
Raven seeks out Jalen, Inigo sulks, and Raven sucks at deals

Mar 4th, 2018
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  1. Raven seeks out Jalen, Inigo sulks, and Raven sucks at making deals
  3. [Next Day]
  5. Qrow cooks up some breakfast for him and Makoto at 7AM in the morning before she head outside to use the Trampoline for her SPD Drills. Meanwhile, Raven got up at 6AM and concluded her research on Jalen from last night with her laptop. She lie in her bed with her messy spiky black hair frizzled out. "(He stayed in his hometown of Ransei and dominated the weak competition there...before stepping out to Kyota and winning the Tsunami Cup with a very dominating win over Inigo's Sukeru...although Sukeru himself isn't that good of a monster to begin with..)"
  7. She sighs and close her laptop as she ponder on this info she got..
  9. "(There's only one way for me to gauge his actual power...)" She rest her head on her pillows as she look up at the ceiling in her room. "(I'll have to go and face him!)"Nodding at her idea, she get up and get dressed after washing up. She soon come down in a red shirt with black shorts on and approach the kitchen table to eat her breakfast that her younger twin brother cooked up for her. All the while, Makoto is outside on the Trampoline for her SPD.
  11. "About time you came down for breakfast..." Qrow mutters as he too sit down and eat his food while Raven roll her eyes. "I was dong important business..." "Yeah, cause it takes that long to find data on someone..." Raven scowls at Qrow's snark..
  13. "There wasn't much for me to find on this Pruett...Considering his background, there wasn't much on him besides his hometown and his small wins here and there." Qrow adjust himself in his sit as he leans forward with an interested look "And...what else did you find?" Shaking her head in annoyance, Raven continues. "Not's like he came out of nowhere, which is simply not true."
  15. Qrow gets a bit curious on why his older twin sister is so interested in a total stranger. "So why are you so keen on knowing this guy all of a sudden?" She glares at him for a while before answering with a even tone in her voice "As someone who trains a Garu and like them a lot, I'm curious on where Makoto..." Here, she points behind her to the window where it shows Makoto still working on her leg strength with the Trampoline "Stands against this Ieyasu." "Wouldn't we both know that Makoto is better than him, tho?" Raven shakes her head at her brother's nativity "It's not just fighting this a fellow Garu breeder, I have to make sure that he's up to par with me. Or else I would be embarrassed by him..." Looking up at the clock, she gets up and leave her side of the table with her food and glass of milk as she head to the fridge and get some bottles of water before she heads towards the door.
  17. "Hey". Qrow turns in his chair to follow her "Where are you going?" She stops right after she pick the car keys off the bowl on the stand and look at him. "I'll be going to find this Pruett..." "But you don't know where he lives!" She smirks, which makes Qrow blinks in wonder. "I do know he's capable of going to Kyota, where Breeder essentials like monster food, gadgets, and more are located..I'll just have to be lucky and find him!"
  19. She leaves out the house and head towards her car in the back of the house. As she does so, she look at Makoto who spots her and waves happlily. Raven nods calmly and speak out.
  21. "MAKOTO, AFTER 10 MORE REPS, TAKE A HOUR BREAK AND THEN WORK ON YOUR ACC WITH THE TARGET GADGET!!" Makoto nods as Raven waves at her and get in her car...she revs it up and head out on the natural road and eventually towards the city of Kyota...
  23. "I'll find ya, Pruett..."
  25. Meanwhile, As the sun is set high in th sky...Inigo sighs as he sits in his glorious mansion that is a part of his ranch. A gift from his father, Virion Howard(Where he got his last name from) as he began his Monster Breeding career months ago. At the moment, He's in the doldrums due to yesterday's loss to Jalen and Ieyasu. Sukeru was able to heal up, but was told by the doctors to take it easy for a week. Meaning...No training for this week.
  27. "Ahhhhhh....I'm soooooo bored!" Inigo's voice echoes in his mansion as he leans back in his chair... "Nothing to do except wallow in my despair of losing to a total nobody..."
  29. Suddenly, his phone rings in his pocket, he fumbles with it in his hand for a moment before he finally catches it and look at the Caller ID and groans...
  30. "Of course, SHE's calling..."
  32. He answers the phone..but not before he hears a very loud and obnoxious..
  34. "Hello, si-"
  36. "LIL BROTHER!!!~"
  38. Soleil Howard...Pink Haired like her mom, Olivia, and started her career a year before Inigo(And by extension...Jalen, Raven, and Prince Diego) And is currently sitting in Rank D with her Beaclon, Sanada. She lays in her bed in her own mansion with a smirk on.
  40. "Argh...what do you want, Soleil?" "Nothing, can't a girl say hi to her younger brother like a good older sister?"Inigo rolls his eyes at Soleil's attempt at humor. "Not when her brother is currently sulking! Gah, how dare you disturb me while I'm at my lowest?" Soleil adjusts herself and get off her bed as she walk towards the window in her bright pink room and look out to see Sanada pushing her Rock Gadget to increase his POW... "You're being a total drama's just one loss. We all go through a loss we don't like.. I know I'm going that with Prince Diego in Rank D now...can't believe that he had Koroiryu for 7 months and it's already Rank D AND beating all of us in it!" Soleil rubs her head in frustration with the prince..and mentally groan as she hears Inigo scoffs on the other line of the connection.
