
finish and edit later

Feb 8th, 2016
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  1. "You were the Chosen One! You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them. You were supposed to bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness."
  2. "I hate you!"
  3. "You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you."
  5. -
  7. It's been exactly a year since the events on Mustafar occurred. A year since the dictatorship known as the Empire took over. A year since Luke and Leia were born, a year since Padmé passed away, and a year since you lost the man you loved.
  8. You wake up to cold sweats early in the morning. You were having a nightmare, it wasn't uncommon these days, but it was a nightmare you hadn't had in months. It was a direct memory of that fateful day on Mustafar. You can almost feel the heat on your face and the course feeling in your throat from trying to breath in the volcanic atmosphere.
  10. Even though it's been a year. You still can't believe it happened. It's just too ...tragic to happen to anyone. On that day you lost everyone you loved in one go. How you're still living is a miracle of the force, and for Luke. No matter what is between you and Vader, you will protect Luke with your life. As he's all you have to live for anymore, and he's the only one who can make it so his mother didn't die in vain. Because there is still good in Vader. You know it.
  12. After laying in bed for a good hour, you finally give up trying to go back to sleep, and decide to get up. Leaving your bed you move to a different area of your tight and cozy hut. You go to a dresser to change into something that is a bit cleaner. A top of your dresser there is a mirror. You look in it and barely recognize the man in the mirror. There is a reason for that though. Obi-Wan Kenobi died that day on Mustafar with Anakin Skywalker. All that emerged from the ashes was two broken men in the shadows of who they used to me.
  14. After changing, you decide maybe it's time you go outside and find somewhere to peacefully meditate. Before leaving you take a military grade energy bar from a box that you 'borrowed' a few months ago from a cantina. You did repay them for the bars, but in a more secretive way. Leaving you take your lightsaber from the door, and clip it to your waist, hiding it from anyone who may see you.
  16. As you make it out into the harsh morning Suns of Tatooine, you squint at the sudden light. It could be a lifetime and you'd never get used to how blinding the Twin Suns were.
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