
Cosmic log 1

Dec 26th, 2019
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  1. [21:16] Dillion Endore asks, "Where do I sign up to be a Cadet?"
  2. [21:17] Grella says, "...Well."
  3. [21:17] Grella says, "For that a Knight will have to approve you."
  4. [21:17] Grella says, "It is not that easy."
  5. [21:17] Xiphos asks, "It isn't?"
  6. [21:17] Grella says, "It's not as simple as just enllisting. A Knight have to approve you and stuff."
  7. [21:18] Grella says, "Maybe you have to catch one's eye."
  8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [21:18] Dillion Endore asks, "What kind of test?"
  10. [21:18] Grella says, "But the training to become a Knight is what really matters."
  11. [21:18] Grella says, "I don't know..."
  12. [21:18] Grella says, "It depends on the Knight, mhm."
  13. [21:18] Grella says, "I myself ask for the motivations, abilities, interests..."
  14. [21:18] Grella says, "And then i test the candidate on a Sparring match."
  15. [21:18] Grella says, "If they're too weak it's deny."
  16. [21:19] Dillion Endore asks, "Hm? are you looking for one?"
  18. [21:47] Grella asks, "What is it, hm??"
  19. [21:47] Dillion Endore says, "I ask if you were looking."
  20. [21:49] Grella says, "I wasn't."
  21. [21:49] Grella asks, "Well... Do you want to enlist right?"
  22. [21:49] Grella asks, "Mind following me?"
  23. [21:49] Dillion Endore says, "Alright."
  24. [21:50] Dillion Endore says, "Also, yes I do want to enlist."
  25. [21:56] Grella would reach out for the Petrakis Castle, stopping once they entered the first part of it, in the road that divided the Garden of the place, with bth her hands behind her back as she allowed for her Palegold light overflow through her being, weaving her gaze across Dilion Endore.
  27. "Okay, the first thing... Why do you seek to enlist on the Order of the First Light? You may know that... Our training Routine is not really the easiest, and you may even up not even graduating." She gives her honest opinion as only 10 to 20% of the ones that enlist becomes Knights, the rest, Soldiers.
  29. "You will have zero authority into cadethood and will likely be a Squire to a Knight or a Squadron. It will be a torture, as you will have to wake up every morning and immediately head to the barracks for training, and learning the law, history, ettiquete, etc. It is... Not a really good experience, if you don't have will." She gave another shrug.
  31. "What are your reasons, why do you want to enlist on the most prestigious military of the country? Your answer can end up forcing me to dismiss you right after, be honest, and think wisely on what you're saying."
  32. (Grella)
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. [22:06] Dillion was faced with a question that didn't seem that hard nor did the training she mentioned about a moment ago, but his answer would define weather nor not she'd continue to deal with him.
  36. Dillion took a deep breath thinking about what a good answer world be, but he quickly paused and spoke his mind.
  38. "I've been learning how to control every magic that deal with the attunement of earth, and I spend all my time study. One of my family members is a Knight, and I feel that I can put my skills to use doing something productive instead of sitting on my butt all day.
  40. What's the point of learning different magic, spending all my time studying, and taking trips to dangerous places if I can't give back to the city.
  42. I couldn't have done any of this if it wasn't for the people take time out of their day to point me in the right direction. So, I want to give back to them while pursing a goal that pushes me to be better the next day.
  44. I want to continue to improve myself, and not pushing for high goals will always keep me as I am. I want to see change, and I want to be a person that makes change instead of talking about what he wished change.
  46. My reason won't change weather I become a Cadet or not, weather the training is difficult or not. I have the will o push on no matter what might be in my way.
  48. and excuse me if my words might be rude, but even you."
  50. Dillion stopped waiting to see her response.
  51. (Dillion Endore)
  52. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  54. [22:16] Grella had her eyes on him, scanning him all across his frame, from the tip of his head, to the very end of his feet, armor, whole set and the equipments he carried, it was all important to know his profile.
  56. "Well, so you want to Enlist on the Order because you want to do something? Beacuse you want to use your powers to do something and because you want to achieve higher goals? I am sorry, i dont think this exactly fits the Knighthood order..." She would begin to explain, not immediately dismissing him as Grella is Always soft and Kind, even if she wants to hide it for now...
