
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

Mar 1st, 2015
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  1. Covet has joined the chat
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Steph swiped the back of her hand under her eye, smearing the wet black make up over her cheek, pushing up from her desk and grabbing the hand written note she'd just finished. She walked down out of her bedroom, depositing the note on the kitchen counter and staring at it one last time before moving back up to her room, ushering Harvey out of the bedroom with her foot before closing and locking the door behind her. ( )She sniffled once more, heading back to her bathroom, leaning into the shower WITH THE GIRAFFE STILL FUCKING IN IT to turn the water on. She took a deep breath, reaching to grab the bottle of pain killers from her shelf, glancing at her name neatly printed around the label before popping the top off and bringing the container up to her lips. In one swift motion, she tossed the contents of the bottle back, swallowing them hard and tossing the bottle to the side, letting it clatter to the floor. She reached her hands out to stablize herself on the sink, staring into the bathroom mirror at her deep sunken eyes before her head started to spin. Her vision started to blur, blackening at the edges before her knees collapsed underneath her, her body sinking as she reached out to grab the towel rack on her way down, pulling it to the floor with her as her body hit the cold tile hard. Her head rocked back and hit the floor, immediately losing consciousness.-
  3. CovetCovet : -Cadence pulled into the lot of their apartment and climbed out. She had her phone out texting as she made her way to the elevator and to their floor. Pulling her keys out, she unlocked the door walking into see most of the cats in the main area of the house and Steph's door shut. Harvey sitting outside of it looking up at the door, then quickly coming her direction once he saw her.- Wow...Must've been a really bad trip to Boston. -she leaned down to pet Harvey, scratching behind his ears slinging her bag onto the couch. Standing back up she saw the paper sitting on the kitchen counter, walking over to it, she looked down and read it. Her eyes scanning over it multiple times as she felt her heart race and drop into her stomach. Her hands started to shake, as she looked over at her door. She dropped the paper and tried the doorknob finding it locked. Shaking the door with one hand and banging on it with the other she yelled out- STEPH! Open the door.....Please...What ever you're doing stop....Steph!...-she grabbed her phone sending out a text message to Bryan immediately- .:: Bryan...Something's up with Steph, I have a note from her saying sorry and's not good, can you get over here ASAP. Her doors locked, and her shower is running, I can hear the water::. -hitting send she jiggled the handle on the door- FUCK! STEPH.....I swear to god...-she started to panic a bit and looked over at the microwave, then at the door-...Fuck it... We can buy a new one...-stepping over to it, she grabbed it off the counter, ripping the cord out of the wall. Hauling it up over her head she threw it at the door, aiming for the doorknob, watching it crack and the door pop inward.- Jumping over the microwave she ran to her bathroom seeing Steph on the floor, steam rolling out from the shower. Seeing the empty perscription bottle on the floor and her unresponsive, she stood there unable to breathe for a moment, before she dropped to her knees next to her. Cadence's phone sliding across the floor of the bathroom as her hands came to Steph's face- Steph!.....Steph...c'mon wake up....-she leaned down to check for breathing, it was there, but shallow. She shifted her head just a little and seeing a bit of blood from her head hitting the floor, but not in an excessive ammount. She reached for her phone and called 911.- My friend...I think she tried to OD on pain killers, She's not responsive, but she's breathing, it's shallow. The adress?...1115 Aberdeen Avenue, 3A. Please hurry...Yeah, I'll stay on the line...I don't know how long ago she took them...I just got home! -she put the dispatcher on speaker, trying to nudge Steph back into consciousness, tears starting to fall down her face- Steph wake up...we've gotta get you to the hospital...That note was can't say goodbye...Steph!...
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Steph's eyes fluttered for a moment before drifting closed again, her body completely limp. -Text- What the fuck are you talking about? -Bryan // Two paramedics pounded up the stairs to the third floor, a stretcher between them as they ran to apartment 3A, the taller of the two men lifting his hand to pound it against the door.-
  5. Covet: -Cadence watched Steph then felt her phone vibrate seeing the message from Bryan. She responded to him quickly- Meet me at the Hospital, Ambulance is on the way. -Cadence heard the loud pounding on the door- They're here, thank you so much...-she hung up and dashed to Steph's doorway- It's opened, hurry...she's still not responding -Cadence went back in, Steping over her carefully to shut off the shower. Watching as they came in behind her and started checking for vitals and getting her onto a stretcher. The picked up the bottle and put it into a bag. Cadence was being asked a barage of questions that she did her best to answer, in regards to letting someone know and her personal info. Cadence watched as they finally got her loaded up on the stretcher and made their way out through Steph's room. -Cadence saw Steph's phone and grabbed it along with her own and her bag on the way out intending to ride in the ambulance to the hospital. Locking the door behind her leaving everything as it was. On the way there she opened Steph's phone and got Dean's number, sending him a text. Unsure if Bryan would show up or not. -
  8. Alexithymiaa: -The paramedics pulled the ambulence into the back entrance of the hospital, immediately rolling the stretcher out of the back of the truck, Steph's body strapped in and secured down to the rolling bed. They pushed in through the jedi doors, a doctor meeting them to walk with the stretcher down the corridor as the paramedics rattled off vitals to the attending doctor. They wheeled her back beyond the swinging doors, one of the nurses putting her hand up to prevent Cadence from walking back with them, gesturing toward the seated waiting area.-
