
2nd Hypnosis induction log

Oct 18th, 2015
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  1. 11:07:56 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Hello again
  2. 11:07:57 pm: <GoodGirl> hi there!
  3. 11:08:22 pm: <GoodGirl> ^^
  4. 11:08:35 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Well I had to let them know lol
  5. 11:08:53 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Anyways. So, what kind of induction would you prefer?
  6. 11:09:08 pm: <GoodGirl> ummm conversational or fixation
  7. 11:09:17 pm: <GoodGirl> im not really good with imaginery trances
  8. 11:09:24 pm: <GoodGirl> so knowing that is up to you
  9. 11:09:33 pm: <GoodGirl> ill resist as much as i can :)
  10. 11:09:58 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> I'm still new at tizing in general but I'll give it a shot :)
  11. 11:10:19 pm: <GoodGirl> great, practice is all!
  12. 11:10:45 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Ok, so do you have like a favourite necklace or anything sparkly that you own that you find relaxing to look at?
  13. 11:11:12 pm: <GoodGirl> mmmm yes
  14. 11:11:16 pm: <GoodGirl> i also like spirals
  15. 11:11:38 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Ok, I can do spirals too. Although I don't personally have any spiral pics.
  16. 11:11:59 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> But that's ok, because the mind knows what a spiral is like.
  17. 11:12:26 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> You can just a spiral, any spiral that you are familiar with.
  18. 11:12:27 pm: <GoodGirl> ok ^^
  19. 11:12:37 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> picture a spiral
  20. 11:12:45 pm: <GoodGirl>
  21. 11:12:51 pm: <GoodGirl> this one may do it
  22. 11:13:01 pm: <GoodGirl> classic type
  23. 11:13:07 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> see it spining, round and round.
  24. 11:13:20 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> It has no beginning or end.
  25. 11:13:33 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> It is endless
  26. 11:13:43 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> endlessly captivating
  27. 11:13:49 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> endlessly enchanting
  28. 11:13:56 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> endlessly relaxing.
  29. 11:14:15 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> You're probably relaxing looking at it even now. Aren't you?
  30. 11:14:25 pm: <GoodGirl> yes but i can conrol it
  31. 11:15:01 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> For now. But you see, the longer you watch it, the more you find your mind becoming synchronised with the spiral.
  32. 11:15:13 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Soon, your mind will become the spiral
  33. 11:15:25 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Spinning round and round, endlessly.
  34. 11:15:28 pm: <GoodGirl> what i i dont stare?
  35. 11:15:34 pm: <GoodGirl> if*
  36. 11:16:00 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> That's perfectly ok, because like I said before, your mind knows what spirals are like.
  37. 11:16:38 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Even if you aren't watching it right now, my words are reminding you of the relaxation and the need to stare at it.
  38. 11:17:30 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> In fact, you know, I'm not really hypnotizing you. Hypnosis is impossible. That gives you the courage to look at the spiral and just relax
  39. 11:17:49 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Feeling your tension drop away
  40. 11:17:52 pm: <GoodGirl> yes is impossible you hypnotize me
  41. 11:18:01 pm: <GoodGirl> :D
  42. 11:18:16 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Yes indeed. It is, and that is why you can relax and feel comfortable around me
  43. 11:18:33 pm: <GoodGirl> (its easier if i have it here)
  44. 11:18:35 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Feeling your mind relax as you picture the spiral in your mind
  45. 11:18:58 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Or to stare at it, isn't it fascinating?
  46. 11:19:16 pm: <GoodGirl> i like it but in still safe
  47. 11:19:29 pm: <GoodGirl> im*
  48. 11:19:31 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Of course you're safe. You were never in danger
  49. 11:20:01 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> You can relax and just watch the spiral go round and round.
  50. 11:20:11 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Knowing that it is what you want to do
  51. 11:20:24 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> The motion is so eye catching
  52. 11:20:30 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> So relaxing
  53. 11:20:36 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> enchanting
  54. 11:20:42 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> captivating
  55. 11:21:03 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> you're finding that slowly, your mind is actually synchronising itself with the spiral.
  56. 11:21:16 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> slowly spinning round and round, just like the spiral
  57. 11:21:25 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> It's relaxing
  58. 11:21:29 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> comforting
  59. 11:21:38 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> knowing that you and the spiral are one.
  60. 11:21:52 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> The spiral is you and you are the spiral
  61. 11:22:14 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> relaxing fully as you spin round and round
  62. 11:22:38 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> The more you watch, the more synchronized you become with the spiral
  63. 11:22:44 pm: <GoodGirl>
  64. 11:23:05 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Can you feel your mind spinning GoodGirl?
  65. 11:23:10 pm: <GoodGirl> yes´´´´´´
  66. 11:23:14 pm: <GoodGirl> but im in control
  67. 11:23:15 pm: <GoodGirl> still
  68. 11:23:18 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Does it feel good?
