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- --[[
- Vindication SOURCE LEAKED
- --]]
- local L_1_ = "t"
- --[[
- Vindication SOURCE LEAKED
- --]]
- local L_1_ = "t"
- local L_2_ = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- L_2_.KeyDown:Connect(
- function(L_22_arg0)
- if L_22_arg0 == L_1_ then
- if DaHoodSettings.SilentAim == true then
- DaHoodSettings.SilentAim = false
- else
- DaHoodSettings.SilentAim = true
- end
- end
- end
- )
- game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(
- function()
- for L_23_forvar0, L_24_forvar1 in pairs(game.CoreGui:GetChildren()) do
- if L_24_forvar1.Name == "PostmansAutoRob" then
- L_24_forvar1:Destroy()
- end
- end
- for L_25_forvar0, L_26_forvar1 in pairs(game.CoreGui:GetChildren()) do
- if L_26_forvar1.Name == "WarningGUI" then
- L_26_forvar1:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- )
- game.StarterGui:SetCore(
- "SendNotification",
- {
- Title = "Vindication ",
- Text = "by kyler .#5966",
- }
- )
- local L_3_ = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- local L_4_ = L_3_.CreateLib("Vindication Hub", "BloodTheme")
- local L_5_ = L_4_:NewTab("Aimlock")
- local L_6_ = L_5_:NewSection("Vindication")
- L_6_:NewButton(
- "Aimlock",
- "Beam down",
- function()
- getgenv().AimPart = "HumanoidRootPart"
- getgenv().AimlockKey = "q"
- getgenv().AimRadius = 30
- getgenv().ThirdPerson = true
- getgenv().FirstPerson = true
- getgenv().TeamCheck = false
- getgenv().PredictMovement = true
- getgenv().PredictionVelocity = 9
- local L_27_, L_28_, L_29_, L_30_ =
- game:GetService "Players",
- game:GetService "UserInputService",
- game:GetService "RunService",
- game:GetService "StarterGui"
- local L_31_, L_32_, L_33_, L_34_, L_35_, L_36_, L_37_ =
- L_27_.LocalPlayer,
- L_27_.LocalPlayer:GetMouse(),
- workspace.CurrentCamera,
- local L_38_, L_39_, L_40_ = true, false, false
- local L_41_
- getgenv().CiazwareUniversalAimbotLoaded = true
- getgenv().WorldToViewportPoint = function(L_42_arg0)
- return L_33_:WorldToViewportPoint(L_42_arg0)
- end
- getgenv().WorldToScreenPoint = function(L_43_arg0)
- return L_33_.WorldToScreenPoint(L_33_, L_43_arg0)
- end
- getgenv().GetObscuringObjects = function(L_44_arg0)
- if L_44_arg0 and L_44_arg0:FindFirstChild(getgenv().AimPart) and L_31_ and L_31_.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then
- local L_45_ = workspace:FindPartOnRay(L_35_(L_44_arg0[getgenv().AimPart].Position, L_31_.Character.Head.Position))
- if L_45_ then
- return L_45_:IsDescendantOf(L_44_arg0)
- end
- end
- end
- getgenv().GetNearestTarget = function()
- local L_46_ = {}
- local L_47_ = {}
- local L_48_ = {}
- for L_50_forvar0, L_51_forvar1 in pairs(L_27_:GetPlayers()) do
- if L_51_forvar1 ~= L_31_ then
- table.insert(L_46_, L_51_forvar1)
- end
- end
- for L_52_forvar0, L_53_forvar1 in pairs(L_46_) do
- if L_53_forvar1.Character ~= nil then
- local L_54_ = L_53_forvar1.Character:FindFirstChild("Head")
- if getgenv().TeamCheck == true and L_53_forvar1.Team ~= L_31_.Team then
- local L_55_ =
- (L_53_forvar1.Character:FindFirstChild("Head").Position - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.p).magnitude
