
Cold Gold Ice Cream Paradise

Oct 10th, 2015
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  1. 08:44 Destinox It was hot in Neon. And not as in on fire or a lava knight running around. But a normal hot sunny day, sun beating down on people. And just of the beach was an old man opening a new store at just the perfect time. 'Cold Gold Ice Cream Paradise' The Neon sign said, The old innocent man went behind the counter waiting for his first customers
  2. 08:51 AnnaClaskovic walked inside. She'd never seen this place before, and she went to the beach regularly. She walked over and smiled at the old man behind the counter and gazed down at the Ice Cream, she had a variety of favorite flavors. Strawberry, Mint Chocolate, Rocky Road... She took some time to decide what flavor she wanted.
  3. 21:03 Destinox went into the store. Metal legs an-you all heard and read this before. Hes alien. Anyways. He walked up to the counter and scanned the Ice Cream "Flavored Milk from a lesser species frozen and sold...This is a weird planet"
  4. 21:03 Ivory walked in shortly after, dressing in a little black dress with a red accent on it [that's most probably stolen from somewhere]. It's strange to see a doll walking into a ice cream store, but she doesn't care at all. Looking around the store, she is somewhat amazed by the array of flavors this store served.
  5. 21:05 Byte_ trotted in on tiny plastic and steel legs, like a CRT-monitor got blended into a spider with one 4 legs. 4 very square legs. He whirred with every step, standing only 2-3 feet off the ground. His screen flashed with '•‿•' as he examined the surroundings.
  6. 21:07 Destinox looked at Ivory, if he had a normal jaw it would probably be open "H-hi Ivory. Interesting Dress you have there. Looks nice"
  7. 21:09 Ivory was so amazed by the store she didn't noticed Destinox until he talked to her. "Hello, Destinox. I really didn't expect you to be here."
  8. 21:10 Destinox The old man looked a little shocked. A girl made of fire, an alien and a doll. And to the cherry on this sundae, a monitor with legs
  9. 21:13 Ivory "So, any reason you're here Desti? I was just walking along the beach when I found this shop. Thought I would pay it a visit." She is clearly smiling, something that's pretty rare for Ivory.
  10. 21:16 Byte_ From Byte's chassis, two wires shot out and latched onto the counter, before Byte reeled himself up to the counter. "I am Byte." He said to the owner of the store. "I am mapping the city. My systems indicate a new establishment."
  11. 21:17 *** Mr_Gold joined #covenger_rp
  12. 21:18 Destinox was a bit surprised at the 'Desti' and the cute smile "Well, just looking around. Never had Ice Cream before. What about you?" He looked out the front Window, seeing a Helmet quickly duck down "Lets sit away from the windows. Not like it matters much with these guys"
  13. 21:19 Mr_Gold "Y-Yes you're right little, robot thing. Just opened up today"
  14. 21:19 Ivory "Well, I, stumbled upon this place. And sure, sure."
  15. 21:20 Mr_Gold looked to Anna "Sorry about this miss"
  16. 21:26 Destinox walked to a windowless seat "So, Ivory. thought you'd leave after you beat the Demon. What ever those are"
  17. 21:28 Ivory "Oh, En? I, have more to do around here and I decided to stay just a little bit longer." She looked a bit hesitant but she keeps on smiling anyway. "That's not important.. Anyway, how are things going on with you?"
  18. 21:32 Destinox "I'm being followed by the planets anti Alien people" He flinched, thinking he was probably going to be shot, but talked about them anyways "Oh, thats good. Might be yelled at in a few hours. Anyways I've been put on a time limit to find the ShapeShifter, three months. Then I go, they make me go. Or I get killed"
  19. 21:35 Byte_ shook from side to side. "Wonderful. Mapping." The little robot said before slowly spinning in an attempt to scan the room. What the fuck was this?
  20. 21:36 Ivory "Three months, huh... That's an awfully short time. With the consequence of being killed too..." Ivory looked a bit down at this moment. "Well, hope you can find that alien soon."
  21. 21:36 *** NotWells is now known as Wells
  22. 21:37 Destinox "Yeah. Shame cause I don't want to leave so soon either."
