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  580. &bull;&bull;&bull;&bull; &bull;&bull;&bull;&bull; &bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;
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  582. {{paymentMethod.get('number')}}
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  770. {{gallery.get('nr_items')}} photos
  771. </span>
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  775. <script id='lightbox-overlay-template' type='text/backbone_template'>
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  790. [[ _.each(Prime.collections.lightboxes.mine(), function(lightbox) { ]]
  791. <li class="lightbox {{lightbox.get('photos').isPhotoInLightbox(photo) ? 'active' : ''}}">
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  797. <img class='icon lightbox-placeholder-icon' src=''>
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  799. [[ } ]]
  800. {{lightbox.escape("name")}}
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  807. [[ }); ]]
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  840. <img class='icon info-icon' src=''>
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  842. </div>
  843. <div class='image-resolution'>
  844. [[ if (photo.sellableResolution('resale')) { ]]
  845. {{photo.resolution('resale').width}} x {{photo.resolution('resale').height}}px / {{photo.resolution('resale').printWidth}} x {{photo.resolution('resale').printHeight}}" @300dpi
  846. [[ } else { ]]
  847. Resolution not supported
  848. [[ } ]]
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  851. <div class='license-price pull-right'>
  852. ${{photo.price_in_cents('resale') / 100}}
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  865. <span class='text'>
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  869. <img class='icon info-icon' src=''>
  870. </div>
  871. </div>
  872. <div class='image-resolution'>
  873. [[ if (photo.sellableResolution('royalty_free')) { ]]
  874. {{photo.resolution('royalty_free').width}} x {{photo.resolution('royalty_free').height}}px / {{photo.resolution('royalty_free').printWidth}} x {{photo.resolution('royalty_free').printHeight}}" @300dpi
  875. [[ } else { ]]
  876. Resolution not supported
  877. [[ } ]]
  878. </div>
  879. </div>
  880. <div class='license-price pull-right'>
  881. ${{photo.price_in_cents('royalty_free') / 100}}
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  883. <div class='clearfix'></div>
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  885. </li>
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  898. <img class='icon info-icon' src=''>
  899. </div>
  900. </div>
  901. <div class='image-resolution'>
  902. {{photo.resolution('web').width}} x {{photo.resolution('web').height}}px @72dpi
  903. </div>
  904. </div>
  905. <div class='license-price pull-right'>
  906. ${{photo.price_in_cents('web') / 100}}
  907. </div>
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  911. <!-- / assume the cart overlay doesn't appear when this photo is already in the cart. -->
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  972. {{I18n.t("pricing_page.subscription_modal.pre_pay_description_html", {price: "$" + plan.get("price") / 100, credit: "$" + plan.get("credit") / 100, percentage: plan.friendlyDiscount() + "%"})}}
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  995. {{ me.get('email') }}
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  1019. <select class='billing-country-select subscription-input-required form-control' name='country'>
  1020. <option value=''></option>
  1021. [[ _.each(gon.countries, function(country) { ]]
  1022. [[ if (me.get('address') && me.get('address').country.toLowerCase() == country.toLowerCase()) { ]]
  1023. <option selected='selected' value='{{country}}'>
  1024. {{country}}
  1025. </option>
  1026. [[ } else { ]]
  1027. <option value='{{country}}'>
  1028. {{country}}
  1029. </option>
  1030. [[ } ]]
  1031. [[ }); ]]
  1032. </select>
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  1035. <input class='billing-province-input form-control input-lg' name='state' placeholder='State/Province' type='text' value="{{me.get('address') ? _.escape(me.get('address').state) : ''}}">
  1036. <select class='billing-province-select form-control' name='state'></select>
  1037. </div>
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  1039. <input class='subscription-input-required city-input form-control input-lg' data-validator='city' id='subscription-city' name='city' placeholder='City' value="{{me.get('address') ? _.escape(me.get('address').city) : ''}}">
  1040. </div>
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  1042. <input class='subscription-input-required zip-input form-control input-lg' data-validator='zip' id='subscription-zip' name='zip' placeholder='Zip/Postal Code' value="{{me.get('address') ? _.escape(me.get('address').zip) : ''}}">
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  1045. <input class='phone-input form-control input-lg' data-validator='phone' name='phone' placeholder='Phone number (optional)' type='tel' value="{{me.get('address') ? _.escape(me.get('address').phone) : ''}}">
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  1056. <div class='subscription-modal__payment-total'>
  1057. [[ if (plan.isBulkOrder()) { ]]
  1058. Total: <strong>${{Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(plan.get('price') / 100)}}</strong>
  1059. [[ } else { ]]
  1060. Total (billed monthly): <strong>${{Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(plan.get('price') / 100)}}</strong>
  1061. [[ } ]]
  1062. </div>
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  1068. <option selected='selected' value='card'>
  1069. Credit Card
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  1071. <option value='invoice'>
  1072. Invoice
  1073. </option>
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  1089. <label>
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  1099. <div class='subscription-modal__charge-date-info'>
  1100. [[ if (plan.isMonthlyPlan()) { ]]
  1101. Your first payment will be charged on {{chargeDate.firstPayment}}. Monthly payments will occur on the {{chargeDate.monthlyChargeDate}} day of the month. Plan ends on {{chargeDate.expiration}}.
  1102. [[ } ]]
  1103. </div>
  1104. <div class='submit-request'>
  1105. <button class='submit-new-credit-card btn btn-success btn-block btn-lg' type='submit'>
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  1117. [[ if (defaultCard) { ]]
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  1119. <div class='subscription-modal__card-details'>
  1120. <span class='subscription-modal__card-icon'>
  1121. <img src='{{defaultCard.cardIconUrl()}}'>
  1122. </span>
  1123. <span class='subscription-modal__card-digits'>
  1124. &bull;&bull;&bull;&bull; &bull;&bull;&bull;&bull; &bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;
  1125. {{defaultCard.get("number")}}
  1126. </span>
  1127. </div>
  1128. <div class='subscription-modal__charge-date-info'>
  1129. [[ if (plan.isMonthlyPlan()) { ]]
  1130. Your first payment will be charged on {{chargeDate.firstPayment}}. Monthly payments will occur on the {{chargeDate.monthlyChargeDate}} day of the month. Plan ends on {{chargeDate.expiration}}.
  1131. [[ } ]]
  1132. </div>
  1133. <div class='subscription-modal__checkout'>
  1134. <button class='btn btn-success btn-block btn-lg' id='default-card-button' type='submit'>
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  1897. <span class='search-page__related-header'>
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  1900. <ul class='search-page__related-list'>
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  1902. <li class='search-page__related-list-item'><a data-router='true' href="/{{encodeURIComponent(tag).replace(/%20/g, '+')}}-stock-photos">{{tag}}</a></li>
  1903. [[ }); ]]
  1904. </ul>
  1905. </div>
  1906. <h1 class='search-page__meta'>
  1907. <span class='search-page__query'>
  1908. {{keywords}}
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  1910. <span class='search-page__stock-photos'>
  1911. Stock Photos and Images
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  1913. <span class='search-page__query-counter'>
  1914. ({{Prime.Utils.Common.numberWithCommas(total)}})
  1915. </span>
  1916. </h1>
  1917. </script>
  1919. <script id='photographer-page-template' type='text/backbone_template'>
  1920. <span class='page-title hidden'>
  1921. Royalty-free stock photos from {{photographer.escape('fullname')}}
  1922. </span>
  1923. <div class='photograpger-container'>
  1924. <div class='user-summary'>
  1925. <div class='user-title'>
  1926. Photographer
  1927. </div>
  1928. <div class='user-name'>
  1929. <span class='username'>
  1930. {{photographer.escape('fullname')}}
  1931. </span>
  1932. </div>
  1933. </div>
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  1935. <div class='photo-grid-container'></div>
  1936. </script>
  1938. <script id='lightbox-page-template' type='text/backbone_template'>
  1939. <span class='page-title hidden'>
  1940. {{lightbox.escape('name')}} lightbox
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  1944. <div class='lightbox-title'>
  1945. Lightbox
  1946. </div>
  1947. <div class='lightbox-name'>
  1948. {{lightbox.escape('name')}}
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  1950. <div class='lightbox-save'>
  1951. <div class='dropbox-download'>
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  1953. <div class='icon'></div>
  1954. Download Comps to Dropbox
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  1958. Downloading to Dropbox...
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  1964. <div class='photo-grid-container'></div>
  1965. </script>
  1967. <script id='galleries-page-template' type='text/backbone_template'>
  1968. <span class='page-title hidden'>
  1969. Curated galleries
  1970. </span>
  1971. <div class='container'>
  1972. <h1 class='page-title'>
  1973. Curated galleries
  1974. </h1>
  1975. <h4 class='page-summary'>
  1976. High quality royalty-free photography
  1977. </h4>
  1978. </div>
  1979. <ul class='gallery-previews'></ul>
  1980. </script>
  1982. <script id='gallery-page-template' type='text/backbone_template'>
  1983. <span class='page-title hidden'>
  1984. {{gallery.escape('name')}}
  1985. </span>
  1986. <div class='page-banner' style="background-image: url({{gallery.get('cover_photo').hi_res_url}}); background-position: {{gallery.get('cover_photo_position')}}">
  1987. <div class='top-fade'></div>
  1988. <div class='page-banner-content container'>
  1989. <h1 class='page-banner-title'>
  1990. {{gallery.escape('name')}}
  1991. </h1>
  1992. [[ if (gallery.escape('description')) { ]]
  1993. <div class='page-banner-description'>
  1994. {{gallery.escape('description')}}
  1995. </div>
  1996. [[ } else { ]]
  1997. <div class='page-banner-headline'>
  1998. {{gallery.escape('headline')}}
  1999. </div>
  2000. [[ } ]]
  2001. </div>
  2002. </div>
  2003. <div class='photo-grid-container'></div>
  2004. <div class='placeholder-container'>
  2005. <div class='placeholder-alert'>
  2006. <div class='placeholder-title'>
  2007. Get inspired!
  2008. </div>
  2009. <div class='placeholder-description'>
  2010. 500px Marketplace is an alternative to traditional stock photography. Explore over 50 million unique, authentic and data-backed photos sourced from the world class 500px community. Start by browsing our <a data-router="true" href="/galleries">curated galleries</a>.
  2011. </div>
  2012. <ul class='mini-gallery-previews row-fluid'></ul>
  2013. <div class='clearfix'></div>
  2014. </div>
  2015. </div>
  2016. </script>
  2018. <script id='photo-page-template' type='text/backbone_template'>
  2019. <span class='page-title hidden'>
  2020. {{photo.get('name')}} by {{photo.userName()}}
  2021. </span>
  2022. <div class='container'>
  2023. <div class='row'>
  2024. <div class='col-md-8'>
  2025. <section class='photo-details-section'>
  2026. <div class='photo'>
  2027. <img alt="{{photo.get('name')}} - stock photo" src="{{photo.imageUrl('watermark')}}">
  2028. [[ if (photo.get('adult') && ! { ]]
  2029. <div class='adult-placeholder'>
  2030. <a class='reveal-adult-photo btn btn-dark-grey btn-sm' href='#'>
  2031. Show me the photo
  2032. </a>
  2033. </div>
  2034. [[ } ]]
  2035. [[ if (showSearchResults) { ]]
  2036. <a class='prev-search-photo' href='#'>
  2037. <img class='icon left-chevron-icon' src=''>
  2038. </a>
  2039. <a class='next-search-photo' href='#'>
  2040. <img class='icon right-chevron-icon' src=''>
  2041. </a>
  2042. [[ } ]]
  2043. </div>
  2044. </section>
  2045. </div>
  2046. <div class='col-md-4'>
  2047. [[ if (photo.get("available")) { ]]
  2048. [[ if (photo.get("licensing_type") == "exclusive") { ]]
  2049. <section class='photo-status-section prime-exclusive alert help-block'>
  2050. Available exclusively at 500px Marketplace
  2051. </section>
  2052. [[ } ]]
  2053. [[ } else { ]]
