

Dec 28th, 2016
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  1. @realDonaldTrump @CNN @StephenAtHome @iamjohnoliver @ABC @NBC @CBS
  3. Well fuck. fuckiity fuck fuck!
  4. You shit balled, radioactive, dead clown asshole eating, shit for brains nut bucket!
  5. I don't give a flying fuck! god, you and your little gang of #deplorable #tinyhanded #limpdicked #fucktards in a cabinet are trying to LITERALLY destroy #democracy!
  6. And you REALLY are trying to play "King", but really... You're just the king of nothing.
  7. No one. And the proof is in the fact that you're a disgusting piece of bacteria laden bird shit caught in Putin's little nuke engine.
  8. You want to know what?
  9. You're just not worth the fucking effort.
  10. I would try to reason with an incredulous little tyke like yourself, but you just keep becoming the new nightmare that Freddy Kruger wished he could be, and that idiot was a kid fucking, nightmare hopping, teen killing burn victim that was more orange and red then you'll EVER BE!
  12. Look, Trump, we all know that you're just trying to get impeached, assassinated, or impregnated by the ideology of the Alt-Right, because you want to know what?
  13. Since you're not being politically correct?
  14. Why should I?
  15. Why should I bother being nice, or patience, or even give you a chance you've repeatedly fucked up by pretty much everything you do, say, produce, or even tweet?
  16. Because let's face it Trump, you're a fauxking insane dictator, and you think that the American people are going to stand up for it?
  17. You REALLY think we're just going to sit back and let you take away OUR freedom of press?
  18. Our right to protest?
  19. Our very freedom of speech because you have thinner skin than a tissue paper condom left in the rain?
  21. REALLY!? Well, a giant FUCK YOU, you dead rat wig wearing ass clown! I just can't believe we elected, into office, the reincarnation of mother fucking Adolf Hitler, only instead of the Jewish people, you're going after the Muslim portion of our population?
  22. Are you fucking kidding me with this fucking bullshit!?
  23. Are you!?
  24. You want to have a bunch of yes men in your cabinet, who indirectly represent your core values, who represent your racist, backwards, phobia, paranoid delusional tiny dicked ideology!?
  25. We will stand up.
  26. We will continue to fucking rage, to shout, to yell, to be the fucking nightmare you always have right after you fail at jacking off at the thought of your "Tower", because you'd be fucking up the world, and fucking up the gene pool!
  27. All of this is before I even had my coffee.
  28. You stupid, ignorant, ass faced, gator fucking, Alt right secret natzi loving son of a bitch!
  30. Now, let's get down to brass tacks, because you and I?
  31. We got some talking to do, and boy, oh FUCKING boy, do I have a lot on my mind right now.
  32. I'm sick to my stomach of hearing your name.
  33. I'm sick to death of writing these hate filled, insult laden swear fest because anytime I look at the web, post on facebook, or hell, even watch the fucking news, I get to hear about the newest egg sack of Clown spiders you've thrown on the American Dream, and mother fucking hell, does it infuriate me beyond words.
  34. Which is why I give no fucks when posting on Facebook.
  35. Which is why I will continue writing these long ass tweets at you to REMIND you that THE PEOPLE OF THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the smart ones who now realize you're a fucking joke, a running gag left on the forums of a dying 4Chan thread to eek out its pointless, futile, love deprived existence as the internet house of cards collapses on you harder than your bloated sense of just how big you think your hands actually are.
  36. WE will never stop raging.
  37. We will never stop showing our disrespect for you.
  38. You are a god damned disgrace to the Presidency, and if there were a Zombie apocalypse? Your Secret Service detail would throw your ass to the first fucking undead bastard they see, along with the rest of your Mad Cow disease ridden cabinet, god damn!
  40. The very reason we have the freedom of speech is so we CAN vent our frustration, so we can get to the heart of the reason why we're so frustrated, and doing this?
  41. Tearing apart the constitution like you would a pair of lovingly hand knit barbie sized mittens?
  42. Because you have incredibly, just ridiculously small hands. Seriously, those things would get lost in a dust mites mouth.
  43. You trying to secretly take away our freedom of speech, our right to protest, with the help of the GOP through the backtracking on all of the progress we've made thus far over the past eight years is like getting a puppy for an orphan on Christmas day, but naming the puppy the kids actual parents names, and then euthanizing the orphan because you think hes going to fuck you over.
  45. That's a bit dark isn't it, Donald Drumpf?
  47. Well, you're a bit dark.
  48. You are an angry, anti-establishment fuck face, who's only out to stamp your own, shit smeared name on the globe over where America used to be.
