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Shaneee-xnu-3248.50.21-V6 Kernel

a guest
Jul 23rd, 2016
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  1. Last login: Sat Jul 23 16:43:30 on console
  2. OSMC:~ daniel$ sysctl -a
  3. user.cs_path: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
  4. user.bc_base_max: 99
  5. user.bc_dim_max: 2048
  6. user.bc_scale_max: 99
  7. user.bc_string_max: 1000
  8. user.coll_weights_max: 2
  9. user.expr_nest_max: 32
  10. user.line_max: 2048
  11. user.re_dup_max: 255
  12. user.posix2_version: 200112
  13. user.posix2_c_bind: 0
  14. user.posix2_c_dev: 0
  15. user.posix2_char_term: 0
  16. user.posix2_fort_dev: 0
  17. user.posix2_fort_run: 0
  18. user.posix2_localedef: 0
  19. user.posix2_sw_dev: 0
  20. user.posix2_upe: 0
  21. user.stream_max: 20
  22. user.tzname_max: 255
  23. kern.ostype: Darwin
  24. kern.osrelease: 15.5.0
  25. kern.osrevision: 199506
  26. kern.version: Darwin Kernel Version Shaneee-xnu-3248.50.21-V6: Sat 23 Jul 2016 15:19:02 BST; root:xnu-3248.50.21/BUILD/obj/RELEASE_X86_64
  27. kern.maxvnodes: 132096
  28. kern.maxproc: 1064
  29. kern.maxfiles: 12288
  30. kern.argmax: 262144
  31. kern.securelevel: 0
  32. kern.hostname:
  33. kern.hostid: 0
  34. kern.clockrate: { hz = 100, tick = 10000, tickadj = 2, profhz = 100, stathz = 100 }
  35. kern.posix1version: 200112
  36. kern.ngroups: 16
  37. kern.job_control: 1
  38. kern.saved_ids: 1
  39. kern.boottime: { sec = 1469284954, usec = 0 } Sat Jul 23 16:42:34 2016
  40. kern.nisdomainname:
  41. kern.maxfilesperproc: 10240
  42. kern.maxprocperuid: 709
  43. kern.ipc.maxsockbuf: 6291456
  44. kern.ipc.sockbuf_waste_factor: 8
  45. kern.ipc.somaxconn: 128
  46. kern.ipc.nmbclusters: 49152
  47. kern.ipc.soqlimitcompat: 1
  48. kern.ipc.mleak_sample_factor: 500
  49. kern.ipc.mb_normalized: 0
  50. kern.ipc.mb_watchdog: 0
  51. kern.ipc.mb_drain_force: 0
  52. kern.ipc.mb_drain_maxint: 0
  53. kern.ipc.socket_debug: 0
  54. kern.ipc.sosendminchain: 16384
  55. kern.ipc.sorecvmincopy: 16384
  56. kern.ipc.sosendjcl: 1
  57. kern.ipc.sosendjcl_ignore_capab: 0
  58. kern.ipc.sosendbigcl_ignore_capab: 0
  59. kern.ipc.sodefunctlog: 0
  60. kern.ipc.sothrottlelog: 0
  61. kern.ipc.sorestrictrecv: 1
  62. kern.ipc.sorestrictsend: 1
  63. kern.ipc.soreserveheadroom: 1
  64. kern.ipc.maxextbkidleperproc: 1
  65. kern.ipc.extbkidletime: 600
  66. kern.ipc.extbkidlercvhiwat: 131072
  67. kern.ipc.sotcdb: 1
  68. kern.ipc.throttle_best_effort: 0
  69. kern.ipc.njcl: 16384
  70. kern.ipc.njclbytes: 16384
  71. kern.ipc.soqlencomp: 0
  72. kern.ipc.io_policy.throttled: 0
  73. kern.ipc.io_policy.log: 0
  74. kern.ipc.io_policy.uuid: 1
  75. kern.ipc.maxsendmsgx: 100
  76. kern.ipc.maxrecvmsgx: 100
  77. kern.usrstack: 1456439296
  78. kern.netboot: 0
  79. kern.sysv.shmmax: 4194304
  80. kern.sysv.shmmin: 1
  81. kern.sysv.shmmni: 32
  82. kern.sysv.shmseg: 8
  83. kern.sysv.shmall: 1024
  84. kern.sysv.semmni: 87381
  85. kern.sysv.semmns: 87381
  86. kern.sysv.semmnu: 87381
  87. kern.sysv.semmsl: 87381
  88. kern.sysv.semume: 10
  89. kern.aiomax: 90
  90. kern.aioprocmax: 16
  91. kern.aiothreads: 4
  92. kern.corefile: /cores/core.%P
  93. kern.coredump: 1
  94. kern.sugid_coredump: 0
  95. kern.delayterm: 0
  96. kern.shreg_private: 0
  97. kern.posix.sem.max: 10000
  98. kern.usrstack64: 140734649827328
  99. kern.nx: 0
  100. kern.tfp.policy: 2
  101. kern.procname: sysctl
  102. kern.speculative_reads_disabled: 0
  103. kern.osversion: 15G31
  104. kern.safeboot: 0
  105. kern.rage_vnode: 0
  106. kern.tty.ptmx_max: 127
  107. kern.threadname:
  108. kern.sleeptime: { sec = 0, usec = 0 } Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
  109. kern.waketime: { sec = 0, usec = 0 } Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
  110. kern.willshutdown: 0
  111. kern.iokittest: 0
  112. kern.progressmeterenable: 0
  113. kern.progressmeter: 0
  114. kern.wakereason:
  115. kern.consoleoptions: 0
  116. kern.hibernatefile:
  117. kern.bootsignature:
  118. kern.hibernatemode: 0
  119. kern.hibernategraphicsready: 0
  120. kern.hibernatewakenotification: 0
  121. kern.hibernatelockscreenready: 0
  122. kern.hibernatehidready: 0
  123. kern.wq_yielded_threshold: 2000
  124. kern.wq_yielded_window_usecs: 30000
  125. kern.wq_stalled_window_usecs: 200
  126. kern.wq_reduce_pool_window_usecs: 5000000
  127. kern.wq_max_timer_interval_usecs: 50000
  128. kern.wq_max_threads: 512
  129. kern.wq_max_constrained_threads: 64
  130. kern.pthread_debug_tracing: 1
