
Isle of fluffy horrors prt 5

May 21st, 2012
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  1. >The two fluffies stop exhausted after running 100 yards.
  2. >”Fwuffy tired.. fwuffy tummy hewts..”
  3. >Other fluffy says, “Leafy nummies here. Fwuffies eat nummies.”
  4. >Fluffies smile looking at the surrounding vegetation, leaves so thick they can’t see two feet in front of them.
  5. >They look behind them and all directions tentatively, “No see monstas… we safe here.”
  6. >The two fluffies go about eating their fill of leaves.
  7. >They then start giggling and hugging each other, “Wets pway hide and seek!” one says.
  8. >”Ok, fwuffy start counting.” The fluffy pony closes its eyes. “One…. Five…. Elewenty one…”
  9. >”AHHHHHH!”
  10. >”Fwuffy not quit counting yet! Tree….. seveny elewen…. Ten…. Eighty eighty…. Here fwuffy come!”
  11. >Fluffy looks around not seeing its friend.
  12. >It hears “Hewp! Fwuffy stuck! Hewp fwuffy!”
  13. >It wonders toward the voice through the leaves.
  14. >The fluffy comes to a small clearing and sees a cliff edge a few feet to its front.
  15. >It walks to the edge and looks down seeing his friend.
  16. >It had fallen about 6 feet down landing on its back stuck in an out crop crevice.
  17. >It is on its back wiggling its legs furiously with a scared look on its face.
  18. >”Found yoo, now it yoo tuwn! Stawt counting!”
  19. >”No! Fwuffy twapped, fwuffy need hewp!”
  20. >”Fwen need hewp?”
  21. >The fluffy looks around, “Fwuffy no able to weach fwen.”
  22. >”Fwuffy know, fwuffy dwop something for yoo!”
  23. >The fluffy runs to the jungle and bites off a long piece of vine.
  24. >It brings back the vine and piles it up.
  25. >”Use dis to cwimb up!” It shouts and pushes the vine over the edge.
  26. > The bundle falls landing on the trapped fluffy forcing it deeper into the crevice before dangling of either side of it.
  27. >”Owwwwie! No dwop any mo, hewt fwuffy!” It yells.
  28. >”Why fwen no cwimb up?” The fluffy up top asks.
  29. >”Canna gwb to cwimb up. Fwuffy stuck mo now. Fwuffy hewt!”
  30. >”Fwuffy tink of something.” Fluffy vaguely remembers ladders.
  31. >”Fwuffy know, fwuffy get wood for you cwimb up!”
  32. >The fluffy runs into the jungle and finds a stick about 3 feet long and a half inch thick.
  33. >The stick is broken with jagged edges on each side.
  34. >The fluffy uses all its might to drag the stick back.
  35. >”Fwen use dis to cwimb up.”
  36. >Fluffy pushes the stick over the edge.
  37. >The stick spins and goes vertical hitting the trapped fluffy in its gut.
  38. >It impales the fluffy shooting through it coming out its back half the sticks length.
  39. >The force pushes the trapped fluffy down even further causing the rocks to start cutting into the fluffy’s skin.
  40. >”Owchies! Yoo hewting fwuffy! Yoo meanie fwen! No wan pway wit yoo no mo!” The trapped fluffy starts to cry.
  41. >”Why yoo say fwuffy meanie? Why fwen haf boo boo juice coming out?”
  42. >The fluffy up top realizes that his friend is in trouble.
  43. >”Hold on, fwen hewp! Fwuffy no maenie!”
  44. >It sees a big rock near by. The rock is as big as a fluffy’s head.
  45. >It grunts with exertion as it pushes the rock over its friend.
  46. >”Use dis to cwimb on and jump up.” It yells before pushing the large rock over.
  47. >The rock travels down striking the trapped fluffy’s head with a sickening crunch.
  48. >The trapped fluffy stops moving.
  49. >The fluffy up top starts yelling down, “Ok fwen, cwimb on wock!”
  50. >When it gets no answer, “Why fwen no tawk to fwuffy. Fwen cwimb up!”
  51. >The fluffy starts getting frustrated, “If fwen no tawk, I weave fwen! It yoo tuwn to count!”
  52. >The dead fluffy remains motionless dangling in the crevice.
  53. >The live fluffy starts stomping in frustration. ”Fwen no tawk, fwuffy go way!”
  54. >Fluffy turns and walks back into the jungle. “Fwuffy no wan be awone….”
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