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Feb 7th, 2019
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  1. I respect, admire, and love trans people, and give them full support in their quest to live life the way they want to, and in their mission of challenging and dismantling rigid gender norms.
  3. I would not hesitate to put my own safety on the line to protect a trans comrade in the face of violence.
  5. But given my current level of understanding and knowledge on the subject, I would not be honest if I said that I agree with everything about trans-activism.
  7. How ever I do realise that I don't know everything, and am willing to learn. I learnt about Soviet and Chinese history and changed my position regarding many things in the last decade, and I can learn about other subjects as well in time. Like the good Marxist I strive to be, my mind isn't fixed or closed.
  9. For instance I now have been informed that trans women face sexual violence from men at an even higher rate than women, and have nowhere else to go besides women's clinics... My opinions on this particular issue was shaped by an article entitled "Forced to share a room with transgender woman in Toronto shelter, sex abuse victim files human rights complaint", and I now realise that it isn't the only perspective, and that the complaints are very likely driven by more than just a little bit of prejudice and fear.
  11. Anyone has a deeper and more nuanced perspective on the sports competitions issue I'm all ears.
  13. There are of course contradictions in the trans movement and phenomenon, but they are entirely caused by and rooted in the arbitrary and unjust gender regime of propertarian / capitalist / patriarchal power structure, and does not come from trans people who are bravely living a revolution against those very norms.
  15. With all of that said, I should not have made certain conversations public in this group, to highlight what I perceive or perceived to be contradictions and untenable positions in trans philosophy and worldview.
  17. I do maintain that it is wrong to divide the left over identity issues, which was my original statement that set off this incident. AND THAT IS PRECISELY WHY it was wrong for me to antagonise an extremely vulnerable group of people who are facing so much violence and discrimination, and to speak to them in such a self-righteous and callous way.
  19. I do sincerely apologise if I have hurt anyone with my post in this group. I should have been much more sensitive, and treat people with the kindness and compassion that they deserve.
  21. I will take time to reflect upon both my views, and how to better express them in a non-hurtful and constructive way.
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