  131. kern.dtrace.err_verbose: 0
  132. kern.dtrace.buffer_memory_maxsize: 2863311530
  133. kern.dtrace.buffer_memory_inuse: 0
  134. kern.dtrace.difo_maxsize: 262144
  135. kern.dtrace.dof_maxsize: 393216
  136. kern.dtrace.global_maxsize: 16384
  137. kern.dtrace.provide_private_probes: 0
  138. kern.nbuf: 16384
  139. kern.maxnbuf: 16384
  140. kern.jnl_trim_flush: 240
  141. kern.flush_cache_on_write: 0
  142. kern.ds_supgroups_supported: 1
  143. kern.sugid_scripts: 0
  144. 0
  145. kern.zleak.max_zonemap_size: 3221225472
  146. kern.zleak.global_threshold: 1610612736
  147. kern.zleak.zone_threshold: 201326592
  148. kern.uuid: 5625FFC2-632A-33A3-B47F-3E02CCA8ABB8
  149. kern.bootargs: dart=0 npci=0x3000 kext-dev-mode=1 -v "Kernel=/System/Library/Kernels/kernel"
  150. kern.num_files: 1826
  151. kern.num_vnodes: 22225
  152. kern.num_tasks: 2048
  153. kern.num_threads: 10240
  154. kern.num_taskthreads: 2048
  155. kern.namecache_disabled: 0
  156. kern.ignore_is_ssd: 0
  157. kern.root_is_CF_drive: 0
  158. kern.preheat_max_bytes: 1048576
  159. kern.preheat_min_bytes: 32768
  160. kern.speculative_prefetch_max: 201326592
  161. kern.speculative_prefetch_max_iosize: 524288
  162. kern.vm_page_free_target: 4000
  163. kern.vm_page_free_min: 3500
  164. kern.vm_page_free_reserved: 904
  165. kern.vm_page_speculative_percentage: 5
  166. kern.vm_page_speculative_q_age_ms: 500
  167. kern.vm_max_delayed_work_limit: 32
  168. kern.vm_max_batch: 256
  169. kern.bootsessionuuid: 4A484C12-531A-481C-80EA-4BF68B5A68CB
  170. kern.timer.coalescing_enabled: 1
  171. kern.timer.deadline_tracking_bin_1: 2000000
  172. kern.timer.deadline_tracking_bin_2: 5000000
  173. kern.timer.longterm.threshold: 1000
  174. kern.timer.longterm.qlen: 130
  175. kern.singleuser: 0
  176. kern.minimalboot: 0
  177. kern.affinity_sets_enabled: 1
  178. kern.affinity_sets_mapping: 1
  179. kern.slide: 1
  180. kern.ipc_voucher_trace_contents: 0
  181. kern.stack_size: 16384
  182. kern.stack_depth_max: 11136
  183. kern.ipc_portbt: 0
  184. kern.sched: multiq
  185. kern.timer_coalesce_bg_scale: -5
  186. kern.timer_resort_threshold_ns: 50000000
  187. kern.timer_coalesce_bg_ns_max: 100000000
  188. kern.timer_coalesce_kt_scale: 3
  189. kern.timer_coalesce_kt_ns_max: 1000000
  190. kern.timer_coalesce_fp_scale: 3
  191. kern.timer_coalesce_fp_ns_max: 1000000
  192. kern.timer_coalesce_ts_scale: 3
  193. kern.timer_coalesce_ts_ns_max: 1000000
  194. kern.timer_coalesce_tier0_scale: 3
  195. kern.timer_coalesce_tier0_ns_max: 1000000
  196. kern.timer_coalesce_tier1_scale: 2
  197. kern.timer_coalesce_tier1_ns_max: 5000000
  198. kern.timer_coalesce_tier2_scale: 1
  199. kern.timer_coalesce_tier2_ns_max: 20000000
  200. kern.timer_coalesce_tier3_scale: -2
  201. kern.timer_coalesce_tier3_ns_max: 75000000
  202. kern.timer_coalesce_tier4_scale: -15
  203. kern.timer_coalesce_tier4_ns_max: 10000000000
  204. kern.timer_coalesce_tier5_scale: -15
  205. kern.timer_coalesce_tier5_ns_max: 10000000000
  206. kern.hv_support: 0
  207. kern.memorystatus_purge_on_warning: 2
  208. kern.memorystatus_purge_on_urgent: 5
  209. kern.memorystatus_purge_on_critical: 8
  210. kern.msgbuf: 16384
  211. kern.coalitions: 234 0
  212. kern.coalition_roles: 0 -1
  213. kern.coalition_page_count: 10091 0
  214. kern.coalition_pid_list: 419 422 426 453
  215. kern.secure_kernel: 0
  216. kern.interrupt_timer_coalescing_enabled: 1
  217. kern.timer_coalesce_idle_entry_hard_deadline_max: 5000000
  218. kern.pmtimeout: 0
  219. vm.loadavg: { 1,72 0,64 0,25 }
  220. vm.swapusage: total = 0,00M used = 0,00M free = 0,00M (encrypted)
  221. vm.cs_force_kill: 0
  222. vm.cs_force_hard: 0
  223. vm.cs_debug: 0
  224. vm.cs_all_vnodes: 0
  225. vm.cs_enforcement: 0
  226. vm.cs_enforcement_panic: 0
  227. vm.cs_library_validation: 0
  228. vm.global_no_user_wire_amount: 67108864
  229. vm.global_user_wire_limit: 8522825728
  230. vm.user_wire_limit: 8522825728
  231. vm.vm_copy_src_not_internal: 0
  232. vm.vm_copy_src_not_symmetric: 0
  233. vm.vm_copy_src_large: 0
  234. vm.vm_page_external_count: 383806
  235. vm.vm_page_filecache_min: 0
  236. vm.compressor_input_bytes: 0
  237. vm.compressor_compressed_bytes: 0
  238. vm.compressor_bytes_used: 0
  239. vm.compressor_mode: 4
  240. vm.compressor_is_active: 1
  241. vm.compressor_swapout_target_age: 0
  242. vm.compressor_available: 1
  243. vm.vm_ripe_target_age_in_secs: 172800
  244. vm.compressor_eval_period_in_msecs: 250
  245. vm.compressor_sample_min_in_msecs: 500
