
Celestial Knight [Trashed]

Jul 7th, 2014
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  1. 7/7/14
  3. Notes: This story has been trashed in favor of a better story.
  5. >You have always been a loyal knight. A servant of your Goddess. A protector of the sun.
  6. >You would gladly give your life for your sun, even if the favor remained unreturned
  7. >It was a price you'd pay with open arms
  8. >Even at this moment
  9. >You brush the dirt off your leggings and adjust your helmet as the voice in the background shouts
  10. >"Anon! Stand down immediately!"
  11. >As the dust settles you gaze into the distance
  12. "My Goddess..." you mutter
  13. >The very pony you've been fighting for over an hour now
  14. >Your eyes review the damages to the battlefield
  15. >Giant holes fill the earth, the grass still charred from the magic blasts
  16. >You've just managed to avoid them thus far, with... minor problems
  17. >Your once red cape has been stained black, almost completely burnt off
  18. "Tsk." you mutter, locking your eyes against Celestia and her army
  19. >With your sword still drawn, and shield still raised, you take a few steps towards her
  20. >"Stop! Any further and I'll be forced to erase you! Just lower your weapons and end this!" she shouts
  21. >You grip your sword with anger as you continue forward
  22. >Celestia winces painfully as you slowly approach her
  23. >"N-No..." you hear her whisper
  24. >Her army all raises their weapons in unison
  25. >"Princess, the time is now!" A pony shouts
  26. >She looks at the ground in silence for a moment
  27. >"P-Princess?" he mutters
  28. >"Just get it over with." She orders
  30. >You peer through the army of ponies before you and notice horns starting to glow
  31. >Before you can react, more magical blasts shoot at you quicker than earlier
  32. >You roll out of the way of the first few blasts, only to be shot forward from the shock wave
  33. >Foot soldiers head your way, shields raised and spears ready
  34. >You rise to your feet, despite the aching pain in your chest
  35. >A pony rushes towards you and plunges his spear at you
  36. >Quickly you jam your sword into the ground and grab the spear mid thrust
  37. >He releases his own weapon dropping to the ground
  38. >Shield raised, and shaking with fear he shouts
  39. >"M-Mercy!"
  40. >You gaze at him through your helmet
  41. "You're not the one I'm after."
  42. >He just stares in fear as you dash forward
  43. >Multiple soldiers rush towards you, blindly flailing their weapons out of fear
  44. >You bash through their attacks, only focusing on your destination
  45. >The smoke from the blasts provides cover as you gain ground
  46. >You hear a pony yell out from behind you
  47. >"He's headed for the Princess! Stop him!"
  48. >Through the smoke you see light emitting from horns, followed by a blinding light
  49. >Quickly you raise your shield
  50. >The very shield made specifically for you, by your Princess
  51. >You grip it painfully tight as you feel the blasts hit you directly
  52. >The force pushes you back ever, weighing you down
  53. >What feels like excruciating minutes is over in seconds
  54. >The spells fade as you fall onto your back
  55. >You drop your now burning hot shield as you rise, the smoke still ever present
  56. >"Enough!" you hear a voice shout in the distance
  57. >Suddenly a gust of wind rips through the battlefield, causing you to shield your eyes
  58. >You regain your sight and look around you
  59. >The ground around you is completely destroyed, ponies lay scattered around the battlefield
  60. >Celestia stands before you, with soldiers at the ready
  61. >"Give up, Anon."
  63. >You take a knee before her, still gripping your sword
  64. >The ponies still standing raise their brows at your courtesy, despite the circumstances
  65. "You know I can't do that, Princess."
  66. >You both share an intense gaze as she continues
  67. >"Then you know what must be done."
  68. >You smile at her
  69. "If I am to be defeated today, then so be it. I only have one request though."
  70. >She lowers her eyebrows, maintaining her stare
  71. >"What is your request..." She hesitates for a moment "...My knight?"
