
Happy Gatsby Shower

Oct 6th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Cadence was sitting in the backseat of Felix's Jeep with the group of them as they headed downtown to the hotel she said this thing was at. "You sure this isn't going to cost us anything?" She asked adjusting her head band as she looked over at Remy reaching for his hand. // Felix was paying attention to Steph's directions as they finally found a place to park in the parking garage attached to the hotel."You're fine, you're with us. It's a pretty exclusive event, we just happen to have an in. Stop worrying about the cost." He said with a laugh making his way around to Steph's door to open it up. // Kelsey was up in the rented ballroom space that she'd been helping with all the set up today after class got out. She was staring at her phone waiting for Steph's text to come in saying they were almost there so she could get everyone together.// Eli was standing over next to the bar, with a beer in his hand that he'd been sipping off of as the people that were here gathered and chit chatted.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Steph rolled her eyes, swinging her legs out of the Jeep when Felix came around to open her door for her. "Can't you just enjoy yourself without worrying about money for one night? If I'm not worried, you shouldn't be worried." She slipped down out of the Jeep, quickly fixing her dress over her butt as she pulled her phone from her clutch to send Kelsey off a text. -Text- On our way in now. -Steph <3. Taking Felix's arm, she shifted to glance at Cadence and Remy. "You'll have fun." // Brad was milling aruond near Kelsey, walking back and forth between her and the gift table because he was trying to keep it looking neat with everything everyone was gradually putting on the table. Keeping it organized was clearly a full time job. // Adam hovered near the snack table, starving and desperate for dinner, but he knew it was rude to touch the food before the guests of honor actually got there. He slipped his hands down into the pockets of his slacks, adjusting uneasily on his feet and stealing glances at all the food out on the tables.-
  3. Alexithymiaa: ( )
  4. Tsaaq has left the chat
  5. Tsaaq has joined the chat
  6. Tsaaq: Remy nudged her a little with his elbow. His other arm around her waist as they sat in the vehicle. He looked ahead as the car came to a halt. "I think I've bust my ass for most of the summer enough for us to splurge a little." He said, smirking a bit. "Come on. We'll have fun." // Hayley was on the dance floor, twirling and kicking her leg forward then backward to the high energy jazz playing and stuff. She looked over to Adam from where she was dancing, waving at him. // Bliss stood beside Eli. "I love this decor so much." She cooed with her hands on her face. "They have Jay Gatsby's car. This is so lovely!" She whispered. Bliss' hazel eyes were wide with delight but she also looked as if she'd cry.
  7. Covet: "It's not so much being worried about it, as more feeling guilty because this place is really fucking nice." Cadence said as she glared at Steph then gave a sigh, "That's very true, Okay okay, I'm giving in." She said with a laugh. making her way into the elevator. // Felix held his arm out for Steph as he hit the lock button on the key fob, then tucked his keys into his pocket. "Hey Red...I like your shoes." He said with a smirk because of the shoe dilema from earlier. He pulled the door open for them and headed for the elevator.// Feeling her phone go off, Kelsey gave a squeal, "Oh my goodness, they're on their way up. Everyone over to the door!" She said loudly trying to get everyone's attention grabbing a glass off of one of the tables clinking it for noise. "Bradley the gifts are fine, c'mon!" She said waving her hand as she turned her camera on." // "It's definitely quite the classy party. I wish I could pay attention to more of the decor, but it's kind of hard when I'm distracted by you." He told her leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek, as he offered to take her over to the door, "Shall we get ready to surprise th-. Hey, what are those watery eyes for?" He asked confused at the emotions on her face.
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Steph smirked and gave Felix a nudge, stepping into the elevator with the group. "I found these shoes in record time and I deserve a medal. Don't even kid right now." She chewed on the inside of her cheek, a little nervous about the surprise element of this evening. When the elevator dinged to their floor, she gestured to the doors, wanting Remy and Cadence to go first since surprise. // Brad turned and headed over to Kelsey, nodding his head. "I just wanted to make sure they looked good for when they came in. Obviously it's the most important part of the party." He said with a smirk, beginning to gather near the door so he could yell at Remy and Cadence when they came in. // Adam smiled at Hayley doing it up on the dance floor, his attention flipping over to Kelsey when she called for everyone to join her by the door since the guests of honor were on their way up. He carefully weaved through people and tables to make his way over there, getting ready for their entrance.-
  9. Tsaaq: "Yeah but." He began to say before he walked to the elevator. "Oh. Yeah! Exactly. Also you look great." He said as he went to kiss her cheek then licked the side of her face. He looked over to Steph an rose a skeptical eyebrow then began walking towards the door. "You first." He said as he went to open the door for Cadence then peeked inside with his eyes wide. "Oh shit." He whispered. // Hayley jogged over to the door with the rest. "Do we like, yell surprise or whatever? What's the protocol?" She asked before bouncing in her spot. // She shook her head. "Stop, this isnt about me." She said with a giggle as she followed him to the door. "I've known them both for so long it's so beautiful to see this for some reason. I don't know." She sniffled.
