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Feb 21st, 2018
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  1. //KCP _ACSv7.02 - Root Settings Stock Bike
  2. //(c)2014 Karyn Vaher - All Rights Reserved
  3. //This script set, current or previous versions, is only for redistribution as part of a scripted vehicle, with permissions set to NO MOD and NO TRANSFER
  4. //Resale of any section of this code or emulation of the unique operational flow of this system for resale is in violation of software copyright and subject to DMCA
  5. //Code is not to be exported from Second Life to alternate grids. Exceptions granted to any or all conditions only by commercial licensing agreement.
  7. //Main Feature & Menu Customizing
  8. integer EditGears = TRUE; // FALSE to disable changing/editing of gears from menu.
  9. integer MenuControls = TRUE; // FALSE to disable > Controls menu completely
  10. integer Resizable= TRUE; // TRUE for Resizer. FALSE for no resizer.
  11. integer TurboAvailable = TRUE; // FALSE to remove TURBO option from the menu.
  12. integer AutoAvailable = TRUE; // FALSE to remove automatic transmission option from the menu
  13. integer FlightEnabled = TRUE; // if FALSE, no flight mode can be activated or displayed in menu.
  14. integer HideBurnout = FALSE; // if TRUE, burnout is removed from the menu.
  15. integer DisableMenu = FALSE; // if TRUE, vehicle menu will not trigger on touch
  16. integer RecordReturn = FALSE; // if TRUE, Record & Return for record position replace Horn & Burnout on vehicle menu page
  18. //Custom Options
  19. integer FixedCam = FALSE; // TRUE to use custom cam settings in the Fixed_Camera() routine below:
  20. integer ArcadeReverse = FALSE; // TRUE to change back arrow to reverse instead of brake.
  21. integer Single_Position = FALSE; // If TRUE there is only one position adjustment. All poses must be rendered at the same position for this to work.
  22. integer PassengerSitClick = TRUE; // If TRUE the passenger prim(s) (if installed) will be set to sit on touch.
  23. integer ManualPrimShapes = FALSE; // If TRUE, automatic prim shapes/mesh detection is disabled. Use if you set your prim shapes manually.
  25. //Customizable Messages
  26. string Msg_Ride= "Ride"; //Command to ride chopper on Pie Menu
  27. string Msg_Start= ""; //Greeting message. Set to "" to disable.
  28. string Msg_End= "Thanks for the ride.";//End message when exiting. Set to "" to disable.
  29. string Demo_Text= "Unlocked\nDemo Mode";
  30. string Locked = "Locked"; //Set to "" for no message in floating text
  31. string Unlocked = "Unlocked"; //Set to "" for no message in floating text
  32. string Greetings = "Greetings";
  34. //combat system driver firing linkset messages. Linkset message firemessage sent on firechan when firing key combo is used (shift+back arrow)
  35. integer firechan = 3000; //K-Damage system uses link channel 3000. For vice, set to 1.
  36. string firemessage = "gun ctrl"; //K-Damage requires only blank message "". for VICE use "gun ctrl"
  37. // These next 3 are only for use with VICE or other non K-Damage systems along with the Burst Control script.
  38. integer supresschan = 0; //For VICE set to 0
  39. string supressmessage = "gun ctrl"; // for VICE use "gun ctrl"
  40. float burstlength = 0.5; // length of automatic weapons burst fire before shutoff
  42. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////Engine Stuff/////////////////
  43. integer RECOVER = TRUE; //FALSE makes up+down arrow keys trigger NOS boost. TRUE makes up+down arrow keys RECOVER/lift
  44. float RecoverHeight = 3.0; //height for recover activated by keys if turned on
  45. integer StartingGear= 1; //The default gear to start in. Normally 1.
  46. integer AutoDropToFirst = FALSE; // If TRUE, drops vehicle to StartingGear if vehicle slows to idle speed.
  47. integer InverseReverse= FALSE; //Invert your reverse direction controls.
  48. integer StartParked = FALSE; //TRUE if you do not want the engine to start on driver sit.
  49. integer TurnWhileStopped= TRUE; //TRUE to turn when stopped. FALSE so you cannot rotate in place without power. Change from > Extras menu
  50. integer SEOB = TRUE; //set to TRUE to silence the idle/engine when engaging BURNOUT (not skid)
  51. integer O_S_C= FALSE; //SHIFT STYLE. Default FALSE. TRUE to use E/C keys for shifting instead of shift + arrowkeys.
  52. integer Leveler = FALSE; //Helps climb over the top of steep inclines with downward tilt.
  53. integer ForceLevel = FALSE; //If TRUE, forces vehicle not to tilt or lean. For large boats, etc.
  55. //Advanced Tweaks for your face
  56. float Start_Sound_Delay= 0.5; // In seconds. Example: 0.5, 2.3. Time after start sound is triggered before engine kicks in.
  57. float Thr_Idling= 4.0; //2.5 Velocity cutoff for engine sound idling.
  58. float Thr_IdleLevel= 1.5; //Velocity cutoff of driver idle pose
  59. float Thr_Skid= 15; //Velocity that much be reached before bike can skid on turn.
  60. float Thr_Torque= 6; //Low End Torque boost Velocity Cutoff Threshhold
  61. float L_E_T= 2.0; //amount of extra thrust applied below Thr_Torque
  62. float GearUp= 35; //Velocity at which the slow engine sound is replaced by the fast one.
  63. float Park_Offset = 0.0; //Vertical offset repositioned/lowered when parked - default 0.0;
  65. ///Headlight and light glow settings
  66. vector LightColor= <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>;//<1.0, 1.0, 1.0>
  67. vector LightIRF= <1.0, 5.0, 0.5>;//Default <1.0,5.0,0.0>, Light Intensity (0.0 - 1.0), Light Radius (0.1 - 20.0), Light Falloff (0.1 - 2.0).
