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Feb 18th, 2020
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  1. @extends('')
  2. @section('extra-css')
  3. <!-- Include SmartWizard CSS -->
  4. <link href="{{URL::to('public/assets/smartwizard/dist/css/smart_wizard.css')}}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  5. <!-- Optional SmartWizard theme -->
  6. <link href="{{URL::to('public/assets/smartwizard/dist/css/smart_wizard_theme_circles.css')}}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  7. <link href="{{URL::to('public/assets/smartwizard/dist/css/smart_wizard_theme_arrows.css')}}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  8. <link href="{{URL::to('public/assets/smartwizard/dist/css/smart_wizard_theme_dots.css')}}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
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  12. .btn-success {
  13. margin-top: -31px;
  14. }
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  16. @endsection
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  18. <!-- Content Header (Page header) -->
  19. <div class="page-wrapper">
  20. <div class="container-fluid">
  21. <div class="row page-titles">
  22. <div class="col-md-5 align-self-center">
  23. <h4 class="text-themecolor">Add Product</h4>
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  25. <div class="col-md-7 align-self-center text-right">
  26. <div class="d-flex justify-content-end align-items-center">
  27. <ol class="breadcrumb">
  28. <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Home</a></li>
  29. <li class="breadcrumb-item active">Add Product</li>
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  32. </div>
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  35. @endsection
  36. @section('main-content')
  37. <section class="content">
  38. <!-- Custom Tabs -->
  39. <div class="box box-default">
  40. <div class="box-header with-border">
  41. <h4 class="box-title">
  42. <!-- <a href="" class="btn btn-success btn-md">
  43. <i class="fa fa-hand-o-left"></i>&nbsp;
  44. View Product
  45. </a> -->
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  47. </div>
  48. <div class="box-body">
  49. <div class="row">
  50. <div class="col-md-12">
  51. <form action="{{route('')}}" id="myForm" role="form" data-toggle="validator" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8" novalidate="true" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="userForm">
  52. {{csrf_field()}}
  53. <!-- SmartWizard html -->
  54. <div id="smartwizard">
  55. <ul>
  56. <li><a href="#step-1">Step 1<br /><small>Product Information</small></a></li>
  57. <li><a href="#step-2">Step 2<br /><small>Product Image</small></a></li>
  58. <li><a href="#step-3">Step 3<br /><small>Product Item</small></a></li>
  59. </ul>
  60. <div>
  61. <div id="step-1" class="">
  62. <div class="card"></div>
  63. <section>
  64. <div class="row">
  65. <div class="col-md-6">
  66. <div class="form-group">
  67. <label for="name">Category : <span class="danger">*</span> </label>
  68. {{ Form::select('category_id',$categories,null, ['class' => 'form-control', 'id' => 'category_id','required' => '']) }}
  69. </div>
  70. </div>
  72. <div class="col-md-6">
  73. <div class="form-group">
  74. <label for="name">Brand : <span class="danger">*</span> </label>
  75. {{ Form::select('brand_id',$brands,null, ['class' => 'form-control', 'id' => 'brand_id','required' => '']) }}
  76. </div>
  77. </div>
  79. </div>
  81. <!--<div class="row">-->
  83. <!-- </div>-->
  85. <div class="row">
  86. <div class="col-md-6">
  87. <div class="form-group">
  88. <label for="title"> Product Title : <span class="danger">*</span> </label>
  89. <input type="text" class="form-control" id="title" name="title" value="" required=""/> </div>
  90. </div>
  91. <div class="col-md-6">
  92. <div class="form-group">
  93. <label for="weight">Weight : <span class="danger"></span> </label>
  94. <input type="number" class="form-control" id="weight" name="weight" value=""> </div>
  95. </div>
  96. </div>
  98. <div class="row">
  99. <div class="col-md-6">
  100. <div class="form-group">
  101. <label for="wlocation2"> CM : <span class="danger"></span> </label>
  102. <input type="number" class="form-control" id="cm" name="cm" value="">
  103. </div>
  104. </div>
