
  2402. self.notifyIcon = createClientIcon( \white\" iconSize iconSize );"
  2403. self.doingNotify = false;
  2404. self.notifyQueue = [];
  2405. self notify( \stop_total_money_fade\" );"
  2406. money_mailNotify()
  2407. // notify condition A
  2408. // send player email every CONST_money_notify_interval dollars
  2409. if ( cur_emails < int( cur_money / CONST_money_notify_interval ) )
  2410. self notify( \update_money\" );"
  2411. // email notify
  2412. self notify( \fontPulse\" );"
  2413. // ============== LOOT NOTIFY ================
  2414. self notify( \got_loot\" );"
  2415. if ( isdefined( level.mortar_notify ) )
  2416. level waittill( level.mortar_notify );
  2417. lasttrig notify( \wait again\" );"
  2418. level notify( \timed barrage\" );"
  2419. target notify( \trigger\" );"
  2420. level notify( \timed barrage finished\" );"
  2421. targ notify( \trigger\" );"
  2422. level notify( \mortarzone\" self );"
  2423. level notify( \mortar_hit\" );"
  2424. level notify( \start_mortars \" + groupNum );"
  2425. level notify( \stop_mortars \" + groupNum );"
  2426. level notify( \mortar\" );"
  2427. self notify( \mortar\" );"
  2428. level notify( \shell shock player\" " iTime * 4 );"""
  2429. // Starts on notify specified by level.explosion_start[strExplosion]
  2430. // Terminates on notify specified by level.explosion_stop[strExplosion]
  2431. if ( isdefined( level.explosion_stopNotify ) && isdefined( level.explosion_stopNotify[ strExplosion ] ) )
  2432. level endon( level.explosion_stopNotify[ strExplosion ] );
  2433. if ( isdefined( level.explosion_startNotify ) && isdefined( level.explosion_startNotify[ strExplosion ] ) )
  2434. level waittill( level.explosion_startNotify[ strExplosion ] );
  2435. level notify( \explosion\" strExplosion );"
  2436. self notify( \mortar_done\" );"
  2437. node notify( \stopIdle\" );"
  2438. node notify( \stopIdle\" );// in case we broke abruptly from a previous loop to start this one"
  2439. deathNotify( ent )
  2440. ent notify( \loadguy_done\" );"
  2441. ent notify( \objective_created\" );"
  2442. ent notify( \loadguy_starting\" );"
  2443. ent notify( \mortar_setup_finished\" self.script_squadname );"
  2444. mortarEnt notify( \mortar_fired\" );"
  2445. self notify( \set name and rank\" );"
  2446. level notify( \night_vision_off\" );"
  2447. self notify( \nightvision_shellshock_off\" );"
  2448. level notify( \dump_nodes\" );"
  2449. level.dummynode[ self.dummyguyindex ] notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  2450. self notify( \disable_overheat\" );"
  2451. // Notify doesn't work the way Ned is doing his vehicle ride so this hacked with attackButtonPressed() for now
  2452. self notify( \release_node\" );"
  2453. currentgoal notify( \trigger\" self );"
  2454. self notify( \_patrol_reached_path_end\" );"
  2455. self.patrol_pet notify( \master_reached_patrol_end\" );"
  2456. self notify( \stopped_while_patrolling\" );"
  2457. level notify( \spawn_chopper\" );"
  2458. level notify( \updated_spawn_list\" );"
  2459. thread draw_line_until_notify( spawner.origin, spawner.origin + ( 0, 0, 250 ), 0, 1, 0, level, \updated_spawn_list\" );"
  2460. self wait_for_notify_or_timeout( \enemy_visible\" JUGGERNAUT_ENEMY_VISIBLE_TIMEOUT );"
  2461. self notify( \cancel_enemy_death_wait\" );"
  2462. level notify( \enemy_died\" );// needed for pacing"
  2463. level notify( \update_enemies_remaining_count\" );"
  2464. bar.text notify( \destroying\" );"
  2465. level notify( \enemy_remaining_count_blimp\" );"
  2466. player notify( \remove_laptop_pickup_hud\" );"
  2467. level notify( \kill_objective_use_thread\" );"
  2468. play_local_sound( alias, loopTime, stop_loop_notify )
  2469. level endon( stop_loop_notify );
  2470. enemy notify( \cancel_enemy_death_wait\" );"
  2471. "guy notify( \new_prop_rotation\"" ); // runs a thread to cleanup the cigar if the anim is cut off" this starts the thread over again"
  2472. "guy notify( \new_phone_rotation\"" ); // runs a thread to cleanup the cigar if the anim is cut off" this starts the thread over again"
  2473. "guy notify( \new_cigar_rotation\"" ); // runs a thread to cleanup the cigar if the anim is cut off" this starts the thread over again"
  2474. guy notify( \new_prop_rotation\" + prop.model );// kill the old prop"
  2475. level notify( \radiation_warning\" );"
  2476. self notify( \update_xp\" );"
  2477. self notify( \update_rank\" );"
  2478. self notify( \reset_outcome\" );"
  2479. notifyData.titleText = &\RANK_PROMOTED\";"
  2480. notifyData.iconName = self getRankInfoIcon( self.summary[ \rank\" ] );"
  2481. notifyData.sound = \sp_level_up\";"
  2482. notifyData.duration = 4.0;
  2483. notifyData.textLabel = newRankName;
  2484. notifyData.notifyText = &\RANK_ROMANI\";"
  2485. notifyData.notifyText = &\RANK_ROMANII\";"
  2486. notifyData.notifyText = newRankName;
  2487. if ( !self.doingNotify )
  2488. self.notifyQueue[ self.notifyQueue.size ] = notifyData;
  2489. self.doingNotify = true;
  2490. self.notifyTitle setPulseFX( 100, int( duration * 1000 ), 1000 );
  2491. self.notifyText setPulseFX( 100, int( duration * 1000 ), 1000 );
  2492. self.notifyText2 setPulseFX( 100, int( duration * 1000 ), 1000 );
  2493. self notify( \notifyMessageDone\" );"
  2494. if ( self.notifyQueue.size > 0 )
  2495. nextNotifyData = self.notifyQueue[ 0 ];
  2496. for ( i = 1; i < self.notifyQueue.size; i++ )
  2497. self.notifyQueue[ i - 1 ] = self.notifyQueue[ i ];
  2498. self.notifyQueue[ i - 1 ] = undefined;
  2499. self notify( \resetOnCancel\" );"
  2500. self endon( \notifyMessageDone\" );"
