
Med's Config (Zandronum/GZDoom)

Sep 10th, 2013 (edited)
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  1. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. // Personal config for automatic setup of modern WASD controls in modern source ports. Also, info & handy scripts!
  3. // Made for Zandronum, but also works with ZDoom and GZDoom with a few minor tweaks explained below.
  4. //
  5. //
  6. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. // How to Use:
  8. // 1. Hit the Download button above, or copy and paste everything into Notepad. Tweak any settings you like.
  9. // 2. Rename the file to "autoexec.cfg", and put it in your Zandronum/ZDoom/GZDoom folder.
  10. // 3. Done! When the game starts up, all commands listed will run ("comment marks" (//) skips the rest of a line).
  11. // If you did it right, you will see "AUTOEXEC OK" when the game starts or you press the "~" key.
  12. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. // Quick Tips:
  14. // 1. Z& and ZDoom use different commands for chatting. Adjust accordingly below.
  15. // 2. Tweak your mouse sensitivity settings in-game through the console (~) or below. This offers finer
  16. // adjustment than the menu sliders.
  17. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. // Keybinds
  21. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. // Modify your controls here if desired. This layout should work for the majority of people and mods.
  23. // If you really want to keyboard-only, you can turn with the arrow keys and bind downarrow to turn180. It works.
  25. // Comment these lines if used with Zandronum.
  26. //bind enter messagemode
  27. //bind r +reload
  28. //bind mouse4 +zoom
  30. // Comment these lines if used with GZDoom.
  31. bind enter say
  32. bind \ say_team
  33. bind pgup vote_yes
  34. bind pgdn vote_no
  36. bind mouse1 +attack
  37. bind mouse2 +altattack
  38. // bind mouse2 +use // Players not interested in mods may opt for mouse2 to use or jump.
  39. // bind mouse2 +jump2
  40. bind mwheelup weapnext
  41. bind mwheeldown weapprev
  42. bind e +use
  43. bind w +forward
  44. bind a +moveleft
  45. bind s +back
  46. bind d +moveright
  47. bind shift +speed
  48. bind space +jump2 // Now doubles as a fly-up key. Commented by default for laptop keyboarders by request.
  49. bind ctrl +crouch2 // Now doubles as a fly-down key.
  50. bind capslock alwaysrunoff // Does its job silently.
  51. bind z invprev
  52. bind c invnext
  53. bind x invuse
  54. bind tab +showscores
  55. bind q togglemap
  56. bind 1 "slot 1"
  57. bind 2 "slot 2"
  58. bind 3 "slot 3"
  59. bind 4 "slot 4"
  60. bind 5 "slot 5"
  61. bind 6 "slot 6"
  62. bind 7 "slot 7"
  63. bind 8 "slot 8"
  64. bind 9 "slot 9"
  65. bind 0 "slot 0"
  66. bind ` toggleconsole
  67. bind f1 menu_help
  68. bind f2 menu_save
  69. bind f3 menu_load
  70. bind f4 in_restartraw
  71. bind f5 menu_player
  72. bind f6 quicksave
  73. bind f7 capfpson // Toggles the 35fps framerate cap.
  74. bind f8 freelookoff // Toggles freelook and autoaim between classic and newschool.
  75. bind f9 quickload
  76. bind f10 screenshot
  77. bind f11 hudscaleon // Toggles HUD scaling. Useful if you play mods with custom HUDs.
  78. bind f11 hudscaleon // Toggles HUD scaling. Useful if you play mods with custom HUDs.
  79. bind f12 spynext
  80. bind - sizedown
  81. bind = sizeup
  82. bind kp+ statusreport // Says health, ammo and armour in chat. Useful for ZDoom multiplay.
  83. bind kp* in_restartdin // Press this when the mouse messes up, as it often does in fullscreen.
  84. bind kp- in_restartraw // Ditto, but for raw mouse input.
  85. bind del confirmdel
  86. doublebind del kill // Press the key twice to join spectators in Zandronum.