  246. vm.compressor_sample_max_in_msecs: 10000
  247. vm.compressor_thrashing_threshold_per_10msecs: 50
  248. vm.compressor_thrashing_min_per_10msecs: 20
  249. vm.compressor_minorcompact_threshold_divisor: 20
  250. vm.compressor_majorcompact_threshold_divisor: 25
  251. vm.compressor_unthrottle_threshold_divisor: 35
  252. vm.compressor_catchup_threshold_divisor: 50
  253. vm.swapfileprefix: /private/var/vm/swapfile
  254. vm.phantom_cache_eval_period_in_msecs: 250
  255. vm.phantom_cache_thrashing_threshold: 100
  256. vm.phantom_cache_thrashing_threshold_ssd: 1000
  257. vm.cs_blob_count: 446
  258. vm.cs_blob_size: 16214064
  259. vm.cs_blob_count_peak: 446
  260. vm.cs_blob_size_peak: 16214064
  261. vm.cs_blob_size_max: 7020544
  262. vm.vm_do_collapse_compressor: 0
  263. vm.vm_do_collapse_compressor_pages: 0
  264. vm.vm_do_collapse_terminate: 0
  265. vm.vm_do_collapse_terminate_failure: 0
  266. vm.vm_should_cow_but_wired: 0
  267. vm.vm_create_upl_extra_cow: 0
  268. vm.vm_create_upl_extra_cow_pages: 0
  269. vm.vm_create_upl_lookup_failure_write: 0
  270. vm.vm_create_upl_lookup_failure_copy: 0
  271. vm.vm_debug_events: 0
  272. vm.allow_stack_exec: 0
  273. vm.allow_data_exec: 1
  274. vm.shared_region_unnest_logging: 1
  275. vm.enforce_shared_cache_dir: 1
  276. vm.shared_region_trace_level: 1
  277. vm.shared_region_version: 3
  278. vm.shared_region_persistence: 0
  279. vm.pagesize: 4096
  280. vm.vm_page_free_target: 4000
  281. vm.memory_pressure: 0
  282. vm.page_free_wanted: 0
  283. vm.page_purgeable_count: 8566
  284. vm.page_purgeable_wired_count: 0
  285. vm.pageout_purged_objects: 0
  286. vm.madvise_free_debug: 0
  287. vm.page_reusable_count: 21552
  288. vm.reusable_success: 17482
  289. vm.reusable_failure: 0
  290. vm.reusable_shared: 1
  291. vm.all_reusable_calls: 0
  292. vm.partial_reusable_calls: 17472
  293. vm.reuse_success: 17928
  294. vm.reuse_failure: 0
  295. vm.all_reuse_calls: 0
  296. vm.partial_reuse_calls: 17916
  297. vm.can_reuse_success: 10889
  298. vm.can_reuse_failure: 93
  299. vm.reusable_reclaimed: 0
  300. vm.page_free_count: 1209445
  301. vm.page_speculative_count: 279139
  302. vm.page_cleaned_count: 0
  303. vm.pageout_inactive_dirty_internal: 0
  304. vm.pageout_inactive_dirty_external: 0
  305. vm.pageout_inactive_clean: 0
  306. vm.pageout_speculative_clean: 0
  307. vm.pageout_inactive_used: 0
  308. vm.pageout_freed_from_inactive_clean: 0
  309. vm.pageout_freed_from_speculative: 0
  310. vm.pageout_freed_from_cleaned: 0
  311. vm.pageout_enqueued_cleaned: 0
  312. vm.pageout_enqueued_cleaned_from_inactive_clean: 0
  313. vm.pageout_enqueued_cleaned_from_inactive_dirty: 0
  314. vm.pageout_cleaned: 0
  315. vm.pageout_cleaned_reactivated: 0
  316. vm.pageout_cleaned_reference_reactivated: 0
  317. vm.pageout_cleaned_volatile_reactivated: 0
  318. vm.pageout_cleaned_fault_reactivated: 0
  319. vm.pageout_cleaned_commit_reactivated: 0
  320. vm.pageout_cleaned_busy: 0
  321. vm.pageout_cleaned_nolock: 0
  322. vm.prefault_nb_pages: 0
  323. vm.prefault_nb_bailout: 0
  324. vfs.generic.maxtypenum: 23
  325. vfs.generic.nfs.client.initialdowndelay: 12
  326. vfs.generic.nfs.client.nextdowndelay: 30
  327. vfs.generic.nfs.client.iosize: 1048576
  328. vfs.generic.nfs.client.access_cache_timeout: 60
  329. vfs.generic.nfs.client.allow_async: 0
  330. vfs.generic.nfs.client.statfs_rate_limit: 10
  331. vfs.generic.nfs.client.nfsiod_thread_max: 16
  332. vfs.generic.nfs.client.nfsiod_thread_count: 0
  333. vfs.generic.nfs.client.lockd_mounts: 0
  334. vfs.generic.nfs.client.max_async_writes: 128
  335. vfs.generic.nfs.client.single_des: 0
  336. vfs.generic.nfs.client.access_delete: 1
  337. vfs.generic.nfs.client.access_dotzfs: 1
  338. vfs.generic.nfs.client.access_for_getattr: 0
  339. vfs.generic.nfs.client.idmap_ctrl: 1
  340. vfs.generic.nfs.client.callback_port: 0
  341. vfs.generic.nfs.client.is_mobile: 0
  342. vfs.generic.nfs.client.squishy_flags: 11
  343. vfs.generic.nfs.client.debug_ctl: 0
  344. vfs.generic.nfs.client.readlink_nocache: 0
  345. vfs.generic.nfs.client.root_steals_gss_context: 1
  346. vfs.generic.nfs.server.wg_delay: 1000
  347. vfs.generic.nfs.server.wg_delay_v3: 0
  348. vfs.generic.nfs.server.require_resv_port: 0
  349. vfs.generic.nfs.server.async: 0
  350. vfs.generic.nfs.server.export_hash_size: 64
  351. vfs.generic.nfs.server.reqcache_size: 64
  352. vfs.generic.nfs.server.request_queue_length: 128
  353. vfs.generic.nfs.server.user_stats: 1
  354. vfs.generic.nfs.server.gss_context_ttl: 28800
