
azure/sam: fatdirk/gainingjohn weight gain cuddles

Oct 18th, 2012
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  1. prince of pastries: so i was starting your request of fat dirk and yknow idk if can picture him fat for some reason? i think it's because i don't see any wg art of him, ever, i think it's easier to think of him as the one with a fat kink/feeder but
  2. prince of pastries: hmmmmmm
  3. azureangelic: oh
  4. azureangelic: well i mean its up to you if you actually wanted to do it i was just spewing random ideas lol
  5. azureangelic: but yeah i know what you mean he seems more like hed be in control
  6. prince of pastries: haha its not that i dont want to do it now i'm just trying to think of scenarios for him and it'd be interesting
  7. prince of pastries: more so dirk/older john, laughs o how the tables have turned
  8. azureangelic: heh
  10. prince of pastries: but o well i kinda like picturing dirk as big, big shoulders and huge arms and chest but also really wide, regards to weight
  11. azureangelic: like he gets into a relationship with john and john is this cute little barely plump thing and dirk decides to fix that but john has a mischievious streak a mile long and manages to get dirk to gain weight instead so by the end of it john is around 260ish and pretty fat but dirk is like 400lbs super wide and thick bearmode
  12. prince of pastries: y e s i'm so okay with this
  14. prince of pastries: dirk is mostly just confused how did this happen?????
  15. prince of pastries: not that hes complaining but damn
  16. azureangelic: john is a slippery one
  17. prince of pastries: pranking master after all
  19. azureangelic: im kind of picturing dirk having an odd sort of build with a lot of belly and some thigh but really not a lot of moobs and really noticably thick arms
  20. azureangelic: his sbahj tattoo is all messed up but its sbahj so it only really enhances the appeal
  21. prince of pastries: hjguithg
  22. prince of pastries: no same though i can get behind this headcanon body type
  23. prince of pastries: bara dirk is a go
  25. azureangelic: he just pretty much lives in tank tops
  26. azureangelic: every time he lifts his arms john swoons in a really silly and exaggerated manner
  27. prince of pastries: because his shirt with the movement and his belly rolls out over his incredibly tight pants that still fit him
  28. azureangelic: he has this absurdly round belly shape like if he was two hundred pounds lighter it'd look like a beer belly
  29. azureangelic: and hes very firm unlike john whos soft and jiggly everywhere
  31. prince of pastries: and dirk can still pick him up, which is the funny thing
  32. azureangelic: of course
  33. azureangelic: dirk picks john up and it looks like a bearhug the way dirk has to wrap his huge thick arms around john and squish him against his belly to hoist him off the ground
  34. prince of pastries: because john's still a pretty heavy guy, it's not an easy feat but dirk's taller and stronger and defiantly bigger, he can manage
  36. azureangelic: im just imagining dirk having this workbench for robot building and he has a chair that he sits in far enough away from the bench so that his gut isnt squishing against it and one day he sits down and the chair commits sudoku and john can hear dirks ass hitting the floor from outside and he instantly knows what happened
  37. azureangelic: and when he gets to dirks room dirk is still trying to get himself off the ground because he has too much dignity to roll around and his belly is too big for him to push himself into a proper sitting position
  38. azureangelic: and he just tells john he felt like sitting on the floor
  40. prince of pastries: jgjth john tries to help him up much to dirk's displeasure but they both kinda give up, dirk's too much, john's can't support both his weight and his own so just just kinda end up on the floor panting
  41. azureangelic: they're both lying sprawled out on the floor bellies blubbing upwards and fat limbs splayed out lazily and covered in sweat and dirks just like i think we're fat
  42. prince of pastries: john lays like what was your first clue, especially considering how big dirk is
  43. azureangelic: dirk just sort of huffs and they sit there in silence for a bit until johns belly gurgles and he asks dirk what hes making for dinner and dirk just rolls his eyes and goes back to trying to stand up using john's stomach as a support
  45. prince of pastries: i feel like whenever dirk cooks he ends up eating half of it as he cooks, either out of subconious habit or john meanders in and feeds him