  105. <div class="col-md-6">
  106. <div class="form-group">
  107. <label for="title"> Curier Unit : <span class="danger">*</span> </label>
  108. <select class="form-control" name="curier_unit" id="curier_unit" required="">
  109. <option selected="" disabled="">Please Select a Unit</option>
  110. <option value="1">Small</option>
  111. <option value="2">Medium</option>
  112. <option value="3">Large</option>
  113. </select>
  114. </div>
  115. </div>
  116. <!--<div class="col-md-6">-->
  117. <!-- <div class="form-group">-->
  118. <!-- <label for="wdate2">Cupon Check :</label>-->
  119. <!-- <input type="text" class="form-control" id="cupon_check" name="cupon_check" value="">-->
  120. <!-- </div>-->
  121. <!--</div>-->
  122. </div>
  124. <div class="row">
  125. <div class="col-md-6">
  126. <div class="form-group">
  127. <label for="wlocation2"> What In Box : <span class="danger"></span> </label>
  128. <textarea name="what_in_box" class="form-control" rows="20"></textarea>
  129. </div>
  130. </div>
  131. <div class="col-md-6">
  132. <div class="form-group">
  133. <label for="wlocation2"> Description : <span class="danger">*</span> </label>
  134. <textarea name="description" id="mymce" class="form-control" required=""></textarea>
  135. </div>
  136. </div>
  137. </div>
  138. </section>
  139. </div>
  141. <div id="step-2" class="">
  142. <div class="card"></div>
  143. <section>
  144. <div class="row">
  145. <div class="col-md-5">
  146. <div class="form-group">
  147. <label for="user_address">Image Title :</label>
  148. <textarea name="name[]" class="form-control" rows="9"></textarea>
  149. </div>
  150. </div>
  152. <div class="col-md-5">
  153. <div class="form-group">
  154. <label for="image">Upload Image :<span class="danger">*</span></label>
  155. <input type="file" id="input-file-min-fs" name="image[]" class="dropify" data-max-file-size="2M" required="" />
  156. </div>
  157. </div>
  159. <div class="col-md-2">
  160. <a href="javascript:;" class="btn waves-effect waves-light btn-rounded btn-primary btn-add-image" title="Add More Image">Add More</a>
  161. </div>
  162. </div>
  163. <!-- Dynamic load image End-->
  164. <div class="load-dynamic-image-content"> </div>
  165. <!-- Dynamic load image End-->
  166. </section>
  167. </div>
  168. <div id="step-3" class="">
  169. <div class="card"></div>
  170. <section>
  171. <div class="row">
  173. <div class="col-md-5">
  174. <div class="form-group">
  175. <label for="unit"> Color : <span class="danger"></span> </label>
  176. <input type="text" class="form-control" id="color" name="color[]" value="">
  177. </div>
  178. </div>
  180. <div class="col-md-5">
  181. <div class="form-group">
  182. <label for="wlocation2"> Color Image: <span class="danger">*</span> </label>
  184. <input name="files[]" class="form-control" type="file" id="post_image">
  186. <!-- <img src="" id="post_img_show" height="50px" width="60px"/> -->
  188. </div>
  189. </div>
  191. <div class="col-md-2">
  192. <a href="javascript:;" class="btn waves-effect waves-light btn-rounded btn-primary btn-add-product-item" title="Add More Product Item">Add More</a>
  193. </div>
  194. </div>
  196. <div class="row">
  197. <div class="col-md-5">
  198. <div class="form-group">
  199. <label for="charge">Size :</label><br>
  200. <!-- <input type="text" class="form-control" id="size" name="size[]" value="" multiple tabindex="4">
  201. <p style="color: red;">Enter multiple size separated by a comma ( , ) </p> -->
  202. <input type="text" data-role="tagsinput" placeholder="Add multiple Size" class="form-control" id="size" name="size[]" value="" />
  203. </div>
  204. </div>
  205. <div class="col-md-5">
  206. <div class="form-group">
  207. <label for="decisions1">Stock:<span class="danger">*</span></label>
  208. <input type="number" name="stock[]" id="stock" class="form-control" value="" required="">
  209. </div>
  210. </div>
  211. </div>
  213. <!--<div class="row">-->
  214. <!-- <div class="col-md-5">-->
  215. <!-- <div class="form-group">-->
  216. <!-- <label for="charge">Regular Price :</label>-->
  217. <!-- <input type="text" class="form-control" id="regular_price" name="regular_price[]" value="">-->
  218. <!-- </div>-->
  219. <!-- </div>-->
  220. <!-- <div class="col-md-5">-->
  221. <!-- <div class="form-group">-->