  68. vector BrakeLightColor= <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>;//<1.0, 1.0, 1.0>
  69. vector BrakeLightIRF= <1.0, 0.5, 0.5>;//Default <1.0,5.0,0.0>, Light Intensity (0.0 - 1.0), Light Radius (0.1 - 20.0), Light Falloff (0.1 - 2.0).
  70. float Glow_Level= 0.05; //0.0 to 1.0 GLOW level for LightSystem prim faces.
  71. float BeamAlpha = 0.4; //0.1-1.0 Transparency level for visible light beam faces set up with LightSystem.
  72. float BeamGlow = 0.05; //0.1-1.0 Glow level for visible light beam faces set up with LightSystem.
  73. float IndicatorSpeed = 0.5; //Turning indicator flash speed.
  74. float FlightFlash = 1.0; //Speed for flight lights flashing during flight mode, 0 to disable flash.
  76. // Mouselook settings. If you just want mouselook-style camera, use the SportCam in the camera module.
  77. // In mouselook the left mouse button accelerates. Gears change with L/R arrows. Flight mode stll uses Up/Down arrows for Up/Down.
  78. integer MBnk= TRUE; // TRUE or FALSE. Turn on banking mode for mouselook
  79. integer Auto_Mouselook= FALSE; // TRUE or FALSE. Turn on mouselook automatically when seating.
  80. integer Mo_Turn_Power= 500; //75// Mouselook Turning Power;
  81. integer MLook_Disable= FALSE; //Set to TRUE to disable mouselook altogether
  83. //CornerFX Turn Wheel Smoke Settings. Smoke triggered in wheels with burn keyword.
  84. integer CornerFXON = FALSE;
  85. float CornerFXSmokeThresh= 0.5; //drift smoke turn strength threshhold. Range 0.1 - 3.5 The higher this is, the stronger turn is required
  86. float CornerFXSmokeVel= 30; //The velocity before CornerFX smoke can be triggered.
  87. string CornerFXSound = "632706df-a5b8-16a4-c5ab-48c8a1ba14cf";// Custom sound for CornerFX. Set to "" for none
  88. float CornerFXVolume= 0.4; //CornerFX sound Volume range 0.0 - 1.0
  90. //These settings are what the vehicle starts with and returns to when Reset from the controls menu:
  91. //Steering
  92. float Init_Pwr_Turn = 5.0; //6.0 Initial turning strength (5.0 standard)
  93. float Init_Turn_Bonus = 0.41; // Additional accrued turning power value. Increase for turning boost. Default 0.33, can set to 0.
  94. float Init_VelMult = 0.10; //0.1 Steering Velocity Multiplier
  95. //Additional Physics Forces
  96. float Init_Lev_Bank = 5.0; // Initial banking force (5.0 standard)
  97. integer Init_Gravity = 3; // Gravity Multiplier (whole number) default 1
  98. integer Init_DownForce = 0; //Additional downward pressure (default 0)
  99. //Controls
  100. integer Init_Wheelie_Up = 50; //Strength up wheelie lift
  101. integer Init_Wheelie_Down = 100; //Strength nose down / down wheelie (stoppie power)
  102. float Init_Lev_NOS = 250; //Nitrous Burst Level. Start at 100.Crank it up! Set to 0 to disable.
  103. float Init_Pwr_Skid = 200; //How much bike turns during skid. INCREASE to skid further (default 25)
  104. float Init_Time_Skidder = 80; //20 Length of Skid
  105. float Init_Pwr_Brake = 10.0; // default braking power. Range 0-10. Default 10.0.
  106. float Init_Lev_Turbo = 20; //Turbo power
  107. integer Init_Reverse = 10; //10 Reverse gear power
  108. float BackTurn = 15; //Back Arrow+Turn Turning Power when stopped.
  109. float BaseTurn = 20; //Base forward power on turning
  110. list Init_List_Gears = [45, 65, 85, 110, 130, 200, 600]; //Default list of gears! [40, 55, 65, 80, 95, 110];
  111. float Spin_Rate = 0.75; //Wheel Spin Speed Multiplier, default 1.0. Lower for slower wheel spin rate (0.5) or faster (1.5)
  112. float Init_Lev_VAttrac = 7.0; // Range 1-10
  113. float Init_Resist = 0.21; //0.21//The lower, the less steering resistance. Useful to correct oversteering
  114. float Init_Decay = 1.2; //1.5//Forward engine Decay/Friction. Less = more Decay/Friction.
  115. float Init_Inertia = 0.3; //0.3;
  116. float Init_Drift = 0.2; //4.0 Default
  117. integer Init_PowerSlide = 0; //PowerSlide. Permanently on turn slide
  118. integer Init_ShiftSlide = 30; //ShiftSlide key control for O_S_C mode. Crank it up!
  119. integer Init_BurnTime = 25; //Value for length of burnout before it shuts off automatically. (whole number)
  121. //Additional Wheel Script Settings
  122. integer PivotAngleOffset = -15; //(whole number) Steering angle adjustment for Pivoting Wheels.
  123. float Init_Camber = 0.0; //amount of wheel camber for (Pivoting & Fixed Wheel scripts) Set to 0 for motorcycle.
  124. integer CamberAdjust = TRUE; //adds camber adjustment to >Controls,>Steering,>More menu.
  125. integer WheelVibration = FALSE; //TRUE/FALSE for wheel vibration.
