

Sep 28th, 2014
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  1. Herald of the Valkrie-King Doomfullord:
  3. For the rest of the battle a deadly storm forms over the battlefield getting progressively worse turn by turn. Ultimately ending in disaster for everyone.
  5. Turns:
  7. 1-5: Nothing happens, a short rain begins and the ground of the battlefield begins to be soaked in water, thunder can be heard above in the skies.
  9. 6-8: Lightning begins to randomly hit the battlefield as the floors begin to flood slightly. (Every turn roll a 100 sided die, if it hits a 10 or lower, then let chatzy choose who it hits.) The cries of drakes can be heard above.
  11. 9-19: Lightning now hits more often. (20/100 chance) And Thunder Drakes, smaller cousins of the Lightning dragons begin to show up fighting on my side. (Roll a separate die, 5/100 is a thunder drake showing up to aid the caster in battle.) The Roar of a Thunder Dragon can be heard.
  13. 20-39: Lightning now constantly striking. (50/100) and Drakes no longer come, but there is now a chance for a thunder dragon to show up, angry at all forms of life, be it enemy or the caster. (3/100 chance)
  15. 40+: Lightning now strikes at least one person each turn. (Roll a 100 sided die. below 60 means 1 person is struck. 61-80 means 2, and 81-100 means 3.) And an ancient lightning dragon, larger, tougher, and angrier than any other dragon shows up and begins battle. Both Drakes and Dragons (6-30/100 chance for a drake to show up, and 1-5/100 for a dragon, roll only 1 die.) to aid in battle with the ancient lightning dragon.
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