  2054. <section class='photo-status-section photo-unavailable alert help-block'>
  2055. Secure this photo. Be the first to license it.
  2056. <div class='help-widget' data-placement='bottom' data-title='<h3>Secure this photo</h3>This photo has never been licensed from 500px Marketplace. Check out now to place a deposit and we&#x0027;ll go out of our way to secure it for licensing. If we are unable, we&#x0027;ll refund your deposit after 5 days. For more information see the <a target="_blank" href="">FAQ</a>.' data-toggle='tooltip'>
  2057. <img class='icon info-icon' src=''>
  2058. </div>
  2059. </section>
  2060. [[ } ]]
  2061. [[ if (photo.get("license") == "editorial") { ]]
  2062. <section class='photo-status-section photo-editorial alert help-block'>
  2063. Available for Editorial use only
  2064. <div class='help-widget' data-placement='bottom' data-title="<h3>Editorial Use Only</h3> Cannot be used for selling and marketing purposes. They are mostly used to illustrate a truthful article that is about news, culture, sports, politics, entertainment or other topics of interest to the public. For more details, see the <a href='' target='_blank'>FAQ</a>" data-toggle='tooltip'>
  2065. <img class='icon info-icon' src=''>
  2066. </div>
  2067. </section>
  2068. [[ } ]]
  2069. <section class='meta-section photo-actions-section'>
  2070. <div class='photo-actions subsection'>
  2071. <ul class='license-options'>
  2072. <!-- Free photo license -->
  2073. [[ if (photo.get("license") == "free") { ]]
  2074. <li class='license-option'>
  2075. <label>
  2076. <input checked='checked' class='license-type-input pull-left' data-license='royalty_free' name='license' type='radio'>
  2077. <div class='license-type pull-left'>
  2078. <div class='license-name'>
  2079. <span class='text'>
  2080. Print Ready RF
  2081. </span>
  2082. <div class='help-widget' data-placement='bottom' data-title="<h3>Print Ready Royalty-Free License</h3> Worldwide, all-media usage with no expiry. A multi-seat license with unlimited impressions. Perfect for commercial or editorial use, advertising, and product packaging. For more details see the <a href='' target='_blank'>Commercial Licensing Agreement</a>." data-toggle='tooltip'>
  2083. <img class='icon info-icon' src=''>
  2084. </div>
  2085. </div>
  2086. <div class='image-resolution'>
  2087. {{photo.resolution('royalty_free').width}} x {{photo.resolution('royalty_free').height}}px / {{photo.resolution('royalty_free').printWidth}} x {{photo.resolution('royalty_free').printHeight}}" @300dpi
  2088. </div>
  2089. </div>
  2090. <div class='license-price pull-right'>
  2091. Free!
  2092. </div>
  2093. <div class='clearfix'></div>
  2094. </label>
  2095. </li>
  2096. <!-- Regular photo license options -->
  2097. [[ } else { ]]
  2098. <li class='license-option resale'>
  2099. <label>
  2100. <input class='license-type-input pull-left' data-license='resale' name='license' type='radio'>
  2101. <div class='license-type-radio pull-left'>
  2102. <div class='active'></div>
  2103. </div>
  2104. <div class='license-type pull-left'>
  2105. <div class='license-name'>
  2106. <span class='text'>
  2107. Products for Resale
  2108. </span>
  2109. <div class='help-widget' data-placement='bottom' data-title="<h3>Products for Resale</h3> Enhanced license grant which includes the ability to incorporate the image into print or electronic products for resale or distribution (including templates and on-demand products). For more details see the <a href='' target='_blank'>Commercial Licensing Agreement</a>." data-toggle='tooltip'>
  2110. <img class='icon info-icon' src=''>
  2111. </div>
  2112. </div>
  2113. <div class='image-resolution'>
  2114. [[ if (photo.sellableResolution('resale')) { ]]
  2115. {{photo.resolution('resale').width}} x {{photo.resolution('resale').height}}px / {{photo.resolution('resale').printWidth}} x {{photo.resolution('resale').printHeight}}" @300dpi
  2116. [[ } else { ]]
  2117. Resolution not supported
  2118. [[ } ]]
  2119. </div>
  2120. </div>
  2121. <div class='license-price pull-right'>
  2122. ${{photo.price_in_cents('resale') / 100}}
  2123. </div>
  2124. <div class='clearfix'></div>
  2125. </label>
  2126. </li>
  2127. <li class='license-option royalty_free'>
  2128. <label>
  2129. <input class='license-type-input pull-left' data-license='royalty_free' name='license' type='radio'>
  2130. <div class='license-type-radio pull-left'>
  2131. <div class='active'></div>
  2132. </div>
  2133. <div class='license-type pull-left'>
  2134. <div class='license-name'>
  2135. <span class='text'>
  2136. Print Ready RF
  2137. </span>
  2138. <div class='help-widget' data-placement='bottom' data-title="<h3>Print Ready Royalty-Free License</h3> Worldwide, all-media usage with no expiry. A multi-seat license with unlimited impressions. Perfect for commercial or editorial use, advertising, and product packaging. For more details see the <a href='' target='_blank'>Commercial Licensing Agreement</a>." data-toggle='tooltip'>
  2139. <img class='icon info-icon' src=''>
  2140. </div>
  2141. </div>
  2142. <div class='image-resolution'>
  2143. [[ if (photo.sellableResolution('royalty_free')) { ]]
  2144. {{photo.resolution('royalty_free').width}} x {{photo.resolution('royalty_free').height}}px / {{photo.resolution('royalty_free').printWidth}} x {{photo.resolution('royalty_free').printHeight}}" @300dpi
  2145. [[ } else { ]]
  2146. Resolution not supported
  2147. [[ } ]]
  2148. </div>
  2149. </div>
  2150. <div class='license-price pull-right'>
  2151. ${{photo.price_in_cents('royalty_free') / 100}}
  2152. </div>
  2153. <div class='clearfix'></div>
  2154. </label>
  2155. </li>
  2156. <li class='license-option web'>
  2157. <label>
  2158. <input class='license-type-input pull-left' data-license='web' name='license' type='radio'>
  2159. <div class='license-type-radio pull-left'>
  2160. <div class='active'></div>
  2161. </div>
  2162. <div class='license-type pull-left'>
  2163. <div class='license-name'>
  2164. <span class='text'>
  2165. Web Ready RF
  2166. </span>
  2167. <div class='help-widget' data-placement='bottom' data-title="<h3>Web Ready Royalty-Free License</h3> Worldwide, all-media usage with no expiry. A multi-seat license with unlimited impressions. Perfect for commercial or editorial use, advertising, and product packaging. For more details see the <a href='' target='_blank'>Commercial Licensing Agreement</a>." data-toggle='tooltip'>
  2168. <img class='icon info-icon' src=''>
  2169. </div>
  2170. </div>
  2171. <div class='image-resolution'>
  2172. {{photo.resolution('web').width}} x {{photo.resolution('web').height}}px @72dpi
  2173. </div>
  2174. </div>
  2175. <div class='license-price pull-right'>
  2176. ${{photo.price_in_cents('web') / 100}}
  2177. </div>
  2178. </label>
  2179. </li>
  2180. [[ } ]]
  2181. </ul>
  2182. <div class='cart-actions'>
  2183. [[ if (photo.get("license") == "free") { ]]
  2184. [[ if ( { ]]
  2185. <form action="{{photo.imageUrl('free')}}" class='download-free-photo-form' method='get'>
  2186. <button class='download-photo btn btn-primary btn-block btn-lg' type='submit'>
  2187. Download your free photo
  2188. </button>
  2189. </form>
  2190. [[ } else { ]]
  2191. <a class='signup-button btn btn-primary btn-block btn-lg' href='/signup?r={{photo.photoPagePath()}}'>
  2192. Signup and get free photo
  2193. </a>
  2194. [[ } ]]
  2195. [[ } else { ]]
  2196. <button class='add-to-cart not-in-cart btn btn-primary btn-block btn-lg'>
  2197. <img class='icon cart-icon' src=''>
  2198. Add to cart
  2199. </button>
  2200. [[ } ]]
  2201. <a class='navigate-to-cart in-cart btn btn-success btn-block btn-lg' data-router='true' href='/cart'>
  2202. Checkout now
  2203. </a>
  2204. </div>
  2205. </div>
  2206. [[ if (photo.get("licensing_type") == "exclusive") { ]]
  2207. <div class='exclusive-action'>
  2208. <a class='exclusive-use' data-target='#exclusive-use-modal' data-toggle='modal' href='#'>
  2209. Interested in Exclusive Use?
  2210. </a>
  2211. </div>
  2212. [[ } ]]
  2213. <div class='secondary-actions'>
  2214. [[ if (photo.get("license") != "free") { ]]
  2215. [[ if ( { ]]
  2216. <a class='download-comp-cta signup-button btn btn-dark btn-flat' href='{{photo.compImageUrl()}}'>
  2217. Download comp
  2218. </a>
  2219. [[ } else { ]]
  2220. <a class='download-comp-cta signup-button btn btn-dark btn-flat' href='/signup?r={{photo.photoPagePath()}}'>
  2221. Download comp
  2222. </a>
  2223. [[ } ]]
  2224. [[ } ]]
  2225. <div class='lightbox-section'>
  2226. <div class='open-lightbox-overlay btn btn-dark btn-flat'>
  2227. Add to lightbox
  2228. </div>
  2229. </div>
  2230. </div>
  2231. [[ if ( && !photo.get("available")) { ]]
  2232. <div class='high-res-comp-unavailable'>
  2233. High resolution comp is unavailable
  2234. </div>
  2235. <div class='high-res-comp-unavailable-explanation'>
  2236. This photo has never been licensed from 500px. We do not provide high resolution comps for images that have not been reviewed. Please contact your account manager to enquire about its availability.
  2237. </div>
  2238. [[ } ]]
  2239. <div class='photo-metadata subsection'>
  2240. <div class='section-title'>
  2241. Image Details
  2242. </div>
  2243. <ul class='data'>
  2244. <li class='datum'>
  2245. <span class='datum-label'>
  2246. Photographer
  2247. </span>
  2248. <span class='datum-value'>
  2249. <a class='photographer' data-router='true' href="/{{encodeURIComponent(photo.get('user').user_name)}}">
  2250. {{photo.userName()}}
  2251. </a>
  2252. </span>
  2253. </li>
  2254. <li class='datum'>
  2255. <span class='datum-label'>
  2256. Photo ID
  2257. </span>
  2258. <span class='datum-value'>
  2259. {{photo.get('id')}}
  2260. </span>
  2261. </li>
  2262. <li class='datum'>
  2263. <span class='datum-label'>
  2264. Photo Title
  2265. </span>
  2266. <span class='datum-value'>
  2267. {{photo.escape('name')}}
  2268. </span>
  2269. </li>
  2270. <li class='datum'>
  2271. <span class='datum-label'>
  2272. Collection
  2273. </span>
  2274. <span class='datum-value'>
  2275. [[ if (photo.isCuratedCollection()) { ]]
  2276. Prime
  2277. [[ } else { ]]
  2278. Core
  2279. [[ } ]]
  2280. </span>
  2281. </li>
  2282. [[ if (photo.get('model_release')) { ]]
  2283. <li class='datum'>
  2284. <span class='datum-label'>
  2285. Model Release
  2286. </span>
  2287. <span class='datum-value'>
  2288. Released
  2289. </span>
  2290. </li>
  2291. [[ } ]]
  2292. [[ if (photo.get('location_release')) { ]]
  2293. <li class='datum'>
  2294. <span class='datum-label'>
  2295. Property Release
  2296. </span>
  2297. <span class='datum-value'>
  2298. Released
  2299. </span>
  2300. </li>
  2301. [[ } ]]
  2302. </ul>
  2303. [[ if ( && !!photo.get('description') && !Prime.Utils.Common.containsURL(photo.get('description'))) { ]]
  2304. <div class='photo-description__label'>
  2305. Description
  2306. </div>
  2307. <div class='photo-description__content'>
  2308. {{photo.escape('description')}}
  2309. </div>
  2310. [[ } ]]
  2311. </div>
  2312. [[ if ( { ]]
  2313. <a class='btn btn-block btn-dark btn-flat btn-view-500px' href="//{{photo.get('id')}}">
  2314. View photo on 500px
  2315. </a>
  2316. [[ } ]]
