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May 25th, 2018
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  1. Bear - Today at 22:10
  2. What's going on, man?
  3. Jacior - Today at 22:10
  4. Honestly I'm feeling really aggressive right now so I'll ask you to not ask for at least an hor
  5. because my first thought to respond right now was: Didn't you just have a blow up last week about people's shit being their own problems and you're done giving a shit
  6. it's not nice but I'm not nice and apparently making everything about me
  7. Bear - Today at 22:12
  8. To be fair, it was brought into the Menagerie. Kind of becomes my problem then. But alright, you do you man. Maybe take a walk?
  9. Jacior - Today at 22:12
  11. Bear - Today at 22:14
  12. Looks to me like two people in a lot of pain having a lot of difficulty dealing with people right now because they're in pain.
  13. Jacior - Today at 22:14
  14. also it's like quarter after ten and I'm not sure about my neighborhood
  15. Bear - Today at 22:15
  16. You in an apartment building?
  17. Jacior - Today at 22:15
  18. no, house
  19. just... like the neighbors had the police over constantly
  20. Bear - Today at 22:15
  21. No no, I was gonna suggest some alternatives.
  22. Jacior - Today at 22:15
  23. I don't want to go out late and discover that they were dealers and have unhappy excustomers
  24. Bear - Today at 22:16
  25. Well, maybe do some pushups/situps/burn some energy, then take a long hot bath/shower.
  26. It's what I do after I've had a blowout.
  27. Jacior - Today at 22:16
  28. I wasn't aware that growing sudden tenseness could be so viscerally physical
  29. I'm actaully shaking
  30. Bear - Today at 22:17
  31. ... Well, that's not totally true. I'm in an apartment building, so I go up and down stairs. But same principle.
  32. Jacior - Today at 22:17
  33. I'm going to the gym with my roomie when he gets home
  34. Bear - Today at 22:17
  35. Good call.
  36. In the meantime, I suggest stepping away.
  37. Jacior - Today at 22:17
  38. ... she's not answering now anyway
  39. maybe I should just stop
  40. Bear - Today at 22:18
  41. I'd suggest it strongly.
  42. Jacior - Today at 22:18
  43. nothing I say comes out right anyway
  44. I meant utterly Bear
  45. Bear - Today at 22:18
  46. Well, how about just for now?
  47. Step away, do something, anything, to burn off some calories or just get your mind elsewhere.
  48. Vaccuum.
  49. Jacior - Today at 22:19
  50. I don't think Xon realizes how... stupidly I'm invested in wanting her to be happy
  51. Not that I really want her to
  52. that'd be embarrassing
  53. Bear - Today at 22:20
  54. Lemme try to put it in a way that's easier to explain
  55. Imagine... You both just got, like, nastily burned.
  56. Someone dropped a kettle, boiling water everywhere, not pretty.
  57. So, you get out your bandages and you try to help Xon out.
  58. But, well, fuck that hurts. So, even though she's just trying to help, as you're bandaging her, she's bandaging you and she's pushing kind of hard, because it's hard to be gentle when you're in pain.
  59. So then you start pushing hard on her, for the same reason
  60. Suddenly, you're both aggravating each other's injuries because, while you both want desperately to help the other you are in too much pain to do it right.
  61. Make sense?
  62. Jacior - Today at 22:23
  63. Yeah... unfortunately my anger has turned to self loathing now so I'm gonna get off and lay down before I start saying bad things
  64. Bear - Today at 22:24
  65. Just... Step away, take a breath, sort out your own burns, okay?
  66. We'll still be here when you come back.
  67. Jacior - Today at 22:24
  68. My problem is I'm trying to sort out my burns but using acid instead of ointment, realizing it, and keeping going anyway
  69. Bear - Today at 22:26
  70. Cool water, bruv.
  71. Jacior - Today at 22:26
  72. Pretty sure acid is what I deserve
  73. Bear - Today at 22:28
  74. Do we deserve to watch you make yourself suffer? Or to lose out on a good friend? Don't think about yourself, man. Focus on others. We want you to be happy, I think you owe it to us to at the minimum stop flagellating yourself, because it hurts us too.
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