  10. Covet: Felix laughed at Steph "I'm proud of you. Sorry I'm all out of medals. How about I get you a drink when we get up there.?" He said as they walked up to the door, letting Cadence and Remy go ahead as he put an arm around Steph's waist. //Cadence grinned at Remy as he kissed her then scrunched up her face as he licked her face."Thanks Babe, how's that make up taste?" She said with a laugh, then her eyes grew as as her mouth dropped, "Holy shit... This is..-" She was cut off by the peopls shouting surprise as they stepped inside. // "Yes, well that's what Steph wanted us to do at least." She said then turned around as the door opened up, She hit the multishot button on her camera "SURPRISE!!!" // Eli grabbed a napkin off of one of the tables as they walked by and handed it over to Bliss, "Ah, I see, well that's touching. I understand what you mean though, without Cadence and Remy, I wouldn't have met you when I did. Needless to say I'm rather greatful to them both." He said then held up his beer and called out SURPIRSE with everyone else.
  11. Alexithymiaa: -Steph walked in behind Cadence and Remy, leaning in close and lowering her voice to Felix. "Considering I've been up all night finishing the cookies? I will take that drink with open arms." She smiled as she heard the shouted surprises. // Brad raised his arms into the air as they walked in, jumping up just a bit and calling out to them. "Surprise!" // "I think so...." Adam said in a small voice, waiting until they walked through the door. He raised his voice with the rest of the group yelling "Surprise!"-
  12. Tsaaq: "Eh, taste like animal testing." He answered with a smirk. "Stop dicking around-" He began to say to Felix and Steph. He jumped a bit when the group shouted at them. "You guys look awesome!" Remy shouted. His mouth hanging open as he walked further inside and pulled Cadence along with him. "Whoa look at the car! Is that my car now?" He asked excitedly. "This looks fucking dope! Who did this?" He asked crossing his arms and smiling. // Hayey nodded and cupped her hands around her mouth. "Surprise!" She shouted. She grinned at their expressions and looked over to Adam. "Now you can eat I think." She told him. // "Surpriseeeee!" Bliss dragged out. She dabbed her eyes with the napkin and latched onto Eli's arm. "See? It's a beautiful sight to regale."
  14. Covet: [LMAO]
  15. Tsaaq: ((LMAOOOO.))
  16. Covet: "Surprise, Captain and his Bride to be!" Felix called out with the group throwing the arm that wasn't around Steph, up in the air. "Get in there and enjoy your party."//"This is for us? Did you do this?" She said turning her head around to look at Steph completely happy and shocked at the same time as Remy dragged her in. "Thank you... Holy fuck.. Thanks.. Everyone." she said as she held onto Remy's hand walking in to see the whole swanky event.// "You guys are super welcome! Congratulations.!" Kelsey said as she clapped her hands,standing next to Bradley, kind of dancing to the music while she walked back out to the floor."You hungry? I think I'm going to grab a glass of champagne." She said to him biting her lip. // Eli leaned down and kissed the top of her head as he gave her shoulders a squeeze. "It really is. Makes me look forward to our own parties. I bet it's even a better feeling on their end of all this." He said taking another sip from his beer. "Do you want to go dance, My Love?"