  69. 11:23:20 pm: <GoodGirl> yes
  70. 11:23:27 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good girl
  71. 11:23:46 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Spinning round and round relaxes you
  72. 11:23:56 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Because it's such a familiar motion
  73. 11:24:31 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Familiarity brings comfort and relaxation
  74. 11:24:57 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> It is so easy to relax and simply follow my words as you stare at the spiral.
  75. 11:25:27 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> The longer you stare, the more you realise, you can no longer remove your gaze from it
  76. 11:25:48 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Your mind is already being synchronized with it
  77. 11:25:56 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Slowly but surely
  78. 11:26:00 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> And that feels good
  79. 11:26:16 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> You want to be more in sync with the spiral. Do you know why?
  80. 11:26:23 pm: <GoodGirl> why?
  81. 11:26:29 pm: <GoodGirl> i want to win
  82. 11:26:33 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Because you'll feel bliss.
  83. 11:26:36 pm: <GoodGirl> and nit fall
  84. 11:26:54 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Falling isn't the purpose here.
  85. 11:27:05 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> You cannot fall or fail here.
  86. 11:27:32 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> In fact, I would consider winning to be fully synchronised with the spiral.
  87. 11:27:43 pm: <GoodGirl>
  88. 11:28:08 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Because if you're fully synchronised, that's when you'll feel the greatest bliss you've ever felt before
  89. 11:28:30 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Tell me, is it difficult to remove your gaze from the spiral?
  90. 11:28:36 pm: <GoodGirl> yes
  91. 11:28:48 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Goodgirl. Do you know why?
  92. 11:28:51 pm: <GoodGirl> why
  93. 11:29:06 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Because you no longer want to remove your gaze from the spiral.
  94. 11:29:27 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> you want to feel the bliss that it brings.
  95. 11:29:36 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Right now, it is relaxing you.
  96. 11:30:05 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> But in order to feel the bliss, you must synchronise yourself with the spiral.
  97. 11:30:19 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Would you like to feel the bliss?
  98. 11:30:21 pm: <GoodGirl> yes
  99. 11:30:26 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good girl.
  100. 11:30:37 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Do you know how to feel the bliss?
  101. 11:30:42 pm: <GoodGirl> no
  102. 11:30:53 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> It is simple.
  103. 11:31:15 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> You will feel the bliss when your mind and the spiral become one
  104. 11:31:48 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> For example, I could suggest it to be like a loading bar from a video game.
  105. 11:32:07 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Where your mind is being slowly loaded into the bliss
  106. 11:32:32 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> But in order for you to receive it quickly, you need to obey me.
  107. 11:32:51 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Disobedience, will lead to lag patches that will slow down your loading.
  108. 11:33:04 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Do you want to get lag patches?
  109. 11:33:07 pm: <GoodGirl> no
  110. 11:33:31 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Of course not. You want to be a good girl for me and load as fast as you can
  111. 11:33:45 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Because that is when you will feel good.
  112. 11:34:07 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Tell me, have you ever heard the phrase obedience is bliss?
  113. 11:34:13 pm: <GoodGirl> yes
  114. 11:34:39 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good. So if obedience is bliss, what would be the opposite?
  115. 11:35:01 pm: <GoodGirl> disobedience
  116. 11:35:09 pm: <GoodGirl> is not bliss
  117. 11:35:18 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good girl
  118. 11:35:46 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Have you noticed that while we were talking your bar has already loaded 25%?
  119. 11:35:56 pm: <GoodGirl> didnt notice
  120. 11:36:48 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Well now you do. The progress is slow though. Now that you're aware of it, what do you think you need to do to speed up the progress?
  121. 11:37:02 pm: <GoodGirl> obey
  122. 11:37:12 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> That's right. Obey
  123. 11:37:21 pm: <GoodGirl> i feel heavy
  124. 11:37:23 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Because obedience is bliss
  125. 11:37:32 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> It's ok to feel heavy
  126. 11:37:41 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Because the heaviness feels good
  127. 11:38:15 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Have you been paying attention to the loading bar? How far has it progressed?
  128. 11:38:24 pm: <GoodGirl> 35
  129. 11:39:06 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good girl. You must know by now that everytime you obey it progresses. Everytime the bar progresses, you feel better.
  130. 11:39:22 pm: <GoodGirl> yes
  131. 11:39:46 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> So if I were to tell you to relax and you were to obey, what would happen?
  132. 11:40:01 pm: <GoodGirl> bar progesses and ill feel better
  133. 11:40:07 pm: <GoodGirl> and il lrelax and obey
  134. 11:40:10 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good girl.
  135. 11:40:26 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> So, will you relax for me and be a good girl?