  9. Covet: [the jedi doors...really? XD]
  10. Alexithymiaa: (I NEED COMIC RELIEF.)
  11. Covet: -Cadence glared at the Nurse then walking into the area, but too nervous to sit down. She tried to keep herself pre-occupied, by checking her messages in between staring in the direction they'd taken Steph. Chewing on the inside of her lip she reached into her bag and grabed her anti anxiety medication, tipping it into her mouth and swallowing it dry. Seeing Dean's number flash across her screen she gave a sigh of relief- Thank God someone else is coming...
  12. Alexithymiaa: -Another doctor emerged from the swinging doors, spotting Cadence and walking over to her, a metal chart in his hand. "Ma'am, would it be alright if I asked you a few questions?"-
  13. Covet: -Cadence looked over at him and nodded- y-Yeah, of course. Is she going to be okay? Are you guys pumping her stomach...flushing her system...something? -she told him, baraging him with her own. Her arms crossed over her chest looking over his shoulder at the doors-
  14. Alexithymiaa: -The graying man nodded his head, his eyes dropping to look over the chart. "We're doing what we can right now. I need to know how many pills she took, as well as any possibly abnormal behavior following."-
  15. Musik has joined the chat
  16. Alexithymiaa: (Is it tactless if I dance?)
  17. Covet: [no XD]
  18. Covet: I don't know how many she took, she was gone this weekend for a gymnasitcs tournament, I'd just gotten home and found her with the empty bottle. Abnormal behaviors....She's been pretty cold and distant, we had a falling out a while back, but we had made up. She's been drinking a lot more than normal, and I've noticed she's gone back to her constant exercise, little sleep routine. -she sighed- I should have said something sooner to someone..I know she's dropped weight again...she's been diagnosed with an eating disorder before, but we had just made up...I didn't want to push her away by jumping on her case again...-she felt herself starting to tear up again- That's everything that I know of...Please tell me she's going to be fine...
  19. Alexithymiaa: -The doctor scribbled down as much information as he could while she spoke, lifting his eyes to look back at her. "We're doing what we can, right. We're pumping her stomach and trying to get her conscious." He moved to rest his hand down on her shoulder, giving her a small pat. "You did exactly what you were supposed to." He eased away from her, disappearing back behind the swinging doors.-
  20. Covet: -She glared in his direction and walked over to the vending machine, staring into it, shrugging where the doctor had patted her.- Fucking hate this place....-she reached into her bag and pulled out her wallet and taking out a few bucks to get herself a water and some chex mix.-
  21. Musik: -Dean's tired screeched as he slammed on his breaks, throwing his truck into park. He climbed out of his truck after killing the engie and jogged up to the main doors of the hospital. He made his way inside and looked around before seeing Cadence by the vending machines, he walked over to her and put his hand on her arm gently.- "Cadence, hey. Have you heard anything?"
  22. Covet: -she heard Dean and turned around- Yeah, they're pumping her stomach now and trying to get her conscious.....She swallowed the rest of her painkillers and was unconscious on the floor. -she held the bottle of water tightly in her hand and looked at Dean- Thanks for getting here as fast as you did. Bryan hasn't answered me...I told him what happened, and to get over here. -she kept standing and paced around a little bit, staring back over at the doors for the doctors-
  23. Musik: -He swallowed hard listening to her, taking a deep breath as his eyes moved over to the doors.- "But if he doesn't come here, they won't fucking tell us shit. He's her brother, he's gotta be here or her parents or someone that's family." -He said in a slightly panicked tone as he stuffed his hands down into his pockets.-
  24. Covet: That's what I said too. I mean they're telling me things, but I came in with her, so they have to get information from me. -she sat down and opened her water- I'm fucking pissed and scared at the same time. I can't lose her...-she swallowed and kept staring at the doors-
  25. Alexithymiaa: -The attending doctor emerged from the swinging doors, his eyes scanning the waiting room before falling on Cadence and Dean, beginning to approach them. "Are you the young woman who came in with Stephanie Robinson?"-
  26. Musik: -He walked over standing by Cadence, dropping his hand down to her shoulder giving it a small sqeeze, shaking his head.- "We're not gonna lose her. She's Steph.." -He glanced down at Cadence before moving his eyes over to the doctor as he walked out, moving his hand off her shoulder.-