  72. >You maintain your smile
  73. "If I am to be defeated today, it will be by you and you alone."
  74. >Her expression changes instantly
  75. >"W-What? You want to fight me?"
  76. >You rise to your feet, taking off your helmet
  77. "I would love nothing more."
  78. >Hesitantly she looks towards you, before directing her gaze elsewhere
  79. >She looks to her guards and speaks, her voice returning to it's powerful tone
  80. >"Leave immediately."
  81. >You can see it in their eyes they desperately want to oppose
  82. >"Y-Yes Princess." they comply, as they rush from the scene
  83. >Your dear Princess still stares at you intensely
  84. >"I'm not going to hold back, Anon." she growls
  85. >You toss your helmet to the side
  86. "I was hoping you'd say that."
  87. >She remains expressionless as you get into your stance
  88. >Almost immediately she jumps back, shooting a barrage of spells at you
  89. >You quickly dash left, bobbing and weaving through her attacks, until you get an idea
  90. >Jumping into the holes created by the earlier blasts, you manage to avoid the rest of the incoming spells
  91. >You pop your head out to look around and plan your next move
  92. "Wait..."
  94. >You adjust your eyes to the clearing smoke to notice she's...
  95. "Gone? Where did she... OOHF"
  96. >The force from a spell behind you pushes you out of the hole and slams you into the ground
  97. >You desperately try and pick yourself back up but more and more spells slam into you from different directions
  98. >She wasn't fucking around
  99. >A few spells miss, giving you the opportunity to escape
  100. >Luckily you roll through the pain and vanish into the now immense clouds of smoke
  101. >You examine your armor and cringe at the sight of it
  102. >Your once smooth golden armor was now shredded and charred
  103. "Enough of this." you shout as you remove your chest piece, tossing it into the blackness
  104. >You violently swing your blade through the smoke, clearing yourself a small path
  105. >Celestia, still hidden by the smoke, now sends her barrage of spells your way
  106. >Slicing the spells out of the way, you desperately try and pinpoint her position
  107. >Her speed of movement and cast is well beyond any creature you've ever come across
  108. >If she wasn't your enemy at the moment, it would be a glorious sight to behold
  109. >A stray spell swipes across your chest, cutting into you mid thought
  110. >You silently grunt as you continue slicing through spell after spell
  111. >Suddenly silence in both spells and sound
  112. >You freeze, glaring at the eerily silent and empty void of smoke surrounding you
  113. >A small light appears in front of you. A light you've never encountered before
  114. >The same light appears to your left, then your right, slowly increasing in number
  115. >A small pressure builds up in your chest, painfully increasing with each new light
  116. >You yell out in pain, but your voice is silent, even to you
  117. >Your head starts spinning, your mind in a melting sensation
  118. >Then suddenly, a blinding white light
  119. >Your consciousness and vision start to fade into the white space, but not before a familiar face appears before you
  120. "P-Princess?" you try and yell
  121. >She gazes into you, cold and emotionless
  122. >"Goodbye, Anon." she whispers
  123. >Your pain subsides, as you fall into the void
  125. >Your mind wanders aimlessly through distant memories
  126. >Times of peace between you and your beloved Princess
  127. >Times of chaos as well
  128. >At this moment, your duties as a knight of the sun have come to a close
  129. >But...
  130. >Who will be there to guard our benevolent Goddess of the sun?
  131. >Who will be there when something needs to be done to protect her kingdom?
  132. >Who will do the task when no one will take it?
  133. >No...