  88. mapbind uparrow +am_panup
  89. mapbind downarrow +am_pandown
  90. mapbind leftarrow +am_panleft
  91. mapbind rightarrow +am_panright
  92. mapbind g am_togglegrid
  93. mapbind - +am_zoomout
  94. mapbind = +am_zoomin
  95. mapbind f am_togglefollow
  96. mapbind m am_setmark
  97. mapbind backspace am_clearmarks
  100. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  101. // Mouse settings
  102. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  104. //mouse_sensitivity 1 // Uncomment for Zandronum.
  105. //m_yaw 0.325120 // Uncomment for Zandronum.
  106. //m_yaw 0.325120 // Uncomment for Zandronum.
  107. //m_sensitivity_x 0.6502 // Uncomment for GZDoom.
  108. //m_sensitivity_y 0.6502 // Uncomment for GZDoom.
  109. // Use this site:
  111. cl_oldfreelooklimit 0 // If 1, clamps vertical aim in Software, limiting the warping effect.
  112. cl_respawnonfire 0 // Disable respawning with fire, which alerts monsters. Press "use".
  113. in_mouse 0 // Mouse input method. 0 = Auto, 1=WinAPI, 2=DirectInput, 3=Raw.
  114. m_use_mouse 1 // Automatically enables "touchscreen-like" menu control.
  115. lookstrafe 0 // Keep off.
  116. m_filter 0 // Keep off, always.
  117. m_forward 0 // Disables forward/back movement from the mouse when freelook is off.
  118. m_noprescale 0 // def. 0. If 1, mouse input does not scale to Doom's aspect ratio.
  119. m_side 1 // Mouse strafing when holding +strafe.
  120. smooth_mouse 0 // def. 0. If 1, filters mouse input like keyboard aim.
  121. sv_smartaim 2 // 2 = Autoaim targets monsters before shootables and friendlies.
  122. use_mouse 1 // Duh
  127. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  128. // Graphics/Sound settings
  129. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  131. addrocketexplosion 0 // If 1, uses brighter, additive blending for rocket explosions.
  132. cl_maxdecals 128 // def. 1024.
  133. r_clearbuffer 0 // Changes how the game deals with Hall of Mirror errors. See wiki.
  134. r_drawplayersprites 1 // Just to be sure if game is quit while using zoom script.
  135. r_drawvoxels 0 // Particularly because GZDoom handles voxels abysmally.
  136. r_maxparticles 2000 // def. 4000.
  137. r_mirror_recursions 1 // Enables mirrors, but no recursive reflections. 0 = no mirrors.
  138. r_skyboxes 1 // If 0, disables 3D skyboxes, which can provide serious FPS boosts.
  139. telezoom 1 // If 1, uses zoom effect when teleporting. (G/ZDoom only)
  140. transsouls 1.0 // Lost Soul transparency. Values are clamped to 0.5 through 1.0.
  141. vid_attachedsurfaces 0 // If you see patches of pure white/black, set this to 1.
  142. vid_cursor "none" // General cursor. (G/ZDoom only)
  143. vid_hwaalines 0 // If 1, hardware AA of automap lines. Preferential, some like it off.
  144. vid_maxfps 144 // ZDoom only. Reduce excessive hardware usage without vsync.
  145. vid_noblitter 1 // Only turn this to 0 if you encounter video problems in windowed.
  146. vid_palettehack 0 // If 1, can help with buggy video drivers. Otherwise, keep off.
  147. vid_refreshrate 0 // If not 0, overrides Windows auto RR selection in fullscreen mode.
  148. vid_vsync 0 // 1 introduces a variable amount of input lag. Try vid_maxfps:
  149. // to your refresh rate + 2 (60Hz monitor + 2 = 62fps),
  150. // or your refresh rate * 1.25 (60hz monitor * 1.25 = 75fps)
  151. // to minimize tearing if it bothers you.
  153. // snd_output "PulseAudio"
  157. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  158. // Multiplayer and Network Settings
  159. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  161. handicap 0 // Health subtraction on spawn.
  162. cl_connectsound 1 // If 1, makes a sound when someone connects. Might be annoying.
