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Koopaling thing

a guest
Oct 27th, 2019
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  1. A stream of notes pours from the organ. A lovely jet of notes fill the air, as my fingers fly across the keys. My arms flow like waves, rising and falling with the tempo of the song. My eyes remain shut; I don’t think. The actions are automatic.
  2. The night is young, and while the others are ready to tuck themselves in, I’ve just begun my daily routine. This is the perfection brought on by weeks of practice. Something that can’t be replicated by-
  3. “HEY!”
  4. A harsh spew of notes ring out as a shrill call jerks me to reality.
  5. I turn my head towards the source.
  6. “What brings you here windbag?” I sigh.
  7. “It’s Wendy! And I’m here because Morton’s sleeping with BJ tonight.”
  8. “I fail to see the connection.”
  9. “Well I need to get off! Morton’s my usual boy toy, but since he’s busy, tonight I’ll have to settle for you.”
  10. I stifle a laugh. settle, huh? Something about that statement intrigued me.
  11. I swing my legs around so that I’m facing her head on.
  12. “Tch, such condescension! I’m surprised you managed to fit in the door frame with that big head of yours.”
  13. She scoffs. “You’re one to talk about condescension! Anyways, come on! My room is in the main castle.”
  14. “I’ve agreed to nothing, windbag,” I chortle. “Why would I agree to be kicked around all evening by you?”
  15. “This isn’t a request!” She shouts. “I command you to be my sub tonight!”
  16. I hoist myself up, rolling my eyes.
  17. “That shit may work on a peabrain like Morton, but I know you’re nothing but hot air,” I advance towards her slowly.
  18. “So? What exactly is your plan B? You know, in case I said ‘no’?”
  19. We’re now standing face to face, or her face to my chin to be exact.
  20. I lean my head back, a nice wide grin on my face.
  21. “Or… let me guess. You’ve never needed one since, well… you always get your way.”
  22. “That’s not true!” She cries.
  23. “Why should I listen to anything that spews out of that big mouth?” I calmly ask.
  24. “Be-Because I’m smarter than you!” She yells. “Because I’m BETTER than you!”
  25. “Sorry, ‘smarter than me?’ You?” I sneer. She snaps open her mouth, but I shush her.
  26. I dip my head, pushing my forehead into hers, never breaking eye contact. “You’re a child.” I coyly whisper.
  27. Her face goes beet red. “YOU-” She stomps down hard.
  28. Before she can break into a fit, I hold up a hand.
  29. “Tell you what, answer this one question, and you can do whatever you want with me ‘till morning.”
  30. “Just one?!” She blurts.
  31. “Yep! Answer one simple question, and… anything you want! Stuff a carrot up my butt, piss in my face, dip my cockles in lava? Anything.”
  32. “You think I can’t answer one stupid question?! How stupid do you think I am?!”
  33. “You might as well take the deal. I don’t get anything out of this arrangement.”
  34. “Wh-why?! If it doesn’t help you, then WHY?!”
  35. “Easy, my dear.” to watch you squirm “Because I’m nice like that.”
  36. I calmly close my eyes, making a show of considering what to ask.
  37. “Well? Spit it out already!” Wendy shouts.
  38. “Which famous composer is generally regarded as the “Father of the String Quartet”?
  39. Her eyes go wide. I notice she’s stopped breathing. Bingo. I stare deep into her eyes. Her pupils flicker back and forth.
  40. I take a step. She unconsciously takes a step back.
  41. “C-could I-”
  42. “Get a hint? Why would you need one?” I chuckle.
  43. I step again. She backs up in turn.
  44. *clunk* Her shell bumps up against the back wall. Her left eye twitches. Nowhere to run, now.
  45. “Gonna need an answer. Tick tock.” I whisper.
  46. She blinks. Gotcha.
  47. She tears her head away yelling “M-Mozart?! I dunno!” She crosses her arms. “I don’t know, alright? I’m not a… music… person.”
  48. “It’s Haydn,” I pipe.
  49. Her face falls a bit. “How could I have…” She trails off. “Fine, guess you… won.”
  50. She slumps against the wall. “Guess I’ll leave then. Have fun with your… music or whatever.”
  51. Unlike her usual temperament, that being snotty, bratty, and spoiled, her current expression has me intrigued. Gloomy. Even the bow on her head droops a bit.
  52. She looks kind of cute like this. A thought crosses my mind. Maybe…
  53. I take a step back, turning away from her.
  54. “Tch… Larry, Lemmy, Iggy, Morton… the prince… This household’s just packed with morons, isn’t it?” She raises an eyebrow at me.
  55. “That’s where you differ. You’ve actually got some brains in there,” I chuckle, lightly rapping her noggin.
  56. “You’re smarter than the others. Why lower yourself to their level?”
