
Of Milkshakes and Pancakes

Mar 5th, 2018
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  1. 'Uh, Ralph? You might want to try feeding the kitty for a while...'
  3. 'No! The kitty gets the milkshake, and the bunny gets the pancake!'
  5. Cream the Kitty could feel a bit of red-hot blush creep into her blue cheeks as she thought back to that fateful day, when her game was invaded by two interlopers from foreign games. They were a good-natured pair, consisting of a brutish neanderthal-looking fellow that she recognized as Wreck-It Ralph from the arcade classic Fix-It Felix Jr and a small mischievous gremlin of a girl named Vanellope from the hit racing game Sugar Rush respectively. What these characters were doing in her home-game of "'Shake or 'Cake?" She didn't know: they vanished as soon as they appeared.
  7. But by god, did they leave an impression on her. When they showed up in her game, the owner of the tablet that Cream called home was in the middle of a 'Shake or 'Cake session and they decided to get in on the fun. They caught on to the premise of the game fast: give Cream the milkshakes, while any pancakes go to her partner Maple the Bunny. But it didn't take long for things to spiral out of control when they decided to speed things up by pulling out a cart loaded with stacks of pancakes.
  9. Thanks to the lightning-fast rate at which she ate and no breaks where Cream got to guzzle down shakes? Maple got huge in a hurry. Cream could vividly remember how she watched in a mix of horror and awe as her adorable bunny friend's 'lil tummy rounded out as it got packed with pancakes, with each stack of flapjacks causing it to jut out in a manner reminiscent of a beach ball being inflated... but by the end of the ordeal? It wasn't just Maple's tummy doing the growing, her entire figure had bloated to ridiculous proportions. Her stomach had gone from looking like an over-inflated ball to a squishy, sloshy blob of pink fat that engulfed the entirety of her torso. Her face, once perfectly round with chubby little cheeks, was similarly bloblike with massive squishy cheeks one could grab a handful of and at least three chins spilling off from below her mouth. And from where she sat she couldn't quite see for sure, but considering how large and doughy Maple's thighs got? Cream could only imagine the size of the bunny's butt and how much strain it had to be putting on her chair...
  11. 'Gosh, she was so huge and heavy and bloated, and... and...hnnnnnnnngh!'
  13. It had been weeks since Maple was that huge, but Cream couldn't get the image out of her head at all. The sight of the over-gorged bunny only able to helplessly slosh and wiggle her limbs in place, her mouth stained with sweet syrup, her stomach gurgling and churning thanks to all the food packed into it was fresh in Cream's mind and just looking at Maple got the kitty all flustered and hot under the collar. She had hoped that the tablet's owner would start up another game and maybe, just maybe let the bunny pork up again. But the tablet's owner hadn't played with them since the incident, likely thanks to an overly-full Maple exploding in a cloud of syrup, butter, and flapjacks that resulted in a scream before the game was turned off. While Maple was just fine thanks to video game characters' regenerative properties, the adorable duo would have to go without playtime for the foreseeable future, which sadly meant no overfed bunnies anytime soon...
  15. If she were a quitter, that was. Fetishes are a hell of a thing: when the average person discovers that they have a weakness for lardy lagomorphs, it tends to send one's creative drive into a frenzy. Some draw, some write, but for Cream? If she played her cards right, such a thing didn't have to remain a fantasy for very long...
  17. "Maple! Oh, Maaaaaple..." Cream called out in a sing-song voice as she wheeled a massive dessert cart out of the kitchen and into the pastel pink parlor where 'Shake or 'Cake took place, "Look what I've got~"
  19. Seated at the table where the duo ate, the pinkish-white bunny looked up from the issue of Capcompolitan she was perusing before dropping the magazine in shock. "Wha- Cream, what the heck are you doing?"
  21. The nervous bunny could hardly be blamed for her reaction as Cream was currently reenacting a scene that still played out in her nightmares: a dessert cart full of pancakes (and milkshakes this time) being wheeled over to her? Maple could already feel that unpleasant pre-bursting tightness building up in her belly just from looking at it. Her uncomfortable reaction wasn't lost on Cream: she merely grinned and proudly stood by the side of the cart as she cast her metaphorical bait into the water.
  23. "What do you think, silly? I'm setting up our next game of 'Shake or 'Cake!" she answered with a playful giggle, "We haven't been played with in forever, and I'm really in the mood for a shake or three! And I bet you're just dying for some more pancakes~"
  25. Maple pouted and crossed her little arms. "That's NOT funny, Cream! After that big dumb guy with the smelly breath popped me, I don't want to even think about pancakes!"
  27. Immediately, the thought of Maple as a helpless pink blob of fat sprung to mind, and Cream bit down on her bottom lip. 'Hnnnnngh!'
  29. "But Maple, I'm so bored!" Cream whined, trying not to appear too visibly flustered by that intrusive thought, "We're video game characters, which means we're meant to be played with! Do you really wanna sit there all bored and reading those dumb magazines of yours?"
  31. "If it means not popping again? Yeah!" Maple replied with a huff. "Unless that kid wants to play with us, I'm never gonna touch another pancake ever again!"