  23. 21:44 Mr_Gold "So, you just going to scan and go?"
  24. 21:48 Byte_ 's voice turns from less robotic and becomes more childlike. "That depends. Do you sell quantum batteries?"
  25. 21:50 Mr_Gold "N-No...I have vanilla, fudge, cherry, cake" he continued listing ice creams
  26. 21:56 Byte_ "Troubling." Byte rumbled, sounding like a little boy as his screen displayed a '●_●'. "Then I must move on. I am Byte." The small bot said with a clatter as it fell to the floor and wiggled its way out.
  27. 21:57 *** Byte_ is now known as Fawn
  28. 21:58 Destinox "So, I..uh. Your dress looks...cute"
  29. 21:58 AnnaClaskovic "... I'll, I-I'll just have Mint Chocolate, please."
  30. 21:59 Mr_Gold "...Right away mam. Hopefully the love bird over there order something"
  31. 21:59 Mr_Gold birds*
  32. 22:00 Fawn A clatter sounds out from beyond the door, along with a robotic, "Sorry." Fawn pushed her way through the door, antlers clattering about the frame and dirty cloth robes waving. She smelt of grave dirt and dead plants. Her looooong black fingers traced along the wall as she found a place to sit. "What a queer abode for a spirit of the winters."
  33. 22:02 Mr_Gold came back with the mint chocolate ice cream, looking pass Anna to Fawn "Getting all the weird ones to day, eheh..Sorry."
  34. 22:02 Ivory "Oh, really? Thanks! I got tired of wearing that dirty gown and i switched to this. Was a little shorter than I'm comfortable with but it's okay."
  35. 22:03 Destinox "yep Its s-short alright. Looks good on you"
  36. 22:04 Destinox slightly sweated red
  37. 22:07 Ivory is really flattered, and if she was a human she would blush so hard right now. "Thanks, really. And uh.. that red on your face.. is that normal?"
  38. 22:07 Destinox "O-oh. Yeah dont worry, just sweating a bit"
  39. 22:14 Mr_Gold yelled to Fawn "You ordering anything mam?"
  40. 22:14 Ivory "Ah, I see. Don't be nervous around me, I promise I won't hurt you."
  41. 22:15 Destinox "heheh, I know that"
  42. 22:18 *** Ivory quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  43. 22:20 *** Ivory joined #covenger_rp
  44. 22:20 Destinox "So, Where you from originally?"
  45. 22:26 Ivory "Me? I came from.. Somewhere that's long gone. I'm basically alone now, on this new world.."
  46. 21:32 Destinox "I'm being followed by the planets anti Alien people, Parsec" He flinched, thinking he was probably going to be shot, but said the name anyways "Oh, thats good. Might be yelled at in a few hours. Anyways I've been put on a time limit to find the ShapeShifter, three months. Then I go, they make me go. Or I get killed"
  47. 21:35 Byte_ shook from side to side. "Wonderful. Mapping." The little robot said before slowly spinning in an attempt to scan the room. What the fuck was this?
  48. 21:36 Ivory "Three months, huh... That's an awfully short time. With the consequence of being killed too..." Ivory looked a bit down at this moment. "Well, hope you can find that alien soon."
  49. 21:36 *** NotWells is now known as Wells
  50. 21:37 Destinox "Yeah. Shame cause I don't want to leave so soon either."
  51. 21:44 Mr_Gold "So, you just going to scan and go?"
  52. 21:48 Byte_ 's voice turns from less robotic and becomes more childlike. "That depends. Do you sell quantum batteries?"
  53. 21:50 Mr_Gold "N-No...I have vanilla, fudge, cherry, cake" he continued listing ice creams
  54. 21:56 Byte_ "Troubling." Byte rumbled, sounding like a little boy as his screen displayed a '●_●'. "Then I must move on. I am Byte." The small bot said with a clatter as it fell to the floor and wiggled its way out.
  55. 21:57 *** Byte_ is now known as Fawn
  56. 21:58 Destinox "So, I..uh. Your dress looks...cute"
  57. 21:58 AnnaClaskovic "... I'll, I-I'll just have Mint Chocolate, please."