- local L_56_ =
- game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.p,
- (L_32_.Hit.p - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.p).unit * L_55_
- )
- local L_57_, L_58_ = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(L_56_, game.Workspace)
- local L_59_ = math.floor((L_58_ - L_54_.Position).magnitude)
- L_47_[L_53_forvar1.Name .. L_52_forvar0] = {}
- L_47_[L_53_forvar1.Name .. L_52_forvar0].dist = L_55_
- L_47_[L_53_forvar1.Name .. L_52_forvar0].plr = L_53_forvar1
- L_47_[L_53_forvar1.Name .. L_52_forvar0].diff = L_59_
- table.insert(L_48_, L_59_)
- elseif getgenv().TeamCheck == false and L_53_forvar1.Team == L_31_.Team then
- local L_60_ =
- (L_53_forvar1.Character:FindFirstChild("Head").Position - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.p).magnitude
- local L_61_ =
- game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.p,
- (L_32_.Hit.p - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.p).unit * L_60_
- )
- local L_62_, L_63_ = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(L_61_, game.Workspace)
- local L_64_ = math.floor((L_63_ - L_54_.Position).magnitude)
- L_47_[L_53_forvar1.Name .. L_52_forvar0] = {}
- L_47_[L_53_forvar1.Name .. L_52_forvar0].dist = L_60_
- L_47_[L_53_forvar1.Name .. L_52_forvar0].plr = L_53_forvar1
- L_47_[L_53_forvar1.Name .. L_52_forvar0].diff = L_64_
- table.insert(L_48_, L_64_)
- end
- end
- end
- if unpack(L_48_) == nil then
- return nil
- end
- local L_49_ = math.floor(math.min(unpack(L_48_)))
- if L_49_ > getgenv().AimRadius then
- return nil
- end
- for L_65_forvar0, L_66_forvar1 in pairs(L_47_) do
- if L_66_forvar1.diff == L_49_ then
- return L_66_forvar1.plr
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- L_32_.KeyDown:Connect(
- function(L_67_arg0)
- if L_67_arg0 == AimlockKey and L_41_ == nil then
- pcall(
- function()
- if L_39_ ~= true then
- L_39_ = true
- end
- local L_68_
- L_68_ = GetNearestTarget()
- if L_68_ ~= nil then
- L_41_ = L_68_
- end
- end
- )
- elseif L_67_arg0 == AimlockKey and L_41_ ~= nil then
- if L_41_ ~= nil then
- L_41_ = nil
- end
- if L_39_ ~= false then
- L_39_ = false
- end
- end
- end
- )
- L_29_.RenderStepped:Connect(
- function()
- if getgenv().ThirdPerson == true and getgenv().FirstPerson == true then
- if
- (L_33_.Focus.p - L_33_.CoordinateFrame.p).Magnitude > 1 or
- (L_33_.Focus.p - L_33_.CoordinateFrame.p).Magnitude <= 1
- then
- L_40_ = true
- else
- L_40_ = false
- end
- elseif getgenv().ThirdPerson == true and getgenv().FirstPerson == false then
- if (L_33_.Focus.p - L_33_.CoordinateFrame.p).Magnitude > 1 then
- L_40_ = true
- else
- L_40_ = false
- end
- elseif getgenv().ThirdPerson == false and getgenv().FirstPerson == true then
- if (L_33_.Focus.p - L_33_.CoordinateFrame.p).Magnitude <= 1 then
- L_40_ = true
- else
- L_40_ = false
- end
- end
- if L_38_ == true and L_39_ == true then
- if L_41_ and L_41_.Character and L_41_.Character:FindFirstChild(getgenv().AimPart) then
- if getgenv().FirstPerson == true then
- if L_40_ == true then
- if getgenv().PredictMovement == true then
- L_33_.CFrame =
- L_34_(
- L_33_.CFrame.p,
- L_41_.Character[getgenv().AimPart].Position +
