

May 7th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Ronin Engineer
  2. Age 17 : EXP 5106/5100
  4. Statistics
  5. Attributes [1315]
  6. [2] STR 175
  7. [1] BOD 75
  8. [3] DEX 200
  9. [4] REF 350
  10. [9] INT 500
  11. [3] CHA 15
  12. [2] WILL 25
  13. [2] EDG 75
  15. Traits
  16. [3] Connections 3
  17. [2] Vehicle 200
  18. [2] Custom Vehicle 200
  19. [0] Compulsion/Xenophobia 50
  20. [-] Design Quirk?
  21. [2] Equipped 25
  22. [2] Exceptional Attribute [Intelligence] 200
  23. [3] Fast Learner 300
  24. [3] Tech Empathy 110 [+190 flex]
  25. [2] Reputation
  26. [5] Title 500
  27. [-3] Glass Jaw -200
  28. [-1] Introvert -100
  29. [-5] Enemy -200
  31. Skills
  32. [4] Computers
  33. [3] Protocol/Combine
  34. [3] Strategy
  35. [3] Tactics/Land
  36. [3] Language/ 8
  37. [2] Language/
  38. [2] Investigation 10
  39. [2] Sensor Operation 10
  40. [2] Career/Military Scientist 10
  41. [2] Cryptography 10
  42. [2] Interest/Military History 10
  43. [2] Piloting/Mech 40
  44. [2] Gunnery/Mech 40
  45. [1] Navigation/Ground 24
  46. [1] Technician/Nuclear 21
  47. [1] Technician/Weapons 21
  48. [1] Technician/Electric 21
  49. [1] Technician/Mechanical 21
  50. [2] Art/Erotic Drawings 8
  51. [1] Perception
  52. [1] Interest/Battlemechs
  53. [1] Interest/Anime
  54. [1] Interest/Video Games
  55. [1] Interest/Political Philosophy
  56. [0] Interest/Star League History 11
  57. [0] Arts/Oral Tradition 1
  58. [0] Archery
  59. [0] Medtech/General 6
  60. [0] Melee Weapons 1
  62. Optimizations
  63. Traits
  64. [0] Combat Sense -100
  65. [0] Wealth -50
  66. [0] Extra Income -20
  67. [0] Reputation -50
  68. Skills
  69. [0] Martial Arts -10
  70. [0] Protocol/Combine -5
  71. [0] Negotiation -5
  72. [0] Art/Any -1
  73. [0] Appraisal -5
  74. [0] Perception - 1
  75. [0] Archery -4
  76. [0] Strategy -6
  77. [0] Computers -4
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