
Sam Fisher- UAV Remote Drone

May 5th, 2023
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  1. From a custom-designed holster sitting low on his right hip, Fisher slipped free another of Charlie’s prototypes: a micro tri-rotor drone even smaller than the first one they’d fielded during the Blacklist mission. Fisher simply tossed the UAV into the air like a softball. The drone’s rotors automatically unfolded and purred to life. After gaining some altitude, the tiny bird boomeranged back toward Fisher, now controlling it from his OPSAT. He plucked two CS smoke grenades from his utility belt pouches and attached them to the drone’s undercarriage via custom release clips that served to pull their pins so the canisters could be deployed down on the enemy. The drone was also equipped with a self-destruct system and served as a remote sonar beacon to watch enemy movements. The larger model could be fitted with a micro 9mm semiautomatic gun on a pivoting mount, but Fisher had chosen the smaller model since the plan here was to go in “ghost,” evade detection, and not engage the enemy. The CS gas would both screen them and give the Russians a tearful moment of pause as it wreaked havoc with their respiratory systems.
  3. “Okay, Charlie, the drone’s all yours.”
  5. “Sweet. I bet that S&R team will fast rope into the crash site. The best time for you guys to extract would be while they’re infiltrating.”
  7. “Yeah, in a perfect world,” said Fisher. “Not sure we can get to the LZ in time. You keep them busy with that drone. I want SITREPs every couple of minutes or sooner,” said Fisher.
  8. ...
  10. “Sam, I’ve just deployed the CS canisters,” reported Charlie. “Probably took out at least six or seven of them, but the wind’s picking up again. Looks like the rest are converging on the crash site, at least for now.”
  12. “Roger that. Do a sweep over the tree line surrounding the jet. Double-check for bodies.”
  14. - Blacklist Aftermath, Chapter 7, 8
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