  163. cl_ticsperupdate 2 // Z& def. 3, ZDaemon def. 2. Packet send/recieve interval in tics.
  164. cl_noprediction 0 // If 1, disables lag compensation ("Unlagged").
  165. cl_hidecountry 1 // Hides your country on connect. (Z& only, no effect on servers that
  166. // disable hiding of countries)
  167. disableautosave 0 // 0 = Saves entering a new level and whenever the level scripts it.
  168. // 1 = Autosave only when the level scripts it.
  169. // For pistol start playthroughs, this is probably best since
  170. // starting the map is as simple as pressing del, then use/fire.
  171. // 2 = Never ever autosave.
  173. cl_allycolor "40 cf 00" // If cl_overrideplayercolors = 1, allies will be green.
  174. cl_enemycolor "bf 8f 4f" // If cl_overrideplayercolors = 1, enemies will be tan.
  175. cl_overrideplayercolors 0 // If 1, makes all players take colours specified above.
  179. // Automap options
  180. // ------------------------------------
  182. am_overlay 0 // 0 = Normal map, 1 = overlay + normal, 2 = only overlay.
  184. am_drawmapback 0 // If 1, draws image behind the automap on wads that support them.
  185. am_map_secrets 1 // If 1, uses a special colour for "secret" sectors.
  186. am_rotate 0 // If 1, rotates the automap around you. Set to 0 for a fixed automap.
  187. am_showitems 1 // If 1, shows number of "special" pickups on the map.
  188. am_showkeys 1 // If 1, marks keys on the map when using the IDDT cheat.
  189. am_showmonsters 1 // If 1, shows number of monsters in the map.
  190. am_showsecrets 1 // If 1, shows number of secrets found and total in the map.
  191. am_showtime 1 // If 1, shows time spent on map.
  192. am_showtotaltime 1 // If 1, shows time spent playing.
  193. am_textured 0 // If 1, enables texturing of sectors on the automap. (Zdoom only)
  195. // Sectors
  196. am_backcolor "00 00 00"
  197. am_cdwallcolor "09 14 06" // Two-sided lines that have a different ceiling height on each side.
  198. am_efwallcolor "43 d3 5e" // 3D floor boundaries.
  199. am_fdwallcolor "1f 43 17" // Two-sided lines that have a different floor height on each side.
  200. am_interlevelcolor "ff 6a 00" // Level exit.
  201. am_intralevelcolor "ff ff ff" // Teleport.
  202. am_lockedcolor "56 56 56" // Unknown key locked door/switch.
  203. am_notseencolor "16 16 16"
  204. am_secretsectorcolor "cc 28 cc"
  205. am_secretwallcolor "cc 28 cc"
  206. am_specialwallcolor "66 00 00" // Action-special (non-door) trigger lines.
  207. am_tswallcolor "20 20 20" // Cheat-only, lines that don't have different ceiling/floor heights.
  208. am_wallcolor "4b 9f 3f" // One-sided walls.
  210. // Things
  211. am_thingcolor "30 30 30"
  212. am_thingcolor_friend "5f cf 57"
  213. am_thingcolor_item "53 53 ff"
  214. am_thingcolor_monster "ff 6a 00"
  216. // Misc.
  217. am_gridcolor "10 10 10"
  218. am_xhaircolor "d0 d4 e0"
  219. am_yourcolor "ff ff ff"
  221. // Overlay Map
  222. am_ovotherwallscolor "00 88 44"
  223. am_ovtelecolor "ff ff ff"
  224. am_ovthingcolor "e8 88 00"
  225. am_ovthingcolor_friend "e8 88 00"
  226. am_ovthingcolor_item "e8 88 00"
  227. am_ovthingcolor_monster "e8 88 00"
  228. am_ovunseencolor "00 22 6e"
  229. am_ovwallcolor "00 ff 00"
  230. am_ovyourcolor "fc e8 d8"
  233. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  234. // Message settings
  235. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  236. // List of TEXTCOLO colour numbers:
  237. // 0 brick red | 1 tan | 2 gray | 3 green | 4 brown | 5 gold | 6 red |
  238. // 7 blue | 8 orange | 9 white | 10 yellow | 11 default | 12 black | 13 light blue |
  239. // 14 cream | 15 olive | 16 dark green | 17 dark red | 18 dark brown | 19 purple | 20 dark gray |
  240. // 21 cyan |
  242. chat_substitution 1 // If 1, allows chat shortcuts such as $health, $weapon, and whatnot.