  49. You are just about the worst fucking thing to happen to us, you truly are.
  50. You'll fail this country harder than you did Trump University, where, despite your claims of never settling and having a high success rate, you ultimately both settled AND screwed your customers out of a great chance to learn your secrets, and instead taught them how to roll around in a burning field of cow shit.
  51. Also known as whatever the fuck you thought you were ACTUALLY teaching them.
  53. Let's talk about Skittles, the candy, not your racist definition of the term, you fuck wad in a bad suit wearing a dead family of mice for hair.
  54. Skittles are fucking awesome!
  55. I love Skittles!
  56. Skittles are the rainbow of flavor you just want to gorge on until the roof of your mouth hurts worse than if you'd just downed an entire bag of warheads, and that's pretty fucking sore.
  57. Skittles are candy, skittles are delicious.
  58. Skittles are what makes the world go round.
  59. You fat, freedom crushing shit filled bag of dicks.
  60. Skittles is not a term you use to name a group of people, because-
  62. Hey, you remember that one guy who LITERALLY got stabbed in the anus? Yeah, we all remember him! fun! Well, just know that should you continue calling people Skittles, a big ass bag of them are going to stab you in the nostrils, and pretty much every other hole you've got, or don't have.
  63. Because you're fucking pussy grabbing shit stain of the Human Genome.
  64. I hope they freeze your head to find a cure for Assholes, because as of right now, the epidemic is just too high profile.
  66. Hell, not only will Skittles candy be the worst Howloween treat for you in the world, especially since, you know, the whole tearing your ass apart with SEVERAL butcher knives, just... TWISTING around up there, because they'd be like the huge hands you wish you could have!
  67. This isn't a death threat.
  68. This isn't a promise.
  69. This isn't even trying to rationalize.
  70. This is an American venting his frustrations through the only God given medium that's not currently under pussy grabbing, racist, microscopic iron-fist assault:
  71. The written word.
  72. Because we're going to protest.
  73. We're going to write.
  74. We're going to make stories about you getting fucked over so hard, it'll make the worst rape scene in "Oz", the prison show, look like it was political documentary on how fast roses grow in a pleasant light.
  75. This is a war of attrition that you, and you're like minded, cabinet of idiosyncratic-in-a-horrible-way, basket of tiny brained, microscopic handed, atom sized fingered, no dick, ass bagged, deplorable fuck nuts are going to lose.
  76. And lose hard.
  78. Thinking of banning video of protests? Well, shit on you you douche fuck! Trying to take away our right to just get on video, protest your presidency? Wow, such a damned dictator, a tyrant, REALLY. A damn terrorist. Well, I've got a little fun fact for you, Dawn Drumpf. you want to know HOW the Terrorists win?
  79. By us freaking the fuck out and retreating.
  80. By silencing our voices.
  81. By blinding us to the truth.
  82. By ripping away the collective sounds of millions of people speaking out against the broken, festering tumor we see growing in front of us everyday.
  83. We need to find a cure for the disease, unfortunately, you and your, so called, "Plan" are making it far worse for us to make sure we stamp the shit out of it. You know what? That whole pizzagate thing? By, whatshisface, Fuckface Comey? You guys are really great friends, I should think, so let's do this:
  85. *The following is a fake accusation*
  87. You are secretly a member of Isis, a sleeper cell, if you would. Yes, i'm falsely calling you a member of Assholes, or Goat Fuckers International, or Alt-Right Tiny Hands Raised, or whatever insults you the most.
  89. *This ends the fake accusation, back to the rage*
  91. This anger will not fade, this rage will never go away, this is the result of your negativity, I will NEVER give you a chance, I will never forget what you did to molest your way into power, I will never back off, stand down, be silent, or EVER give up. I, and many other are onto you, Dawn Dumpf, and we know the fucking truth, we see you for what you really are:
  92. 1. A scared little man.
  93. 2. Hiding behind the powers of president that you falsely won through the help of a foreign power.
  94. 3. Whose past is catching up with him in such a vicious and ugly way that the only true and forgivable way is through private impeachment made public.
  95. You are a fucking disgrace to men, Humanity, the Male genome in ANY capacity, and the american People. I'm not done, I've just gotten through the insulting part of this. I'm calling you every single fucking thing I can possibly think of, and I've got a damned dictionary or words ready and willing to take you the fuck down a peg.
  97. Starting from the very beginning, you are:
  98. 1. A freak of nature.
  99. 2. Driven by fear, paranoia, and racist thinking.
  100. 3. Ignorant of religions differing from your own.
  101. 4. A man who'd given a chance, opportunity and were it legal and socially, would sleep with his own daughter.
  102. 5. Send his immigrant wife back to where she came from.
