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Nov 11th, 2019
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  1. You earned an S- on Lulu
  2. Haneunim: this poppy
  3. Haneunim: was so toxic
  4. Haneunim: when she performed
  5. DaimyoDimes: what an awful team
  6. Haneunim: the worst
  7. Everyone on your team honored a teammate! You got a little extra Honor progress this game.
  8. DaimyoDimes: on both sides
  9. Deathless darkin left the lobby
  10. Haneunim left the lobby
  11. DaimyoDimes: i understand this kayn has 21 kills
  12. DaimyoDimes: but what are we dying 16 times for
  13. AlexRuiz: he has no
  14. AlexRuiz: objective sense
  15. AlexRuiz: he farmed for a full minute after picks
  16. Kuyari left the lobby
  17. DaimyoDimes: well you have no sense of the gam eat all
  18. DaimyoDimes: XD
  19. TwoJohn left the lobby
  20. AlexRuiz: true!!!
  21. Lindarth left the lobby
  22. TinyGGochu left the lobby
  23. DaimyoDimes: don't stand behind lulu/kog if you're tanky
  24. DaimyoDimes: :thumbsup:
  25. AlexRuiz: if i take
  26. AlexRuiz: the poppy ult
  27. AlexRuiz: we lose
  28. AlexRuiz: the fihgt
  29. AlexRuiz: every
  30. The Departed: xD
  31. AlexRuiz: time
  32. AlexRuiz: but ok
  33. AlexRuiz: not behind u
  34. DaimyoDimes: if you stand behind me
  35. BigBrotherKwan left the lobby
  36. AlexRuiz: just waiting for rage to go in
  37. AlexRuiz: but go off
  38. DaimyoDimes: but you were still literally behind me and lulu
  39. DaimyoDimes: all the fkin time XD
  40. DaimyoDimes: it's fine
  41. AlexRuiz: so what
  42. The Departed: google really be working hard on this AI
  43. DaimyoDimes: don't stress it
  44. AlexRuiz: we dont win off my inits
  45. DaimyoDimes: game is won
  46. AlexRuiz: only peeling
  47. DaimyoDimes: you're the only init
  48. DaimyoDimes: hello
  49. The Departed: me have more hp than hypercarry
  50. The Departed: ME MUST STAND BEHIND
  51. DaimyoDimes: we have
  52. DaimyoDimes: a lux mid
  53. The Departed: 10/10 logiv
  54. The Departed: logic
  55. DaimyoDimes: and blue kayn
  56. DaimyoDimes: but i can't be the one to initiate
  57. DaimyoDimes: :kekw:
  58. AlexRuiz: no
  59. AlexRuiz: i mean
  60. AlexRuiz: i cant go all in
  61. AlexRuiz: cuz then u just de
  62. AlexRuiz: like everytime
  63. AlexRuiz: u did
  64. AlexRuiz: but ok
  65. AlexRuiz: cool dude
  66. DaimyoDimes: i died 4 times
  67. DaimyoDimes: and ur the one who told me
  68. DaimyoDimes: i don't die
  69. AlexRuiz: and how many times did our
  70. DaimyoDimes: so just go in
  71. AlexRuiz: kayn die
  72. AlexRuiz: going in
  73. DaimyoDimes: kayn die cuz he go in and not u
  74. AlexRuiz: no
  75. DaimyoDimes: cuz you sit doing notihing in our back line
  76. DaimyoDimes: while he backline diving
  77. DaimyoDimes: now given
  78. DaimyoDimes: he should go fkin red kayn in this comp
  79. DaimyoDimes: but that's different story once he already transofremd
  80. DaimyoDimes: doesn't matter man
  81. AlexRuiz: still
  82. DaimyoDimes: take the lp
  83. AlexRuiz: i cant
  84. AlexRuiz: take
  85. AlexRuiz: the
  86. AlexRuiz: hits
  87. DaimyoDimes: just fkin force it so it's not me XD
  88. AlexRuiz: but everytime
  89. AlexRuiz: i do that
  90. DaimyoDimes: you can take it
  91. DaimyoDimes: because if you're
  92. AlexRuiz: we dont win the fight somehow?
  93. AlexRuiz: ???
  94. DaimyoDimes: taking hits
  95. AlexRuiz: ???
  96. AlexRuiz: ???
  97. AlexRuiz: ????
  98. DaimyoDimes: if you're
  99. AlexRuiz: ???
  100. DaimyoDimes: giving
  101. AlexRuiz: ???
  102. AlexRuiz: ???
  103. AlexRuiz: ???
  104. DaimyoDimes: if you're taking hits
  105. AlexRuiz: i do it
  106. DaimyoDimes: i can do dmg
  107. AlexRuiz: and u got poppy ulted
  108. AlexRuiz: wow
  109. AlexRuiz: and we lost the fight
  110. AlexRuiz: i do it
  111. AlexRuiz: malz ult
  112. DaimyoDimes: she hit you
  113. AlexRuiz: dead for free
  114. DaimyoDimes: because you were on top of me
  115. AlexRuiz: no
  116. AlexRuiz: i mean mid fight
  117. AlexRuiz: when both me and kayn went in
  118. AlexRuiz: u got poppy utled away
  119. AlexRuiz: 0 dmg fight
  120. DaimyoDimes: nvm im talking to a wall lol gg
  121. The Departed:
  122. The Departed: WTF ARE U DOING
  123. The Departed: WHY ARE WE ENGAGING
  124. AlexRuiz: ???