  17. Alexithymiaa: -Steph nodded to Cadence, tipping her head to one side. "I might have. And no Remy, the car is not yours. They're coming to pick it up after the party and it costs about the same as renting this space so please be careful with it. But you can sit in it." She walked forward into the venue, her eyes sweeping over the filled room since she hadnt been there when guests had started to arrive. "Wow... why don't I get paid to do this?" She asked with a smirk, turning to look at Felix. "Drinks?" // "I'm always hungry. And I could always go for a glass of champagne." He put his hand on the small of her back, leading her towards the champagne fountain because he had all intentions of taking a glass from it. Because he has to ruin nice things. // Adam watched Cadence and Remy for a moment before glancing down at Hayley. "Don't you think they should eat first? I know I'm really hungry, but it would be rude to get food before them. Everything smelled so good, too. Did you see it yet?"-
  18. Tsaaq: He began to frown. "Well... I guess this is still cool. But keeping the car would've been fun." He said. "Thanks Steph, and whoever else helped." Remy said, snapping his finger along to the music. "Come on babe." He said, leading her to the car immediately when she said he could sit in it. "We'll be like Jay and Daisy. Except hopefully you won't let me get shot in the back when I go for a swim in the morning." He smiled, taking her hand and rubbing his thumb against her knuckles. // She looked over to Adam and shook her head. "If you wait for them to eat you're just gonna starve to death. You might as well just grab something." She told. "I was kind of focused on the music and the dancing and stuff I guess I missed it." // She nodded her head in a agreement. "I can't help but think the same." She said. Bliss pecked his cheek and went to go with Brad and Kelsey. "But first, champagne!" She declared. "From the bar." She said with a nod as she went in that direction.
  19. Covet: "Then I want something to snack on, Then we can go dance it up on the dance floor?" He said to Steph. "I mean you could? Take some pictures and show it to people?" He suggested looking at her as they got up the bar with Eli and Bliss.//"Love you Dick!" She called back to her and gave a wave to look at the car with Remy, climbing in. "Okay, this is totally not what I was expecting... Don't worry Babe,best way to avoid that is to not go swimming in the morning, Just stay in bed with me." She told him leaning over to give him a kiss, looking over at the dance floor where people were starting to go dance // "I don't think we're supposed to take it from there, Bradley...Maybe getting it from the bar is better?" She said torn between following him and going to the bar with everyone else. She settled on going to the bar because she didn't want to be in Steph's war path when Bradley knocked anything over. // Eli followed behind Bliss with a chuckle, then gave a glance to Steph, "Great party, you really out did yourself here." He said politely, while setting his beer down to take the glass, looking over at Remy and Cadence in the car, "Should we bring them a couple of glasses? I don't think they're going to get out of that car."
  20. Alexithymiaa: "You're welcome." She said to Cadence before they ran off to go get in the car. "No, I couldn't do this all the time. This one party was exhausting. I can't do this everyday. But let's get drinks and snacks and then we'll dance." She walked up to the bar with him, setting her hands down in front of her. "Thanks Eli. It was worth it. Not too often your best friend is getting married." Glancing at the hired bartender a moment, she ordered herself a glass of white wine before looking at Felix. "Soda?" // Brad stopped when Kelsey went in the opposite direction, letting out a small whine before following her. "What's wrong with that one? It looks so cool. Don't you want to be a part of the champagne fountain and say you got to drink from a champagne fountain? It's so fancy." He continued to complain a bit, sliding his hands around her waist. // Adam slowly looked over to the food, chewing on the inside of his cheek. "You think? Will you eat with me so I'm not the only one getting food?" He asked her, his eyes falling back onto her face. "You look beautiful."-
  21. Tsaaq: He pulled from the kiss with a sigh. "That's won't be a problem at all." He began to smile at her. He put his hand on the side of her face and pulled her lips closer to his. "Psst." He hissed at her before chuckling. "I love you." He moved his mouth to her ear as he whispered then sat back. "I wish I could drive this around the ballroom but that would piss Steph off right?" // Hayley swayed back and forth to the music then glanced over to the food as well. "Yeah, I have to take my meds anyways-" She began to explain before looking back to Adam and smiling at him while biting her lip. "Aw, thank you Abs. You look grand yourself." She said, trying to mimick an old timey voice but just sounding elderly. // "You did. Very attentive to detail." Bliss said to Steph with a nod. "And you look very adorable." She added with an obvious wink. "I think we should bring them things. Look at them." She nodded in their direction. "They would appreciate it."