  2501. level waittill( \cancel_notify\" );"
  2502. "// array_thread( level.players, ::RemoteMissileDetonatorNotify );"
  2503. RemoteMissileDetonatorNotify()
  2504. self NotifyOnPlayerCommand( \switch_to_remotemissile\" \"+actionslot \" + self get_remotemissile_actionslot() );"
  2505. // Waiting for the flag_clear() notify
  2506. level notify( \stop_remotemissile_radio_reminder\" );"
  2507. level notify( \remote_missile_kill_dialogue\" );"
  2508. NotifyOnMissileDeath( missile )
  2509. level notify( \remote_missile_exploded\" );"
  2510. level delayThread( 0.2, ::send_notify, \delayed_remote_missile_exploded\" );"
  2511. level notify( \starting_predator_drone_control\" );"
  2512. level notify( \player_is_controlling_UAV\" );"
  2513. level notify( \player_fired_remote_missile\" );"
  2514. //level notify ( \player_missile_finished_impact\" );"
  2515. "// player NotifyOnPlayerCommand( \abort_remote_missile\""" " \""+actionslot 3\"" ); // DPad Left"""
  2516. player NotifyOnPlayerCommand( \abort_remote_missile\" " \""weapnext\"" ); // BUTTON_Y"""
  2517. player NotifyOnPlayerCommand( \abort_remote_missile\" " \""+stance\"" ); // BUTTON_B"""
  2518. player NotifyOnPlayerCommand( \launch_remote_missile\" " \""+attack\"" ); // BUTTON_RTRIG"""
  2519. self notify( \remote_missile_attack\" val );"
  2520. self notify( \remote_missile_attack\" \"abort\" );"
  2521. thread NotifyOnMissileDeath( missile );
  2522. level notify( \draw_target_end\" );"
  2523. // poll for now, should get group notify from code
  2524. self notify( \break_group\" );"
  2525. self notify( \new_goal_set\" );"
  2526. self notify( \goal_yaw\" );"
  2527. self notify( \got_link\" );"
  2528. ent notify( \precalcdone1\" );"
  2529. ent notify( \precalcdone2\" );"
  2530. self notify( \sway1\" );"
  2531. self notify( \sway2\" );"
  2532. self notify( \player is shell shocked\" );"
  2533. level notify( \wind blows\" windDirection );"
  2534. shutter notify( \shutterSound\" );"
  2535. level notify( \breach_hint_cleanup\" );"
  2536. level waittill_notify_or_timeout( \breaching\" 3 );"
  2537. breach_notify = get_breach_notify( trigger.script_breachgroup );
  2538. level notify( breach_notify );
  2539. room_volume notify( \breached\" );"
  2540. breach_array.trigger notify( \trigger\" breach_players[ \"passive\" ] \"passive\" );"
  2541. level notify( \breaching\" );"
  2542. level notify( \breaching_number_\" + self.script_slowmo_breach );"
  2543. level notify( \sp_slowmo_breachanim_done\" );"
  2544. level notify( \breach_room_has_been_cleared\" );"
  2545. anim_ent notify( \stop_idle\" );"
  2546. level notify( \friendlies_finished_breach\" );"
  2547. get_breach_notify( script_breachgroup )
  2548. breach_notify = get_breach_notify( sBreachGroup );
  2549. level waittill( breach_notify );
  2550. level notify( \slowmo_go\" );"
  2551. level notify( \slowmo_breach_ending\" slomoLerpTime_out );"
  2552. level notify( \stop_player_heartbeat\" );"
  2553. level notify( \slomo_breach_over\" );"
  2554. self notifyonPlayercommand( \player_shot_fired\" \"+attack\" );"
  2555. self notify( \starting_breach_reaction\" );"
  2556. self notify( \finished_breach_start_anim\" );"
  2557. self notify( \breach_enemy_cancel_ragdoll_death\" );"
  2558. self notify( \breach_status_change\" \"death\" );"
  2559. level notify( \breach_all_enemies_dead\" );"
  2560. self notify( \breach_status_change\" \"exception\" );"
  2561. self notify( \breach_status_change\" \"breach_ending\" );"
  2562. level notify( \player_shot_a_hostage\" );"
  2563. vehicle thread add_rumble_for_notify( \veh_landed\" \"damage_heavy\" player );"
  2564. vehicle thread add_rumble_for_notify( \veh_jolt\" \"damage_light\" player );"
  2565. add_rumble_for_notify( message, rumble, player )
  2566. self notify( \veh_falling\" );"
  2567. vehicle notify( \kill_anims\" );"
  2568. drive_blend_anims_with_steering( vehicle, animflag, endNotify, leftAnim, centerAnim, rightAnim )
  2569. vehicle endon( endNotify );
  2570. vehicle notify( \pullout_done\" );"
  2571. vehicle notify( \putaway_done\" );"
  2572. vehicle notify( \drive_shooting_done\" );"
  2573. level notify( \updating_deathflag_\" + deathflag );"
  2574. // notify and endon and waittill so we only do this a max of once per frame
  2575. spawner notify( \spawn_failed\" );"
  2576. level notify( \stop_flanker_behavior\" + spawners[ i ].script_flanker );"
  2577. spawners[ i ] notify( \emptied spawner\" );"
  2578. trigger notify( \deleted spawners\" );"
  2579. self notify( \finished spawning\" );"
  2580. level notify( \specops_player_kill\" attacker );"
  2581. self notify( \get new user\" );"
  2582. self notify( \stop_going_to_node\" );// kills the last call to go_to_node"
  2583. node notify( \script_requires_player\" );"
  2584. self notify( \go_to_node_new_goal\" );"
  2585. self notify( \startfiring\" );"
  2586. level notify( ( \fallback_firstspawn\" + num ) );"
  2587. level notify( ( \fallbacker_died\" + num ) );"
  2588. "// level notify( ( \fallbacker_died\"" + num ) );"""
  2589. level notify( ( \fallback_reached_goal\" + num ) );"
  2590. "// ai notify( \fallback_notify\"" );"""
  2591. self notify( \fallback_notify\" );"
  2592. self notify( \stop_coverprint\" );"
  2593. self waittill( \fallback_notify\" );"
  2594. self endon( \fallback_notify\" );"
  2595. level notify( \fallback initiated \" + num );"
  2596. level notify( ( \fallbacker_trigger\" + num ) );"
  2597. level notify( ( \fallbacker_trigger\" + trigger.script_fallback ) );"
  2598. "// level notify( ( \fallback\"" + trigger.script_fallback ) );"""