  57. “W-what? I’m not! I’m using them for my-”
  58. “You shouldn’t even be associating with them! You’re better than them! So WHY?!”
  59. She winces. I suddenly realize I’ve begun to shout at her.
  60. I pull myself back. What am I doing? Why am I being so emotional?
  61. I look around my room. It is rather lonely in here… Maybe I am missing something.
  62. What good is my infinite smarts without… I shake my head. No! Don’t let on…
  63. After a lengthy pause, she quietly mutters. “I just... like being in control.”
  64. That doesn’t surprise me, but getting her to admit it...
  65. “So you say… but is that truly what you need?” I coolly say as I lift her head up.
  66. She looks up at me blankly, unsure of how to respond.
  67. “You’re a brat.” I harshly sniff. “You get what you want, when you want it. It’s disgusting.”
  68. “Daddy likes me. What of it.” She responds cautiously.
  69. I slam my palm on the wall next to her, placing my free hand on my hip. She jumps.
  70. “Forget him. Forget the others. Forget whatever influence you thought you had. Tonight, I take control of you.”
  71. Without waiting for a response, I push my face into hers. After an initial shock, she submits. Perfect.
  72. I slip my hand from the wall to her groin. She stiffens at the touch, but soon she closes her eyes, moaning into the kiss. I probe around, feeling for an opening.
  73. A gasp and a shudder tell me I’ve found the spot. Her knees go weak and she buckles. Deftly, I scoop her up, pushing her up against the wall. Panting, she uses my shoulders to hold herself in place. She looks me head on, a mixed look of arousal and contention on her face.
  74. “You… jerk. I… never said you could-”
  75. “Are you telling me to stop?” I smirk.
  76. “S-shut up…”
  77. By now, she’s released enough fluid to fully lube up my hand. I jab in another finger and up the tempo.
  78. She gasps and falls forward, arms hanging loosely from my shoulders.
  79. “A-ah... “ She moans, jaw slack, drool dribbling down my back. She’s close
  80. I suddenly stop.
  81. “Ah… h-huh?”
  82. “Beg for it.” I grin.
  83. “What? No!” She blurts.
  84. “Fine”, I scoff, I ease her to the ground and start to pull my digits out.
  85. Her face flashes with confusion and panic.
  86. “H-hey! No wait! You can’t do that! I-I... ”
  87. She drops to the floor, legs spread, soaking vagina fully exposed.
  88. “T-this isn’t funny! I’m not your… I… “
  89. I give my hand a cursory glance. “Wow, you really made a mess huh? Well, that was fun.” I turn away. “Catch you tomorrow morning, windbag.”
  90. “Ah- Fuck you!” She grits her teeth. “Please don’t leave me like this. P-please keep going.” She seethes.
  91. There it is. Now I’ve got you.
  92. I pretend to mull it over before turning back around and getting down on my knees. Her entrance is sopping wet. I’ve heard different accounts on what going down on a girl was like. I guess if anything, this’ll be a learning experience. I look up and give her a wide grin.
  93. “Get ready, windbag.” I lick my lips before jamming my face between her legs, rousing a jolt from Wendy.
  94. I engulf her slit with my mouth, pushing my tongue in deep. Weird… it’s kind of sour…
  95. “Watch the tooth!” She yelps. Oops.
  96. I make an effort to weave my tongue around the softer bits, while occasionally allowing my tooth to graze her flesh.
  97. As I work around, I carefully sit up, hoisting her legs up with my arms. Wendy seems caught off guard but doesn’t resist.
  98. Her breathing gets more rapid and shallow as I continue eating her out. With each movement, I push my tongue in deeper and deeper.
  99. Soon enough Wendy breaths begin to sound more like pants, gasps for oxygen. Her head’s fully leaned back, mouth open, drool dribbling out her mouth like a newborn.
  100. She’s close now. I briefly consider pulling out again, but as the thought crosses my mind, she
  101. suddenly reaches around with her arms, grabbing fistfuls of hair, yanking me deep as I can go into her cooch.
  102. She belts out a shriek as she cums, emptying her lungs into my acoustic room. Another perk of living apart from the others...
  103. For a moment, I can’t breath and I briefly wonder if this equatable to what it’s like to deepthroat someone, but her grip loosens soon enough.
  104. As I pull away to breathe, I clumsily drop her to the ground, leaving her in a heaving sweaty clump.
  105. “That… *gasp*… was… ” Wendy pants.
  106. “Not bad.” I finish. “But I don’t think you’re done yet, sis.”
  107. She looks up confused, but lets out a sigh as I gesture towards my erection.
  108. “Fine… Just give me a few minutes… to catch my breath.”
  109. I look towards the back of my room before breaking into a grin.
  110. “Actually, what say we continue this on a proper bed?”
  111. “Y-yeah sure. Not sure why we didn’t think of that before.”
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