  27. Covet: -She looked at the doctor- Yeah...I did...How's she everything okay?
  28. Alexithymiaa: -The doctor nodded. "Yes, we have her in stable condition. It appears you found her rather quickly, as the drugs didn't have all that much time to work through her system." He sighed, flipping the page up on the chart. "Our nurses have attempted to call her emergency contacts, Risa and Anthony Robinson, but were unable to reach them. Do you have any way of contacting them?"-
  29. Covet: Um...No, not until her Brother gets here. I've sent him a message. He was supposed to meet me here. I'll keep trying to get a hold of him though. -she let out a sigh of relief hearing about her stable condition.- Is she conscious yet? Can we see her?
  30. Musik: -He brought his hand up scratching the back of his head as he blew out a breath, rocking back on his heels slightly before looking back to the doctor waiting for his answer.-
  31. Alexithymiaa: -The doctor hugged the chart to his chest, looking between the two. "She's not conscious as of yet, but I can take you back to see her if you want to. Just be advised, we do have her hooked up to quite a few machines to regulate her vitals."-
  32. Covet: I don't care what she's hooked up to, take us to her. -she told him cutting him off, grabbing her things-
  33. Musik: -He shrugged looking at the doctor.- "They're keeping her alive right? Right, so those machines are loved by us." -He stuffed his hand back down into his pocket.-
  34. Alexithymiaa: -The doctor breathed a small sigh before turning to lead them back through the doors and down the hallway to the room they had Steph hooked up in. He stepped into the room, moving to her side as she laid motionless, a breathing tube carefully in intubated down her esophagus and an IV hooked to her arm. Small adhesive patches were stuck to her chest where they had removed her sweatshirt and dressed her in a hospital gown, the steady hum and beeps of the machines filling the room.-
  35. Covet: -Cadence walked in and sat down, slumping into the seat, dropping her bag at her feet as she held her hands up to her face as the tears started coming down. Her brows furrowed and she sent Bryan another text messgae-
  36. Covet: [ am I supposed to post seriously when you are supposed to look all dead and shit, but you are dancing around like a retard]
  37. Alexithymiaa: (I ASKED IF IT WAS TACTLESS.)
  38. Covet: [for me...yes...XD]
  39. Musik: -He followed behind them slowly, standing in the doorway. He stared at Steph's face as he walked further into the room to stand at the end of her bed, his eyes not leaving her face.-
  40. Alexithymiaa: -The doctor bowed his head before quietly walking out of the room. // Justin burst through the doors of the hospital, walking straight to the reception desk and demanding what room Steph was in. When the woman obliged, he jammed his hands down into his pockets, walking briskly down the hallway until he reached the room number the woman had given him, stopping to stand in the doorway, his eyes jumping from Steph in bed to Cadence and Dean in seats. "What the hell happened?"-
  41. Covet: -All Cadence could do was watch Steph from the couch. She looked up as Justin came in and looked at them both. Taking a deep breath she spoke- Steph tried to OD on her painkillers for her knee. I came home to a note, a locked door and her unconscious on the floor. -talking through the tears, checking her phone for messages-
  42. Musik: -He glanced over to Justin then back to Steph. He grabbed one of the chairs and pulled it up next to her bed, sitting down he spoke to Cadence.- "Have you gotten ahold of Bryan?"