  2599. level notify( ( \fallback_arrived\" + self.script_fallback ) );"
  2600. level notify( \friendly_died\" );"
  2601. friendly_mg42_death_notify( guy, mg42 )
  2602. mg42 notify( \friendly_finished_using_mg42\" );"
  2603. self notify( \stopped_use_turret\" );// special hook for decoytown guys - nate"
  2604. self.friendly_mg42 notify( \friendly_finished_using_mg42\" );"
  2605. level thread friendly_mg42_death_notify( self, mg42 );
  2606. spawner starts with a notify from any flood_and_secure trigger that triggers it
  2607. spawners[ i ] notify( \flood_begin\" );"
  2608. possibleSpawners[ i ] notify( \flood_begin\" );"
  2609. ent notify( \got_ai\" );"
  2610. self notify( \debug_stop\" );"
  2611. level.spawnerWave[ name ] notify( \waveReady\" );"
  2612. spawner notify( \spawn_died\" deleted playerKill );"
  2613. level notify( \new_friendly_trigger\" );"
  2614. spawn thread deathChainAINotify( num );
  2615. deathChainAINotify( num )
  2616. level notify( \spawner_expired\" + num );"
  2617. level notify( \spawner dot\" + org );"
  2618. level notify( \new_escort_trigger\" );// stops escorting guy from getting back on escort chain"
  2619. level notify( \new_escort_debug\" );"
  2620. level notify( \start_chain\" rejoin );// get the SMG guy back on the friendly chain"
  2621. self notify( \stopTrigger\" );"
  2622. startTrigger notify( \friendly_wave_start\" org );"
  2623. self notify( \stop current floodspawner\" );"
  2624. self notify( \death_report\" );"
  2625. spawner notify( \drone_spawned\" drone );"
  2626. level notify( \achieve_ten_plus_hellfire\" );"
  2627. level notify( \achieve_key_master_shotgun\" );"
  2628. level notify( \achieve_some_like_hot_thermal\" );"
  2629. level notify( \achieve_harder_they_fall\" );"
  2630. NotifyOnCommand( self.unique_id + \_is_ready\" \"+gostand\" );"
  2631. NotifyOnCommand( self.unique_id + \_is_not_ready\" \"+stance\" );"
  2632. self notify( \stop_waiting_start\" );"
  2633. self notify( \update_hud_pulse\" );"
  2634. self notify( \destroying\" );"
  2635. \Summary: When run on a player waits for them to press the appropriate key and sends a notify that will allow certain hud elements to become visible for a while before fading them back out.\""
  2636. \OptionalArg: <endon_notify>: If a value is passed in will create a level endon( endon_notify ) to terminate the function.\""
  2637. info_hud_wait_for_player( endon_notify )
  2638. if ( isdefined( endon_notify ) )
  2639. level endon( endon_notify );
  2640. notifyoncommand( \toggle_challenge_timer\" \"+actionslot 1\" );"
  2641. self notify( \so_hud_toggle_available\" );"
  2642. self notify( \update_challenge_timer\" );"
  2643. notifyoncommand( \force_challenge_timer\" \"+actionslot 1\" );"
  2644. \Name: info_hud_handle_fade( <hudelem> <endon_notify> )\""
  2645. info_hud_handle_fade( hudelem, endon_notify )
  2646. // hack - the whizby notify for a player gives us an origin, not a distance like it does when an AI calls it
  2647. level notify( \stop_challenge_timer_thread\" );"
  2648. level notify( \challenge_timer_failed\" );"
  2649. level notify( \so_generate_deathquote\" );"
  2650. level notify( \players_touching_hint\" );"
  2651. self notify( \rebuilding_waiting_hud\" );"
  2652. level notify( \so_player_has_died\" );"
  2653. level notify( \so_special_failure_hint_set\" );"
  2654. self waittill_notify_or_timeout( anime, randomfloatrange( 1.5, 3 ) );
  2655. self notify( \awareness_corpse\" \"heard_corpse\" ( 0 0 0 ) );"
  2656. //in this frame we'll receive this notify from our own wait a frame so we dont end on it
  2657. //and make sure not to make any duplicates...we don't want to notify seeing the
  2658. self notify( \_stealth_found_corpse\" );"
  2659. self notify( \awareness_corpse\" \"found_corpse\" corpse );"
  2660. self notify( \_stealth_saw_corpse\" );"
  2661. level notify( \_stealth_saw_corpse\" );"
  2662. self notify( \awareness_corpse\" \"saw_corpse\" corpse );"
  2663. //make sure the flag's not notifying because it's getting cleared
  2664. //so we can't use the regular alert function, because that causes a notify
  2665. level notify( corpse_flag );
  2667. self notify( plugin_override );
  2668. notify( self.script_stealthgroup );
  2669. self notify( \going_back\" );"
  2670. ai notify( \heard_scream\" pos );"
  2671. self notify( \event_awareness\" \"howl\" );"
  2672. self notify( \enemy_awareness_reaction\" type );"
  2673. self._stealth.behavior.event.custom_animation.node notify( \stop_loop\" );"
  2674. level notify( \event_awareness_handler\" );"
  2675. level notify( \default_event_awareness_enders\" );"
  2676. add_func( ::send_notify, \default_event_awareness_enders\" );"
  2677. self add_func( ::send_notify, \end_patrol\" );"
  2678. // so - we're not stancing up, we're not stancing down, or staying still...lets notify
  2679. self notify( \_stealth_stance_dont_change\" );"
  2680. self notify( \_stealth_stance_down\" );"
  2681. self notify( \friendly_stance_handler_stay_still\" );"
  2682. self notify( \friendly_stance_handler_resume_path\" );"
  2683. self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \goal\" 2 );"
  2684. self notify( \endNewEnemyReactionAnim\" );"
  2685. self notify( \_stealth_enemy_alert_level_change\" " type ); // calls ::enemy_alert_level_change_reponse but one frame later. Must be after enemy_Animation_Loop thread process... messy"""
  2686. self notify( \awareness_alert_level\" type );"
  2687. the <event_listener> arguement toggles whether this new event type is a code driven event with a notify that has to be listened for.
