
New TreysCommandBlocker config

Apr 25th, 2019
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  1. DisabledCommands:
  2. Plugins:
  3. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  4. Permission: cb.allow.plugins
  5. Pl:
  6. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  7. Permission: cb.allow.plugins
  8. Bukkit%colon%plugins:
  9. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  10. Permission: cb.allow.plugins
  11. Bukkit%colon%pl:
  12. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  13. Permission: cb.allow.plugins
  14. Bukkit%colon%help:
  15. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  16. Permission:
  17. Bukkit%colon%?:
  18. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  19. Permission:
  20. Minecraft%colon%?:
  21. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  22. Permission:
  23. Minecraft%colon%help:
  24. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  25. Permission:
  26. Version:
  27. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  28. Permission: cb.allow.version
  29. Ver:
  30. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  31. Permission: cb.allow.version
  32. Icanhasbukkit:
  33. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  34. Permission: cb.allow.version
  35. Bukkit%colon%ver:
  36. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  37. Permission: cb.allow.version
  38. Bukkit%colon%version:
  39. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  40. Permission: cb.allow.version
  41. About:
  42. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  43. Permission: cb.allow.version
  44. Bukkit%colon%about:
  45. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  46. Permission: cb.allow.version
  47. Minecraft%colon%me:
  48. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  49. Permission:
  50. Reload:
  51. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  52. Permission: cb.allow.reload
  53. Rl:
  54. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  55. Permission: cb.allow.reload
  56. Bukkit%colon%rl:
  57. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  58. Permission: cb.allow.reload
  59. Bukkit%colon%reload:
  60. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  61. Permission: cb.allow.reload
  62. Restart:
  63. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  64. Permission: cb.allow.restart
  65. Stop:
  66. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  67. Permission: cb.allow.stop
  68. Op:
  69. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  70. Permission: cb.allow.op
  71. Minecraft%colon%op:
  72. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  73. Permission: cb.allow.op
  74. Deop:
  75. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  76. Permission: cb.allow.deop
  77. Minecraft%colon%deop:
  78. Message: 'I''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrator if you believe that this is in error.'
  79. Permission: cb.allow.deop
  80. AAC:
  81. Message: '&r&9Hello. I am our anticheat &d&lBig&5&lSister&r&9. Please don''t hack or else I will have to &cban&r you. You wouldn''t want that now, would you.'
  82. Permission: cb.allow.aac
  83. AACunban:
  84. Message: 'Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.'
  85. Permission: cb.allow.aac
  86. AACban:
  87. Message: 'Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.'
  88. Permission: cb.allow.aac
  89. AACkick:
  90. Message: 'Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.'
  91. Permission: cb.allow.aac
  92. AACadmin:
  93. Message: 'Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.'
  94. Permission: cb.allow.aac
  95. AACreload:
  96. Message: 'Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.'
  97. Permission: cb.allow.aac
  98. AACdebug:
  99. Message: 'Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.'
  100. Permission: cb.allow.aac
  101. AACverbose:
  102. Message: 'Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.'
  103. Permission: cb.allow.aac
  104. AACmessage:
  105. Message: 'Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.'
  106. Permission: cb.allow.aac
  107. AACstaffnotify:
  108. Message: 'Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.'
  109. Permission: cb.allow.aac
  110. AACrestorechunk:
  111. Message: 'Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.'
  112. Permission: cb.allow.aac
  113. Spartan:
  114. Message: '&r&9Hello. I am our anticheat &d&lBig&5&lSister&r&9. Please don''t hack or else I will have to &cban&r you. You wouldn''t want that now, would you.'
  115. Permission: cb.allow.spartan
  116. Reflex:
  117. Message: '&r&9Hello. I am our anticheat &d&lBig&5&lSister&r&9. Please don''t hack or else I will have to &cban&r you. You wouldn''t want that now, would you.'
  118. Permission: cb.allow.reflex
  119. ncp:
  120. Message: '&r&9Hello. I am our anticheat &d&lBig&5&lSister&r&9. Please don''t hack or else I will have to &cban&r you. You wouldn''t want that now, would you.'
  121. Permission: cb.allow.ncp
  122. nocheatplus:
  123. Message: '&r&9Hello. I am our anticheat &d&lBig&5&lSister&r&9. Please don''t hack or else I will have to &cban&r you. You wouldn''t want that now, would you.'
  124. Permission: cb.allow.ncp
  125. nocheatplus%colon%ncp:
  126. Message: '&r&9Hello. I am our anticheat &d&lBig&5&lSister&r&9. Please don''t hack or else I will have to &cban&r you. You wouldn''t want that now, would you.'
  127. Permission: cb.allow.ncp
  128. nocheatplus%colon%nocheatplus:
  129. Message: '&r&9Hello. I am our anticheat &d&lBig&5&lSister&r&9. Please don''t hack or else I will have to &cban&r you. You wouldn''t want that now, would you.'
  130. Permission: cb.allow.ncp
  131. wc:
  132. Message: '&r&9Hello. I am our anticheat &d&lBig&5&lSister&r&9. Please don''t hack or else I will have to &cban&r you. You wouldn''t want that now, would you.'
  133. Permission: cb.allow.wc
  134. watchcat:
  135. Message: '&r&9Hello. I am our anticheat &d&lBig&5&lSister&r&9. Please don''t hack or else I will have to &cban&r you. You wouldn''t want that now, would you.'
  136. Permission: cb.allow.wc
  137. horizon:
  138. Message: '&r&9Hello. I am our anticheat &d&lBig&5&lSister&r&9. Please don''t hack or else I will have to &cban&r you. You wouldn''t want that now, would you.'
  139. Permission: cb.allow.hori
  140. roblox:
  141. Message: '&rWell Fuck you then.'
  142. Permission: cb.allow.roblox
  143. fortnite:
  144. Message: '&rWell Fuck you then.'
  145. Permission: cb.allow.fartnut
  146. matrix:
  147. Message: '&r&9Hello. I am our anticheat &d&lBig&5&lSister&r&9. Please don''t hack or else I will have to &cban&r you. You wouldn''t want that now, would you.'
  148. Permission:
  149. anticheat:
  150. Message: '&r&9Hello. I am our anticheat &d&lBig&5&lSister&r&9. Please don''t hack or else I will have to &cban&r you. You wouldn''t want that now, would you.'
  151. Permission:
  152. iris:
  153. Message: '&r&9Hello. I am our anticheat &d&lBig&5&lSister&r&9. Please don''t hack or else I will have to &cban&r you. You wouldn''t want that now, would you.'
  154. Permission: cb.allow.iris
  155. fiona:
  156. Message: '&r&9Hello. I am our anticheat &d&lBig&5&lSister&r&9. Please don''t hack or else I will have to &cban&r you. You wouldn''t want that now, would you.'
  157. Permission: cb.allow.fiona
  158. kauri:
  159. Message: '&r&9Hello. I am our anticheat &d&lBig&5&lSister&r&9. Please don''t hack or else I will have to &cban&r you. You wouldn''t want that now, would you.'
  160. Permission: cb.allow.kauri
  161. bigsis:
  162. Message: '&r&9Hello. I am our anticheat &d&lBig&5&lSister&r&9. Please don''t hack or else I will have to &cban&r you. You wouldn''t want that now, would you.'
  163. Permission:
  164. bigsister:
  165. Message: '&r&9Hello. I am our anticheat &d&lBig&5&lSister&r&9. Please don''t hack or else I will have to &cban&r you. You wouldn''t want that now, would you.'
  166. Permission:
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