  243. con_virtualwidth 640 // Adjust width and height for your aspect ratio and tastes.
  244. con_virtualheight 400
  245. con_scaletext_usescreenratio 1 // Uses the whole screen for text, instead of a 4:3 box.
  246. msg 0 // Minimum message priority level. Basically, 1 = No item pick msgs.
  247. msg0color 11 // Item pickup colour
  248. msg1color 5 // Obituary colour
  249. msg2color 2 // Critical messages (like server messages)
  250. msg3color 3 // Chat
  251. msg4color 16 // Teamchat
  252. msgmidcolor 2 // Center HUD messages
  253. msgmidcolor2 2 // Global center HUD messages
  254. secretmessage "Found a secret area!" // Because Doom64/Quake
  255. show_messages 1 // Dur
  256. show_obituaries 1 // Death messages.
  260. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  262. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  264. demo_compress 1 // Compresses recorded demos.
  265. png_gamma 1 // Uses a gamma of 1 for screenshots.
  266. png_level 7 // PNG compression: from fastest (0) to smallest filesize (9).
  267. screenshot_quiet 0 // Displays screenshot message.
  268. screenshot_type png // Duh
  270. // screenshot_dir ".\screenshots"
  271. // Location to place taken screenshots. def. "".
  274. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  275. // Optional Scripts
  276. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  278. // Speedflying/swimming
  279. // ------------------------------------
  280. alias +jump2 "+jump; +moveup"
  281. alias -jump2 "-jump; -moveup"
  282. alias +crouch2 "+crouch; +movedown" // Doubles vertical movement speed in airborne and water environments.
  283. alias -crouch2 "-crouch; -movedown"
  285. // Setting Toggle Hotkeys
  286. // ------------------------------------
  287. alias capfpson "cl_capfps 1; echo Framerate Capped (35fps).; rebind capfpsoff"
  288. alias capfpsoff "cl_capfps 0; echo Framerate Uncapped.; rebind capfpson"
  289. alias freelookon "freelook 1; autoaim 0; echo Freelook Enabled.; rebind freelookoff"
  290. alias freelookoff "freelook 0; autoaim 5000; centerview; echo Freelook Disabled.; rebind freelookon"
  291. alias hudscaleon "hud_scale -1; st_scale -1; echo HUD scaled to screen.; rebind hudscaleoff"
  292. alias hudscaleoff "hud_scale 0; st_scale 0; echo HUD scaling off.; rebind hudscaleon"
  293. alias alwaysrunon "cl_run 1; rebind alwaysrunoff"
  294. alias alwaysrunoff "cl_run 0; rebind alwaysrunon"
  296. // Demo skip shortcuts
  297. // ------------------------------------
  298. alias demo_skip_30s "demo_skiptics 2100; echo \\cjDemo: Skipped thirty (30) seconds."
  299. alias demo_skip_1m "demo_skiptics 2100; echo \\cjDemo: Skipped one (1) minute."
  300. alias demo_skip_5m "demo_skiptics 10500; echo \\cjDemo: Skipped five (5) minutes."
  301. alias demo_skip_10m "demo_skiptics 105000; echo \\cjDemo: Skipped ten (10) minutes."
  302. alias demo_skip_20m "demo_skiptics 210000; echo \\cjDemo: Skipped twenty (20) minutes."