- L_41_.Character[getgenv().AimPart].Velocity / PredictionVelocity
- )
- elseif getgenv().PredictMovement == false then
- L_33_.CFrame = L_34_(L_33_.CFrame.p, L_41_.Character[getgenv().AimPart].Position)
- end
- end
- elseif getgenv().ThirdPerson == true then
- if L_40_ == true then
- if getgenv().PredictMovement == true then
- L_33_.CFrame =
- L_34_(
- L_33_.CFrame.p,
- L_41_.Character[getgenv().AimPart].Position +
- L_41_.Character[getgenv().AimPart].Velocity / PredictionVelocity
- )
- elseif getgenv().PredictMovement == false then
- L_33_.CFrame = L_34_(L_33_.CFrame.p, L_41_.Character[getgenv().AimPart].Position)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- )
- end
- )
- L_6_:NewTextBox(
- "Aimlock Key",
- "Aimlock Key should be lowercase.",
- function(L_69_arg0)
- getgenv().AimlockKey = L_69_arg0
- end
- )
- L_6_:NewTextBox(
- "Aimlock Prediction",
- "Customize your aimlock prediction",
- function(L_70_arg0)
- PredictionVelocity = L_70_arg0
- end
- )
- L_6_:NewDropdown(
- "AimPart",
- "Yes",
- {
- "Head",
- "UpperTorso",
- "HumanoidRootPart",
- "LowerTorso"
- },
- function(L_71_arg0)
- getgenv().AimPart = L_71_arg0
- end
- )
- local L_7_ = L_4_:NewTab("Silent Aim")
- local L_8_ = L_7_:NewSection("Vindication ")
- L_8_:NewButton(
- "Silent Aim",
- "Silent Aim Toggle Key is T.",
- function()
- loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()
- end
- )
- L_8_:NewTextBox(
- "Silent Aim Prediction",
- "0.157 for low ping 0.178 high ping",
- function(L_72_arg0)
- DaHoodSettings.Prediction = L_72_arg0
- end
- )
- L_8_:NewDropdown(
- "Silent Aim Part",
- "yes bro flash is cool",
- {
- "Head",
- "UpperTorso",
- "HumanoidRootPart",
- "LowerTorso"
- },
- function(L_73_arg0)
- Aiming.TargetPart = L_73_arg0
- end
- )
- L_8_:NewTextBox(
- "Silent Aim Fov",
- "yes bro i am cool (flash)",
- function(L_74_arg0)
- Aiming.FOV = L_74_arg0
- end
- )
- L_8_:NewToggle(
- "Silent Aim Show Fov",
- "yea",
- function(L_75_arg0)
- Aiming.ShowFOV = L_75_arg0
- end
- )
- local L_11_ = L_4_:NewTab("Antilock")
- local L_12_ = L_11_:NewSection("Vindication Hub")
- L_12_:NewButton(
- "Anti-Lock",
- "Key is Z.",
- function()
- repeat
- wait()
- until game:IsLoaded()
- getgenv().Fix = true
- getgenv().TeclasWS = {
- ["tecla1"] = "nil",
- ["tecla2"] = "nil",
- ["tecla3"] = "H"
- }
- local L_121_ = game:GetService("Players")
- local L_122_ = game:GetService("StarterGui") or "son una mierda"
- local L_123_ = L_121_.LocalPlayer
- local L_124_ = L_123_:GetMouse()
- local L_125_ = getrenv()._G
- local L_126_ = getrawmetatable(game)
- local L_127_ = L_126_.__newindex
- local L_128_ = L_126_.__index
- local L_129_ = 22
- local L_130_ = true
- function anunciar_atentado_terrorista(L_138_arg0)
- L_122_:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "anti lock fix",
- Text = L_138_arg0
- })
- end
- wait(1.5)
- anunciar_atentado_terrorista("Press " .. TeclasWS.tecla3 .. " to turn on/off anti lock fix")
- L_124_.KeyDown:Connect(
- function(L_139_arg0)
- if L_139_arg0:lower() == TeclasWS.tecla1:lower() then
- L_129_ = L_129_ + 1
- anunciar_atentado_terrorista("播放器速度已提高 (speed = " .. tostring(L_129_) .. ")")