  2317. </section>
  2318. <section class='creative-services-section'>
  2319. <div class='section-title'>
  2320. Creative Services
  2321. <span class='label label-dark-grey'>
  2322. Free
  2323. </span>
  2324. </div>
  2325. <div class='call-to-action'>
  2326. Take advantage of our personalized photo curation and research services.
  2327. <a class='btn btn-block btn-dark btn-flat' data-target='#creative-services-modal' data-toggle='modal' href='#'>
  2328. Tell us what you need
  2329. </a>
  2330. </div>
  2331. </section>
  2332. </div>
  2333. <div class='col-md-12'>
  2334. [[ if (showSearchResults) { ]]
  2335. <div class='more-photos-section search-photos-section subsection'>
  2336. <div class='section-title'>
  2337. [[ if (queryType.type == "keywords") { ]]
  2338. More images of <strong>{{queryType.value}}</strong>
  2339. [[ } else if (queryType.type == "category") { ]]
  2340. More images from <strong>{{queryType.value}}</strong> category
  2341. [[ } else if (queryType.type == "photographer") { ]]
  2342. More images by <strong>{{queryType.value}}</strong>
  2343. [[ } else if (queryType.type == "gallery") { ]]
  2344. More images from <strong>{{queryType.value}}</strong> gallery
  2345. [[ } else if (queryType.type == "lightbox") { ]]
  2346. More images from <strong>{{queryType.value}}</strong> lightbox
  2347. [[ } else if (queryType.type == "recent") { ]]
  2348. More recently added images
  2349. [[ } else { ]]
  2350. More of the top images on Marketplace
  2351. [[ } ]]
  2352. </div>
  2353. <div class='thumb-slider'></div>
  2354. </div>
  2355. [[ } ]]
  2356. <div class='more-photos-section related-photos-section subsection'>
  2357. <div class='section-title'>
  2358. Similar Images
  2359. </div>
  2360. <div class='thumb-slider'></div>
  2361. </div>
  2362. <div class='more-photos-section photographer-photos-section subsection'>
  2363. <div class='section-title'>
  2364. More from <strong>{{photo.userName()}}</strong>
  2365. <a class='btn btn-dark btn-flat btn-xs view-all' data-router='true' href="/{{encodeURIComponent(photo.get('user').user_name)}}">
  2366. View All
  2367. </a>
  2368. </div>
  2369. <div class='thumb-slider'></div>
  2370. </div>
  2371. <div class='more-photos-section same-sets-photos-section subsection'>
  2372. <div class='section-title'>
  2373. More from the same set
  2374. </div>
  2375. <div class='thumb-slider'></div>
  2376. </div>
  2377. <section class='photo-tags-section'>
  2378. <div class='section-title'>
  2379. Keywords
  2380. </div>
  2381. <div class='tags'>
  2382. [[ _.each(photo.get('tags'), function(tag) { ]]
  2383. <a class='tag' data-router='true' href="/{{encodeURIComponent(tag).replace(/%20/g, '+')}}-stock-photos">
  2384. {{_.escape(tag)}}
  2385. </a>
  2386. [[ }); ]]
  2387. </div>
  2388. </section>
  2389. </div>
  2390. </div>
  2391. </div>
  2392. <div class='modal fade' id='exclusive-use-modal'>
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  2397. <h3 class='modal-title'>
  2398. Exclusive Use
  2399. </h3>
  2400. </div>
  2401. <div class='modal-body'>
  2402. <h1 class='text-center'>Stake your claim!</h1>
  2403. <h4 class='text-center' style='margin-bottom:20px; font-weight: normal'>
  2404. This content is eligible to be licensed for exclusive use.
  2405. </h4>
  2406. <p>If you are a person that doesn't want to share, or if you have a special campaign or project that requires a unique image that you don't want anyone else to use commercially, our Exclusive Use is for you.</p>
  2407. <p>Call or email us and we can work out the timeframe and the price to license this photo for Exclusive Use.</p>
  2408. <p>Toll-free phone number: 1-855-561-4584 x106 <br> Email: <a href=""></a></p>
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  2533. {{me.escape('firstname')}} {{me.escape('lastname')}}
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  2535. <div class='company'>
  2536. {{me.get('settings') ? _.escape(me.get('settings').company) : ''}}
  2537. </div>
  2538. <div class='street'>
  2539. {{me.get('address') ? _.escape(me.get('address').address1) : ''}}
  2540. </div>
  2541. <div class='city-province-zip'>
  2542. {{me.get('address') ? _.escape(me.get('address').city) : ''}}, {{me.get('address') ? _.escape(me.get('address').state) : ''}}, {{me.get('address') ? _.escape(me.get('address').zip) : ''}}
  2543. </div>
  2544. <div class='country'>
  2545. {{me.get('address') ? _.escape(me.get('address').country) : ''}}
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  2548. <div class='edit'>
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  2551. <label>
  2552. First name
  2553. </label>
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  2555. <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback error-feedback label-padding'></span>
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  2559. <label>
  2560. Last name
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  2563. <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback error-feedback label-padding'></span>
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  2567. <label>
  2568. Company
  2569. </label>
  2570. <input class='billing-company-input form-control' name='company' value="{{me.get('settings') ? _.escape(me.get('settings').company) : ''}}">
  2571. <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback error-feedback label-padding'></span>
  2572. <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-ok form-control-feedback success-feedback label-padding'></span>
  2573. </div>
  2574. <div class='form-group billing-street-group has-feedback'>
  2575. <label>
  2576. Street
  2577. </label>
  2578. <input class='billing-street-input form-control' name='address1' value="{{me.get('address') ? _.escape(me.get('address').address1) : ''}}">
  2579. <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback error-feedback label-padding'></span>
  2580. <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-ok form-control-feedback success-feedback label-padding'></span>
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  2583. <label>
  2584. Country
  2585. </label>
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  2587. <option value=''></option>
  2588. [[ _.each(gon.countries, function(country) { ]]
  2589. [[ if (me.get('address') && me.get('address').country && me.get('address').country.toLowerCase() == country.toLowerCase()) { ]]
  2590. <option selected='selected' value='{{country}}'>
  2591. {{country}}
  2592. </option>
  2593. [[ } else { ]]
  2594. <option value='{{country}}'>
  2595. {{country}}
  2596. </option>
  2597. [[ } ]]
  2598. [[ }); ]]
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  2602. </div>
  2603. <div class='form-group billing-province-group has-feedback'>
  2604. <label>
  2605. State/Province
  2606. </label>
  2607. <input class='billing-province-input form-control' name='state' type='text' value="{{me.get('address') ? _.escape(me.get('address').state) : ''}}">
  2608. <select class='billing-province-select form-control' name='state'></select>
  2609. <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback error-feedback label-padding'></span>
  2610. <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-ok form-control-feedback success-feedback label-padding'></span>
  2611. </div>
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  2613. <label>
  2614. City
  2615. </label>
  2616. <input class='billing-city-input form-control' name='city' value="{{me.get('address') ? _.escape(me.get('address').city) : ''}}">
  2617. <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback error-feedback label-padding'></span>
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  2621. <label>
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  2647. {{_.escape(notes) || I18n.t("cart_page.not_specified")}}
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  2719. <a data-router='true' href='{{photo.photoPagePath()}}'>
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  2738. {{_.escape(photo.get('user').firstname)}} {{_.escape(photo.get('user').lastname)}}
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  2778. <img class='icon info-icon' src=''>
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  2784. (Pending)
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  2787. <img class='icon info-icon' src=''>
  2788. </div>
  2789. <!-- Royalty-free license -->
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  2791. Print Ready RF
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  2793. (Pending)
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  2796. <img class='icon info-icon' src=''>
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  2800. </div>
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  2807. <img class='icon info-icon' src=''>
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  2936. <section class='user-settings-section col-md-6'>
  2937. <form action='/me' class='user-settings-form' method='put' role='form'>
  2938. <h2>
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  2941. <div class='form-group'>
  2942. <label>
  2943. First Name
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  2945. <input class='form-control' name='firstname' value='{{_.escape(me.firstname)}}'>
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  2947. <div class='form-group'>
  2948. <label>
  2949. Last Name
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  2951. <input class='form-control' name='lastname' value='{{_.escape(me.lastname)}}'>
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  2953. <div class='form-group'>
  2954. <label>
  2955. Company Name
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  2957. <input class='company-input form-control' name='company' value='{{_.escape(}}'>
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  2960. <label>
  2961. Language
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  2963. <select class='language-select form-control' name='language'>
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  2965. <option selected='selected' value='en'>
  2966. English
  2967. </option>
  2968. [[ } else { ]]
  2969. <option value='en'>
  2970. English
  2971. </option>
  2972. [[ } ]]
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  2975. 中文(简体)
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  2977. [[ } else { ]]
  2978. <option value='zh-CN'>
  2979. 中文(简体)
  2980. </option>
  2981. [[ } ]]
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  2986. Country
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  2988. <select class='country-select form-control' name='country'>
  2989. <option value=''></option>
  2990. [[ _.each(gon.countries, function(country) { ]]
  2991. [[ if (me.address && && == country.toLowerCase()) { ]]
  2992. <option selected='selected' value='{{_.escape(country)}}'>
  2993. {{_.escape(country)}}
  2994. </option>
  2995. [[ } else { ]]
  2996. <option value='{{_.escape(country)}}'>
  2997. {{_.escape(country)}}
  2998. </option>
  2999. [[ } ]]
  3000. [[ }); ]]
  3001. </select>
  3002. </div>
  3003. <div class='form-group'>
  3004. <label>
  3005. State/Province
  3006. </label>
  3007. <input class='province-input form-control' name='state' value='{{_.escape(me.address.state)}}'>
  3008. <select class='province-select form-control' name='state'></select>
  3009. </div>
  3010. <div class='form-group'>
  3011. <label>
  3012. Street Address
  3013. </label>
  3014. <input class='form-control' name='address1' value='{{_.escape(me.address.address1)}}'>
  3015. </div>
  3016. <div class='form-group'>
  3017. <label>
  3018. City
  3019. </label>
  3020. <input class='form-control' name='city' value='{{_.escape(}}'>
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  3023. <label>
  3024. Zip/Postal Code
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  3026. <input class='form-control' name='zip' value='{{_.escape(}}'>
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  3029. <label>
  3030. Phone Number
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  3032. <input class='form-control' name='phone' value='{{_.escape(}}'>
  3033. </div>
  3034. <h2>
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  3037. <div class='form-group email-group has-feedback'>
  3038. <label>
  3039. Email
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  3041. <input class='form-control' disabled name='email' value='{{_.escape(}}'>
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  3043. <div class='clearfix'></div>
  3044. [[ if (me.provider != "pixels") { ]]
  3045. <div class='form-group'>
  3046. <label>
  3047. Password
  3048. </label>
  3049. <input class='form-control' name='password' type='password'>
  3050. </div>
  3051. <div class='form-group'>
  3052. <label>
  3053. Confirm Password
  3054. </label>
  3055. <input class='form-control' name='password_confirmation' type='password'>
  3056. </div>
  3057. [[ } ]]
  3058. <h2>
  3059. Notifications / Settings
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  3061. <div class='form-group full-line'>
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  3063. [[ if (me.settings.emails_enabled == true) { ]]
  3064. <input checked='checked' name='emails_enabled' type='checkbox' value='true'>
  3065. [[ } else { ]]
  3066. <input name='emails_enabled' type='checkbox' value='true'>
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  3073. [[ } else { ]]
  3074. <input name='adult_filter' type='checkbox' value='true'>
  3075. [[ } ]]
  3076. Remove adult content results from searches
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  3079. [[ if (me.settings.dropbox_auth) { ]]
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  3081. <h2>
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  3084. <div class='form-group'>
  3085. <label>
  3086. Logged in to Dropbox as:
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  3088. <input class='form-control' disabled name='dropbox_email' value='{{me.settings.dropbox_auth}}'>
  3089. <a class='button btn btn-xs btn-danger unlink-dropbox' style='margin-top: 10px'>
  3090. Unlink
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  3092. </div>
  3093. </div>
  3094. [[ } ]]
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  3116. <span class='datum-value pull-right'>
  3117. ${{Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(wallet.get("credit") / 100)}}
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  3187. <section class='purchases-section col-md-9'>
  3188. [[ if (emptyPurchaseItems) { ]]
  3189. <div class='placeholder-alert'>
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  3193. <div class='placeholder-title'>
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  3200. [[ } else { ]]
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  3204. <div class='icon'>
  3205. <div class='glyphicon glyphicon-ok'></div>
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  3207. <h1>
  3208. Purchase completed
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  3211. <span>
  3212. Order
  3213. </span>
  3214. {{purchase.display_id}}
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  3217. [[ if (purchase.licensed) { ]]
  3218. Thank you! You can download and see the details of your purchase below.
  3219. [[ } else { ]]
  3220. Thank you! We're processing your images and they'll be available for download shortly. You will receive an email at .