  355. vfs.generic.nfs.server.fsevents: 1
  356. vfs.generic.nfs.server.nfsd_thread_max: 0
  357. vfs.generic.nfs.server.nfsd_thread_count: 0
  358. vfs.generic.nfs.server.nfsd_sock_idle_timeout: 3600
  359. vfs.generic.nfs.server.nfsd_tcp_connections: 0
  360. vfs.generic.nfs.server.use_upcall_svc: 1
  361. vfs.generic.nfs.server.upcall_queue_limit: 0
  362. vfs.generic.nfs.server.upcall_queue_max_seen: 0
  363. vfs.generic.nfs.server.upcall_queue_count: 0
  364. vfs.generic.sync_timeout: 60
  365. vfs.generic.jnl.kdebug.trim: 0
  366. vfs.generic.root_unmounted_cleanly: 1
  367. vfs.generic.always_do_fullfsync: 0
  368. vfs.generic.hfs.kdebug.allocation: 0
  369. vfs.nummntops: 11
  370. 8192
  371. 8192
  372. 0
  373. net.local.dgram.maxdgram: 2048
  374. net.local.dgram.recvspace: 4096
  375. net.local.inflight: 0
  376. net.inet.ip.portrange.lowfirst: 1023
  377. net.inet.ip.portrange.lowlast: 600
  378. net.inet.ip.portrange.first: 49152
  379. net.inet.ip.portrange.last: 65535
  380. net.inet.ip.portrange.hifirst: 49152
  381. net.inet.ip.portrange.hilast: 65535
  382. net.inet.ip.forwarding: 0
  383. net.inet.ip.redirect: 1
  384. net.inet.ip.ttl: 64
  385. net.inet.ip.rtexpire: 3600
  386. net.inet.ip.rtminexpire: 10
  387. net.inet.ip.rtmaxcache: 128
  388. net.inet.ip.sourceroute: 0
  389. net.inet.ip.accept_sourceroute: 0
  390. net.inet.ip.gifttl: 30
  391. net.inet.ip.subnets_are_local: 0
  392. net.inet.ip.mcast.maxgrpsrc: 512
  393. net.inet.ip.mcast.maxsocksrc: 128
  394. net.inet.ip.mcast.loop: 1
  395. net.inet.ip.dummynet.hash_size: 64
  396. net.inet.ip.dummynet.curr_time: 0
  397. net.inet.ip.dummynet.ready_heap: 0
  398. net.inet.ip.dummynet.extract_heap: 0
  399. net.inet.ip.dummynet.searches: 0
  400. net.inet.ip.dummynet.search_steps: 0
  401. net.inet.ip.dummynet.expire: 1
  402. net.inet.ip.dummynet.max_chain_len: 16
  403. net.inet.ip.dummynet.red_lookup_depth: 256
  404. net.inet.ip.dummynet.red_avg_pkt_size: 512
  405. net.inet.ip.dummynet.red_max_pkt_size: 1500
  406. net.inet.ip.dummynet.debug: 0
  407. net.inet.ip.fw.enable: 1
  408. net.inet.ip.fw.autoinc_step: 100
  409. net.inet.ip.fw.one_pass: 0
  410. net.inet.ip.fw.debug: 0
  411. net.inet.ip.fw.verbose: 0
  412. net.inet.ip.fw.verbose_limit: 0
  413. net.inet.ip.fw.dyn_buckets: 256
  414. net.inet.ip.fw.curr_dyn_buckets: 256
  415. net.inet.ip.fw.dyn_count: 0
  416. net.inet.ip.fw.dyn_max: 4096
  417. net.inet.ip.fw.static_count: 1
  418. net.inet.ip.fw.dyn_ack_lifetime: 300
  419. net.inet.ip.fw.dyn_syn_lifetime: 20
  420. net.inet.ip.fw.dyn_fin_lifetime: 1
  421. net.inet.ip.fw.dyn_rst_lifetime: 1
  422. net.inet.ip.fw.dyn_udp_lifetime: 10
  423. net.inet.ip.fw.dyn_short_lifetime: 5
  424. net.inet.ip.fw.dyn_keepalive: 1
  425. net.inet.ip.random_id_statistics: 0
  426. net.inet.ip.random_id_collisions: 0
  427. net.inet.ip.random_id_total: 0
  428. net.inet.ip.sendsourcequench: 0
  429. net.inet.ip.maxfragpackets: 1536
  430. net.inet.ip.fragpackets: 0
  431. net.inet.ip.maxfragsperpacket: 128
  432. net.inet.ip.scopedroute: 1
  433. net.inet.ip.adj_clear_hwcksum: 0
  434. net.inet.ip.check_interface: 0
  435. net.inet.ip.rx_chaining: 1
  436. net.inet.ip.rx_chainsz: 6
  437. net.inet.ip.input_perf: 0
  438. net.inet.ip.input_perf_bins: 0
  439. 1
  440. net.inet.ip.random_id: 1
  441. net.inet.ip.maxchainsent: 1
  442. net.inet.ip.select_srcif_debug: 0
  443. net.inet.ip.output_perf: 0
  444. net.inet.ip.output_perf_bins: 0
  445. net.inet.icmp.maskrepl: 0
  446. net.inet.icmp.icmplim: 250
  447. net.inet.icmp.timestamp: 0
  448. net.inet.icmp.drop_redirect: 1
  449. net.inet.icmp.log_redirect: 0
  450. net.inet.icmp.bmcastecho: 1
  451. net.inet.igmp.recvifkludge: 1
  452. net.inet.igmp.sendra: 1
  453. net.inet.igmp.sendlocal: 1
  454. net.inet.igmp.v1enable: 1
  455. net.inet.igmp.v2enable: 1
  456. net.inet.igmp.legacysupp: 0
  457. net.inet.igmp.default_version: 3
  458. net.inet.igmp.gsrdelay: 10
  459. net.inet.igmp.debug: 0
  460. net.inet.tcp.rfc1644: 0
  461. net.inet.tcp.mssdflt: 512
  462. net.inet.tcp.keepidle: 7200000
  463. net.inet.tcp.keepintvl: 75000
  464. net.inet.tcp.sendspace: 131072
  465. net.inet.tcp.recvspace: 131072
  466. net.inet.tcp.keepinit: 75000
  467. net.inet.tcp.v6mssdflt: 1024
  468. net.inet.tcp.ecn_timeout: 60
  469. net.inet.tcp.clear_tfocache: 0
  470. net.inet.tcp.log_in_vain: 0
  471. net.inet.tcp.blackhole: 0
  472. net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack: 3
  473. net.inet.tcp.tcp_lq_overflow: 1
  474. net.inet.tcp.recvbg: 0