  2688. \OptionalArg: <event_listener>: bool that toggles whether this new event type is a code driven event with a notify that has to be listened for."
  2689. \Summary: notifies self of \"stealth_enemy_endon_alert\" when the ai has been alerted to something in stealth gameplay...a good function to thread off and catch the notify if we want to endon the notify\""
  2690. //so that they don't miss the notify below
  2691. self notify( \stealth_enemy_endon_alert\" );"
  2692. \OptionalArg: <ender_array>: an array of strings that should kill this function on a level notify. They can be flags\""
  2693. enemy_event_awareness_notify( type, param )
  2694. self notify( \event_awareness\" type );"
  2695. level notify( \event_awareness\" type );"
  2696. //this makes sure that magic bullets and friendly bullets that don't cause an enemy notify don't cause guys to break out of animations
  2697. enemy_event_awareness_notify( subtype, param );
  2698. enemy_event_awareness_notify( type, param );
  2699. level notify( end_msg );
  2700. level add_func( ::send_notify, wait_msg );
  2701. self notify( \event_awareness_waitclear_ai\" );"
  2702. //make sure everything gets a notify and does what it needs to do
  2703. grenade waittill_notify_or_timeout( \death\" 10 );"
  2704. //give stealth a chance to notify of any issues because of the grenade before we clear the flag
  2705. player thread StingerFiredNotify();
  2706. self notify( \stinger_irt_cleartarget\" );"
  2707. self notify( \stop_locked_sound\" );"
  2708. StingerFiredNotify()
  2709. self notify( \stinger_fired\" );"
  2710. self notify( \stinger_IRT_off\" );"
  2711. start_struct notify( \trigger\" );"
  2712. // notify when reached.
  2713. next_struct notify( \trigger\" );"
  2714. self notify( \stop_badplace\" );"
  2715. self notify( \dropped\" );"
  2716. self notify( \pickedup\" );"
  2717. ai notify( \thaw\" );"
  2718. self waittill( \weapon_fired\" );// waits for Code notify when FireWeapon() is called."
  2719. "// build_deathfx( <type> , <effect> , <tag> , <sound> , <bEffectLooping> <delay> , <bSoundlooping> , <waitDelay> , <stayontag> , <notifyString> )\"",
  2720. C:\Users\Tommy\Desktop\5227-mw2_gsc_rip_1.1\ -> maps\_t72.gsc"""
  2721. "// build_deathfx( effect, tag, sound, bEffectLooping, delay, bSoundlooping, waitDelay, stayontag, notifyString )"
  2722. "// build_deathfx( effect, tag, sound, bEffectLooping, delay, bSoundlooping, waitDelay, stayontag, notifyString )"
  2723. self notify( \stop_friendly_bubbles\" );"
  2724. self notify ( \stop_friendly_bubbles\" );"
  2725. self notify( \start_scuba_breathe\" );"
  2726. self notify( \scuba_breathe_sound_starting\" );"
  2727. self notify( \stop_scuba_breathe\" );"
  2728. self notify( message );
  2729. self notify( \debug_message_ai\" );"
  2730. \Summary: Prints 3d debug text at the specified location for a duration of time but can be cleared before the normal time has passed if a notify occurs.\""
  2731. \OptionalArg: <extraEndon>: Level notify string that will make this text go away before the time expires.\""
  2732. level notify( message + extraEndon );
  2733. level notify( message );
  2734. self notify( \stop_magic_bullet_shield\" );"
  2735. self notify( \internal_stop_magic_bullet_shield\" );"
  2736. self notify( \new_ignore_me_timer\" );"
  2737. level notify( \killexplodertridgers\" + num );"
  2738. \OptionalArg: <op_notify_string> : Optional notify string on sound done.\""
  2739. play_sound_on_tag( alias, tag, ends_on_death, op_notify_string, radio_dialog )
  2740. if ( IsDefined( op_notify_string ) )
  2741. self notify( op_notify_string );
  2742. \Name: play_sound_on_entity( <alias> <op_notify_string> )\""
  2743. play_sound_on_entity( alias, op_notify_string )
  2744. play_sound_on_tag( alias, undefined, undefined, op_notify_string );
  2745. level notify( strName, eOther );
  2746. ent notify( \waittill_dead guy died\" );"
  2747. ent notify( \waittill_dead_guy_dead_or_dying\" );"
  2748. self notify( \thread_timed_out\" );"
  2749. self notify( \gather_delay_finished\" + msg + delay );"
  2750. level notify( msg );
  2751. death_waiter( notifyString )
  2752. self notify( \godoff\" );"
  2753. \Name: draw_line_from_ent_to_ent_until_notify( <ent1> <ent2> <r> <g> <b> <notifyEnt> <notifyString> )\""
  2754. \Summary: Draws a line from one entity origin to another entity origin in the specified color until < notifyEnt > is notified < notifyString > . Updates to the entities origin each frame.\""