  58. 21:59 Mr_Gold "...Right away mam. Hopefully the love bird over there order something"
  59. 21:59 Mr_Gold birds*
  60. 22:00 Fawn A clatter sounds out from beyond the door, along with a robotic, "Sorry." Fawn pushed her way through the door, antlers clattering about the frame and dirty cloth robes waving. She smelt of grave dirt and dead plants. Her looooong black fingers traced along the wall as she found a place to sit. "What a queer abode for a spirit of the winters."
  61. 22:02 Mr_Gold came back with the mint chocolate ice cream, looking pass Anna to Fawn "Getting all the weird ones to day, eheh..Sorry."
  62. 22:02 Ivory "Oh, really? Thanks! I got tired of wearing that dirty gown and i switched to this. Was a little shorter than I'm comfortable with but it's okay."
  63. 22:03 Destinox "yep Its s-short alright. Looks good on you"
  64. 22:04 Destinox slightly sweated red
  65. 22:07 Ivory is really flattered, and if she was a human she would blush so hard right now. "Thanks, really. And uh.. that red on your face.. is that normal?"
  66. 22:07 Destinox "O-oh. Yeah dont worry, just sweating a bit"
  67. 22:14 Mr_Gold yelled to Fawn "You ordering anything mam?"
  68. 22:14 Ivory "Ah, I see. Don't be nervous around me, I promise I won't hurt you."
  69. 22:15 Destinox "heheh, I know that"
  70. 22:18 *** Ivory quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  71. 22:20 *** Ivory joined #covenger_rp
  72. 22:20 Destinox "So, Where you from originally?"
  73. 22:26 Ivory "Me? I came from.. Somewhere that's long gone. I'm basically alone now, on this new world.."
  74. 22:26 *** Isidora joined #covenger_rp
  75. 22:32 *** Wells is now known as NotWells
  76. 22:33 Destinox "Same...Minus the long gone. I just can't go back"
  77. 22:33 *** MGFYaway is now known as McGoFuckYourself
  78. 22:34 *** Wells joined #covenger_rp
  79. 22:34 Ivory "I can relate to that. Where I was from is now nothing like I remembered. And the world.. It has changed so much."
  80. 22:34 --- Bud is away (coop gayming with friend )
  81. 22:36 *** Breakdown joined #covenger_rp
  82. 22:36 Ivory "And why can't you go back?"
  83. 22:36 *** Breakdown is now known as Platypus
  84. 22:37 *** Ivory quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  85. 22:37 *** Ivory joined #covenger_rp
  86. 22:38 Destinox "Well...I...*Sigh* they were going to find out sooner or later. I'm banned from my planet, me and hundreds of others of my species"
  87. 22:42 Ivory "Ah, then sorry for my rudeness. Banned from your own home.. that's rough."
  88. 22:42 *** Isidora is now known as Oyuun
  89. 22:43 *** The-Haze joined #covenger_rp
  90. 22:45 Destinox "Its fine. Not like I was the only one. Besides, I managed to grab a War ship and not be shoved in a Cal-Pond like so many others"
  91. 22:49 Destinox "Still haven't named it"
  92. 22:51 Ivory "I'm bad at naming things, so I can't contribute to it. And if I do know a name for it it's really, really bad."
  93. 22:53 Destinox "Don't doubt yourself, go ahead and give it a try"
  94. 22:53 Platypus arrived on the scene of the new Ice Cream Shop in town, the doppler effect of a scream could be heard as he swung past the front door on one of those decorative ropes with the tiny plastic flags on it. As the pedestrians on the sidewalk avoided or recorded this escapade, Plat released the line and slid along the sidewalk a short ways before coming to...
  95. 22:53 Platypus *a full stop. "TA-DAA!" He proclaimed, arms outstretched like he totally meant to do that. He was met with tepid applause before he broke off into the Shop. "Pffeh. 'I'll have to swing by there when I'm done'... At least it looked cool." He grumbled to himself, lamenting his choice of words.*
  96. 22:55 Mr_Gold "...Hello sir, what would you like?"
  97. 22:56 Destinox Who was clapping? Where did that come from? Desti wondered
  98. 22:57 Platypus "Cake Batter. 2 scoops, please." He replied, still trying to shake off the near-death peril he was in.