  22. Covet: "Yes please, Dr. Pepper." He said with a smile, "Easy on the ice. There's fruit on the buffet right?" He asked clearly his mind on food still, as he glanced over in that direction. //Cadence looked at him nothing but smiles at this point, "I love you too." She looked around, "Probably, it might not even have the enigine in it, it's probably just a prop car. Even still.. cool as fuck." she said leaning back in the seat just kind of grinning and day dreaming. "I kind of don't want to get out of this. Too bad we can't have sex in it." She said looking over to him with a smirk.// "It's a decoration, and you can't take anything out of it without knocking it over. You can probably refill your glass from it though." She said as the bartender handed out all the drinks to people. // "I think you're right, My Love. They're both making themselves at home." Eli said with a chuckle grabbing a couple of extra drinks to take that direction. "We can hand them off on our way to the dance floor?"
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Why thank you Bliss, you look glamorous yourself." She said with a laugh, ordering Felix's soda as well. She took the two glasses and turned to hand his off to him before taking a quick sip of her wine. "There is. Along with all the baked goods I've been trying to stop you from eating for the last two days. Now you have full permission to eat whatever you want. Go. Go get a snack." // Brad rolled his eyes, taking a glass of champagne from the bartender like a good little boy. "Fine fine. But you can bet that I'm going to refill from the fountain then. I want to feel fancy." He said with a smirk, looking Kelsey over. "How are you feeling?" // "Thank you." Adam spoke with a smile, reaching for Hayley's hand to lace his fingers with hers. "Come on. Let's get something to eat." He turned and walked with her across the room towards the food tables, looking over all the food. "I don't even know where to begin."-
  24. Tsaaq: "That's okay." He spoke softly. "We can exchange sexy looks and speak words with a lustful tone. It'll be good enough to get an engine revved up." Remy grinned and scooted closer to her as he put his arm around her. "I mean like, your vagina. Not like an actual car by the way. I was being flirty, or poetic. Or both." Remy began to ramble. // Hayley squeezed his hand a bit and went to follow him. She eyed the food then patted her chin with her index finger. "Bread!" She spoke immediately, reaching her free hand from the slices of french bread. // She giggled and twirled in a cirlce. "Thank you!" She said while grinning. She turned to Eli and nodded. "Yes. I mean the car is fairly close to the dance floor after all. It'll be like killing two birds with one stone."
  25. Covet: "I'll get you some strawberries, and like five cookies for myself." Felix said as he scurried over to the two different tables full of food and goodies, loading a plate up with some fruit and another with his cookies.//"Oh I like that. That engine doesn't overheat either." She said giving him a wink, then laughed at his rambling innuendo, leaning into him."All the above." She looked up when Eli and Bliss stopped by to drop off drinks to them, "Oh thank you guys, You didn't have to do that.// "You're all the fancy, Bradley." She said with a laugh then nodded her head, "Yeah, I'm alright. Distracted so that's good. Sort of." Kelsey said with a more worrisome smile. // "Mhhm" He said walking that direction, heading up to the driver's side of the car, holding out the glasses of champagne, "From one happy engaged couple to another, Enjoy." He said.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "Sounds good." She said with a smile, bringing her wine glass up to her lips to take a long drink, nearly finishing it off. Taking a deep breath, she swept her gaze over the party again, seeing everyone enjoying themselves and just feeling pretty pleased with herself. // "Damn right I am." He said with a smirk, taking a sip of his champagne. "Distracted is good. Distracted means you're having fun and not worrying as much." He spoke matter of factly, leaning in to kiss her cheek. // Adam laughed and walked to the table, picking up a plate so he could scoop some pizza and then a piece of chicken onto his plate, taking a piece of bread for himself. "You should eat something other then bread. It all looks so good. Would you like me to make you a plate?"-
  27. Tsaaq: Remy began to wiggle his eyebrows. "Exactly!" He shouted with a grin. He took the champange and began to sip it. "It's time to get roaring twenties wasted, huh?" He asked. "Thanks guys." He nodded to Bliss and Eli. "By the way Eli, spread the word to Junior, you guy are part of my group of groomsmen or whatever." He told the other male. // She began to pout as she played with her faux fur boa. "Ummm. Yeah I guess. It's not like you don't know what I like. Want me to grab us a table?" She asked him. // "Think nothing of it." Bliss said. "I'm so happy that you guys are getting married. I think it all just became so surreal tonight. Now I feel like I'm going to cry every time I see you." She began to sniffle and sipped from her drink. "Should somebody make a toast? Elijah, make a toast." She nudged him before pouting.