  3221. [[ } ]]
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  3223. </div>
  3224. [[ } ]]
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  3240. [[ } ]]
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  3257. <div class='purchase-details-section col-sm-8'>
  3258. <div class='photo-title'>
  3259. <span class='photo-name'>
  3260. {{}}
  3261. </span>
  3262. by
  3263. <span class='author-name'>
  3264. {{}} {{}}
  3265. </span>
  3266. </div>
  3267. <div class='license-type'>
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  3269. Web Ready RF
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  3271. Products for Resale License
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  3273. Rights Managed
  3274. [[ } else { ]]
  3275. Print Ready RF
  3276. [[ } ]]
  3277. [[ if (!purchaseItem.licensed) { ]]
  3278. (Pending)
  3279. [[ } ]]
  3280. </div>
  3281. <div class='purchase-date'>
  3282. Purchased:
  3283. {{Prime.Utils.Common.formatDate(purchaseItem.purchased_at)}}
  3284. </div>
  3285. [[ if ( == "editorial") { ]]
  3286. <span class='photo-editorial'>
  3287. Available for Editorial use only
  3288. <div class='help-widget' data-placement='top' data-title="<h3>Editorial Use Only</h3> Cannot be used for selling and marketing purposes. They are mostly used to illustrate a truthful article that is about news, culture, sports, politics, entertainment or other topics of interest to the public. For more details, see the <a href='' target='_blank'>FAQ</a>" data-toggle='tooltip'>
  3289. <img class='icon info-icon' src=''>
  3290. </div>
  3291. </span>
  3292. [[ } ]]
  3293. [[ if (!purchaseItem.available) { ]]
  3294. <div class='photo-unavailable'>
  3295. License not yet secured
  3296. <div class='help-widget' data-placement='top' data-title='<h3>Licensing pending</h3>We&#x0027;re working hard to secure this photo for licensing. If we are unable to secure it within 5 days, we&#x0027;ll refund your deposit. For more information see the <a target="_blank" href="">FAQ</a>.' data-toggle='tooltip'>
  3297. <img class='icon info-icon' src=''>
  3298. </div>
  3299. </div>
  3300. [[ } ]]
  3301. <ul class='purchase-actions'>
  3302. <li>
  3303. [[ if (purchaseItem.licensed) { ]]
  3304. <a class='download-photo btn btn-default' href='{{}}' target='_blank'>
  3305. Download
  3306. </a>
  3307. [[ } else { ]]
  3308. <a class='download-photo btn btn-default' disabled='disabled' href='{{}}'>
  3309. Processing...
  3310. </a>
  3311. [[ } ]]
  3312. </li>
  3313. [[ if (purchaseItem.available && purchaseItem.licensed) { ]]
  3314. <li>
  3315. <a class='view-receipt btn btn-default' data-router='true' href='/purchases/{{purchaseItem.purchase_id}}/receipt'>
  3316. Receipt
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  3319. [[ } else { ]]
  3320. <li>
  3321. <a class='view-receipt btn btn-default' disabled='disabled' href='/purchases/{{purchaseItem.purchase_id}}/receipt'>
  3322. Receipt pending
  3323. </a>
  3324. </li>
  3325. [[ } ]]
  3326. </ul>
  3327. <div class='photo-id-section'>
  3328. <div class='photo-id'>
  3329. <span class="hash">#</span> {{}}
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  3360. <div class='merchant-street-address'>
  3361. 20 Duncan Street, Suite 100
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  3363. <div class='merchant-city-province'>
  3364. Toronto, ON, M5H 3G8
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  3366. <div class='merchant-postal-country'>
  3367. Canada
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  3370. <section class='order-details-section col-md-5'>
  3371. <h2>
  3372. Order Details
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  3374. <div class='field'>
  3375. <span class='field-name'>
  3376. Order number
  3377. </span>
  3378. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3379. {{purchase.get('display_id')}}
  3380. </span>
  3381. </div>
  3382. <div class='field'>
  3383. <span class='field-name'>
  3384. Date
  3385. </span>
  3386. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3387. {{Prime.Utils.Common.formatDate(purchase.get('purchased_at'))}}
  3388. </span>
  3389. </div>
  3390. <div class='field' id='receipt-purchase-notes-container'>
  3391. <span class='field-name'>
  3392. Optional Info
  3393. </span>
  3394. <span class='receipt-purchase-notes field-value pull-right'>
  3395. {{_.escape(purchase.get('notes'))}}
  3396. </span>
  3397. </div>
  3398. </section>
  3399. <div class='clearfix'></div>
  3400. </div>
  3401. <div class='row'>
  3402. <section class='billing-details-section col-md-5'>
  3403. <h2>
  3404. Billing Information
  3405. </h2>
  3406. <div class='buyer-email'>
  3407. <a href="mailto:{{me.get('email')}}">{{me.get('email')}}</a>
  3408. </div>
  3409. <div class='buyer-company'>
  3410. {{me.get('settings') ? _.escape(me.get('settings').company) : ''}}
  3411. </div>
  3412. <div class='buyer-name'>
  3413. {{me.escape('firstname')}} {{me.escape('lastname')}}
  3414. </div>
  3415. <div class='buyer-street-address'>
  3416. {{purchase.get('billing_address') ? _.escape(purchase.get('billing_address').address1) : ''}}
  3417. </div>
  3418. <div class='buyer-city-province-postal'>
  3419. {{purchase.get('billing_address') ? _.escape(purchase.get('billing_address').city) + ', ' : ''}} {{purchase.get('billing_address') ? _.escape(purchase.get('billing_address').state) + ',' : ''}} {{purchase.get('billing_address') ? _.escape(purchase.get('billing_address').zip) : ''}}
  3420. </div>
  3421. <div class='buyer-country'>
  3422. {{purchase.get('billing_address') ? purchase.get('billing_address').country : ''}}
  3423. </div>
  3424. </section>
  3425. <section class='payment-details-section col-md-5'>
  3426. <h2>
  3427. Payment Information
  3428. </h2>
  3429. [[ if (purchase.get('paid_with') == 'direct_payment') { ]]
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  3431. <span class='field-value'>
  3432. [[ if (purchase.get("gateway") == "stripe") { ]]
  3433. <span class='obscured'>
  3434. &bull;&bull;&bull;&bull; &bull;&bull;&bull;&bull; &bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;
  3435. </span>
  3436. <span class='revealed'>
  3437. <strong>
  3438. {{purchase.get("card_last4")}}
  3439. </strong>
  3440. </span>
  3441. [[ } else { ]]
  3442. <strong>Paid using PayPal</strong>
  3443. [[ } ]]
  3444. </span>
  3445. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3446. [[ if (purchase.get("gateway") == "stripe") { ]]
  3447. <img class='credit-card-icon' src="{{Prime.Models.Card.cardIconUrl(purchase.get('card_brand'))}}">
  3448. [[ } else { ]]
  3449. <img class='paypal-icon' src=''>
  3450. [[ } ]]
  3451. </span>
  3452. <div class='clearfix'></div>
  3453. </div>
  3454. [[ } else if (purchase.get('paid_with') == 'invoice') { ]]
  3455. <div class='field'>
  3456. <span class='field-name'>
  3457. Pay by
  3458. </span>
  3459. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3460. Invoice
  3461. </span>
  3462. </div>
  3463. [[ } ]]
  3464. <div class='field'>
  3465. <span class='field-name'>
  3466. <strong>Subtotal</strong> (USD)
  3467. </span>
  3468. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3469. ${{Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(purchaseTotal / 100.0)}}
  3470. </span>
  3471. </div>
  3472. [[ if (purchase.get('paid_with') == 'subscription') { ]]
  3473. <div class='field'>
  3474. <span class='field-name'>
  3475. <strong>Paid by subscription</strong> (USD)
  3476. </span>
  3477. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3478. - ${{Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(purchaseTotal / 100.0)}}
  3479. </span>
  3480. </div>
  3481. [[ } ]]
  3482. [[ if (purchase.get('paid_with') == 'credit') { ]]
  3483. <div class='field'>
  3484. <span class='field-name'>
  3485. <strong>Pre-paid amount</strong> (USD)
  3486. </span>
  3487. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3488. - ${{Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(purchaseTotal / 100.0)}}
  3489. </span>
  3490. </div>
  3491. [[ } ]]
  3492. <div class='field total-field'>
  3493. <span class='field-name'>
  3494. <strong>Total</strong> (USD)
  3495. </span>
  3496. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3497. [[ if (purchase.get('paid_with') == 'subscription' || purchase.get('paid_with') == 'credit') { ]]
  3498. $0
  3499. [[ } else { ]]
  3500. ${{Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(purchaseTotal / 100.0)}}
  3501. [[ } ]]
  3502. </span>
  3503. </div>
  3504. <div class='vat-charge-notice'>
  3505. This supply may be subject to a VAT reverse charge
  3506. </div>
  3507. </section>
  3508. <div class='clearfix'></div>
  3509. </div>
  3510. <div class='row'>
  3511. <section class='order-summary col-md-7 col-md-offset-3'>
  3512. <h2>
  3513. Order Summary
  3514. </h2>
  3515. <ul class='receipt-items'>
  3516. [[ _.each(purchase.get('items'), function(item) { ]]
  3517. <!-- Skip photos that are pending and became unavailable -->
  3518. [[ if (! { return; } ]]
  3519. <li class='receipt-item'>
  3520. <div class='photo-section pull-left'>
  3521. <img class='photo' src="{{Prime.Utils.Common.imageUrlFromPhotoJson(, '280')}}">
  3522. </div>
  3523. <div class='field photo-title-price'>
  3524. <span class='field-value'>
  3525. {{_.escape(}}
  3526. </span>
  3527. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3528. ${{Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(item.price_before_credit_discount / 100.0)}}
  3529. </span>
  3530. </div>
  3531. <div class='field photo-author'>
  3532. <span class='author-name'>
  3533. by
  3534. {{_.escape(}} {{_.escape(}}
  3535. </span>
  3536. </div>
  3537. <div class='field photo-id'>
  3538. <span class='field-name'>
  3539. Photo ID
  3540. </span>
  3541. <span class='field-value'>
  3542. <a class='hidden-print' data-router='true' href='{{Prime.Models.Photo.photoPagePath(}}'>
  3543. {{}}
  3544. </a>
  3545. <span class='visible-print-inline'>
  3546. {{}}
  3547. </span>
  3548. </span>
  3549. </div>
  3550. <div class='field license-type'>
  3551. <span class='field-name'>
  3552. License
  3553. </span>
  3554. <span class='field-value'>
  3555. [[ if (item.license == "web") { ]]
  3556. Web Ready RF
  3557. [[ } else if (item.license == "resale") { ]]
  3558. Products for Resale
  3559. [[ } else if (item.license == "rights_managed") { ]]
  3560. Rights Managed
  3561. [[ } else { ]]
  3562. Print Ready RF
  3563. [[ } ]]
  3564. [[ if ( == "editorial") { ]]
  3565. (Editorial)
  3566. [[ } ]]
  3567. </span>
  3568. </div>
  3569. <div class='clearfix'></div>
  3570. </li>
  3571. [[ }); ]]
  3572. </ul>
  3573. <div class='row'>
  3574. <div class='col-md-6 col-md-offset-6'>
  3575. <div class='order-summary-totals'>
  3576. <div class='field'>
  3577. <span class='field-name'>
  3578. <strong>Subtotal</strong> (USD)
  3579. </span>
  3580. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3581. ${{Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(purchaseTotal / 100.0)}}
  3582. </span>
  3583. </div>
  3584. [[ if (purchase.get('paid_with') == 'subscription') { ]]
  3585. <div class='field'>
  3586. <span class='field-name'>
  3587. <strong>Paid by subscription</strong> (USD)
  3588. </span>
  3589. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3590. - ${{Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(purchaseTotal / 100.0)}}
  3591. </span>
  3592. </div>
  3593. [[ } else if (purchase.get('paid_with') == 'credit') { ]]
  3594. <div class='field'>
  3595. <span class='field-name'>
  3596. <strong>Pre-paid amount</strong> (USD)
  3597. </span>
  3598. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3599. - ${{Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(purchaseTotal / 100.0)}}
  3600. </span>
  3601. </div>
  3602. [[ } ]]
  3603. <div class='field total-field'>
  3604. <span class='field-name'>
  3605. <strong>Total</strong> (USD)
  3606. </span>
  3607. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3608. [[ if (purchase.get('paid_with') == 'subscription' || purchase.get('paid_with') == 'credit') { ]]
  3609. $0
  3610. [[ } else { ]]
  3611. ${{Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(purchaseTotal / 100.0)}}
  3612. [[ } ]]
  3613. </span>
  3614. </div>
  3615. </div>
  3616. </div>
  3617. </div>
  3618. </section>
  3619. <div class='clearfix'></div>
  3620. </div>
  3621. </div>
  3622. </script>
  3624. <script id='plans-page-template' type='text/backbone_template'>
  3625. <span class='page-title hidden'>
  3626. Plan Invoices
  3627. </span>
  3628. <div class='container'>
  3629. <div class='row'>
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  3631. <h2>
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  3642. Purchases
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  3646. <a data-router='true' href='/plans'>
  3647. Plans
  3648. </a>
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  3652. Lightboxes
  3653. </a>
  3654. </li>
  3655. </ul>
  3656. </section>
  3657. <section class='invoices-section col-md-9'>
  3658. [[ if (emptyInvoices) { ]]
  3659. <div class='placeholder-alert'>
  3660. <div class='placeholder-icon'>
  3661. <img src=''>
  3662. </div>
  3663. <div class='placeholder-title'>
  3664. You don't have any plans yet
  3665. </div>
  3666. <div class='placeholder-description'>
  3667. Check out our <a data-router="true" href="/pricing">packs and subscriptions</a> for great savings on photos. You can review your plan receipts here.
  3668. </div>
  3669. </div>
  3670. [[ } else { ]]
  3671. [[ if (subscription) { ]]
  3672. <div class='checkout-completed-alert alert'>
  3673. <button aria-hidden='true' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' type='button'>&times;</button>
  3674. <div class='icon'>
  3675. <div class='glyphicon glyphicon-ok'></div>
  3676. </div>
  3677. <h1>
  3678. Checkout completed
  3679. </h1>
  3680. <div class='order-id'>
  3681. <span>
  3682. Order
  3683. </span>
  3684. {{subscription.get("display_id")}}
  3685. </div>
  3686. <div class='instructions'>
  3687. [[ if (subscription.isPaidByCard()) { ]]
  3688. [[ if (subscription.get("status") == "active") { ]]
  3689. Thank you! You can now start using your photo bundle to access the world's most beautiful photos. See the details of your purchase below.