  126. float VibrationLevel = 0.03; //Wheel Vibration Level (default 0.03)
  127. vector SuspensionBounce = <0.0, 0.0, 0.15>; //Offset value for suspension bounce (use the Z value in most cases)
  128. float SuspensionSway = -0.1; //Tunes the suspension movement level on inclines.
  130. //Optional Animation Timers
  131. float Start_Length = 2.5; //time in seconds before switching from start animation to idle pose (examples: 2 , 4.75, 0.3)
  132. float Wheelie_Length = 1.0; //time in seconds before switch from wheelie pose/animation back to ride pose (examples: 1.5, 6, 0.5, 45)
  135. integer B_Mode = FALSE; //Set to TRUE for BOAT mode. Set to FALSE for normal bike/car/ground vehicle
  136. float F_Height = 0.15; //Boat Floating HEIGHT (default 0.25);
  137. float NoseUp = 0; // try 20 degrees. degrees for boat nose lift on power. Only for boat mode, not Amphibian mode
  138. float Rez_Offset = -0.0; //amount to offset on rez. Lower your boat into the water on rez.
  140. //Flight Mode Settings
  141. integer Helicopter = FALSE; //vehicle operates only in flight mode
  142. list List_Flightspeeds= [20,40,60,100,200];// Flight Speeds/gears for flight mode. Add as many as you need. [30,50,75,100]
  143. float P_FlUpDown= 15; // strength of up and down flight
  144. float P_FlTurn= 5; // strength of flight turn
  145. integer Flight_Bank= 30; //Amount of flight mode bank/angle
  146. float FlightBoost= 20.0; //initial push up when switching to flight mode, set to 0.0 to disable.
  148. //SOUND UUIDS.
  149. //Sounds_1 - Customize your sound sets: Right click on full perm sound in your inventory and choose Copy Asset UUID and paste beteen the quotes:
  150. string Sound_1_Startup = "fecf55e7-3522-16ed-141b-9de7a03626ee"; //Sound to play when engine starts
  151. string Sound_1_Turnoff = "e3d06803-bc7e-01a2-b8b2-08754add38b6"; //Sound to play when engine stops
  152. string Sound_1_Flight= "67e84be0-c35c-dbd9-9364-8734543e1dc3"; //Sound to play while flying
  153. string Sound_1_Horn = "f5cab6f5-f8ff-40d5-c466-467f036be078"; //Horn sound.
  154. string Sound_1_Idle = "d51392ae-359a-80a0-9f7f-e69fcc93019a"; //Sound to play when idling
  155. string Sound_1_RunningLow ="e3ee5520-8add-ed24-3c39-1a7f245f1761"; //Sound to play while driving slow.
  156. string Sound_1_RunningHigh="4620e94d-c667-45c1-8492-44a3653052f4"; //Sound to play while driving fast.
  157. string Sound_1_Rev = "4b8d0d3b-13a7-9882-a918-2847cb531cc8"; //Sound to play for engine rev/wheelie
  158. string Sound_1_Skidder = "27aa2727-21e6-4823-c1b0-d6e34ebb0e32"; //Sound to play during skidding
  159. string Sound_1_GearChange ="a457fe67-f988-17cc-1d15-09815a23def6"; //Sound to play for gear switching.
  160. string Sound_1_Burnout = "49519872-31b4-49f8-1a8e-79fc1a2429d5"; //Burnout Sound
  161. string Sound_1_Reverse = "";
  163. //Sounds_2. Optional Second Set = set all to "" if not in use. Leave as is or you can use duplicates from 1st set.
  164. string Sound_2_Startup = "7acbca2d-b1eb-ce78-ab19-fb61bcbe3cf7"; //Sound to play when engine starts
  165. string Sound_2_Turnoff = "7a8a1bd5-5078-6aaf-2eb0-276f06d88df0"; //Sound to play when engine stops
  166. string Sound_2_Flight= "67e84be0-c35c-dbd9-9364-8734543e1dc3"; //Sound to play while flying
  167. string Sound_2_Horn = "f5cab6f5-f8ff-40d5-c466-467f036be078"; //Horn sound.
  168. string Sound_2_Idle = "b7260e35-48f1-a30a-7769-3f165f512db1";
  169. string Sound_2_RunningLow ="5bd53f1a-aa63-30f7-19bf-47ae8b7ce0b0";
  170. string Sound_2_RunningHigh="4c9678a1-2b47-1a66-137e-a21f990b6abc";
  171. string Sound_2_Rev = "33defb73-9654-7e19-d67c-fecf6baf5686";
  172. string Sound_2_Skidder = "27aa2727-21e6-4823-c1b0-d6e34ebb0e32";
  173. string Sound_2_GearChange ="4849ff69-0280-815f-97e5-4a849344d05f";
  174. string Sound_2_Burnout = "cbd14dd2-b281-6895-0b9e-f5d1264193e8";
  175. string Sound_2_Reverse = "";
  177. //Nitrous boost sound. Only tiggered if NOS/Recover is switched to Nitorus Boost from the menu (fwd+back arrow)
  178. string Nitrous = "a471db3a-9038-320c-d1c4-52e4293841d9"; //Triggered on boost
  179. string DoorOpen = "18963ebb-00b6-cca5-8a91-2aa9b24f03ae"; //Triggered on Door Opening
  180. string DoorClosed = "6d7986d9-140b-e1c6-de07-ab85efa7f5d7"; //Triggered on Door Closing
  181. string TrunkOpen = "4de6a8be-ba29-b2d7-2e9e-cf16b872025e"; //Triggered on Trunk Opening - assigned doorsystem prim with trunk keyword
  182. string TrunkClosed = "b9c3a0c2-d8e1-2d15-a9cc-457686f45e19"; //Triggered on Trunk Closing - assigned doorsystem prim with trunk keyword
  183. string HoodOpen = "6710740d-0c6a-cab2-8dd6-7bac4bdf543b"; //Triggered on Hood Opening - assigned doorsystem prim with hood keyword
  184. string HoodClosed = "c11e5ceb-3cac-e7a3-0486-9b652b2fb797"; //Triggered on Hood Closing - assigned doorsystem prim with hood keyword
  185. string Window = "f4f0a829-c448-02be-dbb4-70d21db4c288"; //Triggered on Power Window
  186. string Indicators = ""; //6b0d93cb-1a3b-2739-84e7-735ed32b01af//Triggered each time turning indicators manually activated.