  58. "The Order sacrifices their lives everyday, i've got a scar on my back from Ygor of the Syndicate, and my body is covered in Rhoynish tattoos that cursed me for a long time by the hands of another member of the Syndicate, Raven. I almost killed an Occultist of the enemy and have watched many of my friends being crippled, the Death of two Knights, Soma and Jasper, is still recenton the Order's memory." Her hand fell behind her frame, both her arms behind it, crossed, touching by the wrist as she begins to walk.
  60. Grella circles Dillion.
  62. "Your Reason is more fit for a City Watch... One that would join the Order, is probably that one who is up to killing himself for the good of the Nation, sacrificing himself to do righteous things, to fight for Leonadeous's light and the Crown. This is not a Job. This is sometimes, even, destiny. A Mission that puts your life in the line. Are you sure you want this?"
  63. (Grella)
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. [22:23] Dillion frowns at the woman as he explanation wasn't something he rather liked, but he couldn't control people's words, could he? Dillion took a deep breath.
  68. "Something that puts my life on the line? That wouldn't be a reason I'd back out of it. My everyday life is like that or I feel like it is on the inside, and I've learned that the hard way.
  70. I've got no scars or notable battles unlike you, and you might have that drive from those battles that putting your life on the line is easy for you.
  72. It's also easy to overlook a person because they like the experience or their reasons that fit with the overall goal of a Knight in your mind.
  74. I'm sure this is something that I want, and putting my life on the line isn't something that would push me away from it. It gives me a chance to grow and learn new things even if it's in dangerous combat that comes with beings a Knight."
  76. Rhea might have been right about one thing about her brother he was knowledge hungry and would do anything to achieve his goals. He could see what she meant, but he didn't back down.
  78. "Now that you have my answer I'm ready to move forward."
  79. (Dillion Endore)
  80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. [22:32] "You are rather Selfish..."
  84. It was just a comment.
  86. "I doubt that self improvmenet is one of the things we search for when enlisting someone to become a Cadet of the Order, most of our ranks are filled with people that want to do the good for the nation, yet i noticed that you want to do something, you want to be useful..." Well, Grella had now one reason to dismiss him, but she wouldnt.
  88. "I could dismiss you, but i will not, because i still feel like you can do something, because you want to make a difference, it is already more than half the people on this country, for that, you have my respect... And a Chance..." The Knight would say, taking out her Spear out of her back.
  90. "It is simple. If you defeat me on a Sparring match, you will join the Order as a Cadet, if you do so, three years and we will consider making you a Knight. If not, well, you will be dismissed and i will have to ask you to try again the next year or something... Or just go to the City Watch." A shrug given.
  92. "Are you okay with this?"
  93. (Grella)
  94. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  96. [22:36] Dillion pulled his staff from his back while channeling his magic to a center point. He's never really fought before, but he wasn't going to back down from a battle.
  98. "My reasons are to help the nation, and better myself at the same time and that might come off as selfish to you. I promise you that I only will do what's best for the nation weather or not if it kills me or not."
  100. Dillion took a deep breath.
  102. "I've got to stick to my goals, but I can accepted that I might need a little improvement. I'm basically doing this on my own so forgive me if my answers weren't to your standards."
  104. Dillion felt a littler nervous about the whole sparring thing, but he wouldn't turn back.
  106. "I'm ready when you are."
  107. (Dillion Endore)
  108. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. [22:37] Dillion Endore says, "<I got this>"
  111. [22:41] Dillion Endore says, "<Don't go out like this....>"
  112. [22:53] It was a though fight.
  114. Yet her inevitable victory would come, she was fighting a Young child after all, and as she noticed how big the initial beating was, the Endore may notice how she was restraining herself by the tail end of the fight, it was visible that she was taking some blows on purpose, and even missed a few blows, and got lighter on her strikes during the intercourse of the battle.
  116. "Interesting..." She points out upon noticing the Sand that this one could use, Grella was starting to get slightly interested on the boy, she begins to stratch on her chin upon noticing that he used that particularly interesting kind of magic.
  118. ...And as she stated, she would throw him away with a powerful Tidal Wave, thus declaring her the winner of the fight, and as for now, she had to fullfil what she said.
  120. "Well... I am sorry, but i have to stand out to my word. You are denied on the Order of the First Light for now, however... I couldn't stop to notice how interesting your fighting Style is... Do you mind tagging along with me? I have a few last things to do and say before dismissing you." The woman would say as she marched out towards the Barracks of the First Light, not even looking back.