  3690. [[ } else { ]]
  3691. Thank you! We're processing your order. In a few moments you'll be able to use your photo bundle. See the details of your purchase below.
  3692. [[ } ]]
  3693. [[ } else { ]]
  3694. A sales associate will get in touch shortly to proceed with the payment. Remember to check your email spam folder. If you have any questions please <a href="">contact us</a>.
  3695. [[ } ]]
  3696. </div>
  3697. </div>
  3698. [[ } ]]
  3699. <h2>
  3700. Plan Receipts
  3701. </h2>
  3702. [[ } ]]
  3703. <ul class='invoices'></ul>
  3704. </section>
  3705. </div>
  3706. </div>
  3707. </script>
  3709. <script id='invoice-item-template' type='text/backbone_template'>
  3710. <div class='row'>
  3711. <div class='invoice__icon-section col-sm-3'>
  3712. <a data-router='true' href="/plans/{{invoice.get('id')}}/receipt">
  3713. <img class='icon large-subscription-icon' src=''>
  3714. </a>
  3715. </div>
  3716. <div class='invoice__details-section col-sm-9'>
  3717. <div class='invoice__plan-group'>
  3718. Photo Bundle
  3719. </div>
  3720. <div class='invoice__plan-summary'>
  3721. <strong>${{ Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(plan.totalCreditsForPeriod()) }}</strong> in photos
  3722. </div>
  3723. <div class='invoice__plan-expiration'>
  3724. <strong>Invoice date </strong>{{ Prime.Utils.Common.formatDate(invoice.get('invoiced_at'))}}
  3725. </div>
  3726. <ul class='invoice__purchase-actions'>
  3727. <li>
  3728. <a class='invoice__view-receipt btn btn-default' data-router='true' href="/plans/{{invoice.get('id')}}/receipt">
  3729. Receipt
  3730. </a>
  3731. </li>
  3732. </ul>
  3733. <div class='invoice__id-section'>
  3734. <div class='invoice__id'>
  3735. <span class="hash">#</span> {{invoice.get("display_id")}}
  3736. </div>
  3737. </div>
  3738. </div>
  3739. </div>
  3740. <div class='clearfix'></div>
  3741. </script>
  3743. <script id='invoice-page-template' type='text/backbone_template'>
  3744. <span class='page-title hidden'>
  3745. Invoice ID {{invoice.get('id')}}
  3746. </span>
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  3749. <section class='print-receipt-section col-md-6 col-md-push-6 hidden-print'>
  3750. <div class='print-receipt btn btn-primary btn-lg'>
  3751. Print receipt
  3752. </div>
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  3755. <div class='px-logo'>
  3756. <img class='icon prime-logo' src=''>
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  3762. <section class='merchant-section col-md-5'>
  3763. <div class='merchant-title'>
  3764. 500px Inc.
  3765. </div>
  3766. <div class='merchant-street-address'>
  3767. 20 Duncan Street, Suite 100
  3768. </div>
  3769. <div class='merchant-city-province'>
  3770. Toronto, ON, M5H 3G8
  3771. </div>
  3772. <div class='merchant-postal-country'>
  3773. Canada
  3774. </div>
  3775. </section>
  3776. <section class='order-details-section col-md-5'>
  3777. <h2>
  3778. Order Details
  3779. </h2>
  3780. <div class='field'>
  3781. <span class='field-name'>
  3782. Order number
  3783. </span>
  3784. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3785. {{invoice.get('display_id')}}
  3786. </span>
  3787. </div>
  3788. <div class='field'>
  3789. <span class='field-name'>
  3790. Date
  3791. </span>
  3792. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3793. {{Prime.Utils.Common.formatDate(invoice.get('invoiced_at'))}}
  3794. </span>
  3795. </div>
  3796. </section>
  3797. <div class='clearfix'></div>
  3798. </div>
  3799. <div class='row'>
  3800. <section class='billing-details-section col-md-5'>
  3801. <h2>
  3802. Billing Information
  3803. </h2>
  3804. <div class='buyer-email'>
  3805. <a href="mailto:{{me.get('email')}}">{{me.get('email')}}</a>
  3806. </div>
  3807. <div class='buyer-company'>
  3808. {{me.get('settings') ? _.escape(me.get('settings').company) : ''}}
  3809. </div>
  3810. <div class='buyer-name'>
  3811. {{me.escape('firstname')}} {{me.escape('lastname')}}
  3812. </div>
  3813. <div class='buyer-street-address'>
  3814. {{invoice.get('billing_address') ? _.escape(invoice.get('billing_address').address1) : ''}}
  3815. </div>
  3816. <div class='buyer-city-province-postal'>
  3817. {{invoice.get('billing_address') ? _.escape(invoice.get('billing_address').city) + ', ' : ''}} {{invoice.get('billing_address') ? _.escape(invoice.get('billing_address').state) + ',' : ''}} {{invoice.get('billing_address') ? _.escape(invoice.get('billing_address').zip) : ''}}
  3818. </div>
  3819. <div class='buyer-country'>
  3820. {{invoice.get('billing_address') ? invoice.get('billing_address').country : ''}}
  3821. </div>
  3822. </section>
  3823. <section class='payment-details-section col-md-5'>
  3824. <h2>
  3825. Payment Information
  3826. </h2>
  3827. <div class='field credit-card-number-field'>
  3828. <span class='field-value'>
  3829. [[ if (invoice.get("gateway") == "stripe") { ]]
  3830. <span class='obscured'>
  3831. &bull;&bull;&bull;&bull; &bull;&bull;&bull;&bull; &bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;
  3832. </span>
  3833. <span class='revealed'>
  3834. <strong>
  3835. {{invoice.get("card_last4")}}
  3836. </strong>
  3837. </span>
  3838. [[ } else { ]]
  3839. Paid by offline invoice
  3840. [[ } ]]
  3841. </span>
  3842. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3843. [[ if (invoice.get("gateway") == "stripe") { ]]
  3844. <img class='credit-card-icon' src="{{Prime.Models.Card.cardIconUrl(invoice.get('card_brand'))}}">
  3845. [[ } ]]
  3846. </span>
  3847. <div class='clearfix'></div>
  3848. </div>
  3849. <div class='field'>
  3850. <span class='field-name'>
  3851. <strong>Subtotal</strong> (USD)
  3852. </span>
  3853. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3854. ${{Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(invoice.get('total') / 100.0)}}
  3855. </span>
  3856. </div>
  3857. <div class='field total-field'>
  3858. <span class='field-name'>
  3859. <strong>Total</strong> (USD)
  3860. </span>
  3861. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3862. ${{Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(invoice.get('total') / 100.0)}}
  3863. </span>
  3864. </div>
  3865. <div class='vat-charge-notice'>
  3866. This supply may be subject to a VAT reverse charge
  3867. </div>
  3868. </section>
  3869. <div class='clearfix'></div>
  3870. </div>
  3871. <div class='row'>
  3872. <section class='order-summary col-md-7 col-md-offset-3'>
  3873. <h2>
  3874. Order Summary
  3875. </h2>
  3876. <ul class='receipt-items'>
  3877. <li class='receipt-item'>
  3878. <div class='photo-section pull-left'>
  3879. <img class='icon large-subscription-icon' src=''>
  3880. </div>
  3881. <div class='field photo-title-price'>
  3882. <span class='field-value'>
  3883. [[ if (plan.isMonthlyPlan()) { ]]
  3884. Photo bundle subscription # {{invoice.get('subscription').display_id}}
  3885. [[ } else { ]]
  3886. Photo Bundle # {{invoice.get('subscription').display_id}}
  3887. [[ } ]]
  3888. </span>
  3889. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3890. <strong>
  3891. ${{Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(plan.get("price") / 100.0)}}
  3892. </strong>
  3893. </span>
  3894. </div>
  3895. <div class='field plan-summary'>
  3896. <span class='field-value'>
  3897. [[ if (plan.isMonthlyPlan()) { ]]
  3898. <strong>${{plan.totalCreditsForPeriod()}}</strong> credit per month
  3899. [[ } else { ]]
  3900. <strong>${{plan.totalCreditsForPeriod()}}</strong> photo bundle
  3901. [[ } ]]
  3902. </span>
  3903. </div>
  3904. <div class='clearfix'></div>
  3905. </li>
  3906. </ul>
  3907. <div class='row'>
  3908. <div class='col-md-6 col-md-offset-6'>
  3909. <div class='order-summary-totals'>
  3910. <div class='field'>
  3911. <span class='field-name'>
  3912. <strong>Subtotal</strong> (USD)
  3913. </span>
  3914. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3915. ${{Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(invoice.get('total') / 100.0)}}
  3916. </span>
  3917. </div>
  3918. <div class='field total-field'>
  3919. <span class='field-name'>
  3920. <strong>Total</strong> (USD)
  3921. </span>
  3922. <span class='field-value pull-right'>
  3923. ${{Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(invoice.get('total') / 100.0)}}
  3924. </span>
  3925. </div>
  3926. </div>
  3927. </div>
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  3958. Plans
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  3963. Lightboxes
  3964. </a>
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  3967. </section>
  3968. <section class='lightboxes-section col-md-9'>
  3969. [[ if (!lightboxes.length) { ]]
  3970. <div class='placeholder-alert'>
  3971. <div class='placeholder-icon'>
  3972. <img class='icon lightbox-placeholder-icon' src=''>
  3973. </div>
  3974. <div class='placeholder-title'>
  3975. You don't have any lightboxes
  3976. </div>
  3977. <div class='placeholder-description'>
  3978. You can create a new lightbox to start collecting the photos you like and share them with your clients or colleagues.
  3979. </div>
  3980. <div class='create-first-lightbox-section'>
  3981. <form action='' class='create-lightbox-form form-inline' role='form'>
  3982. <input class='new-lightbox-name-input form-control' placeholder='Lightbox name'>
  3983. <button class='create-lightbox btn btn-primary' type='submit'>
  3984. Create
  3985. </button>
  3986. </form>
  3987. </div>
  3988. </div>
  3989. [[ } else { ]]
  3990. <h2>
  3991. Lightboxes
  3992. </h2>
  3993. <div class='create-lightbox-section lightbox-preview'>
  3994. <form action='' class='create-lightbox-form form-inline' role='form'>
  3995. <div class='lightbox-photo-section pull-left'>
  3996. <a class='lightbox-cover-placeholder'>
  3997. <img class='icon lightbox-create-icon' src=''>
  3998. </a>
  3999. </div>
  4000. <div class='lightbox-details-section'>
  4001. <div class='lightbox-name'>
  4002. <input class='new-lightbox-name-input form-control' placeholder='Create new lightbox'>
  4003. </div>
  4004. <ul class='lightbox-actions inline-list'>
  4005. <li>
  4006. <button class='create-lightbox btn btn-default' type='submit'>
  4007. Create
  4008. </button>
  4009. </li>
  4010. </ul>
  4011. </div>
  4012. <div class='clearfix'></div>
  4013. </form>
  4014. </div>
  4015. <ul class='lightbox-previews'></ul>
  4016. [[ } ]]
  4017. <div class='loading-container'>
  4018. <div class='loading-feedback loading'>
  4019. <span class='spinner dark'></span>
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  4027. <script id='lightbox-preview-template' type='text/backbone_template'>
  4028. <span class='delete-confirmation-message hidden'>
  4029. Are you sure you want to delete this lightbox?
  4030. </span>
  4031. <div class='lightbox-photo-section pull-left'>
  4032. <a data-router='true' href="/lightboxes/{{lightbox.get('token')}}">
  4033. [[ if (lightbox.get("cover_photo")) { ]]
  4034. <img class='lightbox-cover' src="{{Prime.Utils.Common.imageUrlFromPhotoJson(lightbox.get('cover_photo'), '160')}}">
  4035. [[ } else { ]]
  4036. <div class='lightbox-cover-placeholder'>
  4037. <img class='icon lightbox-placeholder-icon' src=''>
  4038. </div>
  4039. [[ } ]]
  4040. </a>
  4041. </div>
  4042. <div class='lightbox-details-section'>
  4043. <form action='' class='edit-lightbox-form' role='form'>
  4044. <div class='lightbox-name'>
  4045. <div class='display'>
  4046. <a data-router='true' href="/lightboxes/{{lightbox.get('token')}}">
  4047. {{lightbox.escape("name")}}
  4048. </a>
  4049. </div>
  4050. <div class='edit-inline'>
  4051. <input class='lightbox-name-input form-control' placeholder='Lightbox name' value="{{lightbox.escape('name')}}">
  4052. </div>
  4053. </div>
  4054. <div class='lightbox-image-count'>
  4055. {{lightbox.get("nr_items")}}
  4056. [[ if (lightbox.get("nr_items") == 1) { ]]
  4057. image
  4058. [[ } else { ]]
  4059. images
  4060. [[ } ]]
  4061. </div>
  4062. <ul class='lightbox-actions inline-list'>
  4063. <li class='display-inline'>
  4064. <a class='rename-lightbox btn btn-default' href='#'>
  4065. Rename
  4066. </a>
  4067. </li>
  4068. <li class='display-inline'>
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  4411. Only pay for what you need and get all the premium features you expect.
