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Jun 24th, 2017
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  1. [16:55:07] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.8
  2. [16:55:07] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties
  3. [16:55:07] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
  4. [16:55:07] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
  5. [16:55:07] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on
  6. [16:55:07] [Server thread/INFO]: This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-33d5de3 (MC: 1.8) (Implementing API version 1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
  7. [16:55:07] [Server thread/ERROR]: Could not load 'plugins\PermissionsEx-1.23.3.jar' in folder 'plugins'
  8. org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidDescriptionException: Invalid plugin.yml
  9. at ~[craftbukkit-1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Bukkit-33d5de3]
  10. at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins( [craftbukkit-1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Bukkit-33d5de3]
  11. at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R1.CraftServer.loadPlugins( [craftbukkit-1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Bukkit-33d5de3]
  12. at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R1.CraftServer.<init>( [craftbukkit-1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Bukkit-33d5de3]
  13. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.PlayerList.<init>( [craftbukkit-1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Bukkit-33d5de3]
  14. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.DedicatedPlayerList.<init>(SourceFile:14) [craftbukkit-1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Bukkit-33d5de3]
  15. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.DedicatedServer.init( [craftbukkit-1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Bukkit-33d5de3]
  16. at [craftbukkit-1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Bukkit-33d5de3]
  17. at Source) [?:1.7.0_51]
  18. Caused by: error in opening zip file
  19. at Method) ~[?:1.7.0_51]
  20. at<init>(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_51]
  21. at<init>(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_51]
  22. at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_51]
  23. at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_51]
  24. at ~[craftbukkit-1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar:git-Bukkit-33d5de3]
  25. ... 8 more
  26. [16:55:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [GroupManager] Loading GroupManager vPre2.14.1.3 FINAL (Phoenix)
  27. [16:55:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Loading Vault v1.5.0-b28
  28. [16:55:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v6.1.3;7a097ca
  29. [16:55:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [HealthBar] Loading HealthBar v1.8.3
  30. [16:55:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [LWC] Loading LWC v1.8.0
  31. [16:55:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loading WorldGuard v6.0.0-beta-05.1569-
  32. [16:55:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Loading Essentials v2.0.1-b370
  33. [16:55:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.5.0-b28
  34. [16:55:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Economy] Essentials Economy found: Waiting
  35. [16:55:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] GroupManager found: Waiting
  36. [16:55:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system.
  37. [16:55:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Chat] GroupManager found: Waiting
  38. [16:55:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabled Version 1.5.0-b28
  39. [16:55:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [LWC] Enabling LWC v1.8.0
  40. [16:55:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [LWC] Connecting to SQLite
  41. [16:55:08] [Server thread/WARN]: **** SERVER IS RUNNING IN OFFLINE/INSECURE MODE!
  42. [16:55:08] [Server thread/WARN]: The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
  43. [16:55:08] [Server thread/WARN]: While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
  44. [16:55:08] [Server thread/WARN]: To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the file.
  45. [16:55:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing level "Westeros"
  46. [16:55:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: 7442308351481623012)
  47. [16:55:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: 7442308351481623012)
  48. [16:55:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: 7442308351481623012)
  49. [16:55:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [GroupManager] Enabling GroupManager vPre2.14.1.3 FINAL (Phoenix)
  50. [16:55:09] [Server thread/INFO]: GroupManager - INFO - World Found: westeros
  51. [16:55:09] [Server thread/INFO]: GroupManager - INFO - World Found: world
  52. [16:55:09] [Server thread/INFO]: GroupManager - INFO - Superperms support enabled.
  53. [16:55:09] [Server thread/INFO]: GroupManager - INFO - Scheduled Data Saving is set for every 10 minutes!
  54. [16:55:09] [Server thread/INFO]: GroupManager - INFO - Backups will be retained for 24 hours!
  55. [16:55:09] [Server thread/INFO]: GroupManager version Pre2.14.1.3 FINAL (Phoenix) is enabled!
  56. [16:55:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Permission] GroupManager hooked.
  57. [16:55:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Chat] GroupManager - Chat hooked.
  58. [16:55:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v6.1.3;7a097ca
  59. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: WEPIF: GroupManager detected! Using GroupManager for permissions.
  60. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Using com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.adapter.impl.Spigot_v1_8_R1 as the Bukkit adapter
  61. [16:55:10] [Server thread/WARN]: [WorldEdit] WorldEdit has detected you are using Java 7 (based on detected version 1.7.0_51).
  62. [16:55:10] [Server thread/WARN]: [WorldEdit] WorldEdit will stop supporting Java less than version 8 in the future, due to Java 7 being EOL since April 2015. Please update your server to Java 8.
  63. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [HealthBar] Enabling HealthBar v1.8.3
  64. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Enabling WorldGuard v6.0.0-beta-05.1569-
  65. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Westeros) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  66. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Westeros) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  67. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Westeros) Lava fire is blocked.
  68. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Westeros) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  69. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'Westeros'
  70. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Westeros_nether) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  71. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Westeros_nether) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  72. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Westeros_nether) Lava fire is blocked.
  73. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Westeros_nether) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  74. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'Westeros_nether'
  75. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Westeros_the_end) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  76. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Westeros_the_end) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  77. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Westeros_the_end) Lava fire is blocked.
  78. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Westeros_the_end) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  79. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'Westeros_the_end'
  80. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loading region data...
  81. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Enabling Essentials v2.0.1-b370
  82. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Using locale en_US
  83. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using CraftBukkit 1.8 NMS-based provider as mob spawner provider.
  84. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using legacy item data provider as spawn egg provider.
  85. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using legacy potion meta provider as potion meta provider.
  86. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Using locale en_US
  87. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global PluginMetrics config.
  88. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy hooked.
  89. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using Vault based permissions (GroupManager)
  90. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
  91. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (2.486s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
  92. [16:55:10] [Server thread/INFO]: GroupManager - INFO - Bukkit Permissions Updated!
  93. [16:55:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping the server
  94. [16:55:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
  95. [16:55:13] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Disabling Essentials v2.0.1-b370
  96. [16:55:13] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy unhooked.
  97. [16:55:13] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Disabling WorldGuard v6.0.0-beta-05.1569-
  98. [16:55:13] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Shutting down executor and waiting for any pending tasks...
  99. [16:55:13] [Server thread/INFO]: [LWC] Disabling LWC v1.8.0
  100. [16:55:13] [Server thread/INFO]: [LWC] Flushing protection updates (0)
  101. [16:55:13] [Server thread/INFO]: [HealthBar] Disabling HealthBar v1.8.3
  102. [16:55:13] [Server thread/INFO]: HealthBar disabled, all the health bars have been removed.
  103. [16:55:13] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Disabling WorldEdit v6.1.3;7a097ca
  104. [16:55:13] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Disabling Vault v1.5.0-b28
  105. [16:55:13] [Server thread/INFO]: [GroupManager] Disabling GroupManager vPre2.14.1.3 FINAL (Phoenix)
  106. [16:55:13] [Server thread/INFO]: GroupManager - INFO - Scheduled Data Saving is disabled!
  107. [16:55:13] [Server thread/INFO]: GroupManager version Pre2.14.1.3 FINAL (Phoenix) is disabled!
  108. [16:55:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
  109. [16:55:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
  110. [16:55:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Westeros'/Overworld
  111. [16:55:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Westeros_nether'/Nether
  112. [16:55:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Westeros_the_end'/The End
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