  121. (Grella)
  122. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  124. [23:01] Dillion fought as had as he could using his sand attunement to push the woman back in the fight, but her cosmic magic was far too power for him. He couldn't back down just yet.
  125. Dillion did kind of a little dance on the field and with each step the earth begin to shift breaking into grains, he'd then entrap the woman in the sandy ground.
  127. "I'm not going to give up yet! Stand still for me...!" he'd shout as he sent balls of sand into the air "Giga rise!" he'd then put himself into a cocoon of sand "GIGA FALL!" he'd send sand raining down the area to attack the woman creating a little sandstorm of sorts.
  129. Though it didn't matter she was one step ahead of him and finished him off with a wave, and that was it. Any dreams he had was over, and he wasn't strong enough to get what he wanted out of life.
  131. Dillion wanted to tear up, but he'd save that for later where she couldn't see him.
  133. The boy slowly stood up looking back at her.
  135. "Well, I guess I wasn't stronger enough my ambitions didn't match my skill...โ€ฆthank you for the opportunity though."
  137. Dillion followed behind her. "I'll follow you."
  138. (Dillion Endore)
  139. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  141. [23:10] The woman would casually bring the former, now failed candidate towards the Barracks, not really telling anything that she had in mind to the Sand magi... The woman was calm and exhaled an air of nobility, as she held the protection of a Heroic Star, the Rosegold Overdrive, proudly.
  143. Reflecting the light of an Astor Noble, even not being or serving anyone of them, she was a Knight, as many of the ones that come from that house also are destined to be, which made her feel honestly very proud of herself, and she didn't fear carrying that cloak of Cosmic Energy as a trophy anymore.
  145. "You have will, but honestly, you lack the convictions. I heared that you seek to aid the Kingdom, but really if you are willing to do something, i believe that you can be shaped. If there is something that can show you, that being a Knight holds a much bigger meaning than just 'doing' something well, that thing lies on the Skies above. Being a Knight is not a Job to 'do something', or to improve. Those two can be easily done in the City Watch, and you have to understand that we are not the 'police.' We are the sword of Osrona, the Sword of Leonaus." She was being slightly biased, though.
  147. Her arms were crossed as she supports her back by the wall.
  149. "You are no Cadet or a Member of the First Light Order, and won't be until i give you a Second Chance on the years to come, but... That will only come over observation and guidance. Let me present myself." Grella would bend lightly to him, nodding respectfully the one she now planned to train.
  151. "I am Dame Grella Lichtenstein, of Myrmidons, Knight of the First Light Order and the Choosen one of the Zephyr, the White Star of Heroism. And i believe that even if you have the will to do something more for your country, you still need something greater. Tell me, do you even have a goal for your life? What do you think is your Destiny?"
  152. (Grella)
  153. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  155. [23:21] Dillion knew he wasn't going to be a Cadet more so after she told him that he failed the test, and she told him that his want to do for the city doesn't fit what a Knight.
  156. Dillion didn't know what to really say since she basically broken his words down at face value, what could he say? What could he do? Dillion needed to say something.
  158. "I lack a lot of things, and from our fight I'm sure you gathered that from my lack of magical form or how I combined my magic. My goals fit that of a guard, but my goal is to be a Knight."
  160. Dillion paused.
  162. "My goal? My goal was to learn to attune myself better with earth, and I've achieved that, but now my goal is..." Dillion paused. "My goal is to..." Dillion expect this to be that hard.
  164. "My Destiny is something I can't control, and a series of events lead me here. I'm sure that I'm here for a reason speaking with you, so my Destiny is still intact, and if this wasn't my Destiny then I wouldn't be here...
  166. My Destiny is to become a Knight no matter the cost."
  168. Dillion though about his goal.
  170. "My goals didn't fit what being a Knight was about, so my goal is to learn what being a Knight means, and follow that path.
  172. not blindly list my personal goals and slap Knight on them to make them fit."
  173. (Dillion Endore)
  174. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  176. [23:21] Dillion Endore says, "I didn't say, but my name is Dillion Endore."
  177. [23:22] Grella says, "Pleased to meet, Dilion."
  178. [23:31] The Lichtenstein takes a few steps back, turning her back as she looked down at the wall, there were a few stuffs pinned on it, papers, tasks and other stuffs that came out to the interest of possible Knights and Soldiers.