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  4425. Products for Resale
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  4429. <th>
  4430. Core Collection <span class='price-per-photo'>(Price per photo)</span>
  4431. </th>
  4432. <td>
  4433. <span class='dollar-sign'>$</span>
  4434. <span class='price-value'>35</span>
  4435. </td>
  4436. <td>
  4437. <span class='dollar-sign'>$</span>
  4438. <span class='price-value'>150</span>
  4439. </td>
  4440. <td>
  4441. <span class='dollar-sign'>$</span>
  4442. <span class='price-value'>300</span>
  4443. </td>
  4444. </tr>
  4445. <tr class='pricing-table__row'>
  4446. <th>
  4447. Prime Collection <span class='price-per-photo'>(Price per photo)</span>
  4448. </th>
  4449. <td>
  4450. <span class='dollar-sign'>$</span>
  4451. <span class='price-value'>50</span>
  4452. </td>
  4453. <td>
  4454. <span class='dollar-sign'>$</span>
  4455. <span class='price-value'>250</span>
  4456. </td>
  4457. <td>
  4458. <span class='dollar-sign'>$</span>
  4459. <span class='price-value'>750</span>
  4460. </td>
  4461. </tr>
  4462. <tr class='pricing-table__row'>
  4463. <th>
  4464. Photo Dimensions
  4465. </th>
  4466. <td>
  4467. 1500px<br />on the longest side
  4468. </td>
  4469. <td>
  4470. &gt; 3000px<br />on the longest side
  4471. </td>
  4472. <td>
  4473. &gt; 3000px<br />on the longest side
  4474. </td>
  4475. </tr>
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  4477. <th>
  4478. Resolution
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  4480. <td>
  4481. 72 dpi
  4482. </td>
  4483. <td>
  4484. 300 dpi
  4485. </td>
  4486. <td>
  4487. 300 dpi
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  4578. Electronic Wallpapers
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  4580. <td>
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  4640. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4641. Core Collection - $35
  4642. </li>
  4643. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4644. Prime Collection - $50
  4645. </li>
  4646. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4647. 1500px on the longest side
  4648. </li>
  4649. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4650. 72 dpi
  4651. </li>
  4652. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4653. Worldwide Usage
  4654. </li>
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  4659. Unlimited Digital Impressions
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  4664. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4665. Unlimited Media Types
  4666. </li>
  4667. </ul>
  4668. <div class='pricing-usage__license'>
  4669. Print Ready RF
  4670. </div>
  4671. <ul class='pricing-usage__list'>
  4672. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4673. Core Collection - $150
  4674. </li>
  4675. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4676. Prime Collection - $250
  4677. </li>
  4678. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4679. &gt; 3000px on the longest side
  4680. </li>
  4681. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4682. 300 dpi
  4683. </li>
  4684. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4685. Worldwide Usage
  4686. </li>
  4687. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4688. Multi-Seat Use
  4689. </li>
  4690. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4691. Unlimited Digital Impressions
  4692. </li>
  4693. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4694. Unlimited Print Reproductions
  4695. </li>
  4696. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4697. Unlimited Media Types
  4698. </li>
  4699. </ul>
  4700. <div class='pricing-usage__license'>
  4701. Products for Resale
  4702. </div>
  4703. <ul class='pricing-usage__list'>
  4704. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4705. Core Collection - $300
  4706. </li>
  4707. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4708. Prime Collection - $750
  4709. </li>
  4710. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4711. &gt; 3000px on the longest side
  4712. </li>
  4713. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4714. 300 dpi
  4715. </li>
  4716. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4717. Worldwide Usage
  4718. </li>
  4719. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4720. Multi-Seat Use
  4721. </li>
  4722. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4723. Unlimited Digital Impressions
  4724. </li>
  4725. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4726. Unlimited Print Reproductions
  4727. </li>
  4728. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4729. Unlimited Media Types
  4730. </li>
  4731. <li class='pricing-usage__example'>
  4732. Resale Products
  4733. </li>
  4734. </ul>
  4735. </section>
  4736. <section class='extra-perks-section'>
  4737. <div class='container'>
  4738. <h2 class='hidden-xs hidden-sm'>
  4739. Enjoy these extra perks with each plan!
  4740. </h2>
  4741. <h2 class='hidden-md hidden-lg'>
  4742. Enjoy these extra perks!
  4743. </h2>
  4744. <div class='extra-perks'>
  4745. <div class='perk-list row'>
  4746. <div class='perk'>
  4747. World-class customer service
  4748. </div>
  4749. <div class='perk'>
  4750. Photo retouching service
  4751. </div>
  4752. <div class='perk'>
  4753. Research and creative services
  4754. </div>
  4755. <div class='perk'>
  4756. Photo desk service
  4757. </div>
  4758. </div>
  4759. <div class='personalize-plan-section'>
  4760. For personalized add-on services, contact us.
  4761. <div class='cta'>
  4762. <a class='btn btn-primary' href="'m interested in a personalized plan for 500px Marketplace">
  4763. Personalize your plan
  4764. </a>
  4765. </div>
  4766. </div>
  4767. </div>
  4768. </div>
  4769. </section>
  4770. </script>
  4772. <script id='privacy-page-template' type='text/backbone_template'>
  4773. <span class='page-title hidden'>
  4774. Privacy Policy
  4775. </span>
  4776. <div class='section row'>
  4777. <div class='container'>
  4778. <div class='col-md-8 col-md-offset-2'>
  4779. <div class='title'>
  4780. 500px is founded on the principle of helping people discover new photos and photographers. We know that you care about how your personal information is used and shared, and we take your privacy very seriously. By visiting the 500px website, you are accepting the practices outlined in this policy.
  4781. </div>
  4782. <p>
  4783. This Privacy Policy covers 500px's treatment of personal information that 500px gathers when you are on the 500px website and when you use 500px services. This policy does not apply to the practices of third parties that 500px does not own or control, or to individuals that 500px does not employ or manage.
  4784. </p>
  4785. </div>
  4786. </div>
  4787. </div>
  4788. <div class='section row'>
  4789. <div class='container'>
  4790. <div class='col-md-8'>
  4791. <div class='title'>
  4792. Information Collected by 500px
  4793. </div>
  4794. <div class='description'>
  4795. <p>
  4796. We only collect personal information that is relevant to the purpose of our website. This information allows us to provide you with a customized and efficient experience. We collect the following types of information from our 500px users.
  4797. </p>
  4798. </div>
  4799. </div>
  4800. <div class='col-md-4'>
  4801. <div class='summary-title'>
  4802. Basically
  4803. </div>
  4804. <div class='summary'>
  4805. We collect information to make the 500px website useful for you.
  4806. </div>
  4807. </div>
  4808. </div>
  4809. </div>
  4810. <div class='section row'>
  4811. <div class='container'>
  4812. <div class='col-md-8'>
  4813. <div class='title'>
  4814. Information You Provide to Us:
  4815. </div>
  4816. <div class='description'>
  4817. <ul>
  4818. <li>
  4819. We receive and store any information you enter on our website or provide to us in any other way. You can choose not to provide us with certain information, but then you may not be able to take advantage of many of our special features.
  4820. </li>
  4821. <li>
  4822. Registration: In order for you to use 500px services you must complete a registration form. As part of this registration form, we require select personal information.
  4823. </li>
  4824. <li>
  4825. User Profile: To allow you to express yourself beyond just the information collected during registration, we enable you to provide additional information, such as a bio, favorite URLs, and instant messaging IDs. In addition, you may choose to include photos of yourself in your profile. As indicated below, in the section titled &quot;Sharing Your Information&quot;, you can control how your information is displayed and used.
  4826. </li>
  4827. </ul>
  4828. <p class='title'>
  4829. Automatic Information:
  4830. </p>
  4831. <ul>
  4832. <li>
  4833. We receive and store certain types of information whenever you interact with us. 500px and its authorized agents automatically receive and record certain &quot;traffic data&quot; on their server logs from your browser including your IP address, 500px cookie information, and the page you requested. 500px uses this traffic data to help diagnose problems with its servers, analyze trends and administer the website.
  4834. </li>
  4835. <li>
  4836. 500px may collect and, on any page, display the total counts that page has been viewed. This includes User Profile pages.
  4837. </li>
  4838. <li>
  4839. Many companies offer programs that help you to visit websites anonymously. While 500px will not be able to provide you with a personalized experience if we cannot recognize you, we want you to be aware that these programs are available.
  4840. </li>
  4841. </ul>
  4842. </div>
  4843. </div>
  4844. <div class='col-md-4'>
  4845. <div class='summary-title'>
  4846. Basically
  4847. </div>
  4848. <div class='summary'>
  4849. We collect your registration and user profile data. Our servers also collect log information used to make the website faster and better.
  4850. </div>
  4851. </div>
  4852. </div>
  4853. </div>
  4854. <div class='section row'>
  4855. <div class='container'>
  4856. <div class='col-md-8'>
  4857. <div class='title'>
  4858. E-mail Communications
  4859. </div>
  4860. <div class='description'>
  4861. <p>
  4862. 500px is very concerned about your privacy and we will never provide your email address to a third party without your explicit permission, as detailed in the &quot;Sharing Your Information&quot; section below. 500px may send out e-mails with 500px-related news, products, offers, surveys or promotions. You may also receive notification e-mails from 500px, which inform you of actions (e.g. friend requests) that have been performed on the site. If you do not want to receive e-mail from us, please visit the Email Preferences section of your User Profile and/or follow the instructions contained in the unwanted e-mail message. However, please note that in all cases you will continue to receive all system e-mails (e.g. those regarding forgotten user passwords) and legal notices (e.g. updates to our policies) from us.
  4863. </p>
  4864. </div>
  4865. </div>
  4866. <div class='col-md-4'>
  4867. <div class='summary-title'>
  4868. Basically
  4869. </div>
  4870. <div class='summary'>
  4871. We will send you emails based on your profile settings. From time to time, we may send emails to all our users.
  4872. </div>
  4873. </div>
  4874. </div>
  4875. </div>
  4876. <div class='section row'>
  4877. <div class='container'>
  4878. <div class='col-md-8'>
  4879. <div class='title'>
  4880. Cookies
  4881. </div>
  4882. <div class='description'>
  4883. <p>
  4884. Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers that we transfer to your computer's hard drive through your Web browser to enable our systems to recognize your browser and tell us how and when pages in our website are visited and by how many people. 500px cookies do not collect personal information, and we do not combine information collected through cookies with other personal information to tell us who you are or what your screen name or e-mail address is.
  4885. </p>
  4886. <p>
  4887. The &quot;help&quot; portion of the toolbar on the majority of browsers will direct you on how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to command the browser to tell you when you receive a new cookie, or how to fully disable cookies. We recommend that you leave the cookies activated because cookies allow you to use some of 500px's coolest features. Some of our business partners, like our advertisers, may use cookies on our website. We have no access to, or control over, these cookies.
  4888. </p>
  4889. </div>
  4890. </div>
  4891. <div class='col-md-4'>
  4892. <div class='summary-title'>
  4893. Basically
  4894. </div>
  4895. <div class='summary'>
  4896. To remember you, our system will give you a cookie. It's safe.
  4897. </div>
  4898. </div>
  4899. </div>
  4900. </div>
  4901. <div class='section row'>
  4902. <div class='container'>
  4903. <div class='col-md-8'>
  4904. <div class='title'>
  4905. Sharing Your Information
  4906. </div>
  4907. <div class='description'>
  4908. <p>
  4909. Because 500px enables people to discover and share information with one another, information about the people who use 500px is an integral part of the 500px experience. Rest assured that we neither rent nor sell your personal information to anyone and that we will share your personal information only as described below.
  4910. </p>
  4911. <ul>
  4912. <li>
  4913. 500px Personnel: 500px personnel and authorized consultants and/or contractors may have access to user information if necessary in the normal course of 500px business.
  4914. </li>
  4915. <li>
  4916. Business Transfers: In some cases, we may choose to buy or sell assets. In these types of transactions, user information is typically one of the business assets that is transferred. Moreover, if 500px, or substantially all of its assets, were acquired, user information would be one of the assets that is transferred.
  4917. </li>
  4918. <li>
  4919. Protection of 500px and Others: We may release personal information when we believe in good faith that release is necessary to comply with a law; to enforce or apply our Terms of Use and other policies; or to protect the rights, property, or safety of 500px, our employees, our users, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection and credit risk reduction.
  4920. </li>
  4921. <li>
  4922. User Profile information: Information collected during registration and subsequent visits, such as your full name and location, may be displayed to other 500px users in your User Profile. The User Profile is the area on 500px where we allow you to tell other 500px users about yourself. You may control what personal information is displayed in your User Profile by visiting the Settings section of your User Profile.