  99. 22:58 Ivory "That's one way to make an entrance." Ivo comnented.
  100. 22:58 Mr_Gold "Right away"
  101. 22:58 *** F021_ joined #covenger_rp
  102. 22:59 Destinox "Thats for sure"
  103. 22:59 *** F021_ is now known as Ivory_
  104. 22:59 *** Ivory quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  105. 23:00 *** Ivory_ is now known as Ivory
  106. 23:01 --- Bud is back
  107. 23:01 --- Bud is away (Away)
  108. 23:03 --- Bud is back
  109. 23:03 Mr_Gold came back holding a medium cardboard bowl. "Here you go. $5.50"
  110. 23:05 Platypus "Yes, thank you. You're too kind. I do all my own stunts." Plat responded with the sick no-look cash drop on the counter. Or he could be looking. Hard to tell with the ski-goggles he had on.*
  111. 23:05 *** F021_ joined #covenger_rp
  112. 23:06 *** F021_ is now known as Ivory_
  113. 23:06 *** Ivory quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  114. 23:07 Oyuun pushed open the doors of the ice cream shop, taking in a yawn as she looked inside. And today she wasn't alone, she had company. "So, you covering the bill or I? Or we just buy each our own." she asked over her shoulder to the afro'd man
  115. 23:08 Destinox "Lets hope he stays away from us huh?"
  116. 23:08 *** Wells quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
  117. 23:08 *** NotWells is now known as Wells
  118. 23:09 Ivory_ "U-us? Yeah, I hope so
  119. 23:09 Ivory_ "
  120. 23:09 Wells follows behind the short oriental woman, "U-Um, do you, do you want me to pay? N-Not that I mind or anything."
  121. 23:10 Destinox "This planet. One of the strangest"
  122. 23:11 Oyuun thought on that a second. "You really want to ask me that?" Even Wells would likely know the girl's greedy nature by now.
  123. 23:11 Mr_Gold "Welcome, good to see more and more people"
  124. 23:11 Mr_Gold "What can I get you?"
  125. 23:12 Ivory_ "Haha, this isn't as weird as some stuff I've seen in my life." She laughed, maybe a bit too loud but she meant it.
  126. 23:13 Destinox "Hah, same"
  127. 23:14 Wells took a few seconds to remember the recent minor robberies that have taken place in his banks. "A-Actually you're right....But. I did ask you here...." He looks at the selection as he walks up to the main counter. "I may as well pay."
  128. 23:16 Oyuun "Thank you!" Oyu grinned as she approached the counter and took a look up at the selection
  129. 23:19 Wells didn't think very fondly of her expression as he comforted the wallet in his back pocket. "It'll be alright..." he promised falsely.
  130. 23:21 Oyuun "So, what do you want to get?"
  131. 23:22 *** AnnaClaskovic left #covenger_rp
  132. 23:22 Wells "...No clue..." He looked closely at the assortment of colors, "Hey uh, owner guy? Got a recommendation?"
  133. 23:23 Mr_Gold "Well cookies and cream is a personal favorite, that and Cookie dough"
  134. 23:24 Oyuun "What if we got both? Like, mixed up the scoops." Cookies.
  135. 23:24 *** Ivory_ quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  136. 23:24 *** F021_ joined #covenger_rp
  137. 23:28 Mr_Gold "I can do that, one scoop of each?"
  138. 23:31 Oyuun "Mmhm!"
  139. 23:32 *** F021_ is now known as Ivory
  140. 23:32 Mr_Gold got the ice cream ready "Here you go, 11 dollars please"
  141. 23:36 Wells through sheer willpower, fought through the magical barrier over his back pocket and deactivated all weaponized defenses. He pulled out this wallet and after solving a complex riddle and inputting a special code, pulled out the necessary funds. This was all, of course, in his head."That wasn't as bad as I thought..."
  142. 23:37 Mr_Gold "thank you"
  143. 23:38 Wells "Y-You too..."
  144. 23:38 Ivory "So.. I haven't thought about the name for your ship yet, but.. I-if I can take a tour around the ship then I might be able to find some inspiration for it."
