Guest User

NoAimHeadShotDetection Config

a guest
Feb 25th, 2025
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  1. {
  2. "DefaultWeaponSettings": {
  3. "HeadshotThreshold": 5, // The number of headshots
  4. "DistanceThreshold": 25.0, // The minimum distance of a headshot (Meters)
  5. "TrackDuration": 60 // Time before the headshot data is restarted back to 0 (60 = Seconds) (Data restarts Per player)
  6. (The timer starts the countdown when the player hits their first headshot over the DistanceThreshold)
  7. },
  8. "DiscordWebhookURL": "", // Discord Webhook URL
  9. "EnableLogging": true, // Rcon Logging
  10. "UseEmbed": true, // Discord Embed Logging (false = NO discord logs)
  11. "EmbedPingRoleID": "", // Discord Role ID
  12. "ExcludedWeapons": [], // Example: "rife.ak", "rife.lr300", "pistol.revolver", "shotgun.double", "blunderbuss", "shotgun.m4",
  13. "shotgun.pump", "shotgun.spas12", "shotgun.waterpipe" and etc (I would personally use all shotguns within the ExcludedWeapons)
  14. "ExcludedPlayers": [] // Example "STEAMID", "STEAMID"
  15. }
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