  2755. \MandatoryArg: <notifyEnt> : entity that waits for the notify\""
  2756. \MandatoryArg: <notifyString> : notify string that will make the line stop being drawn\""
  2757. \Example: thread draw_line_from_ent_to_ent_until_notify( level.player guy 1 0 0 guy \"anim_on_tag_done\" );\""
  2758. draw_line_from_ent_to_ent_until_notify( ent1, ent2, r, g, b, notifyEnt, notifyString )
  2759. Assert( IsDefined( notifyEnt ) );
  2760. notifyEnt endon( notifyString );
  2761. \Name: draw_line_until_notify( <org1> <org2> <r> <g> <b> <notifyEnt> <notifyString> )\""
  2762. \Summary: Draws a line from < org1 > to < org2 > in the specified color until < notifyEnt > is notified < notifyString > \""
  2763. \Example: thread draw_line_until_notify( self.origin targetLoc 1 0 0 self \"stop_drawing_line\" );\""
  2764. draw_line_until_notify( org1, org2, r, g, b, notifyEnt, notifyString )
  2765. \Name: draw_circle_until_notify( <center> <radius> <r> <g> <b> <notifyEnt> <notifyString> )\""
  2766. \Summary: Draws a circle at < center > with < radius > in the specified color until < notifyEnt > is notified < notifyString > \""
  2767. \Example: thread draw_circle_until_notify( self.origin self.radius 1 0 0 self \"stop_drawing_circle\" );\""
  2768. draw_circle_until_notify( center, radius, r, g, b, notifyEnt, notifyString )
  2769. thread draw_circle_lines_until_notify( circlepoints, r, g, b, notifyEnt, notifyString );
  2770. draw_circle_lines_until_notify( circlepoints, r, g, b, notifyEnt, notifyString )
  2771. thread draw_line_until_notify( start, end, r, g, b, notifyEnt, notifyString );
  2772. self notify( \enemy\" );"
  2773. level notify( \battlechatter_off_thread\" );"
  2774. level notify( team + \ done speaking\" );"
  2775. level notify( \done speaking\" );"
  2776. level notify( \newFriendlyChain\" node.script_noteworthy );"
  2777. self notify( \flood_begin\" );"
  2778. self notify( \Debug origin\" );"
  2779. \Name: array_notify( <ents> <notifier> )\""
  2780. \Summary: notify this array of entities with <notifier>\""
  2781. \Example: array_notify( enemies \"time_to_dance\" )\""
  2782. array_notify( ents, notifier, match )
  2783. value notify( notifier, match );
  2784. self notify( \ignoreAllEnemies_threaded\" );"
  2785. \OptionalArg: <neargoaldist>: neargoal distance for notifying near_goal\""
  2786. self notify( \update_health_packets\" );"
  2787. // level notify( \kill_color_replacements\" );"
  2788. // self notify( \_disable_reinforcement\" );"
  2789. ent thread ent_waits_for_level_notify( msg );
  2790. \Name: wait_for_notify_or_timeout( <msg> <timer> )\""
  2791. wait_for_notify_or_timeout( msg, timer )
  2792. ent thread ent_waits_for_notify( self, msg );
  2793. \Name: send_notify( <msg> <optional_param> )\""
  2794. send_notify( msg, optional_param )
  2795. self notify( msg, optional_param );
  2796. ent delayThread( timer, ::send_notify, \complete\" );"
  2797. ent notify( \deleted\" );"
  2798. self notify( \stop_specialidle\" );"
  2799. self notify( \clear_run_anim\" );"
  2800. self notify( \trigger\" triggeringEnt );"
  2801. \Name: notify_delay( <notify_string> <delay> )\""
  2802. \MandatoryArg: <notify_string> : The string to notify\""
  2803. \MandatoryArg: <delay> : Time to wait( in seconds ) before sending the notify.\""
  2804. \Example: vehicle notify_delay( \"start_to_smoke\" 3.5 );\""
  2805. notify_delay( sNotifyString, fDelay )
  2806. Assert( IsDefined( sNotifyString ) );
  2807. self notify( sNotifyString );
  2808. self notify( \stop_being_careful\" );"
  2809. localentity notify( \death\" );"
  2810. self notify( \clear_function_stack\" );"
  2811. //the notify ends a function in the stack process waiting it's checks to
  2812. level notify( \objective_complete\" + obj );"
  2813. \OptionalArg: <waiter>: An optional string to wait for level notify on \""
  2814. self notify( \stop_loop\" );// default ender."
  2815. self notify( \single anim\" \"end\" );"
  2816. self notify( \looping anim\" \"end\" );"
  2817. \Summary: waits for every entry in the <array> to recieve the <msg> notify die or timeout\""
  2818. self notify( \_disable_reinforcement\" );"
  2819. timeoutEnt thread notify_delay( \timeout\" timeout );"
  2820. level notify( \kill_add_wait_asserter\" );"
  2821. ent notify( \all_funcs_ended\" );"
  2822. \Summary: Weapons don't seem to notify death when they're picked up.\""
  2823. level notify( \arcadeMode_remove_timer\" );"
  2824. - the function will return once all nodes are traversed, and will notify self 'path_end_reached'.