  145. 23:38 *** Ivory quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  146. 23:38 *** F021_ joined #covenger_rp
  147. 23:39 Destinox "That would be nice. I'll shut down the AI for a bit. Maybe I can show you the stars"
  148. 23:39 *** F021_ is now known as Ivory_
  149. 23:42 Ivory_ "R-really? I-I would be very honored to.. "
  150. 23:43 Oyuun took the ice cream with a smile, getting two spoons for them and looking out to find a seat.
  151. 23:44 Destinox "Good, its a date" Like this wasn't?
  152. 23:46 Wells in the meantime cringed at the sound of Chadanese. He looked over to strange, green man, with metal over his face and gave him a disgusted look. "I'll never understand your kind..." he says to himself.
  153. 23:47 Ivory_ "D-date? Uhhh.... O-okay then.." She stutters a bit and grins from ear to ear. If she's human she would probably be red as a tomato from blushing.
  154. 23:48 Oyuun "Don't be racist to green people, they might get angry and photosynthesize at us or something." Oyu sat herself down by a window with the ice cream.
  155. 23:50 Destinox "Wells first off we have good hearing. Secondly we don't photosynthesize"
  156. 23:50 Destinox well*
  157. 23:52 Oyuun "Don't overexert your chloroplasts, we have business to tend to."
  158. 23:52 Ivory_ "Rude.." She said slower than Destinox's voice so the other couple can't hear it.
  159. 23:53 Wells took a seat across from Oyuun, looking nervously over to the second duo. "A-Are we. Are we gonna have a problem?"
  160. 23:54 Wells "Because I'd very much not like that, hehe..."
  161. 23:54 Destinox "Nah man. I'm just joking."
  162. 23:54 Destinox "Well. I'm not but I'm not mad or anything"
  163. 23:55 Oyuun "Wells, Wells, refocus- We aren't just here for picking fights with ninja turtles. We have cookies and cream and dough." Immediately she put a spoonful in her mouth.
  164. 23:56 Ivory_ "Ah, good. I wouldn't like to fight you two as well."
  165. 23:56 Oyuun after some time enjoying the wonders of ice cream she spoke up again. "Ahh. Yes. So, the thing."
  166. 23:58 Wells made note to speak a tad quieter. "R-Right...." He grabbed his spoon and looked away, on the brink of fainting, muttering unintelligible nonsense. "Y-You're right."
  167. 23:58 Wells set his backpack next to him. "We're here for a reason. L-Like a serious one."
  168. 23:59 Ivory_ "S-so. When's the, err, date? I know you're busy and all so yeah.."
  169. 00:01 Destinox "any time really"
  170. 00:02 Oyuun "Mmmm, mentioned you had an idea, yeah?"
  171. 00:03 Wells "Right. So uh. Remember that brief thing we did?"
  172. 00:03 Wells "With the suit?"
  173. 00:04 Wells "A-And the bank?"
  174. 00:05 Oyuun "Yeah, I do. Was pretty neat actually" Oyu put another spoonful in her mouth
  175. 00:06 Ivory_ "Then... Maybe Friday night, or so? It's up to you."
  176. 00:07 Wells scooped a spoonful and put it in his mouth. Without removing it he responded. "I'm glad you think that cuz we're doing it again." He began filing through his backpack. "This ice cream' pretty good" he mutters.
  177. 00:10 Oyuun "Got some new ideas for the suit?" Oyu then had to pause a moment as the intensity of ice cream headache got to her. Eating it too fast, damn it.
  178. 00:10 Destinox "Yeah, thats a good time."
  179. 00:12 Ivory_ "Great!"
  180. 00:12 Wells pulls out a strange metal box. "You have no idea." He held the box close, hugging it, looking seriously at Oyuun, "You ready for this?"
  181. 00:14 Oyuun recovered from the brainfreeze and sat herself up, nodding. "I can handle this."
  182. 00:19 Wells eyes Oyuun up and down, confirming with his own eyes if she's worthy of this responsibility. "Yeah ok...I think you got this...." He slams the box on the table, almost tipping over the ice cream, and begins to slowly open the box, doing a neat little blood pumping tune as it opens.
