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Oct 18th, 2019
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  1. clear all;
  2. close all;
  4. %% Record the video
  5. VIDEO = 1;
  7. %% Initial conditions
  8. theta = deg2rad(20); % ramp angle (rad)
  9. R = 0.1; % disk radius (m)
  10. g = -9.81; % acceleration from gravity (m/s^2)
  11. m = 1; % disk mass (kg)
  13. thickness = 0.01;
  15. x_init = 0;
  16. y_init = 0;
  17. %z_init = R;
  18. a_init = 0;
  19. b_init = deg2rad(90);
  20. p_init = 0;
  22. xd_init = 0;
  23. yd_init = 0;
  24. zd_init = 0;
  25. ad_init = 0;
  26. bd_init = 0;
  27. pd_init = 0;
  29. z_init = y_init * sin(theta) + R;
  31. X_init = [x_init; y_init; z_init; a_init; b_init; p_init; xd_init; yd_init; zd_init; ad_init; bd_init; pd_init];
  33. % Start and finish times
  34. tspan = [0 10];
  35. options = odeset('RelTol',1e-7,'AbsTol',1e-7');
  37. % Solve the EOMs
  38. sol = ode45(@diskEOM, tspan, X_init, R, theta, g, m, options);
  40. % Evaluate the solution
  41. dt = 0.03;
  42. t = tspan(1):dt:tspan(2);
  43. X = deval(sol, t);
  46. % if VIDEO
  47. % fps = 1/dt;
  48. % MyVideo = VideoWriter('gyro_animation','MPEG-4');
  49. % MyVideo.FrameRate = fps;
  50. % open(MyVideo);
  51. % end
  52. %
  53. %
  54. % %% PLOT THE STATES
  55. % plot(t,X)
  56. % xlabel('time')
  57. % ylabel('states')
  58. % h = legend('$x$', '$y$', '$z$', '$\alpha$', '$\beta$', '$\phi$',...
  59. % '$\dot{x}$', '$\dot{y}$', '$\dot{z}$',...
  60. % '$\dot{\alpha}$', '$\dot{\beta}$', '$\dot{\phi}$');
  61. % set(h,'Interpreter','latex')
  62. %
  63. %
  64. %
  65. % %% Draw Disk
  66. %
  67. % [xcyl, ycyl, zcyl] = cylinder(R);
  68. % zcyl = thickness*zcyl - thickness/2;
  69. %
  70. % r_OC = [xcyl; ycyl; zcyl];
  71. % r_OC = r_OC + [1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0];
  72. %
  73. %
  74. % %% Create Animation
  75. % handle = figure;
  76. % hold on;
  77. %
  78. % for i = 1:length(t)
  79. % cla
  80. %
  81. % x = X(1, i);
  82. % y = X(2, i);
  83. % z = X(3, i);
  84. % a = X(4, i);
  85. % b = X(5, i);
  86. % p = X(6, i);
  87. %
  88. % R10 = [1 0 0; 0 cos(theta) -sin(theta); 0 sin(theta) cos(theta)]; % Pos x rotation (slope)
  89. % R21 = [cos(a) -sin(a) 0; sin(a) cos(a) 0; 0 0 1]; % Pos z rotation (yaw)
  90. % R32 = [cos(b) 0 sin(b); 0 1 0; -sin(b) 0 cos(b)]; % Pos y rotation
  91. % R43 = [cos(p) -sin(p) 0; sin(p) cos(p) 0; 0 0 1]; % Pos z rotation
  92. %
  93. % % Rotate disk
  94. % [xcyl_r, ycyl_r, zcyl_r] = rotation(xcyl, ycyl, zcyl, R10*R21*R32*R43);
  95. %
  96. % % Disk movement
  97. % xcyl_r = xcyl_r + x;
  98. % ycyl_r = ycyl_r + y;
  99. % zcyl_r = zcyl_r + z;
  100. %
  101. % % For surf method (unused)
  102. % % xcyl_top = [xcyl(2,:); zeros(1, length(xcyl))];
  103. % % ycyl_top = [ycyl(2,:); zeros(1, length(ycyl))];
  104. % % zcyl_top = [zcyl(2,:); zcyl(2,:)];
  105. % %
  106. % % xcyl_bot = [xcyl(1,:); zeros(1, length(xcyl))];
  107. % % ycyl_bot = [ycyl(1,:); zeros(1, length(ycyl))];
  108. % % zcyl_bot = [zcyl(1,:); zcyl(1,:)];
  109. %
  110. % surf(xcyl_r, ycyl_r, zcyl_r, 'edgeColor', 'none', 'faceColor', 'black')
  111. % hold on
  112. % patch(xcyl_r(1,:), ycyl_r(1,:), zcyl_r(1,:), 4*zcyl_r(1,:));
  113. % patch(xcyl_r(2,:), ycyl_r(2,:), zcyl_r(2,:), 4*zcyl_r(2,:));
  114. %
  115. % % Surf method (unused)
  116. % %surf(xcyl_top, ycyl_top, zcyl_top, 'edgeColor', 'none')
  117. % %surf(xcyl_bot, ycyl_bot, zcyl_bot, 'edgeColor', 'none')
  118. %
  119. % view(3)
  120. % axis(1*[-1 1 -1 1 -1 1])
  121. %
  122. % % Plot plane