  2825. self notify( \stop_player_seek\" );"
  2826. self notify( ender );
  2827. player notify( \stop sound\" + \"foot_slide_plr_loop\" );"
  2828. player notify( \stop_sliding\" );"
  2829. self notify( \new_ramp\" );"
  2830. self notify( \set_moveplaybackrate\" );"
  2831. self notify( \end_explode\" );"
  2832. self notify( \disable_ignorerandombulletdamage_drone\" );"
  2833. level notify( \windchange\" \"strong\" );"
  2834. ent_waits_for_level_notify( msg )
  2835. ent_waits_for_notify( ent, msg )
  2836. self notify( \debug_color_update\" );"
  2837. level notify( \updated_color_friendlies\" );"
  2838. self notify( \new_color_being_set\" );"
  2839. self notify( \done_setting_new_color\" );"
  2840. self notify( \finished_radio\" );"
  2841. ent notify( \done\" );"
  2842. hint notify( \destroying\" );"
  2843. self notify( \function_stack_func_begun\" );"
  2844. caller notify( \level_function_stack_ready\" );"
  2845. self notify( \function_done\" );"
  2846. self notify( \_array_wait\" );"
  2847. self notify( \func_ended\" );"
  2848. self notify( \abort_func_ended\" );"
  2849. self notify( \any_funcs_aborted\" );"
  2850. NotifyOnCommand( \autosave_player_nade\" \"+frag\" );"
  2851. NotifyOnCommand( \autosave_player_nade\" \"-smoke\" );"
  2852. NotifyOnCommand( \autosave_player_nade\" \"+smoke\" );"
  2853. level notify( \autosave_tactical_proc\" );"
  2854. level thread notify_delay( \kill_save\" 5 );"
  2855. other notify( \vehicle_flag_arrived\" trigger.script_flag_set );"
  2856. self notify( \crashpath\" detourpath );"
  2857. bhelicopterwaitforstart = false;// helicopters emulate StartPath() function waiting for a special scripted notify before going
  2858. nextpoint notify( \trigger\" self );"
  2859. self notify( nextpoint.script_noteworthy );
  2860. self notify( \noteworthy\" nextpoint.script_noteworthy );"
  2861. self notify( \vehicle_flag_arrived\" nextpoint.script_flag_set );"
  2862. self notify( \turning\" nextpoint.script_turningdir );"
  2863. self notify( \delay_passed\" );"
  2864. self notify( \vehicle_flag_arrived\" nextpoint.script_flag_wait );"
  2865. self notify( \reached_dynamic_path_end\" );"
  2866. // If this happens the vehicle script will have missed the notify on the upcomming node and be stuck waiting for it.
  2867. self SetNearGoalNotifyDist( nextpoint.radius );
  2868. self notify( \reached_current_node\" nextpoint nextpoint.script_flag_set );"
  2869. self notify( \reached_current_node\" nextpoint );"
  2870. self notify( \reached_stop_node\" );"
  2871. self notify( \deathrolloff\" );"
  2872. \Summary: Helis notify reached_dynamic_path_end on end\""
  2873. // helis notify reached_dynamic_path_end on end
  2874. vehicle notify( \start_vehiclepath\" );"
  2875. vehicle notify( \start_dynamicpath\" );"
  2876. node notify( \gate opened\" );"
  2877. vspawner notify( \spawned\" vehicle );"
  2878. struct notify( \all_vehicles_spawned\" );"
  2879. self notify( \clear_c4\" );"
  2880. self notify( \delete_destructible\" );// kills some destructible fxs"
  2881. self notify( \deadstop\" );"
  2882. self SetNearGoalNotifyDist( crashLoc.radius );
  2883. self SetNearGoalNotifyDist( 300 );
  2884. self notify( \stop sound\" + sound );"
  2885. level notify( \vehicle_explosion\" self.origin );"
  2886. self notify( \explode\" );"
  2887. self waittill( \vehicle_flag_arrived\" notifymsg );"
  2888. if ( msg == notifymsg )
  2889. if ( IsDefined( struct.notifyString ) )
  2890. self notify( struct.notifyString );
  2891. build_fx( effect, tag, sound, bEffectLooping, delay, bSoundlooping, waitDelay, stayontag, notifyString, selfDeleteDelay )
  2892. struct.notifyString = notifyString;
  2893. \Name: build_deathfx_override( <type> <model> <effect> <tag> <sound> <bEffectLooping> <delay> <bSoundlooping> <waitDelay> <stayontag> <notifyString> <delete_vehicle_delay> )\""
  2894. \OptionalArg: <notifyString> : notifies vehicle this when effect starts\""
  2895. build_deathfx_override( type, model, effect, tag, sound, bEffectLooping, delay, bSoundlooping, waitDelay, stayontag, notifyString, delete_vehicle_delay )
  2896. level.vehicle_death_fx[ typemodel ][ level.vehicle_death_fx [ typemodel ].size ] = build_fx( effect, tag, sound, bEffectLooping, delay, bSoundlooping, waitDelay, stayontag, notifyString, delete_vehicle_delay );
  2897. \Name: build_deathfx( <effect> <tag> <sound> <bEffectLooping> <delay> <bSoundlooping> <waitDelay> <stayontag> <notifyString> <delete_vehicle_delay> )\""
  2898. build_deathfx( effect, tag, sound, bEffectLooping, delay, bSoundlooping, waitDelay, stayontag, notifyString, delete_vehicle_delay )
  2899. \Name: build_rocket_deathfx( <effect> <tag> <sound> <bEffectLooping> <delay> <bSoundlooping> <waitDelay> <stayontag> <notifyString> <delete_vehicle_delay> )\""
  2900. build_rocket_deathfx( effect, tag, sound, bEffectLooping, delay, bSoundlooping, waitDelay, stayontag, notifyString, delete_vehicle_delay )
  2901. build_deathfx( effect, tag, sound, bEffectLooping, delay, bSoundlooping, waitDelay, stayontag, notifyString, delete_vehicle_delay );
  2902. self notify( \kill_disconnect_paths_forever\" );"