  46. prince of pastries: they get takeout a lot, even after they've cooked dinner
  47. azureangelic: john tells dirk hes full and dirk asks if he wants take out and johns just like mhmm and once it gets there john just tells dirk he's too full to eat and dirk ends up having to straddle him and feed him himself
  49. prince of pastries: it doesn't take long for john to become overstuffed and lethargic, so naturally the rest is for himself
  50. azureangelic: naturally
  52. azureangelic: once dirk's done as well john usually climbs onto dirk's lap facing him so their stomachs are squishing together and dirk can appreciate just how big john's getting
  53. prince of pastries: john's a slower gainer than dirk is but he's certainly getting there
  54. azureangelic: dirk's still a bit bigger so john usually just lies atop dirk listening to their stomachs nosiily trying to digest
  56. azureangelic: except on nights where dirk managed to fit most of the food into john, at which point john'll be lying on his back groaning and bubbling happily as dirk practically worships the hugely swollen warm mound of his belly, rubbing and kissing it and squeezing the sides to free up some room inside john's gut by making him burp to himself and massaging it to help spur digestion
  57. prince of pastries: it goeso n like this for awhile, every other night the other gets ridiculously stuffed, it's a rare occurance if they mutally feed eachother and don't end up bloated and unmoving on the couch
  59. azureangelic: eventually john's gain starts picking up and dirk finds himself being amazed at how gigantic hes getting
  60. prince of pastries: they're pretty even now for as far as weight goes, dirk's a little taller but they both look as big
  62. azureangelic: sexytimes start to get a bit harder, dirk has to press against johns back to grope at his tits and tummy because from the front the only really succeed in mushing against oneanother
  63. prince of pastries: yup their bellies just press together, it's hard to even get a kiss in, they just get heated and frustrated trying to push against eachother
  64. azureangelic: which isnt to say it feels bad
  66. azureangelic: on the hotter summer days when neither of them bother wearing a shirt john'll just initiate hugs with dirk just to feel the sensation of their wide slightly-clammy soft tummies against the other's warm skin and the way their breasts press together
  67. prince of pastries: it's pretty hot, both in terms of temperature and as far as sexiness goes, dirk fight back with climbing on top of john and kissing him open mouthed, meanwhile john's left breathless
  69. azureangelic: sometimes dirk just sort of nuzzles john's hair, letting his weight fall on top of him and burying his face in his meaty chest, smothering john under the sheer weight of his belly and limbs
  70. azureangelic: it gets harder to function in the summer because neither one wants to wear a shirt in the heat and just looking at the other's body makes them want to rub and touch and grind it and they end up in a perpetual state of twilit horniness
  71. prince of pastries: yup omg, just always turned on and sweating because the ac never quite chills down the apartment enough, they don't really mind though
  73. prince of pastries: only when its REALLY hot out where they can't even think about physical things, they're just too hot
  74. prince of pastries: they can really only cool down with ice cream (lots and lots of ice cream)
  75. azureangelic: ice cream that inevitably ends up partially smeared across their bodies and dripping into their folds
  77. azureangelic: their life pretty much becomes Two Cute Stupendously Fat Boys Sitting Around Groping One Another Sweatily: The Motion Picture
  78. prince of pastries: y u p
  79. prince of pastries: but at least they're happy with it, the only downside is never really having clothes that completely cover them when they go out into public, and there's a good chance their furniture might break under them, as proof from dirk's work chair
  80. azureangelic: but neither really cares when the couch cracks ominously the night john playfully coaxes dirk into eating several tubs of ice cream so he can use his belly as a sweat-slick cooled-down jelly pillow
  81. prince of pastries: they just vow that the next couch they'll buy it much, much studier
  82. prince of pastries: uwu
  83. azureangelic: indeed
  85. azureangelic: (i like how this went from rational justification for mutual gaining to just self-indulgent fatty boy sexygropes)
  86. prince of pastries: heheh i'm not complaing
  87. azureangelic: neither am i
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