  123. % [xgrid, ygrid] = meshgrid(-1:0.05:1, -1:0.05:1);
  124. % zgrid = ygrid*sin(-theta);
  125. % surf(xgrid, ygrid, zgrid, 'edgeColor', 'none', 'faceColor', 'blue');
  126. %
  127. % xlabel('X (Meters)')
  128. % ylabel('Y (Meters)')
  129. % zlabel('Z (Meters)')
  130. % if VIDEO
  131. % writeVideo(MyVideo,getframe(handle));
  132. % else
  133. % pause(dt);
  134. % end
  135. % end
  136. %
  137. %
  138. % %% Video setup
  139. % if VIDEO
  140. % fps = 1/dt;
  141. % MyVideo = VideoWriter('disk_animation','MPEG-4');
  142. % MyVideo.FrameRate = fps;
  143. % open(MyVideo);
  144. % end
  145. %
  146. %
  147. % %%
  148. % function [Xf,Yf,Zf] = rotation(Xi,Yi,Zi,R)
  149. %
  150. % I=size(Xi,1);
  151. % J=size(Xi,2);
  152. %
  153. % Xf=zeros(I,J);
  154. % Yf=zeros(I,J);
  155. % Zf=zeros(I,J);
  156. %
  157. % for ii=1:I
  158. % for jj=1:J
  159. % vector=[Xi(ii,jj);Yi(ii,jj);Zi(ii,jj)];
  160. % vector=R*vector;
  161. % Xf(ii,jj)=vector(1);
  162. % Yf(ii,jj)=vector(2);
  163. % Zf(ii,jj)=vector(3);
  164. % end
  165. % end
  166. %
  167. % end
  168. %
  170. %% Solve the EOMs
  171. function X_d = diskEOM(t, X, R, theta, g, m)
  173. % x, y, z, alpha, beta and phi and their derivatives are parsed from the
  174. % state vector X
  176. x1 = X(1); x2 = X(2); x3 = X(3); x4 = X(4); x5 = X(5); x6 = X(6);
  177. x7 = X(7); x8 = X(8); x9 = X(9); x10 = X(10); x11 = X(11); x12 = X(12);
  179. % Assign derivatives in the state vector
  180. x1_d = x7; x2_d = x8; x3_d = x9; x4_d = x10; x5_d = x11; x6_d = x12;
  182. % Add the equations from Y for the double derivative terms
  183. x7_d = R*x11^2*cos(x4)*cos(x5) - (2*g*cos(x4)*sin(theta)*sin(x4))/15 - (R*x10*x12*cos(x4))/5 + R*x10^2*cos(x4)*cos(x5)^3 - (4*g*cos(theta)*cos(x4)*cos(x5)*sin(x5))/5 - (R*x10*x11*sin(x4)*sin(x5))/3 + (4*g*cos(x4)*cos(x5)^2*sin(theta)*sin(x4))/5 + (6*R*x10*x12*cos(x4)*cos(x5)^2)/5;
  184. x8_d = R*x11^2*sin(theta)*sin(x5) - (2*g*sin(2*theta))/5 + (4*g*cos(x5)*sin(x4)*sin(x5))/5 + (2*g*cos(theta)*cos(x4)^2*sin(theta))/15 + (8*g*cos(theta)*cos(x5)^2*sin(theta))/5 - R*x10^2*sin(theta)*sin(x5)*(sin(x5)^2 - 1) + R*x11^2*cos(theta)*cos(x5)*sin(x4) - (R*x10*x12*cos(theta)*sin(x4))/5 + R*x10^2*cos(theta)*cos(x5)^3*sin(x4) - (8*g*cos(theta)^2*cos(x5)*sin(x4)*sin(x5))/5 - (4*g*cos(theta)*cos(x4)^2*cos(x5)^2*sin(theta))/5 + (R*x10*x11*cos(theta)*cos(x4)*sin(x5))/3 + (6*R*x10*x12*cos(x5)*sin(theta)*sin(x5))/5 + (6*R*x10*x12*cos(theta)*cos(x5)^2*sin(x4))/5;
  185. x9_d = (2*g*cos(x4)^2)/15 - (4*g)/5 + (4*g*cos(x5)^2)/5 + (4*g*cos(theta)^2)/5 - (2*g*cos(theta)^2*cos(x4)^2)/15 - (8*g*cos(theta)^2*cos(x5)^2)/5 - (4*g*cos(x4)^2*cos(x5)^2)/5 - R*x11^2*cos(theta)*sin(x5) + (4*g*cos(theta)^2*cos(x4)^2*cos(x5)^2)/5 + R*x11^2*cos(x5)*sin(theta)*sin(x4) - (R*x10*x12*sin(theta)*sin(x4))/5 - R*x10^2*cos(theta)*cos(x5)^2*sin(x5) + R*x10^2*cos(x5)^3*sin(theta)*sin(x4) - (8*g*cos(theta)*cos(x5)*sin(theta)*sin(x4)*sin(x5))/5 - (6*R*x10*x12*cos(theta)*cos(x5)*sin(x5))/5 + (R*x10*x11*cos(x4)*sin(theta)*sin(x5))/3 + (6*R*x10*x12*cos(x5)^2*sin(theta)*sin(x4))/5;
  186. x10_d = (2*x11*x12)/sin(x5);
  187. x11_d = -(5*R*cos(x5)*sin(x5)*x10^2 + 6*R*x12*sin(x5)*x10 + 4*g*cos(theta)*cos(x5) + 4*g*sin(theta)*sin(x4)*sin(x5))/(5*R);
  188. x12_d = (2*g*cos(x4)*cos(x5)^2*sin(theta) - 5*R*x10*x11*sin(x5) - 2*g*cos(x4)*sin(theta) + 6*R*x11*x12*cos(x5)*sin(x5) + 5*R*x10*x11*cos(x5)^2*sin(x5))/(3*R*(cos(x5)^2 - 1));
  190. X_d = [x1_d; x2_d; x3_d; x4_d; x5_d; x6_d; x7_d; x8_d; x9_d; x10_d; x11_d; x12_d];
  193. end
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