  475. net.inet.tcp.drop_synfin: 1
  476. net.inet.tcp.reass.overflows: 0
  477. net.inet.tcp.slowlink_wsize: 8192
  478. net.inet.tcp.maxseg_unacked: 8
  479. net.inet.tcp.rfc3465: 1
  480. net.inet.tcp.rfc3465_lim2: 1
  481. net.inet.tcp.recv_allowed_iaj: 5
  482. net.inet.tcp.doautorcvbuf: 1
  483. net.inet.tcp.autorcvbufmax: 1048576
  484. net.inet.tcp.lro: 0
  485. net.inet.tcp.lrodbg: 0
  486. net.inet.tcp.lro_startcnt: 4
  487. net.inet.tcp.rcvsspktcnt: 512
  488. net.inet.tcp.rexmt_thresh: 3
  489. net.inet.tcp.path_mtu_discovery: 1
  490. net.inet.tcp.slowstart_flightsize: 1
  491. net.inet.tcp.local_slowstart_flightsize: 8
  492. net.inet.tcp.tso: 1
  493. net.inet.tcp.ecn_initiate_out: 2
  494. net.inet.tcp.ecn_negotiate_in: 2
  495. net.inet.tcp.packetchain: 50
  496. net.inet.tcp.socket_unlocked_on_output: 1
  497. net.inet.tcp.rfc3390: 1
  498. net.inet.tcp.min_iaj_win: 4
  499. net.inet.tcp.acc_iaj_react_limit: 200
  500. net.inet.tcp.doautosndbuf: 1
  501. net.inet.tcp.autosndbufinc: 8192
  502. net.inet.tcp.autosndbufmax: 1048576
  503. net.inet.tcp.ack_prioritize: 1
  504. net.inet.tcp.rtt_recvbg: 1
  505. net.inet.tcp.recv_throttle_minwin: 16384
  506. net.inet.tcp.enable_tlp: 1
  507. net.inet.tcp.sack: 1
  508. net.inet.tcp.sack_maxholes: 128
  509. net.inet.tcp.sack_globalmaxholes: 65536
  510. net.inet.tcp.sack_globalholes: 0
  511. net.inet.tcp.fastopen_backlog: 10
  512. net.inet.tcp.fastopen: 3
  513. net.inet.tcp.fastopen_fallback_min: 10
  514. net.inet.tcp.minmss: 216
  515. net.inet.tcp.do_tcpdrain: 0
  516. net.inet.tcp.pcbcount: 36
  517. net.inet.tcp.tw_pcbcount: 0
  518. net.inet.tcp.icmp_may_rst: 1
  519. net.inet.tcp.rtt_min: 100
  520. net.inet.tcp.rexmt_slop: 200
  521. net.inet.tcp.randomize_ports: 0
  522. net.inet.tcp.win_scale_factor: 3
  523. net.inet.tcp.tcbhashsize: 4096
  524. net.inet.tcp.keepcnt: 8
  525. net.inet.tcp.msl: 15000
  526. net.inet.tcp.max_persist_timeout: 0
  527. net.inet.tcp.always_keepalive: 0
  528. net.inet.tcp.timer_fastmode_idlemax: 10
  529. net.inet.tcp.broken_peer_syn_rexmit_thres: 10
  530. net.inet.tcp.tcp_timer_advanced: 0
  531. net.inet.tcp.tcp_resched_timerlist: 39
  532. net.inet.tcp.pmtud_blackhole_detection: 1
  533. net.inet.tcp.pmtud_blackhole_mss: 1200
  534. net.inet.tcp.preconn_sbsz: 1024
  535. net.inet.tcp.cc_debug: 0
  536. net.inet.tcp.newreno_sockets: 0
  537. net.inet.tcp.background_sockets: 0
  538. net.inet.tcp.cubic_sockets: 36
  539. net.inet.tcp.use_newreno: 0
  540. net.inet.tcp.cubic_tcp_friendliness: 0
  541. net.inet.tcp.cubic_fast_convergence: 0
  542. net.inet.tcp.cubic_use_minrtt: 0
  543. net.inet.tcp.lro_sz: 8
  544. net.inet.tcp.lro_time: 10
  545. net.inet.tcp.bg_target_qdelay: 100
  546. net.inet.tcp.bg_allowed_increase: 8
  547. net.inet.tcp.bg_tether_shift: 1
  548. net.inet.tcp.bg_ss_fltsz: 2
  549. net.inet.udp.checksum: 1
  550. net.inet.udp.maxdgram: 9216
  551. net.inet.udp.recvspace: 196724
  552. net.inet.udp.log_in_vain: 0
  553. net.inet.udp.blackhole: 0
  554. net.inet.udp.pcbcount: 21
  555. net.inet.udp.randomize_ports: 1
  556. net.inet.ipsec.def_policy: 1
  557. net.inet.ipsec.esp_trans_deflev: 1
  558. net.inet.ipsec.esp_net_deflev: 1
  559. net.inet.ipsec.ah_trans_deflev: 1
  560. net.inet.ipsec.ah_net_deflev: 1
  561. net.inet.ipsec.ah_cleartos: 1
  562. net.inet.ipsec.ah_offsetmask: 0
  563. net.inet.ipsec.dfbit: 0
  564. net.inet.ipsec.ecn: 0
  565. net.inet.ipsec.debug: 0
  566. net.inet.ipsec.esp_randpad: -1
  567. net.inet.ipsec.bypass: 1
  568. net.inet.ipsec.esp_port: 4500
  569. net.inet.raw.maxdgram: 8192
  570. net.inet.raw.recvspace: 8192
  571. net.inet.raw.pcbcount: 1
  572. net.inet.mptcp.enable: 1
  573. net.inet.mptcp.mptcp_cap_retr: 2
  574. net.inet.mptcp.dss_csum: 0
  575. 1
  576. net.inet.mptcp.keepalive: 840
  577. net.inet.mptcp.mpprio: 1
  578. net.inet.mptcp.remaddr: 1
  579. net.inet.mptcp.fastjoin: 1
  580. net.inet.mptcp.zerortt_fastjoin: 0
  581. net.inet.mptcp.rwnotify: 0
  582. net.inet.mptcp.rtthist: 1
  583. net.inet.mptcp.rtthist_thresh: 600
  584. net.inet.mptcp.userto: 1
  585. net.inet.mptcp.rto_thresh: 1500
  586. net.inet.mptcp.use_peer: 1
  587. net.inet.mptcp.peerswitchno: 3
  588. net.inet.mptcp.probeto: 1000
  589. net.inet.mptcp.probecnt: 5
  590. net.inet.mptcp.dbg_area: 0
  591. net.inet.mptcp.dbg_level: 0
  592. net.inet.mptcp.pcbcount: 0
  593. net.inet.mptcp.sk_lim: 16
  594. net.inet.mptcp.delayed: 0
  595. net.inet.mptcp.usesymptoms: 1
  596. net.inet.mptcp.mp_preconn_sbsz: 1024