  304. // Clean screenshot [1]
  305. // ------------------------------------
  306. alias autocleanscreenshot "hidescreen; wait 18; playsound misc/chat2; screenshot; wait 18; resetscreen"
  307. alias hidescreen "r_drawplayersprites 0; screenblocks 12; cl_drawcoopinfo 0; show_messages 0"
  308. alias resetscreen "r_drawplayersprites 1; screenblocks 11; cl_drawcoopinfo 1; show_messages 1"
  310. // Testing Alias
  311. // ------------------------------------
  312. alias quickcheat "god; notarget; noclip; give weapons; give ammo; give health; give allmap"
  314. // Status Report Bind (Mostly for ZDoom netplay which doesn't have coopinfo)
  315. // ------------------------------------
  316. alias statusreport "say \"HP:$health AP:$armor $weapon:$ammocount\""
  318. // Del message
  319. // ------------------------------------
  320. alias confirmdel "echo Double-tap to kill."
  322. // Shortcuts for Zandronum 2.0 in_mouse bug
  323. // ------------------------------------
  324. alias in_restartraw "echo Reinitializing mouse... (RawInput); in_mouse 2; wait 5; use_mouse 0; wait 5; use_mouse 1; in_mouse 3; echo Done."
  325. alias in_restartdin "echo Reinitializing mouse... (DirectInput); in_mouse 3; wait 5; use_mouse 0; wait 5; use_mouse 1; in_mouse 2; echo Done."
  327. // Shortcut for hideous destructor footsteps.pk3
  328. // ------------------------------------
  329. alias fs_hd "fs_delay_mul 0.5; fs_volume_mul 2.5; movebob 0.025; rebind fs_normal; echo HD FS on"
  330. alias fs_normal "fs_delay_mul 0.7; fs_volume_mul 1.5; movebob 0.25; rebind fs_hd; echo HD FS off"
  332. // Just some extra predefined colours
  333. // ------------------------------------
  334. alias colordefault "color 40cf00"
  335. alias colorred "color ef0000"
  336. alias colordarkred "color bf0000"
  337. alias colordarkerred "color 800000"
  338. alias colorgold "color c08000"
  339. alias colorwhite "color f0f0f0"
  340. alias colortan "color bf8f4f"
  341. alias colorlighttan "color cf9f5f"
  342. alias colordarkbrown "color 8f5f2f"
  343. alias colorblack "color 606060"
  346. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  347. // Script binds to ingame Controls menu (Zandronum only)
  348. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  350. addkeysection "Autoexec.cfg: CVAR Toggles" autoexectoggles
  351. addmenukey "Freelook Toggle" freelookoff
  352. addmenukey "FPS Cap Toggle" capfpson
  353. addmenukey "HUD Scaling Toggle" hudscaleon
  354. addmenukey "Toggle Run (Silent)" alwaysrunoff
  356. addkeysection "Autoexec.cfg: Other" autoexecother
  357. addmenukey "Clean Screenshot" autocleanscreenshot
  358. addmenukey "Reconnect" reconnect
  359. addmenukey "Suicide" kill
  360. addmenukey "Tell Status" statusreport
  363. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  364. // Display successful load and print hotkey help in console.
  365. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  366. echo "\cd======= AUTOEXEC 23.10.12 OK. ======="
  367. echo "\cf== Custom Hotkeys: =="
  368. echo "\cfF1 = Help Screen"
  369. echo "\cfF2 = Save"
  370. echo "\cfF3 = Load"
  371. echo "\cfF4 = Options"
  372. echo "\cfF5 = Player Setup"
  373. echo "\cfF6 = Quicksave"
  374. echo "\cfF7 = Toggle FPS lock"
  375. echo "\cfF8 = Toggle Freelook"
  376. echo "\cfF9 = Quickload"
  377. echo "\cfF10 = Screenshot"
  378. echo "\cfF11 = Toggle HUD scaling"
  379. echo "\cfF12 = Spectate player"
  380. echo "\cfKeypad * = Restart mouse, when fullscreen breaks in Windows"
  381. echo "\cfDelete = Doubletap to kill"
  382. echo "\cf== Happy fragging! =="
  384. // Credits:
  385. // [1] Zdoom Wiki for the basic clean-screenshot scripts.
  386. //
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