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Butterscotch does a thing for a friend

a guest
Aug 4th, 2014
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  1. >You are the worst flier in Cloudsdale Flight school
  2. >You a Butterscotch
  3. >Puberty has just kicked in
  4. >This is the last year
  5. >After this, you're moving to Ponyville
  6. >You'll finally be freed from all those bullies here
  7. >But you'll have to say farewell to your only friend
  8. >Rainbow Dash
  9. >She was always there to protect you from those bullies
  10. >You'll miss her
  11. >You have decided on giving her a gift
  12. >Something to remember you by
  13. >Something she'll like
  14. >But what to get her?
  15. >You've been thinking for weeks now
  16. >Last week, the answer came
  17. >The Wonderbolts are coming to Cloudsdale!
  18. >Well, they all /live/ in Cloudsdale, but this time there wa a public event!
  19. >Rainbow Dash had been whining your ears off about it
  20. >She can't go
  21. >Grounded
  22. >School fight or something
  23. >So you made a plan
  24. >A plan for which you must set aside your social anxiousness
  25. >You are going
  26. >And you'll get an autograph
  27. >You'll get as many autographs as possible
  28. >But you'll start with Dash's idol
  29. >This is the plan
  30. >This is how it will be done
  31. >And today it is time
  32. >You're waiting in line
  33. >There's ponies everywhere
  34. >You even spotted some of the bullies in the crowd
  35. >You try and make yourself small
  36. >But the second the line moves forward, you're pushed with the current
  37. >A nightmare come true
  38. >But you /have/ to do this!
  39. >For your friend!
  40. >For Dash!
  41. >After a long, long wait, you end up at the head of the line
  42. >Behind a small table sits Dash's favourite Wonderbolt
  43. >The captain
  44. >Spitfire
  45. >She looks at you, and puts on a warm smile
  46. >Definitely a fake smile
  47. >"Hi there! How can I help you?"
  48. >You whimper
  49. "Autograph... P-please..."
  50. >She didn't catch that
  51. >"I'm sorry? Look squirt, if you wanna ask me all kind of questions, you better show me a Meet&Greet Ticket."
  52. >Your eyes dart left
  53. >And right
  54. >And forward again
  55. >Her smile was gone
  56. >You gather all your strength
  57. >You try to imagine what Dash'd say if you had an autograph for her
  58. >You try to imagine what Dash'd say if you didn't have an autograph for her
  59. >You take a deep breath
  60. >you place the autograph booklet you brought with you on the table
  61. >"A-autograph please."
  62. >Spitfire seems a bit shocked
  63. >"Oh? I didn't take you for the kind to not even say please."
  64. "P-please!"
  65. >She giggles
  66. >She picks her pen up, ready to write
  67. >"So what's your name?"
  68. "B-butterscotch."
  69. >You realize that's the name she'll write down
  70. >"But it's not for me! It's f-for a friend, Rainbow Dash!"
  71. >Spitfire smiles at you
  72. >"Aren't you the chivalrous type, going out of your way just to get her an autograph~."
  73. >You lower your head a bit
  74. >You're way out of your comfort zone
  75. >"So how long have you liked her?"
  76. >What?
  77. >You blush
  78. "N-no, she's just a f-friend!"
  79. >Spitfire pouts
  80. >"Poor Rainbow Dash~."
  81. >She puts one line of ink on the paper
  82. >"Oh! It seems I'm out of ink!"
  83. >She wa writing with it just now
  84. >It clearly still works
  85. "B-but-"
  86. >"I'll have to go and get a new one!"
  87. >There's a whole tray of them right next to her
  88. "B-but-"
  89. >She stands up
  90. >"Why don't you come with me? That saves time."
  91. >And with that, she turns and walks away
  92. >You have no idea what to do
  93. >Spitfire turns back around
  94. >"Are you coming?"
  95. >You flinch a bit
  96. >You quickly run after her
  97. >You hear protest behind you
  98. >"Hey! Where's that kid going? This'll take ages!"