  33. "Never again?" Cream asked with faux concern. She picked up a plate of pancakes and walked over to Maple. "Do you really mean that!"
  35. "Yep!" she replied, sticking her tiny pink nose into the air while doing so.
  37. "But Maple, they're your favorite!" Cream then stuck the stack under Maple's nose. "Are you really gonna tell me that you're saying no to that super yummy, super sweet smell?"
  39. Maple's little nose twitched as she got a whiff of the fresh, sweet scent... and licked her lips on instinct. "Mmm... Wait, y-yeah!" She cried out, visibly flustered as she pushed the pancakes away. "Yeah, I-I don't care about how good they smell!"
  41. That flash of weakness got a grin out of Cream. "So you also don't care about how good they taste? You don't care about the fluffiness, the ooey-gooey syrup, or the warm melty butter?"
  43. Maple involuntarily swallowed just from the description alone: as even a fear of popping did little to downplay the amazing flavor and texture...
  45. "N-No! No no nope, I don't care! I don't care about that at all-"
  47. Maple was silenced by an intense roar from her stomach, which visibly rippled due to how loud it growled. With a smug little chuckle, Cream placed a paw on her belly.
  49. "That's not what your tummy's thinking right now~"
  51. With an exasperated groan, Maple's willpower crumbled as she snatched the pancakes from the plate and stuffed them whole into her mouth. Cream had to actively try not to cheer as the bunny's cheeks puffed out while she chewed, and had to pretend that she didn't notice the huge lump traveling down her throat... or the way the bunny's tummy ever so slightly pooched out as the pancakes settled down inside.
  53. "Fine, fine! I guess I really do miss eating pancakes," Maple sighed as she slumped back in her chair. "As scary as it was just totally blowing up like that, it really is kinda boring just goofing off in here."
  55. 'YES YES YES YES YES!' Cream was all smiles as she put her hands on her hips. "So, does that mean you really do wanna play some 'Shake or 'Cake, then?"
  57. "Yeah, I guess," Maple replied with a shrug, "But how are we gonna play it? The whole point of the game is that the kid from the outside has to make sure we get our favorite foods ten times each before time runs out. How do we play it without her?"
  59. "Glad you asked!" Cream answered as she began removing plates and glasses from the cart and placed them on the table, "I was thinking we should treat this like an eating contest: we eat as much as we want to, and whoever eats the most wins!"
  61. Maple frowned and rose an eyebrow. "Really? But that's how I got popping last time..."
  63. "Hey, don't worry about it!" Cream coaxed her friend as she took her seat at an angle where she could watch Maple's inevitable fattening and grabbed a strawberry shake, "You only popped because of that weird guy feeding you! Without him around, you can stop eating whenever you want..." she then put the straw to her lips and flashed a smirk at the bunny. "...just don't forget you'll lose if you finish first!"
  65. "No way!" Maple roared as she grabbed her second stack of pancakes, licking her lips greedily before jamming them into her mouth with gluttonous fervor. Through a mouthful of pancakes she said something else, but Cream couldn't make it out due to how muffled it was. Truthfully, she didn't care: the only thing that mattered to her was that she was now getting exactly what she wanted: a bloated bunny.
  67. While Maple shoveled stack after stack of pancakes into her mouth, Cream chugged down her first milkshake, and moaned with pleasure as the combination of sweet fruity strawberry and fluffy whipped cream graced her taste buds with their tastiness. 'Oh gosh, I forgot how yummy these tasted!' Cream thought to herself as she polished off her glass and reached for another, 'Ooh, I don't wanna overdo it, but they're just so good...! I'll have a few more and throw in the towel...'
  69. And thus, while Maple greedily devoured stack after stack of pancakes with wreckless abandon, her fear of popping all but forgotten, Cream tried to keep herself at a minimum of four shakes... emphasis on "tried". After all, it was a fattened Maple she was aroused by, not herself! But due to not having touched any in weeks, the siren call that was her stomach growling for milkshakes was too hard to ignore. Soon, she found herself catching up to the amount of pancakes Maple had eaten, and it reflected on both their waistlines.
  71. Both girls' bellies jutted out from their thin and adorable frames, with the rabbit's belly being firmer thanks to the thick and solid foods Maple consumed, while the kitty's belly was a lot wobblier thanks Cream's liquidy milkshakes. Neither girl paid much mind to their own widening middles: Maple was consumed by her desire to devour her milkshakes, and Cream found herself fixated on Maple's swelling body.
  73. 'Oh geez, this is so... so hot! Just look how HUGE she's getting!' Cream thought to herself as she slurped down a shake, sweating profusely as she ogled Maple. Now on what seemed to be her twentieth stack of pancakes, the bunny looked absolutely huge: her stomach was the most noticeable: it was at least the size of a beach ball, and was slowly but surely stretching out to the point that it was getting close to touching the table and churned and rumbled noisily to boot. But while her stomach was bloating the way one would expect from such a binge, the rest of her body grew fatter as well thanks to the combination of weird video game physics and fattening food. While Maple's body was featureless due to being designed as an adorable character in a kid's game, cuteness gave way to lewdness as round, fatty, visible breasts now protruded from her chest and jiggled generously every time she reached for more pancakes. Her arms and thighs now sported a layer of whitish pink fat, and if those were growing fatter...