  43. Alexithymiaa: -Justin walked further into the room, taking a seat down beside Cadence on the couch, lacing his fingers together in his lap. "You haven't spoken to him? He's the one who texted me."-
  44. Covet: No, I told him he needs to get his ass down here before I go hunt him down. The hospital can't get a hold of Risa. I don't have any way of contacting her. -she scrolled through her phone, then facepalmed, realizing she had Steph's phone the whole time.- I'm a fucking idiot...-Cadence pulled out Steph's phone and dialed up her mom, frowning when she didn't get a response.-
  45. Musik: -He leaned forward, resting his elbows against his legs bringing his hands up in front of his mouth, taking a deep breath.- "Why have a damn phone if you're not gonna fuckin' answer it.." -He mummbled, his eyes drifting over to the machines hooked up to Steph.-
  46. Alexithymiaa: -Justin pulled his left wrist up to glance at his watch, noting the time. "Think she's sleeping? Normal people sleep." // Bryan pulled the little white GTI into the parking lot of the hospital, killing the engine and staring off into space ahead of him for a moment before pushing the door open, stepping out of the car into the chilled air.-
  47. Covet: -Cadence sighed and shrugged- Maybe...probably...but most parents wake up to unexpected calls late at night. This is why people should have house phones. -she turned Steph's phone off again and checked her own. Setting her jaw as she clenched it tightly. Her fists balling up-
  48. Musik: -Dean shook his head watching Steph's heart rate on the machine.- "She's probably one of those people that puts their phone on vibrate when they sleep. Because that's the smartest thing to do." -He rolled his eyes, dragging his hands over his face.- // -Aubrey climbed out of the car and closing it behind her. She walked around the car sliding her hands into her jacket pockets as she looked at Bryan.- "Ready?" -She asked before starting off to the front of the hospital.-
  49. Alexithymiaa: -Justin shifted to pull his phone from his pocket, glancing at the screen. "I'll text Anthony. I know he gets up pretty early, so he's probably sleeping already." // Bryan nodded, following Aubrey up toward the front entrance of the hospital. He walked in and stopped at the front desk, his eyes falling over the woman seated at the computer. "What room is Steph Robinson in?" H ewaited until the woman looked it up and gave him the room number before pushing off away from the desk to head down the hall in search of the room, stopping outside the doorway and letting out a deep breath.-
  50. Covet: Thanks Justin. -she sighed- Thanks to you both for being here right now too. I know it's late. -she leaned back into the couch and pulled her feet up getting comfortable. She sent out another text message, remember someone else who should be notified.-
  51. Musik: "I wouldn't be anywhere else right now." -Dean said dropping his hands down, folding them keeping his elbows pressed into his knees.- // -Aubrey walked behind Bryan to Steph's room, looking at the door then up at him, chewing on the inside of her cheek.-
  52. Alexithymiaa: -Justin shook his head, running his fingers over the top of his hair. "Exactly. When Bryan forwarded me your message, I dropped everything and ran." // Bryan grabbed Aubrey's hand before reaching to push the door open, walking silently into the room and keeping his eyes on Steph in bed in the center. He scanned her body quickly before moving to stand at her side.-
  53. Covet: -Cadence looked up to see Bryan come in, with Aubrey. She wanted to say something along the lines of FINALLY, but she thought better of it. She watched him as he walked over to her side. She spoke softly- She's stable, they got most of the medication out of her system before it could do any real damage. That's pretty much all we know at this point.-
  54. Musik: -Dean's eyes drifted over to Bryan and Aubrey as they walked in. He sat back in the chair, dropping his eyes down to his hands listening to Cadence speak.- // -Aubrey held Bryan's hand as she followed him into the room. She looked around seeing Justin and Cadence, then her brother. She moved to stand next to Bryan, her eyes landing on Steph.-
  55. jasonMorgan22 has joined the chat
  56. Alexithymiaa: -Justin lifted his eyes to look at bryan and aubrey when they came into the room, shifting in his seat as he watched them. "What took you so long?" // Bryan took a deep breath, nodding his head as he listened to Cadence's report. "When is she supposed to wake up?"-
  57. jasonMorgan22: hi
  58. Covet: I don't know -she answered him- It's a waiting game at this point. -she sighed, keeping her eyes ont he bed-
  59. Covet: [This is an RP room, with active RP going on, please talk in brackets]
  60. Musik: -Dean ran his hands over his jeans, keeping his eyes down.- // -Aubery looked over to Justin shaking her head slightly before turning back to look at Steph. Not really sure what to say so she just stood there.-
  61. Alexithymiaa: -Justin stared at Bryan, dragging his hand down over his face. // Bryan turned around to look at Justin, his voice snapping. "Shut up, okay? No one fuckin' asked you."-
  62. Covet: -Cadence got quiet and looked at her phone. Giving Bryan his space, looking around the room at everyone-
  63. Musik: -Dean raised his brow, lifting his eyes to look at Bryan, then over to Justin before he dropped his eyes back down to his legs.- // -Aubrey brought her free hand up to push her fingers through her hair, using her other hand to give Bryan's hand a small squeeze looking up at him.-
  64. jasonMorgan22 has left the chat
  65. Alexithymiaa: -Justin sank back into the couch, dropping his eyes away from Bryan. // Bryan shook his head, his eyes focused on Steph's face for a moment before turning away and heading for the door. "I have to go to the bathroom..." He trailed off and walked outside the room, bringing his hands up to run them through his unkempt hair as he wandered down the hallway, pushing the bathroom door open.-
  66. Musik: -Dean watched Bryan walk out of the room, pursing his lips slightly moving his eyes back to Steph.- // -Aubrey chewed on her cheek watching Bryan before looking back to Steph, she walked over to the free chair, sitting down and folding her hands in her lap.-
  67. Alexithymiaa: -Justin watched Bryan walk out, pushing up from the couch. "I got him..." He turned and walked out of the room, following down the hallway to enter the bathroom after Bryan.-
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