  42. "Tch, at least you're losing to the prince..I just HAD to lose to someone from the boonies of Johto! How is that even possible!?!" "Maybe it's the fact that you overestimate yourself as a breeder?" Soleil speaks with a rather blunt tone to her voice, clearly used to her brother's frail ego. "Nonsense! He just got lucky....and I'll prove it at the Official Rank E Cup at September as I'll compete in it!"
  44. "Oh really? Well good luck with that, Inigo." She seems shocked as Inigo would had stayed in Rank E some more and competed in a rank he would had strives better in. "That way, not only will i beat that Jalen chap...I'll get even more females to like me!! Whooooo!!!" "(Annnnd there goes all of my respect...)"
  46. Soleil and Inigo hang up and end the connection...
  48. In the city of Kyota, Jalen is walking around with a calm look as he just placed the order on a Sandbag for Ieyasu to use at the ranch. Although it will take up to 2 weeks for delivery , Jalen is feeling quite optimistic about Ieyasu's gains for the next months in POW.
  50. "Allright, I got that gadget now I can walk home and relax."
  52. As he walk on the road towards his home in the city(He forgot to get gas in his car so he had to walk from his ranch and buy some) with some gas in his container...he hears a car pulling up behind him. Looking at the car besides him, he widens his eyes a bit as Raven peek her head out the window.
  54. "Yo, you're Jalen Pruett?"
  56. "Yeah..." He scowls a bit as he turns towards her. "Who's asking?" "(Seriously, why is this hot gil asking about me?...Wait, she's that girl I was standing next to prior to me getting Ieyasu months ago.)"
  58. "Raven. Raven Branwen." She opens the passenger's door and pat the seat. "Get in, I wanna talk to ya." Jalen glares at her with an non-amused look to her serious look. "...Why?" "Cause I wanna talk to you about your Garu and how much better I can make you with him! I know for a fact that you haven't taught him Kamehameha or even Fire Kick yet!"
  60. Jalen ponders on this...
  62. "(She's right, Ieyasu haven't even started on the Kamehameha nor Fire Kick...Hmm...Maybe I can use this to my advantage..Of course, nothing's free in life tho...Plus she's very pretty)" " help me out..what's in it for you?"(edited)
  64. Jalen does his best not to blush as Raven glare at him with a strong gaze in her eyes before answering. "I'll let you know..." "Great, I'm gonna be in debt..." She rolls her eyes and scowl at him. "Well?!?"
  66. "...Fine, I'll take ya on these lessons.." He sees her smirk and it warms his heart on the fact that he made her happy in a way despite not knowing her....He gets in the car and close the door as he hold on to his gas container with her revving up and driving away to his ranch.
  68. "....."
  69. "......."
  71. The silence between the 2 is felt...
  72. "Sooo....Garus, huh?"
  73. Raven is the 1st to break the ice..
  75. "Yeah, I really like them...feel like they are very cool monsters....You?" Raven keeps her eyes n the road as she drives with one hand and rest her other arm outside the car as she drives. "Same...I feel like they aren't given the respect they deserve and decided to show them otherwise..." "(Seems rather personal for her.)" They eventually arrives at Jalen's very small ranch as they get out of the car and Raven look around with a somewhat-shocked look.
  77. "You beat the likes of Inigo and others...with no gadgets??" Looking at him with an incredulous look,, She sees him shrugging at this. "I just brought my 1st one today so..." "Nevermind that...Let's get down to business." She make her way to his house as he follows and muses "(To defeat...the huns....)"They enter his home and Raven scowls as his home have no floors with everything on one floor with doors to a bathroom and a kitchen...everything else is on one floor and room with the hut connected to the house, where Ieyasu resides in...Speaking of...He's sleeping in there due to his battles yesterday.
  79. "Holy fuck, your house is a fucking dump..." "Geez, thanks....rub it in, why don't ya?" Ignoring his snark, Raven walk around and inspect the she does so, she get down to the point "Look, you gonna need the Kamehameha for long range attacks and to take down monsters with high POW and LIF at the very least...Fire Kick is weaker than Fire Upper, but is more accurate and lower guts down...just a bit tho."
  81. "Allright...that's nice and handy..but...What's in it for you?"
  83. Raven glares at him(Something Jalen notices she likes to do) as she walks to his bed and sit on it...she pats a spot next to her as he sit down next to him.
  85. "Listen...cause I'm only gonna say this one...I think you're attractive...and you find me good I wanna cut to the point of us having sex so I can hold our baby." "(Holy shit, what???)" "Umm...We just met..and while it's true that I find you very attractive..." Raven scowls and leans her face towards his...
  87. "I don't think we sho-MPPH!" Jalen find his voice taken out as Raven press her lips onto his and push him down on to the bed and begin to strip his clothing along with her own. She breaks the kiss and glare at him with a smirk "Stop wasting energy on talking and focusing on breeding me...Jalen"
  89. That did him in as he roll over until he's on top of her and enter her pussy with his dick and begin to fuck her roughly...
  90. 20 mins of fucking later..
  92. Jalen lays on the bed sleeping and tired as Raven rubs his forehead with a soft look. She gets up and dress herself up. Looking around his house one last time with disgust..she put down 2000G from her wallet and write a note on telling him to get a Book Gadget for Ieyasu along with for him to compete in the Official Rank E Cup next month in September...OR ELSE!!! And even wrote an crudely drawn angry Raven Face as well.
  94. Smirking, she leaves out the house and drives back to her home...feeling quite accomplished sexually and otherwise.
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