  180. "Well, i wonder why you really think that the Order fits you better than the City Watch, i told that we were not simply about 'doing something', indeed, we are not. A Knight is someone calm, peaceful, and that should Always bring safety to the others around." She begins to explain as her shroud gets warmer, and that warmth would spread all across the room.
  182. It was welcoming.
  184. "A Knight has to serve the people. Never rise it's sword against the ones they are to protect. That's why i talked about giving their life. It is not about just 'doing something', or improving..." She takes a sigh, digging deep into the past.
  186. "I've already seen a few friends of mine, one that is an Exarch to this day, being mocked in public and even hitted once, but restrained himself from exercising authority, as it was just a simple child being mad at him. Of course the kid was punished, but the key is: A Knight must never be a stone in the way of the people, and must Always know how to control himself. We work with the Chruch, while the Church are the walls of our culture's castle, we, the Order, should be the Sword and the Shields, the soldiers to protect it, to protect and serve our people, we, Dillion, are an Example."
  188. She gets to turn towards him, resting her elbows over the table behind of her as she gets more casual.
  190. "I can give you my reasons for joining the Order. The context: The rebellion of the Syndicate. The terrourist Group acted mostly on Sudbury, the place i came from. They spreaded out people and their chaos. I hated to see the people of Osrona mocking each other and throwing away cooperation. I joined the Order to show them, that thiswas not the path. I choose Cooperation, Charity, Company."
  191. (Grella)
  192. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  194. [23:39] Dillion looks at the woman unsure of what he could really say, but it didn't take him long to figure some things out. No two people joined for the same goals they had in mind, but they all followed a code it seems.
  196. "To serve, honor, protect, and for injustice is what I got out of that. It's not about personal gain or to guard the city it's about everyone in the nation and defending them from any threat even if the odds are stacked against a Knight.
  198. To go down fighting for what you believe in, and let the nations trust be within you."
  200. Dillion think he understood what she meant a little, but he could be completely wrong.
  202. "I see my goals weren't really fit for a Knight, but I thin I understand now. I haven't experienced the things you have first hand; however it doesn't mean I can't learn about them and protect the nation from them.
  204. There is always room for improvement, and if you're willing to teach me and help me improve then I'm willing to learn about everything"
  206. Dillion spoke the truth he had been around long enough to know everything she was talking about, but he was willing to learn about it.
  207. (Dillion Endore)
  208. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  210. [23:39] "Well, i'll be brief on that part: I think that i can show you a more deeper meaning on becoming a Knight other than this kindess part, i want to teach you Cosmic Magic, to put you in front of the Stars." It is probably the right time to explain her goals with all that...
  212. "I am going to be your Mentor on Cosmic Magic, i will guide you towards one of the Stars, so that maybe, you can find your path, and on that path you can understand more, it is fully about self improvement. And not totally about power. You will more likely become a better Human being, a Vassal of a Star's will... Well, i can call that a decent 'Destiny' and goal... It is a big responsability, though. But maybe, it can put someone that simply wants to 'do something', on the right path. The Stars are supposed to tell you what to do." It was a long speech, but she had her will to teach.
  214. Grella wanted to spread to the world how magnificent she thought that the idea of following the path stablished by a Star is, and that it can really be good for him, that want to find a path to Knighthood, and as she had noticed and recognized, he for sure, had will. "Again, it is a big responsability... Well, you can just Learn Cosmic for Power, but i won't be teaching you for that. I want you to have a slight touch of how heavy is the weight of being a Knight, and... Personally, a Star can talk much better than i do." She explains with a soft smile on her face, it is evident that she is an Astrologist with Passion for the thing.
  216. "What do you think?"
  217. (Grella)
  218. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  220. [23:47] Dillion didn't expect to be offered to learn cosmic magic, and he knew that the magic alone would be different for him to learn unlike anything around the earth element. This would probably fill his brain with more knowledge that could overload his mana compacity.
  222. Dillion gave it some serious though; however, he still needed to figure out if he truly could change that cosmic power though is body with the earth attunement that flowed though him.
  224. Dillion took another deep breath.
  226. "My mentor of cosmic magic to lead me down another path of the stars? I'll accepted your offer, and I think you for taking a change with me on learning it.