  2903. self notify( \speed_zero_path_disconnect\" );"
  2904. self notify( \new debug_vehiclesetspeed\" );"
  2905. self notify( \newresumespeedmsag\" );"
  2906. self notify( \suspend_drive_anims\" );"
  2907. self notify( \animtimer\" );"
  2908. self notify( \mg_off\" );"
  2909. self notify( \kill_rumble_forever\" );"
  2910. self notify( \iminwater\" );"
  2911. self notify( \groupedanimevent\" \"turret_fire\" );"
  2912. self SetNearGoalNotifyDist( 10 );
  2913. level notify( \new_lights_delayfxforframe\" );"
  2914. vehicle notify( \groupedanimevent\" \"pre_unload\" );"
  2915. vehicle notify( \nearing_landing\" );"
  2916. vehicle notify( \hovering\" );"
  2917. vehicle notify( \stable_for_unlink\" );"
  2918. vehicle notify( \littlebird_liftoff\" );"
  2919. vehicle notify( \touch_down\" self );"
  2920. self SetNearGoalNotifyDist( neargoal );
  2921. "self notify( \unloading\"" ); // added this notify since it no longer does the old \""unload\"" notify"""
  2922. guy notify( \unload\" );"
  2923. vehicle notify( \driver_died\" );"
  2924. self notify( \script_crash_vehicle\" );"
  2925. self notify( \stop_scanning_turret\" );"
  2926. level notify( \player exited vehicle\" );"
  2927. handle_attached_guys()// this is the setup for slots of guys on a vehicle threads notify handlers
  2928. self notify( \guy_entered\" guy pos );"
  2929. guy notify( \enteredvehicle\" );"
  2930. guy notify( \stop_going_to_node\" );"
  2931. guy notify( \boarding_vehicle\" );"
  2932. getinthreads[ 0 ] = ::entered_vehicle_notify;
  2933. entered_vehicle_notify()
  2934. self notify( \enteredvehicle\" );"
  2935. self notify( \driver dead\" );"
  2936. guy notify( \gotime\" );"
  2937. guy notify( \idle\" );"
  2938. self notify( \unloaded\" );"
  2939. getoutrig_disable_abort_notify_after_riders_out()
  2940. self notify( \getoutrig_disable_abort\" );"
  2941. self notify( \crashed_while_deploying\" );"
  2942. thread getoutrig_disable_abort_notify_after_riders_out();
  2943. waittill_notify_or_timeout( \crashed_while_deploying\" ropesDeployedAnimTime );"
  2944. self notify( \end_getoutrig_abort_while_deploying\" );"
  2945. "// self.riders[ i ] notify( \damage\""" 100 self.riders[ i ].ridingvehicle );"
  2946. guy notify( \jumping_out\" );"
  2947. // notify these again because it's a different entity now and this will kill its new idle.
  2948. guy notify( \jumpedout\" );"
  2949. guy notify( \anim_on_tag_done\" );"
  2950. // thread draw_line_from_ent_to_ent_until_notify( level.player, guy, 1, 0, 0, guy, \anim_on_tag_done\" );"
  2951. guy notify( \rope_death\" attacker );"
  2952. self notify( \shoot_target\" eTarget );"
  2953. turret notify( \turret_rotate_stopped\" );"
  2954. // send a notify to the target that it has a missile heading it's way
  2955. targetEnt notify( \incomming_missile\" eMissile );"
  2956. self notify( \missile_fired\" eMissile );"
  2957. other notify( \enable_spline_path\" );"
  2958. level notify( \stop_debugging_enemy_vehicles\" );"
  2959. bike notify( \enable_spline_path\" );"
  2960. ent notify( \stop_bike\" );"
  2961. level notify( \biker_dies\" );"
  2962. other thread notify_delay( \enable_spline_path\" timer );"
  2963. self notify( \track_player_progress\" );"
  2964. ent notify( \end_path\" );"
  2965. rider notify (\newanime\");"
  2966. level notify ( \dialog_six\" );"
  2967. level notify( \rain_change\" \"hard\" transition );"
  2968. level notify( \rain_change\" \"light\" transition );"
  2969. level notify( \rain_change\" \"none\" transition );"
  2970. level notify( \rain_level_change\" );"
  2971. self notify( \boat_pose_change\" );"
  2972. self notify( \end_boat_idle\" );"
  2973. self notify( \want_boat_idle\" );"
  2974. self notify( \end_shootUntilNeedToChangePose\" );"
  2975. self notify( \new_shootable_stuff_assist\" );"
  2976. obj notify( \damage\" ammount level.player dvec p type );"
  2977. self notify( \wipeout_when_not_in_fov\" );"
  2978. end.obj notify( \damage\" 50 level.player self.origin end.obj.origin \"MOD_PISTOL_BULLET\" \"\" \"\" );"
  2979. "446: self waittillmatch( animNotify, \end\"" );"""
  2980. "665: self waittill( \turret_use_failed\"" );// generally this won't notify" and we'll just not do any more cover_wall for now"
  2981. "92: msg = gunner waittill_any_return( \damage\""" flashedNotify );"
  2982. 2780: \Name: waittill_notify_or_timeout( <msg> <timer> )\""
  2983. 2791: waittill_notify_or_timeout( msg, timer )
  2984. "1136: waittillframeend; // wait so self.placingSentry can get cleared before notifying script that we can give the player another turret"
  2985. "986: level waittill( sNotifyString );"
  2986. "469: level.player waittill_notify_or_timeout( \weapon_change\""" 5 );"
  2987. "556: level.player waittill_notify_or_timeout( \weapon_change\""" 1 );"
  2988. "568: ent waittill( killNotify );"
  2989. "401: waittillframeend;// let the spawned vehicle run its spawn_func to catch this useby notify."
  2990. "437: waittillframeend;// let the spawned vehicle run its spawn_func to catch this useby notify."
  2991. "466: waittillframeend;// let the spawned vehicle run its spawn_func to catch this useby notify."