  222. <!-- <label for="discount_price">Discount Price:</label>-->
  223. <!-- <input type="number" name="discount_price[]" id="discount_price" class="form-control" value="">-->
  224. <!-- </div>-->
  225. <!-- </div>-->
  226. <!--</div>-->
  227. <div class="row">
  228. <div class="col-md-5">
  229. <div class="form-group">
  230. <label for="charge">Regular Price :<span class="danger">*</span></label>
  231. <input type="text" class="form-control" id="regular_price" name="regular_price[]" value="" required="">
  232. </div>
  233. </div>
  235. <div class="col-md-5">
  236. <div class="form-group">
  237. <label for="discount_price">Commission (%):</label>
  238. <input type="number" name="commission[]" id="commission" class="form-control product_commission" value="">
  239. </div>
  240. </div>
  241. </div>
  243. <!-- <div class="row">
  244. <div class="col-md-5">
  245. <div class="form-group">
  246. <label for="discount_price">Discount Price:</label>
  247. <input type="number" name="discount_price[]" id="discount_price" class="form-control product_discount_price" value="">
  248. </div>
  249. </div>
  250. </div> -->
  251. <!-- Dynamic load Product item End-->
  252. <div class="load-dynamic-product-item-content"> </div>
  253. <!-- Dynamic load Product item End-->
  254. </section>
  255. </div>
  258. </div>
  259. </div>
  260. </form>
  261. </div>
  262. </div>
  263. </div>
  264. </div>
  265. <!-- nav-tabs-custom -->
  266. </section>
  268. @endsection
  269. @section('extra-js')
  270. <!-- Include SmartWizard JavaScript source -->
  271. <script type="text/javascript" src="{{URL::to('public/assets/smartwizard/dist/js/jquery.smartWizard.min.js')}}"></script>
  272. <!-- wysuhtml5 Plugin JavaScript -->
  273. <script src="{{URL::to('public/assets/node_modules/tinymce/tinymce.min.js')}}"></script>
  274. @endsection
  275. @section('script')
  278. <script>
  279. $(document).ready(function() {
  281. if ($("#mymce").length > 0) {
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  289. "save table contextmenu directionality emoticons template paste textcolor"
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  293. });
  294. }
  295. });
  296. </script>
  298. <script type="text/javascript">
  299. $(document).ready(function(){
  301. // Step show event
  302. $("#smartwizard").on("showStep", function(e, anchorObject, stepNumber, stepDirection, stepPosition) {
  303. //alert("You are on step "+stepNumber+" now");
  304. if(stepPosition === 'first'){
  305. $("#prev-btn").addClass('disabled');
  306. }else if(stepPosition === 'final'){
  307. $("#next-btn").addClass('disabled');
  308. }else{
  309. $("#prev-btn").removeClass('disabled');
  310. $("#next-btn").removeClass('disabled');
  311. }
  312. });
  314. // Toolbar extra buttons
  315. var btnFinish = $('<button></button>').text('Finish')
  316. .addClass('btn btn-info')
  317. .on('click', function(){ alert('Are You Ready to Submit the form??'); });
  318. var btnCancel = $('<button></button>').text('Cancel')
  319. .addClass('btn btn-danger')
  320. .on('click', function(){ $('#smartwizard').smartWizard("reset"); });
  322. // Please note enabling option "showStepURLhash" will make navigation conflict for multiple wizard in a page.
  323. // so that option is disabling => showStepURLhash: false
  325. // Smart Wizard 1
  326. $('#smartwizard').smartWizard({
  327. selected: 0,
  328. theme: 'arrows',
  329. transitionEffect:'fade',
  330. showStepURLhash: false,
  331. toolbarSettings: {toolbarPosition: 'both',
  332. toolbarExtraButtons: [btnFinish, btnCancel]
  333. }
  334. });
  336. // Smart Wizard 2
  337. $('#smartwizard2').smartWizard({
  338. selected: 0,
  339. theme: 'default',
  340. transitionEffect:'fade',
  341. showStepURLhash: false
  342. });
  344. });
  346. //Add more image
  347. $(".btn-add-image").on('click',function() {
  348. var content = '<div class="row">'+
  349. '<div class="col-md-5">'+
  350. '<div class="form-group">'+
  351. '<label for="user_address">Image Title :</label>'+
  352. '<textarea name="name[]" class="form-control" rows="3"></textarea>'+
  353. '</div>'+
  354. '</div>'+
  356. '<div class="col-md-5">'+
  357. '<div class="form-group">'+
  358. '<label for="image">Upload Image :</label>'+