  183. 00:22 Oyuun looks down upon the opening box, her eyes wide as she finds herself filled curiosity and wonder
  184. 00:25 Wells "Du-duuuun!" The box fully opens to reveal a clunky belt with a small assortment of coins, all resting in a cushy velvety casing.
  185. 00:26 The-Haze pushes through the doors into the ice cream shop, it looked like he wasn't having the best day in his life. His jacket was almost completely ruined, it was nearly falling apart, but we'll go into detail on why it was that way at a later date. He approached the counter and began to place his order "I haven't exactly had the best day, what flavor would you recommend? I honestly just want to...
  186. 00:26 The-Haze ...forget how shitty this day has been so far."
  187. 00:27 Oyuun blinked at the sight of the belt, squinting her eyes and looking it over. "...Whats it do?"
  188. 00:27 Mr_Gold "Well, I always find cake to cheer me up. Or mint, even Plain old Vanilla"
  189. 00:28 Wells "O-Oh uh...You. You wear it....first....."
  190. 00:28 Oyuun connected the dots bit by bit
  191. 00:29 Oyuun "...So, I put that on and the suit somehow appears?"
  192. 00:30 The-Haze "I'll take the thing with the most chocolate in it that you have, I feel like I could use it right now."
  193. 00:30 Destinox "...Shame you can't eat, can you taste? I know you can feel pain"
  194. 00:31 Wells grabbed the coins of assorted color. "Not quite yet. These coins see. You use these, in that little slot." He fumbles around to find he right one but eventually get the right one. "This is the one!" He displays a gold coin.
  195. 00:32 Wells "Use this and the kinda just appears..."
  196. 00:32 Platypus "Is it Nanomachines? It's Nanomachines, isn't it?" Plat asked admiring the belt from the table over. "Ya know, I think I saw one of these things at an open market next to a stall selling Hen Shins... Or maybe a writer from the Cayman Islands had it. Wonder what that Cayman Writer is up to these days."
  197. 00:33 Mr_Gold got a large double chocolate fudge sundae with chocolate chunks, chocolate shelling, and fudge covering the whole thing "Here you go, sure you dont want it toned down?"
  198. 00:33 Ivory_ "..I have no idea to be honest. The last time I ate something it did bad things to me,so.."
  199. 00:34 Destinox "Bad things?"
  200. 00:35 Wells looks over to Platypus with extreme worry. He knows too much. "I-I....I have no idea w-what you're talking about." The research into this belt was based on some crazy shit back in Japan.
  201. 00:35 The-Haze "Toning it down would only be admitting we-... oh, is there something going on over there?" he questioned, turning around to look at everyone going on about, the light hitting his bug-eyed lenses in just the right way as he turned around "Nanomachines? The fuck do you mean by that?"
  202. 00:35 Oyuun flung some ice cream at Platypus intervening in her discovery of DESTINY, or something, keeping her eyes on the belt. "Do the coins disappear after use?"
  203. 00:35 Ivory_ "I don't digest food, and you know, rotting and all the biological things."
  204. 00:36 Ivory_ "But I think ice cream is fine. Just this once."
  205. 00:37 Destinox smiled, at least his version of smiling. Which she couldn't see "Sweet, any flavor you want? I'm not really sure what he has"
  206. 00:38 Wells reaches his limit after Haze becomes aware of the situation and begins to sweat. "N-No see. You use the gold one to get into the suit. The others are special. K-Kinda like powerups." There was a Black, Light Blue, and Green one.
  207. 00:41 Ivory_ "Which flavors? Hmm.. I'd like some chocolate and strawberry. Don't like weird flavors to be honest."
  208. 00:42 Platypus takes to removing his helmet and cleaning the Ice Cream off of it. "Talk about getting your just desserts." he said
  209. 00:43 Oyuun smiled, leaning over the table. "And what do the powerups d-" There was a pun. She paused and vibrated before she continued her sentence. "What do the powerups do?"
  210. 00:44 Wells looked a bit worried at the random vibrating. "Y-You ok there?"
  211. 00:45 Oyuun quickly replied. "I'm fine"
  212. 00:46 Destinox gets up, coming back a few minutes later with two chocolate strawberry cups
  213. 00:48 Destinox "Here you go"
  214. 00:49 Wells "O-Ok then......So the Blue one. It's for agility. Allows movements to be extremely fast and precise. I think they would work well with your powers, no?"