  2992. "506: waittillframeend;// let the spawned vehicle run its spawn_func to catch this useby notify."
  2993. "543: waittillframeend;// let the spawned vehicle run its spawn_func to catch this useby notify."
  2994. "587: waittillframeend;// let the spawned vehicle run its spawn_func to catch this useby notify."
  2995. "1366: level.players_boat waittill( notify_str );"
  2996. "5062: group waittill_notify_or_timeout( \goal\""" 5 );"
  2997. "293: self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \turret_rotate_stopped\""" 1.0 );"
  2998. "629: vehicle waittill_notify_or_timeout( \death\""" 5 );"
  2999. "1586: self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \missile_fire\""" timeout );"
  3000. "1639: self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \goal\""" 5 );"
  3001. "2728: damager = level.waittill_stack.b; // gets the second variable passes by the notify."
  3002. "2740: self notify( \waittill_stack\"" );"""
  3003. "2767: self notify( \waittill_stack\""" msg ent );"
  3004. "426: waittill_notify_or_timeout( \near_enemy\""" 3 );"
  3005. "597: seaknight_loader_start thread waittill_flag_then_notify( \seaknight_drones_loaded\""" \"load_riders\" );"
  3006. "598: seaknight_loader_start thread waittill_notify_then_notify( \riders_loaded\""" \"play_anim\" );"
  3007. "600: seaknight_loader_start2 thread waittill_flag_then_notify( \seaknight_drones2_loaded\""" \"load_riders\" );"
  3008. "601: seaknight_loader_start2 thread waittill_notify_then_notify( \riders_loaded\""" \"play_anim\" );"
  3009. "1759: self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \turret_rotate_stopped\""" 1.0 );"
  3010. "2047: level.bradley_commerce waittill_notify_or_timeout( \turret_rotate_stopped\""" 1 );"
  3011. "3678: self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \new_target\""" randomWait );"
  3012. "8621: self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \turret_rotate_stopped\""" fRand );"
  3013. 10590: waittill_notify_then_notify( notifyToWaitFor, notifyToNotify )
  3014. "10593: self waittill( notifyToWaitFor );"
  3015. 10597: waittill_flag_then_notify( flagToWaitFor, notifyToNotify )
  3016. "4731: kicker waittill_notify_or_timeout( \goal\""" 5 );"
  3017. "687: level waittill ( \cancel_notify\"" );"""
  3018. "466: level waittill_notify_or_timeout( \game_over\""" 0.25 );"
  3019. "107: self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \death\""" 2.0 );"
  3020. "282: ent waittill ( notifyString );"
  3021. "1681: self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \turret_on_target\""" timeOut );"
  3022. "130: UAVModel waittill_notify_or_timeout_hostmigration_pause( \death\""" duration - 7 );"
  3023. "145: UAVModel waittill_notify_or_timeout_hostmigration_pause( \death\""" 3 );"
  3024. "149: UAVModel waittill_notify_or_timeout_hostmigration_pause( \death\""" 4 );"
  3025. 164: waittill_notify_or_timeout_hostmigration_pause( msg, timer )
  3026. "122: level waittill( endonNotify );"
  3027. "2619: level waittill_notify_or_timeout( \shot_rings_out\""" 1.5 );"
  3028. "5351: waittill_notify_or_timeout( \damage\""" 1.5 );"
  3029. "900: level waittill( sNotify );"
  3030. "1191: level waittill_notify_or_timeout( \player_has_hit_too_many_from_hip\""" 10 );"
  3031. "2903: level waittill_notify_or_timeout( \target_killed\""" 8 );"
  3032. "4407: level.player waittill( notifyName );"
  3033. "1884: ent waittill( \reach_notify\"" );"""
  3034. "2203: waittillframeend;// delay a frame so if you end a loop with a notify then start a new loop, this guarentees that"
  3035. "553: self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \damage_by_player\""" fRand );"
  3036. "701: self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \damage_by_player\""" level.attackHeliTargetReaquire );"
  3037. "714: eHeli waittill_notify_or_timeout( \damage_by_player\""" level.attackHeliPlayerBreak );"
  3038. "1270: self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \draw_attention\""" 4 );"
  3039. "96: level waittill( activate_notify );"
  3040. "80: entity waittill( \friendlyfire_notify\""" damage attacker direction point method weaponName );"
  3041. "98: level waittill( level.mortar_notify );"
  3042. "1111: level waittill( level.explosion_startNotify[ strExplosion ] );"
  3043. "589: level waittill( \cancel_notify\"" );"""
  3044. "1580: level waittill_notify_or_timeout( \breaching\""" 3 );"
  3045. "2391: level waittill( breach_notify );"
  3046. "332: // notify and endon and waittill so we only do this a max of once per frame"
  3047. "2644: self waittill( \fallback_notify\"" );"""
  3048. "37: self waittill_notify_or_timeout( anime, randomfloatrange( 1.5, 3 ) );"
  3049. "252: self waittill_notify_or_timeout( \goal\""" 2 );"
  3050. "148: grenade waittill_notify_or_timeout( \death\""" 10 );"
  3051. "47: self waittill( \weapon_fired\"" );// waits for Code notify when FireWeapon() is called."""
  3052. "3326: ent notify( \waittill_dead guy died\"" );"""
  3053. "3333: ent notify( \waittill_dead_guy_dead_or_dying\"" );"""
  3054. "1224: grenade waittill_notify_or_timeout( \death\""" 10 );"
  3055. "2611: self waittill( \vehicle_flag_arrived\""" notifymsg );"
  3056. "4611: self waittill( \weapon_fired\"" );// waits for Code notify when FireWeapon() is called."""
  3057. "5612: self waittill( \weapon_fired\"" );// waits for Code notify when FireWeapon() is called."""
  3058. "1239: waittill_notify_or_timeout( \crashed_while_deploying\""" ropesDeployedAnimTime );"
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