
Nation of the Blue Pheonix

Aug 24th, 2014
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  1. General Setting:
  3. The Nation is earth, post-apocalypse. It's still in rebuilding, with a total population of eighteen-thousand, two hundred, and forty-six. Earth's population is condensed into one place, a clearing in a wooded valley. There's a total of three massive steel buildings, one marked "Storage", another "Wash" and a third "Cabin". The majority of the clearing has been tilled, with various edible plants growing in full bloom twenty-four seven. However, there's a futuristic bot watching at all times to make sure there's no stealing. There is an area that's been cleared of trees where building has been started. (Current building list below.) Between the steel building and trees, a massive fire pit has been dug out, with a small fire constantly going, and large bonfires when it's celebration nights.
  4. The climate is sunny and warm, with clouds drifting past the sun with the light breeze. Salt can be tasted on the air, from the sea a mile to the east, and the sound of running water can be heard from the river that loops through the valley. Through the valley, speakers are set up. They go off at 7:30 am for breakfast, 9:00 am for work, 12:00 pm for lunch, 1:00 pm for work, and 3:00 pm for work end. There's multiple places where people work through the day: the ocean and river for fishing, the woods for woodcutting, the crops for harvesting, and the building zone for carpentry.
  5. Current Work in Progress Building(s):
  6. Kitchens
  8. IC Rules:
  10. These rules are posted on the walls of the steel buildings.
  12. 1) No fighting. Our world was nearly killed by war, and we won't let this happen again.
  13. 2) No stealing. Stealing is a sign of disunity and power over others, and this Nation is one of equality.
  14. 3) No sloth during work time. We are the last of the world, and every little bit helps in rebuilding.
  16. OOC Rules:
  18. 1) Humans only. This is post-apocalyptic earth where the cure's been dispensed, so there's no mutants/zombies/etc.
  19. 1.a) No powers please. Minor psychic powers (aura reading, weak future sense) are acceptable, but keep them limited.
  20. 2) Listen to the OPs. They're there for a reason.
  21. 2.a) OP List:
  22. 2.a.1) Neko: delusionalWinter, delusionalWinterr (mobile, won't have official OP), cautiouslyGrimm, other handles.
  23. 2.a.2) Zach/Z: experimentingDoctor, unseenHand, about a million other handles
  24. 3) Keep OOC to a minimum.
  25. 3.a) If there's too much OOC, an OP will make an OOC memo, #OOC_Nation
  26. 3.a.1) If there's like no IC going on, I might let it pass.
  27. 4) Entry messages aren't needed. There are NO PORTALS and NO MAGIC, and people who RP here are assumed to already be living in the Nation.
  28. 4.a) Ari (delusionalWinter/delusionalWinterr) is the only exception to both of these rules.
  29. 4.b) Joker (unseenHand) and Doctor Leptin (experimentingDoctor) are the only exceptions to the no portals rules.
  30. 5) No metagaming/being op/autohitting. This means no knowing things a person couldn't have known ICly without being told, no being overpowered, and no automatically doing an action to another character without the other person's allowance. Ex: RJ punches MJ in the face ISN'T allowed. That's autohitting. Instead, it would be RJ attempts to punch MJ in the face.
  31. 5.a) Due to the history of this earth (in the other link), general fear of spiders/rats/cats is expected, and violent/paranoid tendencies are as well, though fighting is something that is generally not condoned.
  32. 6) Don't do NSFW in the RP. Take it to a separate memo/PM.
  33. 6.a) This means no rape, no attempted inappropriate actions (nudity/intercourse/etc) in the IC.
  34. 6.a.1) No rape. At all. If I see a trace of it, I'll ban you. Permanently. There's no warning for this.
  35. 7) No joke characters. They're annoying. I'll ban you.
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