  187. string Wipers = "8f2c1da2-7ea9-9a18-4880-de5ad6aa6e0b"; //Triggered each time windshield wipers make a pass
  188. string InteriorBell = "4abf8ffb-68da-959d-3aa3-852349648f99"; //loops when a door is open and engine is off
  189. string LockSound = "631eaf10-3a19-da5e-a743-a4943262f4aa"; //Triggered on Lock/Unlock
  190. //
  191. key Alarm_Siren= "1e663342-08dd-fb39-a421-d207cc29f76f";// Alarm Siren. Set to "" for silence. Default:"1e663342-08dd-fb39-a421-d207cc29f76f"
  192. key Alarm_Switch= "2bb8f6cd-c6d2-210a-8b83-5b1811dc0692"; //Alarm On/Off sound. Set to "" for silence. Default: "2bb8f6cd-c6d2-210a-8b83-5b1811dc0692"
  193. integer Alarm_Time= 30; // Length of alarm sequence in seconds.
  195. ///Basic Sit. Optional single sit system for use without ROOT SIT script or other sit system.
  196. integer BasicSit = FALSE; //Set to TRUE if you do not want to use the ROOT SIT or other sit script and want to use this basic built-in sit
  197. vector BasicPosition = <0.0,0.0,2.5>; //Position relative to root to place passenger
  198. vector BasicRotation = <0.1,0.0,0.0>; //Rotation of the avatar, in degrees
  199. string BasicAnim = "" ; //Driver animation. Must be present in the root prim.
  203. // Customization of handling and camera settings are done in the engine script.
  204. // System variables: Don't toy with them. They may not be what they seem.
  206. integer SmoothDoorSteps= 20; //range 1-20. Speed for single prim doors and power windows (BETA!)
  207. list setlist;
  208. string Curr_Pack="Sounds_1";
  209. string Snd_Flight;
  210. string Snd_Horn;
  211. float Lev_VAttrac = 6.0;
  212. integer DownForce = 1;
  213. float Init_Lev_Volume=1.0;
  214. float Resist = 0.17;
  215. float Decay = 1.5;
  216. float Inertia = 0.3;
  217. float Drift=0.5;
  218. float Camber;
  219. integer G_Pg =1;
  220. integer Sending;
  221. integer LId;
  222. integer ATransMult;
  223. key MenuKey;
  224. list CMU;
  225. string CMT="Select";
  226. string Text_MenuSounds="Sounds\nCurrent Set: Sounds_1";
  227. list List_Gears =[30];
  228. list PackList;
  229. list Menu_Sounds = ["Sounds_1","Sounds_2","> Back"];
  230. integer repid=904;
  231. string backer=" ";
  233. //To bypass the built-in camera system and use your own, set FixedCam to TRUE above and pase your favorite camera settings here:
  234. Fixed_Camera() //Editing this will do nothing unless you disable the built-in camera and set FixedCam to TRUE above
  235. {
  236. llSetCameraParams ([
  237. CAMERA_ACTIVE, 1, // 1 is active, 0 is inactive
  238. CAMERA_BEHINDNESS_ANGLE, 45.0, // (0 to 180) degrees
  239. CAMERA_BEHINDNESS_LAG, 0.5, // (0 to 3) seconds
  240. CAMERA_DISTANCE, 6.0, // ( 0.5 to 10) meters
  241. //CAMERA_FOCUS, <0,0,5>, // region relative position
  242. CAMERA_FOCUS_LAG, 0.05 , // (0 to 3) seconds
  244. CAMERA_FOCUS_THRESHOLD, 0.0, // (0 to 4) meters
  245. CAMERA_PITCH, 20.0, // (-45 to 80) degrees
  246. //CAMERA_POSITION, <0,0,0>, // region relative position
  247. CAMERA_POSITION_LAG, 0.1, // (0 to 3) seconds
  249. CAMERA_POSITION_THRESHOLD, 1.0, // (0 to 4) meters
  250. CAMERA_FOCUS_OFFSET, <0,0,2> // <-10,-10,-10> to <10,10,10> meters
  251. ]);
  252. }
  254. Physics_Section(integer mode)
  255. {
  256. llSetVehicleFlags(0xFFFFFFFF);llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,197,(string)mode,"");
  257. if (!mode)
  258. {
  260. llSetVehicleType(VEHICLE_TYPE_CAR);
  263. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 0.01);//0.05
  264. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 0.10);
  265. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 2);//4
  266. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, Inertia);
  267. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, Resist);//.21
  268. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 0.2);
  269. llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <Decay, Drift, 2> );// <1.5, 0.5, 2.0>
  270. llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <0.01, 5.1, 2.5> );//<4.0, 1.5, 0.5> );
  271. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_EFFICIENCY, Lev_VAttrac/10);//0.6
  272. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_TIMESCALE, 0.4);//L_Ban/10
  273. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_BANKING_EFFICIENCY, 0.99);//0.99
  274. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_BANKING_TIMESCALE, 0.01);
  275. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_BANKING_MIX, 0.5);
  276. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_BUOYANCY, -0.1);
  277. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT, 0);
