

Nov 12th, 2019
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  1. 8-Bread
  3. Yuuki looked down at the anko bread in her hands and smiled. Very few things in her childhood were pleasant. From the constant travels to the isolation from others...But there is one memory that always made her happy.
  4. It was the day she met her bodyguard. The man had a face of stone and a pair of icey blue eyes that pierced deep into your soul. Add his towering stature and massive build and you had a man that put the fear of god into anyone who dared look her way. Of course, she too feared him back then. And who could blame her? When he stopped her from running off, he would do so by simply lifting her off the ground with one hand. And then there was the fact that, although he wore sunglasses, she could feel him watching over her. Back then, it was like she was a field mouse in the gaze of a hungry hawk. But that all changed one day after a terrible day with her mother.
  5. The woman had grown fed up with her daughter and had left her crying in the store. She couldn’t remember why she was crying, only that it was in response to something her mother had said. The bawling only worsened when she realized she had been left alone.
  6. Nobody had approached her despite her yelling, the people in the store feeling that it was something best dealt between mother and daughter.
  7. “Lady Yuuki.”
  8. The voice was gentle, almost like a father’s (Or at least what she imagined a true father’s voice would sound like, not at all like her cold and distant one.) Slowly, she opened her eyes to see her bodyguard kneeling before her, a piece of bread in hand.
  9. Timidly, she took the piece and bit into it. The taste of the sweet bean paste slowly calmed her, until the only sign Yuuki was crying were the tear stains on her cheeks.
  10. “There we go.” He held out one of his massive hands to her. At first she flinched, expecting him to grab her as he’d done before. But the grab never came. Instead, he held it out in offering.
  11. “Come on, your mother is waiting in the car. Let’s not keep her waiting, shall we?”
  12. Yuuki could only nod, taking his hand into her tiny one. From then on, her fear of Fuyuki had all but vanished. No longer did she feel like a mouse in the eyes of a hawk. Instead, it was more like a hawk watching over his chick like a true father.
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