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a guest
Dec 27th, 2012
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. ancient200: hi
  3. Juicy^: hi
  4. Juicy^: got THQ bundle and L4d GOTY
  5. ancient200: and what game do you want for l4d?
  6. Juicy^: you dont have any inv?
  7. ancient200: all i have are steam kes games :Warhammer 40,000:Dawn of War, Titan Quest, Majesty 2, East India Company, Star Wolves 3:Civil War, Men Of War, Men Of War:Red Tide, Cryostasis, Necrovision:Lost Company, XIII Century Gold,Bioshock 1&2,Borderland GOTY, Broken Sword 1,2,3, Alien Breed 2&3, Worms, Serious Sam 2
  8. Juicy^: Bioshock 2
  9. Juicy^: is that a game you would give up?
  10. ancient200: yes i do
  11. ancient200: so we have a deal
  12. Juicy^: ya
  13. Juicy^: who goes first ?
  14. ancient200: i can
  15. Juicy^: Keys are worth less than gifts
  16. Juicy^: Fine
  17. ancient200: Bioshock 2
  18. M8FV6-LI7FC-KIRC6
  19. ancient200: your turn
  20. Juicy^: Yep
  21. Juicy^: E2ILC-AQRC2-3VWPD
  22. Juicy^: so
  23. Juicy^: did it work
  24. ancient200: hmmm.....the following purchase is not availble in your country,your purchase has been canceled
  25. ancient200: not working the key
  26. ancient200: is region lock
  27. Juicy^: where the fuck u from
  28. Juicy^: :P
  29. ancient200: NL
  30. Juicy^: no offense
  31. ancient200: im in europe
  32. Juicy^: is the key used now or what?
  33. ancient200: from where do you have the key?
  34. ancient200: is not used
  35. Juicy^: bought it from a show in usa
  36. ancient200: sice it can be
  37. Juicy^: shop*
  38. ancient200: hmmm
  39. Juicy^: I dont know
  40. ancient200: you should mention that before
  41. Juicy^: It might be Us locked
  42. ancient200: it is
  43. Juicy^: hmm
  44. ancient200: and now?
  45. Juicy^: let me get another one
  46. Juicy^: because im nice
  47. Juicy^: Im getting u a new one :)
  48. ancient200: ok
  49. ancient200: i wait
  50. Juicy^: are you from 4chan btw?
  51. Juicy^: i saw ur lenny meme now
  52. ancient200: im from traders guild
  53. Juicy^: 4chan is a website
  54. ancient200: i dont know it
  55. Juicy^: Ok heres ur other key
  56. Juicy^: N9J0H-9Y5GL-N0JYP
  57. ancient200: same problem
  58. ancient200: is region lock that and you should stop buying it
  59. Juicy^: Haha ^^ thanks for the advice
  60. Juicy^: I dont have more keys now anyway
  61. Juicy^: so what we gon do?
  62. ancient200: you owe me l4d have on in inventory
  63. ancient200: you got your game
  64. ancient200: now you should honor your part
  65. Juicy^: I gave u 2 working keys
  66. Juicy^: U can activate them if u change country to US
  67. ancient200: are region lock
  68. Juicy^: Well
  69. ancient200: to risk ban?no thnx
  70. ancient200: is against rules
  71. Juicy^: Ok
  72. Juicy^: well
  73. Juicy^: Aight
  74. ancient200: im waiting
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