  4923. </li>
  4924. <li>
  4925. Followers' Activity: Much like other online social networks, 500px allows non-followers to browse your followers activity.
  4926. </li>
  4927. <li>
  4928. Syndication: 500px allows for the RSS syndication of all of its public content within the 500px website.
  4929. </li>
  4930. <li>
  4931. With Your Consent: Except as noted above, we will contact you when your personal information is shared with third parties or used for a purpose incompatible with the purpose(s) for which it was originally collected, and you will be able to opt out to prevent the sharing of this information.
  4932. </li>
  4933. </ul>
  4934. </div>
  4935. </div>
  4936. <div class='col-md-4'>
  4937. <div class='summary-title'>
  4938. Basically
  4939. </div>
  4940. <div class='summary'>
  4941. We do not sell your information to anyone. However, we will show publicly available information to other users and may release other information to authorities where required by law.
  4942. </div>
  4943. </div>
  4944. </div>
  4945. </div>
  4946. <div class='section row'>
  4947. <div class='container'>
  4948. <div class='col-md-8'>
  4949. <div class='title'>
  4950. Keeping Information Secure
  4951. </div>
  4952. <div class='description'>
  4953. <ul>
  4954. <li>
  4955. Your 500px account information is protected by a password for your privacy and security. Protect against unauthorized access to your password and to your computer by logging off once you have finished using a shared computer.
  4956. </li>
  4957. <li>
  4958. Only employees who need personal information to perform a specific job (for example, a customer service representative) are granted access to it. All of our employees are kept up to date on our privacy and security practices.
  4959. </li>
  4960. </ul>
  4961. </div>
  4962. </div>
  4963. <div class='col-md-4'>
  4964. <div class='summary-title'>
  4965. Basically
  4966. </div>
  4967. <div class='summary'>
  4968. Your account is protected by an encrypted password. We keep it secure, you must also keep it safe. Our employees may not access your account unless required to do a specific job.
  4969. </div>
  4970. </div>
  4971. </div>
  4972. </div>
  4973. <div class='section row'>
  4974. <div class='container'>
  4975. <div class='col-md-8'>
  4976. <div class='title'>
  4977. Ways to Control Display and Use of Your Information
  4978. </div>
  4979. <div class='description'>
  4980. <ul>
  4981. <li>
  4982. As stated previously, you can always opt not to disclose information, but then you may be unable to use certain features on our website.
  4983. </li>
  4984. <li>
  4985. By visiting your User Profile, you can correct, amend, add or delete personal information on our website.
  4986. </li>
  4987. <li>
  4988. If you do not wish to receive e-mail from us or other 500px users, please visit the Settings of your User Profile and/or follow the instructions contained in the unwanted e-mail message.
  4989. </li>
  4990. <li>
  4991. However, please note that you will continue to receive all system e-mails (e.g. those regarding forgotten user passwords) and legal notices (e.g. updates to our policies) from us.
  4992. </li>
  4993. <li>
  4994. As explained earlier, the &quot;help&quot; portion of the toolbar on the majority of browsers will direct you on how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to command the browser to tell you when you receive a new cookie, or how to fully disable cookies. Please note, however, that if your browser does not accept cookies, you will not be able to take advantage of some of our attractive features.
  4995. </li>
  4996. </ul>
  4997. </div>
  4998. </div>
  4999. <div class='col-md-4'>
  5000. <div class='summary-title'>
  5001. Basically
  5002. </div>
  5003. <div class='summary'>
  5004. You can choose not to share information with us, but your experience of the site may be limited. However, until your account is deleted, you may receive all system emails.
  5005. </div>
  5006. </div>
  5007. </div>
  5008. </div>
  5009. <div class='section row'>
  5010. <div class='container'>
  5011. <div class='col-md-8'>
  5012. <div class='title'>
  5013. Children Under 18 Years of Age
  5014. </div>
  5015. <div class='description'>
  5016. <p>
  5017. You must be 14 years and older to register to use the 500px website. As a result, 500px does not specifically collect information about children. If we learn that 500px has collected information from a child under the age of 13, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. We recommend that minors between the ages of 14 and 18 ask and receive their parents' permission before using 500px or sending information about themselves or anyone else over the Internet.
  5018. </p>
  5019. </div>
  5020. </div>
  5021. <div class='col-md-4'>
  5022. <div class='summary-title'>
  5023. Basically
  5024. </div>
  5025. <div class='summary'>
  5026. Please register only when you reach 18 years old, or ask your parents' permission if you are between 14 and 18 years old.
  5027. </div>
  5028. </div>
  5029. </div>
  5030. </div>
  5031. <div class='section row'>
  5032. <div class='container'>
  5033. <div class='col-md-8'>
  5034. <div class='title'>
  5035. Changes to this Privacy Policy
  5036. </div>
  5037. <div class='description'>
  5038. <p>
  5039. 500px may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time, at its sole discretion. Use of information we collect now is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time such information is used. If we make changes to the Privacy Policy, we will notify you by posting an announcement on the 500px website so you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances if any, it is disclosed.
  5040. </p>
  5041. </div>
  5042. </div>
  5043. <div class='col-md-4'>
  5044. <div class='summary-title'>
  5045. Basically
  5046. </div>
  5047. <div class='summary'>
  5048. Privacy policy may change.
  5049. </div>
  5050. </div>
  5051. </div>
  5052. </div>
  5053. <div class='section row'>
  5054. <div class='container'>
  5055. <div class='col-md-8'>
  5056. <div class='title'>
  5057. Conditions of Use
  5058. </div>
  5059. <div class='description'>
  5060. <p>
  5061. If you decide to visit 500px website, your visit and any possible dispute over privacy is subject to this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use, including limitations on damages, arbitration of disputes, and application of Ontario law.
  5062. </p>
  5063. </div>
  5064. </div>
  5065. <div class='col-md-4'>
  5066. <div class='summary-title'>
  5067. Basically
  5068. </div>
  5069. <div class='summary'>
  5070. Visiting 500px is subject to Terms and Privacy policy.
  5071. </div>
  5072. </div>
  5073. </div>
  5074. </div>
  5075. <div class='section row'>
  5076. <div class='container'>
  5077. <div class='col-md-8'>
  5078. <div class='title'>
  5079. Effective Date of this Privacy Policy
  5080. </div>
  5081. <div class='description'>
  5082. <p>
  5083. This Privacy Policy is effective as of May 1, 2009.
  5084. </p>
  5085. </div>
  5086. </div>
  5087. <div class='col-md-4'>
  5088. <div class='summary-title'>
  5089. Basically
  5090. </div>
  5091. <div class='summary'>
  5092. Effective as of May 1, 2009.
  5093. </div>
  5094. </div>
  5095. </div>
  5096. </div>
  5097. </script>
  5099. <script id='legal-page-template' type='text/backbone_template'>
  5100. <span class='page-title hidden'>
  5101. Terms of Service
  5102. </span>
  5103. <div class='container'>
  5104. <div class='row'>
  5105. <div class='col-md-10'>
  5106. <p>
  5107. The following documents outline the terms of use for the 500px Marketplace website for users who sell their photos commercially and for buyers interested in licensing photos through 500px Marketplace.
  5108. </p>
  5109. <hr>
  5110. <section class='buyer-terms'>
  5111. <h2>
  5112. Terms for Sellers
  5113. </h2>
  5114. <p>
  5115. As a seller, please read the <a target="_blank" href="">Contributor Licensing Agreement</a>, so you completely understand how we will be working together.
  5116. </p>
  5117. <p>
  5118. Last updated November 4th 2015
  5119. </p>
  5120. </section>
  5121. <section class='seller-terms'>
  5122. <h2>
  5123. Terms for Buyers
  5124. </h2>
  5125. <p>
  5126. As a buyer, please read the <a target="_blank" href="">Commercial Licensing Agreement</a> under which all photos will be licensed.
  5127. </p>
  5128. </section>
  5129. <hr class='last'>
  5130. <p>
  5131. Before using any of the 500px services, you are required to read, understand and agree to these terms. You may only create an account after reading and accepting these terms.
  5132. </p>
  5133. </div>
  5134. </div>
  5135. </div>
  5136. </script>
  5138. <script id='visual-search-page-template' type='text/backbone_template'>
  5139. <span class='page-title hidden'>
  5140. Immerse yourself in the world's top photos
  5141. </span>
  5142. <section class='hero-section'>
  5143. <button aria-hidden='true' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' type='button'>
  5144. &times;
  5145. </button>
  5146. <div class='page-metadata container'>
  5147. <h1 class='page-title'>
  5148. Immerse yourself in the world's top photos
  5149. </h1>
  5150. <div class='page-summary'>
  5151. <p>
  5152. <a data-router="true" href="/">500px Marketplace</a> is an alternative to traditional stock photography, offering beautiful and authentic photographs inspired by real-life and backed by data.
  5153. </p>
  5154. <p>
  5155. We've taken our top 100,000 photos and put them together so you see them at a glance. Find your favourite spot on the map and share it with the world!
  5156. </p>
  5157. </div>
  5158. <div class='hero-search-box'>
  5159. <form action='/search' class='search form-horizontal' role='form'>
  5160. <div class='col-md-6 col-md-offset-3'>
  5161. <div class='form-group'>
  5162. <label class='search-icon'>
  5163. <i class='glyphicon glyphicon-search'></i>
  5164. </label>
  5165. <input class='search-query form-control input-lg' id='search-box' placeholder='Search photos' type='text'>
  5166. <input class='hidden-submit' type='submit'>
  5167. </div>
  5168. </div>
  5169. </form>
  5170. </div>
  5171. </div>
  5172. </section>
  5173. <div class='visual-search-grid' id='map'>
  5174. <div class='tile-overlay'></div>
  5175. </div>
  5176. </script>
  5178. <script id='visual-search-search-box-template' type='text/backbone_template'>
  5179. <form action='/search' class='search form-horizontal' role='form'>
  5180. <div class='form-group'>
  5181. <label class='search-icon'>
  5182. <i class='glyphicon glyphicon-search'></i>
  5183. </label>
  5184. <input class='search-query form-control input-lg' id='search-box' placeholder='Search photos' type='text'>
  5185. <input class='hidden-submit' type='submit'>
  5186. </div>
  5187. </form>
  5188. </script>
  5190. <script id='visual-search-controls-panel-template' type='text/backbone_template'>
  5191. <div class='controls-header'>
  5192. <h4 class='pull-left'>
  5193. Navigation
  5194. </h4>
  5195. <a class='dismiss-controls-panel btn btn-primary btn-flat btn-xs pull-right' href='#'>
  5196. Got it
  5197. </a>
  5198. <div class='clearfix'></div>
  5199. </div>
  5200. <div class='controls-body'>
  5201. <ul class='controls'>
  5202. <li class='control'>
  5203. <div class='control-image'>
  5204. <img class='icon pan-control-icon' src=''>
  5205. </div>
  5206. <div class='control-description'>
  5207. [[ if (Prime.views.appView.isMobile()) { ]]
  5208. Touch and drag to navigate
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  5232. Tap a photo to see it larger
  5233. [[ } else { ]]
  5234. Click on photo to see it larger
  5235. [[ } ]]
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  5341. <h2 class='admin-user-info__email'>
  5342. {{user.get("email")}}
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  5355. <li class='tab'>
  5356. <a data-router='true' href="/admin/users/{{user.get('id')}}/purchases/new" id='add-license'>
  5357. Add Licenses
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  5362. <section class='admin-user-info'>
  5363. <button class='admin-user-info__impersonate btn btn-warning' id='impersonate' type='submit'>
  5364. Login as this user
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  5366. <h2 class='admin-user-info__name'>
  5367. Account Info for {{user.displayName()}}
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  5369. <form action='/me' class='admin-user-info__form' id='user-info-form' method='put' role='form'>
  5370. <div class='form-group'>
  5371. <label>
  5372. First Name
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  5374. <input class='form-control' name='firstname' value="{{_.escape(user.get('firstname'))}}">
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  5376. <div class='form-group'>
  5377. <label>
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  5380. <input class='form-control' name='lastname' value="{{_.escape(user.get('lastname'))}}">
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  5383. <label>
  5384. Company Name
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  5386. <input class='company-input form-control' name='company' value="{{_.escape(user.get('settings').company)}}">
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  5388. <div class='form-group'>
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  5390. Language
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  5392. <select class='language-select form-control' name='language'>
  5393. [[ if (user.get('settings').language == 'en') { ]]
  5394. <option selected='selected' value='en'>
  5395. English
  5396. </option>
  5397. [[ } else { ]]
  5398. <option value='en'>
  5399. English
  5400. </option>
  5401. [[ } ]]
  5402. [[ if (user.get("settings").language == 'zh-CN') { ]]
  5403. <option selected='selected' value='zh-CN'>
  5404. 中文(简体)
  5405. </option>
  5406. [[ } else { ]]
  5407. <option value='zh-CN'>
  5408. 中文(简体)
  5409. </option>
  5410. [[ } ]]
  5411. </select>
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  5415. Country
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  5417. <select class='country-select form-control' name='country'>
  5418. <option value=''></option>
  5419. [[ _.each(gon.countries, function(country) { ]]
  5420. [[ if (user.get("address") && user.get("address").country && user.get("address").country.toLowerCase() == country.toLowerCase()) { ]]
  5421. <option selected='selected' value='{{_.escape(country)}}'>
  5422. {{_.escape(country)}}
  5423. </option>
  5424. [[ } else { ]]
  5425. <option value='{{_.escape(country)}}'>
  5426. {{_.escape(country)}}
  5427. </option>
  5428. [[ } ]]
  5429. [[ }); ]]
  5430. </select>
  5431. </div>
  5432. <div class='form-group'>
  5433. <label>
  5434. State/Province
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  5436. <input class='province-input form-control' name='state' value="{{_.escape(user.get('address').state)}}">
  5437. <select class='province-select form-control' name='state'></select>
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  5439. <div class='form-group'>
  5440. <label>
  5441. Street Address
  5442. </label>
  5443. <input class='form-control' name='address1' value="{{_.escape(user.get('address').address1)}}">
  5444. </div>
  5445. <div class='form-group'>
  5446. <label>
  5447. City
  5448. </label>
  5449. <input class='form-control' name='city' value="{{_.escape(user.get('address').city)}}">
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  5451. <div class='form-group'>
  5452. <label>
  5453. Zip/Postal Code
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  5455. <input class='form-control' name='zip' value="{{_.escape(user.get('address').zip)}}">
  5456. </div>
  5457. <div class='form-group'>
  5458. <label>
  5459. Phone Number
  5460. </label>
  5461. <input class='form-control' name='phone' value="{{_.escape(user.get('address').phone)}}">
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  5463. <h2 class='admin-user-info__settings-header'>
  5464. Notifications / Settings
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  5466. <div class='form-group full-line'>
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  5468. [[ if (user.get("settings").emails_enabled == true) { ]]
  5469. <input checked='checked' name='emails_enabled' type='checkbox' value='true'>
  5470. [[ } else { ]]
  5471. <input name='emails_enabled' type='checkbox' value='true'>
  5472. [[ } ]]
  5473. Send me account updates, personalized notifications and product updates by email
  5474. </label>
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  5478. [[ if (user.get("settings").adult_filter == true) { ]]
  5479. <input checked='checked' name='adult_filter' type='checkbox' value='true'>
  5480. [[ } else { ]]
  5481. <input name='adult_filter' type='checkbox' value='true'>
  5482. [[ } ]]
  5483. Remove adult content results from searches
  5484. </label>
  5485. </div>
  5486. <div class='form-group full-line'>
  5487. <button class='submit btn btn-primary btn-lg' id='user-info-form-submit' type='submit'>
  5488. <span class='text'>
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  5491. <span class='spinner'></span>
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  5494. </form>
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  5500. <script id='admin-page-add-license-template' type='text/backbone_template'>
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  5513. </li>
  5514. <li>
  5515. <a data-router='true' href='/admin/discounts/new'>
  5516. New Discount Code
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  5523. <section class='admin-user-info__nav'>
  5524. <h2 class='admin-user-info__email'>
  5525. {{user.get("email")}}
  5526. </h2>
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  5538. <li class='tab open'>
  5539. <a data-router='true' href="/admin/users/{{user.get('id')}}/purchases/new">
  5540. Add Licenses
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  5542. </li>
  5543. </ul>
  5544. </section>
  5545. <section class='admin-license'>
  5546. <h2 class='admin-user-info__name'>
  5547. Add Licenses for {{user.displayName()}}
  5548. </h2>
  5549. <p>
  5550. Use this form to add licenses to this buyer's account. Before you begin, ensure that the user has an address and that each photo is available for purchase.