  215. 00:49 Ivory_ "Thanks!"
  216. 00:50 Platypus "Red would've been better for the speed one."
  217. 00:51 Wells holds back the urge to lash out at this man for disagreeing with his expert opinion on color scheme. "I-I did a lot of research on this....."
  218. 00:52 Oyuun "You're the scientist, I trust ya."
  219. 00:52 The-Haze "...Is there any particular reason you're doing this in the middle of an ice cream shop? I'm not insulting your choice or anything, I'm actually just kind of curious."
  220. 00:52 Oyuun puts another scoop of cookies and cream into her mouth.
  221. 00:52 Wells "...W-Why not?"
  222. 00:53 The-Haze "... Nevermind."
  223. 00:54 Platypus "I'm just saying." Plat replied, popping his helmet back on. "You're not going to make her say anything in order to get the suit, are you?"
  224. 00:54 *** Ivory_ quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  225. 00:55 Oyuun "I'm sorry did I order lawyers because I am not going to be paying you, ya know. I know how big American law bills are."
  226. 00:55 Oyuun "I got mouths to feed"
  227. 00:57 Destinox "Some people have no sense of privacy it seems"
  228. 00:58 Platypus "You're right, Green-Alien-Out-In-Public. Nobody."
  229. 00:59 Oyuun "...Go get ice cream or something, I'm trying to be a superhero over here."
  230. 01:01 Wells "R-Right. So the Green one. It's a work in progress...The suit would allow you to make extremely precise analysis. Kinda like....a computer....that helps you kick ass, ya know? Like finding blood on the floor of a crime scene or something. It's not completely worked out nor do I expect you to use it often, really..."
  231. 01:05 Oyuun "I think it'll have its uses. I don't really know how to track people so hey, that's a plus."
  232. 01:07 Wells "You're smart. You'll figure something out...So this uh....this Black one..."
  233. 01:08 Wells "I kinda need to....ask you for a bit of trust on this one..."
  234. 01:08 Oyuun "Trust?... I mean, hell, I already went with you with the last suit."
  235. 01:09 Oyuun "I don't see what could go wrong"
  236. 01:09 Ivory takes a scoop in. Tastes rather bland, but it's just her tasting. "Nice, thanks Desti!"
  237. 01:10 Destinox "No need, lets hope things work out with I meant it. The ice cream"
  238. 01:14 *** F021_ joined #covenger_rp
  239. 01:14 Wells "Ok so, this suit is all about stealth. And the technology for it....It's experimental at best. Basic things such as invisibility are available with it. And uh....knowing might u-uh...."
  240. 01:14 Wells "Get....carried away?"
  241. 01:14 *** F021_ is now known as Ivory_
  242. 01:15 *** Ivory quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  243. 01:15 Ivory_ "Hahaha~" Yet another scoop goes into her mouth. She knows that she have a long day of figuring out how to clean her innards coming but she doesn't care.
  244. 01:16 Destinox drops a spoon full into the metal mouth thing "Slow down there Ivory, dont want o get sick. If you can get sick"
  245. 01:16 Oyuun "Carried away? I mean, I can already pass through things and turn invisible. Whats different about this?"
  246. 01:18 Ivory_ "I can't get sick, actually. But I can get injured and taste, although a bit different from how humans do it."
  247. 01:19 Destinox "Really? huh...So, you during that fight with the demon...I was wondering. You really have sisters?"
  248. 01:22 Wells "Y-You can....that...explains a lot....OH, yeah. Different. It represses all sound for one.....and's rather light and weak, fighting isn't recommended.....and one more thing. See I've been playing around with this Chameleon tech junk. It's honestly pretty crazy...."
  249. 01:25 Ivory_ "Yep, six of them. Not sisters in a literal sense, but we're made by the same person. I'm the oldest of them all, and the shortest too." Another scoop. At this rate she's going to finish her ice cream very soon.