  278. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_EFFICIENCY, 0);//.5
  279. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_TIMESCALE, 180);//.4
  282. llSetForce(<0,0,-DownForce>,FALSE);
  283. }
  284. else
  285. if (mode)
  286. { //BOAT PHYSICS
  287. llSetVehicleType(VEHICLE_TYPE_BOAT);
  290. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 0.10);
  291. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 0.10);
  292. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 5);
  293. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 0.2);
  294. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, .21);
  295. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 0.2);
  296. llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <6, 0.5, 1000.0> );
  297. llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <10.0, 10.0, 0.5> );
  298. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_EFFICIENCY, 0.5);//0.50
  299. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_TIMESCALE, 0.80);//0.40
  300. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_BUOYANCY, 1.0);
  301. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_BANKING_EFFICIENCY, 0.99);
  302. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_BANKING_TIMESCALE, 0.1);
  303. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_BANKING_MIX, 0.5);
  304. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT, F_Height);
  305. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_EFFICIENCY, 0.3);//.5
  306. llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_TIMESCALE, 0.9);//.4
  309. llSetForce(<0,0,0>,FALSE);
  310. }
  313. }
  315. Flight_Physics()
  316. {
  317. llSetVehicleFlags (0xFFFFFFFF);
  318. llSetVehicleType (VEHICLE_TYPE_AIRPLANE);
  319. //lSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>);
  321. llSetVehicleFloatParam (VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 10);//0.1
  322. llSetVehicleFloatParam (VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 1.0);
  323. llSetVehicleFloatParam (VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 1.0);
  324. llSetVehicleFloatParam (VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 1.0);
  325. llSetVehicleFloatParam (VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 1.0);
  326. llSetVehicleVectorParam (VEHICLE_LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <10.0, 0.5, 10.0>);
  327. llSetVehicleVectorParam (VEHICLE_ANGULAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <0.5,0.5,0.5>);
  328. llSetVehicleFloatParam (VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_EFFICIENCY, 0.5);//0.50
  329. llSetVehicleFloatParam (VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_TIMESCALE, 1.0);//0.40
  330. llSetVehicleFloatParam (VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT, 0.0);//0.0
  331. llSetVehicleFloatParam (VEHICLE_HOVER_EFFICIENCY, 0.0);//.5/0.3
  332. llSetVehicleFloatParam (VEHICLE_HOVER_TIMESCALE, 180);//.4/180
  333. llSetVehicleFloatParam (VEHICLE_BUOYANCY, 0.998);//1
  334. llSetForce(<0.0,0.0,0.0>, FALSE );
  337. }
  338. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  339. ///////////////////////////////END RECOMMENDED EDITABLE SECTION//////////////////////////////
  340. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  342. sound_off(string pack)
  343. {
  344. Curr_Pack=pack;Text_MenuSounds="Sound Sets\nCurrent: "+pack;list b;
  345. if (Curr_Pack=="Sounds_1"){
  346. b=[Sound_1_Idle, Sound_1_Rev, Sound_1_RunningLow, Sound_1_RunningHigh, Sound_1_Startup, Sound_1_Turnoff,
  347. Sound_1_GearChange, Sound_1_Skidder, Sound_1_Burnout, Sound_1_Reverse];Snd_Flight=Sound_1_Flight;Snd_Horn=Sound_1_Horn;}
  348. else if (Curr_Pack=="Sounds_2"){
  349. b=[Sound_2_Idle, Sound_2_Rev, Sound_2_RunningLow, Sound_2_RunningHigh, Sound_2_Startup, Sound_2_Turnoff,
  350. Sound_2_GearChange, Sound_2_Skidder, Sound_2_Burnout, Sound_2_Reverse];Snd_Flight=Sound_2_Flight;Snd_Horn=Sound_2_Horn;}
  351. else llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,715,Curr_Pack,"");
  352. if (b!=[]){llSleep(1);
  353. list a=[563,564,565,566,567,568,569,570,571,574];integer x;
  354. do {llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,llList2Integer(a,x),llList2String(b,x),llList2Key(b,x));++x;}while (x<(a!=[]));}
  355. }
  357. float GetSet(integer x) {return llList2Float(setlist,x);}PutSet(integer x,float y){setlist=llListReplaceList(setlist,[GetSet(x)+y],x,x);}
  358. ReSet(integer x, float y){setlist=llListReplaceList(setlist,[y],x,x);}L_P(integer linx, integer num, list tisl){llMessageLinked(linx,num,llList2CSV(tisl),"");}
  360. init_settings()