  136. 11:40:32 pm: <GoodGirl> yes
  137. 11:40:44 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good. How far has the bar progressed now?
  138. 11:40:47 pm: <GoodGirl> 60.
  139. 11:40:57 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Excellent.
  140. 11:41:12 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Can you feel yourself slowly becoming one with the spiral?
  141. 11:41:17 pm: <GoodGirl> yes
  142. 11:41:37 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> That's good. If you're becoming one with the spiral, then what is your mind doing?
  143. 11:41:46 pm: <GoodGirl> spinning
  144. 11:41:59 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good. Is your mind spinning?
  145. 11:42:04 pm: <GoodGirl> yes
  146. 11:42:16 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Is the spinning in sync with the spiral?
  147. 11:42:21 pm: <GoodGirl> yes
  148. 11:42:28 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good girl.
  149. 11:42:38 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> How far has the bar progressed now?
  150. 11:42:43 pm: <GoodGirl> 70
  151. 11:43:51 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good. So, it seems like there's a barrier preventing you from going further at the moment. I think I know what the problem is though. Down deep inside there's still a part of you that isn't obeying me.
  152. 11:44:01 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> ISn't there?
  153. 11:44:08 pm: <GoodGirl> im not usre
  154. 11:44:24 pm: <GoodGirl> maybe
  155. 11:44:40 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> I'm sure. If you were fully obedient to me, you would've fully loaded into the bliss by now.
  156. 11:45:22 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> So, what do you think you need to do to make that part of you obedient?
  157. 11:45:30 pm: <GoodGirl> go deeper
  158. 11:45:39 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good girl. Go deeper.
  159. 11:45:49 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Deeper and deeper.
  160. 11:45:56 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Spinning faster and faster
  161. 11:46:01 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> and that feels good
  162. 11:46:16 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> the progress is speeding up. Can you feel it?
  163. 11:46:21 pm: <GoodGirl> yes
  164. 11:46:54 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good. Do you know what you must do in order to fully synchronise with the spiral?
  165. 11:46:58 pm: <GoodGirl> obey
  166. 11:47:34 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Yes. Good girl. So, you must obey. If I were to tell you to surrender to the spiral and you obeyed, what do you think would happen?
  167. 11:47:45 pm: <GoodGirl> i surrend and obey
  168. 11:48:12 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Yes, you would. You fall into a deep trance and feel bliss
  169. 11:48:17 pm: <GoodGirl> yed
  170. 11:48:27 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Have you surrendered yet?
  171. 11:48:34 pm: <GoodGirl> yes
  172. 11:48:49 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Are you in trance and fully loaded into the spiral?
  173. 11:49:03 pm: <GoodGirl> ys
  174. 11:49:10 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Goodgirl.
  175. 11:50:01 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> I'm glad you chose that name. In fact, whenever I and only I type your username, you will sink 1.5 times deeper into trance, and you will feel 3 times as good.
  176. 11:50:09 pm: <GoodGirl> yes
  177. 11:50:17 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Do you want to test it?
  178. 11:50:20 pm: <GoodGirl> yes
  179. 11:50:24 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> GoodGirl
  180. 11:50:40 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Feeling 3 times as good as you sink 1.5 times deeper
  181. 11:50:44 pm: <GoodGirl> yes
  182. 11:50:57 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> GoodGirl going even deeper for me
  183. 11:51:02 pm: <GoodGirl> i hve to lave now
  184. 11:51:16 pm: <GoodGirl> can u wke me
  185. 11:51:22 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Ok. Then when I count from 1-3 you will awake from trance.
  186. 11:51:25 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 1
  187. 11:51:30 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Feeling so good.
  188. 11:51:31 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 2
  189. 11:51:38 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Feeling relaxed and refreshed
  190. 11:51:40 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 3
  191. 11:51:43 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> wide awake
  192. 11:51:45 pm: <GoodGirl> awake
  193. 11:51:51 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> How was that?
  194. 11:51:55 pm: <GoodGirl> god i was so down i could type properly
  195. 11:51:56 pm: <GoodGirl> hahahaha
  196. 11:51:58 pm: <GoodGirl> so cool
  197. 11:52:05 pm: <GoodGirl> youre pretty good :D
  198. 11:52:20 pm: <GoodGirl> you dont do it like you were new ^^
  199. 11:52:27 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Thanks. We'll have to have another session sometime.
  200. 11:52:35 pm: <GoodGirl> count on it ;)
  201. 11:52:37 pm: <GoodGirl> see ya
  202. 11:52:39 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> I've been rping for years
  203. 11:52:40 pm: <GoodGirl> and thanks!
  204. 11:52:41 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> See ya
  205. 11:52:46 pm: [INFO] GoodGirl has left.
  206. 11:52:56 pm: [INFO] GoodGirl has left.
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