
SpartanCraft Staff Punishment Guide

Sep 1st, 2015
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  1. V2 Staff Punishment Guide:
  2. Step by step guide to punishing a player:
  3. - Check previous kicks, to make sure you have an idea of the player you're dealing with
  4. - Get evidence of the offense committed, you can use Gyazo, LightShot, iCap, if you know of any others, please clarify your permission to use them with Michael or Dylan.
  5. - Verbally Warn the player, if you kick a player without issuing a verbal warning, we will, in certain circumstances have to remove the punishment from that players record for failing to deal with the situation correctly.
  6. - If you've warned the player, and they continue to break the rules, then you are permitted to kick them.
  7. - If they join back, and continue, you must repeat the above steps once more.
  8. - If they once again join back and continue to break the rules, and it is a chat-style offense, then a mute is in order.
  9. - If it is hacking, or any other form of black-listed modification in use then a ban is in order.
  11. Breaking the rules of the server is strictly prohibited by staff, and doing so can result in an even greater punishment than a normal player.
  13. Staff that abuse their power or use it to disrespect those who are not liked by the staff member is unacceptable and should be reported immediately with valid evidence.
  15. Best Regards, - Mikebloxer9000
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