  361. {
  362. setlist =[
  363. Init_Pwr_Turn, Init_Lev_Bank, Init_Turn_Bonus, Init_PowerSlide, Init_Wheelie_Up, Init_Wheelie_Down, Init_ShiftSlide,
  364. Init_Pwr_Skid, Init_Time_Skidder, Init_Pwr_Brake, Init_Reverse, Init_Lev_Volume, Init_Lev_Turbo, Init_Lev_NOS, Init_Gravity, Init_BurnTime, Init_VelMult,Init_Camber];
  365. Resist=Init_Resist;Decay=Init_Decay;Inertia=Init_Inertia;Lev_VAttrac = Init_Lev_VAttrac;Drift = Init_Drift;List_Gears=Init_List_Gears;
  366. DownForce=Init_DownForce;Camber=Init_Camber;if (DownForce<0) DownForce=0;G_Pg=1;llSleep(0.5);send();
  367. }
  369. send()
  370. {
  371. Sending=TRUE;PackList=[];L_P(LINK_THIS,718,List_Gears);integer d;list nums=[1505,655,850,725,388,389,295,454,198,703,1505,893];
  372. list mess=[Spin_Rate, 1, ManualPrimShapes, ArcadeReverse, Start_Length, Wheelie_Length, Single_Position, SmoothDoorSteps,
  373. FixedCam, Helicopter, Spin_Rate, PassengerSitClick];
  374. do {llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, llList2Integer(nums,d), llList2String(mess,d), (key)"6");++d;}while (d<(nums!=[]));
  375. L_P(LINK_SET,1540,setlist);
  376. L_P(LINK_SET,273,[CornerFXON,CornerFXSmokeThresh,CornerFXSmokeVel,CornerFXVolume,MenuControls,Resizable,TurboAvailable,WheelVibration,VibrationLevel,SuspensionSway,PivotAngleOffset,AutoAvailable,HideBurnout,RecordReturn]);
  377. L_P(LINK_THIS,1525,[RECOVER,StartingGear,InverseReverse,StartParked,TurnWhileStopped,SEOB,O_S_C,firechan,firemessage,supresschan,supressmessage,burstlength]);
  378. L_P(LINK_THIS,1532,[RecoverHeight,Start_Sound_Delay,Thr_Idling,Thr_IdleLevel,Thr_Skid,Thr_Torque,L_E_T,GearUp,ATransMult,Park_Offset,BackTurn,BaseTurn,ForceLevel]);
  379. L_P(LINK_THIS,1533,[MBnk,Auto_Mouselook,Mo_Turn_Power,MLook_Disable,P_FlUpDown,P_FlTurn,Flight_Bank,FlightBoost,AutoDropToFirst,Leveler]);
  380. L_P(LINK_THIS,1535,List_Flightspeeds);
  381. L_P(LINK_THIS,1536,[Msg_Ride,Demo_Text,Locked,Unlocked]);
  382. L_P(LINK_THIS,1542,[LightColor.x,LightColor.y,LightColor.z,LightIRF.x,LightIRF.y,LightIRF.z,BeamAlpha,BeamGlow,IndicatorSpeed,FlightFlash,BrakeLightColor.x,BrakeLightColor.y,BrakeLightColor.z,BrakeLightIRF.x,BrakeLightIRF.y,BrakeLightIRF.z]);
  383. L_P(LINK_SET,1543,[Alarm_Siren,Alarm_Switch,Alarm_Time,DisableMenu]);
  384. llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,580,(string)Glow_Level,"");llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,194,(string)SuspensionBounce,"");
  385. llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,1537,Msg_Start,"");llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,1538,Msg_End,"");llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,1539,Greetings,"");
  386. if (B_Mode) llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 797, (string)NoseUp, "");
  387. if (!FlightEnabled && !Helicopter) llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,704,"","");
  388. if (Curr_Pack=="Sound_1"|Curr_Pack=="Sound_2") sound_off(Curr_Pack);
  389. else llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,715,Curr_Pack,"");
  390. L_P(LINK_THIS,541,[InteriorBell,Wipers,Indicators,DoorClosed,DoorOpen,Window,Nitrous,CornerFXSound,TrunkClosed,TrunkOpen,HoodClosed,HoodOpen]);
  391. llSleep(0.3);llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 712, "", "");Sending=FALSE;
  392. }
  394. PAS(float valx, string golden)
  395. {
  396. llSleep(0.3);if (golden != ""){
  397. if (llGetOwner()==MenuKey) llOwnerSay(golden +": "+(llGetSubString((string) valx,0,3)));else llWhisper(0,golden +": "+(llGetSubString((string) valx,0,3)));}
  398. L_P(LINK_SET,1540,setlist);
  399. }
  401. C_M() {if ((CMU!=[])>12) CMU=llList2List(CMU,0,11);llListenRemove(LId);integer DChan=(-1*(integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)llGetKey(),-5,-1)));LId=llListen(DChan,"",MenuKey,"");llDialog(MenuKey,"\n"+CMT,CMU,DChan);llSetTimerEvent(60);}
  403. list sky = ["> Banking","> Gravity","> Reverse","> Brake","> Skid","> Turbo","> More","> Controls <","> Steering"];
  405. list DoMenu(integer j)
  406. {
  407. list D_List;
  408. if (j==0) D_List= ["Bank-","Bank+","Reset Bank"]+[backer]+[ "Zero Bank"];//Banking
  409. else if (j==1) D_List=["Reset VAt"]+[backer]+["VAttrac-","Gravity-","DownForce-","VAttrac+","Gravity+","DownForce+"];//Gravity
  410. else if (j==2) D_List=["Reverse-","Reverse+","Reset Rev"]+[backer]+["Rev Style"];//Reverse
  411. else if (j==3) D_List=["> Back","Reset Brake","Brake-","Decay-","Inertia-","Brake+","Decay+","Inertia+"];//Brake
  412. else if (j==4) D_List=["SkidPwr-","SkidPwr+","SkidTime-","SkidTime+", "Reset Skid","NOS-", "NOS+", "Reset NOS","BurnTime-","BurnTime+"];//Skid