  75. 'Ohmigosh, her butt! Her butt's gonna be SO big, why aren't I looking at it?!" Blushing furiously, Cream set the twenty third empty milkshake glass on the table, grabbed the edge, and tried to subtly scoot her chair back to where she could get a better view of Maple's rear end... but while doing so, failed to take into account how huge she had grown too. Pushing back against the table caused all her weight to shift to the back of the chair which caused the chair to suddenly stick up on it's hind legs and throw Cream's sense of balance off.
  77. "WHOA MY GOSH!" she hollered before crashing onto her back with a loud clang of the chair. Thankfully she wasn't hurt since the chair absorbed the impact, and the angle she landed in? A quick sideways glance revealed Maple's ample ass, which had grown enormous thanks to all the hotcakes. Her buttcheeks had grown wide enough to droop a bit off the sides of the seat, and squeezed against the back of the wire chair so tightly that pockets of flab squished out from between the gaps in the chair. But while it was the sort of thing she would love to fawn over, she was distracted by her own heavy frame.
  79. 'H-H-Holy crap...' Was the only set of words that sprung to mind as she marveled over how her figure had changed twenty three milkshakes later. Jutting into the sky and spilling down slightly to her sides was Cream's own belly, which was less of a bloated sphere like Maple's and was more like a huge jiggly waterbed. Her jaw open in shock, Cream prodded and poked her enormous stomach, gasping as her paws could sink deeply into her fatty frame. She then grabbed her belly from the sides and began smushing it around, causing it to slosh and gurgle noisily while it was played with like particularly malleable Play-Doh.
  81. "Cream! Hey, Cream! You alright?!" Maple asked as she turned to face the fallen feline.
  83. "Y-yeah, I'm okay..." Cream answered while her face burned brightly, embarrassed by the way she fell and had the bunny gawking at her enormous stomach. "Gosh, Maple... I got huge..."
  85. "We're both huge," Maple replied with a whistle as she gave her belly a vigorous smack. It jiggled and made a peculiar "GUH-LOOSH" sound in response. "Geez, those pancakes really are something else, aren't they?"
  87. "The pancakes and the milkshakes... ugh..." Cream replied as she flopped off the fallen chair and rolled onto her stomach, blushing slightly when it's size caused her to rise slightly off the floor. She pushed her paws down on the ground, and rose to her feet with great difficulty: she could barely push up from the ground due to how much heavier she was than before, and when she finally stood up she stumbled around and almost fell back on her ass before getting her bearings.
  89. Now that she was standing the fat cat took a few seconds to assess the damage done to her figure by the excess milkshakes: her arms? Plumper. Her face? Poking and pinching showed that it grew fatter. Her chest? It developed into soft, squeezable breasts. Her thighs? Cream had to suck in her blubbery belly and manually hold the fat back in order to get a look, but they were plump too. And a quick craning of her neck and a coo of "Ooh!" showed that her ass was easily around the size of Maple's, only bigger. From an itty bitty kitty to a big fat cat... it was quite the transformation, but she wasn't quite sure how she felt about it. Fatness surely looked appealing as the adipose Maple could attest to, but the heaviness and clumsiness associated with it wasn't exactly fun to deal with. But her thoughts were cut short by a thunderous belch from her side.
  91. "Whoa gosh, excuse me!" Maple replied with a giggle, "Hoo boy Cream, I was kinda scared at first, but just going all out and stuffing myself like this? It actually feels kinda nice. My tummy's all tight and full like last time, but it doesn't hurt or anything." She belched again and patted her stomach. "Yep. Yep yep yepper, I think I've had all I can handle. You?"
  93. Cream stared down at her massive frame and sighed. On one hand, her belly felt noticeably tight the way Maple had described, but in the pit of her stomach she could feel a strange, slightly empty sensation amongst all the ice cream packed in there. It growled loudly enough that she was sure Maple could hear, but she lied with a claim of "Nah, I feel full. I think this game of 'Shake or 'Cake is over."
  95. "Aw dang it, I guess you won, then." Maple replied as she stumbled up from her chair and left the table, jiggling all the while. I betcha I could eat more if I really wanted to, but the popping... that's always gonna be scary for me."
  97. While she walked away, Cream turned and ogled her ass before she disappeared into another room in their living space. The way it jiggled and bounced with each step was mesmerizing, and Cream was sad to see her leave. Before she went to follow her she turned around to face the table, and noticed all the uneaten pancakes and milkshakes they had left behind. Momentarily, she rubbed her fatty little paws together and licked her lips, imagining shoveling it all down her throat like a greedy little pig. But when she took a step forward to grab a nearby milkshake, she was bought back to Earth by the mental Image of a swollen, obese Maple exploding like a bomb and coating the room with syrupy pancakes. With a shudder, she waddled away. Her stomach protested, but she ignored it's rumblings anyway: even if she would be okay, the thought of literally exploding after eating too much was too big a deterrent, and God help that kid if she turned on the game again only to be traumatized by another pancake explosion...
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