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The Most Dangerous Game

a guest
Oct 6th, 2016
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  1. (It's a late weekday night on Yog. To the OOC surprise of several present, only two players are actually on the crew at round start- a cargo tech and a head of personnel who's definitely not a traitor.)
  3. Kyla Zalack exclaims, "Orville!"
  4. Kyla Zalack says, "I'm so glad you could join me in my humble abode"
  5. Kyla Zalack says, "Of this station"
  6. Orville Sash says, "Hey hows it going in there"
  7. Kyla Zalack says, "Here's your complimentary nearly-all-access ID."
  8. Orville Sash says, "Thank you"
  9. Kyla Zalack says, "Feel free to explore this mansion"
  10. Ian woofs, "AUUUUUU"
  11. Kyla Zalack asks, "Tell me Orville, are you a hunting man?"
  12. Orville Sash says, "Ive done some hunting yes"
  13. Kyla Zalack says, "I was quite the lavaland huntsman, back in my day ohh yes"
  14. Kyla Zalack says, "Such fond memories, for a time."
  15. Kyla Zalack says, "Ah, but I mustn't keep you with memories of pursuits long since gone dull."
  16. Kyla Zalack asks, "Please, enjoy the estate. Perhaps we'll meet for supper later?"
  17. Orville Sash says, "Sounds good, i'd like to hear some hunting stories"
  18. Kyla Zalack says, "And I have some marvelous entertainment in mind for the evening."
  20. (The two go their separate ways for a time. Eventually several more guests arrive, and are welcomed warmly.)
  22. [Common] Evelyn Phillips says, "Test"
  23. [Common] Kyla Zalack says, "Evelyn! What an unexpected delight."
  24. [Common] Evelyn Phillips asks, "Whats going on kyla?"
  25. [Common] Orville Sash says, "Just a peaceful day on the station"
  26. [Common] Kyla Zalack exclaims, "Why, just a humble evening at my estate. So many guests!"
  27. [Common] Evelyn Phillips asks, "Why is everyone talking like they have been brainwashed to be happy?"
  28. [Common] Evelyn Phillips asks, "Whats with gravity?"
  29. You enable the mag-pulse traction system.
  30. [Common] Kyla Zalack exclaims, "Gravity? Pish posh!"
  31. [Common] Kyla Zalack says, "We didn't have any of that stuff back in MY day"
  32. [Common] Kyla Zalack exclaims, "Why, a trusty magnet in each boot and you were right as rain!"
  34. ----
  36. Evelyn Phillips says, "Yo"
  37. Evelyn Phillips asks, "Can I get all access?"
  38. Kyla Zalack exclaims, "But of course!"
  39. Evelyn Phillips says, "Thanks"
  40. Kyla Zalack (as Unknown) says, "There you are."
  41. [Common] Kyla Zalack exclaims, "Make yourself at home, my dear!"
  42. [Common] Kyla Zalack says, "You are free to roam about the estate as you see fit."
  44. (The HoP swings by engineering, and finds a freshly set-up Tesla courtesy of his shaft miner guest.)
  46. Kyla Zalack exclaims, "Hah!"
  47. Kyla Zalack says, "Capital, Evelyn, most capital"
  48. Evelyn Phillips says, "Yo"
  49. Evelyn Phillips nods.
  50. Evelyn Phillips says, "Thank you kyla"
  51. Kyla Zalack exclaims, "Why, perhaps I must hire you full time!"
  52. Evelyn Phillips says, "You can't afford me"
  53. Evelyn Phillips winks.
  54. Kyla Zalack exclaims, "Hah!"
  55. Kyla Zalack says, "You know, I was quite the lavaland game hunter myself, back in the day"
  56. Evelyn Phillips asks, "Really?"
  57. Kyla Zalack says, "Though in time I fear it all became quite dull."
  58. Kyla Zalack asks, "Still, it was enough to earn me my considerable fortune. I suppose that's some consolation, yes?"
  59. Evelyn Phillips says, "I bet you did it on the astorid..."
  60. Evelyn Phillips says, "I don't think you could make it on lavaland"
  61. Kyla Zalack says, "Oh, perhaps, perhaps."
  62. Evelyn Phillips says, "Its tough"
  63. Evelyn Phillips says, "But someones got to do it."
  64. Evelyn Phillips says, "I like to kill things."
  65. Evelyn Phillips grins.
  66. Evelyn Phillips giggles.
  67. Kyla Zalack says, "Excellent! Well, I shan't keep you for now. But I have the most marvelous entertainment planned this evening, I'm sure you won't want to miss it."
  68. Kyla Zalack asks, "I'll notify you via announcement, himm?"
  70. ----
  72. You secure the Gravitational Singularity Generator to the floor.
  74. ----
  76. Captain Announces
  77. And now we come to the evening's entertainment!
  79. Priority Announcement
  80. The emergency shuttle has been called. It will arrive in 10 minutes.
  81. Nature of emergency:
  82. I think ten minutes should be plenty of time for this game. Yes, ten will be perfect.
  84. [Common] Albert Scherer asks, "What game?"
  85. [Common] Evelyn Phillips says, "The game sounds like she is gonna hunt us..."
  86. [Common] Kyla Zalack says, "As I've mentioned to some of you honored guests of mine, I was once QUITE the accomplished lavaland hunter, if I do say so myself."
  87. [Common] Kyla Zalack says, "But in truth, such pursuits began to bore me in time."
  88. [Common] Kyla Zalack says, "I craved a TRUE challenge. A foe WORTHY of my hunting skill."
  89. [Common] Kyla Zalack says, "And here, on this estate my fortune bought me, I've finally found it."
  90. [Common] Kyla Zalack says, "The most TRULY dangerous game to hunt in all the cosmos...."