  250. 01:26 Oyuun "Chameleon tech junk.... Well, I mean, when I'm doing my phasing stuff I can't properly interact with things"
  251. 01:27 Oyuun "So this would let me stay undetected and still do that?"
  252. 01:29 Wells "Far more. It's really more in line with, mimicking people, appearance, voice, all that. Of course not 1:1. Still experimental...But uh.....between you and me...."
  253. 01:30 Wells looks around the shop suspiciously.
  254. 01:31 Oyuun raised an eyebrow.
  255. 01:33 Destinox "Really? What happen to them?"
  256. 01:33 Wells then suddenly leans over the table erratically, to get closer to Oyuun, once again almost tipping over the ice cream. He begins whispering as silently as he could, "It's really just another experiment in creating the ideal partner I ended midaway, a-after.....questioning my morals.....I-I mean imagine it....impersonating anyone." He leans back into his seat.
  257. 01:34 Wells "Figure I'd sell it to the government or something..." He eats a scoop of icecream.
  258. 01:35 Oyuun put on a smug smile. "Ahhhh... I see. Well, don't worry. Your secret is safe with me, and we could probably put this to good use, yeah?"
  259. 01:36 Ivory_ "They... Did something. It sent me to sleep, so I don't know exactly what they did."
  260. 01:39 Destinox "Hmm, we could, well..."
  261. 01:39 Wells "Sure I guess.......without shit getting too out of hand. Last dummy I used couldn't escape it. Became some sort of wearable death trap. Touch it from the outside and you might be sent to the ER for electrical burns. Voice command kills itself, and it refuses to change it's appearance. All of a sudden you're an unwillingly committing identity theft."
  262. 01:40 Wells "You can phase out of anything, right?"
  263. 01:41 Oyuun paused, looking a little worried. "...Yeah, I can. At least I haven't found something I can't."
  264. 01:46 Wells "You're like...."
  265. 01:47 Wells "Positive right?"
  266. 01:47 Ivory_ "Do what?" Ivory asked.
  267. 01:47 Wells "No metals? Liquids? Gases? Electricity?"
  268. 01:48 Destinox "Well, if you remember where you fell asleep. If you ever want, we can try and find them. I know I hate never being able to see my family again, you shouldn't face that"
  269. 01:53 Oyuun "I think that the only thing that could be an issue is like... if you had a solid wall of laser stuff"
  270. 01:53 Oyuun "I can't get through that it'd just bust up my spread out body"
  271. 01:53 Oyuun "No net for me to mesh through"
  272. 01:55 Ivory_ looks down at her bowl, which is slowly melting away. "I... I'm unsure if any of my sisters survived to this day, you know? I was lucky to be sleeping in the middle of nowhere. As to where I woke up.. I don't exactly remember where."
  273. 01:57 Wells "Oh then I think we're in the clear. I think this will all work out fine. You kick ass in my suit, I make improvements. You kick ass better. Oh and.... You'll do it for free, right?"
  274. 02:02 *** Ivory_ quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  275. 02:02 *** Ivory_ joined #covenger_rp
  276. 02:07 Ivory_ "S-sorry." Another scoop of her ice cream goes into her mouth.
  277. 02:08 Destinox puts a hand on her shoulder "Its Fine Ivory. You woke up, nothing stopping you're sisters"
  278. 02:15 Ivory_ was startled and tried to push Destinox's hand off her shoulder. "No, it's just.. I miss them."
  279. 02:17 *** Oyuun quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  280. 02:22 Wells looks at the time and packs up his things in a frantic hurry. He shakes Oyuun's hand and scoops half of what left of the icecream into a ziploc bag before packing his things. "Visit the barrier building when you make up your mind on this thing. For now....I-I have do." He rushes out of the establishment.
  281. 02:34 --- Mr_Gold is away (Auto away)
  282. 02:38 Destinox looked over and saw the man behind the counter, orange goggles and all. He was tapping his watch staring right at him "*Sigh* Sorry Ivory but I need to go. Apparently I can't spend my three months with friends. They'll probably have a drone after me during our date" He gets up "Thanks for the good time Ivy. Hope we can do more"
  283. 02:40 Ivory_ "Your welcome, Desti. Have a nice, day. I'll see you Friday night." She smiled, waving at him.
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