  597. net.inet.mptcp.force_64bit_dsn: 0
  598. net.inet.mptcp.rto: 3
  599. net.inet.mptcp.nrto: 3
  600. 60
  601. 5
  602. 0
  603. 0
  604. 0
  605. 128
  606. 256
  607. 2
  608. 1000000000
  609. 10000000
  610. 1000000
  611. 0
  612. 10
  613. 100
  614. 0
  615. 1
  616. 3
  617. 10
  618. 3
  619. 0
  620. 1
  621. 1
  622. 0
  623. 0
  624. 0
  625. 0
  626. 0
  627. 0
  628. 0
  629. 0
  630. 0
  631. 0
  632. 0
  633. 0
  634. 0
  635. 0
  636. 0
  637. 1
  638. 1
  639. 0
  640. 300
  641. 1200
  642. 20
  643. 30
  644. 5
  645. 5
  646. 1
  647. 0
  648. 0
  649. 0
  650. 1
  651. 1
  652. 0
  653. 1
  654. 1
  655. 0
  656. 300
  657. 2048
  658. 0
  659. 0
  660. 10
  661. 0
  662. 256
  663. 0
  664. 0
  665. 0
  666. 0
  667. 0
  668. 0
  669. 0
  670. net.key.debug: 0
  671. net.key.spi_trycnt: 1000
  672. net.key.spi_minval: 256
  673. net.key.spi_maxval: 268435455
  674. net.key.int_random: 60
  675. net.key.larval_lifetime: 30
  676. net.key.blockacq_count: 10
  677. net.key.blockacq_lifetime: 20
  678. net.key.esp_keymin: 256
  679. net.key.esp_auth: 0
  680. net.key.ah_keymin: 128
  681. net.key.prefered_oldsa: 0
  682. net.key.natt_keepalive_interval: 20
  683. net.inet6.ip6.forwarding: 0
  684. net.inet6.ip6.redirect: 1
  685. net.inet6.ip6.hlim: 64
  686. net.inet6.ip6.maxfragpackets: 1536
  687. net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv: 1
  688. net.inet6.ip6.keepfaith: 0
  689. net.inet6.ip6.log_interval: 5
  690. net.inet6.ip6.hdrnestlimit: 15
  691. net.inet6.ip6.dad_count: 1
  692. net.inet6.ip6.auto_flowlabel: 1
  693. net.inet6.ip6.defmcasthlim: 1
  694. net.inet6.ip6.gifhlim: 0
  695. net.inet6.ip6.kame_version: 2009/apple-darwin
  696. net.inet6.ip6.use_deprecated: 1
  697. net.inet6.ip6.rr_prune: 5
  698. net.inet6.ip6.v6only: 0
  699. net.inet6.ip6.rtexpire: 3600
  700. net.inet6.ip6.rtminexpire: 10
  701. net.inet6.ip6.rtmaxcache: 128
  702. net.inet6.ip6.use_tempaddr: 1
  703. net.inet6.ip6.temppltime: 86400
  704. net.inet6.ip6.tempvltime: 604800
  705. net.inet6.ip6.auto_linklocal: 1
  706. net.inet6.ip6.prefer_tempaddr: 1
  707. net.inet6.ip6.use_defaultzone: 0
  708. net.inet6.ip6.maxfrags: 3072
  709. net.inet6.ip6.mcast_pmtu: 0
  710. net.inet6.ip6.neighborgcthresh: 1024
  711. net.inet6.ip6.maxifprefixes: 16
  712. net.inet6.ip6.maxifdefrouters: 16
  713. net.inet6.ip6.maxdynroutes: 1024
  714. net.inet6.ip6.fragpackets: 0
  715. net.inet6.ip6.fw.enable: 1
  716. net.inet6.ip6.fw.debug: 0
  717. net.inet6.ip6.fw.verbose: 0
  718. net.inet6.ip6.fw.verbose_limit: 0
  719. net.inet6.ip6.scopedroute: 1
  720. net.inet6.ip6.adj_clear_hwcksum: 0
  721. net.inet6.ip6.input_perf: 0
  722. net.inet6.ip6.input_perf_bins: 0
  723. net.inet6.ip6.output_perf: 0
  724. net.inet6.ip6.output_perf_bins: 0
  725. net.inet6.ip6.select_srcif_debug: 0
  726. net.inet6.ip6.select_srcaddr_debug: 0
  727. net.inet6.ip6.select_src_expensive_secondary_if: 0
  728. net.inet6.ip6.mcast.maxgrpsrc: 512
  729. net.inet6.ip6.mcast.maxsocksrc: 128
  730. net.inet6.ip6.mcast.loop: 1
  731. net.inet6.ip6.only_allow_rfc4193_prefixes: 0
  732. net.inet6.ip6.maxchainsent: 1
  733. net.inet6.ipsec6.def_policy: 1
  734. net.inet6.ipsec6.esp_trans_deflev: 1
  735. net.inet6.ipsec6.esp_net_deflev: 1
  736. net.inet6.ipsec6.ah_trans_deflev: 1
  737. net.inet6.ipsec6.ah_net_deflev: 1
  738. net.inet6.ipsec6.ecn: 0
  739. net.inet6.ipsec6.debug: 0
  740. net.inet6.ipsec6.esp_randpad: -1
  741. net.inet6.icmp6.rediraccept: 0
  742. net.inet6.icmp6.redirtimeout: 600
  743. net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_prune: 1
  744. net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_delay: 5
  745. net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_umaxtries: 3
  746. net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_mmaxtries: 3
  747. net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_useloopback: 1
  748. net.inet6.icmp6.nodeinfo: 3
  749. net.inet6.icmp6.errppslimit: 500
  750. net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_debug: 0
  751. net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_accept_6to4: 1
  752. net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_optimistic_dad: 63
  753. net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_onlink_ns_rfc4861: 0
  754. net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_prune_lazy: 5
  755. net.inet6.icmp6.rappslimit: 10
  756. net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_llreach_base: 30
  757. net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_maxsolstgt: 8
