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a guest
Nov 20th, 2018
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  1. Crate:
  2. CrateType: Cosmic #Type of crate.
  3. CrateName: '&8Mythical Crate' #Name of the Inventory if a GUI crate.
  4. Preview-Name: '&8Mythical Crate Preview'
  5. StartingKeys: 0 #Starting amount of keys when the player 1st joins.
  6. InGUI: true #If the crate shows in the /cc GUI.
  7. Slot: 23 #Slot the item is in the GUI.
  8. OpeningBroadCast: false #Enables/Disables the Broadcasts message when they open a crate.
  9. BroadCast: '' #Message that is broadcasted when opening the crate.
  10. Item: 'ENDER_CHEST' #Item the crate is in the GUI
  11. Glowing: false #If the crate in the main /cc GUI is glowing or not.
  12. Name: '&d&lMythical Crate' #Name of the item in the GUI.
  13. Lore: #The lore of the item in the GUI.
  14. - '&7This crate contains strange objects,'
  15. - '&7from somewhere beyond this planet.'
  16. - '&7You have &6%Keys% keys &7to open this crate with.'
  17. - '&7&l(&e&l!&7&l) Right click to view rewards.'
  18. PhysicalKey:
  19. Name: '&d&Mythical Crate &b&lKey' #Name of the Key.
  20. Lore:
  21. - '&7A special Key' #Lore of the Key.
  22. - '&7For a special Crate.'
  23. Item: 'TRIPWIRE_HOOK' #The item the key is.
  24. Glowing: true
  25. Tiers: #The tiers in the Crate
  26. Basic: #The Config Name for the Crate
  27. Name: '&8Mythical Prize' #The in-game name of the Crate
  28. Color: 7 #Use the MetaData for the color of the glass
  29. Chance: 80 #Chance of that item getting picked. It would be 80/100 chance because MaxRange is 100.
  30. MaxRange: 100 #The max range that the chance will go though.
  31. UnCommon:
  32. Name: '&8Mythical Prize'
  33. Color: 5
  34. Chance: 55
  35. MaxRange: 100
  36. Rare:
  37. Name: '&4Rare Prize'
  38. Color: 14
  39. Chance: 20
  40. MaxRange: 100
  41. Prizes: #All the prizes that can be gotten in the Crate.
  42. 1:
  43. DisplayName: '&d&lGalactic Grass' #Name of the item shown by the crate.
  44. DisplayItem: 'GRASS' #Item that is shown by the crate.
  45. DisplayAmount: 1 #The ammount that is displayed
  46. Lore: #Lore will be shown in rewards GUI.
  47. - '&7Win some grass for your fields.'
  48. - '&6&lChance: &c&l40%'
  49. MaxRange: 100 #The max range that the chance will go though.
  50. Chance: 40 #Chance of that item getting picked. It would be 40/100 chance because MaxRange is 100.
  51. Firework: false #Firework when it is won.
  52. Glowing: false
  53. Tiers: #The Tiers the rewards can be found in.
  54. - 'Basic'
  55. - 'UnCommon'
  56. - 'Rare'
  57. #Items that the player wins if this prize is picked. (If you wish not to
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