  413. else if (j==5) D_List=["Reset Turbo","Rst Wheelie","Turbo-","Wheel_Up-","Wheel_Dn-","Turbo+","Wheel_Up+","Wheel_Dn+"];//Turbo
  414. else if (j==6)
  415. {
  416. D_List=["> Steering"," ","Resist-","Drift-","PowerSlide-","Resist+","Drift+","PowerSlide+","VelMult-","VelMult+"];//More Steering
  417. if (CamberAdjust) {D_List=llListReplaceList(D_List,["Camber-"],1,1);D_List+=["Camber+"];}
  418. }
  419. else if (j==7)
  420. {
  421. D_List=["> Steering","> Gravity","> Banking","> Turbo"]+[backer]+["> Brake","> Skid", "Reset All","> Gears","Reset Gears", "> Reverse"];//COntrols
  422. if (!EditGears) D_List = llListReplaceList(D_List, [" "," "], 8, 9);
  423. }
  424. else if (j==8)
  425. {
  426. D_List=["> Back","> More","Steer-","Steer--","ShiftSlide-","Steer+","Steer++","ShiftSlide+","Reset Str","Bonus-","Bonus+"];//Steering
  427. if(!O_S_C) {D_List = llListReplaceList(D_List, [" "], 4, 4); D_List = llListReplaceList(D_List, [" "], 7, 7);}
  428. }
  429. if(j!=7) D_List=llListInsertList(D_List,["> Controls <"],2);else D_List=llListInsertList(D_List,["> Finished <"],2);
  430. CMT=llList2String(sky,j);
  431. return D_List;
  432. }
  434. list CheckIt(string message)
  435. {
  436. float r;
  437. if (llSubStringIndex(message,"++")!=-1) r=2.0;if (llSubStringIndex(message,"--")!=-1) r=-2.0;message=llToLower(message);integer x=-1;list g;
  438. list things=["steer","bank","bonus","powerslide","wheel_up","wheel_dn","shiftslide","skidpwr",
  439. "skidtime","brake","reverse","vol", "turbo","nos","gravity","burntime","velmult","camber"];
  440. list valone= [.1,.5,.01,1,10,10,1,1,1,1,10,0,1,10,1,10,.05,.5];integer p;
  441. do {if (llSubStringIndex(message,llList2String(things,p))!=-1) {x=p;jump one;}++p;}while (p<(things!=[]));
  442. @one;
  443. if (x>-1) {g+=[x];if (r==0){if (llSubStringIndex(message,"+")!=-1) g+=[llList2Float(valone,x)];
  444. else if (llSubStringIndex(message,"-")!=-1) g+=[-llList2Float(valone,x)];}else g+=[r];if ((g!=[])!=2) g=[];}
  445. return g;
  446. }
  448. default
  449. {
  451. listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
  452. {
  453. llSetTimerEvent(20);
  454. MenuKey=id;integer d;integer passthru=0xFFFFFFFF; list g;list w;list i;
  455. integer h = llListFindList(sky,[message]);
  456. if (message == "Zero Bank") i=[1,0.0];
  457. else if (message == "Reset Bank") i=[1,Init_Lev_Bank];
  458. else if (message == "Rst Wheelie") {i=[4,Init_Wheelie_Up];ReSet(5,Init_Wheelie_Down);}
  459. else if (message == "Reset Skid") {i=[7,Init_Pwr_Skid];ReSet(8,Init_Time_Skidder);PAS(GetSet(7), "Skid reset");}
  460. else if (message == "Reset Rev") i=[10,Init_Reverse];
  461. else if (message == "Reset Turbo") i=[12,Init_Lev_Turbo];
  462. else if (message == "Reset NOS") i=[13,Init_Lev_NOS];
  463. else g=CheckIt(message);
  464. if (message == "Drift+") {if (Drift < 1000) Drift+=0.1; w=[message,(string)Drift];}
  465. else if (message == "Drift-") {if (Drift>0) Drift-=0.1;w=[message,(string)Drift];}
  466. else if (message == "Resist+") {Resist+=0.01;w=[message,(string)Resist];}
  467. else if (message == "Resist-") {if (Resist > 0)Resist-=0.01;w=[message,(string)Resist];}
  468. else if (message == "Decay+") {Decay+=0.1;w=[message,(string)Decay];}
  469. else if (message == "Decay-") {if (Decay > 0)Decay-=0.1;w=[message,(string)Decay];}
  470. else if (message == "Inertia+") {Inertia+=0.1;w=[message,(string)Inertia];}
  471. else if (message == "Inertia-") {if (Inertia > 0)Inertia-=0.1;w=[message,(string)Inertia];}
  472. else if (message == "DownForce-") {if (DownForce)--DownForce;w=[message,(string)DownForce];}
  473. else if (message == "DownForce+") {++DownForce;w=[message,(string)DownForce];}
  474. else if (message == "Reset Str") {ReSet(0,Init_Pwr_Turn); PAS(GetSet(0),"Steering");ReSet(2,Init_Turn_Bonus);Drift=Init_Drift;
  475. PAS(GetSet(2),"Turn Bonus");Resist=Init_Resist;ReSet(3,Init_PowerSlide);Physics_Section(B_Mode);}
  476. else if (message == "Rev Style") {ArcadeReverse=!ArcadeReverse;llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 725,(string)ArcadeReverse, "");}
  477. else if (message == "VAttrac+") {if (Lev_VAttrac < 10) Lev_VAttrac+=0.5;w=[message,(string)Lev_VAttrac];}
  478. else if (message == "VAttrac-") {if (Lev_VAttrac > 1) Lev_VAttrac-=0.5;w=[message,(string)Lev_VAttrac];}
  479. else if (message == "Reset VAt") {Lev_VAttrac=Init_Lev_VAttrac;}
  480. else if (message == "Reset Brake") {ReSet(9,Init_Pwr_Brake); PAS(GetSet(9), "Brake reset");Inertia=Init_Inertia;Decay=Init_Decay;Physics_Section(B_Mode);}