- elseif L_139_arg0:lower() == TeclasWS.tecla2:lower() then
- L_129_ = L_129_ - 1
- anunciar_atentado_terrorista("玩家的速度已降低 (speed = " .. tostring(L_129_) .. ")")
- elseif L_139_arg0:lower() == TeclasWS.tecla3:lower() then
- if L_130_ then
- L_130_ = false
- anunciar_atentado_terrorista("anti lock fix off")
- else
- L_130_ = true
- anunciar_atentado_terrorista("anti lock fix on")
- end
- end
- end
- )
- setreadonly(L_126_, false)
- L_126_.__index =
- newcclosure(
- function(L_140_arg0, L_141_arg1)
- local L_142_ = checkcaller()
- if L_141_arg1 == "WalkSpeed" and not L_142_ then
- return L_125_.CurrentWS
- end
- return L_128_(L_140_arg0, L_141_arg1)
- end
- )
- L_126_.__newindex =
- newcclosure(
- function(L_143_arg0, L_144_arg1, L_145_arg2)
- local L_146_ = checkcaller()
- if L_130_ then
- if L_144_arg1 == "WalkSpeed" and L_145_arg2 ~= 0 and not L_146_ then
- return L_127_(L_143_arg0, L_144_arg1, L_129_)
- end
- end
- return L_127_(L_143_arg0, L_144_arg1, L_145_arg2)
- end
- )
- setreadonly(L_126_, true)
- repeat
- wait()
- until game:IsLoaded()
- local L_131_ = game:service("Players")
- local L_132_ = L_131_.LocalPlayer
- repeat
- wait()
- until L_132_.Character
- local L_133_ = game:service("UserInputService")
- local L_134_ = game:service("RunService")
- local L_135_ = -0.27
- local L_136_ = false
- local L_137_
- L_133_.InputBegan:connect(
- function(L_147_arg0)
- if L_147_arg0.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftBracket then
- L_135_ = L_135_ + 0.01
- print(L_135_)
- wait(0.2)
- while L_133_:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftBracket) do
- wait()
- L_135_ = L_135_ + 0.01
- print(L_135_)
- end
- end
- if L_147_arg0.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.RightBracket then
- L_135_ = L_135_ - 0.01
- print(L_135_)
- wait(0.2)
- while L_133_:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.RightBracket) do
- wait()
- L_135_ = L_135_ - 0.01
- print(L_135_)
- end
- end
- if L_147_arg0.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Z then
- L_136_ = not L_136_
- if L_136_ == true then
- repeat
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame +
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.MoveDirection * L_135_
- game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:wait()
- until L_136_ == false
- end
- end
- end
- )
- end
- )
- local L_13_ = L_4_:NewTab("Settings")
- local L_14_ = L_13_:NewSection("Vindication")
- L_14_:NewKeybind(
- "Keybind Gui Toggle",
- "h",
- Enum.KeyCode.V,
- function()
- L_3_:ToggleUI()
- end
- )
- local L_17_ = L_4_:NewTab("ESP")
- local L_18_ = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- local L_19_ = L_17_:NewSection("Vindication")
- L_19_:NewToggle(
- "ESP",
- "ESP",
- function(L_201_arg0)
- L_18_:Toggle(L_201_arg0)
- end
- )
- L_19_:NewToggle(
- "Tracers",
- "ESP Tracers",
- function(L_202_arg0)
- L_18_.Tracers = L_202_arg0
- end
- )
- L_19_:NewToggle(
- "Names",
- "ESP Names",
- function(L_203_arg0)
- L_18_.Names = L_203_arg0
- end
- )
- L_19_:NewToggle(
- "Boxes",
- "ESP Boxes",
- function(L_204_arg0)
- L_18_.Boxes = L_204_arg0
- end
- )
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