  99. >You don't even have the heart to say sorry
  100. >You just run after Spitfire
  101. >Into her office
  102. >The moment you walk in, you hear the door slam shut behind you
  103. >It was Spitfire
  104. >She slowly walks up to you, smiling
  105. >but it doesn't look very cheery
  106. >You recognize those looks
  107. >you once accidentally found a playcolt magazine in your dad's closet
  108. >All the mares were giving off looks like that one
  109. >"You know... I wasn't out of pens."
  110. >You had noticed
  111. >"But I couldn't help it."
  112. >While talking, she slowly closes in on you
  113. >And slowly back up
  114. >"You're still growing, but already so handsome..."
  115. >Handsome? You never thought of yourself as physically attractive
  116. >"And here you are, clearly getting out of your comfort one, just to help out a friend!"
  117. >That's true
  118. >You swallow, and nod
  119. >"I think you deserve more than just my autograph..."
  120. >You blush
  121. >The way she's looking at you, the tone of her voice, the way she's walking towards you
  122. >It makes your thingy tingle
  123. >Worse than before, even
  124. >"I think you deserve a reward~."
  125. >You swallow
  126. >Spitfire leans forward
  127. >Your lips touch
  128. >You jerk your head back
  129. >Head, meet wall
  130. >With you nowhere to go, Spitfire kisses you again
  131. >for a pretty long time, too
  132. >She even pushes her tongue into your mouth
  133. >Is that normal?
  134. >Thankfully, she breaks the kiss before long
  135. >She winks at you
  136. >"You've gotta learn, but you have potential!"
  137. >She moves away from you, and lies down on the couch
  138. >On her back
  139. >Hind legs parted
  140. >Everything on display
  141. >You swallow
  142. >"Hey, what are you waiting for?"
  143. >You know what she wants
  144. >You want to run
  145. >But it's too late now
  146. >And you still need that autograph
  147. >You slowly crawl on top of her
  148. >You blush heavily
  149. >You do nothing
  150. >Spitfire raises an eyebrow
  151. >"What's taking you? Come on, get started~!"
  152. "Um... I've... I've never..."
  153. >She gets it
  154. >You feel her reach down and grab your dick
  155. >It's rock hard and twitching by now
  156. >You feel her guide it into her body
  157. >fuckthatfeelsgood.gif
  158. >You slowly start moving
  159. >Spitfire gasps
  160. >"Who'd think someone as small as you... Would be so huge already?"
  161. >It's huge?
  162. >You just figured it was about normal size
  163. >Not that you've ever seen someone else's
  164. >You keep thrusting in and out
  165. >You don't even last two minutes
  166. >But they were the best two minutes of your life
  167. >Without warning, you cum inside the Wonderbolt captain
  168. >"Hey! Warn me!"
  169. >She pushes you of of her
  170. >"You're lucky I'm safe today!"
  171. >You whimper
  172. >She extends a hoof to help you back up on your hooves
  173. >"That was kinda quick... But too good. I've said it before, you've got some serious potential!"
  174. >You nod
  175. >"Now, about that autograph..."
  176. >She wals to the door and opens it
  178. >Within seconds, the entire Wonderbolts crew is inside the office
  179. >Within minutes, you have all autographs
  180. >Dash is gonna be so happy!
  181. >You hurry back out of the event plaza
  183. "And that's why I don't go to Wondercons."
  184. >Dash mouth falls open
  185. >"She did what?! You lucky bastard!"
  186. >You wouldn't call it lucky
  187. >"I always wondered how you got all of them!"
  188. >You blush
  189. "Well... Now you know..."
  190. >"You know, I still have them. The autographs. And I'll keep them forever."
  191. >She kisses you briefly on the lips
  192. >"Thanks a million, Butters."
  193. >She smirks
  194. >"You're not telling me that kiss got you excited~."
  195. >You look down
  196. >Timetorun.exe
  197. >And the rest of the day was spent hiding from Rainbow Dash
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