  481. else if (message == "> Back") {llListenRemove(LId);llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,200,"",MenuKey);d=1;}
  482. else if (message == "Reset All") init_settings();
  483. else if ((message == "Reset Gears")&& EditGears) {List_Gears=Init_List_Gears;llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,718,llList2CSV(List_Gears),"");}
  484. else if ((message == "> Gears") && EditGears) {llListenRemove(LId);llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,500,message,MenuKey);d=1;}
  485. else if (llSubStringIndex(message,"Sounds_")==0) {sound_off(message);CMU=Menu_Sounds+PackList;CMT=Text_MenuSounds;}
  486. else if (llListFindList(PackList,[message]) !=0xFFFFFFFF) {Curr_Pack=message;llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,715,message,"");Text_MenuSounds="Sound Sets\nCurrent: "+Curr_Pack;CMT=Text_MenuSounds;}
  487. if (g!=[]) {PutSet(llList2Integer(g,0),llList2Float(g,1));PAS(GetSet(llList2Integer(g,0)),message);}
  488. else
  489. if (w!=[]) {if (MenuKey==llGetOwner()) llOwnerSay(llList2String(w,0)+": "+llList2String(w,1));else llSay(0,llList2String(w,0)+": "+llList2String(w,1));Physics_Section(B_Mode);}
  490. else if (i!=[]) {ReSet(llList2Integer(i,0),llList2Float(i,1));passthru=llList2Integer(i,0);}
  491. else {if (h!=0xFFFFFFFF) CMU=DoMenu(h); else{llListenRemove(LId);d=1;}}
  492. if (passthru!=0xFFFFFFFF) PAS(GetSet(passthru),message);
  493. if (!d) C_M();
  494. }
  496. state_entry()
  497. {
  498. if (llSubStringIndex(llGetObjectName(), "Mechanic HUD")!=0xFFFFFFFF){llSetScriptState(llGetScriptName(),FALSE);}
  499. llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,repid,llGetScriptName(),"");
  500. llSleep(0.4);llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 655, "1", "");
  501. if (BasicSit) llSitTarget(BasicPosition, llEuler2Rot(BasicRotation*DEG_TO_RAD));
  502. Snd_Flight=Sound_1_Flight;Snd_Horn=Sound_1_Horn;
  503. init_settings();Physics_Section(B_Mode);
  504. if(!DisableMenu) backer="> Back";
  505. }
  507. link_message (integer sender_num,integer num,string message,key id)
  508. {
  509. if (num==100) message=llToLower(message);
  510. if (message == "controls") {MenuKey=id;CMU=DoMenu(7);C_M();}
  511. else if (num == 580) Glow_Level = (float)message;
  512. else if (num == 718) List_Gears=llCSV2List(message);
  513. else if (num == 388) Start_Length=(float)message;
  514. else if (num == 389) Wheelie_Length=(float)message;
  515. else if (num == 686) llTriggerSound (LockSound, GetSet(11) );
  516. else if ((num == 789| num == 660 | num == 1500) && !Helicopter) Physics_Section(B_Mode);
  517. else if (message == "sounds") {MenuKey=id;CMU=Menu_Sounds+PackList;CMT=Text_MenuSounds;C_M();}
  518. else if (message == "horn") llTriggerSound (Snd_Horn, GetSet(11) );
  519. else if (num == 689 && FlightEnabled) {Flight_Physics();llStopSound();llLoopSound (Snd_Flight,GetSet(11));}
  520. else if (num == 572) Snd_Flight=id;
  521. else if (num == 573) Snd_Horn=id;
  522. else if (num == 678 && message=="X") sound_off(Curr_Pack);
  523. else if ((num == repid && message!=llGetScriptName())|num == 575) llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName());
  524. else if (message == "volume +") {if (GetSet(11) < 1) PutSet(11, 0.1);PAS(GetSet(11),message);}
  525. else if (message == "volume -") {if (GetSet(11) > 0) PutSet(11,-0.1);PAS(GetSet(11),message);}
  526. else if (num == 714 && llListFindList(PackList,[message])==0xFFFFFFFF && (PackList!=[])<9) PackList+=[message];
  527. else if (num == 722 && !Sending) send();
  528. else if (num == 420) {L_P(LINK_THIS,541,[InteriorBell,Wipers,Indicators,DoorClosed,DoorOpen,Window,Nitrous,CornerFXSound,TrunkClosed,TrunkOpen,HoodClosed,HoodOpen]);L_P(LINK_THIS,1542,[LightColor.x,LightColor.y,LightColor.z,LightIRF.x,LightIRF.y,LightIRF.z,BeamAlpha,BeamGlow,IndicatorSpeed,FlightFlash]);}
  529. else if (num == 230) {B_Mode=(integer)message;Physics_Section(B_Mode);}
  530. else if (num==597 && BasicSit) llSitTarget(BasicPosition, llEuler2Rot(BasicRotation*DEG_TO_RAD));
  531. else if (num == 876 && (integer)message)
  532. {if (llAvatarOnLinkSitTarget(LINK_THIS)==id){MenuKey=id;if (FixedCam && BasicSit) llRequestPermissions (MenuKey,0x800|0x10);
  533. else{if (FixedCam) llRequestPermissions (MenuKey,0x800);if (BasicSit) llRequestPermissions (MenuKey,0x10);}}}
  534. }
  536. timer () {llListenRemove(LId);llSetTimerEvent(0);}on_rez(integer null) {vector x=llGetPos();llSetPos(<x.x,x.y,x.z+Rez_Offset>);}
  537. run_time_permissions(integer ffs) {if (ffs & 0x800) Fixed_Camera();if (ffs & 0x10) {if (BasicAnim!="") llStartAnimation(BasicAnim);}}
  538. }
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