  91. [Common] Kyla Zalack says, "The wild singularity."
  92. [Common] Clare Houser says, "Well shit"
  94. [Common] Kyla Zalack exclaims, "One of the little devils should be roaming about any moment now!"
  95. [Common] Kyla Zalack asks, "Anyone care to make a friendly wager on who bags the beast?"
  96. [Common] Clare Houser asks, "How do you catch a singularity?"
  97. [Common] Cepellin asks, "Hey cap before you fight singu can u open EVA?"
  98. [Common] Kyla Zalack says, "Nothing ambitious, say... a paltry five hundred space bucks."
  99. [Common] Kyla Zalack exclaims, "Ah, Clare, exactly!"
  100. [Common] ÿAutomated Announcement System coldly states, "Alvin Shirey has signed up as Scientist"
  101. [Common] Alvin Shirey exclaims, "Hello Crew of 7!"
  102. [Common] Kyla Zalack says, "THAT is a critical part of what makes the hunt such a WONDERFUL challenge."
  103. [Common] Clare Houser says, "Watch out alvin, a madman is releasing the singularity soon"
  104. [Common] Clare Houser says, "For sport"
  105. [Common] Kyla Zalack says, "Alvin! You're just in time to join us in hunting the most dangerous game."
  106. [Common] Kyla Zalack exclaims, "Welcome, welcome!"
  108. (Station rattles in explosion, gravity fails)
  110. [Common] Clare Houser asks, "Was that you, kyla?"
  111. [Common] Kyla Zalack asks, "HAH! Hungry little beast, isn't she?"
  112. [Common] Cepellin intones, "I think i know where it is"
  114. [Common] Albert Scherer says, "I'm gonna stay at lavaland"
  115. [Common] Kyla Zalack asks, "Are you truly so craven, boy?"
  116. [Common] Clare Houser says, "I'm getting this singulo after I get into the EVA storage"
  117. [Common] Kyla Zalack exclaims, "That's the spirit!"
  118. [Common] Clare Houser exclaims, "The money's mine, kyla!"
  120. [Common] Evelyn Phillips says, "Holy fuck the singloo is loose..."
  121. [Common] Evelyn Phillips says, "I didn't even set up the singloo..."
  122. [Common] ÿAutomated Announcement System coldly states, "Amos Nicholas has signed up as Bartender"
  123. [Common] Evelyn Phillips says, "What the fuck"
  124. [Common] Kyla Zalack exclaims, "Yes, but no need to worry- I did it for you!"
  125. Kyla Zalack exclaims, "Yes, but no need to worry- I did it for you!"
  126. [Common] Clare Houser asks, "Okay where't eh ebast?"
  127. [Common] Kyla Zalack exclaims, "You seem to have missed the conversation, Evelyn. We're all seeking to hunt the most dangerous game there is!"
  128. [Common] Kyla Zalack exclaims, "The singularity!"
  129. [Common] Albert Scherer asks, "How do you hunt a singularity?"
  130. [Common] ÿAutomated Announcement System coldly states, "Wei Liang has signed up as Cook"
  131. [Common] Evelyn Phillips says, "I thought you meant people...."
  132. [Common] Clare Houser says, "I found singulo tracks"
  133. [Common] Kyla Zalack says, "People?! Why, I can bag ten of those on a trip to the privy."
  134. [Common] Evelyn Phillips says, "Your nuts..."
  135. [Common] Clare Houser says, "No evelyn"
  136. [Common] Clare Houser says, "She's the truest hunter of them all"
  137. [Common] Alvin Shirey says, "FUCK"
  138. [Common] Kyla Zalack exclaims, "Only if I beat you to it, Clare!"
  139. [Common] Clare Houser says, "I fond singulo tracks but it went cold"
  140. [Common] Alvin Shirey says, "TITS"
  141. [Common] Kyla Zalack says, "Tut tut."
  142. [Common] Kyla Zalack says, "Don't you worry, Clare. it's a wily beast."
  143. [Common] Alvin Shirey says, "Guys I have tourettes after radiation help me im in RD office."
  144. [Common] Kyla Zalack says, "This is the fourth time I've tried to hunt the wily creature."
  145. [Common] Clare Houser asks, "Are you staying to hunt?"
  146. Alvin Shirey says, "TITS"
  147. Alvin Shirey asks, "See?"
  149. Priority Announcement
  150. The Emergency Shuttle has left the station. Estimate 2 minutes until the shuttle docks at Central Command.
  152. Alvin Shirey says, "I keep on swearing"
  153. Kyla Zalack says, "Afraid not. Once an estate is eaten, the beast tends to wander off."
  154. Alvin Shirey says, "And seizing in place"
  155. Orville Sash says, "I couldnt do it"
  156. The secure briefcase materializes onto the floor.
  157. You put PDA-Kyla Zalack (Head of Personnel) into the satchel.
  158. Orville Sash says, "I couldnt bring myself to assimilate such a wonderful host"
  159. Alvin Shirey buckles themself to the chair.
  160. Kyla Zalack says, "Very good of you."
  161. Kyla Zalack says, "Well, I suppose these space bucks will have to remain unclaimed- by myself as well. I'll add it to the pile."
  162. Alvin Shirey twitches violently.
  163. Orville Sash says, "I suppose i have failed, but the galaxy is better for it"
  164. Alvin Shirey twitches violently.
  165. Alvin Shirey says, "TITS"
  166. Alvin Shirey asks, "Where is rest of the crew?"
  167. Kyla Zalack says, "These things happen on game hunts, boy."
  168. Alvin Shirey says, "TITS"
  169. Kyla Zalack says, "It's no matter."
  172. The round has ended.
  173. You managed to survive the events on North Hut Alpha as Kyla Zalack.
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