  758. net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_maxproxiedsol: 4
  759. net.inet6.icmp6.prproxy_cnt: 0
  760. net.inet6.mld.gsrdelay: 10
  761. net.inet6.mld.v1enable: 1
  762. net.inet6.mld.v2enable: 1
  763. net.inet6.mld.use_allow: 1
  764. net.inet6.mld.debug: 0
  765. net.inet6.send.opstate: 0
  766. net.inet6.send.opmode: 0
  767. net.systm.kctl.autorcvbufmax: 262144
  768. net.systm.kctl.autorcvbufhigh: 0
  769. net.systm.kctl.debug: 0
  770. net.ndrv_multi_max_count: 1024
  771. net.route.verbose: 0
  772. net.statistics: 1
  773. net.statistics_privcheck: 0
  774. net.stats.debug: 0
  775. net.stats.sendspace: 2048
  776. net.stats.recvspace: 8192
  777. net.necp.drop_all_level: 0
  778. net.necp.debug: 0
  779. net.necp.pass_loopback: 1
  780. net.necp.pass_keepalives: 1
  781. net.necp.socket_policy_count: 1
  782. net.necp.socket_non_app_policy_count: 1
  783. net.necp.ip_policy_count: 0
  784. net.necp.session_count: 3
  785. net.netagent.debug: 5
  786. net.netagent.registered_count: 1
  787. net.netagent.active_count: 0
  788. net.cfil.log: 3
  789. net.cfil.debug: 1
  790. net.cfil.sock_attached_count: 0
  791. net.cfil.active_count: 0
  792. net.cfil.close_wait_timeout: 1000
  793. net.cfil.sbtrim: 1
  794. net.pktmnglr.log: 3
  795. net.classq.verbose: 0
  796. net.classq.sfb.holdtime: 0
  797. net.classq.sfb.pboxtime: 0
  798. net.classq.sfb.hinterval: 0
  799. net.classq.sfb.target_qdelay: 0
  800. net.classq.sfb.update_interval: 0
  801. net.classq.sfb.increment: 82
  802. net.classq.sfb.decrement: 16
  803. net.classq.sfb.allocation: 0
  804. net.classq.sfb.ratelimit: 0
  805. net.pktsched.verbose: 0
  806. net.alf.loglevel: 55
  807. net.alf.perm: 0
  808. net.alf.defaultaction: 1
  809. net.alf.mqcount: 0
  810. debug.lowpri_throttle_max_iosize: 131072
  811. debug.lowpri_throttle_tier1_window_msecs: 25
  812. debug.lowpri_throttle_tier2_window_msecs: 100
  813. debug.lowpri_throttle_tier3_window_msecs: 500
  814. debug.lowpri_throttle_tier1_io_period_msecs: 15
  815. debug.lowpri_throttle_tier2_io_period_msecs: 50
  816. debug.lowpri_throttle_tier3_io_period_msecs: 200
  817. debug.lowpri_throttle_tier1_io_period_ssd_msecs: 5
  818. debug.lowpri_throttle_tier2_io_period_ssd_msecs: 15
  819. debug.lowpri_throttle_tier3_io_period_ssd_msecs: 25
  820. debug.lowpri_throttle_enabled: 1
  821. debug.bpf_bufsize: 4096
  822. debug.bpf_maxbufsize: 524288
  823. debug.bpf_maxdevices: 256
  824. debug.bpf_wantpktap: 0
  825. debug.bpf_debug: 0
  826. debug.sched: 0
  827. debug.toggle_address_reuse: 0
  828. debug.ptracedeny_enabled: 1
  829. debug.sys_override_enabled: 1
  830. debug.kextlog: 4083
  831. debug.swd_kext_name:
  832. debug.swd_delay_type:
  833. debug.swd_delay_duration: 0
  834. debug.iokit: 0
  835. debug.iotrace: 0
  836. debug.darkwake: 3
  837. debug.noidle: 0
  838. debug.wdtlog: 29i0 29r1236
  839. hw.ncpu: 8
  840. hw.byteorder: 1234
  841. hw.memsize: 8589934592
  842. hw.activecpu: 8
  843. hw.targettype:
  844. hw.physicalcpu: 8
  845. hw.physicalcpu_max: 8
  846. hw.logicalcpu: 8
  847. hw.logicalcpu_max: 8
  848. hw.cputype: 7
  849. hw.cpusubtype: 4
  850. hw.cpu64bit_capable: 1
  851. hw.cpufamily: 2028621756
  852. hw.cacheconfig: 8 1 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
  853. hw.cachesize: 8589934592 16384 2097152 8388608 0 0 0 0 0 0
  854. hw.pagesize: 4096
  855. hw.pagesize32: 4096
  856. hw.busfrequency: 800000000
  857. hw.busfrequency_min: 800000000
  858. hw.busfrequency_max: 800000000
  859. hw.cpufrequency: 4000000000
  860. hw.cpufrequency_min: 4000000000
  861. hw.cpufrequency_max: 4000000000
  862. hw.cachelinesize: 64
  863. hw.l1icachesize: 65536
  864. hw.l1dcachesize: 16384
  865. hw.l2cachesize: 2097152
  866. hw.l3cachesize: 8388608
  867. hw.tbfrequency: 1000000000
  868. hw.packages: 1
  869. hw.optional.floatingpoint: 1
  870. hw.optional.mmx: 1
  871. hw.optional.sse: 1
  872. hw.optional.sse2: 1
  873. hw.optional.sse3: 1
  874. hw.optional.supplementalsse3: 1
  875. hw.optional.sse4_1: 1
  876. hw.optional.sse4_2: 1
  877. hw.optional.x86_64: 1
  878. hw.optional.aes: 1
  879. hw.optional.avx1_0: 1
  880. hw.optional.rdrand: 0
  881. hw.optional.f16c: 1
  882. hw.optional.enfstrg: 0
  883. hw.optional.fma: 1
  884. hw.optional.avx2_0: 0
  885. hw.optional.bmi1: 0
  886. hw.optional.bmi2: 0
  887. hw.optional.rtm: 0
  888. hw.optional.hle: 0
  889. hw.optional.adx: 1
  890. hw.optional.mpx: 0
  891. hw.optional.sgx: 0
  892. machdep.user_idle_level: 0