  125. AlexRuiz: i had poppy breathing down my neck
  126. The Departed: ?
  127. The Departed: she in fnatic brush
  128. DaimyoDimes: she's 2 caitlyn auto ranges
  129. AlexRuiz: she wouldnt
  130. The Departed: ur in the jgl
  131. DaimyoDimes: away
  132. AlexRuiz: let me cross
  133. The Departed: HELLO
  134. AlexRuiz: no
  135. AlexRuiz: i was
  136. AlexRuiz: pixel
  137. AlexRuiz: coming mid
  138. AlexRuiz: poppy ran it down toward me
  139. The Departed: LLOOK AT THE SS
  140. AlexRuiz: see she has bc stacks
  141. AlexRuiz: YEAH
  142. The Departed: THATS NOT PIXEL
  143. AlexRuiz: LOOK
  144. The Departed: xD
  145. DaimyoDimes: ok but why are you pixel tho
  148. DaimyoDimes: but why
  149. DaimyoDimes: are you pixel
  150. DaimyoDimes: at all
  151. AlexRuiz: ???
  152. AlexRuiz: kayns coming from right
  153. AlexRuiz: im trying to come from left
  154. AlexRuiz: ???
  155. The Departed: why arent u in mid
  156. The Departed: in front of us?
  157. AlexRuiz: IM TRYING
  158. DaimyoDimes: ok so you were late
  159. AlexRuiz: TO GET MID
  160. DaimyoDimes: that's fine
  161. AlexRuiz: BUT POPPY
  163. The Departed: but
  164. The Departed: u just used ur tp
  165. The Departed: why are u not in mid in the first place??
  166. DaimyoDimes: if poppy goes in on you they fkin lose btw
  167. DaimyoDimes: that's another thing
  168. The Departed: what is tehre to get
  169. The Departed: anywhre
  170. AlexRuiz: no they dont
  171. AlexRuiz: gragas can easily flash ult you into nethergrasp
  172. The Departed: fall u need to do is be a meat shield
  173. The Departed: \but u build maw for some reason
  174. AlexRuiz: what do u think i was trying to do
  175. DaimyoDimes: im standing too far to do dmg
  176. AlexRuiz: why not maw
  177. DaimyoDimes: cuz you can't grow balls big enough to walk two feet in front of lulu/kog
  178. AlexRuiz: it helps me survive
  179. AlexRuiz: longer than any other item
  180. The Departed: idk
  181. The Departed: why not dead mans
  182. The Departed: or warmogs
  183. The Departed: or randuins
  184. AlexRuiz: warmogs
  185. AlexRuiz: is useless
  186. DaimyoDimes: ????????????????????????????
  187. The Departed: or anything tankj realted so u can meatshield for us
  188. AlexRuiz: what does that give me
  189. DaimyoDimes: ah, we're not speaking to a human being
  190. AlexRuiz: i regen already
  191. AlexRuiz: but ok
  192. DaimyoDimes: warmog is uselsss
  193. The Departed: its AI
  194. DaimyoDimes: XD
  195. The Departed: its learning
  196. The Departed: next game it will rush warmogs
  197. The Departed: cuz it picked up the new wor
  198. AlexRuiz: ur an idiot if u think warmogs is a good item there
  199. The Departed: word
  200. DaimyoDimes: oh shit
  201. DaimyoDimes: i accidentally told it that warmog is useless tho
  202. DaimyoDimes: scratch that
  203. DaimyoDimes: warmog big useful
  204. AlexRuiz: sure it wouldnt have been
  205. The Departed: warmogs BEST item
  206. AlexRuiz: fights never lasted more than one engage
  207. DaimyoDimes: warmogs too broken, riot pls fix
  208. AlexRuiz: what good is it gonna do
  209. AlexRuiz: ???
  210. AlexRuiz: ???
  211. DaimyoDimes: what the fuck
  212. AlexRuiz: explain
  213. AlexRuiz: hmm
  214. AlexRuiz: ???
  215. DaimyoDimes: does "more than one engage" mean
  216. The Departed: GIVE HEATLH
  217. DaimyoDimes: in any context
  218. DaimyoDimes: we have here
  219. The Departed: FOR U TO TANK
  220. AlexRuiz: I HAVE
  222. The Departed: whats ur instagram
  223. DaimyoDimes: but you chose
  225. DaimyoDimes: but you chose
  226. DaimyoDimes: maw
  227. DaimyoDimes: the fuq
  228. AlexRuiz: and u chose fucking twinshadows
  229. AlexRuiz: instead of fucking redemption
  230. AlexRuiz: your point?
  232. The Departed: see how gragas built
  233. AlexRuiz: YEAH OK
  234. AlexRuiz: MAKES SENSE
  235. The Departed: thats what u needed
  236. AlexRuiz: A SLOW
  237. AlexRuiz: YEET
  238. AlexRuiz: ENGAGED ON
  239. DaimyoDimes: it woulda been fkin better than wat you did lol
  240. AlexRuiz: sure bud
  241. AlexRuiz: anyways have a good day
  242. DaimyoDimes: you too bud
  243. DaimyoDimes: gg
  244. AlexRuiz: love u
  245. DaimyoDimes: <3
  246. AlexRuiz left the lobby
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