  359. '<input type="file" id="input-file-min-fs" name="image[]" class="dropify form-control" data-max-file-size="2M" />'+
  360. '</div>'+
  361. '</div>'+
  363. '<div class="col-md-2">'+
  364. '<a href="javascript:;" class="btn waves-effect waves-light btn-rounded btn-danger btn-remove-image" title="Add More Image">Remove</a>'+
  365. '</div>'+
  366. '</div>';
  367. $(".load-dynamic-image-content").append(content);
  368. $(".btn-remove-image").on('click', function(){
  369. $(this).parent().parent().remove();
  370. });
  371. });
  373. function readURL(input) {
  374. if (input.files && input.files[0]) {
  375. var reader = new FileReader();
  376. reader.onload = function (e) {
  377. $('#post_img_show').attr('src',;
  378. }
  379. reader.readAsDataURL(input.files[0]);
  380. }
  381. }
  382. $("#post_image").change(function(){
  383. readURL(this);
  384. });
  386. $(".btn-add-product-item").on('click',function(){
  387. var content = '<div>'+
  388. '<div class="row">'+
  389. '<div class="col-md-5">'+
  390. '<div class="form-group">'+
  391. '<label for="unit"> Color : <span class="danger"></span> </label>'+
  392. '<input type="text" class="form-control" id="color" name="color[]" value="">'+
  393. '</div>'+
  394. '</div>'+
  396. '<div class="col-md-5">'+
  397. '<div class="form-group">'+
  398. '<label for="wlocation2"> Color Image: <span class="danger">*</span> </label>'+
  400. '<input name="files[]" class="form-control" type="file" id="post_image">'+
  401. '</div>'+
  402. '</div>'+
  404. '<div class="col-md-2">'+
  405. '<a href="javascript:;" class="btn waves-effect waves-light btn-rounded btn-danger btn-remove-product-item" title="Remove Product Item">Remove</a>'+
  406. '</div>'+
  408. '</div>'+
  410. '<div class="row">'+
  411. '<div class="col-md-5">'+
  412. '<div class="form-group">'+
  413. '<label for="charge">Size :</label>'+
  414. '<input type="text" class="form-control" id="size" name="size[]" value="">'+
  415. '</div>'+
  416. '</div>'+
  417. '<div class="col-md-5">'+
  418. '<div class="form-group">'+
  419. '<label for="decisions1">Stock:</label>'+
  420. '<input type="number" name="stock[]" id="stock" class="form-control" value="">'+
  421. '</div>'+
  422. '</div>'+
  423. '</div>'+
  424. '<div class="row">'+
  425. '<div class="col-md-5">'+
  426. '<div class="form-group">'+
  427. '<label for="charge">Regular Price :</label>'+
  428. '<input type="text" class="form-control" id="regular_price" name="regular_price[]" value="">'+
  429. '</div>'+
  430. '</div>'+
  432. '<div class="col-md-5">'+
  433. '<div class="form-group">'+
  434. '<label for="discount_price">Commission (%):</label>'+
  435. '<input type="number" name="commission[]" id="commission" class="form-control product_commission" value="">'+
  436. '</div>'+
  437. '</div>'+
  438. '</div>'+
  439. '</div>'+
  440. '</div>'+
  441. '</div>';
  442. $(".load-dynamic-product-item-content").append(content);
  443. $(".btn-remove-product-item").on('click', function(){
  444. $(this).parent().parent().parent().remove();
  445. });
  446. });
  448. // //Commission
  449. // $(".product_commission").on('keyup', function(){
  450. // var productCommission = $("#commission").val();
  451. // var regularPrice = $("#regular_price").val();
  453. // if(!regularPrice){
  454. // return false;
  455. // }else {
  456. // var commission = (regularPrice * productCommission)/100;
  457. // var discountPrice = regularPrice - commission;
  458. // $(".product_discount_price").val(discountPrice);
  459. // }
  460. // });
  461. </script>
  462. <script type="text/javascript">
  463. $(document).ready(function(){
  464. //Custom validation Rules
  465. //alphaspace allowed
  466. $('.userForm').validate({
  467. onkeyup: false,
  468. rules: {
  469. Category: {
  470. required: true
  471. },
  472. Brand: {
  473. required: true
  474. },
  475. Product Title: {
  476. required: true
  477. },
  478. Curier Unit: {
  479. required: true
  480. },
  481. Description: {
  482. required: true
  483. },
  484. Upload Image: {
  485. required: true
  486. },
  487. Stock: {
  488. required: true
  489. },
  490. Regular Price: {
  491. required: true
  492. },
  493. },
  494. // submitHandler: function(form) {
  495. // form.submit();
  496. // }
  497. });
  498. });
  499. </script>
  500. @endsection
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