  103. 6. A shameless fraudulent scholar, who only went to business school to learn how to fuck other people over, to cheat them out of hard earned and hard spent money for a chance to learn how their FauxKing got to be the best.
  104. 7. You are a scam artist, a con, a irreverent sociopathic, recluse who's fear of retribution is so great, that the only way you can possibly win is, was, and always will be by cheating the system hundreds of years old.
  105. 8. You openly defrauded your support base.
  106. 9. Used their political party, like a beauty queen pageant tricked into a nude photo shoot, against them.
  107. 10. And now your being forced into a horrifying new reality where you won't be able to spend every waking minute inside your golden, gilded, castles, but rather inside a prison of stone and mortar, under constant watch, under constant threat.
  108. 11. You are a:
  109. 11.A. psychopathic,
  110. 11.B. unrepentant,
  111. 11.C. unapologetic,
  112. 11.D. rift causing,
  113. 11.E. hedonistic,
  114. 11.F. idiot who's only playing at being a serious president.
  115. 12. Fuck, you're not even president, not even close, and already you're trying to cause World War 3 by talking of stacking up the nukes to try and prove that you aren't:
  116. 12.A. The tiny handed night terror.
  117. 12.B The bogeyman under the bed.
  118. 12.C. The big bad wolf blowing on the house of straw.
  119. 13. You are the:
  120. 13.A. weakest,
  121. 13.B. most powerless man on the face of the planet.
  122. 14. You openly insult others when they call you out on your bullshit,
  124. To be honest, I'm looking forward to the both sad and ridiculously happy day when the collective social American psychology works together to oust your failure of a presidency, or you happen to fuck up and trip off the balcony, impaling yourself on one of the many spike traps you requested for fear of open criticism.
  125. You hang on to what makes you the happiest in the world, despite the more intelligent path of letting it all go so you can focus more on making America 'Great Again', rather than the world of hotels and towers. You've distracted us, stole the spotlight from those more deserving, filled your own personal swamp with ravenous, hungry, blood thirsty monsters, who at their first chance, will devour you whole, and spit out only the poisoned idiocy that got you this far. You have, in the past, been invited to a billionaire sex offenders private island to partake in potential and alleged activities so very monstrous in international waters.
  127. You, Donald James "Trump" Drumpf, will be the sole reason for a Nuclear Winter. Because of your thin skinned nature, your ABSOLUTELY Hyper hair trigger angry reactions will be the death of the country that you so fought and poisoned your way to steal and eventually kill. In this way, you're the metaphorical rapist and killer of the metaphorical Jon Benet Ramsey, otherwise known as these United States of America.
  128. There is no known greater insult to you, there is no way to truly write out what I absolutely feel for people of your caliber of cartoonish levels of evil.
  129. You are a disgusting disease, spread through ignorance, anger, hatred, fear and war mongering. You don't deserve the presidency at all, but this is now your reality, and ours as well. and I for one, will never stop being angry at you.
  131. There is no escaping your own trappings, no escaping your own mind.
  132. You will fall, failing at everything you set out to do.
  133. There is only one recourse, an open, direct, sincere, heart felt, and honest apology for what you've done in the past, what you did in the present, and what you'll, unfortunately, do in the future.
  134. ----------------------------------
  137. To the others tagged in this message to Donald James Trump, this is not a death threat.
  138. This is one mans anger, rage, and frustration directed at one who so publicly and so negatively created a vicious, cowardly, poisoned campaign that was a monstrous display of the male psychology in the worst possible way.
  139. I openly accept responsibility for writing and posting this, and I will not stop exorcising my freedom of speech, my right to protest, my right to press, my freedom of expression, or my God given right to feel negative emotions at the metaphorical potential "lethal injection" that is this man.
  141. I, and many others like me, are disgusted with him.
  142. I won't stop raging.
  143. I won't stop protesting.
  144. There are people who are far worse in temper and means then I.
  145. I realize that words have power, words can do more harm than a clenched fist or a sharp blade ever could.
  146. These are my thoughts, feelings, and emotion, turned against a man who has been nothing but negative.
  147. So, negatively elected, I am merely following our "Fauxking" leader's example.
  149. There is truth behind these words.
  150. There is hurt.
  151. In the parts that seem so truly filled with serious intent, there is none.
  152. Shouting at a storm cloud will not stop it, only exhaust the person shouting.
  154. Sincerely,
  155. Morgan James Gavin.
  157. P.S.:
  158. I apologize to those offended by the Jon Benet reference, in hindsight, that was going a bit too far. i'm still leaving it in there. there is a limit to how much anger I can sustain, and sooner or later, I will have had my fill of it, and move on to more happier tones on other subjects.
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