  28. Covet: Felix came back with a cookie half hanging out of his mouth, setting the plates on the bartop so they could graze at their leisure. "You looked pleased as punch there Red."//Cadence nodded at Bliss, "I had a moment messaging Steph today where I was like, Holy shit Twenty Five days until the big day. I got excited. But this.. Is definitely surreal. But don't cry, because if you cry, I'll start crying and the next thing we know there's a flood warning." // "Thanks. I'm trying at least. While the regret and anxiety of Sunday looms in the back of my mind." Kelsey said. "On the plus side, where it's stressful, I think I have most everything situated as far as what to do while I'm at school and work." // "Oh, cool! Thanks Man. I'll let him know. I'll get you mesurements as soon as possible?" He said questioning, because he wasn't sure on the tux situation. He looked at Bliss and kind of stumbled a moment, "Uh.. Yeah.. Uh.." He paused thinking of something nice to put together as he cleared his throat and looked around before speaking up, "Excuse me... Hello, can I have everyone's attention." He started off, "Tonight we're gathered here to celebrate the future hitching of these two young cats. And what finer cats could they be?" He said with a cheesy grin, "We've seen you guys grow together for years, I heard she set your Dvd's on fire, Remy, and now look where you two are. I think we can definitley say the fires burn brightly between you both, With or without Cadence's attitional help." He added and laughed awkwardly, catching Cadence's judgey look, of a half smile, half 'really?' "Let's toast to the happy couple!" He said holding up his glass, tipping it back to finish it off.
  29. Alexithymiaa: "I am. I'm really happy with the way this turned out. Everyone seems to be really enjoying it." She said with a smile, taking a bite of a strawberry before holding it out for Felix to finish off. Hearing Eli begin his toast, she raised her nearly empty glass, finishing off the rest of the wine in it when he was done and setting the empty glass down on the bar. "Are we dancing now?" // Brad gave a little shrug. "Its going to work out for the best. It might be difficult in the beginning, but we'll figure everything out and work out all the kinks, okay?" He spoke gently, rubbing her back until he heard Eli's toast, finishing his champagne. // Adam nodded and grabbed an extra plate for Hayley, scooping up the delicious chickens and salad for her. "C'mon, let's sit." Carrying the plate to a nearby table, he set it down in front of one chair, and his plate in front of the other, moving to pull her chair out for her to sit.-
  30. Tsaaq: "Don't toast if you have no idea what you're doing." Remy immediately said in a monotone but of course it was too fucking late. He blinked slowly as Eli spoke. "Cats?" He repeated under his breath. "Uh, okay." He nodded. "Sure I guess." He shrugged and took a drink from his glass. "Great job. Go dance." // Hayley looked up at the toast and whistled, cause toasts. She smiled at Adam and took her seat. "Thank youuuu." She grinned and began to dig in. "Please eat before you starve." She told him. // Bliss was probably the only ass who was like 'WOOO GREAT JOB' She clapped then went to drink from her glass. "Well said!" She grinned then went towards the dance floor for dancing.
  31. Covet: "Good," He smiled having managed to vaccuum up the cookies he had on his plate, the last one still being shoved into his mouth as he nodded his head at her, washing it all down with his soda before following her already kind of jamming out to the music. //"Yeah, I guess it had it's own kind of charm to it. Yeah, what Remy said, Go dance." She laughed and shook her head, then laid back against Remy's ches, listening to the music and sipping on her champagne // "Okay." She said laying her head on his shoulder. She set her empty champagne glass down, "I'm also kind of worried I've been taking certain aspects of my situation for granted. It's really going to change how... things... work." she said looking at Brad, then gave a smile and pushed back the bad thoughts, "C'mon let's go dance before the parties over." She said making her way to the dance floor after listening and clapping to the toast that was made. // Eli gave a slight shrug as he looked at Remy, "You're welcome. I would have prepared if I would have known I was going to be making a toast....I'm just gonna go.. dance now." He said awkwardly shuffling to the dance floor with Bliss.
  32. Alexithymiaa: -Steph took Felix's hand and walked with him out to the dance floor, spinning around before stepping in close so she could do the dance thing all up on him. Dancing. // "Don't worry so much. It'll be fine. We're going to work it out, I promise." He stroked his hand through her hair before nodding, making his way out to the dance floor with her to join the already crowded space for dancing. // Adam smiled and dropped into his own chair, picking up a fork and digging into his food. "This is delicious. I might just be starving, but this is delicious." He kept his head down, diligently working at polishing off his food.-
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