  228. I trust you have the best intrest for me at heart, and if this could help me find a path or to find Knighthood then I'll accept.
  229. I know it's not all about power, and what excites me is the amount of knowledge I will gain in the process."
  231. Dillion gave a small bow.
  233. "I think it's a wonderful idea"
  234. (Dillion Endore)
  235. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  237. [23:59] Grella can't stop but chuckling, she takes a few steps forward by learning out of the table she was supporting herself on. "Knowledge... Well it depends on your star. But believe me, as an Astrologist, it is Always interesting to play with horoscopes, there is an inifinite number of Stars, they have many personalities..." She would say as she turned her eyes to him once more, locked at the boy's eyes.
  239. "I am just giving you the way, you are the one to make the choices. It depends on the Star you will fall under as well. Ah, just as a brief introduction, there are four types of Star."
  241. Grella's fingers would be raisen, and she would hold each one of them with her other hand to exemplify, in a numerical count the type of Star she was talking about, for example, she would grab her index finger upon talking for the first type, then she would procced on holding the ther three fingers untill the types were over.
  243. "The firt one..." She paused slightly before continuing, she had to think on what would be the first one she would introduce... Well, why not the normal one? "Is the Golden Stars. The Yellow branch, in the Leonaus constellation they are the body of the Lion. This is the most common type of Star, and they are pretty interesting... Well while this is just a theory of mine, there is something to link them, which is promotion. These stars promote an Aspect, as for the Yellow Branch, it is Leadership, Speaking, Determination... This kind of stuff." She would finish.
  245. Procceding... "Then the Blue Stars, more effective, but slower. Those are the ones to improve certain aspects that an individual already have, there are the Head of the Lion on Leonaus. And for the Red branch, they grant something... The Pawns of the Lion. Offensive capacity, economic capacity, these stuff." A shrug would be given.
  247. "My Star is not on the Constellation of Leonadeus, so i suggest you to study the Stars of that Constellation so we can being thinking if you want to be linked with the Divine Spirit, or if you want another constellation like mine. There is also the other type of Stars, that is... The White Stars. The ones that have my Shroud of Energy, the Rosegold, pale light that cover me comes from Zephyr, a Star that Inspires Heroism, from the Aquarius Constellation." Heh... She was visibly getting tired from all that explanation.
  249. "But yeah, i won't be giving you classes now, this was just my explanation... Think wisely and choose well, i think i'll depart soon to sleep and stuff."
  250. (Grella)
  251. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  252. [00:16] Dillion wasn't expecting to hear about that any stars this soon, but the information was good. The scholar was overwelled with the different stars, and what they were.
  254. "The golden stars...โ€ฆ?" He'd take note that she said they were the body of a lion, does that mean they were durable? Yet they had leadership, speaking, and determination something that Dillion had pliantly of.
  256. He wasn't sure if that was faith knowing at his door again, but he couldn't ignore how well the first star describes his life or personality.
  258. They moved on to the blue star, and this one fit jsut as well as the first one in a way. "The blue one improves an aspect of and individual.., that also seems like a good fit, but.." Dillion couldn't deny that being attuned with earth made him quite slow.
  260. Dillion could follow under that star to help improve his thirst for knowledge. It seemed like something that he'd be drawn to in a way, but during his training he could figure out.
  262. The last star was hers, and yet there wasn't much know about the star or at least she let him know. He'd have to find a place to study about each one and figure out which one calls to him the best.
  264. Divine spirits? Rosegold? Zephyr? these terms were unknown to him, but he'd figure them out sooner or later.
  266. "This is a lot of information to take in, and until we have our first lesson, where do you suggest I study to gain a bit more knowledge? It seems like jsut looking over notes won't be enough for this, and I'll need to make a spiritual connection"
  267. (Dillion Endore)
  268. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  270. [00:19] "Yeah, you should do that. Feel free to search for me once you know a bit more about it all, heh." Oh well, she was now almost falling to the ground and sleeping, the Cosmic Knight yawned and walked forward, tapping the Young boy's shoulder a few times.
  272. "Your Spiritual Connection will be done with me, i am an Astrologist. Worry not." She explains.
  274. "I am sure you will do great, and i hope you're worthy of this second chance and training i am giving you. As for now, i think i will depart to head out and sleep, if you allow me." Grella nods at the boy, turning her back to him and heading out to off the Barracks.
  275. (Grella)
  276. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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