
TSR Drama 7/25/18

Jul 25th, 2018
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  1. Welp, Day was starting more drama with me because I told her to get audios instead of music with interludes aka music videos that cut the music to play a fake scene. Anyways, it went on and on because apparently she thought I was trying to start problems with her because of the past or picking on her when literally all I knew starting out DJing in 2016 for TSR was to not get music videos. Like fuck man. If I can't be a DJ Manager and actually manage then take the rank away from me and I'll quit because I don't wanna have a rank that is useless. I disabled her DJ account because she disobeyed me and was starting problems and ended up being more than it had to be. Because I was just trying to do my job as a manager, manage these DJs :/
  2. P.S. Just want to see my DJs get audios instead of Music Videos where it plays interludes (a scene in a music video where it cuts the music and ruins the song as a whole)
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