  134. >Your duties have not ended just yet
  135. >Even if your life does end today, it will not be like this
  136. >You feel motion in your body as Celestia's spell weakens
  137. >Your head fills with emotions as your fists tighten
  138. >Suddenly your eyes rip open, the glaring sun beams down upon you
  139. >Your eyes take a few moments to adjust to the blinding light
  140. >Vision regained, you see your sword hovering over you, a yellow aura around the hilt
  141. >Your Princess stands towering above you, painfully closing her eyes
  142. >She remains motionless, heavily breathing through her nose
  143. >She hasn't even noticed you've come back
  144. >If you've ever had a perfect moment, it was this one
  145. >Quickly you sweep your legs, causing her to fall backwards
  146. >You push upwards with your arms and grab your sword, evaporating the yellow aura around it
  147. >You jump back, taking your stance once more with your sword
  148. >She stares at you in shock, trying to process how you managed to escape her spell
  149. >You remain silent, the time for words has ended a long time ago
  150. >She stands up and tries to speak
  151. >"A-Anon I..."
  152. >You dash forwards towards her with your blade
  153. >You took an oath to never harm your Princess
  154. >You won't let yourself hurt her
  156. >She instinctively pulls up a magic shield as you take your first swipe
  157. >You jump around it and swing towards her
  158. >Too close for shields, she uses her last defense
  159. >You predicted she'd resort to her last weapon; her horn
  160. >Your sword and her horn clash, pushing both of you back
  161. >Despite looking fragile, your Princess's horn was more solid than an expertly crafted blade
  162. >She charges towards you while you're recovering, causing you to roll
  163. >She turns on a dime and swipes for you as you recover again
  164. >A slight turn of your head just barely dodges the attack
  165. >The speed of the air around her strike slightly cuts your face as you rise
  166. >You take a swing at her again, resulting in another clash between the two of you
  167. >Celestia breathes in heavily before charging you again
  168. >She approaches you at an astounding speed in a short amount of time
  169. >But not fast enough
  170. >You place your hand flat on the top of your blade and push into her as she hits you, sending her spinning
  171. >She smashes into the ground with a noticeable thud
  172. >Quickly you toss your sword and tackle her
  173. >"W-What are you doing!?" she yells as you hold her down
  174. >You gaze into her eyes, emotionless
  175. "Ending this."
  176. >She starts panicking as her horn lights up
  177. >You quickly grab it, defusing whatever spell she was attempting to conjure
  178. >"A-Anon, w-wait!" she yells
  179. >You slowly take your free hand and softly grab her face
  180. >She's frozen with fear, watching your every move
  181. "It's over, Celestia." you whisper
  183. >You gently bring her closer to your face as she squirms under you
  184. >She's closing her eyes tightly and wincing, as if waiting for your final blow
  185. "Relax, my Princess." you coo
  186. >She opens one eye to meet your face, her body still tense
  187. >"W-What are we doi--"
  188. >Your lips quickly meet hers and she immediately tenses up again
  189. >You release your grip from her horn and slowly stroke her main
  190. >You can feel her entire body relax under you
  191. >She opens both her eyes to meet yours as you share a passionate, well deserved kiss
  192. >Your hands efficiently glide down her soft, but worn body, causing her to shiver
  193. >She places her hooves around your back, pulling you in closer
  194. >You release your lips from hers and she let's out a soft moan
  195. >"Ooh Anon~"
  196. >You pull her up from under you and she falls on top of you
  197. >She giggles softly as, once again, your lips meet hers
  198. >Your free hands greedily slide down her back and reach her plump, but luscious flanks
  199. >Giving them a slight squeeze emits an audible moan from your now very aroused ivory Goddess
  200. >Her tongue quickens as you continue to squeeze and caress her plump backside
  201. >She breaks your lock and looks at you deeply, breathing heavily
  202. >"S-Stop teasing..." she moans
  203. >You smile as pull her into you softly
  204. >You motion your finger in a spiral, and she immediately understands, positioning her flank directly above your greedy lips
  205. >Pulling her in closer, you dive into her dripping marehood
  206. >You can feel her squirm on top of you as you lap up her sweet nectar
  207. >She quickly slips off your remaining armor and gazes into her prize
  208. >A sweet relief comes over you as you feel your once trapped and now throbbing member released from your lower armor
  209. >She slowly, teasingly licks your length from base to head, tensing you up
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