  893. machdep.cpu.max_basic: 13
  894. machdep.cpu.max_ext: 2147483678
  895. machdep.cpu.brand_string: AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor
  896. 21
  897. machdep.cpu.model: 2
  898. machdep.cpu.extmodel: 0
  899. machdep.cpu.extfamily: 6
  900. machdep.cpu.stepping: 0
  901. machdep.cpu.feature_bits: 4510410050033613823
  902. machdep.cpu.extfeature_bits: 138415316303870975
  903. machdep.cpu.signature: 6295328
  904. machdep.cpu.brand: 0
  906. machdep.cpu.extfeatures: SYSCALL EM64T LAHF LZCNT RDTSCP
  907. machdep.cpu.logical_per_package: 8
  908. machdep.cpu.cores_per_package: 8
  909. machdep.cpu.microcode_version: 21
  910. machdep.cpu.processor_flag: 0
  911. machdep.cpu.mwait.linesize_min: 64
  912. machdep.cpu.mwait.linesize_max: 64
  913. machdep.cpu.mwait.extensions: 3
  914. machdep.cpu.mwait.sub_Cstates: 0
  915. machdep.cpu.thermal.sensor: 0
  916. machdep.cpu.thermal.dynamic_acceleration: 0
  917. machdep.cpu.thermal.invariant_APIC_timer: 0
  918. machdep.cpu.thermal.thresholds: 0
  919. machdep.cpu.thermal.ACNT_MCNT: 1
  920. machdep.cpu.thermal.core_power_limits: 0
  921. machdep.cpu.thermal.fine_grain_clock_mod: 0
  922. machdep.cpu.thermal.package_thermal_intr: 0
  923. machdep.cpu.thermal.hardware_feedback: 0
  924. machdep.cpu.thermal.energy_policy: 0
  925. machdep.cpu.xsave.extended_state: 7 832 960 1073741824
  926. machdep.cpu.xsave.extended_state1: 0 0 0 0
  927. machdep.cpu.arch_perf.version: 0
  928. machdep.cpu.arch_perf.number: 0
  929. machdep.cpu.arch_perf.width: 0
  930. machdep.cpu.arch_perf.events_number: 0
  931. 0
  932. machdep.cpu.arch_perf.fixed_number: 0
  933. machdep.cpu.arch_perf.fixed_width: 0
  934. machdep.cpu.cache.linesize: 64
  935. machdep.cpu.cache.L2_associativity: 16
  936. machdep.cpu.cache.size: 2048
  937. machdep.cpu.tlb.inst.small: 48
  938. machdep.cpu.tlb.inst.large: 24
  939. 64
  940. 1024
  941. 64
  942. 1024
  943. machdep.cpu.address_bits.physical: 48
  944. machdep.cpu.address_bits.virtual: 48
  945. machdep.cpu.core_count: 8
  946. machdep.cpu.thread_count: 8
  947. machdep.cpu.tsc_ccc.numerator: 0
  948. machdep.cpu.tsc_ccc.denominator: 0
  949. machdep.vectors.timer: 221
  950. machdep.vectors.IPI: 222
  951. machdep.pmap.hashwalks: 209332
  952. machdep.pmap.hashcnts: 342106
  953. machdep.pmap.hashmax: 16
  954. machdep.pmap.kernel_text_ps: 2097152
  955. machdep.pmap.kern_pv_reserve: 8000
  956. machdep.memmap.Conventional: 8564867072
  957. machdep.memmap.RuntimeServices: 2097152
  958. machdep.memmap.ACPIReclaim: 577536
  959. machdep.memmap.ACPINVS: 45056
  960. machdep.memmap.PalCode: 0
  961. machdep.memmap.Reserved: 290455552
  962. machdep.memmap.Unusable: 0
  963. machdep.memmap.Other: 0
  964. machdep.tsc.frequency: 4000000000
  965. machdep.tsc.deep_idle_rebase: 1
  966. machdep.tsc.at_boot: 0
  967. machdep.tsc.rebase_abs_time: 38959284151
  968. machdep.tsc.nanotime.tsc_base: 155837136735
  969. machdep.tsc.nanotime.ns_base: 0
  970. machdep.tsc.nanotime.scale: 1073741824
  971. machdep.tsc.nanotime.shift: 0
  972. machdep.tsc.nanotime.generation: 2
  973. machdep.misc.panic_restart_timeout: 1266874889
  974. machdep.misc.interrupt_latency_max: 0x0 0xde 0x149a8c
  975. machdep.misc.machine_check_panic:
  976. machdep.misc.timer_queue_trace:
  977. machdep.misc.nmis: 0
  978. machdep.eager_timer_evaluations: 42
  979. machdep.eager_timer_evaluation_max: 1404904
  980. audit.session.superuser_set_sflags_mask: 24576
  981. audit.session.superuser_clear_sflags_mask: 24576
  982. audit.session.member_set_sflags_mask: 0
  983. audit.session.member_clear_sflags_mask: 16384
  984. kperf.blessed_pid: -1
  985. kperf.debug_level: 0
  986. kpc.classes: 3
  987. security.mac.sandbox.sentinel: .sb-cda7735b
  988. security.mac.sandbox.audio_active: 0
  989. security.mac.qtn.sandbox_enforce: 1
  990. security.mac.qtn.user_approved_exec: 1
  991. security.mac.max_slots: 7
  992. security.mac.labelvnodes: 0
  993. security.mac.mmap_revocation: 0
  994. security.mac.mmap_revocation_via_cow: 0
  995. security.mac.device_enforce: 1
  996. security.mac.pipe_enforce: 1
  997. security.mac.posixsem_enforce: 1
  998. security.mac.posixshm_enforce: 1
  999. security.mac.proc_enforce: 1
  1000. security.mac.socket_enforce: 1
  1001. security.mac.system_enforce: 1
  1002. security.mac.sysvmsg_enforce: 1
  1003. security.mac.sysvsem_enforce: 1
  1004. security.mac.sysvshm_enforce: 1
  1005. security.mac.vm_enforce: 1
  1006. security.mac.vnode_enforce: 1
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