
Toadette Versus The Giga Lakitu

Aug 7th, 2015
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  1. Toadette hummed merrily as she was in the classic World 1-1 from the original SMB1 itself, jumping onto Goombas and collecting mushrooms of all different sorts as she came across the third platform, jumping over the two Goombas as she spotted a green shelled Koopa Troopa on all four of his legs. She gasped as she recognized the Koopa.
  3. "Hey! Aren't you the first ever Koopa Troopa?" Toadette exclaimed as she ran up to the turtle, moving her hands about in an excited manner. "I have heard so much about you!"
  5. The Koopa chuckled as he shook his head. "Well, the correction is that I'm the first Koopa Troopa of Super Mario Brothers, not the first Koopa in all of Mario." He then cleared his throat as he rolled his front left leg. "And for the record, I'm just a generic enemy whose only purpose is to be used as an item against the other generic enemies, which in this case are all Goombas."
  7. "Ooh..." Toadette murmured in excitement as she held her hands together. "So, what's your name, Mr. First Koopa of SMB?"
  9. "...It's a tad embarrassing, but... what the hey." The Koopa sheepishly admitted as he stood up on his two rear legs, stretching his front limbs and treating them as arms as he placed them on his hips. "I'm Kyla Koopa."
  11. "...Kyla Koopa?" Toadette gawked as she placed her hands on her hips, tilting her head to the right. "That sounds familiar, for some reason."
  13. "That's because he's my uncle." Kylie Koopa stated, suddenly appearing behind Toadette.
  15. Toadette screamed as she jumped into Kyla's arms, being shocked. "Eep! When did you show up!?"
  17. Kylie laughed as he had her left hand on her hip, moving her right hand up and down. "I was just going around the various levels in the Mushroom Kingdom used in the first SMB game, taking pictures to see how different they looked from the rest of the Mushroom Kingdom. I didn't expect to bump into my uncle here!"
  19. "Well, Kylie, you definitely grew up to be a great photographer, just like you always wanted to." Kyla commented as he placed Toadette down, placing his hands on Kylie's shoulders. "Your parents would be proud."
  21. As Kylie took comfort in Kyla's words, the ground shook violently. Toadette, Kylie, and Kyla all gawked as they turned around, to see an obese Lakitu with a crown riding a dark purple cloud, laughing as he towered over everything.
  23. "Great Scott!" Kyla exclaimed as he pointed at the Giga Lakitu. "It's the monarch of all Lakitus! King Lakitu!"
  25. "Yipes!" Toadette gulped as she trembled with fright, noting the booming thunder as the blue skies were replaced with dark thunderclouds.
  27. Kylie gasped as she took out her pink camera, running up to the Giga Lakitu. "What a scoop! I have to get this!"
  29. "Kylie, no!" Toadette and Kyla exclaimed, as the Giga Lakitu fired a spiny egg at Kylie, knocking her back. Toadette yelped as she knew that a battle was coming on, with Giga Lakitu moving his fingertips in a sinister manner.
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