  5551. </p>
  5552. <form action='/admin/users/{{}}/purchases/create_offline_sale' class='admin-license__form' id='license-form' method='post' role='form'>
  5553. <div class='form-group'>
  5554. <label>
  5555. Photo IDs, separated by commas
  5556. </label>
  5557. <input class='form-control' id='photo-ids' name='photo_ids' placeholder='30680905,25818141,16678481'>
  5558. </div>
  5559. <div class='row'>
  5560. <div class='form-group col-md-6'>
  5561. <label>
  5562. License Type
  5563. </label>
  5564. <select class='form-control' name='license_type'>
  5565. <option value='web'>
  5566. Web Ready RF
  5567. </option>
  5568. <option selected='selected' value='royalty_free'>
  5569. Print Ready RF
  5570. </option>
  5571. <option value='resale'>
  5572. Product for Resale
  5573. </option>
  5574. <option value='rights_managed'>
  5575. Rights Managed
  5576. </option>
  5577. </select>
  5578. </div>
  5579. <div class='form-group col-md-6'>
  5580. <label>
  5581. Price per Photo
  5582. </label>
  5583. <input class='form-control' name='price_per_photo' placeholder='250.00'>
  5584. </div>
  5585. </div>
  5586. <div class='form-group'>
  5587. <label>
  5588. Notes (optional - visible to the buyer on their reciept)
  5589. </label>
  5590. <textarea class='form-control' name='notes' placeholder='Sales related notes' rows='5'></textarea>
  5591. </div>
  5592. <div class='admin-license__cta'>
  5593. <button class='btn btn-primary' id='add-license' type='submit'>
  5594. Add Licenses
  5595. </button>
  5596. <div class='admin-license__cancel'>
  5597. or
  5598. <a data-router='true' href='/admin'>
  5599. cancel
  5600. </a>
  5601. </div>
  5602. </div>
  5603. </form>
  5604. </section>
  5605. </div>
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  5609. <script id='admin-page-user-settings-template' type='text/backbone_template'>
  5610. <div id='admin-flash'></div>
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  5619. <a data-router='true' href='/admin/purchases'>
  5620. Purchases
  5621. </a>
  5622. </li>
  5623. <li>
  5624. <a data-router='true' href='/admin/discounts/new'>
  5625. New Discount Code
  5626. </a>
  5627. </li>
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  5629. </div>
  5630. <div class='admin-settings'>
  5631. <div class='container'>
  5632. <section class='admin-user-info__nav'>
  5633. <h2 class='admin-user-info__email'>
  5634. {{user.get("email")}}
  5635. </h2>
  5636. <ul class='tabs'>
  5637. <li class='tab'>
  5638. <a data-router='true' href="/admin/users/{{user.get('id')}}">
  5639. Info
  5640. </a>
  5641. </li>
  5642. <li class='tab open'>
  5643. <a data-router='true' href="/admin/users/{{user.get('id')}}/settings">
  5644. Settings
  5645. </a>
  5646. </li>
  5647. <li class='tab'>
  5648. <a data-router='true' href="/admin/users/{{user.get('id')}}/purchases/new">
  5649. Add Licenses
  5650. </a>
  5651. </li>
  5652. </ul>
  5653. </section>
  5654. <section class='admin-settings__section'>
  5655. <h2 class='admin-user-info__name'>
  5656. Special Settings for {{user.displayName()}}
  5657. </h2>
  5658. <p>
  5659. Special access to trusted users. Hi-res comps access (unwatermarked) requires that the client sign a form with us. Do not enable access to any of the following unless you know what you are doing.
  5660. </p>
  5661. <form action='/api/users/{{}}/settings' class='admin-settings__form' id='settings-form' method='put' role='form'>
  5662. <div class='form-group'>
  5663. <label class='admin-settings__label'>
  5664. [[ if (user.get("settings") && user.get("settings").preauthorized_purchases) { ]]
  5665. <input checked='checked' name='preauthorized_purchases' type='checkbox' value='1'>
  5666. [[ } else { ]]
  5667. <input name='preauthorized_purchases' type='checkbox' value='1'>
  5668. [[ } ]]
  5669. Pre-authorized purchases
  5670. </label>
  5671. </div>
  5672. <div class='form-group'>
  5673. <label class='admin-settings__label'>
  5674. [[ if (user.get("settings") && user.get("settings").hi_res_watermarked_comps) { ]]
  5675. <input checked='checked' name='hi_res_watermarked_comps' type='checkbox' value='1'>
  5676. [[ } else { ]]
  5677. <input name='hi_res_watermarked_comps' type='checkbox' value='1'>
  5678. [[ } ]]
  5679. Hi-res <strong>watermarked</strong> comps
  5680. </label>
  5681. </div>
  5682. <div class='form-group'>
  5683. <label class='admin-settings__label'>
  5684. [[ if (user.get("settings") && user.get("settings").hi_res_comps) { ]]
  5685. <input checked='checked' name='hi_res_comps' type='checkbox' value='1'>
  5686. [[ } else { ]]
  5687. <input name='hi_res_comps' type='checkbox' value='1'>
  5688. [[ } ]]
  5689. Hi-res comps (requires signed form)
  5690. </label>
  5691. </div>
  5692. <div class='form-group'>
  5693. <label class='admin-settings__label'>
  5694. [[ if (user.get("settings") && user.get("settings").pay_by_invoice) { ]]
  5695. <input checked='checked' name='pay_by_invoice' type='checkbox' value='1'>
  5696. [[ } else { ]]
  5697. <input name='pay_by_invoice' type='checkbox' value='1'>
  5698. [[ } ]]
  5699. Pay by invoice
  5700. </label>
  5701. </div>
  5702. <div class='form-group'>
  5703. <label class='admin-settings__label'>
  5704. [[ if (user.get("settings") && user.get("settings").search_by_available) { ]]
  5705. <input checked='checked' name='search_by_available' type='checkbox' value='1'>
  5706. [[ } else { ]]
  5707. <input name='search_by_available' type='checkbox' value='1'>
  5708. [[ } ]]
  5709. Search by available
  5710. </label>
  5711. </div>
  5712. <div class='admin-settings__cta'>
  5713. <button class='btn btn-primary' id='update-settings' type='submit'>
  5714. Save
  5715. </button>
  5716. <div class='admin-settings__cancel'>
  5717. or
  5718. <a data-router='true' href='/admin'>
  5719. cancel
  5720. </a>
  5721. </div>
  5722. </div>
  5723. </form>
  5724. </section>
  5725. </div>
  5726. </div>
  5727. </script>
  5729. <script id='admin-page-unavailable-purchase-row-template' type='text/backbone_template'>
  5730. <div class='container'>
  5731. <div class='row'>
  5732. <div class='col-md-3'>
  5733. <div class='admin-unavailable-purchase__id'>
  5734. {{purchase.get("id")}}
  5735. </div>
  5736. <div class='admin-unavailable-purchase__buyer'>
  5737. {{purchase.get("purchased_by")}}
  5738. </div>
  5739. <div class='admin-unavailable-purchase__date'>
  5740. {{Prime.Utils.Common.formatDate(purchase.get("purchased_at"))}}
  5741. </div>
  5742. <div class='admin-unavailable-purchase__close-button js-close-purchase' data-id="{{purchase.get('id')}}">
  5743. Close Purchase
  5744. </div>
  5745. </div>
  5746. <div class='col-md-9'>
  5747. <ul class='admin-unavailable-purchase__items'>
  5748. [[ _.each(purchase.get('items'), function(item) { ]]
  5749. [[ if (!item.availability) { ]]
  5750. <li class='admin-unavailable-purchase__item admin-unavailable-purchase__item--unavailable'>
  5751. <div class='row'>
  5752. <div class='col-xs-3'>
  5753. {{item.photo_id}}
  5754. </div>
  5755. <div class='col-xs-3'>
  5756. ${{Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(item.price/100)}}
  5757. </div>
  5758. <div class='col-xs-3'>
  5759. {{item.license}}
  5760. </div>
  5761. <div class='col-xs-3'>
  5762. {{item.availability ? "available" : "unavailable"}}
  5763. </div>
  5764. </div>
  5765. </li>
  5766. [[ } else { ]]
  5767. <li class='admin-unavailable-purchase__item'>
  5768. <div class='row'>
  5769. <div class='col-xs-3'>
  5770. {{item.photo_id}}
  5771. </div>
  5772. <div class='col-xs-3'>
  5773. ${{Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(item.price/100)}}
  5774. </div>
  5775. <div class='col-xs-3'>
  5776. {{item.license}}
  5777. </div>
  5778. <div class='col-xs-3'>
  5779. {{item.availability ? "available" : "unavailable"}}
  5780. </div>
  5781. </div>
  5782. </li>
  5783. [[ } ]]
  5784. [[ }); ]]
  5785. <li class='admin-unavailable-purchase__summary'>
  5786. <div class='row'>
  5787. <div class='col-xs-3'>
  5788. Closing Total:
  5789. </div>
  5790. <div class='col-xs-3'>
  5791. ${{Prime.Utils.Common.formatPrice(total)}}
  5792. </div>
  5793. <div class='col-xs-3'>
  5794. <a href="/search/keywords={{photoIds.join(',')}}" target='_blank'>
  5795. View photos ({{photoIds.length}})
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